I just thought of a very useful way to use Rotmots with our build! Harry relies a lot on his Runic stones right? But he doesn't have the range - that's where the Rotmots come in. They could sneak around the battlefield and drop off payloads of the stones. They're fast enough too to get it done near instantaneously. It would dramatically increase our combat capability right away.

Also lets us effectively cast grease mid combat.

If we include Ornias then we have 4 covenant strength left iirc.

Why do you want to summon the African Troll btw? They don't seem to offer overly many things in contrast to Diabillo (potion brewing + resource gathering + general service) and Rotmot (spy) which would make a decently solid combo all things considered.
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I just thought of a very useful way to use Rotmots with our build! Harry relies a lot on his Runic stones right? But he doesn't have the range - that's where the Rotmots come in. They could sneak around the battlefield and drop off payloads of the stones. They're fast enough too to get it done near instantaneously. It would dramatically increase our combat capability right away.

Also lets us effectively cast grease mid combat.

I don't think that it will work very much for us mid-combat as it would require great coordination and a lot of prep work.
I Can see Rotmots being a good rune dispenser though or act as moving runes for us (put runes on a Rotmot and have maneuver upon command) like if for example we want to create a ward field or whatever and to have it move with us.
Ah but we do have legilimency to coordinate them mentally. We'd probably have to train them a bit beforehand though. Moving rune arrays definitely have a lot of interesting applications. With two of them active, they could define the area of effect between them. We can also start using a lot more dangerous runes without worrying about injurying ourselves..
Ah but we do have legilimency to coordinate them mentally. We'd probably have to train them a bit beforehand though. Moving rune arrays definitely have a lot of interesting applications. With two of them active, they could define the area of effect between them. We can also start using a lot more dangerous runes without worrying about injurying ourselves..

So you want Harry to use Legilimency (A skill that he isn't very good at, mind you) to coordinate easily destroyable demons mid combat?

Moving runic arrays, ones that can move through things and turn invisible in this case, carry many advantages, but I'm not at all sure that much good will come from such efforts when in combat situations.
I think you're mistaking my phrasing.. I don't mean like sending them in like homing demon missiles (which isn't actually a terrible idea in an emergency by itself cause the demons have good reflexes and speed to dodge spells)

More in the sense of training them before hand on drilled codes and sneaking. Harry uses the lull in combat where he usually deploys his runes to telepathically signal his demons (which probably has simple minds) He passes on his runes of choice to them and they dart for the shadows and cover. They're small, have camouflage and are quick enough that the opponents might not notice them. When they then see opportunity they slip near the target and drop the runes and hide back. Simple - hardly a complicated maneuver.

And it's not like Harry is giving them an entire monologue mentally. Basically: Come here- Take - That guy/ that place - Deploy (this part could be easily drilled in private)

Moving runic arrays are their ideal use though and will give us a lot of versatility. I like the idea of finding ways to make thing take on higher than their weight class like this..


Anyways, do we have a tentative Animagus draft so far for the next few turns?
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I think you're mistaking my phrasing.. I don't mean like sending them in like homing demon missiles (which isn't actually a terrible idea in an emergency by itself cause the demons have good reflexes and speed to dodge spells)

More in the sense of training them before hand on drilled codes and sneaking. Harry uses the lull in combat where he usually deploys his runes to telepathically signal his demons (which probably has simple minds) He passes on his runes of choice to them and they dart for the shadows and cover. They're small, have camouflage and are quick enough that the opponents might not notice them. When they then see opportunity they slip near the target and drop the runes and hide back. Simple - hardly a complicated maneuver.

And it's not like Harry is giving them an entire monologue mentally. Basically: Come here- Take - That guy/ that place - Deploy (this part could be easily drilled in private)

Moving runic arrays are their ideal use though and will give us a lot of versatility. I like the idea of finding ways to make thing take on higher than their weight class like this..


Anyways, do we have a tentative Animagus draft so far for the next few turns?

No, I did understand what you were going for.

It would require too much coordination to implement mid combat, and quite an investment of training in our part and I'd argue that time invested in actual training would yield more results in any case.

Moving runic arrays offer their own advantages for sure, but I don't think that Rotmot is a key for good utilization of runes in combat.

What Animagus draft are you talking about btw?
They could just be another of those minor background things Harry does. Like, we haven't actively made any of the rune crafting decisions for instance. Harry-pilot will probably situationally make use of whatever he's capable of if he aces enough rolls.

I meant premaking an animagus potion plan like we talked about earlier. So far we've got:
1) Horoscoping the brewing rolls and weather conditions in advance.
2) Making use of Inner Circle to get access to the unique conditions like absolute darkness. Arrange Portkey for the thunderstorm.
3) Hiding the Mandrake leaf - using a sticking charm and camouflage runic enchantment. And taking an antidote for it.

4) Study up on the theory and practice the visualization needed to transform back and forth.
- I researched a bit about it, and it looks like transforming back and forth takes practice to get it to the level of instantaneous transformation we've seen the other animagi do. So I still say it we should study Fawkes if we can and our features in the mirror.

5) There's a daily spellcasting component that we need to do to get the double heartbeat.
6) The first transformation is violent like a werewolf transformation so we'll need to secure a place for it. If we're not successful, apparently we get stuck in a half boy-half bird form..
- We could probably summon Akh and modify away those features though..

Other options include talking to Sirius about the transformation, but the point is to keep things hush hush. Sirius would keep our secret though. Actually, have we ever even seen him in his dog form?
I'd also would have liked to get the other Chosen involved and become next gen Mauraders.. but eh. Not really that important other than Hermione providing brewing bonuses - which the IC potions department can do, and provide the ingredients as well.

We should think of other failure modes and come up with solutions..
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As December went on, Harry practiced the Patronus Charm in private every night. To his frustration, even in his best attempts, he couldn't produce more than a couple of sparks of errant light.
*Allows you to conjure the Patronus simply by feeling good about yourself. And in time, you may begin to study the secrets of what ancient tomes call the "Infinite Patronus..."
I assume we feel really really bad if this isn't procced at all
Allows you to conjure the Patronus simply by feeling good about yourself. And in time, you may begin to study the secrets of what ancient tomes call the "Infinite Patronus..."
"My kind feeds on emotions and on souls. Emotional fodder sustains an individual Dementor. Souls, however, sustain both the individual and the collective. The initial life force obtained during soul feeding is mostly used by the individual. The energy of the soul itself becomes a part of the collective, sustaining all. It is the soul energy shared by all Dementors that allows us to breed, that sustains the offspring until the offspring is able to feed as an individual." The Voice paused a moment to ensure his ally had no questions. At Voldemort's impatient gesture, he continued. "Normally, when a Dementor is destroyed, any souls consumed by the individual during its existence remain in the collective. Only the energies of the individual are lost. But today …" the Voice's voice trembled, something no one had ever heard. "I am told that some humans call it a Lightning Patronus or Electro-Patronus. My kind calls it a Destroyer. Those of my kind that encounter a Destroyer and survive are little more than offspring and must be fed by the collective until they recover enough to feed on their own. Those that are touched by the Destroyer, even fleetingly, are destroyed as individuals, and worse. Any soul they have ever consumed is released from the collective, lost forever to my kind. Most pass on to wherever souls normally go when their host no longer lives. A few, those recently consumed whose hosts have not yet lost all life, those few not only return to their hosts, but they can never be consumed again and are highly resistant even to emotional feeding. Today, nearly 50 individuals were destroyed, over 100 damaged. Thousands of souls have been lost to the collective."

The Awakening of a Magus by the-dreamer4
Earning His Stripes
Earning His Stripes

"...Among the iconology of wizardkind, stars and moons feature most prominently - especially on clothing," Professor Binns recited, reading from an ectoplasmic tome. Although his voice was as dry as cracked leaves and unpleasant to listen to, he didn't possess the same, faintly irritated drawl as Professor Snape. "Any idea why?"

A hand shot up. Then, another.

"Mr. Potter?" With a huff of annoyance, Hermione lowered her hand. "Did I get your name right?"

"Yes, Professor," Harry confirmed, then continued. "Um, essentially, it's because most of the wizarding cultures in the world nowadays are descended, or related, to our British culture of wizardry. During Julius Caesar's foray into Albion - in 55 BC, I believe - his armies brought along a number of priests and patricians that we, nowadays, descend from. However, after remaining on the Isles, those wizards meshed together - culturally and magically - with the native population of druids and Celtic magicians. And those magicians believed, even back then, that celestial objects possessed great power: particularly stars, and the moon."

"And what of the sun?"

"Although worship of the sun was very common during those times, especially among the native Muggles, and wizards believed the sun to be a source of greatness, splendor, and luck, they didn't call upon it per se. They feared that its scathing rays might judge them too harshly." He didn't have the slightest clue what any of that meant. He was simply reciting the textbook passages from memory. It was the fifth paragraph of page three-hundred and seventy-five.

"Hmm, good. Twenty points to Huffle... yes, Ms. Granger?"

"Another thing, Professor - about the sun, I mean."


"The sun god of the Roman Empire was known as Sol Invictus, meaning 'unconquerable,'" she said. "It was commonly believed that by using magic to openly call upon the sun was an invitation for one of the Powers into our world, and one that might feel challenged by the deed."

"Adequate description, yes, very good. Ten points to Ravenclaw."

The remainder of the lesson passed on uneventfully. Professor Binns spoke a little bit about the crunchy particulars of druidic cultures and behaviors, their magical abilities, and the mostly forgotten aspects of their rites. He also reminded everyone that Merlin was, technically, a druid. After class, Hermione caught up with Harry and Neville.

"I see you've been reading at night again!" she called out, a lace of affront running through her tone.

"Now that I've fully automated the process of doing my homework, I have plenty of free time," Harry replied with a casual, nonchalant drawl. He checked his fingernails playfully for any dirt, smirking. "I'm simply that good at magic, Hermione. Today, the Astronomy OWLs; tomorrow, the NEWTs."

"Oh, stop being a bull," Neville said, rolling his eyes. A common feature of bullying attempts - with emphasis on attempts, as Harry expertly parried any concrete insults or jinxes tossed at his back - was somehow tying them back to the theme of cows, given the scar spots on his body. It turned out that Malfoy had been mostly correct. Alas, even his friend Neville picked up the treacherous habit of calling Harry a slanderous bull or ox, mostly in a joking fashion; Harry permitted it, even though he disliked it.

"And where's your beret?" She squinted at his suspiciously barren head.

As though synchronized through the same clockwork wind-up mechanism, Neville and Harry simultaneously glanced down the hall, toward Luna Lovegood. The young girl was now enjoying total popularity among her First-Year peers. It wasn't entirely due to Harry's enchanted beret, but one couldn't deny the effect was definitely amplified. Under the right light, it almost looked as though Luna wore a small blueberry on top of her head. Apparently, Professor Sprout approved heartily of Harry's idea, assigning him even more points for displaying the true spirit of Hufflepuff by magnanimously sharing his greatness with others.

She'd worded it a little differently.

A blaggard, you are.

What's that?

A wizard insult. You wouldn't get it.

Harry shivered a little. As the days passed, Geist spoke to him less and less, although he maintained a regular regimen of beating the crap out of Harry's mind to get him to raise his Occlumency barriers quicker. It seemed the ghost was becoming more of a passive observer as time went on, and as a result, sometimes Harry could have difficulty recognizing whether something that Geist had said was actual, directed words, or simply his own background thoughts temporarily running on a particularly dry pessimism.

"Hey, Asmund."

"Harry," Asmund nodded.

He was alone, unaccompanied by Nova or Dusty, apparently returning from classes. It was the perfect opportunity to ask him.

"Find out anything about what happened to Dusty?" Harry asked in a hushed voice.

"...I... yeah, sort of," Asmund replied. "I've already told Dumbledore all I know. There was an intrusion, on the night it happened. The Aurors are discussing Polyjuice. And then someone died, apparently, but it wasn't a teacher or a student, so it had be one of the Aurors."

"And not a Dementor?"

"'Coz Dementors don't die," Asmund answered with a dry tone.

"Right. Well, see you later."


Anyway, now that January's behind you, select your actions for February and March. Here's your curriculum --

Astronomy (43P/Wolf–Harrington, Stellar Correspondences - Advanced, Drawing Stellar Correspondence Charts, Astrological-Animal Blessings)
Charms (Cheering Charm, Peeling Charm, Water-Float Charm, Spark Charm, Charmitorium, personal training w/ Flitwick)
Defense Against the Dark Arts (Review, General Introductory Daemonology, Advanced Ghost Banishing)
Herbology (Magical Trees, Exotic Mandrake Extract, Snowflake-Biting Column Tree)
History of Magic (Development of Wizarding Industry in the 1200s, Wizengamot Decree on the Three Enchantments, Goblin Decrees, Other Ancient Artifacts of Britain)
Potions (Introductory Explanation of Alchemy, Basic Alchemical Oil, Enhanced Variants of the Forgetfulness Potion)
Transfiguration (Magical Alphabets, Basic Rune Chart (Futhark), Lesser Switching Spell, Human Transmutation, Fingernail to Blade)

At the moment, you've got 2.5 Gnosis. As such, you may afford these, but nothing else:

[ ] Removal of the Accursed Name [1 Gnosis] - The name of the Dark Lord Voldemort is deprived of its magical power, and is no longer considered a taboo. As a result, the people of the world can speak it without Geist knowing, and he no longer derives any benefits from it. As a result, you can also say it as much as you want - the Dark Lord no longer possesses any significant power over the thread, although he may act disgruntled should you bully him too much. It doesn't seem like Geist cares overmuch.

[ ] Removal of the Envious Curse [1 Gnosis] - Remove the curse on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. As Sirius appears to be holding down the fort competently, this won't have much effect, but it's still a charitable act for future generations. Geist grumbles slightly but in his usual apathy, doesn't seem to care.

Do you wish to continue the investigation, or continue studying?

[ ] Study Even More [+1 Gnosis]
-[ ] Any particular focus for your studies? (Particular spells, domains)

[ ] Resume Investigation
- Hm, the new information brings some facts to light. Maybe you should question Sirius or Ms. Nettlebane? Alternatively, you can attempt to eke the information out of a busy Auror's mind using Legilimency, while under the guise of Invisibility!
-[ ] Target (Write-in)

As a reminder, you're still providing Dumbledore with regular astrological charts. There's been nothing abnormal happening according to your predictions, and nothing is going to happen. Here's some other ideas of stuff you can do to spend the time:

[ ] Dueling Club - It's late into the year, sure, but Professor Flitwick's been urging you to go and show off your talents. With your current skills, you'd probably be able to give some of the Fourth Years a run for their money.

[ ] More Cooling Off - Hang out with your friends and do some fun things together.

[ ] Contemplate Death - How are you going to defeat a super-ancient super-being? Read up some books and tell Neville about your ideas.
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[X] Contemplate Death

I think that if we don't take enough Seek Death options, Death will come to seek us...

-edit: OOC, this also renders us more prepared for meeting the resurrected Dudley, and perhaps winning or circumventing Arthur's game of chess.
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[X] Plan 23
[X] Removal of the Envious Curse
[X] Resume Investigation
- [X] With Geist help while under the invisibility clock making sure no one sees you ask a Dementor about the incident with the fake Dusty, what the Auror's are doing at Hogwarts and what Tonks mission is and what it's opinions on all of these thing are
[X] More Cooling Off
[X] Summon Ornias and have him look at the record of 'the perfect diamond in the sky.' ask him to tell you everything he knows or can tell about it then have him further study it if possible
[X] Ask Geist why he has been talking to you less and if anything is wrong
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We currently lack any access to any special source of knowledge so anything we find out about death would be buy using the sources of information around us meaning we can do it next turn

Asking the dementors is the safest option to investigate. If we try to interrogate Tonks we would both need to use methods Harry would be likely unwilling to use and would run the risk of her remembering what happened like Snape, Auror's likely know hoe to defend their mind and we only know basic Legilimency so that won't work either and Sirius would be unlikely to tell us anything

OctarineShrike has he ? i thought we plan to do that and didn't
That's good then

Guess @Nobody134 was right about us being able to generate enough gnosis

I underestimated how hard it could be to get gnosis last time with the phoenix vote and got paranoid this time
It's weird we have not gotten to read the letter from D yet

Given that choosing to keep studying gives us gnosis we will likely make progress in our investigations given we are being payed not to
Also, why are we picking for February and May? What is happening March and April? I'm very confused.

Edit: Are we possessed and losing time somehow as per Ginny canon Chamber of Secrets? Not sure how or why, but it might explain why we never got gift descriptions? Maybe I'm overthinking.
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[X] Start the Animagus potion process
-[X] Horoscoping the brewing rolls and weather conditions in advance. Make it a part of your monthly predictions from now on if it shows the results are not auspicious. If the conditions are good:
--[X] Find an Inner circle mentor to review our preparations - especially for the final transformation. Ask Geist to oversee if your mental state is capable of perfectly carrying it out.
--[X] Make use of Inner Circle to get access to the unique conditions like absolute darkness. Arrange Portkey for the thunderstorm.
--[X] Hiding the Mandrake leaf - using a sticking charm and camouflage runic enchantment. And taking an antidote for it.
--[X] Study up on the theory and practice the visualization needed to transform back and forth. Observe Fawkes in Dumbledore's office when you visit. Commit the memory of your own form and features in a reversed mirror.
--[X] Diligently do the daily spellwork component.

[X] Summon Ornias and have him look at the record of 'the perfect diamond in the sky.' ask him to tell you everything he knows or can tell about it then have him further study it if possible
[X] Summon Two Rotmots

-[X] To train them to respond to legilimens commands - to sneak and drop off runic stones to targets and form moving runic arrays.

[X] Investigation
-[X] Attempt to bind a few dementors to your will so that they may act as covert agents for you or, if not possible, to receive updates regarding the situation around the castle. Attempt to use the Patronus charm to aid you in both holding them back as you are binding them and in possibly locating specific dementors of interest (such as the one that was attacked). Otherwise do so by questioning the dementors.

[X] Removal of the Envious Curse

[X] Wound-transfer regimen
-[X] Start Removing your fiendfyre scars one by one inconspicuously before the upcoming animagus transformation.

[X] Plan Prep

Protovote, subject to edit later.. We have already tried talking to Gesit about this and he gave an explanation. There's nothing really we can do to stop our soul's growth. I'd like to continue Nobody134's plans for the dementors and see if we can start unlocking Patronus interactions. Starting on at least predicting outcomes for the Animagus potion is pretty important too if we want to make full use of our 25 gnosis investment.

Also, not really important but really disliking the Appearance roll negatively impacting our social interactions. I'd like to stop him from getting bullied in at least one avenue please.
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Can we even do a Patronus charm now that i think about it. I think the pike 2 chapters back was to pike what it would when we learn it