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and it was an AUROR Spell that killed everyone.
I'm starting to think that maybe the conflict is not that black-and-white.
If we go by canon, the death eaters should NOT have been able to enter the house... IF they had evil intentions towards Harry.
Maybe the Dark Lord tricked them into thinking he had good intentions. Or maybe, the Dark Lord is not actually THAT evil here.
Or maybe both sides are evil.
[ ] Rest In Peace
[ ] Beg On Your Knees - If you are willing to pay the price, there is yet hope for young Dudley Dursley. By destiny's resolution, he is to die within a Muggle hospital or on the way there, in but a few minutes from now, but the Chooser of the Slain is more than willing to tip destiny's scales in your favor. And by the Chooser's decision, a single Auror within the ranks will find enough pity to abuse his powers, contrary to the law, in order to heal your cousin to a state which resembles survival. Enough to tip the scales.
However, the prices of denying Death his obols are steep - he demands nothing less than sacrifice of equal or greater value. As such, you will now pay a regular tribute - 100% of the Gnosis you earn from your Blessing, "An Equal in Truth" will be conveyed into Death's coffers.
None of your other family members can be saved. A sad pity, but Death is unwilling to budge on this. "Actions have consequences," too, is a primordial maxim.
...the Aurors are NOT authorized to heal our family? Seriously?!
...Well, we already have messianic fame from Boy Who Lived and the likely loyalty from 1/4th of all english wizards thanks to Lord of Hufflepuff. I think that, if we get a chance, we might want to have some laws changed
I'm honestly not sure if I want to pay this price, but even beyond morality having a friendly muggle could help with Excalibur.
[ ] Mr. Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt - A man that Harry is already familiar with, having met him during the incident that we do not speak about. He's a relatively affable man, with a nice smile, and shows understanding and sympathy for Harry's plight. He moves Harry to a wizarding orphanage in the interim for finding him better accommodations. (If Dudley is alive, he will reluctantly attempt to split the boys into separate orphanages and won't hear any of your bullshit, though.)
[ ] Headmaster Albus Dumbledore - An old man with a thick fluffy beard, that Harry doesn't remember meeting before, although Mr. Dumbledore claims they'd met once, when Harry was too young to remember him. He tentatively offers Harry (and Dudley) a place to stay at his brother's until they can together figure out more permanent accommodations; Dumbledore knows more than a few people who'd be willing to take the boys in.
...not sure. Wizarding orphanage might mean more financial independence once we get access to our vault. Also less oversight, but also probably being split from Dudley.
Dumbledore means a magical family... but which ones?
Lupin? Sirius? the Weasley or Longbottom? Maybe someone more unexpected? maybe Hogwarts itself/a professor, if we're lucky?
well, lesson learned. shit is real here, and we should think twice before taking dangerous options.
I think we didn't expect an OOC vote to decide the death of all of our family. We underestimated things.You all chose a kidnapping option. What did you all expect? That it would end up perfectly fine and dandy?
Still, this makes us truly understand the tone of the quest. it's a shock, but we'll learn from it.[ ] Attempted Kidnapping! - A number of men in dark cloaks and skull masks sneak into the Dursley house at night and wake Harry up from sleep, ordering him to come with them. Before he can fully process what's going on, a number of men in dark blue robes appear and a fight breaks out! [Action Update]
Yeah, I don't think most voted for this thinking a OOC choice about wanting something literally labeled a action update was going to kill off Harry's family, who up till now were written in a way to maximally endear us and some of the only prevalent recurring characters in the story, for shock value and completely change the tone of the quest out of nowhere.
I think we didn't expect it before even Hogwarts!Some torture and trauma is okay and expected but not the death of family? Come on, folks. Even in the books harry saw Sirius die in a fight. Other people also died fighting Death Eaters. This story is billed as being darker. Expecting Harry's family to be in danger should have crossed your minds.
Don't say the name!I'm going to be blunt and say absolutely nothing about the quests tone would have in anyway made me expect this. We fought off Voldemort's wraith with a super soaker full of holy water and it was played for laughs ffs.
The wards supposedly stop people having bad intentions towards harry... but what if the Death Eaters DIDN'T have bad intentions?Which, given that happened, I guess we know how useful the ward Harry mom set up is in this AU.
Maybe they though we'd be the next Dark Lord and wanted to train us and indoctrinate us? From their point of view that would be "good intentions".
The lesson here is: Don't necessarily trust the Ministry. Which, fair enough, we kinda already knew that one.Am I the only one shocked that it was an Auror that killed the entire family? I expected it from the Death Eaters, not the guys meant to protect Harry
Also that there might be more to the Death Eaters, as if they could go beyond the wards we have to wonder what they wanted to do with us that the wards would not stop them.
have all people decided to just ignore the "don't speak the name" rule?It's not like Tom Riddle's shade was treated with this level of seriousness.
I can only imagine that a muggle and a wizard considering each other brothers and being genuine allies will be important in the future.Are you assuming that the Gnosis tithe wouldn't be a more severe consequence than Dudley's death? Because it looks a lot like that's a thing you're doing right now.
More interesting to me is why Dudley's survival is something a god is willing to offer at all. Sure, the god stat is always nice and having more is always on the table, but any Power able to transcend death isn't going to be playing checkers. There's got to be another angle here.
Mostly because Excalibur.
[X] Beg On Your Knees
[X] Headmaster Albus Dumbledore