Chibi S2E13 Parent Teacher Conference & S2E14 Cannonball!
At least one typo in each of the last two paragraphs last threadmark. Clearly my proofreading standards are slipping.

Chibi S2E13 Parent Teacher Conference

As foretold by a throwaway joke in Grimm Eclipse. Tai, with Qrow as backup, asks his children what they did "this time". Yang immediately goes full never-admit-anything, and Ruby frantically throws any abstraction she can think of under the bus. I wonder what actually happened.

"I'm sure it's not that bad," says Qrow as Ozpin invites the 'parents' into a lecture theatre in lieu of an office. What set budget? Cut to inside, where Tai is incredulous at how bad it actually is, whatever it actually is.

The good news, according to Ozpin, is that "the fire is finally under control, and the cats are expected to regrow most of their fur". So an incendiary noodle incident, then. Qrow sees fewer problems with this than Tai, kicking off an argument that I'm guessing will end with their parents being called.

Or 'just' a permanent rift between them, that fits the formula too.

Qrow and Tai soon exit the room, and the argument fades into the distance as Ozpin now addresses Ruby and Yang. Ozpin declares them to have been "punished enough", implied to be by having to deal with their household. Comedy increases as Ruby apologises for her parents' behaviour in a way that you'd usually see across the generation gap in the other direction.


Sun is implied to be wielding this video camera. Eventually he works out what he's doing and gets it pointed at Blake. "Hey," says Blake, "I'm doing a beauty vlog, or, whatever. Why am I doing this?" Sun shouts that she's doing it "for the clicks!", which are everything. The clicks are not everything, you shouldn't do anything just to chase them, and I have definitely never-(looks at thread) ...uh.

Sun has no idea what any of these implements do and I suspect he's going to render this take unusable with all his freaking out.


So basically, what the h*ck did I just watch.

{#33: Ruby rides Zwei like some kind of severely undersized pony. I cannot even.}

Ruby (re)joins the rest of her team walking down a street and asks them what's really fun. I suspect it was meant to be a rhetorical question, but she gets at least one answer from each of them anyway. (Yang just summarises the Yellow Trailer.)

Ruby's idea of fun is apparently a surprise party for Pyrrha. The others all look concerned, and I'm with them - I've heard enough jokes (and non-jokes) about surprising people whose startle response is basically combat.

After we get a quick joke about Weiss not agreeing with Yang much, it emerges (diplomatically from Blake and less so from Weiss) that Ruby is "terrible at throwing surprise parties". I now expect a diegetic flashback to explain this.

Yep, here's one for Jaune. Jaune enters I think Team RWBY's dorm room to find Team NPR waiting there, Nora possibly already snacking on the cake. Ruby shouts "SURPRISE!" through a megaphone, blowing Jaune back into the hallway.

Oh, it's a montage! The banner reading ‹HaPpY BirThDaY JAUNE› has been hastily and poorly altered to instead address Yang (it's great); Teams RWB and JNPR all lurk, along with a cake the size and shape of a Beowolf (I think the animators just put some candles and glitter on the Beowolf model). Yang enters, is startled by the chorus of "SURPRISE!" (not through a megaphone this time), and reflexively shoots the Beowolf-cake. Somehow the resulting cakesplosion only affects Teams RWB and JPR. Nora has started eating what's left of the cake, while Yang is still punching it. Don't ask me how it's surviving that.

Montage continues with Professor Port finding a "mysterious gift" on the lecturer's desk. He starts pumping himself up about a secret admirer, only to open it and find a pop-up banner reading ‹YOU'RE OLD!›. After just enough time for the joke to marinate, Teams WBY+JN+S pop up at the desks (which looked unoccupied until now) for the obligatory shout of "SURPRISE!". And now the other possible bad ending of sudden sharp shocks: Port starts raising distress signals about his heart. Ruby absolutely does not help by using the 'distraction' to position herself with the megaphone. Port keels over. There is only time for Weiss to express distress before Neptune (I was wondering where he was) jumps in to use his weapon as an improvised defibrillator. Do not try this at home!

Montage ends. Team WBY are just death-staring their leader, whose defence amounts to the following weaksauce statement:
"I mean, he didn't die-die..."
Personally, I tend not to find death funny the majority of the time. But that's just me.

Chibi voice casts have gotten big: This one has fourteen.

Reupload alongside S2E12 Evil Genius:

The test pattern heralds the deletion of the entire skit about weapon tune-ups. I wasn't aware we were deleting Professor Port entirely.

So how much of the surprise party skit are we losing? ...Only Port's chunk, leaving Ruby's last line as an orphaned punchline.

Chibi S2E14 Cannonball!

Zwei plays lifeguard at the pool, because why not? Sun makes his way along the diving board as Jaune waits behind him. Penny wanders along and asks if they know where Ruby is; Sun claims he doesn't before completing his cannonball manoeuvre. Jaune explains to Penny what that is, poorly.

At Sun suggesting Penny should try this "cannonball" thing, Penny says she doesn't really like water. She reverses her decision immediately when Jaune says the magic word ("fun").

Penny is about to take this more seriously than dodgeball.

As Penny goes up, Jaune starts to realise the mistake he's made.

Ruby wanders along and asks if they know where Penny is; Jaune and Sun unconvincingly claim they don't know. Also starring Ruby unable to describe Penny in anything other than warm fuzzy generalities.

Ruby's suspicious interrogation is interrupted by the laser sight from above: Penny's coming back down.

The laser sight is way off: Penny was targeting the pool but lands squarely on Ruby's head. That's gotta hurt.

Penny, your everything-other-than-appearance seems to be misaligned.


By what might just be a different pool (in Beacon's courtyard this time), Ruby is humming until Qrow walks up. He needs help sneaking snacks into a movie that it sounds like Ruby is also interested in seeing.

Tai asks Yang to spar. Yang, agreeing, makes a horrible pun of which Tai is very proud.

This skit is going to suck for students not named Ruby or Yang. Case in point, Blake. Okay, maybe not so much, here's Sun to express his interest in reading. Blake has been carrying a library card for him in case this day ever came. Very optimistic of her.

And now, Weiss, uncharacteristically beaming, in anticipation of something that's not coming. I told you so. She and I are both scheduling when we'll cry over it. Correction, here's the debut of Chibi Winter. Very stern, and lambasting, and other words to that effect. Well, if Weiss is okay with it, I guess...


Cinder stands on a rock in that one clearing set and monologues to Team EMN+R and a crowd of Beowolves. As the camera finishes pulling back, two of the Beowolves wander off for some coffee (return of ‹REAL CHIBI BEANS›), complaining about Cinder's repetitive schemes, which is pretty strange to hear coming from the unintelligent kings of repetitive schemes. The score is now a rearrangement of Lusus Naturae (V4, but better known from Grimm Eclipse).

Their wake for a third Grimm - by Yang - is interrupted by the arrival of a Geist, frustrating the others. And rightly so, because it's seriously an airhead, damaging their stuff, generally tormenting them, and speaking in near-unintelligible internet memes from 2016/2017. It's a relief to all when the thing finally slinks off to be a "big part" of Cinder's latest nefarious plan.

The comedy here, in case you couldn't tell, is Grimm acting like office drones.

Reupload alongside S2E11 Movie Night:

On second observation of Pyrrha's imagination, Jaune is riding Zwei like some kind of severely undersized pony. Sometimes I really can't even.
Comedy increases as Ruby apologises for her parents' behaviour in a way that you'd usually see across the generation gap in the other direction.
I love this gag so much XD

Also Tai's whole "I ake a home for this family!" just has me like "Taking credit for your daughters work again I see."
So basically, what the h*ck did I just watch.
Eye ball scooper tutorial!
The test pattern heralds the deletion of the entire skit about weapon tune-ups. I wasn't aware we were deleting Professor Port entirely.
(oO) The joke makes no sense now ><
Gosh she was so freaking cute XD

Also love Ruby's "Nooo."
Well, if Weiss is okay with it, I guess...
Reminds me of Yugioh Abridged
Mouba: Oh Seto. I am so glad you are no longer deathly cold, so I can experience your coldly deathness!

Or something ><
The score is now a rearrangement of Lusus Naturae (
Damn you have good ears
The comedy here, in case you couldn't tell, is Grimm acting like office drones.
& in devouring the flesh of the innocent.
On second observation of Pyrrha's imagination, Jaune is riding Zwei like some kind of severely undersized pony. Sometimes I really can't even.
Chibi S2E15 Nurse Nora & S2E16 Neptune Noir

Chibi S2E15 Nurse Nora

This is a nice loud upload again.

It is either morning or evening, visible out the window of the common room. Weiss' dialogue to Winter states that it's morning. Also visible is that tea set Yang got Blake way back when.

Poor Weiss.

Transition to the common room presumably a little later in the morning, where Ruby is shovelling down guess which cereal? Also, boring lack of brand name on the milk. I guess only the cheap stuff is fit for use on cereal. Contrast the brand-named stuff supplied to the dining hall for food fights. Or perhaps the students are paying for the stuff in the common room, and (being students) have no budget? Would probably explain the cereal, too; I'd be shocked if that stuff wasn't competing on price and only price. Anyway, Yang discovers that Ruby got the last of the cereal out of the box, and so a fight begins.

We cut to Winter, later, in another part of the common room, so I'm guessing this will be a skit about contrasts. Winter to Weiss: "Must you slurp like a savage?" Poor Weiss.

Cut to Ruby abusing a packet of chips. Yang sits on one. Then she eats it. This seems to be fully informed and intentional. Just a moment while I get my brain bleach.

Right, back. Weiss is chased through that one clearing set by a Beowolf and a Geist (the latter not possessing anything) as Winter 'encourages' her to solve her own problems. Weiss does. Then she celebrates Winter's approval, but only when Winter isn't watching, lest she lose it again. Poor Weiss.

Cut to Ruby, Yang, and Zwei strolling through a suspiciously-similar-looking clearing except for the tree in the middle of it. Without warning the tree drops an apple on Ruby's head. Ruby gives Yang a hurt look. Yang solves the problem by punching a hole right through the tree. I was expecting the tree to fall on them, but it never happens. Then they skip off perpendicular to where Zwei went...? Also this show only has one sound effect for skipping.

{#34: Nora wielding that ‹NOTICE ME!!› sign at the camera a lot. The background is Nora-pink, and enters and leaves as if scribbled with a marker.}

Ren is asleep in bed. Between Nora being Nora, the episode title, the wipe we just got, and the fact that it was the 34th unique wipe, I'm exceedingly worried.

If I hadn't been exceedingly worried before, I definitely would be now, given Nora entering the room and doing her best to live up (down?) to the episode title, complete with horror score.

Ren is awake and therefore aware of Nora, but still hasn't realised how much danger he's in.

"How hard can it be?" says Nora of one of the world's most specialised professions. Although maybe I'm getting nursing mixed up with medicine. Whatever, nurses deserve a better reputation than they have.

Protip: Science doesn't say 'that's impossible' - science says 'our assumptions cannot all be correct'. (Fun fact: Doctors wear white because that was how "scientific medicine" copied legitimacy from scientists 100-150 years back, to contrast themselves with older-timey "medicine" which was not great at this whole cause-and-effect thing.) If the diagnostic instrument says the patient is dead, but they're responding, the assumption that the patient is dead is much less likely to be correct than the assumption that the diagnostic instrument is malfunctioning or being misused.

It develops that Ren has a broken leg. He's been wearing that cast the whole time and I just didn't notice it in the picture-in-picture video player. I gotta get a better watching setup - I keep missing details like that. (fixes setup)

"Can I just go back to sleep, please?"

"Not until I take your temperature!"
Uh oh? ...Yep, I was right to be worried and Ren was right to destroy the thermometer.

Nora is negotiated down to just "check[ing] his reflexes". Oh no. The stereotypical reflex check is done by tapping the patient's knee with a rubber mallet and seeing if that leg kicks in response. Nora is certain to use her weapon as a stand-in. The question is whether she'll try it on the broken leg, get no response, and mangle it further; or try it on the unbroken leg, and break that leg too.

I just realised that this skit runs on "We'll break his legs!" nostalgia.

Ren flees the room on a broken leg rather than get hammered, which, understandable. Nora experiences sanity slippage. This one's going on the never-rewatch-ever pile, which now contains more Chibi skits than Chapters.

Chibi S2E16 Neptune Noir

It looks noir in here already.

If you've seen one noir-film parody (which I have), you've seen the basic structure of them all. In this case, Cinder walks in having been cast as the "trouble".

Now do you reckon "dollface" is a reference to that sockpuppet from S1E21 or not? Could go either way. Also Neptune continues to be Neptune.

When I asked for an Amber cameo, I did not ask for anything remotely resembling this. Let's hope Cinder bombs out on that one.

Neptune continues to be Neptune and is about to lose himself a client.

Of course the alternative is Zwei. Zwei does everything, why not being a P.I.?

The hilarity of Neptune using the expression "no use crying over spilt milk" and then literally doing just that. Camera pulls back to reveal that Sun has been playing the saxophone to provide half the score, which is such a Chibi kind of joke, and - contrary to most of this skit - happens to overlap with what I consider funny.

{#35: Professor Port throws his axe-gun - truly, the worst of all possible wielding styles - at the camera and destroys the implied glass plate over the screen. This one's definitely not making the reupload, is it?}

Speaking of 'not making the reupload', here's Port himself in some sort of late-night self-help television program.

We're going to be building a fort. This must be a reference to that Chibi skit with the lift. This episode is just full of callbacks to that.

And here's Winter to rain on his parade. Not quite literally, but she can summon an entire ice-built house from a single Glyph, which really undercuts his entire "manliness" schtick.

"But her butt's gonna be cold!" comments Port just before the wipe. He's probably right about that...


Black screen for a bit, then Tai filming a vlog or some nonsense. Write what you know, eh Rooster Teeth?

"How hard can it be to-" asks Tai, and then faceplants mid-sentence.

The first appearance of the test pattern intra-episode in an original episode (it had previously only done so in reuploads to mark the deletion of a wipe), then we cut to Tai telling us on-camera that the camera didn't survive it. Fortunately, he has the backup, attached to Zwei. I've seen enough Zwei skits to know where this is going. ...Yep, complete with Tai faceplanting again.

Cut through test pattern to Tai on "one last camera", mounted on a drone. What's going to shoot it down? Get your answers in now.

Sure enough, Tai only barely has time to say "bird's eye view of-" before noticing Qrow heading straight for it. Impressively enough, the camera survives the freefall off the drone.

None of Team RWBY or Team JNPR appeared in this episode. Fascinating.
Protip: Science doesn't say 'that's impossible' - science says 'our assumptions cannot all be correct'. (Fun fact: Doctors wear white because that was how "scientific medicine" copied legitimacy from scientists 100-150 years back, to contrast themselves with older-timey "medicine" which was not great at this whole cause-and-effect thing.) If the diagnostic instrument says the patient is dead, but they're responding, the assumption that the patient is dead is much less likely to be correct than the assumption that the diagnostic instrument is malfunctioning or being misused.
Love all this trivia and history, thanks for sharing!

As an aside, yeah I get you on poor Weiss, I did love Yang destroying the tree for Ruby though that was cute XD

Also poor Ren, oof.

It looks noir in here already.
Noir you say?

Neptune's sheer stupidity and rizz-less-ness amuses me and somehow avoided being a bit too awkward, if only by a thin margin and the Sun joke was so feeaking good XD
And here's Winter to rain on his parade. Not quite literally, but she can summon an entire ice-built house from a single Glyph, which really undercuts his entire "manliness" schtick.

"But her butt's gonna be cold!" comments Port just before the wipe. He's probably right about that...
I recall people discussing the idea of Winter having slain a house and it being a summon XD

Only if the floor is ice.
Sure enough, Tai only barely has time to say "bird's eye view of-" before noticing Qrow heading straight for it. Impressively enough, the camera survives the freefall off the drone.
"Please like comment and subscribe!"
None of Team RWBY or Team JNPR appeared in this episode. Fascinating.
Honestly I kind of like the writers expanding the joke cast out.
Love all this trivia and history, thanks for sharing!
It's true - you went to a doctor in white because they wouldn't use leeches. (I mean, unless there wasn't a better option. They still use leeches sometimes(!) - in situations where they're the least bad option.)

I recall people discussing the idea of Winter having slain a house and it being a summon XD

Only if the floor is ice.
My reading was that she made it with ice Dust; I may have confused the matter by using the word "summon".

"Please like comment and subscribe!"
This is on YouTube, does that count as a meta-joke?
Funs tuff regarding the doctors!
My reading was that she made it with ice Dust; I may have confused the matter by using the word "summon".
Sorry for the confusion, the sketch makes it clear its ice, but someone theorized at one point it was a summon and so wondering how Winter could have killed a house.
This is on YouTube, does that count as a meta-joke?
They did end the episode on it XD
Chibi S2E17 The Mystery Bunch & S2E18 The Fixer

Chibi S2E17 The Mystery Bunch

I feel a Scooby-Doo spoof coming on. That, or the 'classic' laugh-track sitcom, but the video thumbnail suggests the former.

"It's true what they say," says Sun, roller-skating past the camera on Beacon's landing pad, "you never forget how to roller-skate.". Jaune clearly never learned any of it to forget; it's more ambiguous with Ren and Neptune, but they don't look comfortable.

Sun continues to nonchalantly literally skate circles around them all. Ren would rather Jaune not pull him down too; they seem to be managing. Mostly.

Neptune becomes prideful. I forecast his fall. ...Not quite; he is imperilled by Sun high-fiving him, but manages to grab Ren's other arm, and all stay upright.

Ren becomes uncomfortable with the amount of (actually harmless) touch going on and discards Jaune and Neptune to fall over. Joke's on him, as he immediately falls over himself.

The punchline is that Sun has a massive innate advantage due to having a tail, which I actually entirely forgot about. No, correction, the punchline is Ruby having even fewer problems with roller-skating and running over said tail. I don't even have a tail and I still felt that a little bit.

Not sure how Jaune just injured himself further, but it caps off the skit fairly well. I thought Sun might have run over his hand on the way out, but there's too much of a delay for me to believe it.

{#36: Penny dances, or something. Look, what do you want me to say, it's Penny, of course it's great.}

The council - Winter, Oobleck, Ozpin, Port - will decide your fate.

Or maybe not - they seem to be dealing with a computer virus. The joke here will be that none of them have a clue what to do about that. That sentence started to hurt a lot more halfway through typing it. (Everything is foreshadowing.)

As Penny walks by, Ozpin wonders aloud what the h*ck happened. Penny sneezes on her way by. As she leaves, the virus gets three times worse oh those writers. Winter is next to clue in.

{{I came back after reading the wiki page to scream loudly at the stuff being malware-advertised.}}


For some reason, Junior Detective Neptune is trying to get a stuffed doll to confess to something. Sun bursts in to alert him to "the Mystery Bunch" attempting to solve mysteries, which Sun thinks is their job.

The Mystery Bunch turn out to be Team JNPR plus Zwei, in outfits that have me utterly convinced (without even needing to find screenshots to match) that we're parodying Scooby-Doo. Neptune immediately lampshades this as "some kinda weird cosplay?". Team JNPR sound off in order - I'm not familiar enough with Scooby-Doo to match them to the characters they're parodying, but I'm certain of it.

Now the Grimm has entered the scene (inexplicably replacing Sun and Neptune) and I'm 105% sure. Now we're doing the hallway doors chase gag and I'm 110% sure. Camera dollies back a little so Sun and Neptune can lampshade it some more. Qrow pops up in the chase scene, because it's funny? I wonder if this is gonna make the reupload?

Later, the Mystery Bunch have inexplicably tied up the Grimm, and are about to pull its mask off to reveal some completely unexpected character. I'm going to guess (throws dart at dartboard) Ozpin. I'm absolutely wrong, it's the Shopkeeper. (Again!) The Shopkeeper never talks in intelligible words, but on this occasion the pattern is clearly "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!".

Sun's strategy is to "keep eating dog food 'til we get on their level". I guess, to them, it makes as much sense as anything else. (I'd like to know why my spelling dictionary thinks "doog" is a word.)

Overall, great skit.

Complete with a credit for "Writer's Assistant/Zwei Whisperer".

I was about to say "Still no Team RWBY this episode.", but Ruby does appear. For about two seconds and no vocalisations.

Reupload alongside S2E15 Nurse Nora:

Qrow did make the reupload.

Chibi S2E18 The Fixer

There's a problem in the common area kitchen: The tap on the sink is leaking dramatically. It's taking Ruby's full attention and effort to forestall water damage.

What kind of plumber don't you want to see in this circumstance? Taiyang, aka episode title. I miss the good old days circa when this was originally uploaded when I didn't know what a "fixer" was.

Okay, that got more concerning by the word. Don't do amateur any-of-those things, but especially not dentistry.

Tai, if that rumbling noise is any indication then you haven't fixed squat.

Cut to Yang trying to ride Bumblebee around Vale (hang on, has it been named on-screen before this? I don't think so! Aiyee, my credibility!). The motorbike is having severe reliability issues at the moment. Yang makes the terrible mistake of speaking the words that would summon The Fixer. I predict that we will be foreshadowing Bumblebee's demise. Hm, I think Chibi went on long hiatus sometime before V6 started airing? Bumblebee was the keystone all along!

Yeah, it all went as badly as I was expecting.


Sun and Neptune walk into some room or another, busily congratulating themselves on "sav[ing] all those orphans", only to stop in their tracks at the sight of Nora and Pyrrha with identical fake moustaches. I think Sun and Neptune might have competition in the detective space again.

Nora, that attempted pun just hurt.

Sun is dismissive of their abilities. Pyrrha proves him wrong by immediately unveiling that he ate Neptune's chocolate supply. (Ten seconds, most of which was her explaining her findings.) There is brief infighting at this revelation, then Neptune asserts that one "lucky guess" isn't enough. Cue Nora to emerge from the closet with a literal skeleton. Sun and Neptune didn't eve know they had a closet, which cues Pyrrha to do the CSI: Miami meme, which is kinda funny.


Continuing the theme of technical difficulties, Ruby discovers that her Scroll "froze again". No, wrong continuing theme, Yang again makes the terrible mistake of unintentionally summoning The Fixer. Now is this going to be better because the financial stakes are honestly probably lower, or worse because I know computers better than those other three fields? Let's find out, I guess.

Ruby has apparently either not learned her lesson or thinks that the situation will somehow teach Tai one, because she lets him have a go. He swiftly proves out of his depth.

Ruby and Yang quietly sidle away. They pause at the door to converse sotto voce that their trap has worked flawlessly. (So it was all intentional!) The funnier alternative at this point is that Tai does not hear them, so he does not.

Tai is so out-of-touch with computing that he doesn't know what a cookie is. Then we have the amateur dentistry callback, because some people (not me) find that funny.

Chibi S2E17 The Mystery Bunch

I love how cocky and sassy Pyrrha's poses are as Daphne and that Ren got to be the leader.
"keep eating dog food 'til we get on their level"
Love it XD
Loved the explosion of water in the background XD
which cues Pyrrha to do the CSI: Miami meme, which is kinda funny.
Then we have the amateur dentistry callback, because some people (not me) find that funny.
A shame, I did find it kin f funny, but mostly cos Tai's bad decisions haunting him amuses me XD
Penny dances, or something. Look, what do you want me to say, it's Penny, of course it's great.}
Loved Sun's reaction to getting his tail rolled on and the Penny dance was cute.
The council - Winter, Oobleck, Ozpin, Port - will decide your fate.
{{I came back after reading the wiki page to scream loudly at the stuff being malware-advertised.}}
Oh gosh I never got the foreshadowing!

Also what was being advertised?
A shame, I did find it kin f funny, but mostly cos Tai's bad decisions haunting him amuses me XD
I can sometimes enjoy a bit of schadenfreude, but I find it works a lot better when it's a result of malicious decisions coming back to bite them, because that means it's karma. YMMV.

Also what was being advertised?
Suffer with me: One of them is for ‹Jars by Cinder›, ‹Store your friends!›. They're all various flavours of continuity references with the occasional bad pun, mostly from Chibi.
I can sometimes enjoy a bit of schadenfreude, but I find it works a lot better when it's a result of malicious decisions coming back to bite them, because that means it's karma. YMMV.
I think we are fairly similar in that regard, the thing for me is this fits because Tai became so aggressively unpleasant when the girls refused his help and the help offered is clearly more about his ego than a genuine desire to assist.
‹Jars by Cinder›, ‹Store your friends!›
I'll take ten!
Chibi S2E19 Steals and Wheels & S2E20 Monsters of Rock
SwapAUAnon said:
Note that this implies Winter has had a life-changing battle with a log cabin.
Night_stalker said:
Also raises questions if she somehow slew a house, and how.
I recall people discussing the idea of Winter having slain a house and it being a summon XD
Clearly, it was a gazebo.

Chibi S2E19 Steals and Wheels

Team RWY+N are arrayed in the common room, probably watching television or something. Neptune walks into scene. He's a decoy: the actual imminent 'joke' is Yang burping at screen-shaking volume.

Neptune promptly calls Yang "uncouth", to Yang's irritation and frantic attempts to cover up that she doesn't know what that means.

Yang continues listing her positive qualities, most of which she's exaggerating, until Neptune declares that her "problem" is "You're a tomboy!". Nora, Weiss, and Ruby all go white-eyed. I now have no enthusiasm for this skit.

Ruby tries to sink into the couch in an attempt to escape the blast radius, to no avail. Neptune continues to Neptune all over the scene. We do not see Yang, but I'm certain she's increasingly seething.

Neptune finishes his Neptune speech just in time to see Yang's fist coming for him. He is launched offscreen, and I can't say I'm too saddened given what he's been saying for the past thirty seconds. "Boop," declares Yang, which is actually funny. Count on Nora to pick up on that.


Uh oh, Torchwick is making an ad for an energy drink. High chance of poison.

Well, Nora, Taiyang, and Sun all seem to think that it's undrinkable at best. Qrow has no problem with it, but Qrow is a master of drinking the undrinkable.

Fade through staticky version of the test pattern to another Torchwick & Neo ad; this time he seems to be a car (and bike) salesman (episode title). Yang wanders onto the lot during filming and finds that motorcycle to be of extremely low build quality. Poor Yang, can't find a working bike this season.

Fade through static to another one, this time spoofing lawyer ads with a bonus of referring back to his own injurious stunts from the last two ads. I wonder how this one's going to go wrong. My guess is he's actually filming in Beacon's library and is about to be chased out. ...No, the "satisfied clients" are also backreferences to the last two ads, are not satisfied at all, and are fully capable of beating him up. Also the camera was mounted on Zwei; we are just full of continuity references today, aren't we?

Cut to test pattern before the wipe, as a form of violence discretion shot. Also, Yang has about one 'about to punch something' scream in this show.


Jaune walks down the street in Vale, pausing to ask nobody in particular what he's forgetting. Suddenly he wonders whether he paid for the chocolate he's holding. Cue the Junior Detectives for probably more police brutality. It's just not a great episode today.

Unexpectedly, there is no police brutality (yet?); Jaune flees, but Sun and Neptune just give each other funny looks.

Cut to Beacon where Jaune is continuing to panic a little as he attempts to cross the courtyard in "stealth mode". He panics more when Ruby sees right through it. Ruby is just nonplussed.

Jaune panics even more when Sun and Neptune rock up, continuing to flee towards Beacon proper. Confusion reigns behind him. My second guess at the joke here is that he was never actually a suspect in anything, and just has police brutality PTSD (understandable).

Cut to Team JNPR's dorm, where Jaune packs an implausible random assortment of stuff (including Zwei) into a bag while continuing to mutter about how his life is over. Here's Ren to set off part 3 of Jaune's freakout.

Jaune's escape through the window just ahead of Sun and Neptune enter the room leaves much to be desired: not only has he failed at descent strategy due to failing to secure the end of the bedsheet-rope, but he left the bag behind.

Yep, turns out Sun and Neptune just chose the most concerning possible way to try to tell him that he left his wallet behind. :/

Chibi S2E20 Monsters of Rock

Want some whiplash? Jaune is now interning with the Junior Detectives, complete with fake moustache and army-surplus helmet. Sun and Neptune play good and bad cop respectively to this idea.

Neptune has just finished the "can't guarantee your safety" speech when a report comes in on the radio. We are informed that it is a "suspicious cloud formation", which sounds like the kind of thing the Junior Detectives would chase after. They do - and immediately run over the Shopkeeper. To capitalise on this 'joke', Neptune reports it as somebody else's hit-and-run. Police brutality jokes, eh?

An escape room. I will admit, I am familiar with the concept. Will Hunters in an escape room go the same way as Hunters at an arcade, or will it go wrong in new and interesting ways?

The former. Winter admonishes Yang on doing it the wrong way; Yang reckons it's faster. Winter asks rhetorically if Yang plans to solve all of life's problems by punching them, to which Ruby quite reasonably asks if she (Winter)'s actually met Yang.

Winter wonders aloud if Qrow and "the boys" are faring any better. They are not, but in new and interesting ways: there are suggestions of eating Jaune. For bonus points, if Jaune or Ren tried to look in a mirror right now they could read the escape code off the wall behind them, and Qrow may or may not have realised that.

Any danger of cannibalism is averted by Yang rescuing them. Guess how.


Torchwick drags Cinder into the clearing and says "Bask in my genius.". Torchwick's "genius" is a band. The first problem I can see is the Beowolf on drums, although this is Chibi so it'll probably be fine. The second is Neo on vocals.

Also there's that Geist playing an electric guitar.

Torchwick's plan is for this lot to metaphorically shred their enemies at the Battle of the Bands, which is something I think this season's been building up to (and will continue building up to for a little while yet). I'm with Cinder (dips hands in bleach) on this one: this is a dumb plan.

Torchwick commands Neo to bring forth "the death gun". You were expecting the death ray, but no, this one's just a cannon. Cinder is enamoured. She changes her mind very quickly when it turns out to be loaded with pyrotechnics, with the implication that there won't be any safety malfunctions with them.

"You're fired," says Cinder, as a stray pyrotechnic spark turns out to have ignited Torchwick's hat. The Beowolf plays the rimshot as the laugh-track audience is briefly audible laughing. See, that's how you do a good laugh track: Once and briefly.

I see it stopped being the Summer of Animation.

Reupload of both of them!
Clearly, it was a gazebo.
Nice XD
Count on Nora to pick up on that.
"Well I think she's adorable!"
High chance of poison.
Toxic energy drinks, gotta love-em!

As ever, Neo's signs are a delight.
Yep, turns out Sun and Neptune just chose the most concerning possible way to try to tell him that he left his wallet behind. :/
They're idiots your honor, all of them.

"was I supposed to tie this to something?"

Also I wonder if Felipe is a reference to that old live blog of RWBY, was that Jaune's counterparts name? Damn I need to re-check it if its still around.
Ruby quite reasonably asks if she (Winter)'s actually met Yang.
OK but the body language in that bit was so cute, also fun to see different collections of characters.
They are not, but in new and interesting ways
Oooh so fresh and fun! Also Qrow was hinting at them to look at the picture. I love how Ren is just like "Hmm, viable" for eating Jaune.
Also there's that Geist playing an electric guitar.
Surprised they didn't have it posses the guitar, also love the band name and ho into it Roman got XD

Also Cinder being like "Oh you want to do murder? Hot" Its kind of canon too given her reaction to Raven wanting to kill Qrow had her switch attitudes on working with Raven XD
"Well I think she's adorable!"
As usual, Nora's not wrong.

Also I wonder if Felipe is a reference to that old live blog of RWBY, was that Jaune's counterparts name? Damn I need to re-check it if its still around.
Apparently, I follow in the footsteps of giants. Poorly.

(The other site reckons this was a missed opportunity to reference the frequent misspelling of "Juane".)

Surprised they didn't have it posses the guitar,
Because that would have been less funny.

Also seeing as this wasn't a super fun episode,
I mean, I thought each of them had at least one redeeming feat-
thought I' share a FNDM classic with you in case you hadn't seen it yet:
I had to struggle with my very low cringe threshold all the way through, and got through the middle mainly by muting the video and hoping there still wasn't anything important not conveyed in the visible text. Still worth it, particularly the bit with the stray cats.
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As usual, Nora's not wrong.
(The other site reckons this was a missed opportunity to reference the frequent misspelling of "Juane".)
Dang that was the name I was thinking of my bad, also you do amazing work, please don't talk down about yourself!
I mean, I thought each of them had at least one redeeming feat-
Ah must have misread your tone, sorry

I had to struggle with my very low cringe threshold all the way through, and got through the middle mainly by muting the video and hoping there still wasn't anything important not conveyed in the visible text. Still worth it, particularly the bit with the stray cats.
Oh dear, my bad, weirdly this one doesn't hit my cringe threshold, I think cos basically everyone's actual feelings are like, clear, so everyone's more flabbergasted than awkward, so it doesn't feel cringy to me? I dunno, cringe is hard to articulate XD Also yeah the cats were great
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also you do amazing work, please don't talk down about yourself!

Ah must have misread your tone, sorry
Don't worry too much, that was mostly the setup half of a joke, the punchline half being my response to the video. (The joke itself is me backpedalling on my opinion that would have prevented the posting of said video.) Speaking of:
cringe is hard to articulate
Chibi S2E21 Happy BirthdayWeen & S2E22 Battle of the Bands

Chibi S2E21 Happy BirthdayWeen

Yang carries a pumpkin into the kitchen; she and Ruby agree that they love this time of year because it feels festive. Their words, not mine. They leave the pumpkin on the table. Before they've even left the kitchen, that one Geist (voiced) wanders in and possesses it. It swiftly has a bad time, because Ruby was only going to get Crescent Rose to split the thing open.

Cut to later, when the pumpkin has been turned into pie. For comedy reasons, the Geist mask is still visible in it to us, but not to them. Yang goes to start slicing it, producing the concerning-out-of-context video thumbnail. There is a violence discretion shot. So what we have learned from this is that Geists are better at surviving high temperatures than sharp things.


The ambience in the JNPR dorm is very dark and green as Nora stirs something bubbling and purple in a cauldron. While laughing maniacally. I'm already getting flashbacks to that time she thought she was a nurse.

Jaune and Pyrrha turn the light on as they enter, and look and sound very what-is-Nora-doing-this-time. Oh no, it's a "love potion". We're stacking up so many concerning continuity references. More importantly, how long until Pyrrha tries to force Jaune to drink some, because that would be very Chibi of her.

Fortunately, Pyrrha is smart enough not to get involved in this craziness; she and Jaune leave again, Jaune trying to fit words in about how Nora can't exactly force Ren to drink some. Jaune is displaying a profound lack of knowledge of Chibi Nora.

IT'S WORSE THAN I THOUGHT. No sooner have the other partner-pair left than Ren manages to get his head back above purple 'water'. Nora just knocks him out and shoves him back under. Right. I cannot even.


Ruby is asleep in bed like a sensible person. This is Chibi, so it cannot last. She wakes herself up, rolls out of bed proclaiming the current date (31 Oct), and asks Weiss what that is. Weiss knows it's Halloween. Weiss did not know that it was also Ruby's birthday. This might have been something Chibi Ruby made up, except that a put-upon Yang confirms it. Blake is still trying to recover from Ruby's sheer volume (my sympathies).

Cut to Team JNPR out trick-or-treating. Jaune is of course dressed as his superhero alter-ego; Pyrrha as a Junior Detective (its own continuity reference); Nora as a nurse, which is the scariest of all. Ren just seems to have Groucho glasses on. The Shopkeeper dispenses treats to all of them. They turn and are dismayed to see Ruby, who proclaims that it's her birthday. Which may be true, but get your own treats rather than stealing from your sister team.

Cut to the lecture theatre, where Doctor Oobleck has decided - at his peril - that responding to trick-or-treaters is something that can be done by a filled bowl and a sign reading ‹ONE CANDY PER TRICK-OR-TREATER. - DR. OOBLECK›. (Note also that a period should not follow an abbreviation if that abbreviation preserves the last letter of its expansion. You'd think that a guy with a PhD would have learned that.) Ruby just nicks the entire bowl and leaves her own note.

Back to the common room, where Ruby finishes eating all 'her' treats just in time to try to obtain a costume for the upcoming Halloween costume party as a birthday gift. My sympathy has finished evaporating.

So has Team WBY's, and Ruby has unwisely left her costume choice to the judgement of those who are a bit fed up. She now has the appearance of being stuffed in a helpfully labelled bin. Nora compliments the costume; the change in Nora's facial expression after passing Ruby's sight suggests she might remember earlier slights. She also might be indulging in sarcasm. Ruby takes it as sarcasm, protests that it wasn't her idea, and succeeds only in falling over and not being able to get up (that's what happens when your outfit is a rigid cylinder - the chibi body plan is sufficient but not necessary).

Ruby makes the further misjudgement of asking Nora to help her up on the basis that it's her birthday. Nora definitely remembers earlier slights, simply throwing an empty paper cup at her, as one might at a bin.

The one with the love potion was partially written and directed by a bandit. Not kidding, check the V5 credits sometime. Also the usual YouTube annotation that says nothing and gets in the way of the credits is missing, which is nice.

Reupload alongside S2E18 The Fixer:

In the wrong order, furthermore. Presumably because they were reuploaded on 31 Oct. (For me it says 1 Nov, but that's probably time zones at work.)

Chibi S2E22 Battle of the Bands

A bunch of people - mostly shadow people, but Pyrrha, Velvet, Taiyang, Shopkeeper, and Zwei are all visible - stand before a stage (Cinder just sidles behind it) as Ozpin opens the first annual ("INAUGURAL!" heckles someone) ...look, episode title. The entrants are:
  • "Puns and Roses" (heh) (it's the first introduction and Ozpin is already Done™), as previously seen in S2E5. Yang knocks over one of Nora's cymbals on entry, Blake still doesn't want to be here, and Tai is still being embarrassing about his photography.
  • "The Nep-tunes", as previously seen in S2E8. Nobody has any instruments, but they have the dancing down. Neptune and Jaune are placed on opposite ends of the lineup, which we soon learn is 200% deliberate for allergy reasons. It seems inadvisable to not have found a less dangerous alternative.
  • "The Trouble Clefs", whose name seems to have pluralised since S2E20. Torchwick seems to have substituted himself on lead vocals, relegating Neo to pyrotechnics operator. Apparently Ozpin misread their name as "The Treble Clefs", which just doesn't sound very different (my evidence is that I didn't notice). Neo is enjoying pyrotechnics operation way too much.
  • "P3N-3", take exactly one guess. A one-woman band DJ. ...Ozpin has just described this as "Penny, just spelled stupid". That's it, off to Salem for the very short rest of this incarnation.
Torchwick optimistically (evilly?) reckons that the Trouble Clefs have it in the bag and demands that the show be gotten on with already. Ozpin concedes that the latter is the point.

The Trouble Clefs play first. Honestly, my kind of track so far - ample synth and electric guitar, and no vocals to get in the way of appreciating the instruments. The judging panel - Oobleck, Port, Winter, and Qrow - seem to be at least somewhat okay with it.

Ah h*ck, Neo actually is still on vocals. The wheels are about to come off and we all know it. (Rooster Teeth get a little more trolling in?)

The wheels do come off, but like h*ck was I expecting how.
Neo: (opens mouth to presumably sing, or maybe not)

Nora: "What are you doing?!"

(all music stops)

Torchwick: "Huh?"

(cut from the stage to the view out from it, where the other entrants all look miffed)

Ruby: "Are you playing... music?"

Weiss: "What kind of competition did you think this was?"
Someone please ask Penny, who is lost in her own little DJ world behind the rest of them.

...And suddenly, it all makes sense. This is not a Battle of the Bands. This is a battle of the bands. That's so Chibi. Henceforth, I am utterly unable to can. Torchwick is a little slower to the realisation.
Torchwick: "A... Battle of the Bands?"

Yang: "Yeah, exactly!"
All involved start wielding their instruments as weapons. Mostly. The Nep-tunes pull out microphones mounted to both ends of electrical cords (???) and wield them as flails or nunchaku or something; Nora and Weiss hid their weapons somewhere in their instruments for exactly this purpose, and Nora has now mounted a bass drum on hers; and I can't see what Blake's doing. Even Penny has taken to the air by jetpack.

It is now sinking in for the Trouble Clefs. Torchwick very understandably looks Super Done™. Emerald mildly-frantically asks if anyone brought their weapons. Neo attempts to weaponise the Ice Cream Waifu effect as Mercury (statistically the most likely to have brought his weapons, given that he is standing up right now) appeals to the unifying power of song for comedic effect; the joke is complete when one of Nora's drums beans him in the head.

"Let the battle continue!" decrees Ozpin. Emerald, Mercury, and the Grimm all flee rapidly, Mercury with something uncannily similar to the sound of a gunshot, suggesting that he's physically equipped for a battle but not psychologically so. Torchwick and Neo are even less psychologically equipped, and fail to flee, Neo simply signalling ‹UH-OH›.

The ensuing battle cannot be explained, only experienced. Yes, I did actually watch this one. Key points are that Ruby can use the strings of that double bass as a bow (get it?), that this is what the judging panel were evidently looking for, and that the Trouble Clefs have not actually managed to flee and proceed to do the bulk of the losing.

After some time, Ruby parks herself in front of the camera and addresses the fourth wall to close out the season. Already? I thought there were two episodes left still! I have paused on just the right frame here to see that actually Nora mounted that bass drum to the haft of her hammer, making it at least 50% scarier than mounting it on top of the hammer head. Nora proceeds to knock Ruby out, then wonder if they were on the same "team". Not "band"? Clearly all order has broken down.

Evidently that was the end of the scheduled season, because in lieu of the usual outro card we get a static ad for Volume 5. We also get the return of that stupid YouTube annotation.

{{Episode listing on the wiki confirms that the remaining two episodes of S2 aired notably later.}}

I think we might have a new winner for largest Chibi voice cast: this one numbers fifteen.

The credits music here is actually extended past the point where the episode cut it off (the point where Ruby got bonked by Nora with a hammer-haft-drum), managing to reach its natural conclusion.

Reupload alongside S2E16 Neptune Noir:

I think this is the longest we've had to wait between sides of a reupload.

As expected, Port's skit and preceding wipe absolutely did not make the reupload. As I perhaps should have noticed before, skits deleted in their entirety are also (poorly) edited out of the credits.
The body languages and expressions in this one are so cute XD
For what its worth she does a good witch cackle.
Ruby just nicks the entire bowl and leaves her own note
I loved the animation on that bit so much XD
the chibi body plan is sufficient but not necessary).
Excellently put, also Ruby in the trash can led to a lot of memed art.
It seems inadvisable to not have found a less dangerous alternative.
They're idiots your honor, always and forever idiots.
I am utterly unable to can.
Mercury with something uncannily similar to the sound of a gunshot, suggesting that he's physically equipped for a battle but not psychologically so.
Mercury: I came mentally and emotionally prepped for music, not fighting, also I'm not going down for these suckers!
The ensuing battle cannot be explained, only experienced. Yes, I did actually watch this one. Key points are that Ruby can use the strings of that double bass as a bow (get it?), that this is what the judging panel were evidently looking for, and that the Trouble Clefs have not actually managed to flee and proceed to do the bulk of the losing.
Your commentary remains golden.
The body languages and expressions in this one are so cute XD
I'm getting the feeling that you have a very different sense of 'cute' to me.

also Ruby in the trash can led to a lot of memed art.
This does not surprise me in the slightest now that I've heard it.

Your commentary remains golden.

I remember being disappointed we didn't get the whole Trouble Clef song. It was pretty good.
I know! Although I can't rule out the (hypothetical) lyrics being an utter disappointment, which so often happens to me.