Sirius in canon is one of the better people Harry has known, and do keep in mind (as is apparent from the published content), he did not spend twelve years in Azkaban.
I'd argue that he wouldn't necessarily be the best guardian in terms of parenting.

It's an okay option but it's probably not ideal
When he's there he is probably rather good. He went through a phase of great loss himself and might know how we feel better than anyone else, and managed to pull himself out of his depression.
[x] Sirius Black

I mean seems like a real bastard of a guy to leave a child like that but i kind of want to know more about house elves so i guess ill change my vote
It's because he's teaching at Hogwarts, not because he's a shit head.

The option says this is a minor logistical issue, so presumably resolving it would require a minor effort.

Potential options: Harry visits Sirius at Hogwarts. He might sleep in his quarters, eat with him in the great hall, etc.

Essentially, the Sirius option gets you a single parent working a full time job . This isn't particularly burdensome if Sirius is willing to make an effort, which seems very likely. When Harry reaches his Hogwarts years Sirius will be readily available, which no other parent is likely to be. Given the very significant danger Harry tends to encounter in Hogwarts this is not to be underestimated.

Similarly, those coping mechanisms which Sirius and Harry institute now, such as having dinner together, visiting after classes, etc. may be grandfathered in, as the allowances made for a grieving child may be overlooked as he grows older, so long as he does not obviously abuse them.

Further, as others have mentioned, Sirius has significant experience with loss, having overcome the death of his best friend, the (effective) death of his family, and more. He is also a reasonably competent educator and so should be able to accommodate Harry's personality, as he has to put up with the many and varied personalities of Hogwarts students all the time.

Sirius isn't, presumably, perfect. But what we know of him indicates he is a solid choice with advantages that no one else can easily replicate.

Also, finally, he's Sirius Black, so he's well suited to helping Harry figure out what was up with Bellatrix Black.
When he's there he is probably rather good. He went through a phase of great loss himself and might know how we feel better than anyone else, and managed to pull himself out of his depression.

I meant it more as a father figure than a therapist of what have you.
He never struck me much as the parenting type though I might be wrong.

Also, finally, he's Sirius Black, so he's well suited to helping Harry figure out what was up with Bellatrix Black.

This is a bit reaching imo
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This is a bit reaching imo
They're cousins and almost certainly knew each other, both as children and as adults. Depending on how family laws works and Sirius legal status he may also have rights and privileges related to her that no else does. If he is, for example, the head of the House have he may the right to manage family trusts or similar legal and financial vehicles.

No one else, without an injunction or equivalent, is likely to have access to these.

Of course, it's possible houses and dynastic management aren't a thing in this AU at all, not even to the extent you'd expect from a very old and wealthy family. But even then being her cousin would give him openings and options that most just wouldn't have.
As the years passed, Sirius cleaned up his act, slowly, and even became a professor, teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, now teaching the subject for over five years as its most stable paragon and educator.

Geist Opinion: "By himself, I think Black is trustworthy and reliable. Although I must say his choice of profession betrays what I can only rightfully call refined anti-wisdom. I suppose he was feeling suicidal after what happened to your parents."
...he lasted 5 years?

That's impressive. I have to wonder how he did it.

Geist Opinion: "I think Molly's fine, but I never liked the father, and I can't remember why. Did he bully me in school or something?"
probably something to do with his muggle obsession. I wonder what forms it take here though, I don't think he'll go "what's the purpose of a rubber duck" in this quest...

Geist Opinion: "Amos is fine, I think. Also, the longer I think about it, the more I realize that every person of import I ever met now works for the Ministry of Magic, and isn't that a chilling thought?"
It Is. I don't trust them.

[ ] The Longbottom Family

A family of Aurors, and they have a son your age, whom Dumbledore states with confidence has similar interests to you, and thinks you could become good friends. Although something in you aches at the thought, his offer seems to be genuine. Also, apparently, you already met Alice Longbottom - she was the one to help you out of the rubble.

Geist Opinion: "Ugh. If I ever get any physical money, I will pay you to pick someone else."

memories of the prophecy, I wonder? Of how they "thrice defied" Him?

[ ] The Lovegood Family

A very jovial sort, or so says Dumbledore. However, the moment their name was brought up, Geist began screaming loudly in your head and only stopped after five seconds, upon realizing there wasn't actually a Lovegood in the room.

Geist Opinion: "Anything but these people, Harry. I'm pretty sure the husband snorts chalk dust. Why is this even an option? Dumbledore must have rocks in his head!"

...wait, the Lovegood are an option!?

...on the one hand, I REALLY want to pick them. On the other, I kinda feel like it would be very mean to Geist.

Huh, so... theory time:

The Dark Lord isn't necessarily the bad guy here. Rather, He was a poor orphan, relegated to some muggle orphanage, which was somehow attacked by a wizard. Found by Dumbledore, He was saved, brought to Hogwarts, and excelled at whatever manner of wizardry He learned. And yet, He was in Slytherin, the House most connected to the Ministry that allowed such awful things to occur. He had to listen and bear as his Housemates bared their sheer apathy and/or antipathy for Muggles to the world. Until eventually, He had enough. He was a bright and sociable fellow, so it was easy enough to gather a following among his schoolmates, those who believed in his cause and those who simply wished for Him to lead them. And thus, the group of magical terrorists known as the Death Eaters was born. It'd certainly give them more depth than they had in canon, anyway.
And then maybe the Horcruxes slowly corrupted Him

Essentially, the Sirius option gets you a single parent working a full time job . This isn't particularly burdensome if Sirius is willing to make an effort, which seems very likely. When Harry reaches his Hogwarts years Sirius will be readily available, which no other parent is likely to be. Given the very significant danger Harry tends to encounter in Hogwarts this is not to be underestimated.
I don't think this is a very convincing argument, as we'd likely still have an "ally" in Sirius once we went to Hogwarts even if we don't pick him(if he's still a professor by then, you can never know with the presumed curse on the job...)
Also, finally, he's Sirius Black, so he's well suited to helping Harry figure out what was up with Bellatrix Black.
THIS is a more interesting argument though. We migth get some insight into Bellatrix... though Sirius is certainly biased, as they were on opposite side of the conflict that took his best friend's life...

[X] The Diggory Family

My reasoning: Diggory = Hufflepuff
. They should feel deferent towards us, which I hope can be translated into more allowances that in other families.

For example, maybe we can get some magic lessons before school for example, and we could convince them to ignore a few laws due to our importance. Like, for example, teaching us apparition sooner than the 5th year, or give us access to useful potions, and so on.

Also as a relatively important family in the ministry's hierarchy we can learn a lot about this potential annoyance/enemy
[X] The Lovegood Family
For the memes and the suffering of Gheist if nothing else.
[X] The Diggory Family

No idea why Sirius is getting so much love. He had and has no interest in us.

Sirius didn't abandon us to go after Peter, he didn't check in on us when he got better, and he won't be taking leave from Hogwarts to see to our needs. He's going to leave that to a house elf. Probably Kreacher.

The Diggorys however offer us love and support in our time of need. They will also naturally defer to us due to the Lord of Hufflepuff trait. Plus we get Cedric as a brother.
No, if things happened even similar to any degree like canon, HE would still have put in that curse, no way around it, which seems to be confirmed by Geist, especially with his accurate suicide wish anyway.
[] Sirius Black

To Sirius' surprise, the DADA curse - after years of absence and lulling him into a false sense of security - would not take the form of some school-related tragedy, but come in snapping at his godson's heels.

Edit: Actually, I'm kinda torn on this. I like Luna and Harry needs some love right now, plus while seeing a respectable Sirius would be amazing, we can always try and connect with him later. It would arguably be harder to start a bond with someone whom we would have no connection with otherwise.

[X] The Lovegood Family
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[X] The Diggory Family

Sirius Black is shaping up to be super-absentee. Which, as a kid who lost one family before we ever really knew them and a second family we cared about...reaching out into the void and finding nothing is not a good thing.
Reaching out and finding madness (Lovegoods) isn't better, even if it would love us.
Weasleys have too many already.
[X] The Diggory Family

Sirius Black is shaping up to be super-absentee. Which, as a kid who lost one family before we ever really knew them and a second family we cared about...reaching out into the void and finding nothing is not a good thing.
Reaching out and finding madness (Lovegoods) isn't better, even if it would love us.
Weasleys have too many already.
honestly idont really see many differences betjene diggory and lovegood families
maybe less restricted in lovegood family but not really anything other than that.
both families have children around harry's age.

edit:only reason i am voting for lovegood famili is beacause i feel like they will help Harry become more cool with magic after such a negative expirence also Lina is one of my favorites
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