[X] Handle Everything [14 Gnosis]
[X] Necessary sacrifices
- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
- [X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
- [X] (Occlumency) Yes
- [X] (Dumbledore) No
[X] Do It All
- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
- [X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
- [X] (Occlumency) No
- [X] (Dumbledore) No
Do it all is better, but necessary sacrifices is good enough.
Grades are almost worthless 10 years from now.
its not just grades, its also our ability to actually cast the spells listed in the curriculum Birdsie posts every time we vote on it. If we start failing, its probably also going to mean remedial classes, detentions for missed homework, etc. Even less time!
its not just grades, its also our ability to actually cast the spells listed in the curriculum Birdsie posts every time we vote on it. If we start failing, its probably also going to mean remedial classes, detentions for missed homework, etc. Even less time!
We're gonna need a lot of alchemical super coffee where we're going
Hoooluyyy sgiiit
For people who wanna vote Handle Everything
No more Gnosis difference to make up lol
Nah, its SAVE time for the next big purchase. At least for me.Word of Birdsie on Discord is the fanart has put us to the point where we can afford Handling Everything should we wish to do so.
I'd rather not spend 14 gnosis to temporarily keep our grades up, if we need to put grades to the side to focus on important stuff so be it. We're smart enough to catch up later if necessary.
It might mean more time to devote on adventuring though. We'd be spending gnosis to escape the time tying consequences of taking the OWLs. And adventuring means following through on plot leads and victories to attain Attainments. But saving is a good decision too.
Makes sense. We're companions gang, we should be using that more.Even if we vote not to free up time moving forward we should spend less on grinding advancements and more time being social and immediately following through the mysteries. For instance it took at least 3-4 social votes involving Neville for him to finally open up about the rings after we missed the first avenue.