Alright, vote's locked - it seems you'll be making the Necessary Sacrifices.

- [X] Attain the Dark (No)
-[X] Asteralogye Moste Daemonicae
-[X] (Occlumency) Yes

- [X] (Dumbledore) No
Curdled Futures Unfurling
Curdled Futures Unfurling

A magical timepiece on Harry's desk aided him in keeping track of his extensive work. It clicked, then whirred slightly as it reached the appointed, set hour - a fresh, beautiful three o'clock in the morning.

It was finally late enough that he could justify going to sleep, or doing other things. He sipped a concoction - a mixture of his caffeinated alchemical drink and Wideye Potion. He deactived the automated quill - he imagined that its tip would've been warm to the touch, from the sheer friction of being steered across parchment for several consecutive hours without a second of reprieve. It had been filling out Astrological charts for Headmaster Dumbledore in accordance with his own mental instruction, at the same time as Harry dual-wielded his wand to read more on the observable effect of the motions of celestial objects on space-time.

He'd truly gone down a degenerate route in a last-ditch attempt at keeping track with his impossible workload. He wondered, absently, whether the insultingly massive assignment of personal studies was supposed to be some sort of attempt at repelling him away from writing the Astronomy OWLs.

If so, it didn't work.

In the furthermost corner of his room, a small, nasty-looking goblinoid demon with stubby horns, was peering through stacks of books set down on the floor, occasionally flipping pages, then nodding to itself in affirmation, as it continued to scribe parts of Harry's Charms assignment for the next week. The servant demon wasn't particularly smart or diligent, but it obeyed the commands issued with an unusual acquiescence, and though it worked slowly, it completed his assignments to a degree that was close to perfection - enough to raise his so-far sloppy grade average up to a level where he could still focus on other things.

It also wrote down summaries of the completed homework assignments and essays, in case a Professor decided to question him on their contents, so as to not be caught entirely off-guard. As such, Harry didn't need to read the complete documents - only their bullet points.

"Report," Harry whispered to a runic stone. It was magically connected to other stones with similar inscriptions - a total set of twenty-seven of them, each in the possession of a different creature - and transmitted any sound made with intent to communicate.

A squabble of squeaks replied, filling him in on the status of the rats patrolling the castle, as well as their observations. There were Dementors in the basement, and the rats were actively shying away from them. None of the Aurors suspected anything, nor that Harry was actively commanding the rodents in the castle, although they frequently cleared out the rat swarms, as a simple matter of courtesy, and a matter of not wanting to be in the same general vicinity as engulfing tides of chittering vermin.

As he received the reports, Harry nodded along, watching events unfold on the Marauders' Map, and directing the rat patrols in real-time to new routes that offered greater potential. It was good to mark the Dementor routes and zones, as he couldn't see them moving around on the Marauders' Map, except for in the manner in which their chilling presence seemed to cause other beings to avoid them. An interesting clue to their identity - although Ghosts were detectable, Dementors weren't. Could they be, potentially, soulless, or otherwise completely different as beings on a magical level?

His checks on the castle status were done for the night.

Harry practiced the Dark Arts in his room for around half an hour - listening to Geist's exposition on the subjects of summoning rituals, as well as his dry yet informative lectures on applications of Astrology normally considered Dark or illegal, but decently useful nonetheless.

Another half an hour was spent on Occlumency practice, casually training against the demon in his room. As soon as its services were no longer necessary, Harry dismissed it, then actually went to sleep. His dreams were gone, the strict potion regimen keeping him safe from potential nightmares.

After sunrise, Neville knocked, then entered his room.

"Have you been up studying all night?" he questioned, seeing the bags under Harry's eyes - as well as the emptied mug of stimulants. "Again?"

Harry smiled in response, schoolbag already packed up the night before, and school robes cladding his diminutive form. He adjusted his beret, applied some rudimentary Charms to make the bags disappear, then faced Neville. "Yes."

"You realize this isn't healthy?"

"Probably not," Harry said, "But I accepted McGonagall's challenge, and I'm not backing down."

How idiotic.

Neville seemed to agree with Geist, shaking his head. "You're unbelievable sometimes, Harry. Let's go - Defense Against Dark Arts is early today."

"Early?" Harry blinked.

"There was an announcement in the parlor rooms, yeah. Apparently, your godfather wants to announce some kind of new initiative - with the Headmaster's stamp of approval. Everyone's been whispering about the Dueling Club."

"Oh yeah." Like a rubber that had been slowly pulled away and then released, Harry's memories, associations, and thoughts snapped into the present. He chuckled slowly, in contextual realization. "I could've told you that yesterday, actually."

"Sirius told you?"

"No. Check 'em out," Harry said, with a cocky smile. He pointed a thumb back at his horoscope chart, as he moved to leave the room - on the way out, he grabbed the yellow beret from its hat stand and slipped it on.

"Ugh." Neville followed after him. The room door closed behind him. "You'll be making weather forecasts in the Daily Prophet when you grow up."

"I'll own the Daily Prophet when I grow up," Harry countered with a steadily appearing, satiric smile. "I'll put a curse on it, so its value sinks, then I'll buy it for peanuts and I'll remove the curse. It'll be easy money after that, and I'll control the flow of information in the entirety of Wizarding Britain. Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha."

"I doubt you're that powerful yet."

Harry shrugged. "We'll see. I've been studying new Astrological Charms."

"Oh really?" He glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "Dark Arts, you mean?"

"Like you haven't been."

"That's-" Neville's frown deepened, into something almost like a scowl, before it faded away into a face of mustered exasperation and slight, prickled anger. "Harry, I practice spells that I know my own parents sometimes practice. I don't, like... do unrestrained research, like what you seem to have going on."

"Right. So Aurors can break the rules of their own government, but I can't?" He huffed. "That's stupid."

"It's a law enforcement exemption," Neville pointed out with a shrug.

"One you don't follow yourself, though."

Although Neville didn't seem exceptionally happy about the response calling out the starkly hypocritical behavior he displayed, it seemed like he'd figured it would come up the moment he mentioned his parents - he wasn't that upset about it. "Point taken."

"It's not like I'm summoning Cthulhu."

They entered the Common Room.

"It's a sad thing that Bucket's graduated," Asmund complained to no one in particular, spread over a couch. "I'll miss his dour attitude."

"Mm." His companion, Nova Goldfinch, glanced over in Harry and Neville's direction and offered them one of her characteristic, bright morning smiles. They stopped walking, sensing an encroaching conversation. "Good morning, boys. Harry, we haven't seen you down in the workshop lately!"

"I'll be writing my Astronomy OWLs this year, so I'm a little busy," he answered uneasily. "I'll get back to it, sooner or later."

"So I've heard."

"Where's your buddy?" Neville asked, looking around the room. "Dusty?"

"Dusty's in the Headmaster's office, getting roasted on both sides," Asmund replied with a mixed expression - eyes closed, and a curve of the mouth that seemed curdled, as though he couldn't decide on a smirk of amused schadenfreude, or annoyance that something had gone wrong for one of his close friends. "See, last night, he somehow came up with the idea that it'd be great to see whether Dementors had saliva or not. He went out alone, without telling anyone - including us. He cast a Patronus Charm and kept one of them in place, then used some advanced artifact he came up with. It's broken now, and he got Kissed briefly, but an Auror saved his butt."

"Why... would... anyone do that?" Neville questioned slowly, in rising disbelief.

Harry, on the other hand, contemplated, "How didn't I notice that?" Everyone looked at him in slight puzzlement. "Um, I mean, how come we didn't notice that Dusty would do something that, uh, unstable?"

"I don't know. Again, as I said, he didn't tell us anything," Asmund said bitterly. "I'm relishing in his punishment as a result. Hufflepuffs ought to stick together."

"Asmund is..." Nova danced around her words, "How you say..."

"Peeved," Neville proposed.

"Peeved, that Dusty decided to go on his own," Nova said.

"Would you have helped him?" Harry questioned curiously.

"I'd have attempted to talk him out of it," Asmund replied with a contemplative frown, scratching his eyebrow. "If I was unable to, I'd help him - not much of a point to physically restraining him or reporting him. There are Dementors everywhere, so he'd be able to do it later. He didn't even inform us, though, so he got what he deserved."

"We're leaving for breakfast," Neville said, with a moderate shrug. "See you later."

Harry said his goodbyes to the senior Hufflepuffs, then went after Neville.

"Weird," Neville commented immediately out of earshot.

"It is," Harry agreed. "I was monitoring the castle with the Map last night. I checked, and I saw Dusty sleeping in his room."

"Even weirder."

"Worth investigating?" Harry queried.

"Maybe. But not with your workload," he added before Harry could excitedly interject. "I think you should focus on studying and passing your OWLs, now that you're stuck with them. We can inform everyone else of our findings and discuss it over breakfast, and determine whether or not it's worth looking into."

Harry sighed morosely, as they strode into the amber-lit castle hallways.



As a show of gratitude for your aid, Headmaster Dumbledore has given you lots of House Points and gifted you a personal battle toad. It's a magical gadget that appears to be a stone toad figurine, but you can deploy it with a command word to animate it and engorge it, up to the size of a large hound. It'll then attack anyone who's attacking you.

You've wished for Astronomy OWLs - it seems that Professor McGonagall and Professor Sinistra are willing to oblige, giving you an utterly insane workload. Here's what you'll be studying throughout October and November.

*Ancient Astronomy: Europe
*Ancient Astronomy: Africa
*Ancient Astronomy: Asia
*Ancient Astronomy: Oceania & Australia
*Ancient Astronomy: North America
*Ancient Astronomy: South America
*How Movements of Celestial Bodies Relate to Physics
*Adjusting Temporality via Star Motion Observation Variation
*Divine Origins of Astrology Theorem
*Singularity Timeline Expansion Theory
*Advanced Horoscopic Charting of Andromeda Galaxy Star Clusters (+ modeling)
*North-Finding Charm
*Star-Locating Charm
*Lumos Solem
*Advanced Telescopic Lensing Adjustment Practice
*Temporary Event Formation Observation Practice
*Review + Progress Examination (weekly)

*Revealing Charm
*Dancing Feet Spell
*Tongue-Tying Spell
*Repelling Curse
*Bondmaking Charm
*Tether Charm
**Private Tutoring (Continued dueling and Charms practice, Advanced Dueling techniques; using Ancient Runes to your advantage in combat. Semi-serious 1v1 duels against Flitwick, with only mild handicaps on his side - you're able to win in one out of three matches, assuming he doesn't pull out unexpected tricks)

*Yardley Platt
*Freezing Charm
*Freezing Charm Curse workshop using Pixies as Targets.
*Deflection Charm
*Deflection Charm workshop using it in practice duels.
*Kelpie and Vodyanoy defense workshop
*Basic Counter-Ghost Charms

*Severing Charm, advanced cutting practice (you're expected to be able to cut a tree in less than three minutes)
*Cocoa Beans

History of Magic
*Did Muggles or Wizards Come First? (It was Wizards)
*Pre-Roman Magical History (Ancient Babylonian magi, Egyptian priesthood, etc)
*Post-Roman Magical Emigrations, Their Causes
*Nordic Magic
*Anglo-Saxon Magic
*The Wizengamot (and its Muggle counterpart, the Wittengamot) of Ancient Britain

*Stochastic Process of Determining Ingredient Interactions
*Porcupine (particularly the safe removal of its quills)
*Bones (Bones in potioneering)
*Caterpillars (Uses as magical ingredient)

*Engorgement Charm
*Shrinking Charm
*Mending Charms

As a result of the Azkabanite's attack, the Dueling Club was reformed under Professor Black, offering a more advanced curriculum of defensive spells and tactics. You're already pretty decent at Dueling thanks to an entire year of practice alongside Professor Flitwick. Do you wish to sign up?

[ ] Dueling Club Membership - It shall eat up more of your precious time. Although, you can always head over to McGonagall to complain that you don't have enough time to learn everything. Maybe if she's suitably impressed with your efforts, she'll let you off the hook in some way?
[ ] Refuse - Maybe next year.

Another question - do you want to investigate the Dusty situation personally?
[ ] Investigate Personally - Alongside your friends, of course.
[ ] The Potter Buddies Have It Handled - Focus on studying instead.

Anything else you'd like to do? Consider your super-heavy workload - even minor distractions can greatly compound to reduce your learning. If you ignore Astronomy, McGonagall will be very unhappy and complications might arise; if you ignore your grades, the problems will be even worse.

[ ] Write-in
EDIT: voting for Hastur's plan, see below:

[X] Plan Darkness Before Drudgery
-[X] Tell McGonagall that we did not want this workload, and only wanted to test out of Astrology.
-[X] Investigate Personally
-[X] Refuse

honestly, piss to all this nonsense. We'd actually learn astro faster if we spent more time adventuring, rather than this bullshit busy work. who cares about impressing people or the Order of Merlin: Dusty is obviously plot related bullshit and we all remember how ignoring that went last year, right?
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Notably, a student of Harry's level should easily be able to keep up with this workload... if they were not simultaneously studying the Dark Arts and maintaining a spy network. McGonagall may smell a rat, as it were.
just tell her that actually, we want a social life and try out hobbies and actually spend time with our friends and also just goof off and explore hogwarts sometimes: all entirely comprehensible motivations for a child
[X] Refuse
[X] Do not interfere in the investigation personally, but make horoscopes at the request of friends.

We make horoscopes in two minutes per person if they do not decide to check half of Hogwarts in this way, then this will not affect Harry's time.
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[x] Lealope

"Oh gee Professor, I didn't realize how much harder the OWLS are! I guess will have to wait my turn to take the standard exam in year 5 just like everybody else!"
Makes sense. And if she says "Then I guess you're not taking the OWL after all" we bite that bullet and wait for a future year?

Yeah, of course. Shit, if we do buy a Mastery in Astro, we could probably take our NEWTS that year (after studying all the relevant content so we don't get fucked over like this again). The most important thing is to reserve time, energy and effort to deal with the plot and the Apocryphal, and not completely dropping the ball and getting blindsided like we did last time.
[] Lealope

Birdsie has confirmed on Discord that McGonagall believes we wanted a challenge, and not a speedrun, and will grudgingly accept the latter.

Edit: since we can do the OWLS anyway:

-and Edit because I have been convinced Dueling Club hits diminishing returns:

[X] Plan Darkness Before Drudgery
-[X] Tell McGonagall that we did not want this workload, and only wanted to test out of Astrology.
-[X] Investigate Personally
-[X] Refuse
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[X] Plan Darkness Before Drudgery

This is everything I want out of this update. We get to pursue plot threads and adventure, thus being both better prepped for what's to come, have more flexibility against the Apocryphal and have more chance for gnosis accumulation. The chance to study Occulemency is icing on this cake: given Gilderoy's presence and terrifying competence, we're going to need it sooner or later.
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[] Lealope

Birdsie has confirmed on Discord that McGonagall believes we wanted a challenge, and not a speedrun, and will grudgingly accept the latter.

Edit: since we can do the OWLS anyway:

-and Edit because I have been convinced Dueling Club hits diminishing returns:

[X] Plan Darkness Before Drudgery
-[X] Tell McGonagall that we did not want this workload, and only wanted to test out of Astrology.
-[X] Investigate Personally
-[X] Refuse
Maybe we'll leave the electives in divination and the presence in the astrology club?
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[X] Plan Darkness Before Drudgery
Yeah unless buy a massive upgrade that lets us out-scale the work load massively then we can't keep up with this, DA, and Apocryphal prep
[x] Refuse
[x] The Potter Buddies Have It Handled

To be honest I just want to beat McGonagall's (unspoken and unissued) challenge.