Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Zeno vs Prakash(collab) - ReaderOfFate, no, and Juugo.
Zeno vs Prakash(collab)

(collab with Chimerical Tesseract/ @ReaderOfFate, @no. and @BadAtScreenNames)​

Getting the prisoners out was the easy part. Sneak in while the enemies' backs were turned and cut them loose without using qi. The captured centurions were lightly guarded, while Kalki ascended. And very much willing to get out of here, while holding their ears. Zeno's first assumption of someone being a demonic tunist were thrown out after a short conversation through standard legionary hand signs. Normally they would not have the time to establish this much, but this cultivator was a disciple of the most honourable school of lazy does it and was trying his hardest to sing, Zeno guessed. His screeching could surely be heard even in the deepest parts of the Fort.

One centurion specialising in expendable arrays was even willing to give Zeno an array. It clearly does not work, but the man had more life changing processes on his mind, with all the blood dripping from his nose.

In between the signing of the group in the distance the disciple continued his screeching without remorse or thought for tact, Zeno thought morosely.

Before the fight, Zeno reminded himself of what he knew. His enemy, Prakash, is a telekinetic with a childish streak and by the looks of it doesn't take us seriously. To our disadvantage he's guarding the only (intended) exit out of this, qi draining glass in the windows letting little light from the sun shine through. The acknowledgement tasted bitter in Zeno's mouth.

He also thought that we cannot let him notice the scorpions digging an escape tunnel to the maintenance corridors and soon changing the echo so even Prakash can discern the difference. Knowing this, Zeno's purpose is clear, to distract the child.

With great effort Zeno forces as much qi as possible into the broken stone carved array, while the horrible screeching continues in the background.

As Zeno steps out of the shadow of the cell, Prakash finally stops screeching, stepping right.

With arms splayed wide and an easy grin he advances leisurely towards Zeno. "Well, it seems a very colourful rat escaped its cage." A rock embeds itself in the window between the two combatants.

"I am more of a mountain rabbit." Zeno rebuked with an even tone. Hollering and laughter greet the divinator's declaration, while Prakash takes the time to dramatically lean on a wall, seemingly ignoring the devil mere meters away.

"Ooh, you are going to be amusing." Despite his good demeanour, a ring of various weapons starts to float around him. "Come back to the jail and take that slab of rusted metal away, now!" A force of qi swirl around him, to hold up the weapons. The crack in the windows begins to get wider.

As Zeno sidesteps the first jab at him, aimed to intimidate him rather than truly harm. "With that screeching of yours I am amazed that our glass can withstand it." Zeno grins.

Annoyed, Prakash rebukes. "As if you would know talent, devil." In the small confines of the hall, the swirling weapons of Prakash now focus on truly harming Zeno, sparking qi when blade meets ground or wall. Zeno parries and dodges all the while, a lazy smile forming on his lips with every blade not wounding him and small cuts healing before the eyes of Prakash.

With time Zeno learns of the patterns employed by Prakash. Two swipes are either followed by a precise cut or a hammer blow from above. The small number of weapons and little room, helping Zeno anticipate where to dodge next.

In the same timeframe Prakash clearly grows annoyed at Zeno.

Zeno's answer to Prakash's order "Die already, devil!" is another cut, which Prakash Blocks with a swipe.

The growing childish anger of Prakash was obvious with every swipe dodged by Zeno. "Why would anyone want to follow your orders anyway? You are clearly just Kalki's guard dog! Bark!" The streams cut the air faster with every missed strike, a frenzied river of blades.

"At least the crafter lady could do more than bark!" an unused left hand showing the still healing burns on Zeno. The flesh deforms in strange ways to the visual displeasure of Prakash.

"Disgusting! He's my brother, not my master! his screech makes the windows wobble. Meanwhile Zeno is forced to reorient himself and step back out of striking range to gather himself.

Betting on a hammer blow from above, Zeno dodges under the stream of weapons to cut the token. That plan is foiled by Prakash sidestepping towards the cracked window. The momentum of Zeno's cut forces chunks of rocks loose, which Prakash quickly adds to his arsenal. The forming projectile hail flowing faster and sparking even more on every surface. The cracked windows behind Prakash break under the strain, the following explosion ripping Zeno and Prakash from their positions.

The flows of weapons continue to assail Zeno with a battle cry of "Die!" as they land on the rubble that were the walls of the fort. This time more weapons find their purchase on Zeno under the weight of a King. Only the wider arcs of the projectiles, his enemies temper and Zeno's new mantra to ward off some Dao effects allow the dancer to avoid the worst.

In between dodging doom by a thousand cuts Zeno could not help but think that at least the charred hair of Prakash fits his personality now. There's nothing left to be saved.

The situation changes quickly, as Amaranth kicks Zeno out of the way of a backstabbing hail while draining away much of the Qi from the projectiles. The unprepared rocks chunks falling high towards the Sun.

Chucking another hail towards the glowing Amaranth, Prakash exclaims. "Now this is better, dance for me!" not all the weapons returned this time.

Behind the fallen rock a discordant battle cry of "Diediediedie!" demands the combatants attention. Sand turns into stone and their crash from on high forces Prakash to sink into the sand. Glass steadies his feet, while rooting him. The onslaught countered by hundreds of blades.

"Ha did you really think that wo- '' not letting their opponent get any breath the World shudders under Amaranth's might. His will and passion expressed in the burning fist, shatters Prakash's veil of weapons. Maria and her Twin flying off into the distance, their shadows stretching far under the dim light of the Sun. The shadows swirl.

A Reserve dagger quickly plucked by Prakash, never Hits its mark, as a sudden saber from behind forces Prakash to dodge.

Prismatic light enveloping Prakash slows him down enough for Zeno to try cutting. His saber comes nearer than before, but it's not enough. A rock rushes over to Prakash, which he uses as leverage to leap to the side, prepared to send an attack just as he moves away, but then Prakash sees something, and his eyes widen. The feeling of Dao-Might permeating the air soon winks out like a doused candle. Soon after, he crushes his token and vanishes in a burst of golden light.

With a moment to breathe and the fight seemingly over they meet up again to walk back.

The twins holler everyone's frustration into the winds. "That fucker didn't die!"

"But we cooked the dog at least!" a jubilant Lyssa answered as they trudged towards their base Camp.

"WE didn't even destroy the Token." A morose Zeno corrected.

A deep voice beside them asserts. "WE survived and the hunters Left. Nothing else matters in the trials. "

With frustrated sighs and/or nods all around they marched onwards.


As Zeno stands in the entrance of the tent, Gaius is ready to greet him back, puffing all the while.

"So you made it back..." Gaius sighs in relief, the remainder of the day's tension finally leaving his body. "I tried to find you after we won, but you weren't in the rubble. We must have passed by each other." He turned and spat some blood into a handkerchief. "Sorry. Tongue's still growing back. Probably shouldn't smoke until it's done." Despite his words, Gaius made no move to put down his cigarette.

A moment of silence passed between the two men, neither sure what to say in the aftermath of all that fighting. "You look like shit, Senior." Gaius eventually interjected. "But then, so do I." He gestured to his limply hanging arm and gave a smile with several missing or broken teeth.

Accepting the comment as his own shoulders slumped, Zeno continued. "Was it the result of an explosion or someone just throwing fire at you?" While they sat down on what furniture was available, Appendix made some tea and handed them to anyone who wished for some refreshment.

"Either way, the fort blew up in the fight with Prakash and the only thing we hurt was his mop of hair and his pride. Nothing the ass can't grow back, unfortunately. Please tell me it went better with the others. Did we at least banish Kalki or whoever you helped to fight properly?" Zeno pleaded.

"We won't know exactly what happened until Wei Feng's out of the medical tent, and that's a way's off." Gaius turned to said tent. It was overflowing, with so many surgeries being conducted within that the lesser treatments were outside in the open air. "He's still in critical condition; he was mostly bone by the time things were over, and his guts were hanging out. Even for The Phoenix, that's quite bad…"

He took another drag, drawing on the slightly memories of what happened to him. "I was fighting the honor guard at first, and in an open plain like this I took out several pretty fast. Then I saw Xiao Yingzi chained to the ground and saved her with my Earth-Gliding. One thing led to another, I laid my hands on a Six-Pillar Foundation expert, and the only reason I can walk right now is she only had a few seconds to spare for me." He gazed off into the middle distance, humbled by that glance of how far the path went. "That's how I lost my tongue - she hit me so hard I bit it off."

"Did you not want to stop smoking until it grew back?" Zeno asks, an eyebrow arched.

Gaius quietly scowled for a moment, annoyed at having been caught. But Zeno was a superior officer… he regretfully put out the cigarette and tried to ignore Zeno's smug look. Wanting to at least put something in his mouth to distract from the painful squirming of his healing tongue, he chewed some medicinal herbs instead.

Taking the momentum Zeno says."At least Wei Feng will get the medical attention he needs. Let's hope he'll make it." With another sip of tea taken he continues. "On better news. The prisoners in Fort Deadsand escaped successfully and should make it to another holdout for the little medical attention they need."

"That's good, at least." Gaius opened the flap and looked, seeing the prisoners joining the camp. "Because we're not quite out of this yet. The Trial's still going on, and we've got a whole lot of Clansmen who can't fight right now. We'll need to stay here for a couple more weeks."

Zeno nods. "That's true. I'll get on divinating the next qi surge, so we won't starve to death and can move in time then." Taking another sip he explains. "According to Abel'er Fort Deadsand is only a temporary fort we maintain in times when its flows allow us to man it. Since this is the trials I would not put it beyond Heaven to shorten this qi surge and starve us. We should probably move sooner than later, though."

"Mm." Gaius nodded grimly. "Then… maybe in a week. It'll be a hard march for those who are worst off but they should make it if we pace ourselves. We can disperse once we reach northern Hua land, get back to the usual routine of these damned things." Gaius stopped at that, contemplating something. Zeno meanwhile gets another cup.

"It feels strange, to pull off something this big and just… go back to business as usual. I suppose time never stops flowing no matter how important an event is. Every day is as long as every other." He limps out of the tent, looking upon the assembled soldiers. Zeno followed closely behind him. Almost everyone was wounded, some badly, but there was some ephemeral quality visible in each and everyone, some spark that would normally be snuffed out in this year. "We won't be famous like the Thirteen." Gaius laughed. "Not nearly as many people saw this. Still, no matter what happens, the fact that we were here, that we did this… no one can take that from us."

"You can say that again, friend. Strange is a good word for it, I believe. You know, I didn't think so many people would heed my call in the first place. I thought the Clan's mentality would be keeping them away from something so obviously manipulated by Heaven, but I am happy in a strange way to be proven wrong. We weren't the Thirteen and with this I feel, none of us that survived will ever be considered under their shadows of fame. We chartered our own paths, and thanks to Wei Feng in particular, succeeded in what we set out to do."

Giving the cup to Appendix, Zeno asks one last question to Gaius beside him. "Do you think we'll be able to carry the momentum of our path we built today?"

Gaius rubs his chin, pondering that statement. "I'd like to think so. Even if only to a few people, we've proved that we won't lie down and be their treasure vault anymore. As to what response that might provoke… that I can't know." He put his hands on his hips. "Although this might be cold to say… I won't regret what we did. Not even if they try to burn us to the ground next time. This week, we proved that we're warriors, not animals."

Zeno merely nods at the truth of the statement, the tranquil silence between them all that needs to be told.

After a time Amaranth approaches the tent, Zeno still standing before it, clearly elsewhere with his thoughts, a slowly painted map being filled out, under his glowing gaze. He waves at him a bit to get his attention, but soon realizes that Zeno isn't focusing on his surroundings at the moment. Finally, Amaranth decides to speak.

"So, Zeno Angelus, was it? I hear that you're the one to look for if a person needs information, right? Or at least, it seems like you're a solid diviner to me. Getting warnings about things as far as another Sea sounds like a feat I've never heard any other diviner in Core, forget Foundation, to manage to accomplish."

"Wha-" Zeno backs away. Loud guffawing starting behind Zeno, the tea spilling in the sand. "Eh, yes. I am Centurion Angelus, Senior." A glare to his side stops the mocking laughter.

Straightening up, he says. "I am a good diviner, yes, but not to the level most legionnaires would love to claim, heh." Zeno shakes his head at the thought of their claims. "Heaven tipped the scale, because Kalki offended it. Simple as that."

"Heaven, favoring one of us Golden Devils over one of the Fifth Sea? I have to admit, that's a bit of an odd thought, and if I hadn't seen the lightnings sent down at Kalki today, I might have had a hard time believing it. But I have, so it's just one more thing to take into account, I suppose." Finally, he shakes his head as if to clear it of something. "But, that's enough of that. It's just good to see that Wei Feng managed to send him back in short order. The power of that Dao…" Amaranth shudders. "If he managed to get into the greater swathes of the Fifth Sea push, there'd have been a whole lot more deaths than there were, that's for sure. Not just from the emanations themselves, but also from those wretched invaders getting strengthened in the process. It was almost like those four were getting pushed over the crest of a wave, if the wave served solely to raise them up instead of crushing them over."

Zeno nods at that. "I got a similar feeling from that. Mind you the telekinetic we faced, Prakash, was a handful even without the boost by his brother Kalki. Everything he did, everything he was, simply became more for lack of a better term. He reacted faster, his precision with his weapons got better and I am pretty sure without that boost your punch should have at least made some damage. With the boost everything we did seemed to just glance off, somehow. Very frustrating." A bunch of kicked sand flies into the air.

"Anyway I am happy this went so well, to be honest. This could have gone so much worse. If the crafter lady had some stuff to entrap us we would have been done for, as only one horror scenario that could be painted." This gives Zeno pause. "It certainly showed how easy it was to lose everything with that. Not just our lives. A victory here could have wiped out the work of the last century, if not even more." his eyes looking upon his saber, while he thinks.

"Hm...Senior. I know that may be forward, but do you know what legacy you will leave behind?" Zenos eyes wander from his sword to Amaranth's face.

Amaranth's face, despite being a cultivator near the end of his lifespan, surprisingly enough still looked like he was in the prime of his life for a mortal. Given that cultivators tended to rapidly age as they approached their final years, this was undoubtedly due to the use of a technique. Even so, his bronze skin carried the characteristic tarnished patina of an elderly Golden Devil. There were parts where untarnished bronze still showed through, obviously the work of long effort scrubbing it clean, but the vast majority still was covered in tones of green and grey. That was rather odd, because Zeno could've sworn that he had seen Amaranth's face completely clear when he had first seen him, but he supposed that the patina piled on faster than he had thought.

"Legacy, huh." Amaranth looks a bit distant, for a few moments, but comes back to himself and straightens up. "Well, to be honest-"

"To be honest, what, senior?" Zeno's voice and posture indicating his full attention.

Amaranth looks like he's about to say something, but stops himself. Then, he continues. "I know I've tried my best to not show it, but to you, my age must seem as clear as day, so I'll get to the point. I've been thinking about what would happen if I'll fail the tribulation that stands in front of me. Failing and dying honestly scares me less than if I fail and survive. This'll be my one-hundred and ninety-sixth year, you see." Zeno nods.

Amaranth continues unabated. At this point, his chin is on his hands, eyes flitting from place to place in clear worry. "Even if the Heavens don't claim my life through the sky, the earth will take my corpse within a few years, maybe even a few months. You know, maybe it's a bit arrogant of me. I'm still at the Twelfth Heavenstage at this age, and even though I feel that the Thirteenth is at the very next step, waiting that bit longer when time is rushing out behind me, only to face a tribulation that's even greater than the one that I'd otherwise face, it's just— maybe that's why it hasn't come yet. Maybe that's why I haven't gotten there. And now, I don't know if I should be planning for a death that's more likely to occur than not, or if that would just make these doubts worsen even further when they shouldn't. So, when I say I've been thinking about legacy, that's really all I've been doing. Thinking. I haven't taken any steps—"

Zeno holds up both his hands. "Peace, friend. You do not have to convince me about the righteousness of your way." Amaranth finally notices the position he's in, and hurriedly moves back into an attempt at looking relaxed.

"Your story is scarily similar to that of my own father Georgios decades ago. He too faced certain death by old age and feared to not make it in time. Admittedly, he had the advantage of my mother, whose information network spied a particular dream trial she could accompany him within… He made it in time, advancing quickly afterwards with his bottleneck washed away. The price for that we pay even now, his body and soul lost to the liminal and serving under the dreaming Mount Tai." Zeno takes a moment to gauge the reaction of his listener.

Amaranth looks shocked. "Wait, that can happen? I don't know much about how the world of dreams works, but the Heavens can seize you in your entirety over there? That's horrifying."

Zenos eyes narrow. "It is. The power we attain in our journey always has a price, especially the kind my father bargained for in his trials. Ours may be made more by our own hard work, but make no mistake nothing exists alone." Zeno pauses, so Amaranth can have a moment to think.

"It should not be of concern to you anyway. You have every intention to face your tribulation head on, no? Zeno asks.

"Honestly, I didn't even know you could avoid a tribulation in that manner, but given the costs… No, that's certainly not a path I would take. Serving the heavens for eternity is far worse than mere death, and to be honest, I'm not sure the Heavens would be that kind to someone seeking to avoid the Five-Elements Tribulation. I'll face it head on. No matter my worries, that's the only path." Amaranth's face firms with resolve. Then, looking like he remembered something, he continues. "Though, is there anything that you know that could help increase my chances of success? I'd be foolish to not take any advantage I could before going through the process, after all. I hear that the wrath of the Heavens is lessened the higher you go, but that's about the limit of my own knowledge of the matter regarding the effect of the site chosen. That's actually what I came to ask you in the first place, by the way."

Zeno rubs his chin and contemplates the matter. "The information I have is secondhand, gleaned from many nights of talking with legionnaires in her legion and reading her official essay on the board, but I think I can at least give some insights."

Three fingers raised he continues." The first thing you need to be aware of is the horrendous cost in spirit stones your cultivation will consume after your ascent." Pointing with his other finger to the second finger he says. "Secondly, Your tribulation, as it is unorthodox in nature, is bound to destroy large swathes of territory and in the case of Callista made these lands even workable by farmers, small as it was. The last part is the most important. Where do you want to perform this tribulation? Not just, because you consider it optimal. All the people I have heard talk about it in the legion say the personal significance, like the Feng Shui, is important." With his points made, Zenos lowers his arms, waiting for Amaranth to consider this matter. His comrade is already pacing up and down as he talks to no one in particular.

"I expected the tribulation to be destructive, yeah. The tribulations of the Golden Devils tend to be that way. What was it, eight-parts killing intent to two-parts vital force for the 'standard' type? And that's before whatever that enhancement does to the thing. Though, her tribulation made the land fertile? That's pretty remarkable, though I suppose with what I've heard of her Dao, that makes sense. The Heavens challenge your Dao at the moment of a tribulation, to crack it, to find imperfections. In her case, the imposition of the existing world over her own, the world from before the Turtle Child died. I'm unsure if whatever countermeasure the Heavens would pull against my Dao would be as kind to the surroundings, though. That being said, if a place of significance is needed, then the sacrifice must be made to push through. But what place? That'll require thought."

Zeno stands beside the pacing Amaranth, a cup of tea for him in his hand. "Would you care for some after, well this? You certainly can't voice a plan with a dry throat."

Amaranth gratefully takes the cup, and takes a deep sip. "Thanks, Zeno. I needed that." A solemn grin is his only response as Zeno waits for Amaranth to collect himself.

After a few minutes, where he tilted his head to the side and stroked his beard, he nods once. Zeno noting his words on vellum, the tea handed over to Appendix in a quiet moment. "I think I have a place in mind. If there was ever a place that was fundamental to the birth of my Dao, it would have to be in that spiritual oasis, where over a century ago, I tested myself against thousands of toads and learned of their nature that echoed mine in some ways. There was a specific type of toad, actually, the Thunder Toad, that attempted to consume tribulation lightning at the Ninth Heavenstage in an attempt to forge their first pillar. Most died, of course, but it gave me an idea." Then, he frowned. "Though, that place lies flat on the desert basin. I'd have to use some sort of ramp, or tower, to make it a non-suicidal endeavor, but from what I heard, the tribulation might lay waste to such a contraption in the middle of the ordeal."

"Wouldn't it also make the surrounding spirit beasts wary of engaging you, with all the heavenly lightning gathered?" Zeno suggests, noting the Thunder Toad Basin.

"Ah, I see, perhaps there's been a misunderstanding. See, my relationship with the toads of that region, while certainly nostalgic, isn't amiable at all. If it made those toads more wary of me, frankly I'd consider it a bonus."

"So just another obstacle, huh." Zeno says.

Amaranth visibly considered that for a moment. "Not a bad description, yeah. Though, if I'm not mistaken, the Foundation-level Toads in the region that may seek to go after me after I'm weakened from the tribulation shouldn't be of the level to be too much of a threat, if the strength of the Single Pillar shows true as it did earlier today with that Kalki. I could even call it a bit of a morning snack— though perhaps I'm underestimating how badly I'll be beaten up in the process. Actually, nevermind that, you have a fair point."

Zeno says. "That sounds like you need Dao Guardians and some kind of artifact to ward off Heavenly empowered toads."

Amaranth, about to respond until he heard the last part of what Zeno said, comes to a stop and looks at Zeno with an intensity that he didn't have until now. "Heavenly empowered.. toads, you say? That sounds— surprisingly plausible. Incredibly plausible, actually. If the tools are already present, why not use them? Or at least, that certainly seems like the ethos they've taken with the Trials. Toad-men…" Amaranth continues to mutter to himself. "Did that Thousand-Tongued Toad doom me by telling me that story, or was it inevitable all along?"

Zeno cuts in. "Divination is not deterministic I think, and it constantly fluctuates. You know, the archives tell of so many individuals wielding the laws. It gets complicated fast and that is under the System of Heaven influencing us. So it most likely was not some kind of prophecy intended for you, but you just fit the role." his uncertain , but steady voice underlining how complicated that topic is.

"Divination wouldn't, sure, but curses of Fate are another breed entirely. Though, it seemed peaceful enough, so perhaps that's just my paranoia talking. Anyways, you mentioned getting Dao Guardians and artifacts? That's probably a wise move. I hear that you can rent the services of a Centurion for a hefty sum of contribution points, though I don't know anyone who would be willing to deal with something on this scale. I guess I"ll have to search around." Amaranth glances at Zeno one more time, and appears to be thinking hard about something. "By any chance, would you mind?"

Zeno steps back, shocked. "To be your Dao Guardian!? Would I as an Orthodox cultivator even make a difference? Not that I am not grateful, but… you know."

Amaranth laughed, which was rather unlike the somber attitude he was showing earlier. "No, I'm not asking you to strike at my tribulation directly. That'd just be foolish, the Heavens send down more power in response to interference. What I meant was that after my tribulation, I'm almost certainly going to be severely injured or unconscious, very possibly both. I'll be ripe pickings for whatever Toad decides that I'd be a nice meal to have after I've been fattened up by my ascension, so I'll need a protector to prevent that from happening." But then, Amaranth's face changed. "Though, considering the scale of the thing, even staying close enough to be able to protect me when Heaven's judgement has ended might invite collateral damage. Hm. Though, you'd think it'd be weakened from the distance, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Probably, at least."

Zeno rubs his chin, thinking deeply about this. After he's done he straightens his back, as every legionnaire learns for a salute and his eyes gaze directly at Amaranth. "I will do it, but I would use these circumstances for some poetic justice if you will. I would try to empower my fathers saber with Heavenly Lightning as its whetstone. Would my help still be acceptable, with you knowing this?"

"Absolutely! First of all, I should thank you for deciding to help me at all. I was just a bit overenthusiastic earlier, so apologies, that slipped my mind. Taking advantage of the tribulation in any shape and form would honestly be completely fine just for that, but taking advantage of it in a manner to deal justice to the heavens who have stolen your father from you— as a Golden Devil, I can only commend you for the idea. I hope you can take that saber and plunge it into the Heavens themselves for their sins." Amaranth catches himself miming thrusting a saber into the air, and sheepishly laughs. "Ah, that's my enthusiasm again. Essentially, go for it." A grin appears on Zenos face at that statement.

"Nice! that sounds like the beginning of a plan!" Zeno offers Amaranth his right swordhand.

With a smile on his face, Amaranth clasps Zeno's hand and shakes it. "Indeed. With Prakash and the Trials, we were the ones who reacted. We'll decide where the fight is next!"

AN: It was fun to work with everyone of you and it really helped against my writing bottleneck! @Humbaba , @ReaderOfFate

words: 5396
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Zeno Angelus - New Blood
What is love? Zeno mused to himself, while laying on his bed, staring at the bronze roof with green stitching. The colours from decades before only remaining in his memories.

That is a question every being cultivator or no must settle on their own terms at some point. Most mortals I have met showed their love through various material gifts, like a dowry of good tools for a merchant or a book for the wealthy among the mortals. Of course, physical aspects are always included in some manner and the ways to show affections are vast, even when not including cultivator capabilities.

Mere days before the trials he ascended towards the second pillar and fought on that level. his philosophical understanding was not on that level, and he can only thank the ancestors for his luck of not facing a soul specialist in the trials. A shudder overcomes Zeno at the realisation.

Zeno takes up a mediative pose on the floor, his posture long used to the posture without the weight of his armour and sabre aiding him.

Breathing in, Zeno says to himself. His Dao began like this…

"There once was a [floating mountain] with a dark flame of ever burning [love] blazing its way across… across what?" Zeno stumbled on the ending, a last bump, before the foundation laid perfectly in his mind. It all happens on the mountain, but where?

Zeno considered for a moment. As much as he dances in every fight, he also creates formations where needed. Yes! Formations, that's it! But, the formations, much like his fighting style is not very static, is it? It also doesn't really flow. It just always changes, its everchanging. Hm... then it should end like this, "cutting an everchanging formation into the mountain."

With that knowledge in mind Zeno stretches, makes sure his posture is acceptable and with the next breath taken he starts with confidence.

"There once was a [floating mountain] with a dark flame of ever burning [love] blazing its way across, cutting an everchanging formation into the mountain." With that last syllable uttered a breath of dream qi leaves Zeno's body and he gets back into a resting posture.

A new thought entered Zeno's' mind in the quiet of the evening, should he reveal his progress? His subcommanders Alexandria and Xia both outpower him in strength alone, by dint of ascending from 10th​ Heavenstage and both have shown no signs of slowing down. The families trade of the special Koi scales and our various spiritual warding arrays sell very well, allowing them and the rest of the family to cultivate without slowing down. If the Angelus family were hundreds strong, that would be another matter, but of no concern anytime soon for us." Zeno thought.

Looking at his hands, Zeno muse to himself. Then there is the fact that he can't deny every enemy he defeated not by strength of arms alone, what the clan's doctrine would suggest. No. He tended to act in combat as a saboteur, striking in the enemy's weak spot, manipulating the fight, and taking victory through trickery.

Gaiarados and Prakash both were defeated, because of superior tactics and informational advantage, not his strength of arms overpowering the enemy. Though, Zeno noted, his speed would suffer for it. On the other hand, he fights most of his enemies with comrades, not alone. If he fought alone and really needed it, to fight or flee. Then the suppressed pillars with all the strength might just be what he needed, and Xia at least would make sure he can fight at that level. Her desire for nobility would brook nothing less. The last remnant of churning qi in his Dao calmed in the metaphorical sea flowing around the mountain. In his mind's eye the flow was steady once more.

Yes, he would suppress his second pillar at least for now. With his foundation truly settled it is time to head out.


As Xia and Zeno head into the wide halls of the StorkBlood Hall where we shall meet our query, Zeno cannot help, but muse to himself.

The trials had been difficult, but no one had been affected more than my new subcommander, Xia. Seeing Heaven truly wield it´s might to summon these hunters sparked her newest pillar, a Pillar of Golden Devil even. Zeno can´t deny himself some pride in that, to have his clan's nobility recognized by her in such a manner is refreshing. Most outsiders just sneer and gossip behind our backs. I should know after infiltrating outsiders for so long, their topics don´t change much.

Thankfully gossip, intrigue and the occasional romance on the side with these ugly personalities is not something I have to torment myself with this time. We are on our way to the StorkBlood Hall after all.

My wife will be training the recruits, while Xia and Zeno make sure she can formally become part of the Golden Devil Clan. Most of the time our chances are slim, since most Elders are very level-headed and don´t take any chances with outsiders and most of the time any argument would be settled within the greater clan.

Thankfully, we have one person with enough power to always look towards the bright side of life and she is my Counterargument to their level-headed arguments. Most simply call her Elder Destasia, but my divination shows her to become far more than just that. Hero of the nobility seeker will be only one of many titles she will accumulate in the future. A smirk graces Zeno's lips at that thought.

The wide architecture of the hall makes it simple to find her, her frame hunched over a gadget arcing with unknown qi on her workbench.

A servant announces us. "Centurion Angelus and his subcommander Xia wish to speak to you about a matter of high interest Elder Destasia."

She looks behind herself, hands slowly extricating herself from the round gadget. "Of course, as an Elder I always have time for my juniors. Just a moment, please." Her methodical voice at odds with her reputation resounding clearly throughout this open hall as she slowly clears her desk for this conversation.

I step forward with paperwork in hand. "Elder Destasia, with my personal attendance I give the final and official approval necessary for giving my subordinate the blood of bronze. I would like to formally propose giving my Subcommander Xia, formerly of the Shen kingdom, the blood of bronze for her service in the trials. Saving thousand juniors through deed of martial action." I give a short bow.

Her practiced stern expression focuses on Xia as I mention the blood. "You wish to give this auxiliary the blood of bronze, Centurion Angelus? She clasps her hands in front of her, her eyes searching frantically for weakness of purpose as is required.

"She has earned that much, considering she made the Golden Devil Clan part of her Dao." Under her stare I further my case. "Giving her the blood would deny the chance of gossip ruining her career and nullify any thoughts of betrayal anyone may wish to hang upon her shoulders."

"And what does the auxiliary have to say for herself?" her voice dripping with practiced contempt and challenge baked into her words.

With purpose Xia answers. "Apart from echoing the words of my centurion, family in all but blood, I can only affirm my own will to accept whatever may come. If the ire of heaven is the price for true nobility to be attained then what cultivator would I be, If I didn´t accept that?!" Her voice rising a few octaves with fervour.

The Elders face splits into a grin. "Oh, do you now? Here is how I see you approaching me for this." Her mannerism becoming less formal by the second.

Her hands mimic the movements of sock puppets one could see on any travelling circus to amuse the children. "Hello, I would like to sign up to be part of your war on the Heaven. Yes, I understand this means I will suffer ill luck, have trouble advancing through tribulations and people will pop out of thin air once a century to try and murder me."

With that charade done she lowers her hands and steps to Xia with her grin reaching both ears. The asked question need not be stated.

Xia lowers herself to her knees before the elder, voice firm. "The shared pain is our pain." Elder Destasia pulls out a prepared syringe with the blood flowing in it in strange patterns. Her poke on the side, ensuring the syringe works properly without leaking any fluid.

"Knowing full well that our blood is mutable and this injection more so than most?" Xia nods and the Elder stabs.

Xia's wailing was pitiful, the few minutes it lasted before it overwhelmed her pure physique and allowed her to slip into blissful unconsciousness.


In one of many days, which we all experienced at some point, the day trod along. Nothing of note happened. The paperwork piled up around me and the messenger delivered my suggestions to every important person in the vicinity. There was only one problem, so small and inexperienced in fact she did not know when to stop.

"Greetings senior servant Xi, please teach me to become a cultivator." At least her bow this time is worthy of the court.

"Good morning, young one. Quite forthcoming, aren't you?" Naturally, the girl learned not to disturb me while I talk with her. Though, her dress leaves a lot to be desired.

"Why should I do that, young girl, if I could spend my time here doing my necessary work for the king? My brush dances across my knuckles.

"Great Senior I believe this lowly lady can achieve much under your guidance! Please teach me!" Her bow remaining stable all the while. Hmm…she has nerves at least. Maybe she could annoy Wu Ling for me? She certainly does not know enough of the old blood to differentiate her status from a common retainer, heh.

"In my graciousness I accept!" Ah and there it is, hope. How suitable for one so new.

As I bid her to rise, I make it a point to look over her frame. She is too young to really serve on the banquet tables, but she could still be suitable as a playmate for one of the young.

"Girl, the necklace!" Hoh, disobeying me so early?

"Teacher, its…from my mother ple-"as if I or the court would have time for such beings.

As I throw her to the ground to show just how different our worlds are I take this gaudy piece of metal from the mortal. I cannot allow her to invoke the Kings wrath on her first day. And now the girl is crying, great!

"Is that it how you want to start my training, girl, by crying like a failure?"

I must become a true noble no matter the cost!​

"N-No, please excuse my outburst teacher. I still want to learn, to become a better noble!" The failure, naturally, using the sleeves of her rags to clean her eyes. I cannot help but laugh at the statement.

"Hahahahahaha!" Oh, she is going to be entertaining. "What a good joke! You, a noble, ha!" the confusion on her face just makes it better!

"But my mother-" I am stopping this dumb mortal right there to unlearn all the stupid things she no doubt picked up by the street rabble. "…is a failure living in the servant quarters and you are the evidence of her failure. The common term at court for one such as you is bastard." After this stupid girl stops shaking in petulant rage, she finally asks me about important matters.

"Then how will you, great teacher, teach me to overcome my stain of failure?" She mispronounced the words, but that can and will change soon enough.

"First you will stop associating with her. Being born from such loins of failure is stain enough on you, no need to stain it further and for your first assignment we will fit you to new clothes. Maybe you will at least manage to look the part of a noble." Before we leave to fit her, I graciously allow her one final question.

"Will that make me a noble?" Oh, I know just the right answer for my little minion.

"Not right away, no. At first you will merely be a courtier." I flick her stupid glee away. My minion has no use for silly thoughts like hoping to achieve a better station.

I continue my wise lecture with a raised right pointer finger. "The court will call you many things, but there is one term that fits all who hope to truly become a noble of the kingdom."

"What is it? Wha-?" A glare sets her straight. Really, too much energy wasted.

"New blood." I grab the girl and run with speed befitting my station.


Since this was so important, I got the glorious, but boring duty to note her changes to her body, while the Elder overlooked the process, cackling madly like some fairy tale villain, already working on another contraption behind me. Her changes seem to come slow, but steady. Her body is slowly getting darker, and in between the dark spots the Clan's bronze can be spotted. Good. Then again, what is growing on her back? As I raise my brush to make her aware of my question, she takes it from me and hands me a small metallic tube with a point at one end.

"Oh, Centurion Angelus this is a great day! I didn´t think you were actually serious about her existing!" the Elders hands looking over the slowly appearing bronzed form laying atop her cleared desk. Huh, it is strange to write with it at first, but it does not spill! Brilliant!

"She actually has better acceptance of the blood than I thought she would, but without her Pillar of Golden Devil she wouldn't have accepted the Luck I implemented. What a shame!"

I stop writing to ask her about this very deadly phenomenon. "Karmic luck, the kind that tries to murder us?!"

She snorts. "HA, no! Way better than that! The featherbrains around here had the genius idea to attract luck to the person instead of a whole bloodline collectively, I think." Rubbing her chin with her right hand she continues. "At least that's the theory I used with her serum." Is that supposed to inspire confidence?

Elder Destasia elaborates with the same joviality from before. "She will be luckier than the average Devil! She will find more reagents for me than anyone else!" She genuinely enjoys and believes this. Zeno realizes with horror.

"If we are lucky enough." Heaven has never allowed something similar, why would that happen now?

A stink eye greets me once I look up from my notes. Xia's bronze tipped wings, twelve meters in length and ruining her clothes were just the most obvious things we could glimpse now. Testing was required. "I´ll have you know that-"

Our charge yawns before us and we both stop to continue our observations. Her vital signs are taken with the Elders strange instruments, while I note any change the elder mutters under her breath.

"What happened?"

The Elder splays her arms wide, "Welcome to the family! You even get a heavenly present!"

Xia doesn´t seem so enthused. Tears formed in her eyes. It is probably a new side effect from the serum or just her reaction to the physical exhaustion. "What…present?" The Elder has the health of her subjects in mind, right?

"Oh, it must have hit her hard. Maybe she should wait a bit so she can get acclimatized to the blood?"

The elders rebuke follows swiftly. "Stop worrying about it, we have knowledge to attain!" Oh no.

"As you wish, Elder Destasia." After my overruled attempt I help Xia from the table, and she finds her feet shortly thereafter.

The Elder continues unabated. "Ooh, you have bronze tipped wings. The Stork Blood integrated well with the bronze! Score!" As Xia's mental faculties are slowly regaining her composure, the Elder checks her pupils of both eyes. No orders by the Elder follow afterwards as she takes my notes and adds her own.

Before I can ask for her medical advice, I am handed a perfectly round ball of tin and ordered to run to the far-left corner of the hall. "Of course, you are happy to help, you silly little hare. Now go and make her obstacle course at least a little interesting. Weave, duck and most importantly make her use her wings, so we can see her soar!" the Elders hand gestures get wilder with every statement.

I can't help but notice one problem with that plan. "Elder, she can still use her legs to chase."

With a smirk, she answers. "Of course, I have already thought of that, but thank you for voicing it out loud for the rest. You have nothing to worry for I, your Glorious Mistress of Disciples, Luck wringer from Storks, One Who's Wit Pierces The Heavens, Scorpion Breeder Extraordinaire Lady Destacia Duca, am prepared for Field Testing! Witness!" A simple rope floats up from her workstation.

"That's a rope...with arrays?" Is she going to bind her legs?

A nod follows. "Exactly, young Centurion!" With that said Xia's feet are bound just a moment later, her wavering form already trying to use her wings for stabilization. That is a rope. Why does Xia have so much trouble to get out of it? It's not even strung very tight.

Her panicked voice echoes in this large hall. "Woaah, why is everything so..?" Zeno thought concerned. Why does she not balance herself in her usual stance? Can't she use her legs?

"What is it Xia? Are you perhaps delirious by the scorpion fun venom or feeling drowsy?" Her words seem less for the comfort of Xia, than to answer the question burning her.

"No, nothing of...uaaah!" and she falls to the ground. I am not quite sure, but helping Xia now feels like it could anger the elder. Better not risk it, even though her pose looks embarrassing.

Despite the Elder's energy, she waits patiently for an answer, while looking at her quite intently and with little distance between their faces. Maybe she is looking for facial damage?

"I felt drowsy, Elder, ma'am." Oh, that explains part of it. It still does not explain how such a simple rope can be so strong!

"Good, that it is in the past! Have FUN with your first flying lesson!" The Elder packs Xia by her slowly darkening neck, becoming more bronze by the minute. As Xia flies towards me, I remember that I have instructions by the elder and I run. If a simple rope from the Elder can make Xia's qi in her legs totally unusable. What else has she stashed away?





Thankfully, we were let go at some point. The tests were rigorous and definitely not something I wish to repeat, if only to never see Xia so distraught again. As I found out later, her tears come from more than just exhaustion and my lack of realization certainly did not help, considering what I helped put her through after the painful transformation. Hopefully, she will give me chance to at least make amends in the future. For now, our focus lies elsewhere and poking this wound now won't help no matter how I wish I could change it.

words: 3304

@no. , @Humbaba

AN: Not every plan of Zeno works out perfectly, sometimes he gets unintended consequences, like stumbling into another persons personal landmine. Naturally this will inform how they perform their missions in the future, but with time every wound wil heal. The question of how long it will take is another matter entirely, though.
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Zeno Angelus - Blades of Grass

As the 302nd marched through the gates, they once more beheld the glory of their past. Ascended dawnfresh and others who could not make it to the plains due to other obligations alike were informed on the way what they represented. The tempering trials showed them all capable of surviving and the great plains were not lesser in danger. As we marched, some asked Maria why the bells did not toll?

Maria answered after they were out of the gate. "It's sad as it is simple, none of us are worthy. Compared to the abilities of our ancestors we are not worth acknowledging."

Zeno responded after her. "But that doesn't mean it's not worth doing!

The rest of the discussion amongst the rank and file was drowned out under the noise a marching legion makes. As the sand turns to sturdy earth under our boots, we feel the change in qi hit the columns ripple like a wave among us. For all our sturdiness, we are unused to such vitality. Some need a moment to acclimatize themselves, others quickly find their footing. As we are marching, we don't stop moving in any clear sense of the word, just less fast than we are used to for some hours.

The wide plains full of lush grass do not stop our march, which allows us to make good time with anticipation building up among each centuria of the legion. We know the fighting ahead maybe difficult, but that only strengthens us. After all the 302nd​ "Silverine Bracers" marches to fulfil our motto: "To Protect Those Which Cannot Protect Themselves".

How could we not march where the fighting is the thickest? Zeno thinks as they march down one of many a hill on their way.


With every new day more and more mortals enter the city, giving each one something to tide them over, be it a cover or some of these "futon" the drunkards seem to favour, it gets more and more difficult, Zeno thought.

A stern and familiar voice sounds before him, as Zeno looks over the local resource list they have lying on the table before them. "Centurion, I suggest we buy some fortifying brews for the mortals."

"Denied. We neither have the funds nor would these righteous cultivators prioritize the mortal's morale over their own survival." The air grows thick with that statement. Xia's posture remains perfect, a blank face for all to see.

After Mulling over the situation at hand again Zeno says. "But you surely accounted for that, right?"

A short and clearly enunciated bark follows. "Yes, Centurion!"

Her explanations follow in an even tone. "We could dilute the Thousand-night owl brew we get from the Honourable Drunkard Sect and distribute this to the mortals. This would fortify their spirits, while the qi they exude should still allow us to concentrate our scrying operations."

Knowing this, Zeno rubs his chin in thought and orders. "Xia, that idea sounds workable. Make sure to take Iohannis with you so none of them fleece us!"

Just as they to affirm the decision of their centurion, the door shuts open.

In the same breath all three occupants of the room draw their weapons on the intruder, who looks owlishly with raised hands at them. His luscious unkempt hair draping down his back like a ragged curtain, staining his white blouse and brown hose pants with the liquids spilled from the keg on his back.

"s'xcuse me, but would you know where I can fin' de good stuff?"

After a glance to each other they lower their weapons and Zeno answers. "Greetings, senior of the Drunkard Sect. I am afraid we do not possess `the good stuff` as you call it. We are scouts and divinators one and all."

His drowsy expression reflects in his speech patterns. "No way, you have right there, under...uh…wood…floor, right." Iohannis iron-tipped spear takes on a brown hue from the smoke from his keg.

"While I am impressed you discovered our emergency satchel, I have to disappoint you. None of these bottles would compare to any of your standards." With Zeno's answer, Iohannis nods firmly.

"Nah, I mean the one you keep under that, the one you use to see far… an…stuff."

"I fail to see how that is of any consequence, senior? Seemingly realizing he is a semi-formal setting his back straightens promptly, while his drowsy looking face gets a self-assured grin.

"Senior Spirit Boar, a pleasure!" He exclaims, while sloppily bowing with his grin still affixed. Unperturbed by the nonplussed reactions to his name without prestige.

"Then would you explain to us what your purpose here is, senior Spirit Boar?" A raised eyebrow the only change on Zeno's face.

"Shertainly. For business and booze! But mostly business, sadly. I want you to scry…stuff, so my flying spirit-boar oar reaches my customers more often! They should all be allowed to row towards heaven, I shay! Imma call it Scry and die!" A keg with acidic fluid spilling on the floor, sizzling, underscores his enthusiasm for his proposed venture.

"And thanks to your invention I suppose even pigs may fly?" Zeno asks rhetorically.

"YESH, you get it!" Spirit Boar exclaims with a widening grin. The smoke clouding atop the roof of the room, while the smell is politely ignored by all present.

Iohannis says. "Then where, pray tell, great senior Spirit Boar could we possibly get so many pigs? Let me tell you, the mortals under our care need them more than the enemy deserve, poison or no."

"Good queshtion, good friend! Tshat's easy. You do your hocush pocush and I shend spirit-boar oar through and then… poof. They turn into little oinking piglets, heh heh. Get it? Because they are all greedy monsters?"

Zeno laughs, his braying echoing in between gulps of air in the stone construct.

Before long he catches himself "Oh man, it has been a long time since I heard something so ridiculous. Thanks, Senior. I think, I needed that." Zeno looks around and sees their shocked faces.

"An ass, hah!/a donkey/ what?!"

"Yes, I can laugh. Did you think I was made from stone?"

Xia answers promptly "No, of course not, Centurion!"

"But? Out with it!" for the first time in a long time Xia squirms. Her newly forged armour clanking loudly under her lithe body, the wings splaying wide in the small room.

"It-it's not befitting of a noble!" Despite her desperate voice she steps forward.

"Who says that? Some turtleworlder noble, who occasionally acts to the benefit of his subjects?" Their blades clashing, filled with their intent.

Xia rebukes promptly. "They always act nobly with every courtesy given!" The keg now lying between them sideways serving as a table to lay their sheaths. Iohannis, not knowing how to intervene, asks the senior who divested himself of his barrel. Their search for an answer leads to the emergency storage where Iohannis only finds disappointment.

Zeno snorts. "A court of empty gestures with no one worthy of the title." The thrust is met with a parry the barrel serving only to block their qi sense. Their exchange needs no eyes.

She cuts to the side, forcing Zeno back. "But nobility can be found there." Her opponent nods.

His sabre thrust is avoided by sidestepping. "And, knowing you, I can already tell you that each noble pursues their own notion of nobility!" Her loud voice echoing, while the bystanders drink for their success. The younger one showing a wild side he never knew, as his senior instructs him on the greatness of the spirits.

He asks with an even tone. "Then why are they not all chasing the benefit of their kingdom, why are some conspiring against the king, Xia of Shen kingdom?"

Her sword falls to the ground and her loud voice lowers. "They…They see nobility as a means to an end, not as a virtuous action worthy in itself."

The duel was done, but the preparation for the future just started.

The disarmed one asks. "I know it may be presumptuous of me to ask, but… how do you… *do* your dao?

The Dreamer answers. "I cut in between the material and the line of possibility. Sometimes my noble upbringing gives me the mindset I need for the right one."

"I see." With a wordless bow she leaves into the meditation rooms in the back, her lustrous sword lying forgotten.

As Zeno sheathes his sword, bringing the fallen keg upright, suspiciously not losing any liquid, he exhales.

From behind him the seniors voice rumbles. "Hey boss, you got any more of that?"

The sight of these two lying with the desk to their backs was one Zeno did not cherish. Their faces showing a mindless grin, dreaming without purpose, a dream that only fills the moment. Worse than an unrealized daydream, an actual affront to his senses. A dream on their mind that seeks not to be realized, to curl into itself. An abomination that shows all too clear how he, their Centurion and for Iohannis a teacher to his friends' son, failed.

Before long they were laid to rest in a cot and Zeno makes plans. He thinks, if the spirits can show the truth of a person, then maybe they can find common truth at the bottom.


Alexandria's day was long and with every enemy they face it got longer. With every thrust of her spear more enemies came, and the time window for her juniors to flee into the city got smaller. That is, if another Time-Shatter disciple did not screw with them again.

She shouted from the top of a small hill, a rabid bulky abomination bleeding a lake under her, serving as her watchtower for the moment. "Greta, reinforce the right flank and take some talismans with you!" The mentioned woman rushes to respond.

With the tide breaking for the moment her own tide of orders rushes forward. "Thomas, stop dithering and get a few men to destroy the tracks! And-"

Her order disrupted by the junior who deliberately walks unto the way of her pointer finger. "And I set up the new illusions, got it."

Alexandria smiles and slowly walks towards the valiant junior. "It's good to see such spirit among my precious juniors, it's really...invigorating!"

The confused junior steps back a step, not quite sure what to make of it. Alexandria is only a cultivator's step before her now. "Err… What can I do for you, Senior?" The one asking, wearing her clothes quite disheveled.

"Just a senior, am I?" Alexandria's grin reaching ear to ear. Her spear brandished at her opponent.

"Now now, there's no need for that. I am Xiu Ng from the Broken Arrows, friend. We are all allies here, right senior?"

Ignoring her question Alexandria's asks her on with a sweet tone, the eyes glowing green through her blind smile. "Then would you kindly use my name, friend?"

The spear now under her chin the spy tries to answer. "I…uh…Senior Maria?"

"It's Alexandria!" The alleged ally slumps to a bloody pile promptly, her blurred form making her true relations obvious. Her soft greens and browns changing to darker colours, the midnight blue vest adorning a red hourglass, which contrasts her black curly hair.

The world resumes and Alexandria barely dodges a dagger for her wrists. Her lone hoplite blooms for but a second, forcing the enemy back. Her enemies left wrist burning from the momentary contact.

A dagger is thrown and met by a qi filled spear. Their difference of qi flow follows an explosion, the force flowing upwards and sideways. Under the force Alexandria emerges, packed earth making way for her.

With an overhead hammer blow the earth under her fist's shatters, forcing Ng a step back. Avoiding the formations spreading from the crater at the same time. "Did you really think I would be caught that easily?" Ng shouts in defiance.

Allowing Alexandria no time to respond, Ng retaliates by flinging time shifted rocks from her soles. A blurred flurry of motion. These rocks, seemingly carved by the upwards stretched rocks to Ng's left, force Alexandria to roll behind another of Alexandria's crater pillars. Behind time shifted rocks, Alexandria gains a momentary reprieve.

To make Ng move Alexandria activates the previously laid formation beside Ng, a patterned wordless shout of qi all the warning Ng gets. Alexandria rushes, her fist promptly connecting with the enemy's gut. Her long forgotten spear jutting out of the earth, pinning Ng to her pillar of roughly hewn stone. Ng's clavicle shattered under the thrust, her howling to and writhing sounding the end to this fight.

Realizing this Alexandria straightens herself and makes sure no more enemies remain to disturb her before she pivots towards Ng's prone form atop the rock. She finds what she searched for not long after.

With her sweet tone once more underlining her voice Alexandria cups the chin of her enemy and asks a simple enemy? "Where is the other half?"

With tears and other fluids streaming down her face "N-not mine a-anymore. P-proper burial, please!"

With a simple nod Alexandria deadens her lower body nerves with a simple cut behind her neck, her ability to speak remaining unhindered. The junior with her right shoulder pinned to the rock continues.

"S-sold the other half to some…idiot devil bee bitch!" A lapse in focus is corrected promptly with a wake up to her cheeks, while her interrogator maintains her expression.

"Who, dear junior?"

"H-Hao Wanrou. That's all I know, I swear!"

"Thank you, dear. You were immensely helpful." Alexandria gives the girl her brightest smile.

"I am glad." With another cut Xiu Ng breathed her last, her soul departing to her afterlife without issue.

Alexandria allows herself a moment to take in the moment before she frees the spear from the corpse. Moments later Alexandria flips the earth under the corpse to bury her former enemy, fulfilling her part of the agreement. In this quiet moment she allowed herself to reflect. I have a lead on the other half, but how can I get the other half from a devil bee? Question for later. For now, we must get the rest of the mortals back into the city. No rest for the wicked, heh!

With a proud smirk adorning her face, she continues her journey.
words: 2435

@ReaderOfFate , @no.

AN: I finally wrote an Omake where Zeno realizes his current style of leading and teaching is what he wants to be. Also, Alexandria finally has a combat style! :)
Depending on how the Devil bee situation goes maybe she will find the other half this century. I haven't decided yet.
Should you have questions, feel free to ask!
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Zeno Angelus & The Builder - The Builder and Zeno talk about life and the great Dao
The Builder and Zeno talk about life and the great Dao
Collab between Juugo and @adamashield

The builder knew how strong the new Good Seeds were becoming and was afraid about the new trials, so in order to become stronger he sought wisdom even beyond the usual sources. Their search led to Abel's Senior Brother. They were sure that Senior had some insights to share. So they had many offerings, good food, and a pre-made contract of construction and went to the huge Manor of the Ancient Angelus Family.

A runner (with the best clothes in the brotherhood) went ahead with a fancy scroll, they were not sure how long they should prostrate in the front of the Manor. Their booksources and talks with other experts say that three days of waiting while prostrating themselves are good sights of favor by a senior.

So they move, the (healthy) mortals, under Angelus Aegis, show clear sign that they were well protected because they show no sight of fear for the 'weird green men', after one kid tried escalate one of them the others ask for the same, some men show sights of approvals and watch the muscles of some of the brothers and sister in the brotherhood.

A mortal asks something to their runner and both return to the main group. Good they will all move to the big Manor as one group then, it will give the Senior an even better face.

"As one" the second builder yelled for his brothers when they got close enough, each brother moved an offering and started prostrating in the main street in the 'prostrating formation', the stronger ones even hit the ground with the forehead and start repeating that action while coordinating with each other to hit the ground at the same time. Like the stories said one should. Then they wait. The sky shows the signs of clouds filled with rain. A great sight based on the stories.

For some breaths the builder bows before the gate of the Angelus family, because he sees the reaction of the mortals, and since this could very well be a hidden trial he just bow a little lower. And wait for a response from the manor. This cloud filled day, luck is on the side of the brotherhood and the patriarch of House Angelus steps through the gates not long after, a small army of servants can be seen working behind him as the gate opens. Clothed in his orange silk robes and a saber at his waist, he looks to be dressed for leisure at first glance. Standing before his visitors with wide shoulders Zeno awaits their answer.

"The brotherhood salutes the mighty senior brother Zeno Angelus, we come with offerings and would request some of your time for instructions" their messenger raises the scroll even higher. Then they waited.

Zeno answers with a smile. "Good to see such industrious juniors seeking wise counsel from their elders. Come on in, distant family to me and mine. This senior has enough time to help all of you!" With a grand gesture the gates behind him open up fully, showing tables with prepared lunch.

The builder nods, waits a little bit to be sure and makes a hand gesture, the rest of the brotherhood raise and make a line to give the senior the offerings; each present given Zeno takes a look at personally before handing them to a servant.

First was the second builder and the rest of the construction crew, their offering was a 10 years construction contract that they offered to work for free. They did 5 years for Senior Abel, so his senior brother should get at least 10.

As Zeno arches an eyebrow at the contract, both parties quickly agree to table the discussion for later.

The third 'brother' moved on the line and, with the rest of the cooks, offered a lot of homemade food, alcohol and tea.

A round of excited murmuring escapes the normally disciplined servants at the sight of these luxurious goods. Their help comes faster for these items than before.

The fourth 'brother' bow and wait for the best crafter to offer a great set of clothes and also find a lot of fabric.

The fifth 'brother' offered, together with the last of the brotherhood, some esoteric things, the best part was a mastercraft (mortal) incense, while the rest were odd things that could be useful for cultivators.

Each item was given careful consideration, before becoming part of the increasing pile of stuff in the outskirts of the manor plaza.

With the first formalities done with, each guest is shown their place at the table, setting in for the first few minutes to taste the prepared meal.

And the first to show off normalcy in the musculary elders. All of them eating in silence and showing (normal) behaviors. Unusually good behavior perhaps.

With both parties having enjoyed the host's meal, the table is cleaned and tea is served through sturdy carafes into earthen looking cups.

"Senior Brother, we seek insights. We were told you could help us with the brotherhood generations long ritual of Daos, since we have doubts that we can truly pass our insights to the next generation of the brotherhood." Said the second builder.

After placing down his own cup, Zeno answers. "I am always willing to help my juniors, but sadly I am only passingly familiar with your ritual. Would you please elaborate?"

"Certainly, each of us decides to give our all for a single Dao." said the builder.

"And we give ourselves for a Dao that could be built on each other. It would be simple enough to pass to the next generation if we ever succeed in using the good stone to pass from one generation like the first builder did to me." taking a second to breath, the old (looking) man continued.

"That stone is a vessel for QI that allows very compatible beings to share their QI, so to ease that process and to fuel our Daos, we make many promises, many sacrifices like stopping using our names. And through doing this we hope that the ritual becomes stronger." green man said. He thought for a moment and finished with.

"And we tried to seek the strongest QI condensators and even foundation established clan members that we can to offer the next generation a better future thanks to a stronger bloodline."

Taking a moment to contemplate the matter, Zeno sips on his tea and thinks. Meanwhile cups are refilled.

"You all work together, using the blood of bronze and your Qi towards one Dao as a group. A new Family through sheer numbers. Did I understand that correctly?"

"Yes, senior." They all nod to Zeno Angelus.

"A noble goal, but equally difficult. Do you know why so many Families have so few known members?" Zeno asks his students.

"We don't Senior" they answered and waited for the wisdom that they are sure to receive.

"Don't simply wait for wisdom to come to you. You need to work towards it together. Right now, for example, you already have all the pieces, but refuse to see them. Think and then tell me why we consider spirit stones so highly!"

The fifth brother said "they select the strongest of each generation and ignore the other brothers." he coughs many times and then continues.

"Our way of helping the less talented is a luxury that many would not do, even when many of our brothers do not use a single stone. They would still not be useful for the clan at large, and people like me would need to be completely ignored." finishes the fifth brother.

"Correct, you lack power! Most families, like ours, did have numerous members in the past, true. But in the end, if your family wants to stand the test of time in inter clan politics it needs a pillar which grounds the Family so to speak. Without that powerful senior, your family won't get resources for the other members as easily and simply lack a face to show vassals which you would want to trade with." taking another sip from his cup Zeno waits.

This time the brotherhood thought before commenting, but their eyes were drawn to the builder, their leader was looking at his gloved hands while a sound that seemed like metal being damaged was being made from said hands. Until the brothers and sisters close by broke protocol to put their hands on him. Making the sound stop.

"We sincerely thank you for this insight Senior Brother Zeno" the second builder said, A burst of Qi came from his neck. "Even our dead would like to thank you for showing us a path to prosperity." continued the second builder after the original one shared his opinion.

Zeno nodded with a wide grin framing his face." And I am honoured that you sought my counsel for such a momentous decision."

Being pleased to have given their host and teacher face. The brotherhood looks into each other's eyes to see if someone needs to ask some more questions. Once they can not find any more doubts, they process to act like normal visitors would.

Third 'brother looked up and asked "This is a lovely wood table, even though the smell of the wood is pleasant" she commented.

"Why thank you! It did take my wife some time to grow these trees. if you want we can visit the wood school later?"

The eyes of the brother grew large from this new insight. The fourth brother was the fastest to recover "We would be honored to do so. Oh, we have some seeds that had grown after the tree had consumed yin and moon QI, I am hopeful that the trees that grow from these seeds will come in a nice silver color"

"Oh, Alexandria is going to love you guys…"


AN: It was awesome to work together with @adamashield for this teacher-junior Omake.

Words: 1674 @no. , @Humbaba Please Threadmark

Reward: tribulation treasure. For turn 12
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Zeno Angelus - The lightning devils stand at Thousand Song
The lightning devils stand at Thousand Song

As the walls were once more under bombardment in between the lulls of bloodpath waves, Zeno mused. Fighting day by day should have tired us out after years of holding down Thousand Song City, but at this point he couldn't help, but find the constant displacement of air, shattering upon their qi carved walls…tranquil. No, that's not quite the right word. That would imply he wasn't ready for combat. It simply became mundane after a while.

Even after he returned from Amaranths' ascension, new heavenly iron tipped boots and gloves in hand, the city held. Spring turned to winter many times and with every new spring the piles of bodies, not already flensed by their comrades or burned by us, would thaw, and provide easy marks for our ballistae operators seeking targets. On one such a fine spring evening, sun still shining high, reports indicated an enemy core marching on the gates. That alone wouldn't rouse the wounded scion of Angelus, but there was just one problem. Our allied sects died like flies and the only competent ally nearby that can face that idiot swaggering along a well-trodden path to breach our part of the wall, is herself currently held up elsewhere.

Setting his latest report from the wall down on the desk, the centurion with a fresh lightning scar across his throat rises from his wooden seat. "Optio Xia, you hold command the wall while I distract the enemy expert. Make sure lady Callista can reach us as fast as possible!" Not a second later she bowed in obeisance with her closed fists.

Pointing to Iohannis Zeno continued. "You help Alexandria and I launch us off the ballistae."

"Y-Yes, Centurion!" was the only reply Iohannis gave before running for his post.

The door closed; they start the daily ritual since the ascension of their comrade. Alexandria helps Zeno put on the some heavenly-water salve in hard-to-reach places in hopes of not aggravating his injuries in the coming battle she asks. "Is that really wise? Your wounds have only just healed enough for you to take to the field again in truth. Even the medics are not certain if a higher expert simply concentrating his will on you, might just break you."

Zeno, while doing his own part of the ritual, responds with a low voice. "Probably not dear, but what choice do we have? Our 'allies' die like flies in the siege, despite being in the same realm. Taking one of them with us is worse than useless. They would just be gutted for their arrogance and devoured as a snack by the core expert on their way. And Xia…isn't ready, despite our best efforts."

She speaks. "We could hail them with bolts behind the walls-".

He rebukes Alexandria softly with a scarred right pointer finger on her lips. "And we would suffer under the obvious artifact such a self-assured enemy has in his pockets. Why else would he walk directly towards this part of the wall after not being sighted for the last two years? That timing is not a coincidence!"

At that statement Alexandria raises her own voice, while putting the last glove of his armour back on for him. "If we must. At least the others don't have to worry too much. WE will destroy them this time!"

Done with the salve, Alexandria puts the container away. Meanwhile Zeno prepares his newest weapon, making sure the heavenly iron tips sit properly. More routine than any conscious thought at this point. A worrying thought occurs to him once more.

"Alex…a Pillar-"

Grasping his stubbled chin fondly, she whispers in the low light of the candle flickering. "Shush these traitorous thoughts dear. They wouldn't bother so late into the war and if there is even the merest hint of someone like that appearing, lady Callista would attend to them personally."

After clasping his armoured hands and enjoying a moment of silence together they head out; their posture reassuring everyone the couple pass by.

They reach the ballistae formation quickly. After making sure Xia is locked in combat with the rampaging wall scaling fodder, they load the specially prepared bolt into the contraption. Iohannis counts them off, lever in hand.




As Zeno's boots touch the bolt the smell of ozone, reminiscent of a thunderstorm approaching, the bolt glows and flies with speed barely seen by the juniors of this platoon. Their minds occupied by the board of colours overwhelming their senses, while the displaced air throws the nearest enemies off their feet. After the air clears, all can see the bat winged core expert removing the sizzling bolt from his abdomen with struggle. The wounds starting to heal before their eyes.

All assembled give the brazen attack a moment of silence and even distant juniors of allied sects cease their squabbling to admire the moment.

"You will pay for this pathetic devil once I have you in my hands!" Was the first response the red robed expert gave after much coughing, readying his bone spear against the two lesser beings.

"If." Was the only answer his enemy delivered with a devilish grin on his lips, saber at the ready beside his wife. Their battlefield already littered with paper talismans, with words of liminality and deception inscribed in intricate details.

With a shout of "[Twin-headed Devil Avatar]" by the Golden Devils opposing their superior core expert, the battlefield returned to chaos.


With the glow of heavenly lightning obscuring the wall for precious seconds, Xia presses the advantage on the walls with a shout. "Advance, let no hunter of our subjects survive!"

Her comrades get up back into formation with practiced ease, waltzing the first-row enemies into paste before the breached kill zone beside them can comprehend the damage wrought on their assault leader.

The pushback followed promptly. As the hoplite pierces and bashes the row before them, the lesser fodder tries to crawl and grasp above their bodies. Any such notions are quickly punished by supporting drunkard allies throwing various qi filled utensils at the enemies, throwing the enemies farther than the first glance would lead one to believe.

Before long the second row falls as well, leaving only the leader on the walls and his goons. The defenders' luck doesn't hold. A volley of blood arrows pin down the righteous ones, forcing them behind a wall of qi reinforced corpses and various nooks.

With the hoplite dispelled and dispersed, the enemy declares his intentions to the fools opposing him. "Die quicker you dumb mutts. My appetite can't be sated with such an annoying wind dispersing your glorious smell!"

In retaliation a Strength Purity Sect expert charges at the assembled foes, throwing various weapons lying around with uncanny precision. The first two shots are deflected before he is forced to duck away in a nook beside the devils lying in wait for their moment.

In low whisper he greets. "Greetings fellow guardians, Han Weng is the name and throwing these beasts from the walls is today's game. Ready?"

Xia answers promptly with a nod and they wait.

Finding this gallery of death and misery amusing their enemy shouts to the dogs in hiding. "Come out, come out you shitty mutts! There is enough space for everyone. In my gut everyone even has equal rights!"

A distantly slurred "Fuck you an' the mutt you rode in on!" several rows in the distance gives the intrepid allies a chance.

And Han Weng gives them the "Go!".

As the offender is flushed out of hiding with a blast they use the opportunity, no discussion needed among these comrades.

Senior Spirit Boar throws his bottled concoction, and the blood arrow disperses the flying pig poison. While the leader only got partly transformed, his 'allies' oinks to the high heavens, unheeding of their impending doom.

Han Weng rushes the enemy leader with Xia at his back. Any pig not flying away from their charge, disperses they body promptly.

The archer, unused to his new form, quickly lays down a glowing talisman on a pig. Before Xia can pierce it with her spear, it bursts. The force of the blast, forces her behind her shield, instinctively using her wings to fall safely.

Her compatriot Han Weng continues the charge, forcing the archer into melee. Uncaring for the bloody caltrops on the ground, he punches through, lifting his enemy into the air. "Repent sinner!"

The archer tries to fall back but fails. Han Weng keeps him on his toes. Every second not spend falling back, is spend poking his enemy with an arrow. And for any advantage gained, Xia supports with poking from the second line.

That does not last long, as the next wave is already pushing up the wall, forcing Xia back to rally the troops. Her new enemy already in sight, Xia saw the waves leader eat a straggler before jumping once.

Standing on the wall he looks around before addressing Xia with a grin stretching from ear to ear. "Hahahaha, finally a bird with some flesh! Do you taste as spicy as you look?"

Xia responds through gritted teeth. "I-I am spicier than you can handle!"

"Well, your banter certainly can reach higher heights. Let this senior teach you to jump to higher levels!" His first is quickly batted aside by Xia's spear.

Despite the shock of seeing her enemy jump the entire wall in one jump, Xia quickly recovers her composure and responds accordingly. Using the length of the spear to her advantage she forces her jumpy enemy to face her spear-point with every kick. Where she cannot raise her spear, she bashes her shield to deflect. Her blood allowing her to last longer, keeping her shield up where other enemies would have faltered.

Even though Xia trained for decades to hone her craft to become a legionnaire, her past as an auxiliary shows every time her shield isn't raised in time and every step not taken towards her comrades for a new hoplite. Knowing that she can't do any better, she grits her teeth, ready to and willing to win by her endurance alone.

Seemingly tired of kicking he around, he jumps on high, ready for a tower kick. "Know your place spicy bronze b-!"

"Dynamic Entry!" shouts Han Weng as he intercepts the blood rabbit in the air.


The air displaces rapidly before Xia. Both fighters in the air get their hair sheared off by the blast. The upper parts of the wall to the battlefield in the breach torn off and her surroundings forgotten, Xia and her juniors finally saw why their Centurion saw need for the special ammunition. The wound on the enemy, allowed Alexandria and Zeno together to stall for time.

Her Centurion looks to the world as a double-headed demon, lightning arcing between the eyes along their bronze wings. The lithe war dancers armour, together with the unravelled wings, give them a terrifying presence. Attacks suffer the terrible lightning and their form wavering in between states of different postures, makes it difficult to truly gauge their place. All that reinforces one motion in Xia's mind. Pure fear of the unknown and uncertain.

Sometimes the form is hovering, sometimes it sinks into the ground, making the core expert strike the ground. After the dust clears more illusions appear over the battlefield, enraging the enemy more and allowing more chances for lightning to exacerbate the rapidly healing wound on his chest. Each strike by the core's lesser affecting him less and less. Their effort must be enough!


Another sneaky strike parried for her by her Strength Purity senior returned Xia's focus to the battlefield. As Xia turns around to face her enemies, she instinctively shears an opportunistic enemy junior apart with her bronze-tipped wings. Before long Xia returns to her comrades, a line forming on the walls again, as the bloody rabbit gets thrown of the walls by Han Weng. Spears already waiting to pierce and crush the enemy jumping from their chariots of hate trampling the skies of war.


With the nth hit and miss and another illusion dispersing before the bat winged expert, the [Twin-headed Devil Avatar] disperses. Along with the last wing full of eyes, the uncertain feeling of a dream unfulfilled leaves the battlefield and the real combatants emerge out of the smoke. Before the saber wielding Devil can collapse, his partner wraps her left arm around him, supporting his weight as the other readies her spear at the enemy. Meanwhile clear fumes of Dream Qi begin pooling around her legs out of the remaining talismans. Her intention to [Phantasmal Jump] easy to discern, in Qi and stance. In that breath, she does not speak, for she would know words of hate known only wasted. She simply glares, ready to strike.

Seeing his own superiority acknowledged in the exhausted and bleeding state of his opponent, the expert gloats. "Ha, you foolish mutt, you could not entertain me for even a minute! Do you have any other tricks to show to me before I end your pathetic life?"

Raising a hand, with the other clutching an amulet around his neck, he answers. "I do, honoured senior!"

After a nod by the amused spear wielder Zeno responds. "I have met many a pot in my travel and none of them met my standards. It's very difficult as you no doubt are aware, good sir."

"It's LORD to you, mutt and get to it!" sneered Zeno's opponent.

Unperturbed by the contempt of his audience, he continues. "It took many years of searching for the right pot to contain and not spill me, but then it hit me from the sky like the worlds tribulation lightning, just as I met her."

Growing impatient the expert finishes Zeno's tale, who franticly investigates the sky for a sign. "And then you two fell love and she cooked for you, like a good woman? HA, a likely tale, foolish mutt!"

Alexandria cuts in. "Of course not you halfwit! I make way better food than that combat maniac ever could!

"Ha! That will make boiling you two in the pot in my gut all the better. Two foolish loving children returned to the soup they so love!" with the grating laugh of the enemy resounding across the wide barren field of packed and cracked earth inside Thousand Song; nobody dared to approach the lord and his newest toy.

The saber wielding Centurion asked in between the spear wielders bellowing laughter.

"Hey Lord pot!"

"What? Make haste you m-"

"Meet cauldron!"

With a "HURF" the expert pot met his cauldron and was no longer concerned with his new toys. Blades of water clawing at his supernal physique and their legate's qi clearly presenting herself as the culprit made sure of that. Rina Callista, Legate of the 302nd​ Legion, has taken to the field. For her legion a balm on the soul of their morale and for her enemies a terror with an overwhelming Dao; wielding elements like only a Nascent Soul expert is supposed to.

With just that same surety reaching Zeno and Alexandria through her Dao, they [Phantasmal Jump] to reinforce their comrades on the wall. With the Legions cauldron containing any spill over, stirring the pot and removing any unwanted ingredients was made significantly easier.
AN: Figuring out how to implement Rina saving Zeno was fun and hope I can be forgiven for such a blunt joke!

@no. , @ReaderOfFate
Words ca. 2572
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Zeno Angelus - The Grave of the Plantman
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Zeno Angelus - Wüstengrab


With the writ of favour gained by good service to the clan under his arm, Zeno made a point to travel slowly back towards the front. Not that his services were not needed with his Legion, but his instincts told him there was something important near the front of the Jingshen war of extermination. For that purpose, he sought the smaller towns.

Where he made his stop wasn't even a Waycastle. It was one of the thousands of trade towns that boomed only for a century between the lull of trials. Meagre water reserves and dune jumping dune worms made for poor company after all and the vassal kingdom of Shen always appreciated some more trade, no matter where it came from. Nonetheless there was always some aspiring merchant who thought they could invent the next Scorpionroad just 1000 li away.

Once he found a quiet corner under the protection of thick mortal grade sandstone walls, he started to meditate and truly let the last few years sink in. He learned many things in the decades of service for his clan. One of these things was the proper procedure to help the dearly departed find rest. To make sure the soul did not linger in this world. Each time the basic strings of qi were woven into the world, everything around him shimmered and the bond towards reality seemed to loosen. He always compared the effect to his phantasmal sight in his mind. The technique of proper funeral rites made way for a gas to spill and fill this small part of the world, while the phantasmal sight cut through the world using the liminal as its medium. Different dimensions were targeted, but the basic concept remained the same. At some point worlds were bridged.

With that last thought of bridging dimension lingering in his meditative mind, Zeno suddenly noticed a frail hand pulling on his brown travel tunic.

He slowly opened his eyes, just now noticing his surroundings. Before Zeno could even start contemplating how he found himself in his estates tree school even if he could have sworn, he started meditating very far away, the small girl in front of him stole his concentration. The girl looks for all Zeno knows to be less than a decade old. But her strange white dress put down any notion of a normal girl to its grave. Thoughts of worry wandered in his mind. Where does a mortal girl even get such an intricately woven white dress with white lace? Where could anyone obtain such strange pink coloured jacket? And what purpose do these red bands on her shoulders even serve? There is no qi stored in anything.

"Ah good uncle you are finally awake?" The child with a clear voice grins at him.

Zeno smiles back as the evening sun shines from the canopy on his face. A breath alter he answers. "Ah, hello. So, you are my niece, are you? How could I forget that?!"

"Not quite, but you are older than me. And mama says humans can be cate-categorized into three parts. Evil humans, humans you leave alone and family that you must help. You seem to belong to the last one, Uncle!"

Her so called uncle takes a moment to clear his thoughts. One string of thoughts notes her appearance resembling a mortal child no older than seven and her stuffed animal resembling a dog clasped by her frail-looking hand. His instincts and experience tell him another story. He helped thousands of ghosts to their rest after their battle was done, but not even the smallest of children confused him for their family. Ghosts just knew the difference and they didn't appear in his own dreams.

'What an unusual traveller.'

With a jovial tone he protests her accusation. "I am not that old, you know? 120 summers is nothing compared to my superiors I assure you."

"So, you are ancient~." and a giggle is her response.

Zeno snorts. "I suppose that is true for mortals… where might your family be young miss?"

"Oh, I am not alone. But that is completely okay. Look, I am a big girl and need nobody to look after me. Not like you!"

Zenos face loses his joviality for a moment, long having learned the signs of danger as he dreams. "Warning…from what…und for who young miss?"

Hima'er'er looks at him with a sad expression: "If I tell you, you will leave. No, I don't want that. Let's play something instead! If you win, I'll answer a question."

Zeno looks around, still sensing only the capabilities of a small mortal child before him. At the back of his mind, he couldn't help but feel something to be amiss. Whether it was the danger the girl warned about or her own combat abilities, he can't tell. "Very well. What game do you wish to play, child?"

"You are really rude Uncle, do you not want to introduce yourself? I am Hima and this is Noriko. But, back to the game." She point to the dog at her side and sets the stuffed toy down. She promptly fishes out a pair of little bells in her bag. "You close your eyes and count till ten, I use the time and hide myself nearby. If you can take the bells from me, you get your answer. If not, then we will see each other soon! "

Knowing this is a dream and this young girl held potentially disastrous knowledge behind a chase. Zeno couldn't help, but be visibly annoyed at this situation he found himself in. In a dream of all things! Zeno consoled himself with the knowledge of her assured cooperation. Dream spirits tended to hold their promises above all other things.

Getting his bearings again, he replies with a small smile on his lips. "Ah, you have a nice companion for the road. My name is Zeno Angelus and I serve the Golden Devil Clan as a leader of soldiers, a Centurion."

Hima'er tilts her head: "What's that? Sounds strange, more like something to eat." The toy back in her hands.

Zeno laughed at that statement. "No, no. A Centurion is someone who commands other people, not something to eat you silly girl. Bye the way, are there any rules I should follow in our game?"

"Hm, sounds lonely. Not like something you would talk about with your friends. Noriko I for example always decide together!" While she stands on her toes, Hima'ers' chest fills with pride at that statement. Her arms and lips stretching out to allow Zeno a better view of her best friend.

Done with her impromptu display she doesn't take long to respond. "No, No rules. No tears and only one round for today. "

Ignoring the potential this could still be a trap in disguise, he holds his right hand out for a handshake, exposing his scarred pointer finger from under his long sleeves. "We have a deal, Hima'er."

With the curiosity of every child, she takes his hand in her own and looks at the scar. "Oh, where did you get hurt? Looks like a big ouch. Wait, I can help." Before Zeno could react she kisses his scar with care. "So now it should be better!" The dress and red bands move with an unseen wind, while the clearing remains calm.

Smiling at her antics and ignoring the strange feeling in his hand, he starts standing up and stretching. "Give me a moment, please. I don't want to give anything less than my best."

"Oh, all good I can wait. I am waiting for so long already." she giggles again.

Not long after, Zeno straightens his back and starts counting with his eyes closed. The rushing of the wind between the treetops of his wife's tree school the only sound he can hear.

Ten seconds later he has finished his count and opened his eyes, his senses already searching for a girl he expected to find instantly. No such luck. His qi sense also didn't help. She was simply gone from one moment to another. Finishing his first scanning of his surroundings the first thought that came to Zeno's mind was 'How can I not find a mortal girl?! She can't have gone far, right?"

Starting his search, Zeno starts dancing his phantasmal dance while keeping to the ground. The girl surely couldn't have reached the higher treetops while he merely obscured his eyes. For long minutes he wanders across the gardens of his estate, searching high and low, all the while looking for clues. The qi enhanced puddles of his arts should have shown her location, but there was no girl. There was only


Before Zeno could regain his balance, his foot caught itself on a tree root and he saw black.


Startling awake, Zeno took some time to gather his bearings. Lying with eyes wide awake in the old bed, he watched the sun slowly crawling in between the flaps of the crooked windows. Only the reflection of sun rays off of his resting armour, gleaming with dew droplets from the cold night, roused the Centurion from the first good bed he laid in for weeks.

After a few good stretches and his morning ablutions done it was time to repair and maintain his armour. With a good cloth and some oil in hand, Zeno sat down with his right-hand gauntlet and started scrubbing.

Something felt wrong to him, not in the danger sense. More in the, that doesn't happen to bronze one's way. Taking another careful look at the offending appendage, the stone of wisdom finally fell in his sleep drunken state.

"Where is the scar on my hand?" A shiver runs down his back at the thought of similar things, possibly worse things, happening to his family through sleep of all things.

With that unsettling thought shaking his mind wide awake, the father of four quickly finished his ritual of maintenance and set forth on the road. The dreams only got stranger the nearer he came to the front, but always shared one connection, family.


"Psht, careful. They are nearly there.", whispered Hima'er as a greeting. No teasing, No uncle. Only the fear of danger can be seen in her eyes, as she placed a pointer finger on her lips. The silence allowing Zeno to notice they are once more inside a representation of his family's tree school.

Long ingrained discipline overtakes his fear promptly and Zeno merely nods at her statement, his previously lax qi control tightening in a heartbeat. With a stern look that demands answers the old Dreamwalker expresses his worry towards the girl.

"The hounds of the desert and their curse. Come on, you cannot live in a desert and not have heard of them! Mama told so many stories of them! T-They devour everything that crosses their path!" Her voice reverberates oddly, seemingly echoing among the treetops. Ideas of this being some imagined and isolated safe place for Hima'er cross the soldiers mind before his trained instincts take over.

Now noticing something eery in the distance of this dream, Zeno's' instincts as a father take over. Quickly tightening his grip around her exactly one-meter-long frame, he tightens her naturally expressive, and foreign feeling, qi. His other hand gesticulates to her a closed mouth and a need to be wary. With his metallic ash blonde hair scraping the side of the tree to hide in plain sight, the tree tops groan as malevolent qi scours through the tree school. With her trembling form in his grasp, that feeling of security changes to something isolated and insecure.

With his saber drawn and some hastily applied silencing formations applied to the nearby tree trunks, Zeno feels secure enough to at least continue their conversation, if at least with a heightened sense of wariness with every breath.

"Noriko.", whispered the girl with tears in her eyes. Her stuffed toy dog was missing. Almost concurrently the howling of jackals and an opposing dogs barking was heard in the distance.

Sheathing his saber, Zeno clasps both shoulders of the young girl and whispers in her ear. "Don't worry you are safe with me. Now hop on and tighten your grip. I'll get you out of danger." Without waiting for her reply, Zeno presses the young girl to his body and carries her with speed towards the estate and hopefully out of danger. The journey to the dream of the estate stretches on, the girl losing form and substance in his grasp. The lantern light of his estate swallows his senses soon after.

Finding himself sitting on the sole tree overlooking a village almost made him fall to the ground. Thanks to trained instincts and experience with awakenings of this kind of strange sort, Zeno managed to catch himself. He did not faceplant... for once.

Taking the unknown scenery in stride, he dusts of his armour and starts marching towards the small village hidden behind dunes and stone. The lone cloud of rising smoke and lack of obvious entrances imply this to be more than just off the beaten path. Not that it matters to Zeno. He doesn't even know where the Scorpion Road is at this point.

"Maybe the villagers can point me in the right direction?"

The march towards the village over the horizon is a tranquil one, eerily so. Not the tranquility of a besieged city, but more of the ambush kind. The kind where he knows a danger lurks over the horizon, but he can't place what or when.

Promptly a dog jumps out of the sand. His fur resembles a stuffed toy. The air is tense and no one moves. At first glance Zeno can tell his tiredness, maybe even disappointment in his eyes. The dog makes the first move and languidly lifts a doll out of the sand, ignoring the blade pointed at him. At first glance it resembles the girl in his visions, Hima'er. The puppet transforms, resembling his Optio Iohannis with every passing second.

"This is new. Wait..." As the Dreamwalker finally connects the dots, the dog begins to yowl.

Looking into the dogs' eyes, he sees a huge pack of hungry desert-jackals running towards an eerily familiar little village near some copper mines. The ground rumbling beneath Iohannis and his charges. Zeno knows the how and why is unimportant for now; time is of the essence.

An exchange of nods later and Zeno speeds along the dunes with speed no Qi Condensation junior could hope to match.


Thousands of beast corpses to their back and thousands soon-to-be before them. All of them rush towards the mines and force Iohannis and his comrades to stop their scheduled patrol on this stop.

"Hold!" Ignoring the blinding green light from their Optio, the bronze squad held.

Shields crash into each other and the Hoplite glows brightly behind us once more. The horde circling the gates before us, feinting an assault. The creaking of old wood beside us, the only sign of hope against these masses. Iohannis contemplates a retreat to the town square before quickly discarding it. He mumbles. "They'll just run right in and skewer our charges. Nothing to it then, we'll be holding this gate then."

"Optio Iohannis, the gate is standing again. What are your orders?" Max, a legionnaire since Thousand Song, asks the veteran among them.

"Create a concave along the width of the gate. We'll skewer them!"

With orders given, the hounds smell opportunity and start the chase. Unlucky Max stumbles over the runt of the pack, forcing another legionnaire to cover for both. The leader of this pack charges at them, seeking to crash through in the middle.

With others occupied, Iohannis meets this beast, its low Foundation level claws finding ample purchase on his shield arm. The blood from his arms dashes down his left forearm, joining the bloodslicken ground. With the force of the charge, both combatants are thrown back, throwing up dust and blood on their trail. A bronze spear lodged in its hide.

With discipline trained throughout decades of service, the squad closes the concave once more, making sure the battle between champions remains uncontested by the rest of the pack.

With the Packleader skewered and without quick means of attack, It thrashes and quickly throws itself off the bronze spear.

A quick kick sends the silber backed Leader in an arc against a house. Its pitiful noises sends its pack in a frenzy and they double their efforts to break through the concave. Their boost in morale is all for naught as they are skewered and stomped Into the sand for their trouble.

With a grunt and a thwack the Optios shieldedge is now decorated with his enemies remains.

Looking over the unnamed village, Iohannis could only scowl. His comrades meanwhile are starting the cleaning process. They can't clear all the blood before night fall, but at least the carcasses can be moved.

Giving each other a nod, Max starts his report. "Despite being outnumbered, our casualties are low and thanks to sudden assistance we have no deaths to report."

"Sudden assistance? And why have you not brought the stranger before me?"

Shuffling his papers, Max responds. "Well, the Captain isn't a stranger and Clara needs all the help she can get right now."

There was a long pause as Iohannis Just stared at his best friend.

"There is only one entrance into this mining village, right?"

"That is correct." His ever-dutiful friend answers.

The Optios left hand leave the shield in the dust.

"The Captain should still be traveling on the Scorpion Road, right?" The freed fingers find the bridge of his nose to be a good resting place.

"Well, yes. His presence is needed to properly divine the boltholes of the Jingshen."

With rumbling felt beneath their feet, their conversation halts. A giant dune worm slithers out of the ground, throwing up Clouds of smoke. Training takes over and a ragged looking hoplite is formed without Iohannis. Their Qi responding more slugishly than usual.

Dodging debris Iohannis shouts. "This possibly could not get any worse."

Heaven rumbled, turning blood red and mist of the same colour fell quickly. The mist clings to every creature and the hoplite falls apart as madness takes hold among their ranks. Spears are thrown in confusion and shields are bashed against heads. It only takes a moment, but regaining order takes minutes. A few words by Iohannis helps them regain their composure, while the beasts find their footing using their transformed bodies.

Stepping out of the small hovel, his Captain says. "So, you are the one Alex wants as a foreman on our goldmine project." Looking at his neck he continues. "Don't worry about the pendant, she will make you more."

Trying to grasp the treasure big sis Alex gave him as a reward for his first breakthrough turns out to be a futile gesture. Only the cord remains.

"Why, Captain? Why?"

With a shrug he responds. "My guess is on bonding."

The worm grows in moments, bathing in the mist. Both legionnaires look up at their new enemy.

"But we talk, like, all the time, Captain!" Iohannis tightens the grip on his spear. The anger in his visage amplified by the scowl on his lips.

"I think she meant-"

With a glare he commands loud and clear. "Combat, I know! Now listen up, I take the worm and you help the rest!"

A sloppy salute and a pleased grin is the only answer Iohannis gets before jumping right into the maw of his enemy. The blood coating him makes him an easy meal.

"Fuuu-!" and various other curses can be heard as the worm is stabbed to death from inside.

Iohannis leaves the blood-blessed-worm stronger and more tranquil than ever before.


AN: May I introduce to you, a not so average patrol interrupted by a not so average Centurion.

Words: 3341.

Reward: LST

@no. , @TehChron
Zeno Angelus - Cultivating your cultivation

As Zeno walked along one of many windswept parts of the Scorpion Road in the Organ Meat Desert, he mused to himself. He knew his advancements along the Foundation Stage was by all accounts excellent. The many brews to swim in, dreamcatchers to inspire and spirit stones to fuel his cultivation were all evidence of the Clans gratitude for his rendered services.

While the many artifacts he accrued over the course of this century long service have been spent in his recent mission. The wounds of his remaining scars remain. Looking at his jagged scar on his collarbone Zeno turns his focus inward, uncaring for the road under his boots.

What am I the guardian of? What type of guardian am I? What dream do I cultivate?

And always with the question afterwards

How does that make me feel?

These are all questions that plague Zeno on his way, ostensibly to the frontlines, but in practice to nowhere. He couldn't help but chuckle at the nugget of wisdom he received from Legate Zhi, "Zeno, you are prone to daydreaming more than any cultivator I know. At least daydream about the end of our enemies, so the Clans discipline takes over in your actions. I don't want to see you again after you fell of another cliff!"

These thoughts slowly vanished as a thought occurred to Zeno. What are dreams to him exactly?

Coming to no conclusive answer on the spot, he ruminates on his Dao in search of…something. Colours swirl as he dances along the road of life; a dance without clear rhythm, but with clear purpose. To wander.

With his first step the sand glitters in the light of translucent qi cloaking his form. After the second step his form disappeared and all who would wander onto this spot would wonder where that person disappeared to.

"There once was a [floating mountain] with a dark flame of ever burning [love] blazing its way across, cutting an everchanging formation into the mountain. The flame giving energy to explore the [liminal] in which this mountain flies. A [custodian] dances in between the tongues of flames, …"

The sentence cut off there. Zeno knew he could add something, anything to it, but it wouldn't fit. The pillars of his cultivation are, to him, more than just words. They are concepts which represent his world view. For Zeno, the goal in life is his dream, not any dream. It is his view of what it means to dream a dream.

Zeno is the Mountain floating in a sea of dreams, with a dancing dark flame of love etching ever changing formations in his Dao. The Dreamwalker mumbled to himself. "Not every formation works for every dance after all. Sometimes you need some flair to properly express yourself."

His dextrous feet don't care for the ground as it changes from sand to bark and bark to stone in short order. The combat boots make sounds of metal hitting stone, yet the wearer does not care.

Uncaring for every figure barely stepping aside and bowing he steps forth and talks to all who would listen. "What is love then? Reciprocation of feelings naturally, but on the scale of the Clan…?"

"Service to the Clan!" a booming voice cuts into his thoughts, subtle qi reinforcing the truth of the speaker like a furnace gives heat.

His stride halted by the weight of their implied meaning; Zeno opens his senses once more. "Pardon?" The locally reinforced qi of the material plane forces Zeno to need a moment to adjust.

"Seriously, you have been a Centurion for decades now. Are you still daydreaming your days away, Zeno?"

The voice, raspy it may be. It sounded familiar to Zeno. Before his thoughts caught up with the questions running rampant in his mind, he straightens his back shouts with gratitude lacing his tone.

"Thank you for your advice, Legate Zhi!" His scabbard swinging lightly at the side of his waist as his buckled form regains a proper posture.

"You are as always welcome, Zeno. Now, be at ease and tell me your problem, preferably before my hole head turns green."

Taking the command as gospel, his frame immediately relaxes, and Zeno allows himself a moment to take in his surroundings. He seemed to find himself standing in a windswept village plaza, where dozens of mortals stared at them in bewilderment, their stalls around the outskirts of the central plaza seemingly forgotten.

The Legate before Zeno he knew very well. She was the very first Optio Zeno served under in his chaotic youth after the trials. The then Optio Zhi Zimisce, the one who guided Zeno on his abilities in the arena of healing arts and its more lethal applications. She is just as rail thin as her famed grandmother, but true as her word said, with more green hair tips. So, she is on her last century then? Why then does her Dao still exude this aura of relentless ambitions, of dreams that are just waiting to be fulfilled? Why does she imitate the sign of old Age? No matter. He will find out one day.

Both simply frown at each other, finding something not to their expectations. Small talk wouldn't help Zeno in figuring out his reason for appearing before her of all people, so he kept silent and thought.

After a moment of amiable silence, Zeno reports. "I am marching back to the frontlines, Legate."

"Then you started daydreaming and just happened to wander hundreds of li away from the Scorpion Road into a village inside the territory of the Twelve Merchant Cities?"

"Err. Yes Legate. That is the sequence of events…I think."

The legates' fingers rest on the bride of her nose for quite some time, leaving the Centurion to stand at attention.


"Could you elaborate, Legate?"

"Stop it with that attitude! We both now you are no longer some fresh-faced legionnaire and you never were a normal one to begin with!"

Zeno steps back, shock clear on his face. "I-"

"Say it, Zeno!"

Silence remains between them for a while. Villagers around them – sensing the tense situation- vacate the plaza.

She continues quieter. "While still in Qi Condensation you rooted out a Blood Path rebellion an-."

"Not Alone, Maria was-!"

"The brutish berserker relied on your plan, Zeno." Her stern gaze sent shiver down Zeno's spine. A familiar feeling of confusion before a superior reared its head again. It reverberated in him, almost as if he never left the Dawn Fortress.

"To top it off, you lead an assault against a Single Pillar King at Fort Dreadsand in the last Trials. This isn't even mentioning the fact that the Phoenix, Wei Feng -one of the thirteen- allowed you to take the lead or the stunt you pulled at the Great Battlefield. You, a low Foundation Expert held off a Core Elder. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that even sounds?!"

"No?" I mean-"

"EXACTLY!" She shouts; all doors close promptly.

Silence settles between the Legate of the 616th​ and the Centurion for a long breath.

Eyes locked onto each other.

She raises her right eyebrow.

"May I have permission to speak freely, Legate?" Zeno asks with clear hesitance in his words.


"I am quite aware of my internal Status as a Good Seed, but… I don't know how to rise out of their shadows."

Throwing back a lock of ash-blonde hair with a flick, she snorts. "Since Callista hasn't resorted to using the Yin spiral technique -Imperator above, that Konstantinos bloke would report on that in a heartbeat- You mean our Legions founder? The Blood Path traitors?"

"My ancestor and his followers, yes." Zeno says through gritted breath.

Nodding, she started tapping her left foot on the sandy ground.

"So… you don't want to be a Centurion forever then?"

"What? No!"

"A second in Command for Callista then?"

"No…my own. Not because I hate working for her. It's just, her decentralized organization style allowed me to come as far as I did. You know?"

With a sneer on her face she says, "I know. Politics! What you need is irrefutable proof of surpassing Angelos; create your own shadow where he failed."

Zeno bristled and exclaimed with a low voice. "You want me to find the 616th​ banner? It could be in another sea, used by some other clan after obtaining it in a secret realm for all we know!"

"Maybe, but you won't find out remaining in their shadows."

"And…for both I need power and luck. Lots of it." A knot in his qi flow, he could have sworn wasn't there a moment ago, loosened.

A snort escaped the leisurely standing legate. "That of all things solved Qi deviation? Acknowledging your need for power and luck?"

"I suppose so, yes." His head rapidly gains new colours.

A giggle escapes her and the last bid of tension fades. Behind them small steps rush towards them.

Shouts of despair disturb the peace. "Granny Legate! Granny Legate! Grandma, she isn't moving! She is…waaah...ghost!" A teapot flies out of the small clay window, taking a rug with it. Chaos quickly descends on the villagers and all entrances are shut fast again.

The legate sighs. "That's my cue."

"Do you have no legionnaires to delegate?"

"No. It all boils down to politics. We are always understrength and spread out, and the lack of apparent glory doesn't help matters." She splays her arms wide at the approaching ghost of a small old mortal woman, wielding a cane.

"Do you want-?"

"No. You do whatever Good Seeds do to break the legate betting pools. Go do a suicide mission or enter a secret realm without being on the highest small realm of your stage. Maybe both, I don't care. You aren't my problem, yet." The small girl with dirty brown frazzled hair knocks on the greaves of her armour, whimpering as a swarm of mortal pots and pans fly around her.

After being given a wave as she turns her back to him, Zeno watches as the legate of the infamous 616th​ legion debates the ghost of a mortal woman on the virtues of keeping a house clean.
AN: @no. @Humbaba

Words for this: 1700

Edit: changed for right arm to collarbone, sicne the scar on his arm healed, but did not get everything. Also edited Zenos' mental transition out of the Dream.
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