Avenging Wand
It seemed that Geist possessed a wealth of information regarding the Trace, especially its removal.
The Ministry of Magic's Improper Use of Magic Office implemented a double-step verification system for spellcasting.
The first stage is wand-side. All wands sold commercially, themselves, have the Trace placed upon them, legally implemented upon the creation of a wand by Ministry regulations. The spell is programmed to automatically fade away once it detects that its bonded wielder is above the age of majority.
However, as long as the Trace continues to exist on a wand, it sends out a ping on every cast spell, recording the type of spell that was cast in the information. That information is picked up by the Improper Use of Magic Office. Allegedly, this could only happen when the spell doesn't pick up on the presence of a certain environmental factor, so the spell doesn't trigger in places such as Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, or Ministry-approved wizarding areas that comply with standard regulations and practices.
Nobody was certain whether this alleged information was the unbiased truth, but given that most Dark Wizards weren't frequently arrested when practicing only in their own homes seemed to indicate it was factual. One rare point of positivity in the Ministry's favor when it came to respecting people's privacy in their own homes.
The second stage is Ministry-side. An astrological device, called simply the Trace Orb, in the Improper Use of Magic Office confirms a ping, records its data, and prints out a scroll containing the information. A clockwork golem operating next to the associated station cuts out the scroll with a knife, hands it over to an investigator, and the investigator studies its contents to determine whether magic was actually improperly used. It's exactly at this point that a young wizard might receive a letter informing them that the Ministry made note of the misdemeanor and infracted them.
In pure theory, removing an enchantment of that sort from an object, such as the Trace from its attached wand, was simplicity itself. Even a third-year Hogwarts student of particular incompetence and brazenly dull wit possessed the theoretical skills to do so and would be able to do so given a couple of hours, a standard reference document, and some objects to practice on before the actual attempt. The issue came with the Ministry side of things, as the Trace Orb was capable of detecting, recording, and printing out the data that a Trace spell went offline. Normally, once a wizard reached the age of majority, this would be simply disregarded.
However, when this wasn't the case, it'd instantly become clear a serious violation had occurred. A successful attempt of removing the Trace from a wand without Ministry approval, depending on who carried it out, was punishable by removal of the wand and restrictions on magical casting until the age of majority, expulsion from Hogwarts, up to seven years in a magical prison, or even - yes, indeed - a short trip to hotel Azkaban itself. That one was usually reserved for extreme cases, such as mass removals.
However, there were certain conditions under which the Trace Orb didn't properly operate, and couldn't pick up the Trace from certain areas. A thunderstorm happened to be one of them, and so, on the same day that Harry finished his Animagus training, he'd also have an opportunity to remove the Trace.
They stood upon the peak of the Astronomy Tower, on the edge of its balustrade, as the dark clouds gathered and swirled, storms gathering.
"A blanket?" Harry asked Cho. "What for?"
"Harry, when you transform, you'll leave your clothes behind," she explained, discomfited. "It's always like that on your first transformation. It'll take you a while before you can go back, but when you do, you'll probably be buck-naked."
His cheeks went slightly red, but not as much as they would have a year ago. He looked away, blinking. "Do you promise not to look?"
"I'll forget anyway."
"You're right."
"Anyway, what did you bring a second wand for?"
"I'm removing the Trace from my wand," he explained in an easygoing manner. "I'm planning to break into the Department of Mysteries at the earliest available opportunity, probably this summer, so I can find out where they're keeping Death, so I can fight him for killing people. It should be easy since I can become invisible."
She merely shook her head. Then, when he didn't chuckle or laugh, stared at him. "Are you... Oh Merlin, you're for real?"
"I'm always real. Not unlike my schizophrenic brain ghost."
"Harry, that's a terrible idea," she told him, sounding modestly terrified. "And Death... isn't some magical spirit you can find and fight."
"Nah, I'm sure they're keeping Ol' Grim somewhere in there. I'll find him and kick his ass." He pulled out a canteen and took a swig of Wiggenweld for bravery. The leaf in his mouth could handle that kind of moisture, fortunately. It wasn't going to react with anything magical or alchemical in his mouth. "For my dead Muggle family."
"Rrright. So what are you doing first?"
"I'll handle the Trace first. Once I'm in my other form, it'll be hard to cast spells."
The storm clouds gathered and brewed, a dark eye of cyclones above. A bolt of lightning struck the earth in the Forbidden Forest, and its many animals scattered for cover as it started to rain. A great and terrible darkness befell the world, shielding it from the sun, as thunder reached them at last, with the storefront.
"Alright, I think it's time."
He took out the precious wand he'd bought at Ollivander's, slightly regretting the terrible thing he was about to do to it. A rarity even in medieval times, antique Roman wand wood, and exceptional make. It didn't deserve this kind of treatment.
Gently, carefully, he placed his fingers on very particular spots on the wand's length; one finger in the middle, another in a spot close to the tip, but not the tip itself. Cho observed as he applied force until the wood began to crack and snap. He didn't go all the way, allowing the wood to hang loosely by several splinters, but the glorious core underneath was revealed, sparkling with golden magical energy. He watched as the magic in the wand faded and leaked away, the enchantments placed by Ollivander's ancestors fading away. And soon, the Trace went away too.
He picked out the spare wand and cast the spell, over and over. "Reparo Maxima." A number of splinters regenerated, but it wasn't a complete repair. It was difficult to fix a wand. "Reparo Maxima."
"Here, let me," Cho offered. She moved her wrist and unleashed a translucent swirl of energy into his wand. "Reparo Maxima."
"It's fixed." He smiled. "And Traceless."
"Is that really how you remove the Trace?" she asked. "Snap your wand in the middle of a storm and fix it?"
"Yes, the Ministry is going to be none the wiser."
She nodded, then handed over his crystal phial. Harry accepted it warily. "Animagus time; I'll be here for you in case something goes wrong."
Animagus time indeed, Geist laughed within. Are you ready to die? To feel the pain? I've heard that one's first transformation is agonizing, especially without proper Transfiguration practice. You haven't learned a quarter of what McGonagall prescribed you. Are you ready to die? he repeated.
You could've told me this earlier.
Nervous, Potter?
"Don't worry, Harry," Cho reassured him. "If anything goes wrong, I'm ready to help."
"Thank you." He looked down at the potion. "Right then, let's go."
He nodded in a salutory manner to Cho, uncorking the Animagus potion and downing it. Its substance was thick and slimy, more like minced gelatin than fluid, and it didn't go into him pleasantly. Its sludgy texture came with a deep bitterness, like enhanced mint and aromatic, pungent herbs.
The Animagus potion moved down his esophagus, to the level of his chest, and seemed to palpably stop there for a second, dissolving into something intangible - a kind of primal, exciting energy that bobbed in tune with his breath. The storm outside continued to rage, and Harry could feel as that primal energy within him reached out, an animalistic and subconscious element that dreamed within him ever since his first breath, but was now unleashed and given physical form by the potion he'd consumed. The storm within began to rage as well, in tune with the one outside, and they ebbed and flowed in tune with the universe, harmonized and rhythmic, like a gentle tapdance.
He began to feel an indescribable, burning, violating heat arise in his throat, like the stinging of acrimonious ethanol. It descend into his chest like a white-hot hammer of vengeance, and then slithered down cruelly into his stomach, spreading its searing heat over his insides, as though he were filled with volcanic magma. It spread over his entire body in seconds, flowing through his arteries and veins, revivifying him with lightning. His heartbeat picked up, but alongside it, he sensed a second, weaker beat.
It rose, and rose, and sped up, and sped up even more - a heartbeat more like a drum of war, going crazy - and the heat began to scorch him, streams of diaphanous steam wafting off of his skin. He grit his teeth painfully and grimaced, as his fingers went up in flames, tips fading away in a blaze of fire like small torches. He opened his mouth, releasing a soundless scream, and only a bright fire emerged from him. His eyes began to heat up as well, and moments later everything went blindingly white. His body changed, bones snapping inelegantly as they moved and rearranged.
And then, in an explosion of fire, he was reborn into a young phoenix, an incandescent beast of flame. It took a couple of seconds, but the flames emanating from him calmed down, and he was left merely a young bird with elegant, golden-red plumage. The heat within remained, softer and gentler, but no less powerful.
He screeched in confusion, as he attempted to step forward. His smooth talons slid against the floor and he somehow faceplanted with his beak.
"Oh, you poor thing, you don't have a balance. Here, let me help, Harry." Cho gently picked him up and set him back down. Harry's chicken legs wavered and hesitated, shaking in an attempt to keep his balance. He screeched desperately, attempting to go back to human form, but couldn't. The second heartbeat wasn't coming.
How do I go back to a human?!
Am I stuck like this forever?! I knew I should've learned Transfiguration!
"Harry, you need to focus. Imagine your human form. Imagine going back to it."
He did, as desperately and eagerly as he could, focusing and using all of the ingrained magical knowledge and experience he possessed. And yet, no matter how much he pictured it, the magic stubbornly refused to arrive and save him.
He flapped his impressively large wings and found himself almost weightless for a moment, before mass returned. It was a curious sensation, and he decided to see whether or not he could fly - maybe if he could locate Dumbledore, the old wizard might be able to turn him back. Harry attempted again, beating the wings, over and over with noisy flaps, until his talons began to lose contact with the floor. Overbalanced to the front, he teetered and went sailing beyond the railing before Cho was able to grab him. He could only distantly hear the gasp of shock from her as he began to rapidly accelerate towards the ground.
He attempted to stall his descent, spreading his wings like a parachute, and managed to catch a lucky breeze that raised his trajectory slightly upwards. He managed to avoid a confrontation with the earth as a result but was forced to begin flapping his wings with renewed vigor to avoid stalling again. The process became tiresome very quickly, requiring him to move constantly and swiftly, but once he got the hang of it, he found that flying was instinctive and natural for this form; effortless and thoughtless.
He screeched in an ungodly loud ululation as students and teachers below him, in the Astronomy Courtyard, stared and pointed up. The storm had begun to pass moments ago, during his transformation, and now he was a golden star racing through the sky, out of control, but managing to fly straight forward.
He attempted to move his tail. Its errant twitch caused him to spiral down and to the left, and by dint of luck, he managed to steer himself forcefully upwards, flying through an open window in the courtyard's second level, out of another open window and then turning to ascend. He screeched out a cackling, maddened laugh, alongside Geist in his mind who seemed relieved to find they weren't going to die in a fatal crash with the earth. Streams of golden fire passed off of him, contrails left by his wings, as he accelerated to impossible velocities, magically fast, and reached the Astronomy Tower's top again.
He shot in like a bullet, slid across the floor, and managed to return back to human form, reinvigorated.
He laughed and looked at Cho. "That was great!"
"Put on some clothes." She levitated the blanket from before in front of him, as an impromptu changing station, to preserve modesty.
It's hard to believe that Cho Chang is the first girl to see your butt.
After that, you managed to slip out of the Astronomy Tower unnoticed and gave Cho the regular pay and dose of forgetfulness pills.
A phoenix is a magical beast with a lot of natural abilities. What's the first one you'd like to practice? As this might be relevant as soon as this summer, this choice is highly relevant and important.
[ ] Flame Apparition - A unique form of Apparition that can bypass most wards and magical abjurations, but is extremely difficult and tiring to perform. Can be used to carry people and objects with great amounts of training. The Phoenix Method of Apparition was one of the magical dynamisms that inspired the creation of Floo powder.
However, unlike most professional forms of wizard Apparition, it's extremely unsubtle and noticeable - even a short-range blink is as loud as an explosion, and easily twice as bright. It's likely that you'll be able to perform it reliably within a month if you start practicing now.
[ ] Accelerated Flight and Pyromancy - Expel the golden phoenix flames in order to accelerate your flight speed, or spread them around an environment to repel foes and protect allies. Your current peak speed is around 120km/h, but you could easily double that in a single month with regular training.
[ ] Healing Tears - Basically, you're going to learn to cry any time you want. More difficult than it seems, but it'll make you an indispensable and powerful healer. There's almost nothing that a phoenix's tears cannot heal - even deeply cursed wounds and fatal injuries can be done away with in a couple of drops. A phoenix's tears are among the only known substances in existence that can reliably and significantly heal cursed wounds, curing them with no more challenge than normal wounds - a feat that's considered to be otherwise impossible.
After this, you're going to take on your Astronomy OWL.
Is there anything else you'd like to do before summer begins? Aside from removing the curses on the DADA position and Voldemort's name, of course. If you'd like, you may pick one of the activities mentioned in the previous vote.
[ ] Write-in