What is love? Zeno mused to himself, while laying on his bed, staring at the bronze roof with green stitching. The colours from decades before only remaining in his memories.
That is a question every being cultivator or no must settle on their own terms at some point. Most mortals I have met showed their love through various material gifts, like a dowry of good tools for a merchant or a book for the wealthy among the mortals. Of course, physical aspects are always included in some manner and the ways to show affections are vast, even when not including cultivator capabilities.
Mere days before the trials he ascended towards the second pillar and fought on that level. his philosophical understanding was not on that level, and he can only thank the ancestors for his luck of not facing a soul specialist in the trials. A shudder overcomes Zeno at the realisation.
Zeno takes up a mediative pose on the floor, his posture long used to the posture without the weight of his armour and sabre aiding him.
Breathing in, Zeno says to himself. His Dao began like this…
"There once was a
[floating mountain] with a dark flame of ever burning
[love] blazing its way across… across what?" Zeno stumbled on the ending, a last bump, before the foundation laid perfectly in his mind. It all happens on the mountain, but where?
Zeno considered for a moment. As much as he dances in every fight, he also creates formations where needed. Yes! Formations, that's it! But, the formations, much like his fighting style is not very static, is it? It also doesn't really flow. It just always changes, its everchanging. Hm... then it should end like this, "cutting an everchanging formation into the mountain."
With that knowledge in mind Zeno stretches, makes sure his posture is acceptable and with the next breath taken he starts with confidence.
"There once was a
[floating mountain] with a dark flame of ever burning
[love] blazing its way across, cutting an everchanging formation into the mountain." With that last syllable uttered a breath of dream qi leaves Zeno's body and he gets back into a resting posture.
A new thought entered Zeno's' mind in the quiet of the evening, should he reveal his progress? His subcommanders Alexandria and Xia both outpower him in strength alone, by dint of ascending from 10
th Heavenstage and both have shown no signs of slowing down. The families trade of the special Koi scales and our various spiritual warding arrays sell very well, allowing them and the rest of the family to cultivate without slowing down. If the Angelus family were hundreds strong, that would be another matter, but of no concern anytime soon for us." Zeno thought.
Looking at his hands, Zeno muse to himself. Then there is the fact that he can't deny every enemy he defeated not by strength of arms alone, what the clan's doctrine would suggest. No. He tended to act in combat as a saboteur, striking in the enemy's weak spot, manipulating the fight, and taking victory through trickery.
Gaiarados and Prakash both were defeated, because of superior tactics and informational advantage, not his strength of arms overpowering the enemy. Though, Zeno noted, his speed would suffer for it. On the other hand, he fights most of his enemies with comrades, not alone. If he fought alone and really needed it, to fight or flee. Then the suppressed pillars with all the strength might just be what he needed, and Xia at least would make sure he can fight at that level. Her desire for nobility would brook nothing less. The last remnant of churning qi in his Dao calmed in the metaphorical sea flowing around the mountain. In his mind's eye the flow was steady once more.
Yes, he would suppress his second pillar at least for now. With his foundation truly settled it is time to head out.
As Xia and Zeno head into the wide halls of the StorkBlood Hall where we shall meet our query, Zeno cannot help, but muse to himself.
The trials had been difficult, but no one had been affected more than my new subcommander, Xia. Seeing Heaven truly wield it´s might to summon these hunters sparked her newest pillar, a Pillar of Golden Devil even. Zeno can´t deny himself some pride in that, to have his clan's nobility recognized by her in such a manner is refreshing. Most outsiders just sneer and gossip behind our backs. I should know after infiltrating outsiders for so long, their topics don´t change much.
Thankfully gossip, intrigue and the occasional romance on the side with these ugly personalities is not something I have to torment myself with this time. We are on our way to the StorkBlood Hall after all.
My wife will be training the recruits, while Xia and Zeno make sure she can formally become part of the Golden Devil Clan. Most of the time our chances are slim, since most Elders are very level-headed and don´t take any chances with outsiders and most of the time any argument would be settled within the greater clan.
Thankfully, we have one person with enough power to always look towards the bright side of life and she is my Counterargument to their level-headed arguments. Most simply call her Elder Destasia, but my divination shows her to become far more than just that. Hero of the nobility seeker will be only one of many titles she will accumulate in the future. A smirk graces Zeno's lips at that thought.
The wide architecture of the hall makes it simple to find her, her frame hunched over a gadget arcing with unknown qi on her workbench.
A servant announces us. "Centurion Angelus and his subcommander Xia wish to speak to you about a matter of high interest Elder Destasia."
She looks behind herself, hands slowly extricating herself from the round gadget. "Of course, as an Elder I always have time for my juniors. Just a moment, please." Her methodical voice at odds with her reputation resounding clearly throughout this open hall as she slowly clears her desk for this conversation.
I step forward with paperwork in hand. "Elder Destasia, with my personal attendance I give the final and official approval necessary for giving my subordinate the blood of bronze. I would like to formally propose giving my Subcommander Xia, formerly of the Shen kingdom, the blood of bronze for her service in the trials. Saving thousand juniors through deed of martial action." I give a short bow.
Her practiced stern expression focuses on Xia as I mention the blood. "You wish to give this auxiliary the blood of bronze, Centurion Angelus? She clasps her hands in front of her, her eyes searching frantically for weakness of purpose as is required.
"She has earned that much, considering she made the Golden Devil Clan part of her Dao." Under her stare I further my case. "Giving her the blood would deny the chance of gossip ruining her career and nullify any thoughts of betrayal anyone may wish to hang upon her shoulders."
"And what does the
auxiliary have to say for herself?" her voice dripping with practiced contempt and challenge baked into her words.
With purpose Xia answers. "Apart from echoing the words of my centurion, family in all but blood, I can only affirm my own will to accept whatever may come. If the ire of heaven is the price for true nobility to be attained then what cultivator would I be, If I didn´t accept that?!" Her voice rising a few octaves with fervour.
The Elders face splits into a grin. "Oh, do you now? Here is how I see you approaching me for this." Her mannerism becoming less formal by the second.
Her hands mimic the movements of sock puppets one could see on any travelling circus to amuse the children. "Hello, I would like to sign up to be part of your war on the Heaven. Yes, I understand this means I will suffer ill luck, have trouble advancing through tribulations and people will pop out of thin air once a century to try and
murder me."
With that charade done she lowers her hands and steps to Xia with her grin reaching both ears. The asked question need not be stated.
Xia lowers herself to her knees before the elder, voice firm. "The shared pain is
our pain." Elder Destasia pulls out a prepared syringe with the blood flowing in it in strange patterns. Her poke on the side, ensuring the syringe works properly without leaking any fluid.
"Knowing full well that our blood is mutable and this injection more so than most?" Xia nods and the Elder stabs.
Xia's wailing was pitiful, the few minutes it lasted before it overwhelmed her pure physique and allowed her to slip into blissful unconsciousness.
In one of many days, which we all experienced at some point, the day trod along. Nothing of note happened. The paperwork piled up around me and the messenger delivered my suggestions to every important person in the vicinity. There was only one problem, so small and inexperienced in fact she did not know when to stop.
"Greetings senior servant Xi, please teach me to become a cultivator." At least her bow this time is worthy of the court.
"Good morning, young one. Quite forthcoming, aren't you?" Naturally, the girl learned not to disturb me while I talk with her. Though, her dress leaves a lot to be desired.
"Why should I do that, young girl, if I could spend my time here doing my necessary work for the king? My brush dances across my knuckles.
"Great Senior I believe this lowly lady can achieve much under your guidance! Please teach me!" Her bow remaining stable all the while. Hmm…she has nerves at least. Maybe she could annoy Wu Ling for me? She certainly does not know enough of the old blood to differentiate her status from a common retainer, heh.
"In my graciousness I accept!" Ah and there it is, hope. How
suitable for one so new.
As I bid her to rise, I make it a point to look over her frame. She is too young to really serve on the banquet tables, but she could still be suitable as a playmate for one of the young.
"Girl, the necklace!" Hoh, disobeying me so early?
"Teacher, its…from my mother ple-"as if I or the court would have time for such beings.
As I throw her to the ground to show just how different our worlds are I take this gaudy piece of metal from the
mortal. I cannot allow her to invoke the Kings wrath on her first day. And now the girl is crying, great!
"Is that it how you want to start my training, girl, by crying like a failure?"
I must become a true noble no matter the cost!
"N-No, please excuse my outburst teacher. I still want to learn, to become a better noble!" The failure, naturally, using the sleeves of her rags to clean her eyes. I cannot help but laugh at the statement.
"Hahahahahaha!" Oh, she is going to be entertaining. "What a good joke! You, a noble, ha!" the confusion on her face just makes it better!
"But my mother-" I am stopping this dumb
mortal right there to unlearn all the stupid things she no doubt picked up by the street rabble. "…is a failure living in the servant quarters and you are the evidence of her failure. The common term at court for one such as you is
bastard." After this stupid girl stops shaking in petulant rage, she finally asks me about important matters.
"Then how will you, great teacher, teach me to overcome my stain of failure?" She mispronounced the words, but that can and will change soon enough.
"First you will stop associating with her. Being born from such loins of failure is stain enough on you, no need to stain it further and for your first assignment we will fit you to new clothes. Maybe you will at least manage to look the part of a noble." Before we leave to fit her, I graciously allow her one final question.
"Will that make me a noble?" Oh, I know just the right answer for my little minion.
"Not right away, no. At first you will merely be a courtier." I flick her stupid glee away. My minion has no use for silly thoughts like hoping to achieve a better station.
I continue my wise lecture with a raised right pointer finger. "The court will call you many things, but there is one term that fits all who hope to truly become a noble of the kingdom."
"What is it? Wha-?" A glare sets her straight. Really, too much energy wasted.
"New blood." I grab the girl and run with speed befitting my station.
Since this was so important, I got the glorious, but boring duty to note her changes to her body, while the Elder overlooked the process, cackling madly like some fairy tale villain, already working on another contraption behind me. Her changes seem to come slow, but steady. Her body is slowly getting darker, and in between the dark spots the Clan's bronze can be spotted. Good. Then again, what is growing on her back? As I raise my brush to make her aware of my question, she takes it from me and hands me a small metallic tube with a point at one end.
"Oh, Centurion Angelus this is a great day! I didn´t think you were actually serious about her existing!" the Elders hands looking over the slowly appearing bronzed form laying atop her cleared desk. Huh, it is strange to write with it at first, but it does not spill! Brilliant!
"She actually has better acceptance of the blood than I thought she would, but without her Pillar of Golden Devil she wouldn't have accepted the Luck I implemented. What a shame!"
I stop writing to ask her about this very deadly phenomenon. "Karmic luck, the kind that tries to
murder us?!"
She snorts. "HA, no! Way better than that! The featherbrains around here had the genius idea to attract luck to the person instead of a whole bloodline collectively, I
think." Rubbing her chin with her right hand she continues. "At least that's the theory I used with her serum." Is that supposed to inspire confidence?
Elder Destasia elaborates with the same joviality from before. "She will be luckier than the average Devil! She will find more reagents for me than anyone else!" She genuinely enjoys and believes this. Zeno realizes with horror.
"If we are lucky enough." Heaven has never allowed something similar, why would that happen now?
A stink eye greets me once I look up from my notes. Xia's bronze tipped wings, twelve meters in length and ruining her clothes were just the most obvious things we could glimpse now. Testing was required. "I´ll have you know that-"
Our charge yawns before us and we both stop to continue our observations. Her vital signs are taken with the Elders strange instruments, while I note any change the elder mutters under her breath.
"What happened?"
The Elder splays her arms wide, "Welcome to the family! You even get a heavenly present!"
Xia doesn´t seem so enthused. Tears formed in her eyes. It is probably a new side effect from the serum or just her reaction to the physical exhaustion. "What…present?" The Elder has the health of her subjects in mind, right?
"Oh, it must have hit her hard. Maybe she should wait a bit so she can get acclimatized to the blood?"
The elders rebuke follows swiftly. "Stop worrying about it, we have knowledge to attain!" Oh no.
"As you wish, Elder Destasia." After my overruled attempt I help Xia from the table, and she finds her feet shortly thereafter.
The Elder continues unabated. "Ooh, you have bronze tipped wings. The Stork Blood integrated well with the bronze! Score!" As Xia's mental faculties are slowly regaining her composure, the Elder checks her pupils of both eyes. No orders by the Elder follow afterwards as she takes my notes and adds her own.
Before I can ask for her medical advice, I am handed a perfectly round ball of tin and ordered to run to the far-left corner of the hall. "Of course, you are happy to help, you silly little hare. Now go and make her obstacle course at least a little interesting. Weave, duck and most importantly make her use her wings, so we can see her soar!" the Elders hand gestures get wilder with every statement.
I can't help but notice one problem with that plan. "Elder, she can still use her legs to chase."
With a smirk, she answers. "Of course, I have already thought of that, but thank you for voicing it out loud for the rest. You have nothing to worry for I, your Glorious Mistress of Disciples, Luck wringer from Storks, One Who's Wit Pierces The Heavens, Scorpion Breeder Extraordinaire Lady Destacia Duca, am prepared for Field Testing! Witness!" A simple rope floats up from her workstation.
"That's a rope...with arrays?" Is she going to bind her legs?
A nod follows. "Exactly, young Centurion!" With that said Xia's feet are bound just a moment later, her wavering form already trying to use her wings for stabilization. That is a rope. Why does Xia have so much trouble to get out of it? It's not even strung very tight.
Her panicked voice echoes in this large hall. "Woaah, why is everything so..?" Zeno thought concerned. Why does she not balance herself in her usual stance? Can't she use her legs?
"What is it Xia? Are you perhaps delirious by the scorpion fun venom or feeling drowsy?" Her words seem less for the comfort of Xia, than to answer the question burning her.
"No, nothing of...uaaah!" and she falls to the ground. I am not quite sure, but helping Xia now feels like it could anger the elder. Better not risk it, even though her pose looks embarrassing.
Despite the Elder's energy, she waits patiently for an answer, while looking at her quite intently and with little distance between their faces. Maybe she is looking for facial damage?
"I felt drowsy, Elder, ma'am." Oh, that explains part of it. It still does not explain how such a simple rope can be so strong!
"Good, that it is in the past! Have FUN with your first flying lesson!" The Elder packs Xia by her slowly darkening neck, becoming more bronze by the minute. As Xia flies towards me, I remember that I have instructions by the elder and I
run. If a simple rope from the Elder can make Xia's qi in her legs totally unusable. What else has she stashed away?
Thankfully, we were let go at some point. The tests were rigorous and definitely not something I wish to repeat, if only to never see Xia so distraught again. As I found out later, her tears come from more than just exhaustion and my lack of realization certainly did not help, considering what I helped put her through after the painful transformation. Hopefully, she will give me chance to at least make amends in the future. For now, our focus lies elsewhere and poking this wound now won't help no matter how I wish I could change it.
words: 3304
@no. ,
AN: Not every plan of Zeno works out perfectly, sometimes he gets unintended consequences, like stumbling into another persons personal landmine. Naturally this will inform how they perform their missions in the future, but with time every wound wil heal. The question of how long it will take is another matter entirely, though.