Chibi S3E5 Girls' Night Out & S3E6 Teenage Faunus Ninja Catgirl
(Verified Michael)
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- He/Him/His
Chibi S3E5 Girls' Night Out
Another upload to need to turn your volume up for.
Aaaaaaaa the return of Cinder Doll.
Mercury has a dialogue with Cinder Doll (he explicitly names it as such) about such subjects as Emerald not committing to the whole 'being evil' thing (everything is foreshadowing) and not having "any metal appendages at all" (...let me put that on the conspiracy-board-checklist). Either he hasn't noticed Emerald standing behind him; or, being Mercury, maybe he's fully aware and just doesn't care.
Mercury moves on to trash-talking Torchwick, right as Torchwick arrives to join Emerald in the viewing gallery. The camera view slowly widens to include Neo as well, in time for Mercury to move on to trash-talking Neo. Emerald and Torchwick have to stay quiet so Mercury keeps digging himself deeper - they're limited to facial expressions to express their indignation - but Neo is under no such constraints and can cheerfully(?) tell us ‹HE'S DEAD› without interrupting the trash.
If you thought Mercury might not be dead, he goes back to putting complimentary (of him) words in Cinder's mouth just as Cinder arrives in earshot. She might not be able to restrain herself quite as much. I think somebody made a growling noise, probably Cinder but I can't quite be sure. It would be reasonable. Yeah, Cinder's started to breathe rapidly like a bull about to charge.
The camera returns to Mercury alone, dramatically increasing the likelihood that Cinder will toast him after his next line. Yep, that's toastable.
Somehow, Cinder restrains herself to toasting only the doll. She makes no bones about Mercury's fate if he tries for a reprise, assessing the whole thing as "disturbing", which I honestly agree with.
Emerald twists the knife on her way out. Neo produces another sign and smacks him with it. (Have Neo's signs interacted with the world before? I'd have to check.) As seems to be usual, I have little sympathy for Mercury.
Mercury makes sure that everyone's left, then pulls out the reserve Cinder Doll. Mercury no.
The camera looks in from about Team RWBY's dorm room window (somewhat creepy) as the team all primp a bit, in four different ways (of course). Jaune and Ren are curious. Blake might not be as excited as the rest of her team.
Correction, not the window, they hauled a full-length mirror out of somewhere. Anyway, Jaune tries to invite himself along on their night of dancing. I predict from the episode title that he's not wanted. Ruby tries to find a diplomatic way to tell him; Blake pre-empts her by not bothering to be polite. Yang has to spell out why (episode title). I'm not finding this quite as funny as intended because I absolutely sympathise with Jaune's lack of social awareness here.
Jaune is saddened; Ren might or might not be, it's always slightly difficult to tell. Jaune's grand plan is to try to make Team RWBY jealous of Team JR's plans for the night. I predict he's flying by the seat of his pants and Ren will be faced with an awkward decision about whether to roll with plans he might not like or undermine Jaune.
Ren, it turns out, does neither yet, simply playing (due to being) unaware of any plans. I absolutely sympathise with this too. Jaune, the kind of guy who burns my sympathy really fast, steamrolls on. Ren just keeps playing the straight man, my favourite thing.
Team JR leave. Ruby and Yang get pretty excited about their impending plans for the night.
I was expecting Weiss and/or Blake to complete the joke there by being less excited, but the joke is actually contrasting all of them with Team JR: Jaune is showing off his photo album, and Ren just isn't as interested as Jaune thinks he is. When Ren has enough and asks when the fun is, Jaune realises some extra fun is needed, and goes to get "two kinds" of "spinach dip". Yeah, uh, Jaune, just don't.
Cut to Team RWBY's fun night out. Oh, I see they were being literal about setting the town "on fire". I can't help but feel that I should have seen that coming. So do Weiss and Blake (there's that contrast I was expecting). It's just never a good idea to go clubbing with Yang, is it?
‹Cinder Puppet› gets its own credit, which is kinda funny.
Chibi S3E6 Teenage Faunus Ninja Catgirl
...They went there.
Blake meditates in a circle of candles in her ninja lair (which looks uncannily like Team RWBY's dorm room). After a moment, she does an unbelievably cool move that involves springing to her feet while drawing her sword and whirling around with it. This extinguishes all the candles, which is a good thing because on that rug they're a major fire hazard. (Good thing none of them were knocked over instead of extinguished.)
"I will not fail in my mission," Blake declares dramatically, just before the door opens. Jaune has come to get homework help. The help he gets consists of having it pinned to the wall next to the door by Gambol Shroud. That might not actually be very helpful. Jaune certainly doesn't think so, leaving before any further shenanigans can occur. "Ninja vanish!" says Blake, disappearing in an inexplicable cloud of smoke. I was somewhat expecting smoke bombs to be a thing; let it be known that I expect the shuriken to come out at some point.
Cut to Ruby and Weiss walking down the streets of Vale. "Hey Weiss, do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?" Blake will be doing the watching, then. Weiss reminds Ruby that she's (Weiss) a celebrity and/or egotistical. They walk past a tree, which Blake is inexplicably hiding behind, in the style of the first skit where she hid from Zwei, except clearly better because there's not even a physically possible angle where she could remain hidden from both the camera on one side and Ruby and Weiss on the other.
"The hunt begins," says Blake as she slides halfway out from behind cover. Ruby is naturally unnerved by the tree she just walked past talking, but Blake ninja-vanishes again before Ruby can confirm anything.
Cut to the pool, where Ruby remains on edge (contrast the much more relaxed Velvet).
Based Velvet. I just wonder how much trauma she had to endure courtesy of Coco before she got that cool with it. Anyway, this answer does not reassure Ruby, who flees. Truck and pedestal up to the lifeguard's chair where Blake lurks, unseen (nobody ever looks up). "You can't escape me!", she says, then stops with smoke bomb in hand as Velvet makes a noise. Velvet heard Jaune trip over (unseen; poor guy) and, in true Chibi style, apologises for interrupting Blake. Blake has another go, successfully this time."Did you hear something?!"
"Probably. I hear everything. All the time."
I'm guessing the mission was to stalk Ruby. Don't ask me why. Maybe it'll come up again sometime.
Is it wrong that I recoiled more at Cardin than at Torchwick or Neo? Anyway, Torchwick lampshades Cardin's continuing absence from canon, Cardin would be parodying himself if that weren't impossible per Poe's Law, and Neo is just death-glaring him for taking up Torchwick's attention.
Look, Torchwick was never going to get Neo's vote for supplanting her, not in a million years. Torchwick thinks he can get something useful out of Cardin anyway.
Roman Torchwick's Lessons: (1) Always do what I say. (1.5) Wait here. (2) Hold this and don't move.
Congrats Cardin, you're so stupid you've been left literally holding the bag for a robbery. ((3) Never get left holding the bag.) Bonus points for "My head! I use that sometimes!".
This is a concerning amount of washing-up to be done, and I want to think that Blake's tea set is just in there as a reused model but I just can't be sure.
Yep, Ruby's still on edge (cringes as nondescript teacup is thrown away to shatter). Nora helps:
Yep, that's terrifying. (Nobody ever looks up!) Ruby freaks out, throws several teacups, and flees. Utterly understandable reaction. Blake pursues, in a very catlike manner. Nora has her cereal, she doesn't care. I wonder what Blake offered her to buy her calm complicity. (Come to think of it, Velvet too.)"Maybe Blake's seen them? She can see everything from up there."
"Up... there...?-!"
Ruby flees into the lecture theatre set and makes the terrible mistake of leaving the door open behind her. Sure enough, Blake soon pops up ahead of her.
As Ruby cowers, Blake dismounts the lecture desk - there's the short-chibi-limbs joke I've waited more than a season for - and finally gets to the point: she wants her book back. They're going all-out on the continuity references this season, aren't they.
Okay, the reference was not as long as I thought, the book was ‹Howling at the Moon› rather than ‹Ninjas of Love›. (Reupload watchers may well have missed the former entirely.) Ruby inwardly breathes the world's most massive sigh of relief, and outwardly returns the book, which she was carrying for some reason.
Blake vanishes again - or would, except she's out of smoke bombs. She calls for a taxi instead, because that is definitely the most Chibi way to flee an indoor scene rapidly.