I don't know for sure but their are a lot of benefits to getting a Phoenix patron and we only need 2.25 Gnosis

Hasturtimesthree also posted two Omakes so that helps to

What are the consequences for being in Gnosis debt. I assume the amount we are in debt determines the severity of the consequences so what would we suffer if we were in 1-2 debt
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I don't know for sure but their are a lot of benefits to getting a Phoenix patron and we only need 2.25 Gnosis

Hasturtimesthree also posted two Omakes so that helps to

What are the consequences for being in Gnosis debt. I assume the amount we are in debt determines the severity of the consequences so what would we suffer if we were in 1-2 debt
Memory fuzzy, speculation warning:
Memetics potter wizard stupidity is the optimistic scenario. Pessimistic scenario is immediate death.
Anyone who want to vote for the Phoenix should vote [X] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf that way we can get phoenix if it is safe and wolf if not. It the best of both worlds

[X] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf

[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] A Letter from D
[X] Jar of Peanut Butter

Getting a Phoenix Patronus could also improve our infinite Patronus to

I wonder if Ron's source of Knowledge is just him reading peoples minds or if something else is going on

Anyone else worried about that part of The Dark Lords soul we saw way back that Geist though was going to try to attack us but didn't

I think it would be a good idea to get both Dumbledore, D and Snapes gifts

Dumbledores seams like it could be something else and Snape could be a useful friend ( and I want to redeem him and this could be the first step )

D gift could help harry mental stat if it's not completely better yet. And on the vary off chance this is not who we thin it is this could be interesting
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We went from 19.25->22.5 Gnosis in the gap between the last updates, giving a generation rate of 3.25. Assuming we're able to be roughly as active this time, we should be able to afford the Phoenix without going into debt.

[X] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf

[X] Magical Toothpaste
[X] Mistletoe Wand
[X] A Letter from D
Another person sees the glory of becoming a immortal fire chicken

why did you pike the mistletoe wand we are already pretty close to Neville and our wand already does not have the trace

I think we should use this opportunity to improve our relationship with snape. We may not get another opportunity to do so for a while

I just realised the letter from D could be from Dobby. Why would Dudley not just say it's him or you know even know how to send a letter to us at Hogwarts and if he know how to send us a letter then why not just come him self and it's second year
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Well I have diabetes now

That is such a adorable drawing I wish I could make stuff like that

I think the letter was written by Dobby not Dudley. How would Dudley send us a letter given he knows no wizards and if he did know one why would he not just come to Hogwarts instead of writing a letter. This is also the second year so it would fit

If I'm right that makes getting that letter even more important given it will have something to do with the plot

Dose anyone have a theory on what dumbledores gift could be if it's not just normal peanut butter
I can't wait for the next action update. It'll be so fun to see see Neville's spellsword in action. Hermione's nudge to dark potions is a good development too, we should see if further prompts bring up the Ravenclaw Circle. And now that our rampant paranoia about Ron has pretty much been proven unfounded we should also look into what we can do to power him up. I'm pretty worried the other two hadn't had their guardian visions. Harry should bring it up and see what they can do about it.

Researching up the diadem for Hermione and taking Ron to the chamber. Pick up the Secret of Atlantis or Heaven on the way. I really want to see if there's a unique interaction with taking him there. And honestly hell with him pocketing the loot - it doesn't matter in the larger picture. If they advance, so do we. And it would be a big show of trust that will make progress in opening up his shell. We picked Hard Mode so we can't really afford to slack off.

Also we need to make some major progress with the Inner Circle. Get them into Dark Arts. And take a few active steps to fix Harry's PR issue. It seemed like the student base didn't understand how his Astrology prodigy and working for Dumbledore ties to last year's events. Wizards are pretty dumb. We might need to do something more, flashy?

Also, any ideas about what we can do to progress Patronus to Infinite? Meta knowledge says there are tomes.. Would that be something to do with Helga Hufflepuff?
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I can't wait for the next action update. It'll be so fun to see see Neville's spellsword in action. Hermione's nudge to dark potions is a good development too, we should see if further prompts bring up the Ravenclaw Circle. And now that our rampant paranoia about Ron has pretty much been proven unfounded we should also look into what we can do to power him up. I'm pretty worried the other two hadn't had their guardian visions. Harry should bring it up and see what they can do about it.

Researching up the diadem for Hermione and taking Ron to the chamber. Pick up the Secret of Atlantis or Heaven on the way. I really want to see if there's a unique interaction with taking him there. And honestly hell with him pocketing the loot - it doesn't matter in the larger picture. If they advance, so do we. And it would be a big show of trust that will make progress in opening up his shell. We picked Hard Mode so we can't really afford to slack off.

Also we need to make some major progress with the Inner Circle. Get them into Dark Arts. And take a few active steps to fix Harry's PR issue. It seemed like the student base didn't understand how his Astrology prodigy and working for Dumbledore ties to last year's events. Wizards are pretty dumb. We might need to do something more, flashy?

Also, any ideas about what we can do to progress Patronus to Infinite? Meta knowledge says there are tomes.. Would that be something to do with Helga Hufflepuff?

I think we still need to improve our relationship with Ron at least a bit - I don't trust him to have our best interests at heart.
In this context it means that he is at least somewhat likely to simply keep this knowledge to himself.

One major worry I have is that Sirius will develop hobbies and interests aside from throwing himself entirely into teaching, which will in turn make the curse on the position take effect and kick him out.

I think that next turn or the one after we should either remove the DADA curse (and maybe the one on the name as well, and have the inner circle watch) or tell someone to change the name of the class or something so that the DADA-specific curse won't have anything to target and will thus be effectively useless.
"Harry trusted Ron to reveal his sources should they ever become even in the slightest chunk relevant in some manner. Until then, Harry would allow him to keep those secrets to himself."

I trust Harry's instincts though, he was right about sussing out Neville's true nature while we were on the fence about him initially. We could have made good progress on the first year plot if we listened. Let's not make a repeat of that again.

Just had a horrible thought - Apocrypha. Sirius is a good target for it along with the existing curse. We definitely should be proactive about this. If something were to happen to him it would be devastating for Harry.
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Why do you think our paranoia about Ron was proven wrong ?

Just because Harry trust him dose not make him trustworthy. The first thing Ron did when we told him about the heirs and had him try on the ring was to try to steal it and not tell us he was the heir

He also seams to know a lot of information he should not which could be because he reads the minds of people since he is a natural Legilimens witch both makes him a bad person and means he likely already knows where the chamber is from reading Neville mind

Also sine we are ringing up the trust worthiness of our friends i still find it suspicious the Gryffindor ring was just on the ground given where the other rings were ( in a star, in a special secret chamber only a few people can enter and a different world?)

Hermione also randomly started to do much better then before and we still don't know why

Anyone who want to vote for the Phoenix should vote [X] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf that way we can get phoenix if it is safe and wolf if not. Taking away the risk of trying to get phoenix
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Does anyone else think Neville finding the Gryffindor ring on the dungeon floor is suspicious given where the other 3 were

Anyone who want to vote for the Phoenix should vote [X] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf that way we can get phoenix if it is safe and wolf if not. Taking away the risk of trying to get phoenix
Not that sus. Could have been a plot of Godric's, or something that required control over Hogwarts' defenses, or both. All the Founders sequestered their rings somewhere hard for anyone not Chosen to access: the Chamber requires either a dungeon clear or a password in Parseltongue; the star will only release the Ring of Ravenclaw at the right time, and it would take a very good grasp of astrology to find where it falls. No idea how the Hufflepuff ring was supposed to have been obtained from the other dimension though, we kind of hacked Helga's means of sequestering it.

Now, what I do find sus is that we haven't seen anything from Hecate since she awakened. Gilderoy almost certainly knows what's going on with her though (and I still think she's Ariana).

I wonder if the potion thefts and pet disappearances are still happening.
But the ring was not somewhere hard to get at that's what makes it sus. It was just on the dungeon floor Neville had to do nothing to get it. Are we suppose to believe that over the hundreds of years no one has ever saw that ring and took it. It is completely different then the other 3
But the ring was not somewhere hard to get at that's what makes it sus. It was just on the dungeon floor Neville had to do nothing to get it. Are we suppose to believe that over the hundreds of years no one has ever saw that ring and took it. It is completely different then the other 3

I suspect he may have not just found it on the dungeon floor, and instead had to, say, use his control over Hogwarts' defenses to manifest it.
So, I just started reading this quest last Saturday and I've just caught up. Given my binging, I've missed most of the thread discussions, so I just wanted to ask: has anyone else noticed all the references to Alexandra Quick? Specifically, the Lands Below, Stars Above, World Apart, the Knight's game, and Death offering a coin to Dudley.