I had faith that this would return!

Anyway, reread this a few times the past few months and gained a lot to have a think over. I came upon a realization on what it means for Evie to be 9 years old. Ev'aclliál being 9 years old is true. We know that Ev'aclliál has died in the past. We know that Yalśfreet brought her back to life and that she was the first reincarnator. What I'm thinking is that Ev'aclliál reincarnates at the start of an era if she has died. Ev'aclliál being 9 years old is because she was reborn at the start of the era when the Maw Source came to be 9 years ago.

A new Source means a new Era.

So the timeline is something like this:

0th Era
- Angels and Demons meet. Their Sources create the Melange layer.
- Yalśfreet becomes Essence greatly changing the Melange layer.
- Essence becomes a Source.​
1st Era
- Pithe having witnessed Yalśfreet's transformation achieves the same.
- Pithe becomes a Source.​
2nd Era
- New Source. (Flow/Mana)​
3rd Era
- New Source. (Flow/Mana)​
4th Era
- Deific becomes a Source.​
5th Era
- The Divine Wars start.
- Legend becomes a Source.​
6th Era
- The Divine Wars end.
11th Day, 10th Moon, LE2289.
- Lilly is born. Sarah/Liatris insists on her name.
xxth Day, xxth Moon, LE2292.
- Maw becomes a Source and 7th Era begins.​
7th Era
- Ev'aclliál is reborn at the start of the Era.
11th Day, 10th Moon, LE2301.
- Lilly turns twelve.

(Don't know if Deific and Legend Sources positions are correct. Mention of the Divine Wars being myths and no mention of Legend when describing Sources leads me to believe that the Divine Wars ended relatively recent (though not that recent), probably because of a new Source. Pithe might not have become a Source right after Yalśfreet with Essence but he would have had the most knowledge to be able to achieve it)​
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I wonder if this 'Cirella' character is the girl whose world this is, because she definitely seems to have a better idea of how it works than most of the people in it. :p

(I'm joking, mostly)
Thankfully I have already re-read most of the quest just a few days ago, so I remember most of the things! I swear, this is the third time.
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Glad to see this back. I'll have to find time to reread it which is great. Definitely remember this quest.
...Well, this is a quest I didn't expect to be today almost compelled to re-read to refresh my memory. Regardless, nice to see you back.
I'm still not happy about the specific way you decided to set this down in the first place, but if the story comes back, then I can forgive it I suppose. I did enjoy the story and the numbers a great deal, I just had... Extremely hard feelings about how the plot was knowingly left on a cliffhanger.

Though most of those have faded over the years. It's good at least that your life's sorted out a bit.
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Funny story, I literally recommended this quest to someone two days ago, and in the recommendation expressed my sadness that we only got 170k words, because it feels like there's so much more to explore in this world. It appears my timing was on point, and I am delighted that it is so. It's good to see you back Slyvena.
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You're back! And you've had a very exciting few months, I take it.
It's been a while. I'm exciting. And now I have some rereading to do!

I love those songs so much, part of me wants to take the concept and write it as a book or forum quest. I don't have time, though. Maybe someone else will.
Likewise. One of these days, I'll do something.
I am so hyped for the return of lillyquest it's insane. I swear I've reread this at least 4 times, time to make it a fifth...

oh man I swear I'm gonna get super hyped to get back into things again and we're going to literally die in like a month
Congrats, take care of yourself, and welcome back!

Time to re-read everything and catch back up again haha
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It has returned!

Time to once again have Lily scream her defiance of the destruction of all she holds dear. For when faced with a looming apocalypse, there's no other real option but to fight tooth and nail to the very end to defy it.
Shucks guys, thanks for all the love.

I'm still not happy about the specific way you decided to set this down in the first place,

That makes two of us. Definitely would have preferred to finish Arc 2 before taking a break.
That said, I am glad I didn't just rapidly cliff notes rap things up, as these plot threads deserve to be resolved right.
Shucks guys, thanks for all the love.

That makes two of us. Definitely would have preferred to finish Arc 2 before taking a break.
That said, I am glad I didn't just rapidly cliff notes rap things up, as these plot threads deserve to be resolved right.

Yeah, it wasn't that you had to step down that bothered me, it was that you posted a partial update... And then told us chances were good that we'd never have any more that hurt, especially after how invested I was in trying to keep Lilly out of the worst of this horrifying setting.

Still! If the story's coming back, and we're going to actually get to see where this setting and plot goes, I'm happy. I was expecting to never see where this was going, so I find myself pleasantly surprised that I was wrong.

What kind of changes are you going to make incidentally? I did love seeing the Spreadsheet grow more and more robust, but if that was the big bottleneck, I suppose we cna do without.
Great to see this again -

Quick review for everyone eise-

Lily was off to see the clan flower matriarch her mother is terrified of
There's a noon appointment to talk about killing basically a dungeon
Oh and we need to break it to our family that we're leaving in five days or less.
Our oldest younger brother has a full selection of inverted ethos only in 12 days.

The Seer we voted to let her come with, we don't know whether or not she needs to be told that.

And I still want to see if we can do support shenanigans so that Myah can get some exp with the dungeon clearing because frankly she's signed up for a rough ride.
A few other things to recap:

-Evie, our hitchhiking goddess, risked her life to save us from Valerie. A Nat 100 allowed us to not only heal her, but potentially recover her original "speaking in full sentences" mindstate. We now have access to a powerful source of information... who is also a full-bore schemer.
-Valerie, the Non-Consent Ethos user who attacked our family and killed our brother, is now currently stuck in our Tree (whose name is Petal). This is both to limit her regeneration and to potential recover her original mindstate.
-Micah, our "middle" little brother, was killed by Valerie, but we seem to have his soul in our Dreamscape, and can potentially learn how to resurrect him.
-We are currently using an ability called [Affected Radiance] to keep from having a breakdown. We need a good cry and a nap at some point.
-We are currently using an ability called [Affected Radiance] to keep from having a breakdown. We need a good cry and a nap at some point.

I nominate Myah for reasons of to help normalize the relationship and by all evidence before Myah was put into a no win situation from abusive home she was really really good at being the comforting frined, and also because Lily has complications with her family right now.
Oh boy. I have just finished my reread of the entire quest and I'd forgotten how much I really hate Lord Waters.

I'd also forgotten how many moving parts the current arc had holy shit. Lilly truly is in the deep end of everything, she needs a break and all the hugs ever. Conveniently Evie likes snuggles.
It has also been pointed out that Myah is support-oriented and likely trustworthy, and could make for a good shoulder to cry on.