tagging people almost inherently raises the bar for persuasion, since you gotta make your case through the negative feelings caused by said tagging

moreover, this also makes further persuasion difficult, since you also have to beat a negative first impression

sometimes, you gotta just accept your ship is gonna sink and try to enjoy the ride down
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The fact that you haven't learned by now that you're annoying and turning people against your argument more than you're convincing them, even after, as you yourself admitted, having done this multiple times over who knows how many quests, is a little concerning.
Wait... tagging people is rude?! I've done that a lot :o
Should I tag those I tagged in the past and apologize?

No, but seriously, if you're one of them and happen to read this (pretty sure you are, Cede), I'm sorry. I always thought it was a useful feature. I had no idea it irked people.
[X] Plan Drawing Arcana
-[X] Yes
-[X] Many Things
-[X] Making Lots of Friends
-[X] Tabletop Games & Tabletop Game Accessories
-[X] Write-In: Drawing- It began with doodles but now you're really good and draw comics you make up! No, that's a dog not a cat.
-[X] Your Dear Aunt, Missus Petunia Dursley

I know it's been done but I like the idea of coming to Hogwarts and getting those Magic kids into playing DnD. I picked drawing because it seemed like something like fit, and because someone with voice talking to them and/or visions could draw some really cool things.

Anyone who looks at the options and doesn't pick Petunia is a monster. The other ones say nothing little about them, Vernon takes us to his boring job and shows us a stapler, Dudley only has a nickname.

Petunia reads us bedtime stories whenever we want. Not even close.

@Birdsie I put in a blurb for my write in, let me know if it doesn't work. Either the write in or the blurb.
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Wait... tagging people is rude?! I've done that a lot :o
Should I tag those I tagged in the past and apologize?

No, but seriously, if you're one of them and happen to read this (pretty sure you are, Cede), I'm sorry. I always thought it was a useful feature. I had no idea it irked people.
I've gotten mostly indifferent to it over the years. Just got a major flash of annoyance with this last one since I quit a quest last time they tagged me. Bad first impressions stick around, it seems.
[x] Plan Power of Heart
-[X] Maybe
-[x] The Past

-[X] Making Lots of Friends
-[x] Books, Books, Books - Most kids hate reading, but you love reading! Especially the books that have pictures in them.
-[x] Your Awesome Cousin, Mistah "DD" Dudley Dursley - He's great like that. +++Dudley.
We should get Back on Topic, i read a comment about divination and how it would help us knoeåw where The danger is and when it is that would be helpfull in The wizarding war against you Know who
Warning: Do not mass tag people in an attempt to solicit votes.
do not mass tag people in an attempt to solicit votes.

Consider this a staff notice served to @son et lumiere - mass tagging other users to shill a plan or get people to change their votes is incredibly rude and disruptive to the quest experience. While I have not issued an infraction in this instance, as it is the user's first run-in with the rules, I encourage people to read through Rule 4 - which is what such an action would fall under.

In short, don't do it. It'll get people very annoyed at you, and opens you up to further sanction.

The fact that I've had to say this twice in the same day, for two separate Harry Potter quests is bizarre.
Trismegistus means, "Thrice-Greatest." There are serious and considerable rewards to picking something even as inane and silly as Muggle Studies for one of your Trismegistus disciplines.
Dirty Harry and...
...the Methhead's Stone
...the Loaded Chamber
...the Prisoner of Alcatraz
...the Glock of Fire
...the Oath of Silence
...the Mafia Prince
...the Deathly Weapons

"Hey, Arthur. How about those firelegs?"
The fact that I've had to say this twice in the same day, for two separate Harry Potter quests is bizarre.
If you had a penny for every time you've had to warn people not to mass-tag other people in a Harry Potter Quest in a single day, you'd have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

Sorry, I had to.
Very excited for a Birdsie Quest!

For Thrice Great, I'd like to focus on some more obscure, theoretical options. Something like Arithmancy, which at a high enough level could let us counter/diffuse spells in real time through the power of math and equations! Or Elemental Manipulation, either in general or focusing on just fire or wind, like a more classical wizard. Or Runes, let Harry become a master Runemancer, letting him set up crazy and impossible traps and fields and barriers with some prep time.
[x] Plan Power of Heart
-[X] Maybe
-[x] The Past

-[X] Making Lots of Friends
-[x] Books, Books, Books - Most kids hate reading, but you love reading! Especially the books that have pictures in them.
-[x] Your Awesome Cousin, Mistah "DD" Dudley Dursley - He's great like that. +++Dudley.
For Thrice Great, I'd like to focus on some more obscure, theoretical options. Something like Arithmancy, which at a high enough level could let us counter/diffuse spells in real time through the power of math and equations! Or Elemental Manipulation, either in general or focusing on just fire or wind, like a more classical wizard.

Regarding Arithmancy....not sure it will ever do that. It's more about predicting the future using numbers. Birdsie had this to say:

Arithmancy is about numbers
[12:52 PM]
Stuff like gematria
[12:52 PM]
It's a mostly kabbalistic practice focused on aiding divination or other things

So I'm not sure how much it has to do with spells. I know a lot of fanfic threat it as something related to spell-making and what not but I don't get that impression from the books.

As for Elemental Manipulation...I never found the fascination with that in Harry Potter stuff. We literally have reality warping powers and people want to focus on elements such as fire or wind? Come on folks, think better. Gravity manipulation, electromagnetic force manipulation, and so on. We have a versatile magic system, lets play around with the more fun stuff. That isn't to say that elemental stuff can't be cool or fun, creating tornados of fire looks cool as hell but we can do better. :p

Runes could be fun. Birdsie talked a bit about it in Discord.

That said, still think a Charms + Transfiguration + more focused or obscure pick is ideally the best. Master+ level in majority of spellcasting (Charms + Transfiguration) by year four or five is going to be amazing. It's probably a really small group of people who could claim such a thing. Dumbledore comes to mind. Plus, you would get your elemental magic with charms too. ^_^
[X] Plan: All Yellow

This seems like a fun little plan that makes for a Harry who seems like they be fairly fun to read about, open to socializing with his other students, doing fun pranks, and the Many Things option seems like it'll be a cool plot hook.
Should we leverage Trismegistus into something to get goblins and house-elves allies?
Is it possible to learn their secrets that way?

Maybe via History of Magic or a specialization of it we may be able to discover some things but that doesn't mean we would be able to secure an alliance with Goblins. Not without some concessions that we probably wouldn't want to take at all. House-elves? I mean...any House-elf owned by our allies would be an ally of us or at least someone that we could use.
If plan all yellow wins, which it will at this point, Snape is gonna have blast from the past. An social Potter who likes pranks and jokes. Welp, there goes our potion's marks.
If plan all yellow wins, which it will at this point, Snape is gonna have blast from the past. An social Potter who likes pranks and jokes. Welp, there goes our potion's marks.

That's where your wrong, because Potions is valid focus for Trimestigus. What's more frustrating for Snape then a Harry that grows up to be like his father? A Harry that grows to be like his father that is also undeniably the best student and a prodigy in the class he has to teach! :p
That's where your wrong, because Potions is valid focus for Trimestigus. What's more frustrating for Snape then a Harry that grows up to be like his father? A Harry that grows to be like his father that is also undeniably the best student and a prodigy in the class he has to teach! :p
"Are we sure he's not my kid? He's too good..."
That's where your wrong, because Potions is valid focus for Trimestigus. What's more frustrating for Snape then a Harry that grows up to be like his father? A Harry that grows to be like his father that is also undeniably the best student and a prodigy in the class he has to teach! :p

We'll have to see if Snape's hatred is stronger than his duty as an teacher I suppose.
Woww. Never saw Dursley bribed to take care of baby Harry before. Best reason for those deplorable s to treat him good. Good job Dumbledore.

I am so disappointed we did not pick Champion. That magic resistance is op.

[x] Plan Power of Heart
-[X] Maybe
-[x] The Past

-[X] Making Lots of Friends
-[x] Books, Books, Books - Most kids hate reading, but you love reading! Especially the books that have pictures in them.
-[x] Your Awesome Cousin, Mistah "DD" Dudley Dursley - He's great like that. +++Dudley.

This because I do not want a voice talking to Harry. Hate that shit.
That's where your wrong, because Potions is valid focus for Trimestigus. What's more frustrating for Snape then a Harry that grows up to be like his father? A Harry that grows to be like his father that is also undeniably the best student and a prodigy in the class he has to teach! :p
Well James was a highly gifted potioneer himself.

If we are not picking DADA though I'd be fine with picking Potions.