[X] Phoenix [25 Gnosis] - The resplendent phoenix: eternal and immortal, its very presence bends the cosmos towards the aspects of justice.
[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] A Letter from D
[X] Jar of Peanut Butter
The Phoenix form is pretty much the lower end of special forms of magical creatures

Any magical creature is pretty rare already though. Other than phoenixes we have canonically
Fire-dwelling Salamander
Granian Winged Horse
Runespoor (like a three headed snake)
Thestral patronus

So a pheonix is pretty much the best of the deal. Since we didn't pick star writing stuff like Dementor and Dragons are off the cards according to WoG. Dementor patronus would have been amazing.. The important thing is though, we get to start delving into infinite patronus now that Death shenanigans have begun. We've put off the final part of our Hufflepuff legacy for too long.

We also might be able to change our spirit animal via star writing later. That would probably be pretty magic extensive though..
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Any magical creature is pretty rare already though. Other than phoenixes we have canonically
Fire-dwelling Salamander
Granian Winged Horse
Runespoor (like a three headed snake)
Thestral patronus

So a pheonix is pretty much the best of the deal. Since we didn't pick star writing stuff like Dementor and Dragons are off the cards according to WoG. Dementor patronus would have been amazing.. The important thing is though, we get to start delving into infinite patronus now that Death shenanigans have begun. We've put off the final part of our Hufflepuff legacy for too long.

We also might be able to change our spirit animal via star writing later. That would probably be pretty magic extensive though..

What I meant to say was that out of all of the magical creatures that we are potentially aligned with, the Phoenix is in the lower end of such a scale among magical creatures, meaning that either the others that require a higher gnosis investment are less compatible with Harry or less special/powerful.

I have no idea where are you coming with the infinite Patronus bit since we have no frame of reference or opportunity to learn it or even the knowledge of existing in the first place (in-character at least).

And it is specifically mentioned that star writing rewrites the stars, so unless you find a specific star that translates to "Harry's Patronus" then there's no shot of us accomplishing that.
On the other hand, something like "Spirit animals can change" is more along the lines of being possible.

I'd have been very interested a Thestral Patronus though if given the opportunity since it'd be good symbolism with our relationship with death.
Yeah, replacing away the spirit animal star influence would probably be it - shift stars to align with the one representing dragon or dementor instead. We'll have to actually see Star writing in action.

I have no idea where are you coming with the infinite Patronus bit since we have no frame of reference or opportunity to learn it or even the knowledge of existing in the first place (in-character at least).

Yeah but we, Harry's soul know. I feel it isn't necessarily an unreasonable assumption though? That actually learning the patronus would kick things off for further development as more mysteries and interaction with his Patronus make themselves known to Harry. This action could potentially unlock requirements of unique attainment like our other actions have done so for the other ones.

I'm sure Birdsie has a whole plotline related to the Patronus waiting for us like all the other Hufflepuff boons.
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I also think that having a Raven form would is not at all worthless to consider - it can fly and integrate well with the environment, making it something at least worth considering.
This is for patronus, not animagius. Patronus is the glowing, floating anti dementor spirit that can also deliver voicemail. Animagus is the animal transformation spell.

[x] wolf
[x] magical broom
[x] magical toothpaste
This is for patronus, not animagius. Patronus is the glowing, floating anti dementor spirit that can also deliver voicemail. Animagus is the animal transformation spell.

[x] wolf
[x] magical broom
[x] magical toothpaste

They're both the same spirit animal in this AU. Animagus is up for grabs via rites later probably.

I propose we go with a safety write-in: Pheonix, but if we do not reach 24.5 Gnosis - Pick Wolf

[ ] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf
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I don't see how even being a Phoneix Animagus eventually would be that useful. Within a year or two we'll be reasonably able to confine a phoenix, and so will any of the antagonists going against an Animagus harry. I don't see a reason to spend 25 Gnosis we might not even have to to make our Patronus lamp have a 'fully sick Phoenix decal'.

[X] Wolf
[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] A Letter from D
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[X] A Letter from D
[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] Magical Broom

I am fine with the wolf, but take the broom so that we have flying ability we would get from raven/phoenix animagus forms.
Other two gifts are obvious. Slightly worried about Snape, but... eh. Seems like the most understanding type of our "extracurrical activities", oddly enough.
Yeah, replacing away the spirit animal star influence would probably be it - shift stars to align with the one representing dragon or dementor instead. We'll have to actually see Star writing in action.

Yeah but we, Harry's soul know. I feel it isn't necessarily an unreasonable assumption though? That actually learning the patronus would kick things off for further development as more mysteries and interaction with his Patronus make themselves known to Harry. This action could potentially unlock requirements of unique attainment like our other actions have done so for the other ones.

I'm sure Birdsie has a whole plotline related to the Patronus waiting for us like all the other Hufflepuff boons.

Again, this is way too specific.
We do know that Patronus can change in canon but not necessarily in this quest - so making a person's "spirit animal" a changing thing may be advantageous.

Regardless, I think that, given the fact that there's barely any discussion here the past few turns, it would be too risky to assume that we would be able to get those extra 2.5 Gnosis that we need to accomplish our Patronus training.

[X] Wolf
[X] Jar of Peanut Butter
[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] A Letter from D
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[X] Nobody134

I don't have as much time for thread activity here lately so I'm gonna name vote the person who had some sense for the last vote. Just know I'm disappointed in everyone who voted to learn patronus with a lack of gnosis.
Omake: The Patient Knight

"Well. It's still your turn. I take it you have yet to decide on a move."

"Actually, I do have a move. I am making the move right now."

"Care to explain?"

"Simple. I currently see no way for me to escape checkmate. So I will keep thinking about my move until I do. This is it; my game-winning move: doing absolutely nothing."

"There is no way. Accept your defeat. Accept me."

"If that's true, then my move works anyway. I will never find a way to escape checkmate, so it will forever be my turn. It will be a guaranteed escape from you, although I would be somewhat confined. Given eternity, though, I'm sure I could find a way to interact with the world of the living."


"Oh, you're free to ignore the game if you like, and leave me to my own devices as long as you like. But I know that you can't abide someone escaping your grasp forever, and I know that someday, you'll do the one thing that could possibly prevent me from doing that."

"And then you will die at last."

"On the contrary, I will live. The only way to prevent the game from going on forever is to end the game. And there is only one way to end the game when it is not your turn. Simply forfeit! You really should have insisted on a time limit when I first challenged you."

"I will of course have infinite time to think of a counter of my own. If I so desired, I could travel to the Realm of Forms and kill the concept of chess."

"Then our game would be replaced with something else, and it would still be my turn. And if you destroyed the concept of games, you would be destroying yourself as well."

"How so?"

"Ah, but that would be telling, and I've already told you my move."
Omake: Collected Works of Gilderoy Lockhart

Break with a Banshee:

"It is relatively easy to communicate with a banshee, provided one is prepared to do so, and I was. A Quietus charm with a wide area of effect, combined with a pen and paper sufficed. And so it was that she wrote down the name of the one whose death she was foretelling: a witch by the name of Eudoxia Quipp. But there was still no clue as to the cause of death... or at least not from the banshee herself. For I had already concluded based on what I already knew of Eudoxia the form her demise would have taken..."

Gadding with Ghouls:

"A chameleon ghoul infestation can be difficult to root out, especially if the area where they have taken up residence is particularly large. To those unequipped to deal with one, as Mazirian Dabblewit was, they bring about an especial sort of horror, in which the victim fears that any inanimate object may be a ghoul in disguise, ready to kill them when their back is turned. The ghouls, of course, actively desire this paranoia in their prey, and take advantage of it in their hunting tactics. As it would take far too long to search for the ghouls myself, I set about devising various traps for them."


"The process by which a chameleon ghoul disguises themselves as an inanimate object is not an illusion, but a true alteration of their form, and my final trap was set up with this in mind. I had noticed that the ghouls' quick traversal of the manor was due to a small hole in the wall between Mazirian's workshop and bedroom, which they navigated by shrinking themselves, so over the hole on one side I placed a tea-strainer, with a spell rigged to shut it upon the first ghoul to pass under it. And within the day, this plan bore fruit..."

Holidays with Hags:

"Just as wizards often erroneously think of muggles as 'lesser', so too do hags look down upon humans, often using this attitude to justify their flesh-eating habits to their own victims. Alas, if they were more cooperative, we would have much to learn from their style of magic. This was the flimsy reasoning the three hags of Walsingham gave for their attacks once it became clear that I could easily overpower them, though I suspect they knew it would not be enough. And indeed, as with most other aggressive hags, I proceeded to trap them in ice, inducing torpor until a time came that they could be released without doing further harm. As for how I prevented muggles from discovering the trapped hags..."

Travels with Trolls:

"For some reason, possibly due to several ill-fated encounters in the past, wizardkind has decided that all trolls are utterly stupid. This is likely why Trollsign is so obscure among wizards: the idea that trolls would have a complex sign language seems absurd to them. But they do, and while I was not yet fluent in it, I knew enough to communicate with the troll I now know to be called One Whom A Mountain Could Not Crush, who soon told me what I had long suspected, the true reason why Quintus Grouse had hired me to kill him and his tribe, and the true problem that Quintus faced instead..."

Voyages with Vampires:

"Many of a vampire's weaknesses are psychosomatic in nature. This is because, at its core, vampirism is whatever the vampire believes it to be, likely having something to do with the Realm of Forms. This is, of course, rather difficult to verify, but it was something I had long suspected: vampires generally flee holy symbols, but only those they recognize as such. One unchanging aspect of their condition, however, is a restriction to a single source of food. Allimrac and I thus reached an agreement: I would lay a False Memory Charm upon her, creating the impression that she could only eat lettuce, rather than blood, and removing most of her weaknesses at the same time. Of course, the risk remained that she would realize her memory had been altered, so..."

Wanderings with Werewolves:

"Typically, a werewolf could manage their condition using Wolfsbane Potion, preventing the frenzy that would otherwise occur during their monthly transformation. Remote as we were, however, the werewolf would almost certainly be unfamiliar with that remedy. The burgomaster suggested that every night the villagers convene and execute whomever they suspect to be the werewolf. To this day, I do not know why he made this utterly absurd suggestion, but I now knew almost certainly that he was in fact the werewolf..."
[X] Gnosis =/> 24.5? Phoenix; Gnosis < 24.5? Wolf

[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] A Letter from D
[X] Jar of Peanut Butter

In this AU Patronus can do a lot more then they can in canon. Harry non-corporeal Patronus was able to blast through a wall at Ollivanders so they can do a lot more then repeal Dementors and deliver messages hear

Our Patronus also determines our Animagus form to. Given how different the Patronus is in this AU we may also gain advantages from having a Phoenix Animagus form as well

If we get a Phoenix Animagus form then we will get a endless supplies of Phoenix tears, the ability to teleport to where ever we want to go with wards being unable to stop us, a immortal form which could save our lives, a possible reputation boost given how Phoenix's are often treated and the fact that a Animagus form/Patronus is based on the personality of the person and given what we are told from the Everlasting Attainment we could also gain a massive boost to our fire magic to
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[X] Phoenix

[X] Wiggenweld Potion (x6)
[X] A Letter from D
[X] Jar of Peanut Butter

In this AU Patronus can do a lot more then they can in canon. Harry non-corporeal Patronus was able to blast through a wall at Ollivanders so they can do a lot more then repeal Dementors and deliver messages hear

Our Patronus also determines our Animagus form to. Given how different the Patronus is in this AU we may also gain advantages from having a Phoenix Animagus form as well

If we get a Phoenix Animagus form then we will get a endless supplies of Phoenix tears, the ability to teleport to where ever we want to go with wards being unable to stop us, a immortal form which could save our lives, a possible reputation boost given how Phoenix's are often treated and the fact that a Animagus form/Patronus is based on the personality of the person and given what we are told from the Everlasting Attainment we could also gain a massive boost to our fire magic to

All is well and good, but how do you know that we will have enough Gnosis for this particular Patronus?