Year 200 End - Council Meeting
- Location
- Straya
Manuel stood before his Council, triumphant. There was no other way to describe his feelings. The horrifying gamble he had taken, the lives lost... to make that choice was miserable, but to make it and have it fail would have been immeasurably worse. This was a victory. For all the dead, this was a victory the likes of which they had not seen in millennia.
They were in possession of much of the desert. Their population swelled, and the trials had not even outpaced the natural growth of cultivators over the last twenty years! The Clan had done well. More wealth, more tariffs, more cultivators. More power. More threats, too. The Single-Pillar Fifth Sea cultivator and the Heavenly Star wielder had both been reported to him. He had tried to scry on the girl ever-so-briefly and had suffered for it. He had taken the tiniest peek and his skin had been melted, his face simply misshapen as he was still working it back into shape. If he'd looked for longer, he suspected he might have died. Thankfully he managed to get out without serious injury, but still. He did not in the slightest understand the Heavenly Stars, but he knew enough to fear them.
The Council were all grim-eyed yet confident. Paperwork was ferried in and out by Foundation Experts, each one a trained bureaucrat. The pace had slowed - the desperate needs of preparation gave way to the slow recovery, where decisions could be measured and thoughtful. No longer, he thought, would he consider them his "New" Council. Rather they were his Council, leal and competent.
There are basically four main Mechanics in this quest.
(1) Choices. Your Clan Council will ask you to make a call on something. Mostly they won't do this - they're competent enough to handle things on their own, but sometimes they will. You'll see 0-2 of these per turn, on average. They're usually pretty straight-up binary choices.
(2) Focuses. You choose in general what the Clan should focus on for the next 20 years. Building up for war? Training new disciples? Carving more arrays? More trade? Focuses don't prevent you from doing everything else, it's more 'here's the one thing we should really get done'. Focuses are mainly mediated by your personal skill levels and specialities.
(3) Actions. What you, personally, do. Usually mediated by skills, but often by Cultivation level - especially when it comes to combat. You can always Write In Actions. In fact, writing in more complex and well-thought out Actions will positively increase your chances of success.
(4) Purchases. What wealth the Clan has, and what your Council want you to spend it on. They'll usually come to you with the thing they want most. No micromanagement, just 'here is the big-ticket item I want'. These will often (but not always) persist between turns. Wealth is expressed in terms of Years of Income Saved. You can take as many of these as you can pay for! Keep in mind, though, if you spend all your money, you won't have it in future for dire situations.
All voting is Plan Voting. Make a Plan if you want, or just vote on someone else's! You can vote on as many Plans as you like! Approval Voting, baby!
There is a 36 hour voting moriatorum! I'll post a threadmark when the vote opens!
Manuel had returned to the Dawn Fortress. Yao Zhihao was assisting him, as was her wont after the Trials. He hadn't asked her, but she seemed to be enthusiastic in helping him. She had no desire to return to the Great Battlefield, after all. He was surrounded by thousand-year old arrays in a room with more paperwork than space, the eighty-year old tables they'd brought back to the main Council chambers still offering protection against mental effects and poisons. Over the years Destasia had completed many stories, carving words smaller and smaller within other words. What had started out as a romance between Manuel and Altar Lord's clones had somehow become some sort of terrible cheap novel in which he was some sort of Young Master sleeping with each of his Councillors, as his one true love Yao Zhihao fought desperately for his attention. The latest chapter had Yao finding out about his perfidy, and how he had betrayed her to make love to Heraclius - apparently the man had found it hilarious and had offered more and more lurid dialogue Destasia had taken on with gusto.
Underneath the desk was erotic fiction that had been written as to form a picture - it was very anatomically incorrect. Not in size or the like, but rather that Destasia had gotten distracted and given him a trio of snakes instead of genitals, which were entwined around Heraclius's own spear. Literally, a bronze spear. He wasn't sure if this was Destasia's mind working in its odd ways, or the literal result of experiments she had run, but he suspected he'd be happier not knowing.
It was of course paramount that he cloaked the scenes using his Dao from the eyes of those not on the Council. After all, the dignity of the Grand Elder was important for the Clan's morale!
There were many decisions to be made, each echoing into the future from now on. The tables made it a little easier to check his Elders for mental corruption and subtle poisons without potentially activating them, but there had been no attempts in recent years, surprisingly enough. He had thought Old Jingshen would've retaliated, but the man had drawn deeper into his territory, doing something Manuel had been unable to uncover.
Around sat his Councillors, who were skilled and valuable pieces on the gameboard. Eighty years ago, he merely hoped they'd be able to carry out their duties. Sixty years ago, he had been satisfied to call them useful. Forty years ago they worked together, administration and disciples and intrigue all still finding the perfect way to work with one another, but shared adversity had brought them some comfortable patterns. Twenty years ago they had been a well-oiled machine, but now they worked together with single purpose.
Manuel's voice was quiet, heard only by his Council. As it left his lips, a billowing shape of shadows rose and surrounded them, spinning and expanding as it painted itself onto the walls, seeping into the floor and the ceiling. The same trick as decades before, only now it obscured them from a number of useful tricks, including the ability to peer into the past at their council session. It had to be renewed every few decades, but information security was worth it.
First was Casia Zimisce, a Great Circle Core Formation cultivator. Rail-thin and severe-faced, she looked as though she had perpetually swallowed a lemon. Her intimidating posture and expression aside, once she spoke one wouldn't pay attention to them, as she set everyone around her at ease. Casia was Stratopedarches, or in more common terms, the Elder of Administration. To her fell the duties of managing mines, herbs, cities, camps - all manner of resources flowed through her hands. In the last twenty years she had spent much time organising the economy of the Clan, preparing for the year of terror to come. She had done an admirable job, and was faced now with a long-term challenge - recovering from the Trials.
"Archegetes. In terms of wealth things have gone reasonably well. We have thirty million Spirit stavraton saved, though I could easily spend every single one of them. The amount of construction work, road construction, array expenditure, fortifications..."
Her voice trailed off.
"We also have a request from the Hong Xuan Clan to repay their debt for the aid in the war."
She ground her teeth.
"They did little enough and we offered ten million Spirit stavraton! Oh, it'll pay off, but you'd think they'd know what was good for them and let it go..."
Currently the Clan has 30 Wealth (+7 from last turn, +10 from raiding, +15 from income, -1 from inefficiency penalty, -1 from Strength Purity concessions).
[ ] Repay the Hong Xuan (10 Wealth) - Your vassals will look on you more kindly - there are always demands, but showing your good faith keeps them in line. Trust is a necessity for those who seek to rule.
[ ] Defer the payments (No cost this turn) - While the Hong Xuan will have no choice but to accept this, delaying your payments will make you less popular with the Hong Xuan by some measure, and degrade the trust your vassals have in you a little. You will need to repay them eventually, of course.
Second was Kleisthenes Sarantapechos, a Great Circle Core Formation Elder. Dead Euphrosyne's twin sister, though less talented in cultivation. She cultivated a rare Yang attribute technique, and went by a male name, and had previously worn a male body to aid in her cultivation. For her, if she had not cultivated her Yang technique - she never would have risen into Core Formation. Such a thing was uncommon among your Clan, but not unknown. In recent years she mastered the Yang part of her technique, and managed her Yin-Yang Revolution Method, returning her to the body of a woman once again, bringing her into the Great Circle of Core Formation. Perhaps another woman would've returned to the beauty she had apparently been, but Kleisthenes maintained broad shoulders and large muscles, and had refused to give up a single inch of height. Then, it was rare for a Core Formation Elder to seek change.
She is the Hetaireiarches, or in common terms, the Elder of Diplomacy. To her fell the duties of managing external powers and other Nascent Souls. She often complained about her lack of talent, and she and Manuel were reasonable friends. She had avoided Manuel after the Trials, even moreso than usual. It was not rage, Manuel thought, but guilt at her judgement of him. He aimed to reach out to her again.
"Archegetes. News is dire everywhere. The Great Battlefield was struck with a victory on the part of Strength Purity. The Wei Princess came out of closed-door cultivation and drove four Nascent Souls from the Noble Devil Alliance into direct retreat - apparently all by herself - allowing a massive push on the part of the Righteous Path. Gemstone Justice, Mountain Bell, and the Ma Clan have all linked up, forming a sort of triangular-shaped safe territory. As soon as she left isolation, though, the Devil Twins and the Demon Grandfather-"
She cut off at the look on Manuel's face. In truth, it hadn't been the nicknames. Her voice was like water running down a stream, like chimes in the wind, light and fair and free. He wondered if it had been her original voice before she began to cultivate. He was still not used to it.
"Sorry, sorry."
She shook her head ruefully.
"The three Nascent Souls of the Devil Bees struck many times, at Joyful Blacksmith, Great Drunkard, Divine Tunist, Chuan and Yu Clans. Everywhere but the Saber Palace. They struck lightly, forcing each power to retreat into itself. It seems obvious enough that they're preparing for a second strike on the Saber Palace."
She shrugged.
"Strength Purity are once again offering tremendous concessions to send array masters north. Forgiving our loans in full - all the concessions we made to them wiped out. Apparently the situation is dire enough they'll take anyone without pretense, though they want more than last time. We'd need to deploy three or four Legions for two full decades to get those concessions removed."
[ ] Send the Clan's best Array-Engineers as well as several Legions to the Great Battlefield.
Regain +1 Income per turn as the Strength Purity concessions expire. You can expect to lose at least a thousand Qi Condensation cultivators, however, along with ten Foundation experts. Small chance of losing a Core Elder.
[ ] Don't
Strength Purity will have to do without you. Recovering your strength matters more than the war in the Plains.
Third was Xie Xinya, a Great Circle Core Formation Elder. She is beautiful, long black hair framing an oval face. Her lips glossy and eyes rouged, she was certainly the cultivator on the Council who cared most about her appearance. Since her ascension into the Great Circle she had grown more alluring, and had offered to marry Manuel no less than three times. He could see the attraction - marrying his Elder of Intrigue would make it easier to tie her to the rise and fall of the Clan rather than her individual family, but he was hardly convinced. She is the Parakoimomenos, or in common terms, the Elder of Intrigue. Previously you held her position. To her falls the duties of espionage, sabotage, and assassination.
"Archegetes. I have gained much information of use. In the Verdant South Old Cannibal and his two Devil Twin Concubines have wrought havoc on all but the Saber Palace. They seem to be aiming at a second strike. My personal suspicion is that they are merely preventing the raising of the southern Righteous Powers to prevent them bringing their forces in to end the current War. The Jingshen have returned their price on Spirit Stones to its norm - apparently they were negotiating for stronger guarantees from Strength Purity but they fell through. Lastly, the Gao Clan have returned to the front, along with more forces from Heavenly Time Shatter. A huge amount of power was being exerted on the Gemstone Justice Sect, and that was what forced out the Wei Princess."
Fourth came Destasia Duca, an Early Core Formation Elder. She is Chartoularios Tou Kanikleiou, or in simpler terms, the Master of Disciples. She picks out good seeds, gives training and assistance, and manages the core of the Clan Contribution Board for Qi Condensation and Foundation Building disciples in times of peace. She is flighty, friendly, and happy, and is well-known for her eyes she can use to befuddle or poison her enemies with, as well as her... unique approach to both life and cultivation.
"Archegetes.", she smiled. "If you pay me five hundred high-grade spirit stones, I'll have the money to take time off from my job so I can write more love stories!"
Manuel frowned at her.
"I would prefer you do your job, Elder Duca."
She shook her head.
"Your loss."
She pulled out of a sheet of paper and began to read.
"The disciples are doing well. The you-know-what in the blood is proving to be a powerful reagent, and I think we're going to get a lot more fifty-three seven over nine power out of our Qi Condensation disciples divided by eight when we-"
Manuel yanked the paper out of her hand. The report itself was simple, but she'd written equations up and down the sides.
"So everyone is doing well?"
She grinned.
"Perfectly. Honestly, this vi-"
She stopped for a moment and vomited out a wormlike shadow beast that dissipated into motes of dust after leaving her mouth.
"This you-know-what has a lot of potential applications!"
The other Elders looked at her, and Manuel sighed.
"Apologies. This is secret, at least for now. I am helping Destasia keep it so."
The woman had apparently cursed herself multiple times to prevent herself from giving up secrets, with various rituals in place to allow her to unlock the secrets. He was genuinely impressed - she knew she had no filter on her thoughts, and had acted accordingly. He'd assisted her with an additional Dao-empowered curse to keep the secret of the vial recovered from the Cloud Demon Cave.
Lastly was Heraclius Staurakius, a Great Circle Core Formation Elder. He is Protostrator, leader of your armies. One of your precious Core Formation cultivators in the Great Circle, Heraclius is ready to die.
Heraclius speaks, a gravelled voice coming from a throat that had been cut more than once.
"Archegetes. I will leave after this. I hope to settle my affairs. There are two juniors who can take up my role. Let me describe them for you..."
[ ] Olympiodora Rhangabe - Olympiodora is a quiet woman, and has grown quieter over the years. She is 500 years old, and in Late Core Formation already. Her talent is undeniable, and while her skills are unpolished, you believe she is more an unpolished jade than anything else. She picks up every skill she has with relative ease, and in time you think would make a formidable Protostrator. Of course, time can be very costly. She is competent in all areas of traditional Clan warfare, having excellent defensive skills, and is a skilled logistician. She comes from a more traditional school of thought, however, and is not so talented at the notion of projecting power past the Clan's borders.
[ ] Sheng Yu - A mere Mid Core formation cultivator, though with great talent at the age of 340. Driven and relentless, Sheng Yu is a brilliant offensive tactician and strategist, and has led several major raids into Jingshen territory aboard his scorpions. Logistically he will require some coaching - his appointment will mean a drastic increase in the effectiveness of raids and the like with a moderate drop in the Clan's overall ability to maintain a proper defense in depth in the event of total war. Ordinarily Heraclius would never recommend such a cultivator, but those who take an offensive posture in the Clan are few and far between, and Heraclius suspects such a stance might be more useful in the years to come.
Manuel frowns thoughtfully...
Currently the Clan has 30 Wealth.
The Clan will gain 15 Income, and lose 1 to Inefficiency, and 1 to Strength Purity Concessions for a total Income of 13 next turn.
What should the Clan focus on? (Outside of the war, which is of course your primary focus)
[ ] Building Bridges (Write-in target) - You should make more allies. Choose a target on the map and aim to have their relations with you increased. Give gifts, exchange assistance, aim for strategic marriages.
[ ] Intrigue (Write-in target) - You should learn about another clan entirely. Spend Spirit Stones like water in the plains and find out everything you can. Strengths. Weaknesses, places to strike, rebels, and so on and so forth.
[ ] Raiding (Write-in target) - Better to weaken an enemy. Send teams of cultivators to go raid an enemy for resources and to kill them where possible. Minor conflicts, with minor rewards. At best, you can seize minor territorial gains. This will worsen your relations, of course. Gains widely variable Wealth (0-10, excluding crits). May seize territory and gain Income in extreme cases. Loses Cultivators - around 5,000 Qi Condensation cultivators, 50 Foundation Establishment cultivators, and potentially 1 Core Formation Elder.
[ ] War (Write-in target) - Simply invade. Strike with all your might and seize territory. Kill cultivators. Requires your personal attention to prevent Nascent Souls simply obliterating your forces. Uses your personal Action for the turn. War will open a set of new sub-turns.
[ ] Increasing Wealth - More trade, more mines, more growth. Aim to find more Spirit Stones, tax more from traders, whatever works to increase your Clan Wealth. Increases Wealth by an average of 5.
[ ] Training Soldiers - Raising Disciples to higher Realms is all well and good, but training them to be perfect members of Formations is better. Ensure your Clan is trained and ready for war. Your readiness to go to war will increase significantly, though this fades over time.
[ ] Fortifying (Write-in territory, ally or vassal) - Spend Clan manpower and soldiers to build new fortifications against outside enemies. New Arrays, help train new cultivators in lesser Formations to defend their lands, and so on. Will also strengthen a vassal or ally if chosen, and increase relations with them. Increases defenses in the chosen territory, ally, or vassal.
[ ] Write-in
What will you do?
[ ] Hunt An Enemy (Write-In) - Why not? Hunt down enemies, see if you can kill someone. Usually used against an opposing Nascent Soul. Potentially very dangerous.
[ ] Weaken An Enemy (Write-In Faction) - Choose a faction, and use your Nascent Soul strength to simply sneak in and do damage. A little underhanded and shameful, but what do you care for the views of the Righteous Path? Potentially dangerous.
[ ] Assist A Faction (Write-in Faction) - Use your personal strength to assist an ally of some kind. Potentially dangerous.
[ ] Economic Activity - Carve arrays, scribe useful cultivation techniques onto scrolls, hunt down useful opportunities that might be dangerous to a Core Formation Elder. Make some money for the Clan.
[ ] Lecturing - You can simply lecture your many juniors on cultivation. Spend your time helping them grow, using less resources and ensuring better growth for the Clan.
[ ] Write-in
We have 30 Wealth saved. The Clan cannot go into debt - you can only spend what you have!
Casia Zimisce wants to...
[ ] The Scorpion Wagons (5 Wealth)
"Archegetes, Destasia's scorpion hordes have some value. They have been bred exceptionally well, and could be bred to serve as guards along the Scorpion Road as well as transports. I estimate this would let us shake another two or three Legions loose in times of trouble that could otherwise not be spared to guard the Road."
Kleisthenes Sarantapechos wants to...
[ ] Refound the Flood Dragon Gang (20 Wealth)
"Archegetes, let's siphon off a lot of our wealth and give it to Lady Yao. I know it's expensive, but with sufficient Spirit Stones she could easily refound the Gang, or at least a small part of it. A lot of them would come from people who love the Clan, and I suspect we might be able to lure her in to our orbit much more closely. I suspect she'll do so in the long-term anyway. It'll be incredibly costly, but a reliable long-term ally is worth a lot."
Xie Xinya wants to...
[ ] Suborn Righteous Disciples (6 Wealth)
"Archegetes, I would prefer to have a firm picture of the war in the Plains. With sufficient wealth invested, I should be able to use both spying treasures with other uses and simple bribery to keep our information networks far more up-to-date."
Destasia Duca wants to...
[ ] Build the Wasp Array (11 Wealth)
"I know, I know. Bees. Wasps eat them. So why not make giant puppet wasps that hunt down Devil Bees infiltrating our territory to kill them? It sounds crazy, but. The thing is that it's not."
Heraclius Staurakius wants to...
[ ] Create his Core Will (15 Wealth)
"I know, I know. It's not worthy of an old man to want to stay on. But with sufficient Spirit Stones I could send a Will of mine into an artifact, allowing it to advise my successor for some time. It'd last for a few centuries at most, but it'd shore up any deficiencies they have. It'd give me the energy my Will to think for some time, truly advising my successor at every turn, letting me teach them everything I know. It could even take on enough duties that we'd see no loss of efficiency due to the new Elder taking charge until they were entirely comfortable with their position."
They were in possession of much of the desert. Their population swelled, and the trials had not even outpaced the natural growth of cultivators over the last twenty years! The Clan had done well. More wealth, more tariffs, more cultivators. More power. More threats, too. The Single-Pillar Fifth Sea cultivator and the Heavenly Star wielder had both been reported to him. He had tried to scry on the girl ever-so-briefly and had suffered for it. He had taken the tiniest peek and his skin had been melted, his face simply misshapen as he was still working it back into shape. If he'd looked for longer, he suspected he might have died. Thankfully he managed to get out without serious injury, but still. He did not in the slightest understand the Heavenly Stars, but he knew enough to fear them.
The Council were all grim-eyed yet confident. Paperwork was ferried in and out by Foundation Experts, each one a trained bureaucrat. The pace had slowed - the desperate needs of preparation gave way to the slow recovery, where decisions could be measured and thoughtful. No longer, he thought, would he consider them his "New" Council. Rather they were his Council, leal and competent.
There are basically four main Mechanics in this quest.
(1) Choices. Your Clan Council will ask you to make a call on something. Mostly they won't do this - they're competent enough to handle things on their own, but sometimes they will. You'll see 0-2 of these per turn, on average. They're usually pretty straight-up binary choices.
(2) Focuses. You choose in general what the Clan should focus on for the next 20 years. Building up for war? Training new disciples? Carving more arrays? More trade? Focuses don't prevent you from doing everything else, it's more 'here's the one thing we should really get done'. Focuses are mainly mediated by your personal skill levels and specialities.
(3) Actions. What you, personally, do. Usually mediated by skills, but often by Cultivation level - especially when it comes to combat. You can always Write In Actions. In fact, writing in more complex and well-thought out Actions will positively increase your chances of success.
(4) Purchases. What wealth the Clan has, and what your Council want you to spend it on. They'll usually come to you with the thing they want most. No micromanagement, just 'here is the big-ticket item I want'. These will often (but not always) persist between turns. Wealth is expressed in terms of Years of Income Saved. You can take as many of these as you can pay for! Keep in mind, though, if you spend all your money, you won't have it in future for dire situations.
All voting is Plan Voting. Make a Plan if you want, or just vote on someone else's! You can vote on as many Plans as you like! Approval Voting, baby!
There is a 36 hour voting moriatorum! I'll post a threadmark when the vote opens!
Manuel had returned to the Dawn Fortress. Yao Zhihao was assisting him, as was her wont after the Trials. He hadn't asked her, but she seemed to be enthusiastic in helping him. She had no desire to return to the Great Battlefield, after all. He was surrounded by thousand-year old arrays in a room with more paperwork than space, the eighty-year old tables they'd brought back to the main Council chambers still offering protection against mental effects and poisons. Over the years Destasia had completed many stories, carving words smaller and smaller within other words. What had started out as a romance between Manuel and Altar Lord's clones had somehow become some sort of terrible cheap novel in which he was some sort of Young Master sleeping with each of his Councillors, as his one true love Yao Zhihao fought desperately for his attention. The latest chapter had Yao finding out about his perfidy, and how he had betrayed her to make love to Heraclius - apparently the man had found it hilarious and had offered more and more lurid dialogue Destasia had taken on with gusto.
Underneath the desk was erotic fiction that had been written as to form a picture - it was very anatomically incorrect. Not in size or the like, but rather that Destasia had gotten distracted and given him a trio of snakes instead of genitals, which were entwined around Heraclius's own spear. Literally, a bronze spear. He wasn't sure if this was Destasia's mind working in its odd ways, or the literal result of experiments she had run, but he suspected he'd be happier not knowing.
It was of course paramount that he cloaked the scenes using his Dao from the eyes of those not on the Council. After all, the dignity of the Grand Elder was important for the Clan's morale!
There were many decisions to be made, each echoing into the future from now on. The tables made it a little easier to check his Elders for mental corruption and subtle poisons without potentially activating them, but there had been no attempts in recent years, surprisingly enough. He had thought Old Jingshen would've retaliated, but the man had drawn deeper into his territory, doing something Manuel had been unable to uncover.
Around sat his Councillors, who were skilled and valuable pieces on the gameboard. Eighty years ago, he merely hoped they'd be able to carry out their duties. Sixty years ago, he had been satisfied to call them useful. Forty years ago they worked together, administration and disciples and intrigue all still finding the perfect way to work with one another, but shared adversity had brought them some comfortable patterns. Twenty years ago they had been a well-oiled machine, but now they worked together with single purpose.
Manuel's voice was quiet, heard only by his Council. As it left his lips, a billowing shape of shadows rose and surrounded them, spinning and expanding as it painted itself onto the walls, seeping into the floor and the ceiling. The same trick as decades before, only now it obscured them from a number of useful tricks, including the ability to peer into the past at their council session. It had to be renewed every few decades, but information security was worth it.
First was Casia Zimisce, a Great Circle Core Formation cultivator. Rail-thin and severe-faced, she looked as though she had perpetually swallowed a lemon. Her intimidating posture and expression aside, once she spoke one wouldn't pay attention to them, as she set everyone around her at ease. Casia was Stratopedarches, or in more common terms, the Elder of Administration. To her fell the duties of managing mines, herbs, cities, camps - all manner of resources flowed through her hands. In the last twenty years she had spent much time organising the economy of the Clan, preparing for the year of terror to come. She had done an admirable job, and was faced now with a long-term challenge - recovering from the Trials.
"Archegetes. In terms of wealth things have gone reasonably well. We have thirty million Spirit stavraton saved, though I could easily spend every single one of them. The amount of construction work, road construction, array expenditure, fortifications..."
Her voice trailed off.
"We also have a request from the Hong Xuan Clan to repay their debt for the aid in the war."
She ground her teeth.
"They did little enough and we offered ten million Spirit stavraton! Oh, it'll pay off, but you'd think they'd know what was good for them and let it go..."
Currently the Clan has 30 Wealth (+7 from last turn, +10 from raiding, +15 from income, -1 from inefficiency penalty, -1 from Strength Purity concessions).
[ ] Repay the Hong Xuan (10 Wealth) - Your vassals will look on you more kindly - there are always demands, but showing your good faith keeps them in line. Trust is a necessity for those who seek to rule.
[ ] Defer the payments (No cost this turn) - While the Hong Xuan will have no choice but to accept this, delaying your payments will make you less popular with the Hong Xuan by some measure, and degrade the trust your vassals have in you a little. You will need to repay them eventually, of course.
Second was Kleisthenes Sarantapechos, a Great Circle Core Formation Elder. Dead Euphrosyne's twin sister, though less talented in cultivation. She cultivated a rare Yang attribute technique, and went by a male name, and had previously worn a male body to aid in her cultivation. For her, if she had not cultivated her Yang technique - she never would have risen into Core Formation. Such a thing was uncommon among your Clan, but not unknown. In recent years she mastered the Yang part of her technique, and managed her Yin-Yang Revolution Method, returning her to the body of a woman once again, bringing her into the Great Circle of Core Formation. Perhaps another woman would've returned to the beauty she had apparently been, but Kleisthenes maintained broad shoulders and large muscles, and had refused to give up a single inch of height. Then, it was rare for a Core Formation Elder to seek change.
She is the Hetaireiarches, or in common terms, the Elder of Diplomacy. To her fell the duties of managing external powers and other Nascent Souls. She often complained about her lack of talent, and she and Manuel were reasonable friends. She had avoided Manuel after the Trials, even moreso than usual. It was not rage, Manuel thought, but guilt at her judgement of him. He aimed to reach out to her again.
"Archegetes. News is dire everywhere. The Great Battlefield was struck with a victory on the part of Strength Purity. The Wei Princess came out of closed-door cultivation and drove four Nascent Souls from the Noble Devil Alliance into direct retreat - apparently all by herself - allowing a massive push on the part of the Righteous Path. Gemstone Justice, Mountain Bell, and the Ma Clan have all linked up, forming a sort of triangular-shaped safe territory. As soon as she left isolation, though, the Devil Twins and the Demon Grandfather-"
She cut off at the look on Manuel's face. In truth, it hadn't been the nicknames. Her voice was like water running down a stream, like chimes in the wind, light and fair and free. He wondered if it had been her original voice before she began to cultivate. He was still not used to it.
"Sorry, sorry."
She shook her head ruefully.
"The three Nascent Souls of the Devil Bees struck many times, at Joyful Blacksmith, Great Drunkard, Divine Tunist, Chuan and Yu Clans. Everywhere but the Saber Palace. They struck lightly, forcing each power to retreat into itself. It seems obvious enough that they're preparing for a second strike on the Saber Palace."
She shrugged.
"Strength Purity are once again offering tremendous concessions to send array masters north. Forgiving our loans in full - all the concessions we made to them wiped out. Apparently the situation is dire enough they'll take anyone without pretense, though they want more than last time. We'd need to deploy three or four Legions for two full decades to get those concessions removed."
[ ] Send the Clan's best Array-Engineers as well as several Legions to the Great Battlefield.
Regain +1 Income per turn as the Strength Purity concessions expire. You can expect to lose at least a thousand Qi Condensation cultivators, however, along with ten Foundation experts. Small chance of losing a Core Elder.
[ ] Don't
Strength Purity will have to do without you. Recovering your strength matters more than the war in the Plains.
Third was Xie Xinya, a Great Circle Core Formation Elder. She is beautiful, long black hair framing an oval face. Her lips glossy and eyes rouged, she was certainly the cultivator on the Council who cared most about her appearance. Since her ascension into the Great Circle she had grown more alluring, and had offered to marry Manuel no less than three times. He could see the attraction - marrying his Elder of Intrigue would make it easier to tie her to the rise and fall of the Clan rather than her individual family, but he was hardly convinced. She is the Parakoimomenos, or in common terms, the Elder of Intrigue. Previously you held her position. To her falls the duties of espionage, sabotage, and assassination.
"Archegetes. I have gained much information of use. In the Verdant South Old Cannibal and his two Devil Twin Concubines have wrought havoc on all but the Saber Palace. They seem to be aiming at a second strike. My personal suspicion is that they are merely preventing the raising of the southern Righteous Powers to prevent them bringing their forces in to end the current War. The Jingshen have returned their price on Spirit Stones to its norm - apparently they were negotiating for stronger guarantees from Strength Purity but they fell through. Lastly, the Gao Clan have returned to the front, along with more forces from Heavenly Time Shatter. A huge amount of power was being exerted on the Gemstone Justice Sect, and that was what forced out the Wei Princess."
Fourth came Destasia Duca, an Early Core Formation Elder. She is Chartoularios Tou Kanikleiou, or in simpler terms, the Master of Disciples. She picks out good seeds, gives training and assistance, and manages the core of the Clan Contribution Board for Qi Condensation and Foundation Building disciples in times of peace. She is flighty, friendly, and happy, and is well-known for her eyes she can use to befuddle or poison her enemies with, as well as her... unique approach to both life and cultivation.
"Archegetes.", she smiled. "If you pay me five hundred high-grade spirit stones, I'll have the money to take time off from my job so I can write more love stories!"
Manuel frowned at her.
"I would prefer you do your job, Elder Duca."
She shook her head.
"Your loss."
She pulled out of a sheet of paper and began to read.
"The disciples are doing well. The you-know-what in the blood is proving to be a powerful reagent, and I think we're going to get a lot more fifty-three seven over nine power out of our Qi Condensation disciples divided by eight when we-"
Manuel yanked the paper out of her hand. The report itself was simple, but she'd written equations up and down the sides.
"So everyone is doing well?"
She grinned.
"Perfectly. Honestly, this vi-"
She stopped for a moment and vomited out a wormlike shadow beast that dissipated into motes of dust after leaving her mouth.
"This you-know-what has a lot of potential applications!"
The other Elders looked at her, and Manuel sighed.
"Apologies. This is secret, at least for now. I am helping Destasia keep it so."
The woman had apparently cursed herself multiple times to prevent herself from giving up secrets, with various rituals in place to allow her to unlock the secrets. He was genuinely impressed - she knew she had no filter on her thoughts, and had acted accordingly. He'd assisted her with an additional Dao-empowered curse to keep the secret of the vial recovered from the Cloud Demon Cave.
Lastly was Heraclius Staurakius, a Great Circle Core Formation Elder. He is Protostrator, leader of your armies. One of your precious Core Formation cultivators in the Great Circle, Heraclius is ready to die.
Heraclius speaks, a gravelled voice coming from a throat that had been cut more than once.
"Archegetes. I will leave after this. I hope to settle my affairs. There are two juniors who can take up my role. Let me describe them for you..."
[ ] Olympiodora Rhangabe - Olympiodora is a quiet woman, and has grown quieter over the years. She is 500 years old, and in Late Core Formation already. Her talent is undeniable, and while her skills are unpolished, you believe she is more an unpolished jade than anything else. She picks up every skill she has with relative ease, and in time you think would make a formidable Protostrator. Of course, time can be very costly. She is competent in all areas of traditional Clan warfare, having excellent defensive skills, and is a skilled logistician. She comes from a more traditional school of thought, however, and is not so talented at the notion of projecting power past the Clan's borders.
[ ] Sheng Yu - A mere Mid Core formation cultivator, though with great talent at the age of 340. Driven and relentless, Sheng Yu is a brilliant offensive tactician and strategist, and has led several major raids into Jingshen territory aboard his scorpions. Logistically he will require some coaching - his appointment will mean a drastic increase in the effectiveness of raids and the like with a moderate drop in the Clan's overall ability to maintain a proper defense in depth in the event of total war. Ordinarily Heraclius would never recommend such a cultivator, but those who take an offensive posture in the Clan are few and far between, and Heraclius suspects such a stance might be more useful in the years to come.
Manuel frowns thoughtfully...
Currently the Clan has 30 Wealth.
The Clan will gain 15 Income, and lose 1 to Inefficiency, and 1 to Strength Purity Concessions for a total Income of 13 next turn.
What should the Clan focus on? (Outside of the war, which is of course your primary focus)
[ ] Building Bridges (Write-in target) - You should make more allies. Choose a target on the map and aim to have their relations with you increased. Give gifts, exchange assistance, aim for strategic marriages.
[ ] Intrigue (Write-in target) - You should learn about another clan entirely. Spend Spirit Stones like water in the plains and find out everything you can. Strengths. Weaknesses, places to strike, rebels, and so on and so forth.
[ ] Raiding (Write-in target) - Better to weaken an enemy. Send teams of cultivators to go raid an enemy for resources and to kill them where possible. Minor conflicts, with minor rewards. At best, you can seize minor territorial gains. This will worsen your relations, of course. Gains widely variable Wealth (0-10, excluding crits). May seize territory and gain Income in extreme cases. Loses Cultivators - around 5,000 Qi Condensation cultivators, 50 Foundation Establishment cultivators, and potentially 1 Core Formation Elder.
[ ] War (Write-in target) - Simply invade. Strike with all your might and seize territory. Kill cultivators. Requires your personal attention to prevent Nascent Souls simply obliterating your forces. Uses your personal Action for the turn. War will open a set of new sub-turns.
[ ] Increasing Wealth - More trade, more mines, more growth. Aim to find more Spirit Stones, tax more from traders, whatever works to increase your Clan Wealth. Increases Wealth by an average of 5.
[ ] Training Soldiers - Raising Disciples to higher Realms is all well and good, but training them to be perfect members of Formations is better. Ensure your Clan is trained and ready for war. Your readiness to go to war will increase significantly, though this fades over time.
[ ] Fortifying (Write-in territory, ally or vassal) - Spend Clan manpower and soldiers to build new fortifications against outside enemies. New Arrays, help train new cultivators in lesser Formations to defend their lands, and so on. Will also strengthen a vassal or ally if chosen, and increase relations with them. Increases defenses in the chosen territory, ally, or vassal.
[ ] Write-in
What will you do?
[ ] Hunt An Enemy (Write-In) - Why not? Hunt down enemies, see if you can kill someone. Usually used against an opposing Nascent Soul. Potentially very dangerous.
[ ] Weaken An Enemy (Write-In Faction) - Choose a faction, and use your Nascent Soul strength to simply sneak in and do damage. A little underhanded and shameful, but what do you care for the views of the Righteous Path? Potentially dangerous.
[ ] Assist A Faction (Write-in Faction) - Use your personal strength to assist an ally of some kind. Potentially dangerous.
[ ] Economic Activity - Carve arrays, scribe useful cultivation techniques onto scrolls, hunt down useful opportunities that might be dangerous to a Core Formation Elder. Make some money for the Clan.
[ ] Lecturing - You can simply lecture your many juniors on cultivation. Spend your time helping them grow, using less resources and ensuring better growth for the Clan.
[ ] Write-in
We have 30 Wealth saved. The Clan cannot go into debt - you can only spend what you have!
Casia Zimisce wants to...
[ ] The Scorpion Wagons (5 Wealth)
"Archegetes, Destasia's scorpion hordes have some value. They have been bred exceptionally well, and could be bred to serve as guards along the Scorpion Road as well as transports. I estimate this would let us shake another two or three Legions loose in times of trouble that could otherwise not be spared to guard the Road."
Kleisthenes Sarantapechos wants to...
[ ] Refound the Flood Dragon Gang (20 Wealth)
"Archegetes, let's siphon off a lot of our wealth and give it to Lady Yao. I know it's expensive, but with sufficient Spirit Stones she could easily refound the Gang, or at least a small part of it. A lot of them would come from people who love the Clan, and I suspect we might be able to lure her in to our orbit much more closely. I suspect she'll do so in the long-term anyway. It'll be incredibly costly, but a reliable long-term ally is worth a lot."
Xie Xinya wants to...
[ ] Suborn Righteous Disciples (6 Wealth)
"Archegetes, I would prefer to have a firm picture of the war in the Plains. With sufficient wealth invested, I should be able to use both spying treasures with other uses and simple bribery to keep our information networks far more up-to-date."
Destasia Duca wants to...
[ ] Build the Wasp Array (11 Wealth)
"I know, I know. Bees. Wasps eat them. So why not make giant puppet wasps that hunt down Devil Bees infiltrating our territory to kill them? It sounds crazy, but. The thing is that it's not."
Heraclius Staurakius wants to...
[ ] Create his Core Will (15 Wealth)
"I know, I know. It's not worthy of an old man to want to stay on. But with sufficient Spirit Stones I could send a Will of mine into an artifact, allowing it to advise my successor for some time. It'd last for a few centuries at most, but it'd shore up any deficiencies they have. It'd give me the energy my Will to think for some time, truly advising my successor at every turn, letting me teach them everything I know. It could even take on enough duties that we'd see no loss of efficiency due to the new Elder taking charge until they were entirely comfortable with their position."
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