An Endurance Is A Collection of Maps And Yet?
As it seemed, Diagon Alley had multiple entrances, but the most popular was behind an old tavern called the Leaky Cauldron, enchanted to be particularly unnoticeable to Muggles and other non-magical beings, like stray cats or dogs. It had a particularly homey and calm atmosphere, old lacquered wooden floorboards creaking as they stepped in, with hanging candles and oil lamps on the cut fieldstone and wooden log walls. A number of ancient metal ring chandeliers hung above the dining tables in the middle, and off to the left side was a counter and bar with multiple stools. A stairway on the far side, opposite several bathrooms, and minor chambers led upstairs and into the basement.
Inside, Sirius attempted to usher Harry past the patrons as fast as possible, telling him to move fast and not look around, but someone - an older man in morning robes and wizard's hat - had noticed them as soon as they began to walk and his face went slack, jaw open and dropping several half-chewed potatoes back onto his plate.
Harry and Sirius both noticed it; the former with concern, and Sirius with a cringe as he grit his teeth.
The man's words, then, were a cold whisper, but they cut across the room like a spear being flung into a gazelle's stomach on the ancestral steppes; "It's Harry Potter." All of the patrons stopped their activities and scanned the room, eyes locking on him and Sirius like a bear's jaws on a pot of honey.
Ah, yes. I knew this was coming. Prepare yourself. They will attempt to penetrate, you will attempt to-
And then he was drowned in cheers and rabid fans, mewling, shouting, and clamoring for his attention on every side; some of them asking questions or begging for autographs or photographs. A witch around twenty years old approached him to shake his hand with gratitude, eyes practically shining like stars, and mid-shake, she decided to lower herself and kiss the back of his hand, before letting go and stepping back. An older man briefly knelt and moved like he was about to kiss Harry's shoes, but someone else with a yellow tie under black robes pulled on his collar and flung him back only to take his place, not kissing Harry's shoes, but remaining with his head lowered in utter respect, mumbling something about not touching the Boy-Who-Lived with their dirty mouths. A House Elf appeared out of nowhere with a pop of displaced air and proffered him a silver tray with a length of parchment, an inkwell, and a quill dipped inside. It was some kind of contract to acquire possession of said House Elf.
"Would you stop behaving like animals?" someone near the back sneered. Harry looked back and saw that a decent contingent of people had remained in their seats, a few of them staring at Harry, but not compelled to grovel right in front of him.
After several moments, Sirius cleared a way through the crowd, taking Harry's hand and getting him through the mass of fans. As they were about to give chase, Sirius pushed Harry behind his back to shield him as he pulled out his wand, and shouted, "Your actions constitute assault! Don't make me employ self-defense to protect my ward!"
It seemed to deflate more than a few people, as they realized what they were doing, and how irrational their actions were. More than a few dispersed with shame, only several people lingering behind. At Sirius' withering glare, they moved back as well.
As this occurred, a lanky man in a turban seated at the bar, who'd been observing the proceedings with a hand supporting his chin, chuckled and said, "Is a wand really necessary, Professor Black? They're simply excited to meet the Boy-Who-Lived."
"Professor Quirrell?" Sirius asked, voice tense with shock. As if he were surprised to find him here.
"Calm down, I'm merely enjoying one of the last few days off I seem to have left," Quirrell answered. He chuckled once more, vibrant with amusement. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you're taking an unnecessary risk bringing young mister Potter here without Polyjuice Potion."
Sirius folded his arms. "And who would I have disguised him as?"
Kreacher. It'd be less stable, but it'd work.
"Hmm. Point taken," Professor Quirrel said. "I would have volunteered, but I do not have any hair left aside from my brows, unfortunately."
"I didn't expect this... much attention," Sirius admitted.
"I recommend a Disillusionment Charm before you proceed onto the streets of Diagon Alley. At least, in the public spaces. A boy can't do his shopping if the crowds are shouting and yelling around him. And wizards can be especially loud," Quirrell advised.
"Thank you. I think we'll do that. Let's go, Harry."
As Sirius ushered him away to the back, Harry asked, "Why am I so famous? Sirius?"
"It's complicated." He opened the door and let Harry through to the other side, closing it behind them. A wizard in Muggle clothes was sitting on a bench here, smoking a cigarette. He looked at them skeptically for a moment, eyes cast at Harry, before he returned to focusing on his smoke and closed his eyes. "I'll tell you about it when we get back. Do you know why you have that scar on your forehead? Has anyone ever told you?"
"Uh," Harry attempted to recall because he was sure he'd heard something about it, "My Aunt Petunia told me that I got that scar when I was a baby, when my parents died. Was it some kind of magical accident?"
"Your parents, Harry..." Sirius breathed in heavily. "I'll tell you later, alright?"
Harry shrugged. "Alright then."
Aside from Ollivander's shop, Harry and Sirius also purchased all of the necessary schoolbooks, school supplies, the customary Cauldron for Potion-Making, and other minor doohickeys of that sort. And, of course, appropriately-sized robes. All of it went out of Sirius' pocket, as the man insisted on it.
However, there are other places to visit. Select any two of the following:
[ ] Gringotts Bank - If you wish to withdraw any amount of personal funds from your vault, Sirius will - grudgingly - acquiesce. By default, he will give you sufficient pocket money to survive in Hogwarts luxuriantly with a lot of money to spare, but you can take more for various expenses if you so desire.
-[ ] Make a Minor Withdrawal - Make a withdrawal of another 50% of the quantity that Sirius will give you.
-[ ] Make a Major Withdrawal - Make a withdrawal of another identical quantity that Sirius will give you.
-[ ] Make an Insane Withdrawal - Make a withdrawal of another two identical quantities that Sirius will give you.
-[ ] Invest Money - Make an investment to fund the goblin economy. ++Goblin Society.
[ ] Magical Menagerie - Although Hogwarts maintains a populace of messenger owls, Harry may desire to get one for himself so that he doesn't have to travel up to the tower every time he wishes to send a letter or package. Alternatively, you can acquire another pet, like a mouse or a snake.
-[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour - Eat some ice cream with Sirius. How does this benefit you? Unclear.
[ ] Quality Quidditch Supplies - Maybe purchase some Quidditch supplies? I dunno.
[ ] Write-in. It's acceptable to propose other locations, subject to QM veto. Sirius will not allow you to go to Knockturn Alley, no matter how much you insist that a voice in your head said it's a good idea.