Chibi S3E5 Girls' Night Out & S3E6 Teenage Faunus Ninja Catgirl

Chibi S3E5 Girls' Night Out

Another upload to need to turn your volume up for.

Aaaaaaaa the return of Cinder Doll.

Mercury has a dialogue with Cinder Doll (he explicitly names it as such) about such subjects as Emerald not committing to the whole 'being evil' thing (everything is foreshadowing) and not having "any metal appendages at all" (...let me put that on the conspiracy-board-checklist). Either he hasn't noticed Emerald standing behind him; or, being Mercury, maybe he's fully aware and just doesn't care.

Mercury moves on to trash-talking Torchwick, right as Torchwick arrives to join Emerald in the viewing gallery. The camera view slowly widens to include Neo as well, in time for Mercury to move on to trash-talking Neo. Emerald and Torchwick have to stay quiet so Mercury keeps digging himself deeper - they're limited to facial expressions to express their indignation - but Neo is under no such constraints and can cheerfully(?) tell us ‹HE'S DEAD› without interrupting the trash.

If you thought Mercury might not be dead, he goes back to putting complimentary (of him) words in Cinder's mouth just as Cinder arrives in earshot. She might not be able to restrain herself quite as much. I think somebody made a growling noise, probably Cinder but I can't quite be sure. It would be reasonable. Yeah, Cinder's started to breathe rapidly like a bull about to charge.

The camera returns to Mercury alone, dramatically increasing the likelihood that Cinder will toast him after his next line. Yep, that's toastable.

Somehow, Cinder restrains herself to toasting only the doll. She makes no bones about Mercury's fate if he tries for a reprise, assessing the whole thing as "disturbing", which I honestly agree with.

Emerald twists the knife on her way out. Neo produces another sign and smacks him with it. (Have Neo's signs interacted with the world before? I'd have to check.) As seems to be usual, I have little sympathy for Mercury.

Mercury makes sure that everyone's left, then pulls out the reserve Cinder Doll. Mercury no.


The camera looks in from about Team RWBY's dorm room window (somewhat creepy) as the team all primp a bit, in four different ways (of course). Jaune and Ren are curious. Blake might not be as excited as the rest of her team.

Correction, not the window, they hauled a full-length mirror out of somewhere. Anyway, Jaune tries to invite himself along on their night of dancing. I predict from the episode title that he's not wanted. Ruby tries to find a diplomatic way to tell him; Blake pre-empts her by not bothering to be polite. Yang has to spell out why (episode title). I'm not finding this quite as funny as intended because I absolutely sympathise with Jaune's lack of social awareness here.

Jaune is saddened; Ren might or might not be, it's always slightly difficult to tell. Jaune's grand plan is to try to make Team RWBY jealous of Team JR's plans for the night. I predict he's flying by the seat of his pants and Ren will be faced with an awkward decision about whether to roll with plans he might not like or undermine Jaune.

Ren, it turns out, does neither yet, simply playing (due to being) unaware of any plans. I absolutely sympathise with this too. Jaune, the kind of guy who burns my sympathy really fast, steamrolls on. Ren just keeps playing the straight man, my favourite thing.

Team JR leave. Ruby and Yang get pretty excited about their impending plans for the night.

I was expecting Weiss and/or Blake to complete the joke there by being less excited, but the joke is actually contrasting all of them with Team JR: Jaune is showing off his photo album, and Ren just isn't as interested as Jaune thinks he is. When Ren has enough and asks when the fun is, Jaune realises some extra fun is needed, and goes to get "two kinds" of "spinach dip". Yeah, uh, Jaune, just don't.

Cut to Team RWBY's fun night out. Oh, I see they were being literal about setting the town "on fire". I can't help but feel that I should have seen that coming. So do Weiss and Blake (there's that contrast I was expecting). It's just never a good idea to go clubbing with Yang, is it?

‹Cinder Puppet› gets its own credit, which is kinda funny.

Chibi S3E6 Teenage Faunus Ninja Catgirl

...They went there.

Blake meditates in a circle of candles in her ninja lair (which looks uncannily like Team RWBY's dorm room). After a moment, she does an unbelievably cool move that involves springing to her feet while drawing her sword and whirling around with it. This extinguishes all the candles, which is a good thing because on that rug they're a major fire hazard. (Good thing none of them were knocked over instead of extinguished.)

"I will not fail in my mission," Blake declares dramatically, just before the door opens. Jaune has come to get homework help. The help he gets consists of having it pinned to the wall next to the door by Gambol Shroud. That might not actually be very helpful. Jaune certainly doesn't think so, leaving before any further shenanigans can occur. "Ninja vanish!" says Blake, disappearing in an inexplicable cloud of smoke. I was somewhat expecting smoke bombs to be a thing; let it be known that I expect the shuriken to come out at some point.

Cut to Ruby and Weiss walking down the streets of Vale. "Hey Weiss, do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?" Blake will be doing the watching, then. Weiss reminds Ruby that she's (Weiss) a celebrity and/or egotistical. They walk past a tree, which Blake is inexplicably hiding behind, in the style of the first skit where she hid from Zwei, except clearly better because there's not even a physically possible angle where she could remain hidden from both the camera on one side and Ruby and Weiss on the other.

"The hunt begins," says Blake as she slides halfway out from behind cover. Ruby is naturally unnerved by the tree she just walked past talking, but Blake ninja-vanishes again before Ruby can confirm anything.

Cut to the pool, where Ruby remains on edge (contrast the much more relaxed Velvet).
"Did you hear something?!"

"Probably. I hear everything. All the time."
Based Velvet. I just wonder how much trauma she had to endure courtesy of Coco before she got that cool with it. Anyway, this answer does not reassure Ruby, who flees. Truck and pedestal up to the lifeguard's chair where Blake lurks, unseen (nobody ever looks up). "You can't escape me!", she says, then stops with smoke bomb in hand as Velvet makes a noise. Velvet heard Jaune trip over (unseen; poor guy) and, in true Chibi style, apologises for interrupting Blake. Blake has another go, successfully this time.

I'm guessing the mission was to stalk Ruby. Don't ask me why. Maybe it'll come up again sometime.


Is it wrong that I recoiled more at Cardin than at Torchwick or Neo? Anyway, Torchwick lampshades Cardin's continuing absence from canon, Cardin would be parodying himself if that weren't impossible per Poe's Law, and Neo is just death-glaring him for taking up Torchwick's attention.

Look, Torchwick was never going to get Neo's vote for supplanting her, not in a million years. Torchwick thinks he can get something useful out of Cardin anyway.

Roman Torchwick's Lessons: (1) Always do what I say. (1.5) Wait here. (2) Hold this and don't move.

Congrats Cardin, you're so stupid you've been left literally holding the bag for a robbery. ((3) Never get left holding the bag.) Bonus points for "My head! I use that sometimes!".


This is a concerning amount of washing-up to be done, and I want to think that Blake's tea set is just in there as a reused model but I just can't be sure.

Yep, Ruby's still on edge (cringes as nondescript teacup is thrown away to shatter). Nora helps:
"Maybe Blake's seen them? She can see everything from up there."

"Up... there...?-!"
Yep, that's terrifying. (Nobody ever looks up!) Ruby freaks out, throws several teacups, and flees. Utterly understandable reaction. Blake pursues, in a very catlike manner. Nora has her cereal, she doesn't care. I wonder what Blake offered her to buy her calm complicity. (Come to think of it, Velvet too.)

Ruby flees into the lecture theatre set and makes the terrible mistake of leaving the door open behind her. Sure enough, Blake soon pops up ahead of her.

As Ruby cowers, Blake dismounts the lecture desk - there's the short-chibi-limbs joke I've waited more than a season for - and finally gets to the point: she wants her book back. They're going all-out on the continuity references this season, aren't they.

Okay, the reference was not as long as I thought, the book was ‹Howling at the Moon› rather than ‹Ninjas of Love›. (Reupload watchers may well have missed the former entirely.) Ruby inwardly breathes the world's most massive sigh of relief, and outwardly returns the book, which she was carrying for some reason.

Blake vanishes again - or would, except she's out of smoke bombs. She calls for a taxi instead, because that is definitely the most Chibi way to flee an indoor scene rapidly.
Yeah, Cinder's started to breathe rapidly like a bull about to charge
I love Chibi Cinder's temper, it one of the few character traits that actually echoes canon in a none jokey foreshadowing way XD

Blake: I spent all my money on smoke bombs.
Yang: If you want me to buy you a book its cool to just say so, you don't need an excuse.
Ruby: Oh I wish she was kidding.

The Faunus hearing joke is back!

Also love her low key disliking Jaune XD
"My head! I use that sometimes!".
One of Chibi Roman's few genuine wins and a well earned one.

Yep, that's terrifying.
there's the short-chibi-limbs joke I've waited more than a season for
hey do so few but they are so cute when they do XD

She calls for a taxi instead, because that is definitely the most Chibi way to flee an indoor scene rapidly.
Blake knows her genre conventions!
Nora's broken the fourth wall before, she knows she has nothing to fear.
Except fear itself, which is blonde and makes bad puns.

Blake: I spent all my money on smoke bombs.
Yang: If you want me to buy you a book its cool to just say so, you don't need an excuse.
Ruby: Oh I wish she was kidding.
Weiss tries and fails to wrap her head around spending all of one's money.

Blake knows her genre conventions!
Being genre-savvy could save your life. If it's the right genre, anyway.
Chibi S3E7 Mysterious Red Button & S3E8 Kids vs Adults vs Pups

Chibi S3E7 Mysterious Red Button

Turn your volume back down!

"Oh no. I don't remember the recipe! If only there was somewhere I could find that information!"
Ren in the kitchen, presumably starring in an infomercial for the Internet or something.

I was only mostly correct: here's Oobleck to tell us that it is an infomercial for "book". Ren is quite pleased to be given book (cookbook, to be precise). I feel like ‹YUMS & NUMS› ought to be a ship name by now.

The infomercial rolls on, maybe: Here's Blake being sad. It's even raining out the dorm room window. I trust that book will soon cheer her up. It doesn't quite, but we appreciate the effort even if Blake doesn't. I'm pretty sure that's the original Ninjas of Love cover, which would make this actually the long continuity reference that I was sure was coming last episode.

And now Yang, to complete the rule-of-three joke with a Yang. see what I did there

I was expecting that to go a lot worse in the moment, but not right now. Later, judging by that being a joke book. Is its title of ‹ANOTHER PUN› low-effort animation, brilliant in-universe wordplay, or both? You decide!

"In conclusion, read a book!" They really are referencing everything. I presume this is so the foreshadowing can hide in the gaps.

Ah, this is a PSA parody. Also, nice WordArt.

And we are about to see the subversion of "books fix everything", as Ruby opens the Necronomicon. Yes, literally that word. I presume that's how all the Geists got into Beacon. ("Is it the ghost of your gaming ability? I've seen the recent Let's Plays.")


Blake finds, well, episode title, stuck to the side of a tree. She isn't nearly skeptical enough of it. Pressing it causes the unmistakable cartoon sound effect of a falling object, followed by said object being revealed as Blake catches it: a fish. I bet she feels lucky to have pressed the button. Yep.

Ruby spends a little longer thinking about whether to press the button, but of course she does. It instantly switches the sun off. I predict either Halloween (Ruby's birthday) or a chance to chat with Summer's very proud ghost.

Neither of these things occurs. Instead, Ruby has a whale of a time switching the cosmic lights on and off repeatedly. Simple pleasures, eh? I remember the time I found out how to script the CD tray on my then-PC. Tray goes out, tray goes in. Tray goes out, tray goes in...

After Ruby starts cycling the sun rapidly, it eventually emits a characteristic flash of light and explosion (with glass shattering) sound and refuses to switch back on. The analogy here is to an incandescent light bulb, in case any of you are too young to have met them. Cue Yang to walk into scene wondering "What's up with the flippin' sun?", which is also a pun ("flipping" between states). Ruby runs, protesting her innocence (this is the part where you hear the Weiss line in your head).

Cut to Jaune and Ren at the button, in sunlight again because Chibi only has continuity when it's funny to do so. Evidently they already got the arguing out of the way, for Ren immediately presses the button. It spawns a second Ren. They immediately tie three rounds of rock-paper-scissors and then wander off to do Ren things.

Jaune's button-press spawns a second Jaune, but this one isn't a carbon-copy - it reminds me of that one Star Trek episode where Kirk got split into "good" and "evil" halves by a transporter accident. (The moral there is that neither of those adjectives are actually the case - it's more like "controlled" and "impulsive", and neither of them is particularly effective at being a starship captain without the other.) - Never mind, this is some kind of breakup joke or something.

Cut to Cinder, Torchwick, and Neo wandering through the forest. Of course they find the button. Cinder takes it overly seriously, presses it, waits for a while as nothing happens, and declares victory without considering longer-term consequences. I reckon that just increases the chances of longer-term consequences. Yep, a noodle cart has just landed on her. Then a fridge. Then an overfull Nora, who leaves happily. I have questions that will never be answered.

Torchwick launches into a speech that I predict will lead to him rationalising himself into pushing the button, probably by thinking based on a sample size of 1 that it just flattens people, heedless of Neo signing ‹DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON!›.

I'm not quite right: Torchwick rationalises himself into removing the button from the tree, fumbles it in such a way that gravity pushes it on the ground, and he and it both drop down an inexplicable pitfall. ‹HE'S A DUM-DUM› signs Neo, ‹BUT HE'S MY DUM-DUM›, and jumps in after him. That would be adorable if Neo were any less Neo. Also, everything is foreshadowing!

Because, again, no continuity unless it's funny, the clearing has reset for Sun and Neptune to find the button mounted to the tree. One of them will be the smart one and not press it. I thought it was going to be Sun, but only because the writers did me a bamboozle. Neptune pleads with him not to, but Sun just tempts fate extravagantly and then does it anyway. Cut to test pattern, so you'll just have to imagine the resulting horrors.

Chibi S3E8 Kids vs Adults vs Pups

If I were a betting man, my money would be on Zwei. Also turn your volume up again.

It is a pleasant day in the Beacon courtyard. Yang is schooling Weiss in the art of the paddle ball, Blake is I think reading a book, and Ruby is playing with Zwei. The latter run past Ozpin and Winter, who have a chat about youth that I felt every word of in my bones.

And here we have a glimpse into what Winter thinks Team RWBY are doing. Weiss is "neglecting her studies", Ruby looks about twelve (which is word-for-word what my mother says about anyone young-looking on television), Blake has no idea how much more she'll have to "mope" about later (mood; also :( ), {{and the famous "I'm Yang! Let's fight!"}}. I feel like these are all takedowns of fandom stereotypes - Chibi apparently has history with that. Ozpin attempts to defend his charges, with little success.

Meanwhile, Team RWBY are having the same style of conversation about them. (Yang is now just showing off, operating both paddle balls at once.) Ruby's mental vision of Ozpin and Winter mostly involves them eating "heaps of dessert" (mostly cookies, which is how you know this is inside Ruby's head - Chibi Ruby is still waiting to eat a cookie). Ruby's vision of Winter schemes to ignore vegetables and curfew, which reminds me of yet another skit from Season 2. Weiss attempts to defend her sister, with little success.

Meanwhile, as expected, Zwei is dreaming of Team RWBY. Ruby gives the tummy rubs, Weiss buys the treats, Blake is reluctantly the chew toy, and Yang, well, even Zwei has realised it: "I'm the Yang! Let's fight!". Zwei even sprinkles in a "the". That's his authorial training shining through.


It is night. Penny has literally dragged Ruby out to this new and different outside set; Ruby is carrying yet another cookie that will never be eaten (RIP).

Penny apparently has new friends and wants Ruby to meet them. This isn't concerning at all. /s

Ruby very reluctantly agrees to it.

I think Penny might be talking about the fireflies. She reminds Ruby that "they can't shake your hand", then uses her eye lights to communicate in Morse code at them. ("... ..- .--.", which decodes to "SUP".) They Morse back, breaking Ruby's brain. ("... ..----.", which isn't well-formed Morse code, but is a plausible attempt at repeating Penny's message back. If you insert extra letter breaks, it could be something like "SI9", "SEJN", or "SUOE".) Penny translates this as being "very happy to meet you too".
"Holy cats, you speak firefly!"

"Of course! My cricket is pretty good too." (demonstrates)
No crickets reply, but Ruby is still entranced.

They both frolic with the fireflies for a bit. One passes through Penny's head via her ears, which is a bit interesting. Cartoon logic.

I don't have diabetes but at this rate I'm going to get it.

Yep, there it is.

Aaaaaand the moment's gone: I knew Ruby wasn't going to get to eat her cookie, but I wasn't expecting a firefly (one obviously very strong firefly) to abscond with it. The thing then has the cheek to complain about the baked goods. #choosingbeggars

Exactly who in their right mind would buy a Nuckelavee T-shirt.
Is it wrong I'd totally buy this?
see what I did there
"God to know!"
("Is it the ghost of your gaming ability? I've seen the recent Let's Plays.")
Brutal line XD

Also loved this whole gag.

Fun aside, but someone wrote a great Lovecraftian story centered on Oobleck, one thing I loved about it was when he saw the horrorS mutating the other archeologists into monsters his response was "OK, time to fight it" rather than "wQDEWFWW cthulu pntagon!"

Tray goes out, tray goes in. Tray goes out, tray goes in...
Cinder takes it overly seriously
Gods her entire performance here was so good XD
Also, everything is foreshadowing!
Neo takes several falls in relation to Roman or leaving Roman behind, everything is indeed foreshadowing!!!
Cut to test pattern, so you'll just have to imagine the resulting horrors.
I assumed that was the horror XD
I feel like these are all takedowns of fandom stereotypes
They are, its a shame they need to be done but here we are.
Yang is now just showing off, operating both paddle balls at once
Blake (OO) Grabby hands, grabby grabby.
That's his authorial training shining through.
No crickets reply, but Ruby is still entranced.
Low key looks like Penny is flirting in this scene X3c
One passes through Penny's head via her ears, which is a bit interesting. Cartoon logic.
I mean, her head may be literally empty, is that where her core is stored?
Love the little wave she gives the cookie
Exactly who in their right mind would buy a Nuckelavee T-shirt.
(Awkwardly raises hand) Horror fans?
This last one was one of the few Chibi skits I watched, mostly because of how much I love Nuts and Dolts. And man, did it deliver. Huge romantic overtones between Penny and Ruby, with them acting just so cute.
Is it wrong I'd totally buy this?
No, it is not!

That is a super-obscure actual Ruby line. Original context (the Ruby line, 0:36 to 0:44, is the only bit worth watching).

Fun aside, but someone wrote a great Lovecraftian story centered on Oobleck, one thing I loved about it was when he saw the horrorS mutating the other archeologists into monsters his response was "OK, time to fight it" rather than "wQDEWFWW cthulu pntagon!"
RWBY has always been a setting where people punch the horrors in the face, or stab them, or shoot them, or whatever means of violence most appeals at the time.

I assumed that was the horror XD
That also works.

Low key looks like Penny is flirting in this scene X3c
This last one was one of the few Chibi skits I watched, mostly because of how much I love Nuts and Dolts. And man, did it deliver. Huge romantic overtones between Penny and Ruby, with them acting just so cute.
I'm receiving intel from the SB thread that the exact cricket noise Penny made was the mating call, i.e., flirting. Why must they do this to my poor heart.

(Awkwardly raises hand) Horror fans?
(awkwardly raises hand back) In their right mind?
That is a super-obscure actual Ruby line. Original context (the Ruby line, 0:36 to 0:44, is the only bit worth watching).
Huh, did not know of that XD
RWBY has always been a setting where people punch the horrors in the face, or stab them, or shoot them, or whatever means of violence most appeals at the time.
That is indeed true facts, it was just fun to see someone explore that in such a manner with Lovecraftian stuff XD
I'm receiving intel from the SB thread that the exact cricket noise Penny made was the mating call, i.e., flirting. Why must they do this to my poor heart.
Holy crap you have gotta be kidding me!
(awkwardly raises hand back) In their right mind?
Hey I am perfectly right of mind, well more left really, but you get the point ;)
Chibi S3E9 Tea Party & S3E10 Prank War

Chibi S3E9 Tea Party

At this point the video titles started containing the phrase ‹FULL EPISODE›. This strikes me as a bit unnecessary, but I'll chalk it up to needing to appease The Algorithm™.

But first, something that's trying to be an ad for Nomad of Nowhere. (shrugs)

It is, indeed, a tea party. In attendance are Weiss, Blake, Nora, Ruby, and Pyrrha. I have a few questions, starting with 'why Nora instead of Ren?'. Also, either this is the show's only model for tea sets or Blake is really non-hoarding with hers.

Pyrrha exposits that Weiss put this thing together by complimenting Weiss on it. This being chibi Pyrrha, I've no clue whether she (Pyrrha) means it or is just being polite. On second thought, Pyrrha probably does mean it; the other three might not.

Weiss tells both sides of the fourth wall that the occasion is something she was trying to keep as a surprise: the Chibi debut of Klein. Weiss introduces him as "our family's butler". Please someone bring up cake butlers. Please.

Nobody does yet. Instead, Chibi fills in a bit of what the main show left slightly implied w.r.t. Klein's changes of eye colour and 'alter' (observable "personality"), but it's Chibi so it's highly exaggerated. Blake and Nora now help demonstrate: Pink-eyes Klein cannot take a compliment from Blake, and green-eyes diverts Nora raging about the absence of crumpets (Nora, being Chibi Nora, doesn't know what those are but is still disappointed) with the classic "you said butt", a joke that Chibi plays straight here after subverting last season. (And that's why Nora instead of Ren.)

Weiss gets impatient and directs Klein to move on to "a hilarious yet inspiring story of my youth" (nice lampshade). Klein does not respond. This is because the next person around the table is Ruby, who is asleep, and Klein is now asleep in solidarity. I thought Ruby was just stretching at the start of the skit because she was bored and/or had been sitting in one place too long, but apparently she was yawning and stretching because she was tired. Ruby is also muttering in her sleep that she hates tea, which is one of the directions I originally thought the skit might be going.

Anyway, here's Winter, angry, to demand Weiss gets back to studying. And here's Klein to awaken, go red-eyes, and snap back. Winter was not prepared for that and has no defence. Also confirmation that Klein was more of a dad to the Schnees than Jacques was. Ruby has slept through everything.

Weiss dismisses Klein because "we've met all of your personalities". Rude. Klein leaves, and instantly returns with a cake or something. Maybe it's crumpets, who knows. (Not Nora.) Weiss starts on that story, but stops mere words in as she realises she miscounted alters. Meanwhile Klein is gearing up to sneeze. That's Chibi for you. How much of the room is going to be blown away?

Yang, walking through the corridor outside, dodges the flying door and tea set. Oh, I really hope that wasn't Blake's one. (Jaune, in the room across the hall, audibly has no chance to dodge two doors and maybe a ceramic shard or two.) First to walk out the doorframe is Pyrrha, covered in the cake. Wow, this skit went from zero to sadness really fast.

Yang, being chibi Yang, blows past the awkwardness and asks Pyrrha about Klein. Cue most of the rest of the tea party to file out behind Pyrrha, and then she says "You've pretty much met him already.". On second glance, Winter was angry, Blake was happy (definitely a generic tea set model), Nora was whatever that joker personality was, and Ruby was sleepwalking. Pyrrha has a point, that's at least a majority of Klein's alters.

{{I'm told that Klein is an allusion to Disney's classic depiction of the Seven Dwarves, as in Snow White, which makes all this make a lot more sense. Weeks later, while this post was floating in my buffer, I finally remembered that Weiss herself is the allusion to Snow White, and facepalmed a little.}}


Ruby gushes that she and Yang will be spending the entire day with Qrow. Yang is taken by surprise - she didn't think it would be the entire day. Qrow in birdform flies past behind them; at first I thought he flew into one of those pillars, but he's just unable to maintain altitude due to being, probably, very tired.

Yeah, I think we'll be contrasting Ruby's boundless energy, Yang's fear of Qrow's boundless energy, and Qrow's very bounded energy (and likely fear of Ruby's boundless energy). Here's Qrow. Sure enough, Yang has fled.

Qrow doesn't seem tired. Instead, Yang has displayed an astonishing degree of genre-savviness by getting out of the blast radius of Qrow's Semblance: an incredibly localised rainstorm deluges upon Ruby and only Ruby. Title card: ‹UNLUCKY UNCLE QROW›. Yep, okay, so that's where this is actually going. I predict additional sadness in the near future. This just isn't shaping up to be a great episode, is it?

Let's see if we get the same frozen yoghurt joke or if there's something a bit different in the offing. ...It was looking like it might be something different, but in the end Ruby lost her froyo onto the ground, and then slipped over on it and did her back, just like old times.

They walk down the street. Ruby observes that "a lot of your stories seem to involve no pants", which sounds pretty Qrow to me. She is carrying what looks like a soft drink can. It is a soft drink can, and she made the terrible mistake of carrying it around unopened, effectively shaking it and giving Qrow's Semblance something to latch onto. Short story shorter, all of the contents become rocket exhaust.

Later, Qrow regales the story of a time he pranked Ironwood. That characteristic whistling noise of a falling cartoon object is audible. Sure enough, Ruby has to finish saying "that seems kinda dangerous" from a different spot as she dodges the falling fridge. Then the rock comes down on the other side of Qrow. This is all on the streets of Vale, mind you. Then the ‹NOW SHOWING: ?› sign almost lands on them both. This is the second time this season that a succession of three heavy objects has rained from the sky. I'm waiting for the tilt up to whoever or whatever's dropping this stuff.

No tilt up; instead we just get to see the mess that's been made of Vale by forces unseen (or maybe seen, judging by the Junior Detectives running about in a panic carrying at least one cartoon stick of dynamite). Neither the bins nor the Shopkeeper's noodle cart have been spared. Also there's actual police driving about everywhere.

Ruby and Qrow have a little bonding moment, marred by Ruby's cape inexplicably catching fire about where Qrow's hand was and Qrow having to frantically pat it out. Over there, Sun and Neptune have managed to ditch the dynamite just in time, but the cops have caught up. We'll never know what the h*ck was going on there, and I don't really want to.

I do believe even the credits music is advertising Nomad of Nowhere - I don't recall anywhere in the episode that this would have fit.

{{The wiki informs me that the initial release of this episode incorrectly credited Penny as appearing instead of Nora. Oops!}}

Chibi S3E10 Prank War

But first, ads for Nomad of Nowhere continue. (shrugs)

Jaune and Zwei walk down the street. Somebody shouts for help. Jaune looks like he's going to respond. So might Zwei, but his face is a little more difficult to read. Is this the return of the superhero skit? Yes, yes it is.

Jaune (and Zwei) run off to change into their costumes. This takes place in the locker room set. The funniest interpretation is that they ran all the way back to Beacon. Jaune makes the terrible mistake of entering his locker, and is stuck there. Zwei tries to get him out with an unseen cutting implement? Okay, don't know why I interpreted the shower of sparks that way, but what Zwei was actually doing was yanking out some wires, which will accomplish... oh no. My traumas.

Back to the duo walking down the street again. The same person shouts for help. Jaune declares "We've got it this time, Zwei!" and twirls in place as a bright light obscures the camera, which is a parody straight out of what I have learned recently is called the magical-girl genre. As the light fades, we learn it's diegetic (my new favourite adjective) - Jaune has flashbanged both of them, and proceeds to fall down an open manhole. Ow.

Attempt three. I know they're walking past a different shop to the first two times, were those different to each other? (checks) Yes. In any case, I was premature to label the last time as a magical-girl transformation sequence parody, because here's the real deal. The best part is that basically all that's happened is he's lost his armour.

Jaune and Zwei are finally ready to respond. Cue Winter, with frozen yoghurt (the writers' new favourite food), to inform him that the situation has resolved itself while he was busy transforming or whatever. A downcast Jaune. never one to let a transformation go to waste, asks if by any chance she needs help with anything. "Can you break a twenty?" Jaune could, except the joke is completed by the revelation that he'll need to transform back to access his wallet. He starts anyway, and Winter just walks off while he's distracted. Not a great day to be Jaune, is it?

{#38: Mercury leaps in, breakdances or something, then leaps out.}

There is a comfy chair in a nondescript dark room. On the chair, Mercury messes with the guitar he used in the battle of the bands. Beside it, Emerald messes with her Scroll.

This being Chibi, Mercury is already bored of not doing "anything nefarious". I feel like canon Mercury would have been just fine with keeping his head down until an opportunity arose. Emerald reminds him it's been fifteen minutes, in one of the all-time great overused jokes.

Mercury has a "great idea", and provides musical accompaniment for his realisation. Heedless of Emerald's pre-emptive disappointment, he announces it: episode title. Emerald changes her mind and compliments his intelligence slightly, so of course Mercury dispenses with proper inflections.

And so they start doing pranks. This is a concept that Chibi experimented with back in S1 (with almost exactly the same episode title), but the skits tend longer now so we'll see what else can be packed in.
  1. Neptune, being chibi Neptune, is nearly prevented from leaving his dorm room by the simple expedient of having a glass of water placed just outside the door. Wait a minute, I just realised that the doors open inwards! This has been true literally since V01C09, but it took this long to sink in. Not sure if it applies to dormitories, but generally fire codes require doors to open outwards - that way it's harder for a crowd to obstruct it in the process of trying to flee through it. Anyway, he has enough of a tolerance by now to try and tiptoe past one glass, but the hemicycle of dozens more does the trick. Mercury declares "playing on his fears" to be "classic", but ultimately remains confident in his chances of one-upping Emerald's effort here.
  2. Torchwick goes to put his hat on. As I somewhat expected based on a vague memory of a book I read once (I think it was something by Dahl), Mercury has applied glue to the inside. Also, new flavour of weak swearing by Torchwick as the hat is glued over his eyes. Correction, Mercury has done one better and also put glue on the handle of Torchwick's weapon. That's all going to be fun to deal with.
  3. Yang fires a shotgauntlet at a Beowolf. Emerald has swapped out her ammo for powderless confetti rounds. Yang tries again a few times, to identical results. There is a discretion shot as the Grimm leaps at her. Hopefully she's tearing it apart with her bare hands, but the look on her face did not give me hope.
  4. ‹THIS WAY TO THE WINTER MAIDEN!› says the sign in the forest. Cinder is entranced. A succession of similar signs lead her down the forest trail; by the time she gets to ‹ALMOST THERE!› she's impatient/exasperated enough to burn it to ashes on her way by. Cut to the same weak swearing as she discovers the Neo-coloured snowman model. Well, it's technically correct. Are you two pranksters sure you're far enough away?
  5. Mercury certainly ought to have been further away, because Emerald modified his prank with a note that made a Simpsons-themed insult and pointed back at him. A ballistic fireball blows him away. Emerald wins the prank war.

My goodness the credits are going past faster than ever. Oh, I see, they had to fit a longer studio outro at the end and didn't have a longer version of the music (same as last episode).
I am back from my trip!!!!!
And that's why Nora instead of Ren
Everything is foreshadowing (Waves hand vaguely)
Also confirmation that Klein was more of a dad to the Schnees than Jacques was.
"I find this completely in character given what I know of them."
Jaune, in the room across the hall, audibly has no chance to dodge two doors and maybe a ceramic shard or two.
I did not notice this!!!!
She actually seemed a little amused at that.
This just isn't shaping up to be a great episode, is it?
Yeah this one kinda bums me out cos its like, this is a huge well of trauma for Qrow in the show? I feel like it'd be funnier if he was using it to mildly screw with people acting like jerks.
Is it weird my brain went to Ruby riding her locker, VS Jaune being launched away in his?
Can you break a twenty?
I mean she tried!

Also I figured he did that so he wouldn't have to reveal he didn't have any money, its not like he changed back.
Mercury dispenses with proper inflections
Maybe he aren't michaelb958, maybe he aren't.
emains confident in his chances of one-upping Emerald's effort here.
Its interesting watching amusement shift to annoyance whenever that is said.
Also I assume EMerald just made those glasses with her Semblance, hence Neptune not seeing them at first.
weak swearing by Torchwick
I love that when irritated he just becomes Dr Seuss character.
Hopefully she's tearing it apart with her bare hands, but the look on her face did not give me hope.
Logically that is what would happen given her fighting style does not rely on her weapon.
Emerald wins the prank war.
As (Claps) She! (Claps) SHOULD! (Applause)
I did not notice this!!!!
Jaune, particularly Chibi Jaune, is the inverse of Schrödinger's cat: whether observed or not, he is suffering.

Is it weird my brain went to Ruby riding her locker, VS Jaune being launched away in his?
Two facets of the same trauma.

I feel like it'd be funnier if he was using it to mildly screw with people acting like jerks.
That would be much funnier and now I want to read it.

Also I figured he did that so he wouldn't have to reveal he didn't have any money, its not like he changed back.
Also I assume EMerald just made those glasses with her Semblance, hence Neptune not seeing them at first.
These are brilliant alternative theories.

Logically that is what would happen given her fighting style does not rely on her weapon.
I know. But it's Chibi, so logic does not necessarily apply.

As (Claps) She! (Claps) SHOULD! (Applause)
The alternative is Mercury, so, yeah.
Jaune, particularly Chibi Jaune, is the inverse of Schrödinger's cat: whether observed or not, he is suffering.
Hahaha, brilliantly put XD
Two facets of the same trauma.
That would be much funnier and now I want to read it.
Qrow: My morals (Guilt complex) tells me I should avoid inflicting my curse on others, but my sense of humor tells me hanging around people I hate and watching them trip over themselves is funny.
These are brilliant alternative theories.
Why thank you!
I know. But it's Chibi, so logic does not necessarily apply.
The alternative is Mercury, so, yeah.
I also just like Emerald a lot, hence modelling her recently.
Chibi S3E11 In The Clutches of Evil & S3E12 JNPR Dreams

Chibi S3E11 In The Clutches of Evil

The YouTube video titles have stopped shouting ‹FULL EPISODE›. On the other hand, the recommendations list (at least this time) offers a clue as to why they ever did: the next episode is available in ‹Sneak Peek› form as well as full form.

Anyway, same ad for Nomad of Nowhere as last time. (shrugs)

Torchwick gloats about episode title. He has captured Jaune (in costumed alter-ego), and intends to feed him into some kind of doom contraption. The cherry on top is, as always, Neo's sign: ‹WE CLUTCHED YOU!›. Unapologetically evil, that's our Neo.

Well, Torchwick is just as good at naming as he ever was (the Infinitive Glove was an outlier): It's called the Trap-o-Matic. It also starts up slower than Windows 10 on spinning rust. Ask me how I know.

Jaune pivots to trying to charm his way out of his bindings, complimenting them on the work they put in. I'm not optimistic: Neo looks happy about it, but that's Neo we're talking about. Torchwick sounds happy about it, but I don't think he'll change his mind either.

Zwei barks outside. Oh yeah, he's not here. Zwei breaks the wall open I can't prove it was Zwei, because also here is Pyrrha with an equally corny hero identity. Neo calls her a ‹PARTY POOPER›, but the main problem is that Jaune is apparently sincere in wanting to see how the Trap-o-Matic performs. Clearly this superhero-supervillain rivalry, like everything else about Chibi, is not being taken too seriously, not to mention that Jaune's struggles to escape earlier were just going through the motions.

Pyrrha tries to guilt-trip Jaune into letting her break him out. When that doesn't work, she just does it anyway, removing Torchwick with some kind of ultraviolence behind an extremely comic-book ‹KAPOW!› visual-sound-effect splat as Zwei pins Neo by the simple expedient of being cute and provoking a sign of ‹CUTE PUPPY!› (to which there is a follow-up splat of ‹ADORABLE!› as Neo flees).

Pyrrha, being chibi Pyrrha, apologises. Jaune will die mad, declaring her to be a supervillain. His followup speech is worded exactly the right way to be terribly ambiguous about why he'll be chasing her: we can all be certain that Pyrrha is wilfully misinterpreting it as something entirely different to how Jaune meant it.

Cut to Team JNPR's dorm room, where Pyrrha is doing her best Twilight Sparkle impression. Speaking of ambiguous phrasing, here's Nora.

(Mostly unrelated: Please send help or provisions, I have read probably well over a million words of Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction in the last about three months.)


Ruby is not doing too well at driving a car under Tai's instruction. Surface-level joke is you never expect speedsters to be good drivers. Ah h*ck she just ran over Shopkeeper's noodle cart.

Tai and Ruby continue to have a very loud and desperate argument, during which it is revealed that Ruby is too panicked to find and/or remember the brakes, accompanied by most of the rest of the cast so far going by in the rear-view mirror in no particular order and various kinds of fully justified terror.

Cut back to ‹EARLIER THAT DAY...›, where Ruby declares driving at about 1 km/h to be easy and declares herself a prodigy. Kid, being good at one thing does not make you good at other things. In an absolute harbinger, the car collects a bin, which tips over, and Zwei flees from its interior.

‹EVEN EARLIER THAT DAY...›, Ruby is scared stiff of the driver's seat. (There's my mood.) After some reassurance, she slides in (with an absolutely adorable facial expression) and proceeds to un-gently put it in reverse. (Mood gone.)

Finally, ‹HOW THE TRAGEDY BEGAN...› confirms that this was, in fact, Ruby's idea. (Mood extra-gone.)
"You have made a wise decision, sir. And the car's fully insured and completely fireproof, right?"


"Never mind, let's get going!"
Fade to a black-and-white in-memoriam montage of the car, now on fire. Ow my feels. Also apparently I cannot tell the difference between chibi Yang and chibi Blake in monochrome. There has to be a colour joke in there somewhere.

{{The wiki tells me that firstly the first scene saw Ruby about to crash into Penny, in the cruellest possible callback to V02C03; and secondly that it was not Zwei hiding in the bin, it was Blake for some reason. I do not have a good track record with correctly identifying monochrome things.}}

Chibi S3E12 JNPR Dreams

I'll just tell you when (if?) the Nomad of Nowhere ads change.

It is, presumably, inside. There is a drink on a table. A bird flies past. One guess who that is.

Qrow returns, apparently having now noticed the drink, and fails to transform back: his head makes the transition, but not his body. That could be Interesting™. Firstly, no arms, only wings, creating the circumstances for the 'short chibi limbs' joke once again.


I think this is the title skit: Team JNPR are all asleep in their dorm room. Nora has her feet at the pillow-end of the bed, continuing the rich tradition of Nora providing funny background events.

Nora's dream is that Ren has made a stack of pancakes with a heart-shaped decal of Nora's emblem on the side. Why the side? Why not the top? (Because then the camera couldn't see it, of course.) It further develops that the decal is actually a note bearing a terrible shipping pun. Be still my Renora heart.

When we retreat back to the dorm room, Nora has inexplicably gained a fork clutched in one hand, which she then drops on the floor because she's asleep. This does not wake Ren. Ren is dreaming that he is uniquely qualified to "test this pool chair". Also Nora is being Nora?
Ren: "If I'm not done napping in an hour, give me another hour."
Absolute mood. Back in the dorm room, sleeping Ren has gained the sunglasses he would have been using to nap.

Camera slides over to Pyrrha. I predict that we will be largely reprising the joke from movie night. ...No we're not, Jaune is competent in this one.

Now what will Jaune be dreaming about?
"And that is how we can defeat evil, and poverty, and make broccoli taste like ice-cream."
A man after my own heart - not that I exactly hate the taste of broccoli, but I certainly wouldn't complain if there were a h*ck of a lot less poverty in the world. (Evil is harder to define, and will have to wait a little longer, but honestly there's less space for evil to flourish without poverty, as we know from Emerald's backstory.)

Okay, maybe a little less so, seeing as it was all a vehicle to have people cheering for him.

Unfortunately for Jaune, he's cheering along in the non-dream world while he's definitely the last one to awaken the next morning. Fortunately, Team NPR have no context and just think it's adorable.

{#39: You will be shocked to learn that Ozpin's themed wipe is gear-themed and comes with the sound of clockwork.}

Qrow fumes to Ozpin about his incomplete transformation. Ozpin finally accedes to doing something about it.

'Something', as I was half-expecting because I've watched so much of this show, is merely flipping the transformation state of each half of Qrow's body. Now he's Qrow below the neck, stuck with an oversized bird head. Ozpin asks him to squawk once-for-yes-twice-for-no, prevents him from squawking more than once, and declares that his (Ozpin's) job here is done. What do I even say to that. At least he (Qrow) can drink now...? (Physically get the fluid in, at least. I have no idea how well birds can actually handle alcohol. As an example, horses do surprisingly poorly - they can't throw up, so they're at extreme risk of poisoning if they overindulge. Ask me how I know.)
It also starts up slower than Windows 10 on spinning rust. Ask me how I know.
Ugh the new Windows updates suck so baaaad!

Anyway, love the dynamics at plaay in this one, reminds me a bit of the Venture Bros where villains and heroes is more like a job or extreme hobby XD

True, also I love that Zwei even seems a lil confused at how easy it was.
I love the recurring gag of Nora just wandering in with a drink to observe.
(Mostly unrelated: Please send help or provisions, I have read probably well over a million words of Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction in the last about three months.)
Oh god its not just me!!
Also apparently I cannot tell the difference between chibi Yang and chibi Blake in monochrome
Their original hair styles were pretty similar, especially in Chibi's style.
it was Blake for some reason
here is that Oscar meme of "Haha, you're a cat."
Also Nora is being Nora?
Its fun that Ren is actually also very into Nora he's just not super expressive.
Jaune is competent in this one
Fortunately, Team NPR have no context and just think it's adorable.
I love how Pyrrha's reaction almost seems like one a person would have for a dreaming pet.
Ozpin asks him to squawk once-for-yes-twice-for-no,
Given he's a corvid he could probably learn to talk too.

Also how do you know?
Well, yes. They're horses, aka god and evolution's twisted prank on organic lifeforms.
For the uninitiated:

Ugh the new Windows updates suck so baaaad!
Haven't they all sucked?
Sometimes they used to have a purpose. Now they never do anything except make it worse, remove features, and keep trying to stick AI and malware on your system.
Back in the day, not only was there not enough computing power to actually put AI into everything, but there wasn't such a thing as a reliable internet connection. Reliable internet connections are great when you're wanting to post on forums, watch web shows, download updates for your operating system, get all your personal data sold, and/or pretend there's an AI on your system when it's actually in The Cloud™ (which was known by different names back then). Point is, back when updates involved stamping optical discs and making people pay for them, there was a certain incentive to make them worth paying for. The onward march of technology has given us many nice things, but also new and interesting challenges.

I love the recurring gag of Nora just wandering in with a drink to observe.
You're right, she did. Another one of those low-key running jokes.

Also how do you know?
I'm not sure what you're asking about. If it's Ozpin directing Qrow to squawk once-for-yes-twice-for-no, Ozpin outright said so (albeit, it turns out, in bad faith):
"Do you like it? One squawk for yes, two for no."
Sorry was trying to be witty and reference this:
Oh, of course. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't had to deal with any such thing in person (it certainly makes me feel better) - it was a weird topic that someone once researched while writing in the MLP fandom.