The gag also of course is reference to the long standing joke that Casey is Neo's voice actress. CLW would in fact go on to do sound effects for Neo in Blaze Blue Cross Tag.
Chibi S2E23 A Slip Through Time and Space Part 2 & S2E24 Nondescript Holiday Spectacular
The gag also of course is reference to the long standing joke that Casey is Neo's voice actress. CLW would in fact go on to do sound effects for Neo in Blaze Blue Cross Tag.
How could I, with knowledge of that latter fact, have failed to consider that everything is foreshadowing.

Chibi S2E23 A Slip Through Time and Space Part 2

For some reason Ruby is lying in Weiss' bunk and Yang is seated in a chair next to it.

Yang: "Now, when Weiss took away your cookie, how did it make you feel?"
Ah, a therapy joke. I feel a little conflicted about that. On the other hand, I hail the return of the 'Ruby fails to eat a cookie' running joke.

After a couple of lines, therapy is interrupted by Nora announcing she's "figured it out". Uh oh.

What Nora has figured out is that she hasn't been drinking enough coffee at once, as opposed to anything more sensible about coffee. I reiterate: Uh oh. (I somewhat figured this was coming, given the episode title, but still.)

Ruby sensibly asks where Ren is. No answer. Yang slightly less sensibly asks whether the thermos Nora is wielding is entirely filled with coffee. The answer is worse: it's filled with concentrated coffee.

do not try this at home
A lethal dose of caffeine for an average adult is somewhere above 10 grams per day. I assume "espresso shot" refers to a 30 mL quantity, which is about the usual serving size for espresso so I'm not sure why the "shot" qualifier was necessary, and in any case we don't need the serving sizes because Nora brought a thermos. Espresso usually contains a bit more than 0.2 grams of caffeine per 100 mL. I'll eyeball that as a 1 L thermos, so that's probably some 2.1 grams of caffeine in there, which is a lot - the average adult wouldn't and shouldn't reach 0.5 g in a day - but not toxic.

But lethal dose is not the only concern. Caffeine encourages anxiety, especially at doses exceeding 0.3 g. More interestingly, 1 g per day is enough to reach caffeinism, which is caffeine dependency plus a bunch more fascinating symptoms like irritability, headaches (contrary to lower doses which reduce them), and palpitations. Having 5 g in one's system at a time can cause even more medical weirdness, up to and including psychosis. And all of this is statistical averages: sometimes 3.5 g has been enough to be fatal.

So yeah, chalk all this up to caffeinism hallucinations.

Ren could not meaningfully object to any of this because Nora tied him up. [JOKE REDACTED]

Let the live-action hallucinations begin!

Okay, so we open (after transition) on a very full shelf of "Mystery Figures - RWBY". It's dark enough that the Ruby on the box looks about the same colouration as the Blake. One of the boxes is shaking a lot more, so I'm guessing Chibi Nora will burst out of it. ...No, she's implied to be in it but only manages to push it off the shelf.

Now Nora has escaped the box. In stop-motion animation (generally an underrated technique), accompanied by a menacing score, the Nora figure walks to the edge of what I think is a warehouse shelf where these things were being stored. No, not quite a warehouse, just a shop or small storage facility full of various RWBY merch.

A live-action person has stuck their arm in through the door and is searching for the light switch. I'm not certain who they are from the muffled sound of their voice, but my first guess is Barbara Dunkelman (voice of Yang Xiao Long, and important in the Rooster Teeth corporate hierarchy).

"Psst! Over here! Hurry!" Turns out there's a population of supernaturally animate Mystery Figures. That was Jaune, accompanied by Blake Ruby (they really do look alike in low light), trying to signal Nora out of harm's way. Nora is indecisive, which is understandable but not helpful.

Barb finds the light switch (as the score cuts out), and enters to "make sure that our high-quality merchandise was still safe". I'm starting to think that this episode is a giant ad. All is satisfactory in her eyes - Nora has cleared out, and evidently the knocked-over box still counts as safe. Barb turns the light off and leaves again.

The score resumes as Ruby expresses relief at Nora remaining undetected. Nora just has no clue what the h*ck is going on and might or might not decide not to drink moderately dangerous amounts of caffeine again. Jaune and Ruby give her a weird remix of the World as Myth speech: they've accepted that their native universe is on a lower tier of 'realness' than the one in which they now operate, which puts it closer to the Fiction Identity Postulate, but they're not nearly as happy about it as that would imply.

Here comes explaining fandom. Cue the posters. Uh, by which I mean the things that get hung on walls, but the other kind would work too. ...No, this isn't an explanation of fandom, this is literally just the most involved ad I've ever seen that isn't a metal song about tanks.

Nora wonders how any of them got here. Jaune explains how "the Great One saved us all". {{I think I recognise this from the memes.}} The score gets really oppressive as an impressive assortment of Mystery Figures (Ren, Sun, Weiss, Yang) join them in standing and staring at... at... yep, there it is. The face is full uncanny valley for me.

Jaune gets out the Matrix references (there was one earlier, I think, I'm not quite caffeinated enough for this), not to mention more merch, to give Nora a choice between "reality" and "fiction". Nora bolts to "fiction", aka the box she got out of, and wakes up on the floor of Chibi Team RWBY's dorm room. Everything is fine and dandy until Pyrrha checks on the situation. Were you really expecting otherwise? (Also someone untied Ren.)

Credits confirm that it was Barb. Credits also have a section for the "Live Action Unit", which has to be about the only time they've been involved with this nonsense, and does indeed contain a "Stop Motion Technical Advisor".

Chibi S2E24 Nondescript Holiday Spectacular

Turn your volume up! Kind of a lot!

Ozpin narrates to us that "Every chibi in Beacon liked the holiday season.". As I am forcing to become a running joke, there's a lot to unpack there but let's throw away the whole suitcase. In the common room (complete with Nondescript Holiday Tree obstructing the noticeboard), Weiss is reading, Ren is cooking, Velvet is shaking a present trying to work out what's in it, Penny is implied to be X-ray scanning a present for the same reason, and Ruby has carried a giant snowball inside for some reason (no wait, her head is stuck in it somehow).

Camera moves over to Trochwick Torchwick looking in the window as Ozpin narrates that he (Torchwick) hates it. So this one will be based on The Grinch in the same kind of way as Little Red Riding Hood was based on itself. Also it will rhyme a lot, which could get old.

Torchwick is mad that nobody cares about him. He's somewhat ignoring Neo (‹I THINK YOU'RE ALRIGHT!›). Also the snow-Neo is heterochromatic the opposite way to Neo the same way as Neo, which is opposite to her hair. (I'm doing very well.) Also they're managing to have Torchwick's monologue and the snow-Neo right outside the door to Beacon's main building. Could have done it in that darkened corridor.

Torchwick is already smarter than the Grinch in realising that somehow stealing every material item related to Nondescript Winter Holiday won't make anybody feel any less holiday-spirited. He may also be remembering the beatdowns he received for previous attempts to pull one over on this crowd. Except not that second one, for he has devised a way to steal away everyone's holiday spirit. It looks like a vacuum cleaner and is probably powered by an Apathy Grimm (you can't tell me they wouldn't foreshadow that). He calls it the "Spirit-Sucker". ‹WHAT SUCKS IS THE NAME.› signs Neo, as we were all thinking.

(Meanwhile, the pink eye is sliding off the snow-Neo. This probably foreshadows something, but I'm not skilled enough to say what. And then the hat slides off too. I think it's just melting.)

Ozpin's rhyming narration resumes as Torchwick gets the jump on first Sun, then Weiss, then Blake and Yang, then Ruby (who still doesn't get to eat a cookie). The Spirit-Sucker works just fine, including sucking the choc chips right off cookies, and the results are visually rather akin to Ren's Semblance.

Torchwick and Neo celebrate the success of their plan; now they need only "dispose of this giant bag of holiday spirit".

They have failed to account for holiday spirit being a renewable resource. Team RWBY, who have wandered up and offered to help with the disposal, certainly look fine now.

Okay, it's a little more complicated than that: Team RWBY remain devoid of holiday spirit, but remain otherwise themselves, i.e. not mean (mostly, says Blake to Weiss).

Torchwick starts protesting way too much. And now, as I was somewhat expecting, the holiday spirit begins to leak out of the sack he'd contained it in. Suddenly drunk on holiday fumes, he lets it all loose again.

If you've seen one ending to the tale of the Grinch, you've seen them all. So what's going to change here?

Torchwick is apparently suffering a heart attack from overdosing on holiday spirit. As Neo signs, ‹UH-OH›. An unseen ambulance spirits him away.
Ruby: "You know, I guess having your heart suddenly grow three sizes isn't very good for your body."
Can confirm: It's called myocarditis, and it's pretty bad. I haven't had that, but as a result of being one of the unlucky bastards who get severe adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, I have had pericarditis - inflammation of the sac around the heart - and it's also kinda trouble, but less so.

Cue Team JNPR (and Zwei) to pick up Team RWBY for tree-searching. I thought they already had a tree, but what do I know. More interestingly, Team JNPR appear to have signed up for a different parody. It took me a bit of thinking, but I think I recognise Jaune's outfit as that of Charlie Brown (Peanuts comic strip). I don't know enough about the other human characters to pick them, but Zwei is clearly standing in for Snoopy.

Turn your volume back down!

Reupload of both of them! ...individually. I don't get it.

The thumbnail is only very slightly different here. Not sure why. Did they let YouTube pick it automatically? If so, I think it picks a frame from a certain percentage of the way through, so the very slightly different length (due to the different intro and outro) would result in a very slightly different selection.

...Wait, h*ck, the cereal exist[s/ed]. Oh no.

A very different thumbnail for this one. (shrugs)
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"Stop Motion Technical Advisor"
Glad they hired a professional, loved these gags, though I should note I think it was Ruby with Jaune not Blake.
You are correct, the "Good Grief" vbit really solid it, also loved the gags in this one, neo's signs remain a delight and you noticed a ton of stuff I missed like the Neo snow-person details, also great idea with the Apathy Grimm and X-Ray eyes!
"the Great One saved us all"
Aaaaand now we have :3

Giant blaring ad or not, I really love this episode for how ridiculous it is even by Chibi's usual standards, and all the Matrix references. And for better or worse it certainly did work as an ad... for exactly one product. To this day I seek out a Great One of my own, but alas, to no avail just yet.

I have had pericarditis - inflammation of the sac around the heart - and it's also kinda trouble, but less so.
Oh jeez, sorry you went through that! Hope your heart is doing okay now...
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though I should note I think it was Ruby with Jaune not Blake.
I picked that up when she (Ruby) started speaking, but had a continuity error of my own when I failed to backdate that realisation. Chalk up another one for 'Ruby and Blake's Mystery Figures are difficult to distinguish by colour in low light'.

you noticed a ton of stuff I missed like the Neo snow-person details
Which I was wrong about! I'm doing very well today. Post updated.

Oh jeez, sorry you went through that! Hope your heart is doing okay now...
Don't panic, I'm fine now. The worst effect I live with is that I'm not to get any boosters unless Super Death COVID should arise. Which it hasn't. Yet.

To this day I seek out a Great One of my own, but alas, to no avail just yet.
I hope you are someday successful.
Chibi S2 Checkpoint
...No, this isn't an explanation of fandom, this is literally just the most involved ad I've ever seen that isn't a metal song about tanks.
Thanks me, I had enough bad ideas pinballing around my skull before 'RWBY as a tank crew' dropped in to join them.

In the 'joke' from S1E7, with buckets of water perched on doors, the bucket of ice does not invert on its way down, resulting in Ruby getting hit by the metal bottom of the bucket, weighed down by contents. TVTropes implies that this may have come from real-world experience:
web original
Discussed by Geoff [Ramsay] and Gavin [Free] of Achievement Hunter during one of their Let's Build segments. Geoff found out the hard way why you should not try this when he tried it out on his mom. Instead of tipping over, the bucket fell straight down, dropping a metal bucket full of water directly on her head.
No flash-freezing involved there, but freezing doesn't actually change the weight of a bucket full of water, which isn't great if it hits you on the head (as Chibi then warned us).

(Heh heh... it said "bucket".)

Bonus round of everything is foreshadowing, which I even worked out myself. Watchers of S2E16, where Tai tried to make a vlog, may or may not have noted the pose in which Qrow landed after he took out the camera-drone: head down, legs up-ish, spine straight, one leg then twitches. In V07C12, Elm's pose of defeat after her Aura breaks is very similar. Probably another Rooster Teeth recurring in-joke.

Bonus bonus round of everything is foreshadowing, which I was not smart enough to work out myself, it was a YouTube comment. All the way back in V02C08, Team RWBY are mailed Zwei. Later that Chapter, Ruby has the brilliant (/s) idea of trying to mail themselves to the mission site at Mountain Glenn after the system refuses to assign them to it. Zany schemes are averted by Ozpin assigning them the mission anyway.

Five Volumes and change later, Team RSPBV mail themselves to Atlas.

Come join some random Discord server I'm in. For the low, low price of your sanity (leave it in the box by the door), you could occasionally be subjected to lines like this:
three yings in a trenchcoat
as opposed to three Yangs in a trenchcoat. Ruby, walking into the room "Wait, why the hell are there THREE of you!?!? WHat Did you DO?"
… One Yang barely fits in a trench coat, 3 belongs in OSHA.
("OSHA" being a reference to #osha-violations, which is the channel name that happens when someone who thinks their puns are hilarious [how thematic] spends a little too long contemplating "NSFW".)
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Discussed by Geoff [Ramsay] and Gavin [Free] of Achievement Hunter during one of their Let's Build segments. Geoff found out the hard way why you should not try this when he tried it out on his mom. Instead of tipping over, the bucket fell straight down, dropping a metal bucket full of water directly on her head.

It makes sense when you think about it, but we've all seen it so many times in cartoons, you never do think about it...
Chibi S3E1 Road Trip & S3E2 Evil Interview

Chibi S3E1 Road Trip

The title sequence remains the same for Season 3: ain't broke, not fixed.

What might be broke soon is this car, judging by the amount of stuff Ruby is trying to pack into its nonexistent boot (aka trunk, for Americans) (the assortment includes her double bass). Weiss perches on the bonnet, Yang on the roof, and Blake lurks inside. I'm guessing this is the title skit.

Chibi Yang swears like I do.

That beach ball is not going to survive Ruby trying to pack it, now is it? No, it did.

Later, the trip has begun. Ruby, who is clearly the metaphorical driving force, points a camcorder at Yang, the literal driving force, then outside at the view. This is when Blake speaks up that they may have forgotten something. I wonder what? Provisions? Fuel? Money? A driver with a license for cars?

The answer is Jaune and Ren. :( Also the boot is visibly not shut.

Later still, Ruby snacks on chips, and Yang declares they need music. Prepare your ears.

The radio does not produce music; it instead produces a news report about "a mysterious woman kidnapping hitchhikers for nefarious reasons". Cinder, what the h*ck are you doing now? Weiss clearly reckons only idiots would hitchhike. Cut to Jaune and Ren considering hitchhiking with Cinder. I was joking. I was joking.

Fortunately, Ren has enough street-smarts to pick up on Cinder's bad vibes and decide it's too risky. ...I take that back in entirety; Jaune's price is candy and Ren's price is 'Jaune already went for the candy'.

{#37: Port turns up for a bit and flexes his moustache. (shrugs)}

Welcome back to the (less-clear) clearing for what looks like another episode of Port's late-night self-help television program. Yep, there's the name, at last. Will we be poking fun at his weird impractical axe-gun today?

No, doesn't look like it. The focus will be on weaponcrafting; Port's weapon is basically just there as an example.

And then Velvet's ears are visible behind that bush over there... There are a few ways this could go.

Port declares his weapon to be "one-of-a-kind, manly" as Velvet finishes copying it and is showing off the copy. He attempts to recover by accusing it of being less manly, and with the modern association of purple (the colour of the hologram) with femininity, he may have a point. She goes one better, manifesting a holographic replica moustache and doing her best Port impression. It's actually pretty good.


Back to Cinder's black car, which has the soul of a white van. Jaune and Ren have just realised how much trouble they're in.
Ren: "It's a trap! She used the child safety locks! But we are neither children nor safe!"

Jaune: "Leave it to me! I think I can get us out of this."
Now what on Remnant does Jaune think he's going to do about it?

He's going to sing a song that'll get on Cinder's nerves. {{I think I've encountered this in at least one fanfic, and the comments told me it's the title song to Camp Camp.}}

Cinder, nerves shot, boots them from the car and leaves with all possible haste. Turns out being annoying is the other sleeper skill Jaune got from his extremely siblingful upbringing.

"Next time we see the girls," says Ren, "they are in so much trouble.". Cut to Team RWBY, who actually are: they have, somehow, "accidentally" robbed a bank. Weiss is casting magic missile at the cops pursuing them.

Yang goes right ahead and prepares to jump them over a barricade in the road. This feels like a spoof of heist movies, and this last camera shot before the cut to test pattern is giving me the feeling that they're spoofing something specific, but I haven't watched enough (and don't plan to) to know what.

Chibi S3E2 Evil Interview

I was sorely tempted to just put the episode down and drink brain bleach as soon as I saw (and heard) Cardin's ugly mug. Being interviewed by Cinder for her "evil organisation". What a match made in hell. (Also, Chibi predicts the "Karen" meme.)

Did Cardin always sound like this? I don't remember him sounding like this. On the other hand, I haven't heard his voice in months.

Cinder has strung Cardin along for a while before telling him there's no openings. Brutal satire. Although here's Mercury to get fired and create one. ...I wasn't expecting the fire to be quite so literal (I have been surprisingly successful in repressing my memories of Cinder), but otherwise spot on.

Cardin's brain cell switches back on and he realises that Cinder would not create a good working environment. Props to him for that. (dips fingers in bleach)


And speaking of 'sorely tempted to just put the episode down', Tai on a dating site.

I'm somewhat glad I kept watching because here's the generation-reversed internet safety speech.

I changed my mind, Tai's insecurities are coming out in full force and it's no more fun than last time it happened. Also has he always had that orange ribbon-thing tied around one arm? Am I just blind? What does it mean?

Just like last time, Ruby and Yang take charge of repairing the situation. The thing is, Chibi's done this theme before, how are they going to mix it up? Well, silly question, he's going to be matched with someone.

But first, cringeworthy Qrow content. I'm really not feeling it this episode.


(That's mostly a joke - I did watch the remaining fifteen seconds. Wasn't really worth it.)

Season 3 has not been reuploaded in any capacity, so we don't get to find out if Port's late-night self-help television program and/or the cringeworthy Qrow content stayed in.
A driver with a license for cars?
I mean she has a bike and airship license, I assume she can drive cars too XD
Ruby, who is clearly the metaphorical driving force, points a camcorder at Yang, the literal driving force,
Nice lines, also I loved Weiss's lil pose and wave when the camcorder was on her, very cute!
I was joking. I was joking.
Hahaha XD

Aside, but I recall one fic where it seems liked kidnappings such as that were being done to forcibly generate anxiety to lure in Grimm.
...I take that back in entirety; Jaune's price is candy and Ren's price is 'Jaune already went for the candy'.
Ren is ride or die like that, a trait he learned living with Nora.
It's actually pretty good.
I love Velvet.
Jaune and Ren have just realised how much trouble they're in.
I love Ren's dialogue.
Did Cardin always sound like this?
His voice is slightly higher but its mostly the same.

Also loved Cinder torching Merc and her lil "I keep melting them UWU"
Wasn't really worth it.
I'm so fifty fifty o the joke cos on one hand I actually kind of like it, but it being with Tai rankles cos of the "Entire team!" meme.
Chibi Cinder is surprisingly fun in her villainy.
I loved her "we can bump evil higher with spam and trolling" bit, she's just in it for the love of the game.
I mean she has a bike and airship license, I assume she can drive cars too XD
Wait what when did Yang have an airship license I must know

Aside, but I recall one fic where it seems liked kidnappings such as that were being done to forcibly generate anxiety to lure in Grimm.
That is scarily plausible and I applaud the deranged mind of whoever wrote it.

His voice is slightly higher but its mostly the same.
Maybe that's what I picked up on.

Extra joke for those familiar with the Camp Camp song: Jaune's "Favorite Part" that he gets cut off before singing is the hardest part of the song to sing, as it's a long, breathless list of camp activities

As seen here:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4c6JUBauBg

Filed under 'songs michaelb958 will not even try to sing'.

(Bonus appearance of Chibi Ruby with a cookie in the channelcruft outro!)
Wait what when did Yang have an airship license I must know
She also references it in Grimm Eclipse, when asking to fly the airship.
That is scarily plausible and I applaud the deranged mind of whoever wrote it.
I believe it was the author of the Roman centric Bad for Business, in their as of yet unfinished sequel, but yeah it was a clever idea to say the least.
Maybe that's what I picked up on.
Likely so.

He's also not grunting in pain after getting his shit rocked by Pyrrha which was his most significant moment XD
She also references it in Grimm Eclipse, when asking to fly the airship.
My first draft of a response here was 'yeah, but it's Grimm Eclipse, the dialogue means very little'. Then I remembered that I'd previously taken the opposite stance. Turns out everything is still foreshadowing.

He's also not grunting in pain after getting his shit rocked by Pyrrha which was his most significant moment XD
Ah yes, the "lucky shot" on his teammate's face (V02C05).

Of course, it's also movie length, so it might need a different approach...
This has never stopped me before and it's not about to start stopping me now!

Maybe that's why my life is halfway to pear-shaped.
Chibi S3E3 Mortal Frenemies & S3E4 Grimm Passengers
I was debating whether to post today; luckily I remembered that today is the thread's anniversary (sound of single party noisemaker). What a twelve months it's been.

Chibi S3E3 Mortal Frenemies

In the common room for some reason (probably set budgets), Tai attempts to get Zwei to take medicine. It goes about as well as you'd imagine.

Camera trucks over a little - here's Yang to style on him somehow. ("Reverse piñata" is a new and interesting mental image.) Zwei looks very excited at the mention of peanut butter, and loses all of it when Yang rules it out.

Yang has a better plan than peanut butter, or so she thinks. She picks up Zwei and takes him over to one of the tables while giving him a well-reasoned emotional speech. Tai is sceptical, although I'd say he's a little too sceptical given Zwei's previously demonstrated comprehension of human communication. Yang reveals that she's just distracting him (Zwei). The table reveals a big red X painted on it as Yang radios someone to "take the shot!".

Cut to - Oh. Dog medicine must be the weirdest thing that has ever been fired out of Crescent Rose.

Ruby, being Ruby, lands the shot perfectly. The lowest-hanging way for that to have gone wrong is for Zwei to twitch out of the way, rather like Cordovin would eventually, but that's excluded now. The second-lowest is for Zwei to just spit the thing out again, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet.

Yang is so pleased she loses her filter. That's not gonna be great next birthday. Yang solves this problem like all her other problems: violence. In this case, calling in more sniper fire. I hope that stuff's not poisonous for humans.


Winter carefully edges along a library bookshelf.

Qrow grabs the book (probably something Blake would appreciate, judging by its title) a split second before she can. Well, this is going to be great. /s

"You probably don't even read." Winter starting strong.

It takes exactly one line for Qrow to provoke Winter into attacking. They are obscured by a cartoon dust cloud (the V01C03 nostalgia is strong). The book goes hurtling out to safety.

Cut to Winter wanting noodles. Shopkeeper just ran out of noodles. Qrow has, somehow, eaten them all. He taunts. Cartoon dust cloud again. The last empty noodle bowl goes hurtling out to safety.

Cut to the two of them seated in front of Ozpin in the lecture theatre that evidently stands in for every part of Beacon inhabited by academics. Winter is filing some manner of charges against Qrow. Qrow doesn't look like he much cares, extracting an extreme quantity of earwax(?) a noodle from his ear and playing with it.

"Shameful," says Ozpin, "just shameful.". Winter agrees wholeheartedly, proposing literal restraints be put on Qrow. As much as I'd probably side with Winter on this, my knowledge of the laws of comedy suggests that Ozpin actually thinks that Winter is overreacting. ...I'm not quite right: he's equally irritated at both of them. "You do realise you're on the same side?"

Ozpin insists they "shake hands and apologise". I should have been suspicious of how quickly Qrow agreed to that, because it turned out he was just doing another prank. Cartoon dust cloud returns.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, here's Ozpin to muddy the waters:
(addressing the camera, cartoon fighting-dust-cloud visible over his shoulder) "You know, flirting was a lot less destructive in my day."
I'm just going to file that under 'making fun of shippers' and move on.

Chibi S3E4 Grimm Passengers

Please give a warm welcome back to those two Grimm being office drones, in Vale this time. Apparently any idiot would see through this scheme they've been sent to execute. Let's see which better idiots will wander along.

Team RWBY roll up in nearly full road-trip mode to discover two suspicious-looking individuals (our Grimm, in disguises) protesting too much that they're people. Yang ignores it and asks them for directions. Is this how they accidentally robbed a bank? I think chances are good.

The brilliant plan here is for the Grimm to be let into the car to rip and tear. There are so many possible ways this could go wrong; let's see which one we get.

It's the surprisingly neutral failure mode: Yang reckons they're up to no good and opts to drive off without directions instead of risking it. This leads me to believe that their cover as non-Grimm remains intact, because no way would all of Team RWBY have passed up the opportunity to kill them if they'd realised.

Take two, now with Cinder. Oh this is gonna be good. Cinder's in the mood to find some more hitchhikers and will invite them in, then the Grimm are going to be surprised to be invited in. Then they're going to be surprised when Cinder toasts them, maybe. I'm not as sure about that part.

Cinder offers candy. I'd actually forgotten about that. The Grimm will probably nope away hard - the laws of comedy require their fate to mirror Team RWBY's. ...I'm wrong, apparently they're big fans of candy.

Slightly later, all still in the car, Cinder is already monologuing about the success of her scheme. Questionable decision. The Grimm monologue back. Cinder gets suspicious, either that they have nefarious intentions or that they're muscling in on her metaphorical nefarious turf, but either way it might be toasting time.

The Grimm are not toasted, but they are ejected from the car, sans disguises. The backreferences to the road trip would not be complete without Jaune and Ren appearing, so here they are. Somehow, hastily redonning their disguises fools Jaune. It may even fool Ren, depending on exactly why he vetoed Jaune. We don't find out.

(So Team RWBY were not induced by Grimm to rob the bank...)


Someone has very unwisely let Tai into Team RWBY's dorm to socialise with Team WBY. As everyone ought to have expected, father and daughter end up in a joke-off as the other two try their best to silently put up with it.

After a moment, Weiss has enough. Unfortunately she chooses to counterattack, and leaves herself wide open for retaliation. Yang and Tai are even more pleased with themselves.

Blake flees the room rather than take any more. Behind her back, the cat puns start. Weiss is about to have an aneurysm.

Freeze frame. I was going to make a joke about being cancelled, but here's fourth-wall-breaking Ruby to commit to said joke more than I ever would have. ...No, the joke is not cancel culture as applied to racist puns; it is a far-too-serious PSA against puns in general.

I am now waiting for the unfreeze so that one of these two can make a terrible pun on something Ruby said.

That does not happen. Instead, Ruby realises she can manipulate the frozen scene, and manipulates Yang into picking her own nose.

I think the ending let this scene down a little. You might even say it froze me out.
She picks up Zwei and takes him over to one of the tables while giving him a well-reasoned emotional speech
That scene was of freaking ADORABLE!!!

Also I fucking love the "Take the shot!" - "One shot, one pill."

Seriously, fucking love it, also more adorable Zwei-ness.

hurtling out to safety
Its rare one ever hurtles to safety but its certainly safer than being caught between those two!
making fun of shippers
Same, also I want to say "Liar!" Given his flirting involved storming a castle.

they're muscling in on her metaphorical nefarious turf
Perfect phraseology here, also loved her calling them dingos, I know choose to believe these are Dingo Grimm.

Low key the Beowolf anatomy actually translates better to Dingo (relatively speaking) than wolves
It may even fool Ren, depending on exactly why he vetoed Jaune.
He's just done with Jaune's shit XD
You might even say it froze me out.