Made some new changes, all subject to further improvements. Feel free to mix and match if any of them piques your interest or if you see any issues.
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Oh, look at that - we really did have enough Gnosis to do the thing.
Who would have thought?

Regarding what we should do this turn...
Well, there aren't any dangers in our future as far as we know, but I wouldn't assume that a conceptual being like Death can't do something to twist the odds against us at the very last second or subvert our horoscopes outright.

Alternatively, I'm also unsure if this is the right time to get started with our Animagus training.
On one hand, Phoenix tears can go a hell of a long way in tight spots and I can imagine that we will find ourselves in such spots by the end of the year.
On the other hand, this might be something that we can push more towards the summer.

Then again, the Animagus transformation isn't really all that time-intensive so it shouldn't get too much in our way.

We can afford to try and push for another adventure for a bit of Gnosis farming.
I would suggest trying to visit the Centaurs in the forbidden forest right about now - they have their own unique understanding of Astrology and Astronomy as well as other insights and it may very well be worth considering.

So overall, here's what I think that we should do next turn:

1) Lay the foundations for our own investigation and/or protections (via Dementors and/or possible runes for example)
2) Visit the Centaurs in the Forbidden Forest and attempt to establish a good relationship with them.
3) Study about Death and whatever dangers it may pose to you
4) Animagus transformation?
5) Remove the marks from Harry's face and body - they are too distinctive and otherwise offer no advantages.

Regarding the "perfect diamond in the sky" from the chamber of secrets, I don't think that Harry is at a level where he can research that properly at all
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Okay turns out we overlooked the concerns of the clinching the final transformation. Which could cause permanent bird-boy mutations, so it might be better to have a mentor overseeing.

I'm not worried about the getting the potion right because we're guaranteed to get the environmental constrains right with our predictions. Options are Sirius or an Inner Circle member. McGonagall teaches about it in the third year so there just might be a lot more upper year animagi running about. And we have Geist to fall back to check in on us.
If the worst happens, a failed transformation is not necessarily permanent were we to summon Akh and alter our appearance back.

Regardless I propose we factor in Animagus horoscope into our monthly ones so Birdsie can tell us in which turn we roll well for a perfect potion brewing chance. You were saying about finalizing a plan earlier? @Nobody134

[ ] Start the Animagus potion process
-[ ] Horoscoping the brewing rolls and weather conditions in advance. Make it a part of your monthly predictions from now on if it shows the results are not auspicious. If the conditions are good:
--[ ] Find an Inner circle mentor to review our preparations - especially for the final transformation. Ask Geist to oversee if your mental state is capable of perfectly carrying it out.
--[ ] Make use of Inner Circle to get access to the unique conditions like absolute darkness. Arrange Portkey for the thunderstorm.
--[ ] Hiding the Mandrake leaf - using a sticking charm and camouflage runic enchantment. And taking an antidote for it.
--[ ] Study up on the theory and practice the visualization needed to transform back and forth. Observe Fawkes in Dumbledore's office when you visit. Commit the memory of your own form and features in a reversed mirror.
--[ ] Diligently do the daily spellwork component.
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from what I can tell turning into Animagus is very complicated, I'd rather we will take some time to learn the theory and what not instead of diving right into it.
@_brightwing I think that the guy above me has the right idea - why are we rushing into this? We can afford to take the time to properly learn and prepare everything and to have a solid theoretical grasp of the entire thing, as well as possible mental preparations with the aid of a willing tutor, and the to actually go through with the entire process closer to the end of the year.

I'm really not seeing a reason to rush here and I think that we can spread the relevant studies over a few months - nothing bad will come out of just waiting for a bit.

[X] Plan Prep
-[X] Removal of the Envious Curse
--[X] Invite relevant members from the inner circle to watch, informing them of your abilities and talents, and inquire about any possible usage that they could have of such an ability.
-[X] Approach Professor Pettigrew with a request to help you become an Animagus. He never struck you as someone who sticks too much to the rules and has even helped you break the rules on multiple occasions, so it should be fine, right?
-[X] Attempt to remove whatever scarring and marks from the Fiendfyre that you have left, consult others if the need arises
-[X] Contemplate Death
--[X] Attempt to establish relations with the Centaurs in the forbidden forest, using your unique ability to see the starts to gain their interest and even possible respect. Should a decent relationship be established, inform them of your dreams and conflict with Death and see if they have any advice to give you. Perhaps they might have some insights that they can share with you?
-[X] Resume Investigation
--[X] Attempt to bind a few dementors to your will so that they may act as covert agents for you or, if not possible, to receive updates regarding the situation around the castle. Attempt to use the Patronus charm to aid you in both holding them back as you are binding them and in possibly locating specific dementors of interest (such as the one that was attacked). Otherwise do so by questioning the dementors.
--[X] Inform the members of the Inner Circle of all of your findings, up to and including the meeting that you were listening in on. For all you know, they might have discovered more than they were willing to share, and there is no reason for you to not help each other.

I might do some more additional editing, but it looks fairly solid to me.
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[] Plan Prep

I'd add a part about passively looking out each month for animagus potion weather conditions though, that's basically the main limiter for a perfect potions brewing. The forbidden forest might also be dangerous without having the canonical friendship with Hagrid - we might need to take steps for our protection - maybe fill out our quota for covenant strength? There was a minion that was good for scouting and foraging in the forest for instance if you don't think Rotmots are worthwhile.
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It would not be Harry studying it. Ornias would be the one studying the "perfect diamond in the sky" it would take less then 10 minuets in universe to give it to him, ask him what he know about it and have him try to find out more about it
It would not be Harry studying it. Ornias would be the one studying the "perfect diamond in the sky" it would take less then 10 minuets in universe to give it to him, ask him what he know about it and have him try to find out more about it

We tried something similar with the thing that Neville showed us and all Ornias could do is tell us that it is related to a temporal effect and when questioned he could not provide us with any solid explanation as to how he even knows it.

Ornias can't solve this problem by himself - at most, we will need to work together to see it through.
[X] Removal of the Accursed Name [1 Gnosis]

[X] Removal of the Envious Curse [1 Gnosis]

[X] Study Even More [+1 Gnosis]

Get rid of the two Curses for cheap, and pick up an extra Gnosis to recoup the loss.
[X] Removal of the Accursed Name [1 Gnosis]

[X] Removal of the Envious Curse [1 Gnosis]

[X] Study Even More [+1 Gnosis]

Get rid of the two Curses for cheap, and pick up an extra Gnosis to recoup the loss.

We are probably only earing Gnosis with that choice because we are losing some of the effects from our studies, like with our OWLs in Astronomy and Astrology.

Probably not worth it.

Besides, we can afford it regardless.

edit: as far as Animagi mentors that won't tattle on us go, Birdsie says that Pettigrew fits the bill.
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I really like the idea of learning from a Maurader, it's pretty good narratively. It'll be nice to have more conversation with Pettigrew, he's pretty cool here.

I just remembered we have Dumbledore's toad. It could be useful if we run into ambushes in the forest. Harry should be able to cut loose with his deadlier Dark Arts too. It'll be good for him to get some practical experience with them.

Also, what are the odds the centaurs would be waiting for us having foreseen the meeting? :p
I know this is a AU but trusting Pettigrew is something i am hesitant to do mostly because his fall to evil in the books was not due to being a bad person but because he was a coward which probably has not changed meaning he can be turned the same way here

He could also be willing not to snitch on us now so he could blackmail us with it later

I'm not necessarily against it but given who it is thought should be given before trusting him

Remember when he was sneaking around the castle that time we caught him. I wonder what he was doing
Dose no one else think it would be a good idea to ask Geist why he is talking less
Source: Castle of Hidden Things.

A trick of a Dark Lord, Geist answered with a feeling of smugness. My sleeping, as you've called it, hasn't been in vain. I've been cutting away threads that our souls connected to each other, to keep our identities separate. You've been doing a lot of magic in the past year, so your soul's been developing like Merlin's balls. It's trying to eat mine up.

Harry blinked in surprise. You can do that?

I'm Lord Voldemort. I can do anything if I put my mind to it. The only reason I'm still in your head is that I've decided I don't want to die yet, but don't want to be reborn either, Geist replied with the voice of casual cockiness. Anyway, cutting away those threads, I've found that I regained some of my old magic - nothing except the basics, but I was a natural Legilimens. I always had an amazing knack for it. You wouldn't believe how useful it was. I didn't even have to study for tests I didn't care for - I'd simply read the mind of the smartest student in class, or even the Professors when they were slacking off, and I'd know the answers. Watch your step.

I suppose we could ask if there's anything worthy of concern going on with him on that front, but we already have an idea of what's going on.
I remember that but it seems to only be getting worse and their have been hints in the story that he may be fusing with Harry.

Harry shivered a little. As the days passed, Geist spoke to him less and less, although he maintained a regular regimen of beating the crap out of Harry's mind to get him to raise his Occlumency barriers quicker. It seemed the ghost was becoming more of a passive observer as time went on, and as a result, sometimes Harry could have difficulty recognizing whether something that Geist had said was actual, directed words, or simply his own background thoughts temporarily running on a particularly dry pessimism.

[X] Plan Prep
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[X] Start the Animagus potion process
-[X] Horoscoping the brewing rolls and weather conditions in advance. Make it a part of your monthly predictions from now on if it shows the results are not auspicious. If the conditions are good:
--[X] Find an Inner circle mentor to review our preparations - especially for the final transformation. Ask Geist to oversee if your mental state is capable of perfectly carrying it out.
--[X] Make use of the Inner Circle to access unique conditions like absolute darkness. Arrange Portkey for the thunderstorm.
--[X] Hiding the Mandrake leaf - using a sticking charm and camouflage runic enchantment. And taking an antidote for it.
--[X] Study up on the theory and practice the visualization needed to transform back and forth. Observe Fawkes in Dumbledore's office when you visit. Commit the memory of your own form and features in a reversed mirror.
--[X] Diligently do the daily spellwork component.

[X] Summon Ornias and have him look at the record of 'the perfect diamond in the sky.' ask him to tell you everything he knows or can tell about it then have him further study it if possible
[X] Summon Two Rotmots

-[X] To train them to respond to legilimens commands - to sneak and drop off runic stones to targets and form moving runic arrays.

[X] Investigation
-[X] Attempt to bind a few dementors to your will so that they may act as covert agents for you or, if not possible, to receive updates regarding the situation around the castle. Attempt to use the Patronus charm to aid you in both holding them back as you are binding them and in possibly locating specific dementors of interest (such as the one that was attacked). Otherwise do so by questioning the dementors.

[X] Removal of the Envious Curse

[X] Wound-transfer regimen

-[X] Start Removing your fiendfyre scars one by one inconspicuously before the upcoming animagus transformation.
Permission Slip
Permission Slip

After his latest foray into the ongoing investigation, Harry decided to take a little break and channel his increasing skills in Astrology into a ritual to break the spell that young Voldemort had cast over the school's Defense Against the Dark Arts position. It didn't seem like Geist was bothered, even providing some advice in a couple of areas, particularly the nature of the Dark Arts that had been utilized in the curse's creation. However, in either case, Harry would have to wait several months to cast the spell, as the astral alignment necessary to break the curse only occurred twice a year, and the closest one was in late June.

It was a cool evening in the middle of March, and Harry was studying for an upcoming Charms pop quiz. Alas, the existence of the pop quizzes was no longer that great a mystery, now that Harry could anticipate them days in advance simply by looking at the night sky. The set of constellations best utilized to predict one's education or the fate of a school in general, wasn't usually that easy to read. Hogwarts, in particular, had a couple of stars with deep-rooted meaning attached to them. Deciphering the secret meanings of the stellar signs didn't consume as much time ever since he'd gained his attachment to the sky, but Harry wasn't eager on revealing such abilities.

"I think I'd like to become an Animagus," he commented off-handedly.

A snort rose from deep within. Geist's voice was modestly incredulous. Why?

"Haven't you said, like, that everyone's spirit animal is what defines both their Patronus and Animagus forms?"

I have. So you'd like to become a Phoenix shifter?

"Why not?"

Primarily because it's a waste of time. I mean, if being an Animagus was so great, don't you think I'd have done it already? Being an Animagus, even one whose alternate form is a particularly impressive and powerful magical beast, like a Phoenix, is almost worthless. I actively think less of people who've bothered with it, with few exceptions.

Oh? Who are those?

One is Pettigrew. He became an Animagus because he thought it'd be funny, and a good test of his skills. Also because it made sneaking around the castle easier. There were no other practical considerations. The others, you don't know, and I don't care to tell you about.

Okay, but what's so bad about having the option? Phoenixes are magical beings. They have useful abilities.

Like what? Crying tears that heal? Just buy some off the black market. Flying? Just get a broom and learn to use it. Resurrection? Only works if the Phoenix dies from old age, and its life cycle is so rapid that happens often - otherwise, it dies like any other living being. I suppose there's its unique form of Apparition and mild pyrokinesis, but you can learn both of these as a wizard. Its merits aren't as great as they seem, and it has the crucial demerit of actively preventing you from using wand magic while you're in that form. And sure, the Phoenix is flashy and impressive - it has a keen majesty that can't be replicated. That also draws attention. People are going to notice a Phoenix Animagus.

He slumped over his book. "Geist, you just love to suck the fun out of everything?"

If you really want it, don't let me prevent you. I'm talking about practical considerations, Harry. If the reason you want to turn into a giant fiery bird is to have the ability to turn into a giant fiery bird, rather than becoming stronger or better, then I have no objections.

So, at the end of the day, being an Animagus isn't that useful?

It can be if your form is sufficiently subtle. A rat or a cat, like McGonagall or Pettigrew, can sneak around and enter a lot of places unnoticed.

I think I'll become an Animagus anyway, and show you it can be pretty useful if you know how to apply it.

And you do?
Once again, Geist snorted. Children...


On the next Thursday, after Charms and Transfiguration, Harry approached Professor Pettigrew after class. The gaunt man sat calmly behind his desk, dressed in a dark tartan suit that looked surprisingly good on him and arranged some papers that a couple of the students had turned in, presumably for reading and grading.

"Excuse me, Professor?"

"Yes?" Vaguely surprised that someone was speaking to him, Pettigrew looked up. "Mr. Potter, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to become an Animagus."

Pettigrew smiled thinly in response. "I'm sorry, Mr. Potter, but the Animagus Transformation elective is only available for Fifth-Years and up."

"Can't an exception be made?"

"Certainly." A movement of the wand produced a minute paper slip, which Professor Pettigrew slid over in Harry's direction, across the desk. There was something almost patronizing in the motion. As Harry picked up the paper, he noted there were a number of dotted lines on it, as well as mystical symbols. It was a Ministry-stamped Animagus Course Exception Slip, as the bold letters in the upper center proclaimed. "I'll require the signatures of your guardian, as well as Professor McGonagall; who is both the Deputy Headmistress and the main Transfiguration Professor of our esteemed institution. After you bring the signed version to me, I'll enroll you next year. It's a bit late, now."

Not only Sirius but Professor McGonagall as well? He'd need to convince them both to allow him to partake in an advanced Transfiguration course several years ahead in the curriculum. That sounded outright impossible! Harry prevented himself from groaning in annoyance through an effort of concerted will.

He nodded stiffly. "Thank you, Professor."

"No problem, Mr. Potter." He paused, watching Harry with a curious look. "Will there be anything else?"

"No, sir." Harry realized he'd been standing and blankly staring off into space for several seconds, considering how to get Sirius and McGonagall to agree to sign. "Thank you again, and have a good day."

"You as well, Mr. Potter."

After returning back to his room following that day's lessons, Harry collapsed into his bed with a deep sigh.

Screw you, Geist, you knew this was going to happen.

Didn't you?
The ghost sounded genuinely surprised.

No, how could I have?!

I mean, Pettigrew said as much during the beginning of the year. And while bending rules and even pranking fellow Professors is completely fine - as the worst he'd get is a mild reprimand from Dumbledore. This is a completely different matter. Secretly teaching the Animagus Transformation to a child without any relevant documentation? If anyone ever discovered he taught you and helped you perform the ritual - and he'd be the first suspect in any real scenario - he'd easily get life in Azkaban.

Ugh! Whatever, let's practice my Occlumency until it's time for the Inner Circle meeting. And then I have to drink my dream-killing potions...


Alright, so you've decided to present your findings regarding the event in the basement to the Hufflepuff Inner Circle, in hopes that maybe someone can provide you with additional data or at least direct aid in solving the issue. How far exactly are you planning to go with your revelations here? How do you present your findings? Although the Inner Circle is going to accept your words as truth, simply because Hufflepuffs trust each other inherently, the way you display the findings might affect whether people believe the events involved actually happened, or you simply misunderstood the nature of what you perceived.

[ ] Be Forthright - Explain everything that you observed and figured out, while providing commentary on things that need it (such as your Cloak of Invisibility.) Answer any questions with full disclosure, and don't be afraid to reveal most of your secrets excluding obvious things such as the existence of Geist.

[ ] Write-in

Also, you may (but don't have to) select one of these options:

[ ] Apocryphal Forbearance - Nothing of exceptional (Apocryphal) nature is going to happen in your Third Year at Hogwarts. All events will proceed as normal. This won't actively disrupt ongoing events or the plans of background characters, but won't encourage chaos or test your mettle actively either.
[ ] Singing Sunlight Remit - Ensures that you get one of the signatures for your Animagus Permission Slip.
[ ] Magic Boost - +.75 Gnosis, +10% to Gnosis Modifier this turn and next turn.
[X] Be Forthright - Explain everything that you observed and figured out, while providing commentary on things that need it (such as your Cloak of Invisibility.) Answer any questions with full disclosure, and don't be afraid to reveal most of your secrets excluding obvious things such as the existence of Geist.
[X] Magic Boost - +.75 Gnosis, +10% to Gnosis Modifier this turn and next turn.

Sweet, sweet, sweet gnosis.
Apocryphal Forbearance is amazingly good, guys.

[X] Be Forthright
[X] Apocryphal Forbearance