[X] Do It All

I don't really get why do you care so much about grades.
I mean, the rivalry with Hermione is really great and all, but I'd have assumed that after everything that Harry went through he has grown past it, so as long as we are passing all of our exams and homework then things should be fine.

The only time where grades are important is when we are studying for the OWLs, and that's just so that we can take more advanced classes.
[X] Necessary sacrifices
- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
- [X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
- [X] (Occlumency) Yes
- [X] (Dumbledore) No

[X] Do It All
- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
- [X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
- [X] (Occlumency) No
- [X] (Dumbledore) No

Do it all is better, but necessary sacrifices is good enough.
Grades are almost worthless 10 years from now.
[X] Necessary sacrifices
- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
- [X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
- [X] (Occlumency) Yes
- [X] (Dumbledore) No

[X] Do It All
- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
- [X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
- [X] (Occlumency) No
- [X] (Dumbledore) No

Do it all is better, but necessary sacrifices is good enough.
Grades are almost worthless 10 years from now.

Then why not vote for the option you see as better at the expense of the one who isn't?

The only point of having good grades is when we take our OWLs, otherwise they are not inportant.

Neither are the NEWTs, for that matter.
I don't really get why do you care so much about grades.
its not just grades, its also our ability to actually cast the spells listed in the curriculum Birdsie posts every time we vote on it. If we start failing, its probably also going to mean remedial classes, detentions for missed homework, etc. Even less time!

We're gonna need a lot of alchemical super coffee where we're going
its not just grades, its also our ability to actually cast the spells listed in the curriculum Birdsie posts every time we vote on it. If we start failing, its probably also going to mean remedial classes, detentions for missed homework, etc. Even less time!

We're gonna need a lot of alchemical super coffee where we're going

As long as we can keep grades at a passing level then we should be able to do anything within the curriculum to at least an acceptable level (hence the name of the grade), and frankly that's good enough for me.

Keep in mind that most of our classwork isn't really spells as much as it is theory, study and homework, of which a passing understanding should be enough.

It goes without saying that outright failing, at least for now, isn't an option (unfortunately).
But if harry is like a 95/100 student, then I have no issue with him being a 65/100 student provided that 60/100 is enough to pass.
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Excellent work! I particularly like that their silhouettes aren't blank but instead nebulae. It's an nice touch on an already fantastic piece of art.
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I'd rather not spend 14 gnosis to temporarily keep our grades up, if we need to put grades to the side to focus on important stuff so be it. We're smart enough to catch up later if necessary.
[X] Necessary sacrifices
[X] Lealope
This is what i want to win
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I'd rather not spend 14 gnosis to temporarily keep our grades up, if we need to put grades to the side to focus on important stuff so be it. We're smart enough to catch up later if necessary.

It might mean more time to devote on adventuring though. We'd be spending gnosis to escape the time tying consequences of taking the OWLs. And adventuring means following through on plot leads and victories to attain Attainments. But saving is a good decision too.
It might mean more time to devote on adventuring though. We'd be spending gnosis to escape the time tying consequences of taking the OWLs. And adventuring means following through on plot leads and victories to attain Attainments. But saving is a good decision too.

I'd rather spend Gnosis on something that did that directly, rather than tangentially. Any Gnosis spend below 25 is always going have a lesser impact.
For sure, but I thought I'd bring this up because it looks ominously like the start of our first year.

When we tunnel-visoned on studying and ended up missing the thing with Neville. And then rushing through towards the end like that. This could potentially have major consequences.

Even if we vote not to free up time moving forward we should spend less on grinding advancements and more time being social and immediately following through the mysteries. For instance it took at least 3-4 social votes involving Neville for him to finally open up about the rings after we missed the first avenue.
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I'd honestly rather have our studies slip if we need to focus on outside adventures. I'm all for focusing more on plot, but if I had to choose between higher grades and higher gnosis, I'd pick the gnosis. Long term benefits of big upgrades can't be overstated.
Even if we vote not to free up time moving forward we should spend less on grinding advancements and more time being social and immediately following through the mysteries. For instance it took at least 3-4 social votes involving Neville for him to finally open up about the rings after we missed the first avenue.
Makes sense. We're companions gang, we should be using that more.