[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

The point is to show that Winslow is terrible for everyone and not just her.

Show her skinheads and ABB kids shanking each other. Show her Merchants strumg out under the bleachers. Show something about the school that won't enrage her like Blackwell would.

If no one can agree over what to show her about Winslow then let's not show her anything at all. Who has a better idea to replace it?
Which is only going to reinforce the idea that Winslow is a terrible place.

What are you trying to accomplish? Because sending dreams about what a clusterfuck Winslow is is only going to make taylor more desperate/angry/stubborn.
Well, you are trying to get her to Trigger, right? :)
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The point is to show that Winslow is terrible for everyone and not just her.

Show her skinheads and ABB kids shanking each other. Show her Merchants strumg out under the bleachers. Show something about the school that won't enrage her like Blackwell would.

If no one can agree over what to show her about Winslow then let's not show her anything at all. Who has a better idea to replace it?
There's nothing about Winslow that isn't fucked, frankly I'm not inclined to send her any dreams at all right now. Maybe repeat the danny dream if she hasn't opened up to him yet.
We don't need her to open up to danny just yet, and it won't work if we push it, part of what pulled danny out of his funk was his daughter going to the hospital, right now, danny's head is not in the right place, let alone taylors.
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The point is to show that Winslow is terrible for everyone and not just her.

Show her skinheads and ABB kids shanking each other. Show her Merchants strumg out under the bleachers. Show something about the school that won't enrage her like Blackwell would.

If no one can agree over what to show her about Winslow then let's not show her anything at all. Who has a better idea to replace it?
I really don't think that will get the effect that you believe at all. As has been mentioned earlier this is not canon Taylor, this is months before her trigger, which was the first time that she was in actual physical danger from the bullying. Hell this is around the time when they get someone to fake being her friend, but because of the changes we made to Shift that is unlikely to happen. So right now we are dealing with a Taylor who is alone, but has never been in danger and has only been betrayed by Emma and no-one else. Taylor probably does not even hate the teachers, since canon Taylor half a year from now felt betrayed that Gladley did nothing when he saw her being bullied.

So I think that you attribute too much hatred towards Blackwell, when in reality she has had minimal exposure to her, as in I am pretty sure that Taylor has not had any one on one conversation with her. Hell, you might be right in that we should not show her Blackwell, but not because she would hate her, but because there are so many layers of failure in before she would actually have to interact with her, since she would have to go through Homeroom teacher -> Department Manager of her year -> Vice Principal -> Principal, so really expecting Taylor to hate Blackwell probably has a lower chance than of her being too indifferent to the principal for what she says to resonate with Taylor.

Sorry if I come off as rude, but I seriously feel that you project way too much of Fanon Blackwell onto Blackwell, someone who is in actuality an administrator and I personally never saw any of my principals outside of when they made speeches even when I have been the victim of or perpetrator of something more serious than what has been done to Taylor pre locker.

There's nothing about Winslow that isn't fucked, frankly I'm not inclined to send her any dreams at all right now. Maybe repeat the danny dream if she hasn't opened up to him yet.

I would rather show her something else rather than repeating any dream or making any dream that is equivalent of one another, so if we want to make Taylor dream about making bonds outside of school we will have to show her that she can make friends, join clubs etc. instead of hammering home the same point. It would also dilute the message of us wanting to give Taylor a greater perspective on the world if we keep harping on the relationship between Danny and her, especially since she has all she needs right now and we have already given her a nudge.

What it comes down to is we can't help taylor until we can change the situation somehow.

Unfortunately, something will need to change, either her or her environment, preferably both.
What it comes down to is we can't help taylor until we can change the situation somehow.

At this point it may be better to take care of the problem personally (something like Zizster plan, but we don't show up directly in front of Taylor first) or manipulate someone else to fix the problem from outside. More honest police officer or something. Some dream manipulation and planted shard may do the trick possibly.

Because so far I don't think we have any reasonable consensus on this problem and when I think about it doing it via Taylor may backfire in so many ways that's not funny.

Heck, at this point burning Winslow to the ground at night may actually become pretty tempting alternative. Where is that arsonist cape where we need one :p.

Yeah, I'm joking here, but this may actually... work. Because if Winslow isn't up anymore, they will need to send students elsewhere. And if Taylor ended up in Arcadia because of it, people like Emma and Sophia wouldn't be able to bully her anymore so blatantly. To make sure it happens, we may make sure Taylor ace the potential tests with our minimal help and escape the problem.


And people say that liberal amount of fire can't fix your problems :p.
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How? So far we have one host and Taylor.

We'd literally be able to get farther in a plan to build Glory Girl a harem.

You know what, maybe we should send her a dream to make new friends. I bet PartyBro would be willing to hook her up with some parties to go to, introduce some cool people. It'd be away from school and bad memories. . . Might work.
How? So far we have one host and Taylor.

We'd literally be able to get farther in a plan to build Glory Girl a harem.

You know what, maybe we should send her a dream to make new friends. I bet PartyBro would be willing to hook her up with some parties to go to, introduce some cool people. It'd be away from school and bad memories. . . Might work.

I wasn't exactly serious, so don't take it as a serious solution, although it is true that if Winslow was destroyed, they would need to transfer students to other schools. But yes, it is a problem to organize it now. Unless we can simply research mechanic on how to create new buds to 'plant' them in chosen people.

If bud is planted for example picking up yet another bullied student, trigger him or her (with fire powers) and present a dream to burn a school could possibly do it?

Anyway as I said I'm not serious with it, but if we want to actually seriously consider it... maybe it would be doable this way? Baiting Lung or Squealer for example to make them destroy it could also possibly work.

Also we could use Valiant and present her dreams of how bad it is at Winslow? I would say even present Emma, Madison and Sophia as one of the worst people there. This may be that 'outside help' to approach the problem. Access to Valiant is something we currently do have.

And yes, as I mentioned going with a dream which presents her perspective of some random people which for example spend time at Chess Club or something similar may work. And if not, it will present a different perspective and remind Taylor that there is life outside of her home and Winslow.
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Also we could use Valiant and present her dreams of how bad it is at Winslow? I would say even present Emma, Madison and Sophia as one of the worst people there. This may be that 'outside help' to approach the problem.

And yes, as I mentioned going with a dream which presents her perspective of some random people which for example spend time at Chess Club or something similar may work. And if not, it will present a different perspective and remind Taylor that there is life outside of her home and Winslow.

With Valiant being a new member and many people thinking New Wave was done, it might be a good idea to do a trip through the local schools. Basic anti-bullying speech seguing into the Unwritten Rules being a bully tactic by villains, that Heroes should be open and honest, New Wave banner rah rah rah. Basically sell the idea that New Wave is still a qualified choice and probably a better one than the government heroes, who are just as secretive as the villains, only not saying that. Then we can have Valiant have dreams about any kids with a bad enough emotional profile, Taylor included, and have her do some good.

I just want to make sure whatever group we send her to is sufficiently outside school, which she'll be wary of. There probably are community Chess Clubs, but that name just always makes me think of a school club, which would probably be the wrong way to go.
[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[] Big Sister Is Watching
-[] multitasking
-[] master 200 + shaker 100 + thinker 100
Direct control over all nonsentient animals (no humans) down to a fairy fly in size. Has a massive radius, can use all the senses of the animals. While always aware of senses and locations, may release control.
-[] Breaker 160 + changer 160+ tinker 40
Hosts mind exists as distributed intelligence over. Can shapeshift controlled creatures and original body into different creatures according to biomass. Example: can dissipate host body into insect swarm, can collate controlled creatures into extra host bodies. So long as sufficient neural matter survives across control radius, host mind survives, gradually losing processing power and intelligence with insufficient neural matter until dissipation if destroyed. Can use tinker a little with biomass to alter host and creatures. Give human form animal traits and such.
-[] Trump 160 + striker 80
Can manipulate powers of hosts mobbed by controlled creatures, for example covered in insects, swarmed by birds, pinned down bu dogs. May nullify on contact. Allows use of contacted host powers through human body's of controllers host breaker swarm.
-[] Master/Stranger 200 complete immunity to master and thinker powers.
Added to the list.
Zister plan isn't happening. Creating a physical avatar from nothing is going to be way down the tech tree, we won't be getting it until long after Taylor triggers.

Only way we could do it is to direct control someone like Coil and shapeshift the body, which again isn't happening until long after she triggers. And we certainly aren't waiting 6 months to trigger her. And we aren't waiting to talk to her six months after her trigger either, because knowing Taylor she'll be up to her eyeballs in ESCALATION without our influence and knowledge. At that point subtety would be out the window.

But we could absolutely arrange for Winslow to burn down in the middle of the night. Shift would get Sophia to do it if we asked. Or we could bribe Escalation and Growth somehow. Have Lung and the Nazi Twins bring the school down around them. Bakuda could do it to. Was it her or Leviathen that destroyed it I'm canon?

I don't hate the idea of destroying Winslow but it's by far the least subtle option available.

Speaking of Bakuda, should we try to get her shard to tone down the conflict, she cause a lot of destruction without generating data (she killed capes right?) but her bombs are super useful to keep her around for. Maybe have it giver her more nonlethal stuff.
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Speaking of Bakuda, should we try to get her shard to tone down the conflict, she cause a lot of destruction without generating data (she killed capes right?) but her bombs are super useful to keep her around for. Maybe have it giver her more nonlethal stuff.

We could go the Mauling Snarks route, convince the Shard it would get better data finding a way to undo effects than to do them itself. After all, we have shards focusing on doing that stuff, knowing how to undo it is an untapped market.

Zister plan isn't happening. Creating a physical avatar from nothing is going to be way down the tech tree, we won't be getting it until long after Taylor triggers.

That depends on how useful Magic tree is. Granted, a full Zizster is likely way down it, but we could probably do some bullshit sprite shenanigans early on.
I kind of want to find out how Charge does its thing, and just give Taylor a Magic variant of it where she enchants gear and we don't have to maintain it, letting her out-Dauntess Dauntless.
With Valiant being a new member and many people thinking New Wave was done, it might be a good idea to do a trip through the local schools. Basic anti-bullying speech seguing into the Unwritten Rules being a bully tactic by villains, that Heroes should be open and honest, New Wave banner rah rah rah. Basically sell the idea that New Wave is still a qualified choice and probably a better one than the government heroes, who are just as secretive as the villains, only not saying that. Then we can have Valiant have dreams about any kids with a bad enough emotional profile, Taylor included, and have her do some good.

This sounds like a decent plan for me. Also it's important that if we grant powers to Danny as well (we consider it I guess?), it may be possible to make both Taylor and Danny end up in New Wave, so there is nothing left to really stop them from becoming official capes. And we plan to fix some things inside of group, so I think this may work. I prefer other options, but this may be considered I guess?

Also this may be a nice way to really screw Emma, Madison and Sophia by simply saying how they acted (and some potential gathered evidence). By simply revealing in public their bullying.

I just want to make sure whatever group we send her to is sufficiently outside school, which she'll be wary of. There probably are community Chess Clubs, but that name just always makes me think of a school club, which would probably be the wrong way to go.

Yeah, pretty much we want to make sure that group has nothing in common with Winslow for obvious reasons.

Also Chess Club... well, it's pretty much a random example. It may be something completely different. Roleplaying or something else? Anyway idea is pretty obvious here.

I don't hate the idea of destroying Winslow but it's by far the least subtle option available.

It should also work unless all of them end up in Arcadia, which I really doubt as Emma in story wasn't considered nowhere near smart enough to be part of it. Sophia as well, although in this case even if she would end up in Arcadia, they wouldn't let her bully people around unlike in Winslow. No idea on Madison, but if 2 of those 3 are out as Taylors problem, then situation would be far more managable. Possibly they would end up in Clarendon? Or whatever schools there are in Brockton Bay, as I personally don't buy that there are only 4-5 schools in a city with 350,000 citizens. In my Koszalin (100.00 Poland) there is 6 high schools and it's far smaller city. So I suspect in Brockton Bay there are some schools which simply aren't mentioned in canon.

Speaking of Bakuda, should we try to get her shard to tone down the conflict, she cause a lot of destruction without generating data (she killed capes right?) but her bombs are super useful to keep her around for. Maybe have it giver her more nonlethal stuff.

Ah yeah, this is one of those things that would be nice to do. Her potential is really nice and it's a damn waste to make her commit 'suicide by going batshit insane' so yeah, fixing this problem may become neccesary.

I know what you're talking about. Burn Up too. Fun, but doesn't help us.

Hmmm... how it would look data wise... now when I think about it.

In HALPING!Quest Lung's shard is called Opposition and it's a Trump one. Possibly makes sense.

His official rating are Brute/Changer/Blaster.

Brute 80-180 (he's 4-9 escalating Brute)
Blaster 40-120 (I think he was around 2-6 Blaster)
Changer... I don't remember, but it may as well be also 80-180.

But I think it may be interesting to go with an alternative based on Dragon Slayer ala Fairy Tail.

[] Dragon Slayer
-[] Brute 60-160. This one has lower Brute rating and starts from a slightly lower position. This build would be based more on speed and better hitting melee and blaster power. Mechanic is similar, but host stays mostly humanoid. And gets stronger with time, but in this case it may be based more on his or her willpower and determination instead of something like anger or conflict.
-[] Trump 140. This data is what allows to change mechanics of summoned powers. Like different elemental breath attacks (so fire breath suddenly may become lightning one, etc.). Or simply provide special abilities which standard dragon slayer form(s) don't provide.
-[] Changer 80. I think it doesn't really need more. Changes will show up like scales, claws, etc. but I think in the end host is supposed to stay humanoid more or less, but may grow up things like wings as well for example.
-[] Mover 140. Speed, lots of speed. While Lung is more about sheer power and tankiness, this would be more overwhelm with speed and power.
I prefer speed to tankiness as well, but not for Taylor. We could just make her an Eidolon style trump, swapping out powers we provide. I mean if we're talking to her, she can literally ask us for a power.

Tohu style where she can copy the powers of any living parahuman, that's good.

Just let her straight up copy powers GU style and swap them around, except no killing

I like the idea of letting her act like a shard in miniature, almost a gamer style power. By fighting and being near other capes she gathers data by classification like we do. And then with that data, she can build her own powers like we are. Start her off with something pretty weak, and then as she collects data she can add to the original power or swap it out for something better. Maybe let her do the same for other hosts as well.

She'd be a shard style trump, keeping a small percentage of the data we collect for her own use.
Or whatever schools there are in Brockton Bay, as I personally don't buy that there are only 4-5 schools in a city with 350,000 citizens. In my Koszalin (100.00 Poland) there is 6 high schools and it's far smaller city. So I suspect in Brockton Bay there are some schools which simply aren't mentioned in canon.

Generally speaking, a city of that size should have around 7-10 High Schools.
Judging by the shitshow state of Wildbow's world, I'd say there are more likely 5-6.

The ones not spoken about might be closer to the borders of the town, added as the city expanded, and thus cater more towards those areas and not be mentioned in story due to geographical distance and relative unimportance.
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Zister plan isn't happening. Creating a physical avatar from nothing is going to be way down the tech tree, we won't be getting it until long after Taylor triggers.
I don't know that this is that far-fetched. It comes down to planning more than anything else.

You already have a direct line to Veronica/Valiant, Telekinetic, and Gaea. Sure, you'd have to re-prioritize some things, but if you really went for it I can't imagine that it would take more than a week to get a avatar.

Worst case, good-aligned: New Wave (okay, Vicky) goes on patrol all the time. Shard-sense dying Merchant, steal just-dead Merchant body, redesign it, Avatar.

Worst case, evil-aligned: Make Kelly Parahuman (use the Contact Host to make a 0-point Corona), force a trigger, Assume Direct Control.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that is a lot more possible than you seem to think.
Generally speaking, a city of that size should have around 7-10 High Schools.
Judging by the shitshow state of Wildbow's world, I'd say there are more likely 5-6.

The ones not spoken about might be closer to the borders of the town, added as the city expanded, and thus cater more towards those areas and not be mentioned in story due to geographical distance and relative unimportance.
My understanding of the setting (from a lot of reading) indicates that there are five reasons for this.

1) The schools are really large. Clarendon especially is supposed to be something like 30% of the city's students all by iteself.
2) There are less children than normal because Worm events.
3) Not all children actually go to school (gangs and/or Asian immigrants).
4) Some of the suburban schools aren't detailed in canon (but likely do exist).
5) Because Wildbow.

I can't believe you would suggest we steal PanPan's girl.
If you were Evil, and really needed to talk to Panacea without getting rid of Gaea, it would be an option. Probably not the best one. (This wasn't a serious suggestion)

All that body-jacking a Merchant overdose would take is Veronica or Taylor coming within a few hundred meters. (And the Host research that you're almost done with)

EDIT: Note that there's a one-time research bonus for creating an Avatar (quest). You'd have to work out if the extra time/resources to do this are worth it.
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4) Some of the suburban schools aren't detailed in canon (but likely do exist).
Sort of like the thirty or so capes that are said to exist in Brockton Bay, but are never shown on screen.

Also I am a bit unsure of how the Psionics will be integrated into the system that we currently have (will it become a new data type or something else?), but I have an idea for what we could do with it. We could give Taylor a Psionic awakening, then give her a thinker power that will make control and understanding easier while also allowing Taylor to borrow some psi from us in an emergency. Though this will all depend on how Psionics pan out.
If we could talk to Panacea we could try to convince her her build a body for us, so there's another avatar option.
1) The schools are really large. Clarendon especially is supposed to be something like 30% of the city's students all by iteself.
2) There are less children than normal because Worm events.
3) Not all children actually go to school (gangs and/or Asian immigrants).
4) Some of the suburban schools aren't detailed in canon (but likely do exist).
5) Because Wildbow.

Thus why I'd drop it down to 5-6.
We know of 4.

So all we really need is a Medhall sponsored suburban school of mostly white Empire kids and one other.
I also wouldn't be surprised if most of the Asian kids went to another high school, as well. That would leave Winslow as the terrible melting pot of kids living on the edge of their territory and outside of it. Which might be why all the gangs are present there and yet isn't a war zone but more a recruiting center. It's more useful to try and get more members from there than to take it over if you already have a devoted school, and the Merchants don't care.

Once you throw in an [Ancestor] Anders Memorial High and an unknown High School mostly taken over by the refugee population because you'd need a focus on ESL there, you're left with the rest of the deficit being explained away by a lack of funds and children.