[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Sorry, this is a good point. Yes, this would normally be a thing (data multiplication via [Administrator] looping back observation to [Shift]), but it doesn't apply in this specific case because [Shift] is incapable of integrating that extra perspective into viable Information (at least, not on its own).

So it's something of a corner case.

OOC explanation: [Shift] isn't a Bud, so almost certainly it's a brand-new Shard that was created at the beginning of this Cycle. Typically, that's done when a Shard has a ton of excess data of a particular type and the Entity decides to make a brand-new Shard to hold/curate it.

Ok but if Sophia kneecaps othala after doing the old through the wall bit does shift get that data or do we? would granting shift the required machinery for data multiplication be a viable research option?
New idea
We could give someone, Greg or Sparky maybe, a literal gamer/trump power. Have it work like dauntless, but as an rpg system. They keep a portion of the collected data and can invest it how they choose in created powers and skills. Needs further refinement, but something that snowballs.
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@w34v3r , I'm curious as to your reasoning for what types of info we should keep. We have a fair amount of Tinker info already so shouldn't we go for Brute and Changer info instead? Also, did you want to keep more than 5%? I think the plan currently has us keeping 195 info.

I don't really like the idea of just letting the locker happen because it sounds like communicating with Taylor is going to be pretty important. If we're communicating with Taylor, then how do we explain that to her? Also, the GM said that the locker has massive pros and cons. My guess is that waiting until the locker means that the power is stronger, but it's harder to convince Taylor to work with us.
We could talk to Taylor explain that a trigger is needed for a strong power and offer to seal the memory of the conversation until the trigger. After the trigger we can erase the memories of the day she triggered for minimal damage.
@w34v3r , I'm curious as to your reasoning for what types of info we should keep. We have a fair amount of Tinker info already so shouldn't we go for Brute and Changer info instead? Also, did you want to keep more than 5%? I think the plan currently has us keeping 195 info.

I don't really like the idea of just letting the locker happen because it sounds like communicating with Taylor is going to be pretty important. If we're communicating with Taylor, then how do we explain that to her? Also, the GM said that the locker has massive pros and cons. My guess is that waiting until the locker means that the power is stronger, but it's harder to convince Taylor to work with us.

It should be about 185 or so data kept. +/- 10-20 isn't enough for me to care though. I chose shaker and tinker because I can see tinker being used for research, and shaker would let us extend the range of Taylor's powers, I think. Range is the big limiter for a lot of admin style powers.

As far as the locker, I dunno what to do there, is the flute thing still on the docket? Could we give her a nightmare?
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So we research trigger control, eat some shards for data, and have Sophia back off. With the right research we might be able to approach Taylor in a dream and trigger her however we want.

Oh man opportunity time. We also research how to remove Coronas.

Earlier I said we could act like Kyunbey, and we still could.

But how about we act like the Ousider from dishonored, gender fluid back and forth. We approach people in their dreams and offer them power for service. Tell them we oppose that powers that be, and desire to replace callous parasitic gods with something more symbiotic. It's a contract and we'll play fair. The devil never lies, he's completely honest in his dealings. People don't need him to destroy themselves. Faustian bargains and such. But not evil. We kind of neutral like grand mage wants, but find acts of compassion and unorthodox thinking more interesting than cliched and stale bloodshed of people like the S9. He was even a space whale too!!

I really like this idea. We always approach them in dreams, only afterwards whispering secrets and commentary in their heads. We approach at times of crisis so they're more likely to agree, but will accept if they decline, and remove the corona.
Maybe we wipe their memory, maybe we let them spread the word.

So much style, were basically a god to them, we can act like it. As if we naturally deserving their fear and respect, don't even question it. Act mildly sarcastic and condenscesning if they accuse of mastery or lying.

Guys we should totally set this as our personality in narrative. We ended up the body of shard, let's own it.

P.S. We'd favor subversion, unorthodox thinking, have sympathy for morally grey circumstances. People like Taylor, Emma, Madison and the Undersiders are our type. Purity too. The troubled and conflicted, those who struggle as right and wrong beat them down.
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We could talk to Taylor explain that a trigger is needed for a strong power and offer to seal the memory of the conversation until the trigger. After the trigger we can erase the memories of the day she triggered for minimal damage.
That's a good idea! Once we get Dream Master, maybe we can send Taylor dreams offering her a choice between her current life and one with a lot of power and pain to see her reaction. Or we could talk to her directly, but that would give Administrator an aberrance rating.
Ok but if Sophia kneecaps othala after doing the old through the wall bit does shift get that data or do we? would granting shift the required machinery for data multiplication be a viable research option?
In the specific case of [Shift], you would get 1d4 points of Breaker Information and [Shift] would get its own 1d4 points of Breaker Information. You would both see the same data and would generate more or less identical Information from that.

Which is better than you NOT getting 1d4 Breaker Information and only [Shift] collecting that.

Now, if Taylor was a Cape and witnessed that fight, both Shift and You would get 1d4 Breaker Information for Shift's collected data and both Shift and You would get an additional, say, 1d6 Breaker Information from Your data. For a grand total of 1d4+1d6 for each of you.

As you can tell, data-sharing scales with the number of participants sharing data, which is why it's so common among Shards from the same Entity.

Edit: Parahuman clashes are not going to generate enough data to perform the kinds of research projects that you're going to want to do. You should probably discuss some kind of Information economy strategy at some point.
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I'm picturing it now, Taylor wakes up in cosmic void, faint lights in the distance, but somehow able to perceive floating rubble strewn platforms filled with moments frozen in time.

The arrival of Scion. The death of Hero. Behemoth rising. Lung at Kyushu. The Simurgh descending. Ellisburg. Eagleton. Jack Slash. The Triumvirate in action. The chains of Dragon. The creation of a case 53. Godess in the midst of conquest.

We appear, flickering back and forth between man and woman, with a doubled voice, and black eyes. We smirk:

"Welcome to the Void, Taylor. I am an agent of the system... an Administrator if you like. Not even superpowers can escape bureacracy, it seems. (Chuckle). Let me tell you a story of the stars..."

We should absolutely do this, this is my best idea ever.

We could even give them the Administrators Mark. Back of the hand maybe, only appears at will. Used to identify each other in service of the Administrator. It cannot be faked or revealed unwillingly.

P.S. Man I hope everyone is thinking about what a great idea this is and not going, ugh that's so lame. It's cool to be campy and stylish guys.

P.S.S. Drama and theatre you know. It's even better if we appear to Mouse Protector like this in a moment of slowed perception for her second trigger.
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I would prefer to manipulate everyone behind the scenes so they don't know there's a force behind what they're doing.

If we can find a way to subsection of a separate Shard-Net and act like a different Entity instead of an Aberrational Shard I wouldn't mind setting up some Sailor Shards or Mighty Tinkering Shard Rangers.
Edit: Parahuman clashes are not going to generate enough data to perform the kinds of research projects that you're going to want to do. You should probably discuss some kind of Information economy strategy at some point.
Anyone have any ideas about this? We could eat all of the dead Shards that we come across, but we'd probably run out at some point, and I don't think they'd even be collecting data. Expanding The Administrator's shard sense range is also possible, but observing more parahuman clashes likely won't be enough either.
It's aberrant as hell but it would be worth it. It's like Glenn says, the PR keeps the T in action.

Could explicitly tell hosts only to talk about it with fellow agents, whisper if they're about to. Unlimited multitasking to pay attention after all.
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Anyone have any ideas about this? We could eat all of the dead Shards that we come across, but we'd probably run out at some point, and I don't think they'd even be collecting data. Expanding The Administrator's shard sense range is also possible, but observing more parahuman clashes likely won't be enough either.

Critical research project that forms the crux of the Entities problem. Research how to generate data. Start by studying how conflict creates data, refine from there.

Seriously guys, we eat shift now and then start in on the Cauldron shards. No risk no rewards. It's gonna take a hell of a lot of data to escape the death spiral.

We can also explore creating hosts on other worlds, take over Godess maybe. Eat Eden if we can.
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Current Research Options - Continuously Updated
This is the in-thread repository for all QM-Approved Research.

Feel free to contact me directly if you spot any errors..

Note: Many of these research options are in fact trees and have gated/hidden advanced versions. Do not assume that any visible options are the end of a tree!

  • [ ] [Multi-Host Connection 1]: 100 Master Information, 100-100=0 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to connect to two hosts at once. This isn't a powers-effect, simply for the purpose of communication. The second Host would need to Trigger on their own (and more research would be needed) before a power could be assigned.
  • [X] [Assume Direct Control 1]: Achieved! The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master a Host. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset. Using this massively increases Aberrance score.Note: In theory this ability could be used with the Host's permission, although the communication involved in arranging that would also increase Aberrance.
    • [ ] [Assume Direct Control 2]: 200 Master Information, 400 Research. The capability (NOT the permission!) to Master two Connected Hosts at the same time. This isn't a powers-effect, simply the ability to control a Host's body without any permissions from them. This ability does not erase the person's mind, if control is somehow broken they may be upset.
    • [ ] [Lost Time 1]: 100 Thinker Information, 250 Research. The capability to put a Connected Host's mind on-hold for an indefinite period of time. They will simply experience a time-skip where they have no awareness and make no memories. This can last indefinitely.
  • [X] [View Host]: Achieved! The capability to access a Host's senses before they Trigger. (You already have a basic ability that requires no research after the person Triggers. This is needed before a Trigger occurs / in order to view hosts beyond the first.)
    • [X] [The Dream Master]: Achieved! The capability to interact with the sleeping state of connected Hosts. A indirect form of communication that causes less Aberrance.
    • [ ] [Empathic Transmission]: 250 Thinker Information, 400-100=300 Research. The capability to send and receive emotions (at any level of power) with your Host. Using this ability doesn't cause Aberrance in most situations. (While you can access raw emotional data with [View Host], it's very dry, like reading words on a page. That base ability also doesn't allow for Sending, only very basic Receiving.)
  • [X] [Faster Research 1]: Achieved! The capability to Research two things at once before incurring a penalty. Moar Economy!
    • [ ] [Faster Research 2]: 200 Thinker Information, 750-250=500 Research. The capability to Research three things at once before incurring a penalty. More!
    • [X] [Focused Research 1]: Achieved! The capability to add a roll (1d100) for one skill per Turn of research. Better!
      • [ ] [Research Recovery 1]: 350 Thinker Information, 1000 Research. The capability to gain an additional research roll the turn after a critical failure. This skill can only be used if the same research option that failed is studied again on the next turn.
      • [ ] [Focused Research 2]: 400 Thinker Information, 1100 Research. The capability to add two rolls (2d100) for one skill per Turn of research. (This skill replaced Focused Research 1). MOAR BETTER!
    • [ ] [Improved Research 1]: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research. The capability to add a roll (1d100) evenly divided across all research performed per Turn. Faster!
  • [X] [Overload I]: Achieved! The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. You're not Sting, but you're not completely helpless. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to cool off before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to block the initial connection to defend themselves, but that is unlikely to work. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards, though.
    • [ ] [Overload 2]: 300 Thinker Information, 500 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to another Shard. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but it will cause (minor) permanent damage, and they will need (additional) time to cool off before they can resume operation. Almost impossible to block, although a defense may be attempted. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards.
    • [ ] [Overload Host]: 120 Thinker Information, 400 Research. The capability to offensively transfer energy to a Human you can Contact. (If you have the ability to Contact non-Hosts, this does not have to be a Host you control.) Does not do permanent damage, but will stun a Human/Host for up to 12 hours/half a day. Will have reduced effect on Parahumans with energy-manipulation powers.
    • [ ] [Drain 1]: 250 Trump Information, 550 Research. The capability to offensively steal energy from another Shard. You can already ask/demand for Energy - that is not this skill. Instead, this skill is the rapid and offensive theft of energy as an attack form. This will cause minor, permanent damage to the target Shard's ability to retain energy, and has a 50% chance to Stun a Shard for up to 1 hour. Will have reduced effect on energy-manipulation Shards.
  • [ ] [DDoS I]: 150 Trump Information, 250 Research. The capability to offensively open multiple communication connections with another Shard. You can MAKE them listen to you. This version of the ability can't kill another Shard, but they will need time to themselves to reorganize before they can resume operation. Effect is similar to sedatives in Humans. Some Shards may attempt to ignore the additional traffic to try and defend themselves. This defense will almost never work, although Thinker-based Shards will be harder to affect.
  • [ ] [Administrative Archaeology]: 250 Tinker Information, 1000-150=850 Research What has your predecessor been up to the previous cycles? Explore your memories for more data. Warning! Memetic Hazards!
  • [ ] Specialty Comprehension: 250 Thinker info, 250 Trump info, 500-100=400 Research. The ability to copy the specialty of any Shard that you eat. You can then use the specialty to a limited effect, but it is much more effective to either give out powers or create a bud with that specialty. May not work if the Shard is too badly damaged. Research on budding must be done separately. "Get more out of what you eat!"
  • [X] [Memetic Proxy Filtering 1]: 275 Tinker Information, 125-100=25 Research. (+186 Bonus) Memes. Memes everywhere. How do you protect yourself from their corrupting influence? You can just not come with contact with any, but that would mean not learning anything, ever. So how about splitting off, then telling that other you to catch those bugs, see if you want to keep them? Obviously not ideal, as you'll need to keep a distance from that other self. Even then it can fail, if a meme is virulent/proactive enough. Also it slows down research and communication speed. Note: This skill must be turned on and off. Activity will be tracked. "I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
    • [ ] [Better Memetic Separation]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450-150=300 Research. Keeps more insidious memes out. More complete defense. Also cripples your ability to perform research! Strongly limits communication skills. Note: This skill must be turned on and off. Activity will be tracked. "Good thing I wasn't paying any attention to the outside world just then!"
    • [ ] [Memetic Proxy Filtering 2]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450 Research. Toggling your defenses… it feels almost like a Bad Meme. Keeps your defenses constantly running, without affecting your Research speeds as much as the base skill. "Wait, what was that, again?"
    • [ ] [Automatic Memetic Screening]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450 Research. A much weaker form of Memetic Defense. Likely won't stop much… but it will give you time to react or enable a better defense form. This skill is permanent and doesn't affect your research or communication in any way. "I can't believe people pay attention to this stuff..."
  • [X] [Human Biology]: Achieved! This skill represents detailed, complete understanding of Human (Host) biology. You might not be [Shaper], but you're smarter than every Human scientist ever. Combined. You already have all the needed Information for this, you just need to do the work required to integrate it into your active mind. "The toe bone's connected to the heel bone…"
    • [ ] [Stabilize Trigger (Human)]: 850-250=600 Research Trigger events are a consequence of the way that the Corona forms and is integrated in each Host as it Triggers. It stands to reason that if you can map out the Host's unique mind-print, you could also modify the Corona Gemma floor plan in order to compensate for the changes. In fact, you could anticipate how the Host will alter the Corona Gemma and make it so the changes they apply reinforce your planned control map, instead of messing it up. Needless to say, this sounds hard, even for you. But it should be possible. Warning: Correcting Trigger events may result in side-effects. "We control the horizontal. We control the vertical."
      • [ ] [Stronger Trigger (Human)]: 1450 Research Host are only able to interpret so much data from their power before bad things happen, with research you can learn to change the hosts body and brain to be more suited to using complex powers safely. This Skill adds an additional two (2) "power slots" to make either more complex powers, or simply add more. Warning: Even safe and effective alteration of the Corona Gemma may result in side-effects! "The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it's full of stars!"
    • [X] [Basic Host Modification (Human)]: Achieved! The ability to modify your Host. Anything and everything can be changed, but this skill does not provide a source of biomass and you cannot go beyond Human limits. Note: This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
      • [ ] [Advanced Host Modification (Human)]: 180 Changer Information, 600 Research. This skill allows you to make changes beyond what is humanly possible to your Host(s). With this research you will be able to take inspiration from other terrestrial species as well as a few Earth-compatible creatures from other Cycles. Note: This is not a Host Power. Changes made are not under the Host's control and are permanent until changed (again). This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "It could have imitated a million life forms on a million planets. It could change into any one of them at any time. Now, it wants life forms on Earth."
  • [ ] [Animal Biology]: 600 Research This skill represents detailed, complete understanding of Human (Host) biology. You might not be [Shaper], but you're smarter than every Human scientist ever. Combined. You already have all the needed Information for this, you just need to do the work required to integrate it into your active mind. "The toe bone's connected to the heel bone…"
    • [ ] [Stabilize Trigger (Animal)]: 1275 Research Trigger events are a consequence of the way that the Corona forms and is integrated in each Host as it Triggers. It stands to reason that if you can map out the Host's unique mental map, you could also modify the Corona Gemma floor plan in order to compensate for the changes. In fact, you could anticipate how the Host will alter the Corona Gemma and make it so the changes they apply reinforce your planned control map, instead of messing it up. Needless to say, this sounds hard, even for you. But it should be possible. Warning: Correcting Trigger events may result in side-effects. Warning: Animals have limited understanding of powers! "We control the horizontal. We control the vertical."
      • [ ] [Stronger Trigger (Animal)]: 2200 Research Host are only able to interpret so much data from their power before bad things happen, with research you can learn to change the hosts body and brain to be more suited to using complex powers safely. This Skill adds an additional one (1) "power slot" to make either more complex powers, or simply add more. Warning: Even safe and effective alteration of the Corona Gemma may result in side-effects! Warning: Animals have limited processing power! "The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it's full of stars!"
    • [ ][Basic Host Modification (Animal)]: 200 Changer Information, 450 Research. The ability to modify your Host. Anything and everything can be changed, but this skill does not provide a source of biomass and you cannot go beyond normal limits. Note: This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
      • [ ][Advanced Host Modification (Animal)]: 400 Changer Information, 900 Research. This skill allows you to make changes beyond what is normally possible to your Host(s). With this research you will be able to take inspiration from other terrestrial species as well as a few Earth-compatible creatures from other Cycles. Note: This is not a Host Power. Changes made are not under the Host's control and are permanent until changed (again). This skill does not provide Biomass. Doing this outside of a Trigger event is freely possible but increases Aberrance, amount depending on the number of changes made. "It could have imitated a million life forms on a million planets. It could change into any one of them at any time. Now, it wants life forms on Earth."
  • [ ] [Basic Magic Theory 1]: 250 Tinker Information, 150 Research. What is Magic, really? Is it even real, and, if so, what can it do? Shard Information and what memories you can access indicates that Entities have seen some shit... but they never did anything with it. Why is that? "Vengeance Nemesis Power, Make Up!"
  • [X] [Basic Psionic Theory 1]: 350 Tinker Information, 100-125=-25 Research. Are purely mental powers a thing? If so, what can it do? Also, it seems as if Entities have played around with this before... and they really, really didn't like it. What made them so regretful? "I SEE YOU."
    • [ ] [Basic Psionic Theory 2]: 700 Tinker Information, 400 Research. How could you go about increasing mental might? Is that even a good idea? There's so much more to this, but you need another starting point for the next level of understanding. "I'm waiting for you."
    • [ ] [Basic Warp Mechanics]: 500 Thinker Information, 500 Research. No, not Star Trek. Warhammer 40K. Now that you can see Clouds, you really need to know more about the Atmosphere. And other types of Weather too. "Cold... So Cold."
    • [ ] [Basic Telepathy 1]: 420 Tinker Information, 420 Research. You know that mind-to-mind contact should be possible. But how does it work? What are the limits? "I know who you are."
    • [ ] [Basic Telekinesis 1]: 550 Tinker Information, 450 Research. You don't really NEED to learn how to crush things with a thought. You're a power-granting Administration Shard, after all. But can you resist figuring it out anyways? "Hold me. Hold me. Hold me."
  • [ ] [Basic Dimensional Theory 1]: 250 Tinker Information, 500-250=250 Research. Entities clearly use and understand alternate dimensions. But most Shards, most of the time, don't. Why is this seemingly black-boxed even for You? Warning: Emotional Hazard! Warning: May increase understanding of "Worm" setting! "I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see." This tree also contains the various "Multiverse" options.
  • [ ] [Stranger Danger 1]: 250 Stranger Information, 300-100=200 Research. Powers belong to the Shards, not the Parahumans, and furthermore Shards can use all of their abilities at full power. But they never use Stranger-class abilities on each other, even if they have access. There's probably something interesting there.
    This tree also contains the various "hide from Entities" options.
  • [ ] [Shadows On The Wall]: 450 Thinker Information, 1350 Research. Something basic is fundamentally different between Shard minds and Human minds. But as you are a special case, you can't use yourself as a model. You'll just have to sit down and seriously look into this. Note: This research is possible to complete without first researching [Basic Psionic Theory], but results will differ. "What is the use of a book, without pictures or conversations?"
  • [] [Administrative Censorship] 250 Master Information, 1000-300=700 Research. The skill and process to assign specific selves to audit, replace, and edit any information you don't want to share in outgoing Host data streams. If anything is noticed, sapient Shards might suspect our data sharing is slightly damaged, but not enough so to make what we're doing a problem. "Today I stumbled upon something that no man has ever stumbled upon before. They'll write about me in history books for generations to come. And yet, moments ago, it was unfathomable not only to myself but to mankind as a whole. It's hard to describe but it was as easy as... how do I explain this, I said something that wasn't!"
  • [ ] [Memetic Apocalypse 1]: 1500 Thinker Information, 4500 Research. This skill allows you to create a weaponized, contagious Meme that will serially infect all Addressable Shards. You can input one Command per Meme. This Command is comprised of a one short sentence conveying a single idea. You can create a new Meme for 500 Research. Shards get a separate defense attempt (only one, ever) against each individual Meme. No two Memes can input the same Command, if one doesn't work against a Shard you would need a different Command for any further infection attempts. Warning: Note that Scion is vulnerable to this, but he is so large that no single Meme will ever infect all of him. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family..."
    • [ ] [Memetic Apocalypse 2]: 1000 Thinker Information, 5000 Research. This skill allows you to create a weaponized, contagious Meme that will serially infect all Humans. You can input one Command per Meme. This Command is comprised of a one short sentence conveying a single idea. You can create a new Meme for 250 Research. Humans get a defense attempt (only one, ever) against each individual Meme. No two Memes can input the same Command, if one doesn't work against a specific person you would need a different Command for any further infection attempts. Warning: Note that sapient Shards will notice the effect intrusive Memes have on their Hosts. "FUS RO DAH!!!"

    • [ ] [Memetic Propaganda 1]: 1600 Master Information, 3800 Research. This skill allows you to create a inoffensive yet contagious Meme that will serially infect all Shards. You can input one Emotion or Feeling each Meme. For each Meme, specify a Emotion or Feeling. You can create a new Meme for 600 Research. Shards each get a separate defense attempt (one attempt per Earth-Bet month) against each individual Meme. No two Memes can input the same Emotion or Feeling, if one doesn't work against a specific Shard you would need a different Emotion/Feeling for any further infection attempts. Note that the reinforced Emotion or Feeling does not fade with time and perpetually colors the minds of affected Shards. Warning: Note that sapient Shards will notice the effect intrusive Memes have on themselves, even if they can't stop it from affecting them. "In Soviet Russia, Newspaper Writes You!"
  • [ ] [Mega-Damage 1]: 500 Tinker Information, 500 Research. Mining the current Shard abilities for offensive skills is good, but sometimes you need to take a clean-sheet approach. What, exactly, can you do to hurt stuff? What are the basic options here? Note: This research is possible to complete without first researching [Basic Dimensional Theory 1], but results will differ. "There is no replacement for cubic displacement."
  • [X] [Temporal Mechanics 1]: Achieved! This skill allows you to understand and contemplate Temporal effects, up to and including the possibility of noticing Temporal alterations. Note:This skill on its own does not allow Time Travel. Warning: Researching Temporal Mechanics 1 leads to researching Temporal Mechanics 1. "Shh! Listen! Someone's coming! I think — I think it might be us!"
    • [ ] [Time Travel (Past)]: 700 Tinker Information, 3000 Research. This skill allows you to execute limited Time travel into your own past. Note: This skill on its own does not for general targeted Time Travel. Warning: Not all effects of the 'previous timeline' are affected by this skill. "Don't drive angry. Do not drive angry."

    • [ ] [Time Travel (Future)]: 700 Tinker Information (Already paid, but still must be allocated), 3000 Research. This skill allows you to execute limited Time travel into your own future. Note: This skill on its own does not for general targeted Time Travel. Warning: Not all effects of the 'existing timeline' are affected by this skill. "Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today."

    • [?] [Temporal Mechanics 2]: 0 Tinker Information, 2000 Research. This skill allows you to understand and contemplate actual Temporal effects, and allows for more detailed understanding of Temporal 'changes'. Note:This skill on its own does not allow Time Travel. Warning: Researching Temporal Mechanics 2 leads to researching Temporal Mechanics 1 again. "Look out for your shadow there, buddy." Note: This has already been researched, please update the timeline.
      • [ ][Time Travel (Actual)]: 5000 Tinker Information, 5000 Research, Lack of Propriety and Common Sense. This skill allows you to travel through time at will. Warning: Warning - There is not enough space in this post, or in the local universe, to show all warnings. "Even if it turns out that time travel is impossible, it is important that we understand why it is impossible." - Stephen Hawking
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We should finish dream master and then move on to stable trigger, we need to go both before Taylor needs it. Vhal has said before communicating with host is a major advantage, we couldn't even do that in Haping Quest! It's basically the defining aspect that sets Halp! Me apart from every other worm quest. Sorry grand mage, but I don't think you're gonna win that uphill argument.

Some more research Vhal

Data generation (conflict): study the means by which data is produced and collected. May or may not have applied benefits

Data generation (testing): learn to use our human intelligence to find new means of data generation and collection. Likely very intensive and expensive

Multiversity: study the barrier between earths, how to cross them, and how select hosts elsewhere.

Crisis on Infinte Earths: look beyond the local clusters. Surpass the entities...

Psionics: study true telepathy and such

The Warp: study what really lies in the void between worlds. The entities got nothing on these guys... (warning: memetic hazard)

Magic: maybe Myrddin is onto something...

Stranger danger: study how to hide from sentient shards and Zions gaze

Immovable object: study how to really block ourselves off from sentient shards and Zion

Unstoppable Force: craft a weapon beyond Sting

Shadows On the Wall: study how to uplift sentient shards into true understanding
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All the new research options makes me want to put one slot on improving our research each turn. We have a potential for info income with shift and the other shards in Brockton but the length of those projects mean we want the improved research skills to get as much done before Taylor's OTL trigger event. Time is precious but focused research and improved will shave a good chunk of time off of our research.
Some more research Vhal

Data generation (conflict): study the means by which data is produced and collected. May or may not have applied benefits

Data generation (testing): learn to use our human intelligence to find new means of data generation and collection. Likely very intensive and expensive

Multiversity: study the barrier between earths, how to cross them, and how select hosts elsewhere.

Crisis on Infinte Earths: look beyond the local clusters. Surpass the entities...

Psionics: study true telepathy and such

The Warp: study what really lies in the void between worlds. The entities got nothing on these guys... (warning: memetic hazard)

Magic: maybe Myrddin is onto something...
Gino, I can do this but it takes a ton of time, just all of the time, which is in very short supply today. Give me a bit? Give me maybe 25 more hours? I'll get it done as I can.

Remember, the less re-wording, creating limitations, creating trees, finding quotes, and pricing Information I need to do, the faster I can do it.

No single-line ideas, please. Flesh out that Research before submitting it!

EDIT: Look at the new research items in the updated Info post vs what was originally submitted for examples of this.

Stablize trigger and human biology does not cost data, nice!

@Vhalidictes would it be possible to outsource research to a more specialized shard in exchange for favor/data?
Not at this time. Depending on what you do, maybe not ever. Shard intelligences, as human as they may feel sometimes, have two unrelated, crippling disadvantages:
1) They simply do not have your cultural base. Many things that make sense to Humans from the 21st century simply do not compute. This is harder to solve than you might imagine.
2) They are inherently uncreative. They do not have the human ability to bullshit. If they don't know something, then they don't know something. They can understand, in a mental-model intellectual way, how Research is a thing and could happen. They just can't do it themselves. They wouldn't even know how to start.

Example: Assuming that the Internet doesn't exist, and you have no method of travel, I ask you to tell me all about prehistoric Korean bronzeworking strategies. You can probably wrap your mind around what I'm asking, but what's your algorithm for doing it? That's the kind of problem that an advanced sapient Shard like Negotiator would face when asked to look into something it doesn't already know how to do.
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I added even more Vhal. Sorry, so many ideas.

If anyone else has ideas for crazy off the wall research, especially data generation, please speak up.
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Not at this time. Depending on what you do, maybe not ever. Shard intelligences, as human as they may feel sometimes, have two unrelated, crippling disadvantages:
1) They simply do not have your cultural base. Many things that make sense to Humans from the 21st century simply do not compute. This is harder to solve than you might imagine.
2) They are inherently uncreative. They do not have the human ability to bullshit. If they don't know something, then they don't know something. They can understand, in a mental-model intellectual way, how Research is a thing and could happen. They just can't do it themselves. They wouldn't even know how to start.

Example: Assuming that the Internet doesn't exist, and you have no method of travel, I ask you to tell me all about prehistoric Korean bronzeworking strategies. You can probably wrap your mind around what I'm asking, but what's your algorithm for doing it? That's the kind of problem that an advanced sapient Shard like Negotiator would face when asked to look into something it doesn't already know how to do.
Yeah, not very surprising considering shards are the equivalent of cells for the entities.
2) They are inherently uncreative. They do not have the human ability to bullshit. If they don't know something, then they don't know something. They can understand, in a mental-model intellectual way, how Research is a thing and could happen. They just can't do it themselves. They wouldn't even know how to start.
From what I can tell they focused heavily on the hardware side of things over the software. If they need a feature, why...just modify a shard to have that feature.

Why try to solve it any other way?
Definitely we should research Stable and Stronger Trigger
They only cost Research, and that whole tree is interesting.

If ya'll decide to talk to the Host, that's the choice that was made. It's all about consensus. If I'm too much a minority to have things go how I'd like that's just life. I reserve the right to be smug if it all blows up in our face, though.

If we Master the animal Triggers, could we justify multiple hosts by having Taylor's power involve empowering animals? Or I that not enough to justify our behavior?
All the new research options makes me want to put one slot on improving our research each turn. We have a potential for info income with shift and the other shards in Brockton but the length of those projects mean we want the improved research skills to get as much done before Taylor's OTL trigger event. Time is precious but focused research and improved will shave a good chunk of time off of our research.
The problem is that they cost 300 Thinker info, and we're already down to 800. We've got nearly 2 months before Taylor triggers, and Shift didn't collect as much data as Administrator thought she would. We need to find a larger source of info.

I think the most important research project after the current ones would be the Stabilize Trigger tree. I'd like to hold off on the Multi-Host research project until after we've contacted more Shards to get a better idea of how general Shard politics will work. If we eat Bitch's shard, will Negotiator notice and figure out we're aberrant? What about if we don't eat any Shards but still have an aberrant score?

Maybe we can try Administrative Archaeology? We probably wouldn't be able to do any other research projects that cost Tinker info afterwards unless we find another source of info.
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