
I really like Sorcerer. It's definitely my favorite of the Ethos on offer here, and I think it's my favorite Ethos of all those offered over the course of the entire quest.

However, given the incoming alterations to Lilly's self, and the looming threat of a mind-rape specialist, My Resolution, Thy Bedrock and Needlepoint Construction are both very solid.

For those wanting to save Lilly's dad, I'll note that the current problem is that she's too weak to overcome the corruption, powering up her Essence abilities may be enough to create a solution. However, even with that (somewhat dubious) argument, I'm finding it hard to find reasons to take Sorcerer over Bedrock or Needlepoint, for the above mentioned reasons.

The fact of the matter is, the Ethos selections we get are determined randomly and based on the situations Lilly encounters. There's no guarantee that all Ethos offered are equally useful in a given situation. And this quest can explicitly bad end, so our decisions need to be good ones.

Sorcerer is an incredibly useful and powerful Ethos, it gets us a versatile source of mana magic that can be used for a wide variety of things, and it synergizes well with Dream Within the Forest, our first and highest level Ethos. We've seen in the past few updates how broad the capabilities of mana casters are, getting some of that for ourselves would be great.

However, I think even with that Bedrock and Needlepoint are the best choices. The virtues of Bedrock have been extolled at length already, so I don't really have to review that. However, Needlepoint is being very overlooked. It grants a massive amount of resistance to mental stress, which is something Lilly could very much use right now, and I think the mental resistance probably applies to mind-control attacks as well based on the descriptions (likely to be relevant very soon). It also seems to grant a general bonus to intelligence and/or competence, which would be helpful.

...I will note, however, that I have just discovered one possible argument in favor of Sorcerer above all else. Sorcerer lists its "Magical Focal Concept" as Nature. I will also point out that one of the Foundational Vectors, Malleable Elemental Pioneer, has "No Focal Concept Selected". It's a mana-based foundational Ethos, just as Sorcerer is mana-based.

Taking both the Elemental Pioneer and Sorcerer could allow us to get a crazy synergy between our foundational ethos and one of our other Ethos, which probably also synergizes with Dream Within the Forest, allowing for rapid progress in both of the new Ethos. This "Archdruid Build" may yield more raw power then anything else we can do right now, which opens up a lot of opportunities. The Archdruid could likely devise a cure for Yolun as well. Maybe I'll right up a plan for this build in a bit.
I'll admit I don't really understand why everyone is going for improving {Golden Rapture} over {Collective Communion}
Yes, {Sympathetic Linkage} is the only skill we've capped for now, but both {Heartstaff} and {Attuned Locus} are only one and two levels respectively away from capping too and {Attuned Locus} is most likely going to go up again when we manage to visit the Prime Tree. In addition to that the subskills for {Collective Communion} are just straight up more important than those of {Golden Rapture} imo, considering that {Attuned Locus} says this in its description:

This plus the immense usefulness of {Heartstaff} in combination with {Objective Awareness} from [Brave Blood] makes it a pretty clearly superior option for improvement to me at least. Plus it seems likely to me that this kind of upgrade opportunity only comes every five levels, which means that the next upgrade for [Dream Within a Forest] is a whopping 18500 XP away, so we'll have capped out every subskill of {Collective Communion} a long time before that happens.

We already embraced the connection with all things. That pretty much means that a lot of the abilities we will gain are going to be based on that already capped stat.
[X] Plan: Archdruid v1
-[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
-[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
--[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
-[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
-[X] [N:FES] [Sorcerer]
-[X] [S:FES] [Malleable Elemental Pioneer | 1000-A, 'No Focal Concept Selected']
-[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh

Right, this is basically the "Rise Young Girl to the Heavens" plan, but using the Archdruid combination (Sorcerer and Malleable Elemental Pioneer). Select Nature as the Focal Concept of the Pioneer, and go to down with all of the nature magic.

If anyone has a better ideas of what to do for Archdruid builds, feel free to propose them.
We already embraced the connection with all things. That pretty much means that a lot of the abilities we will gain are going to be based on that already capped stat.
I'm relatively confident that {The World Beneath} is also going to tie into that if it doesn't get pulled into its own category together with {Sympathetic Linkage}. It also relies on the connections we make with things and the world around us:
Observed effects:
-> Not losing {Heartstaff} shape reform capability while not touching it. (Alpha takedown)
-> Maintaining an Essence-Link despite losing consciousness. (Father)
Part of the idea of Golden Rapture is to give Bedrock a headstart, I think. Personally, I hope Bedrock helps Lilly patch up The True Song, and gives her better healing or restoration.

Thoughts on [] [CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself.

For those who are voting for "It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth." I am all for Lilly seeing harm coming, but because the Diviners can see Lilly, it's safe to say precognition is going to be a threat. "No one knew her future" works into Exalted Flesh with being harder to notice, and hopefully delays scry-and-die tactics.

Around when Lilly gained Brave Blood, one of the things she noticed was that Dream within the Forest changed within her to "size up" other living things:
"Whereas before things only seemed brighter or dimmer, there is an element of primal assessment there now. Stronger and weaker. Predator and prey. [Dream within the Forest] has lost some of its innocence".
^Assuming others have access to this kind of sense and more, Lilly will stand out like no other as far as threat potential.

Remember, Concordance Ethos generally attract negative attention. If the Lore Warden noticed Lilly had a potent Concordance Ethos, he would have forced her into service or maybe even killed her when Lilly went to see him.

Cleaver of Fortune's description stated "simply possessing such an Ethos would earn you a great deal of hostile attention seeking to snip your troublesome life in the bud" and Temporal Redeemer stated "The timeless are few in number, and jealously guard their domain." In Greek mythology, the 3 Fates are noted to alter their weaving and change fates with "snips" and cuts, and we are aware that there is a Tapestry, presumably dealing with destiny and the flow of time.

For those reasons, abilities that hide Lilly from special sight or disrupt other Concordance users are invaluable, especially if Lilly has something as important and noticeable as a Foundational Ethos, which could very well put Lilly in the "too scary to live" category for the kingdom. Pairing this power expression with Ladder and Sample Space to perform "planned blackouts" could go a long way toward throwing off observers or hunters at any range.

Moving forward, Lilly probably also need to confront whatever forced her namesake onto her mom (learning her namesake origin was a significant juncture sense moment), and this seems like the most useful for dealing with something that makes long-term plans, and is heavily implied to have been doing this for a long time.

Overall, Lilly's broadest problem is she's dealing with things from a position of weakness. For all her multiple Ethos, Evie, and now the Foundational Ethos, she's still a single, uninformed girl in a lethal world. The aim with this choice is to keep Lilly from putting all her cards on the table, so to speak, as opposed to seeing if others are threatening or manipulative (almost everyone has been at least one of these 2).
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Quick experiment/record of task-divided voting for bug report purposes.
Adhoc vote count started by noncannon on Dec 27, 2020 at 2:19 PM, finished with 76 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Rise Young Girl To the Heavens like a Legend! (Hopefully with less tang)
    -[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
    -[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
    --[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    -[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
    -[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
    -[X] [S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event]
    -[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
    [X] Plan: Keeping Our Head Down As We Grow
    -[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
    -[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
    -- [X] [Milestone-Power] {Collective Communion} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    -[X] [CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself.
    -[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
    -[X] [S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event]
    -[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
    [X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
    [X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
    --[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    [x] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
    [x] [N:FES] [Overlooked Maiden]
    [x] [SoT] Core Anchor
    [X] [DwtFAME] I embrace the connection between all things. (Chapter 2.1)
    [X] [S:FES] [Reinterpretation Seed | 566-B, Manoth Placement Approval Only ]
    [X] Plan: Archdruid v1
    -[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
    -[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
    --[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    -[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
    -[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
    -[X] [S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event]
    -[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
    [x] [DreamLVL] The root grew between the rock for years, until finally it split.
    [x] [DreamLVL] It could not lash out at her, she was friend to all.
    -[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
    -[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
    -[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
    --[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    -[X] [CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself.
    -[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
    -[X] [S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event]
    -[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
    [X] [Milestone] Do more with Essence. (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    -[X] [Milestone-Essence] Awareness - Outer (DC 60)
    -[X] [Milestone-Essence] Shaping - Intuit (DC 60)
    -[X] [Milestone-Essence] Shaping - Directed (DC 60)
    -[X] [Milestone-Essence] Source - Channel (DC 60)
    [X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
    -[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    -[X] [Milestone-Power] {Collective Communion} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    [X] [Milestone] Do more with Essence. (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
    - [X] [Milestone-Essence] Shaping - Directed (DC 60)
    -[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
    -[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
    -[X] [S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event]
    -[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
    [X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
    [x] [SoT] Will Form
#2 still shows the same false votes from before.
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Mmm, the other flipside of course is that a big void in the timeline is just as much of a red flag as someone who's hard to read. And unless we plan to go full hermit mode (Which I don't advocate), we are going to show up on the system--and if someone tries to project Lilly and gets an "ERROR: FUTURE NOT FOUND" result, that's going to be an immediate red flag.

As things stand, the big thing about Lilly isn't that she's unplottable, it's just that her abilities mean that outlier results tend to happen in ways that fall in her favor? She makes the one in a million shot whenever she needs to, and she tends to make good decisions. That's something that can be explained as someone just being Important as opposed to being a gaping void in reality.

Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I'm coming around to the idea that the Dungeon aspects are less obvious than we'd think, and the big decision we're making is how it manifests.

So, with that in mind, here's my assessment of how our choices go.

[ ] [SoT] Exalted Flesh
--"The Dungeon is my Weapon", an internally focused approach that effectively offloads the dungeon aspects into whatever Flower-granted pseudodivinity Lilly already possesses, and it extends out and enhances her from that bit by bit, in a way that's relatively subtle compared to other measures (Since the telltale stuff is contained in a layer of reality that cannot easily be detected from this side). Hence the disruption when Lilly is seriously hurt--she's effectively having "Floors" and "Rooms" damaged or destroyed, and since the majority of her dungeon architecture is remotely operated, it doesn't automatically repair itself. It trades off redundancy for subtlety. The 'Approach' that most resembles a standard (If supercharged) Ethos.
[ ] [SoT] Core Anchor
--"The Dungeon is my Body", the 'Default' outcome where consciousness is uploaded into the dungeon core and it expands outwards to the limit of its control (In this case, bounded by Lilly's body I think?). As has been described, all but catastrophic damage reverts itself in minutes as the dungeon reverts back to its optimal state, and anything incapable of destroying a dungeon core is incapable of killing Lilly. Normal dungeon progression, but the boundary appears to be restricted to Lilly's own body. She also would come up on any 'Core Detection" magic or techniques which is a large security hazard. There's also very obvious physical signs of this (Though nothing that can't be concealed through ordinary clothing at early levels at least) The full out meguca form.
[ ] [SoT] Will Form
--"I Am the Dungeon". Turns Lilly entirely into a metaphysical entity that projects downward into the world we know. Has the downside that without a physical realm 'Anchor', she's extremely vulnerable to metaphysical attack--but the trade off is that she's virtually invincible to 'Conventional' attack. As we've seen that Mana and Oath users aren't exactly the most uncommon thing in the bunch, this seems a liability. It's also extremely vulgar and would be virtually impossible to hide even in the short term. On the other hand, a body made of pseudo-matter can be pushed to arbitrary lengths and the consequences just don't matter because the damaged portions are replaced as fast as they go down.

In light of these revelations, I think I'm going to produce a variant plan for people who want to lean into this opportunity. We do have a modest edge in how Lilly is something new that normally wouldn't be allowed, but because the shit has hit the fan so far in the Transcendent Layer (Or whatever the fuck the spirits call their stomping ground), Evie could get away with hijacking another Transcendent's project and triggering one of those cascade events that are normally forbidden.
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[X] Plan: Rise Young Girl To the Heavens like a Legend! (Hopefully with less tang)
-[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
-[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
--[X] [Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
-[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
-[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
-[X] [S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event]
-[X] [SoT] Exalted Flesh

Reposting this just so it doesn't get lost.

As for my alternate plan...

[X] Plan: Final Boss Rises...
-[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
-[X] [Milestone] Extend a Power's potential.
--[X] [Milestone-Power] {Collective Communion} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
-[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
-[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]
-[X] [S:FES] [Reinterpretation Seed | 566-B, Manoth Placement Approval Only ]
-[X] [SoT] Core Anchor

Fairly similar to my previous plan, the key difference is that it bets on our Foundational Ethos being bound to Lilly's physical body--in which case it is--in fact, strictly permitted within the boundaries of Manoth's limitations (After all! Nobody said that a random peasant girl doesn't qualify as a 'Sidelined Region', and one living lifeform is in fact a fairly limited degree of biodiversity!). Relies on [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock] to help Lilly handle the mental fuckery involved in becoming meguca, while giving a very large boost to survivability while also being pretty "Hide in plain sight" in it's own right by way of being "Who the fuck is supposed to think a Dungeon Core can be a living, sapient humanoid?". The implication I'm getting here seems to be that with the breakthrough they achieved, the Watch managed to dunk on [Rapid Iterator] before it could spiral up any further? Hence why its Vector was up for grabs in Lilly's pseudo-apotheosis?

If the whole narrative about {Inverted} Ethae being the "Tools of the Dark Lord" has any grounding at all, and the rest of our speculation is on point, this is the narrative equivalent of our body becoming a Final Boss Dungeon and working on similar philosophy?

LET ME BE CLEAR, this is a very greedy build kind of by definition! We don't have power over who's observing right now, and showing up on a "Show Dungeon Core" ping while Lilly is unconscious would be very bad. But at the same time, it gives us a lot of immediate survivability while mitigating the mental costs of doing so, which is important because our little action to grab a Fifth Ethos seems to have been detected by Valerie's head-tentacle monster, and we're next on the list. That being said, I am concerned about what effects this would have on future Oath source abilities--but this is a blind run either way, so it might be worth risking since just bricking one Source in exchange for greater power isn't necessarily a bad thing?

Anyway, regardless, it's up.

EDIT: More considerations. Slyvena has said that "Dominion over a geographical area isn't in the cards without a lot of work"

That does seem to suggest our 'Scale' is very small to begin with, but expanding beyond the limits of Lilly's Vessel is possible over time. Hmm.
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My main worry with going for Will Form is that "is no longer recognizably human" is a fail state, so personally I wouldn't risk it, since it seems to be the one that's going to move us closest to that of the choices offered.
My main worry with going for Will Form is that "is no longer recognizably human" is a fail state, so personally I wouldn't risk it, since it seems to be the one that's going to move us closest to that of the choices offered.

It should be salvagable with Bedrock, but yeah, I'd agree that getting it without Bedrock is liable to be a death spiral emotionally and mentally. Core Anchor is probably safer to a certain extent (Though not completely safe), while Exalted Flesh is the 'Safest'.

I would say Will Form is a bad idea regardless, Valerie appears to attack through either an Oath or Flow vector, one of those is something we explicitly become super vulnerable to.

From reading this incidentally, I think "Flow" is not!Psionics?
If [Championed Uplift] really is a "Class Change" dungeon as Alectai thinks, remember that around half the women (1/4th of the total population) have the Service To Man ethos. That's a lot of potential class changes once the world goes into the shitter and the need for more effective ethos becomes clear.

(Think of how WWII ended with the workforce doubling??? increasing, because women had been taking on the menfolk's former roles.) stats are too hard for me

That said, it looks like the Class Change dungeon requires passing "trials", whatever that means. Since it's unclear what these "trials" are, for all we know they require an already-powerful ethos to pass, and can't be done with companions. So we might not be able to rely on the 25% population Class influx.
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If [Championed Uplift] really is a "Class Change" dungeon as Alectai thinks, remember that around half the women (1/4th of the total population) have the Service To Man ethos. That's a lot of potential class changes once the need for more effective ethos becomes clear.

That said, it looks like the Class Change dungeon requires passing "trials", whatever that means. Since it's unclear what these "trials" are, for all we know they require an already-powerful ethos to pass, and can't be done with companions. So we might not be able to rely on the 25% population Class influx.

It's explicitly barred from mass rollout because only a small portion of possible candidates have the mental and spiritual fortitude to handle an unshackled Ethos, and we're looking at 14,000 years estimated until they hammer out the rest of the bugs and can roll out Class Changes to the general populace.

So this plan is a non-starter to begin with.
If [Championed Uplift] really is a "Class Change" dungeon as Alectai thinks, remember that around half the women (1/4th of the total population) have the Service To Man ethos. That's a lot of potential class changes once the need for more effective ethos becomes clear.

(Think of how WWII saw the workforce suddenly doubling.)

That said, it looks like the Class Change dungeon requires passing "trials", whatever that means. Since it's unclear what these "trials" are, for all we know they require an already-powerful ethos to pass, and can't be done with companions. So we might not be able to rely on the 25% population Class influx.
Champion Uplift is the "get Evie tier integration vectors" dungeon, you're thinking of Library of Achievement, and even that needs subjects to be halfway through their Integration:
[Championed Uplift | 0000-A, 2nd​ Integration Stage Initializer] (Foundational): (Legend)
Tailored placement; should be attuned only to one identified Premium Integrator at a time. Provided identity fracture trials do not result in a decohered subject, the sponsored Integration Vector can have its layer-limiters removed. Weavers are reminded that inducing Melange bleedthrough on a subject who has failed their trials may irretrievably scatter your Divinity, the trials are there by definition to test compatibility before the fact. We have patched most loopholes and if we catch you, you'll be Identity-Wiped at best (all your Vectors will also be moved to the back of the queues when you reincorporate.). Current projections before widespread 2nd​ Stage Initialisations can be reliably applied without prior testing; fourteen Millennia. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY::: :::IMMEDIATE RECALL MANDATORY:::
[Library of Achievement | 5034-CD, Ancient Recaller] (Foundational): (Concordance/Legend)
The true purpose of this placement should always remain hidden, intuitive concordant rearrangement would be too difficult to keep contained within mortal hands and would restrict the ability to use finesse instead of brute force in future adjustments. An on-plane agent is necessary to shepherd otherwise promising candidates that are off track on deadend integration paths toward the temporary placement site. Realigning fates in more conducive directions shall be occluded from mortal notice by more obvious boons for their suppression attempts. The specific feats granted should be tangentially related to an existing Integration Vector such that the subject assumes it is merely a divergent expansion and does not investigate further. Placement sites should be recalled on decade timescales to prevent examination of such a non-standard methodology. Provided Feats should only be tied to those of us more than half integrated, to prevent application instability.
The trials that Championed Uplift wants you to pass almost certainly relate to how well you deal with your identity being cut apart into hundreds of pieces, since that seems to be an important part in being able to operate as a Weaver/outside of the Melange layer.
It's explicitly barred from mass rollout because only a small portion of possible candidates have the mental and spiritual fortitude to handle an unshackled Ethos, and we're looking at 14,000 years estimated until they hammer out the rest of the bugs and can roll out Class Changes to the general populace.
The only actual requirement seems to be the trials; mass rollout, in and of itself, isn't barred. So, the idea hinges solely on the trials and what they entail.

Not sure what you mean by "unshackled" Ethos; the trials seem to be testing compatibility to the replacement ethos, much less strenuous than trying to multi-class like Lilly.

Champion Uplift is the "get Evie tier integration vectors" dungeon, you're thinking of Library of Achievement, and even that needs subjects to be halfway through their Integration:

The trials that Championed Uplift wants you to pass almost certainly relate to how well you deal with your identity being cut apart into hundreds of pieces, since that seems to be an important part in being able to operate as a Weaver/outside of the Melange layer.
No, Library of Achievement would be about finding other "tangentially related" feats for Service To Man, which I'm not confident exist. The earlier idea involves actual Class Change.

Also, I don't think the identity need be cut into "hundreds of pieces"; only one class change is presumably required, after all.


Better yet, Service seems to be an ethos with the highest possibility of compatibility with any other: you can care for someone and also be a stalwart defender, a practiced negotiator, a worker at any one of many occupations. So changing from Service would seem to be more plausible than changing from one dedicated occupation to another.

(A huge problem there is cultural, to be sure. I assume the prospective changer can't view continued Service as their one and only task in life, or they'd fail whatever trials for sure.)
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The only actual requirement seems to be the trials; mass rollout, in and of itself, isn't barred. So, the idea hinges solely on the trials and what they entail.

Not sure what you mean by "unshackled" Ethos; the trials seem to be testing compatibility to the replacement ethos, much less strenuous than trying to multi-class like Lilly.

No, Library of Achievement would be about finding other "tangentially related" feats for Service To Man, which I'm not confident exist. The earlier idea involves actual Class Change.

Also, I don't think the identity need be cut into "hundreds of pieces"; only one class change is presumably required, after all.

Better yet, Service seems to be an ethos with the highest possibility of compatibility with any other: you can care for someone and also be a stalwart defender, a practiced negotiator, a worker at any one of many occupations. So changing from Service would seem to be more plausible than changing from one dedicated occupation to another.

The point of the trials--as written--is to simulate the effects of upgrading the Ethos on the target, so that neither the patron Transcendent or the Integrator explode from opening up the proverbial floodgates.
No, Library of Achievement would be about finding other "tangentially related" feats for Service To Man, which I'm not confident exist.
That's how the new power is supposed to be hidden from the person it's given to, so they don't suspect that their Ethos has been changed, the point of the Library is to get people who are on bad development paths for their Ethos back onto a stronger path. Maybe you wouldn't call this a class change, but since it could actually be rolled out to more than a single person, this is what you'd want if you wanted to uprade women from [Service to Men]
Okay, I'll grant that [Library of Achievement] may be another way to accomplish something similar, and doesn't seem to require trials.

My current vote, therefore:

[X] [S:FES] [Championed Uplift | 0000-A, 2nd​ Integration Stage Initializer]
[X] [S:FES] [Library of Achievement | 5034-CD, Ancient Recall]

(This is probably subject to change, based on other considerations. Do I want the matter shaping i.e. free precision-tools of Towering Edifice (which seems the most probable dungeon to become an industrial center)? Or an inverted dungeon so hazardous it is recommended to be put in isolated areas? Both, kinda yeah.)

[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]

Assuming this vote doesn't get Overlooked by our forth-wall breaking stranger power... resistance against mental attacks/brainwashing/Valarie, hope for reviving Yolun, and probable synergies for the entire group when we're essence-connected to them.

[:V] [DreamLVL] Access to Limbo for infinite planning-time
[X] [DreamLVL] She noticed even the smallest eddies in the current.

It's pretty clear that our intel-gathering capabilities are, even now, insufficient

[X] [SoT] Core Anchor
[X] [SoT] Will Form

I don't think subtlety is going to be our selling point.

[X] [CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself.

Kymecho is fairly persuasive, though on the other hand, preemptive avoidance of danger is something we've been sorely lacking, so:

[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
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Since we're here, a lot of what we just learned gives us more context for the Weird Shit that happened in the Evie interlude.

Here is my speculation.

The Flower: the patron of the system that ultimately produced Lilly--who was described as a 'Bloomling', is implied to be extremely territorial to the point where it blocks out any other Transcendents from tampering with its pet project. The... Impression I get is that Bloomlings are effectively servitors for The Flower, who are part of a big chain of daughters who live life, offer their firstborn to the cycle, and then... Presumably The Flower gets some benefit out of this kind of ritualized adoption ritual? Evie referring to herself as "Your Niece, technically" has greater context if we assume that the Ritual we just learned of is getting 'Adopted' by The Flower, in which case Evie is part of a related 'Faction'? A splinter off of a related greater Transcendent?

Currently, The Flower is locked in combat with an entity called the Colossus, which seems to be described as a sublet of the Maw That Hungers. And for whatever reason it tried to poach The Flower's Bloomling project, and has naturally pissed it off to the point where The Flower is willing to let someone else pick up the slack, knowing that the stupid kid is going to break the rules. This would normally be unthinkable given The Flower's territorial nature, but the current War in Heaven means a lot of previously 'Unthinkable' things are happening. It did establish that "This is super sunk cost to the point where it's becoming a self-sustaining singularity for something that objectively isn't worth the trouble". Nonetheless, both of the powers care enough for it that they're willing to go tooth and claw against one another for it, so there's obviously more going on. Given the timing involved and comparing and contrasting...

I suspect our second batch of Ethae were offered by The Colossus as part of its attempt to hijack the Bloomling Project--most of them strongly revolved around the idea of inexorable progression, and a tendency to flip the table, with the only exceptions being the cultural things that were so ingrained that they showed up anyway.

Then The Flower got salty at this interference, and offered another Ethos to counterbalance Colossus fuckery--again, there's a pivot to a smattering of culture hero stuff and then a transition to esoteric things like "Make your feelings into physical objects" and the like.

Then our Fourth batch was another set of "Domination" based Ethae... And then Evie's intervention which changed it all.

And it looks like she adjusted [Cleaver of Fortune] to be more forthcoming and potentially less "Leading you on a path of no return". When it came back online after all, it was directing us in how to use our limited abilities to maximum effect to minimize the casualties taken by our assets--but from a cold blooded perspective, the ideal scenario would be a narrow victory on behalf of the Watch to give Lilly the best opportunity to seize opportunities there.

Then again, Concordance is hard, but Slyvena saying that the Maw adjustment being a "How do you figure out the start of a circle" does suggest that whatever was done is a constant effect that doesn't really end, that seems to fit with [Cleaver of Fortune], so she might have redefined where {The Ladder} was climbing to?

And as of now, Lilly has crossed the threshold into being a self-sustaining Integration Nexus. Entities no longer need to offer her an Ethos for her to develop them--it seems like she just now has the ontological 'Weight' to subconsciously look up the library that the Transcendents draw from when preparing an Integration Vector and pick from a selection of the options?

Notably. "Weavers" appear to be Entities that specialize in creating coherent packages that other Entities use as the packaging for their Integration Vectors.

Gosh, trying to make sense of all this Deep Lore is hard! But it's fun! Thanks for all the content @Slyvena !
Personally I think that the first shot fired by colossus was giving us the Boundless Ethos trait, read: the ability to get more than one Ethos. There's no indication that any of the other bloomlings are able to do the same, so it makes sense to me that this would be what kicked off the pissing contest between Flower and Colossus, since Colossus was trying to muscle in on Flower's pet project.
Here's a fun little thing I wrote up:

Act 1 Complete!

Effective Level: 12

[] Torn Apart and Put Together: Be in one piece after Awakening.

[] Running a Bit Late: Take longer than expected to return home after Awakening.

[] Daddy's Little Girl: Gain Rank 5 Relationship with Yolun.

[] A Seer's Favor: Get a favor from Madam Silva (through bargain, cunning or threat)

[] Marked in the Records: Have the Lore Warden finish his diagnosis.

[] Might Be Worth a Bit: Have the Lore Warden mark Lilly down for the Tithe.

[] Circle of Trust: Tell someone the truth about your Awakening without triggering a Bad End.

[] A Father's Work: Have Yolun craft something special for Lilly.

[] Averted Fratricide: Avoid killing your brother during a surprising Ethos gain.

[] Stick Them with the Pointy End: Receive combat training.

[] Bad Dog, No Biting: Kill 1 Alpha during the invasion.

[] Wolfsbane: Kill 10 Alphas during the invasion.

[] Ride of Paul Revere: Make it to Harmuph to warn everyone during the Alpha invasion.

[] Why Don't You Say It Loud Enough For Everyone?: Harmuph finds you have above-average abilities.

[] A Captain's Honor: Gain the patronage of Captain Martin.

[] Jiggity Jig: Make it back home after reaching Harmuph during the Alpha invasion.

[] I Didn't: Confront Sarah regarding the truth about your name.

[] Continual Disappointment: Trigger the unlock conditions for 2 Inverted Ethos.

[] Dungeon Clear!: Remove the corruption from the forest.

[] No Death Run: Remove the corruption from the forest without losing any party members.

[] No Funeral Planning: All of your family members survived Act 1.

[] Noble Steed: Chariot survives Act 1.

[] The Second of Many: Gain your 2nd​ Ethos.

[] Oh, This Just Keeps Coming, Huh?: Gain your 5th​ Ethos.

[] Common as Dirt: Gain a Common Ethos

[] Myths and Legends: Gain a Mythic Ethos.

[] Divine Attention: Gain an Ascendant Ethos.

[] It's Been A Doozy of a Day: Gain 4 levels in 24 hours.

[] And a Hell of a Night: Gain 8 levels in 24 hours.

[] Peek Behind the Curtain: Gain …understanding?... of the underlying forces of this world.

[] Maw's Pawn No More: Find a way to remove the Maw's influence on your soul.

[] Got the Scent: Attracted the attention of a malevolent entity.

[] It's Better Than It Sounds: Gain a Lesser Ethos.

[] Once in a Blue Moon: Gain a Rare Ethos

[] Call of Cthulu: Gain an Apothetic Ethos.

[] Just Went For A Walk: Return home after Awakening with nobody in your family suspecting something's amiss.

[] Keeping Up the Routine: Complete Act 1 without your family suspecting that something's amiss.

[] What a Boring Life: Take a full week to gain your 2nd​ Ethos.

[] Big Happy Family: Gain Rank 5 relationship with all family members in Act 1.

[] Family Business: Have Yolun say he's proud of your progress with [Duty of Wood]

[] Not Worth the Tithe: Have the Lore Warden declare you to have no notable traits.

[] Someone Call The Noosemen!: Have the Lore Warden send for immediate transportation to Arrone.

[] Tall Poppy Syndrome: Learn the truth from Myah about what happens to those marked by the Lore Warden.

[] Garlic Allergy: Learn about Myah's Ethos.

[] Tragic News: Hear about the gruesome slaughter of the minor noble family in the north.

[] Little Entrepreneur: Find a way to earn some money in Harmuph in Act 1.

[] Raspberry Stains: Find out who's been stealing the pies from the bakery in Week 1.

[] Love Connection: Help the lovers resolve their differences in Week 2.

[] Where's Scruffy?: Help Sally find out what happened to her dog in Week 3.

[] Young Love: Pursue a relationship with Tally.

[] Boys Are The Worst: Reject a relationship with Tally.

[] Forbidden Letters: Learn how to read in Act 1.

[] Lilly Who?: Gain no special attention from the citizens of Harmuph through Act 1.

[] Declaration of Divinity: Have Harmuph find out that you're a Multi-Ethos.

[] Sprout Uprooted: Remove the source of corruption before something terrible happens.

[] Wait Out the Storm: Hide in the barn for the end of Act 1.

[] Pacifist: Kill nothing more than insects in Act 1.

[] Silver Bullet: Kill a human turned werewolf.

[] Stop at the Finish Line: Let the elite squad face the corruption without you.

[] Total Party Wipe: Be the only survivor of the final fight against the corruption.

[] A Courtier's Reward for Valor: Be betrayed after helping to save several lives. (Pending)
Last edited:
These are absolutely fantastic! You got a knack for this :)

Here I was thinking no one noticed Tarry was smitten with Lilly.
And not finding who was stealing the pies. Move over dad, that's the real tragedy.
Spoiler: Ranging Party Roster & Rolls
Roles not rolls

. The face is almost like you remember, yet the subtle addition of more canine features to the shape morphs it into a painful parody. Your eyes meet his… and he laughs.
It says through a mouth that holds too many teeth;
It's because of your focus on the Strands that you are able to notice the hostile intrusion. A cold creeping pattern coiling its way along thin sharp lines through your Essence Sight, seeping invisibly closer through the air. Marius notices your body language and via some signal the whole party comes to a halt.

Just as quickly the previously languid coils suddenly leap forward screaming right for each person in long streaming spikes of unseen corruption!
Hmm these incidents combined with past stuff like how apparently the first wolf we saw at the start was in a lesser state of this makes it clear there's some sort of infections component to our enemy. But our enemy is a Rapid Iterator who should be creating facsimiles of living creatures not infecting actual animals and people. Is this part of it being Rampant or does it have to do with the Maw if those are even different things?

Also invisible corrupting tendrils is OP like I bet the watch has some methods of detecting and protecting against it but that's still some bullshit ability. Is this why the Captain wanted to only have 9 people here? Because he knew that there was subversion risk and didn't know if they could protect everyone from it cause even Lilly struggled a bit.

{{Captain Martin}}: "I also suspect foul play. Questions for tomorrow; tonight, we have a job to do."

As the silence returns Captain Martin turns his head to look back at you, arching his eyebrows as much to say 'that last part was for you too.'
Hmm if the Captain suspects foul play than I'm inclined to agree with him. Which means there's definitely some human elements assisting or hiding the crazy dungeon which is concerning since I doubt they'll like us much either.

Also the Captain certainly seems like he's willing to let us know more but not now in disaster situation. Honestly getting Captain Martin as an ally or at least well inclined towards us might be our best reward from this event giving how knowledgeable and experienced he seems to be.

s absolutely ingenious, anyone else would have missed it. Even you are only able to tell because of your simultaneously overlayed Essence Sight and {Stutter Ping} in a place you know so well.

It's an ambush ahead. The efforts taken toward stealth are simply remarkable. Mostly wolves, but you see a couple deer and even a bear (they come this far east?). They are partly merged into the various trees, precisely mimicking their nature. It's actually quite unsettling, looking at something that is quite clearly a wolf yet having half your senses insist quite adamantly it is a tree.
Man these guys have some bullshit stealth where we barely met the requirements to find them because of all our bullshit and this being our forest. I guess our bad guy got really pissed at us no selling his stealth on its wolves. Too bad rapidly iterating can only do so much in the face of our extreme growth.

The Captain's Armour glows in the Glyph of a Lion as a spectral wall of manes and mouths rises out of the ground in a semicircle around your group.
I guess the Captain is a Leo.

The moment before impact space morphs in a nauseating non-sensical jumble before you. The deer, no, stags' previously invisible antlers ripple with warping energy. Just like that a dozen paths in every direction and dozen more deadends spring to life all around the creatures and the crimson thresher is hurtling back toward you as fast as it left.
Wow I wonder how the fuck they iterated into giving deer space powers cause the wolves seemed mostly mundane if unnaturally powerful and coordinated.

Reserve the {Sample Space}; you will need a full second later.
Man the entire bit after this is only a second? Battles take place fast here.

There's a sudden tightness in your chest for a moment that you push through, but it throws off your initiative.
What is this? An enemy action or the Evie level up happening at a bad time?

Rather than biting at you, the rear Alpha pressure sprays out a thin frothing green liquid as you stumble in surprise as it covers the waxy mud magic layer Marius' enchanted onto you earlier tonight.

'Acid!' you internally scream and flail. You are saved when after spending most of its strength to melt through your magic layer you feel some power connected to Evie snatch away the rest of its potency rendering it regular slime and robbing it of the ability to scour your face and body.
Scary how fast these things evolve cause I bet if they could throw acid earlier they would have. Thankfully we have magic armor and Evie but that was almost bad.

"It's the Relay, bring it down," the Captain orders everyone.
Since this thing is supposed to be part of a dungeon I wonder if Relays are meant to be Boss Monsters?

Marius no! It's got reflecti-" you hear someone say, before a burning man missing an arm falls near you. Is it dangerous here?
Man this thing is a beast since it not only seemed to stab us from super far away but also reflected Marius's attack potentially killing the man since losing an arm and being engulfed in flames doesn't sound very survivable.

You're not sure what you just did, but there were a bunch of nasty feeling connecty tendrils between the people-glows and the bear-glow and you like… undid them… or something. You trust Sample-Lilly, she knows what she's doing.
Wonder what type ability this was cause these tendrils seems to be the reflect effect

The bear dies. You don't know how you know, but its dead. The foulness around you shrinking backward further into the forest. You guess. Thinking is really hard right now.

Did Evie just steal control of the 'foulness' or is this just her hacking in a method for Foundation Ethos?

Linking to the last scrap of your waking mind, the slumbering part reminds you of something very important. Whatever is left of you tries with everything that it has to keep the Essence Link open to your father, the only thing stopping the foulness for continuing its pollution within him. Right here right now, your life could have gone a very different direction. But on this {Critical Pivot} of a moment, the link to your dad remains strong.
Thank you Cleaver of Fortune even if nothing else you've saved the day more times than I can count.

[ ] [DreamLVL] She noticed even the smallest eddies in the current.
Another detection ability? Pretty useful to have an essence counterpart to our Pithe situational awareness but it's also something we're kind of alright with. A depth vs breadth kind of thing I think
[ ] [DreamLVL] The root grew between the rock for years, until finally it split.
Using Essence to channel into something until it breaks? A direct combat ability for Essene would be good but it seems like it takes a while to take effect and constant attention for it work.

[ ] [DreamLVL] It could not lash out at her, she was friend to all.
A "Do not harm" aura? That could be pretty useful especially with the fact we're about to become a dungeon master since I can easily see it helping control our dungeon beasties if that's the form Foundation takes.

[ ] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.
Obviously useful for dealing with the fact our locus is location bound. Something we'll definitely want to be able to do for leaving our starting region. Though hopefully we won't be screwed over even if we don't take this and have to leave our home.

[Dream within the Forest]: Milestone
No real feelings in regards to these things though it is interesting that we can modify our ethos even if it's a bit random chance if our changes happen.

[ ] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.
A spider sense type thing? Certainly would be nice to have no matter what.
[ ] [CleaverLVL] A moment to consider. Then she understood her odds.
Isn't this something we already have? Cause I could swear we have a Cleaver ability that tells us the odds it's just low level currently. Yeah Juncture Sense sounds like what this does though JS focuses more on what the consequences are while this tells us the odds so I guess it's different.

[ ] [CleaverLVL] She stabbed him in the heart, to kill his lover.
Casualty/Conceptual bullshit? Or as others theorized a planning ability that has the steps seem to be random but work out? So by stabbing a dude's heart we start a domino chain that leads to his lover dying?

[ ] [CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself.
Certainly useful given how we know there's people who can see the future and that they maybe enemies. But I certainly would worry about the 'even herself' qualifier since that makes it seem like this could also hurt our abilities. Cause as I said before I could certainly see this messing with Ladder. Maybe it's just forces Ladder to do a little work around but I could certainly see it making Ladder harder to pull off the play by play advice it's been giving in this update.

[Striker] (Lesser): (Pithe)
The application of force is far more than simply being faster, stronger or smarter. There are ways that creation wishes us to move, methods of offense and defence that it favours. The Striker listens to the cumulative tradition of all those who have drawn from the Resonance, their seemingly counterintuitive actions often building to a single devastating climax. Force is pitting your Will and desire against the static and opposing the dynamic. All physical movements are at their foundation actually entirely meta-physical. It is manoeuvring for advantage within this meta-physical realm where all contests are truly decided. The Striker never wastes a single drop of sweat, for even their heartbeat matches the rhythm of fate.
Punch Good the ethos. Really useful for punching and talks a good game about how punching is totally more complex than the physical action but I'm really doubting it goes indepth in special abilities if it's Pith only. Like I would buy that rhythm of fate bs a lot more if it had a Concordance part.

[Quickwrit Stennovoker] (Common): (Mana) | Unique
Your father forced hour upon hour on you learning the most basic of runic carvings to the utmost height of meaningless precision. You harbour a unique and profound dislike for such mind numbing perfection and reject it utterly. Good enough is literally good enough, you will walk a path none before you have ever taken. What others spend hours to etch into unmoving stone to last generations, you instantly manifest into the air itself for immediate effect. You don't need a barrier that will last for two years in two weeks, you need one that will last two seconds now. Your only limit is what you can design.
Quick cast runes which is great and made for us seemingly by its unique tag. Makes me wonder more about what Ethos are if there's unique ones for something that seems rather simple. Cause I don't think it's that unique to think something done fast and now is better than something strong and later.

[My Resolution, Thy Bedrock] (Common): (Essence)
The danger of slowly losing track of who we set out to be is one so terrifying most choose to deliberately ignore it. You need not ever fear becoming what you are not, the truth of your origins will only grow deeper and more firm over time. Others will find themselves more solid and at ease in your presence. Decay will pause, decoherence will suspend, unravelling will be held in place. Whatever someone has been, you can always help them rediscover; no matter how lost they have become. Your very nature is a firm foundation on which the unstable may gain respite. You are the objective constant around which change must orbit.
This certainly seems very useful for our current predicament where Lilly is changing so much and so fast that she fears she's losing herself. Though I worry that this ability will force us to stick to a specific headspace cause part of growing up is changing. But well any port in a storm and Lilly's mindspace is certainly going through a heck of storm. Also seems potential to help others and maybe our father too. It's also Essence which could be good or bad since it's something we're already good at it but it's also not unlocking something new.

[Needlepoint Construction] (Common): (Flow)
The art of singular attention is a mostly lost one. What people call concentration and meditation are poor imitations of a truly sharpened focus. Your patience is an immutable wall, unable to be worn down. Stress that would shatter a paragon of fortitude sloughs off you without finding purchase. Your mind is not simply solid, but polished to a brilliant shine. Every time you try something, you will do it better. When the occasion requires it, there is no idle thought, no distraction, simply the goal and the meticulous steps required to succeed.
Laser focus which comes with endless patience and mental resilience. Very useful but I fear it could lead to tunnel visioning and not having second thoughts. Another ethos where I feel like it has potential downsides. It also uses Flow which is a new power source which would be interesting to use and learn about.

[Overlooked Maiden] (Common): (Flow)
You are exceptional. You know it, the evidence is clearly written on the wall for anyone bothering to look. Yet time and time again no one even considers you might be more than meets the eye. Each uncovered peculiarity is immediately presumed to be your sole defining feature. When something of note is discovered, you are presumed too young or naïve to contribute to the discussion. This is the story of your life, zero to twelve. So be it, ignorance and assumption have been your chains since birth, but you will make your bindings theirs. Be passed over in plain sight, dismissed from suspicion with casual ease. Witnesses won't be able to place your face. After-action reports will conflict with each other. You are the Forgotten Enigma, less than wind.
Another flow power and probably one super useful for our situation where we fear the powers at be are not our friend. It's also kind of scary in it's abilities since somehow it will make all the guards we just helped write us off or something close enough to that. That's a scary amount of mental fuckery. Also unless this comes with an off button we'll have to deal with people constantly overlooking and underestimating us which would be aggravating and make it hard to get allies like the Captain.

[Obstinate Rejection] (Rare): (Oath)
Your commitment is a razor-sharp edge, a crushing force, a scything glaive. You will not be deterred from your beliefs. You cannot be convinced to relent. If the whole world disagrees than it is the whole world that must be corrected for their error. Every denial armours you further, every dismissal further hones your blade. The words that have hurt you are now your sticks and stones, break their bones at your leisure.
A Captain America-esque I'm not moving you move. It's about being stubborn about what you think is right and not being misguided by enemies with sweet words. It also seems like the kind ability to really set us in our ways where either our enemies can't try and convince us or risk powering us up which could easily lead us to creating an echo chamber.

[I Tear the Veil] (Rare): (Oath) {Inverted}
Secrets; secrets everywhere. The spectre of denied knowledge follows you wherever you go, it's enough to drive you crazy! No more! If they will not share their secrets willingly, then you will take them by force. Gain a presence and defiling charisma so meta-physically deep as to reach out and wrench hold of information you should not know. Shape memory and mystery into weapons of rending horror. Mother's will forget their children's names, soldiers their orders, hearts how to beat, lungs how to breathe. You will inflict your own wounds onto your enemies a hundred times over, hollow souls littering your wake. They can tell you the easy way, or have it ripped from their corpse.
Give me answers or give me your life. Very scary in what it can do. Not sure I would like Lilly to go down this path.

[Sorcerer] (Mythic): (Mana)
Magic Focal Concept: Nature (Rare)

The Trees have spoken to you of a deeper truth that lies within all who take breath. The drive that unites all life under its wing. Instinct, wild and feral, the vicious will to thrive in any circumstance. Tap into the core of your own and other's beings, release the potential forgotten by all but the most simple of life. Lead the pack. Split the rock. Burn with passion and ignite others'. You are the catalyst for immense evolution and change, the top of all natural hierarchies. Your very essence shall demand respect. Your innermost self proudly on display, shame can no longer touch you.
Basically super druid which is awesome cause it would allow us to do a lot of things.

I'll be honest I don't really understand the Foundation stuff that well and kind of just want to finish this stuff so I'm just going to vote.

[X] [DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted.

I like the ability to adventure at maximum power or at least a good amount of our power. Cause it would really suck to start thinking of Dream as a post our leash is tied to.

[X] [CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth.

Never have too many danger senses

[X] [N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock]

I really want Lilly to have the comfort of a bedrock given how much change she's had to go through. Hopefully this will also help with dad.

[X] [S:FES] [Championed Uplift | 0000-A, 2nd​ Integration Stage Initializer]
Not sure if this is going to count right but I copied and pasted from the update itself so it should work. Anyways Champion Uplift just sounds cool either as a dungeon we can allow companions to go through and fully unlock their stuff or for Lilly to have as a mental palace thingy that she goes through to unlock her bankais. I don't think we need to worry about the warnings too much since this seems like a thing that is normally used sparingly or else it would up end the gameboard but we're in a crisis situation so we won't get smited for stealing with Class Upgrade dungeon.

For the scope of transmutation I'm not going to vote since I really like Core Anchor but I worry that it'll be instantly reveled since the Watch is definitely going to be checking us for injuries after we got knocked out and so the crystal under our clothes will be obvious.

Exalted Flesh is fine but kind of limiting and boring in how safe it is. But it is safe which is really comforting especially since after beating this rouge dungeon I'm not sure what the watch will think if they find we're half dungeon.

Will Form is as Evie puts it "Invulnerable until it isn't" which isn't really comforting cause I imagine we'll be facing a lot of things that could kill us even with the immunity to normal physical attacks.