[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Sophia maybe under stricter oversight.

Maybe it's only me, but I'd love, as revenge, to make Sophia Taylor's underling. Is there somebody else that also want this as well?

This sounds like it would probably take a roll to try and Trigger Taylor, and a roll to properly only remove the memories we want removed.
If we want to invest a pair of autocrits in it, fine. Seems like a plan. But relying on luck for it would be a bad idea.

It's better than her having to have the worst day of her live. Also I think the risk is acceptable, we have already manipulated her memories (in this chapter) so we should get a bonus there (or not a malus at the very least), and making her Trigger could allow us to control the kind of trigger it'd be (master, brute, shaker...).

Thinker(+Trump?): Skill Acquisition and Mastery - Can master and incorporate in short order any skill she attempts to, from math to physics, to martial arts of any style and combine them into a greater whole. Skills can reach to the edge of human limits and slightly beyond, allowing her to do things like dodge bullets by mastering her skill at dodging, perfectly by mathematically calculating the aim and trajectory of a bullet from a gun. This might have Trump applications if we want to push the limits.

This is thinker. It's exactly the same power as Uber. How would making it trump make her surpass her limits? I mean, it should fall under other categories then no?
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It's trump if you push it past the limits of normal skill, because then she develops low level abilities in any category with enough skill level. It's basically Uber++. But really, it's the combination of powers that makes all of that really dangerous.
We've kept a copy of her in storage, we can spool up a sim and have it choose. Not exactly the same as Taylor choosing herself, but given it would have all her memories of all the builds, it would be as close as we can get in the short notice of a Trigger event. We could, in fact, vote to pre-assign it to suggest the power Taylor would prefer at time of Trigger when each Trigger option comes up.
This is an interesting way to avoid Aberrance that I didn't think of, although it might take more thinking/research

1) Spin up a Taylor AI.
2) Talk stuff out.
3) Shut down Taylor AI.
4) Copy Taylor-AI's memories to Taylor-actual.

The issue is that it's been mentioned in the thread that people who think they're going to be a cape usually don't trigger. Maybe because when they're being broken down mentally, they have the hope of getting cape powers? I'm not sure. That's why I'd like to leave it vague about whether or not she's going to get the powers she's designing or if it's just a weird dream.
Questors, keep in mind that although you still (barely) require a Trigger event, given your level of control and the crappiness of her life right now, you can essentially produce a weak->medium Trigger pretty much on-demand.

Note that if you perform any Trigger research even that won't matter any more.
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Just a reminder to everyone who's talking about spinning up a simulation of Taylor:

I like running a simulation of her shard side separately to talk to. Keep it updated from the Earth Bet but only reunite them after the trigger. But I think we'd have to roll for it, and the could be risky. Maybe I can use my bonus for autocrit there?
Could I do that Vhal?

You could, but remember that your autocrit would only work for one roll. Could be interesting trying to shut her down again.

This simulation is more than just us analyzing her responses. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad idea to set up a copy of Taylor in our shard brain, but I definitely want more of a plan in place than "Let's ask her what powers she'd want... if she hadn't just woken up as a copy in the brain of a power-granting alien parasite."
This simulation is more than just us analyzing her responses. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad idea to set up a copy of Taylor in our shard brain, but I definitely want more of a plan in place than "Let's ask her what powers she'd want... if she hadn't just woken up as a copy in the brain of a power-granting alien parasite."

Don't forget that's rolling for it.
We could also Research/Bonus a skill to let us run Host sims which would let us start them up and shut them down easily. And considering we could run it in Dream Master, it doesn't really have to know what it is. Sim Taylor has thing happen, maybe Scion-like platypus asking her about powers. Get info, shut down SIM, write over SIM memories of event with Taylor Actual's memories.
Sorry if this has already been explained but, does the strenght of the Trigger matter for something?
It normally would have a medium effect on Information efficiency (that's is, relative power strength) and possibly increase Corona modification.

But you are pretty far past a normal Shard at this point so it matters less and less over time as research is completed.

Consider a Brute power - if it doesn't work quite right you could just use host modification to retroactively fix it. This is just one example.
Based on the requirements listed, I could see Taylor going for a power like:

Ability to control and gain the dispersibility (and possibly invisibility) of air.

Ranged. Gains durability, flight and protection. Possibly stealth. Can be munchkinned. Looks like breaker, mover, shaker, stranger. Difficult to hurt, so also brute

Edit: Clarification: I'm including control of air
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Manager style trump. She can copy or steal powers up to her limit. After that she has to give copies/stolen powers to allies to take any more, parahumans or normals. So she starts with theft. Steals Skidmark, Squealler, Mush, Victor, Othala. To have any more she'd have to say, give Victors power to Lisa and Othalas to Amy. That's really good to starts.

Or we can also let her add a powers data to another power. So when she gifts Victorspkwer to Lisa, it improves her oh power instead of giving her an entirely separate power.

Do both for straight up Manager shenanigans. I'm tempted to do Managers power wholesale, it would also let Taylor break powers down into smaller powers. That's high trump.

P.S. my favorite trump, but I still prefer letting Taylor design some powers.
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On the powers of Taylor, leaving aside we should speak to her about her future powers before giving it to her, I personally like more OP powers (on the personal side) than Batman!Taylor and UpliftTechnology!Taylor.

I want to let Taylor control her future as much as possible. We let Taylor choose her own power with possible useful additions that we think up. We let her decide if she wants to join the Wards or make an independent team. We offer advice and DON'T LIE TO HER, but we also don't just tell her all about Zion unless she asks about it and wants to help.

No worries, I don't want to force anything onto Taylor. I like the idea of 'power editor' in her dreams as I'm also curious what she will pick in this case. All that discussion I find interesting about potential powers for her because in the end it's still speculation. We may propose those ideas at one point to her. Or if Taylor refuses them, who says someone else can't use them instead?

Also I'm actually surprised how popular OP!Taylors are here because there is soooo many OP Taylors around that I would suspect people would start getting tired of those? But I guess I was wrong. Oh, I don't really mind OP powerset for her as long as it's creative and allow lots of options to play with. I still would prefer 'underdog' version.

That's easy, we only have to make her The Siberian (the projection, not the master (althought, given that The Siberian is a hole in reality it'd probably be more breaker than anything else)), or maker her "Clockblocked" but able to move, or a "living Sting" (like the projectiles of Flechette). We're halping!:)

I'm not a fan of simple Brute powers, because they sound kind of one-dimensional, unless you add some additional element (Changer or Trump for example) and add some interesting mechanic to it.

First, Negotiator clearly has a plan, and party of it seems to involve sending Lisa to recruit Skitter the bug controller. We should mention that we are designing her power and ask if she has any specific suggestions. No promises, but we're willing to consider her requests. Either way, she'll probably appreciate a friendly heads up that we are actively screwing with canon and Skitter probably won't be a thing. (Yes, she probably already figured that out, but cooperation on our part is worth some good will.)

Taking how unrestricted we are, recreating 'avatar' like Skitter wouldn't be hard, so in theory we could still let Negotiator keep going with this idea, even if it wouldn't use our own host directly. Also I would suggest changing look, but keep powerset. Heck, we could as well create completely new character with Skitter powerset, because I still love good anthrophod control.

When I think about it... are you people willing to recreate Skitter powerset? It may be even with OC as I still find this power fun to use. It may be expended with more species to be controlled.

I think that Taylor wanted a Brute power AT FIRST, and then realized that a Brute power meant that she'd have to fight in melee and get close to the danger. Maybe she wants a Blaster power now? Possibly a Stranger power to hide from danger when needed.

Oh, I understand this point. I know that this is possibly Taylor thinking she wants it and I even agree, but in the end I prefer to take into account scenario (even if not very probable) that she may want Brute powerset, so I keep thinking on more creative ideas based on Brute category.

I am increasingly inclined to skip this whole argument and send Taylor the power design dream. She's on a computer, looking at something similar to the power design section of a CYOA, but more expansive and customizable. Twelve power categories, with only the data we have between them. She gets all the rules Vhal gave us. She has to get creative. Additionally, a more free form section where she has no data limits and can go wild.

As I said - personally I just speculate on powersets as I find it fun thing to talk about. I don't want to force anything.

Of course, we also have the problem where Taylor is currently trying to figure out if she's already a cape. Would thinking that she's a cape prevent her from triggering, or would it still work since second triggers exist? We might be able to trigger her anyway with Stronger Trigger, but that costs 1,450 Research and we'll need to get Stabilize Trigger first.

Creating trigger event via nightmare (especially in REM phase where dreams can be feel really realistic) is an option even if I feel it's a very dickish way to do so. I would prefer to avoid it and it was mentioned that Taylor is unfortunately in such depressed mental state that we may indeed try to do it pretty much anytime?

Manager style trump. She can copy or steal powers up to her limit. After that she has to give copies/stolen powers to allies to take any more, parahumans or normals. So she starts with theft. Steals Skidmark, Squealler, Mush, Victor, Othala. To have any more she'd have to say, give Victors power to Lisa and Othalas to Amy. That's really good to starts.

We have slightly over 400 Trump data, which in theory is something close to PRT Rating 20 (although PRT rating are damn confusing). Monju idea should also work as a Trump option.
I'm not a fan of simple Brute powers, because they sound kind of one-dimensional, unless you add some additional element (Changer or Trump for example) and add some interesting mechanic to it.

Honestly I was just thinking of making the most brute and straightforward power possible (the "living Sting" that is, even Zion should have problems dealing with it) when I wrote this.

Creating trigger event via nightmare (especially in REM phase where dreams can be feel really realistic) is an option even if I feel it's a very dickish way to do so. I would prefer to avoid it and it was mentioned that Taylor is unfortunately in such depressed mental state that we may indeed try to do it pretty much anytime?

We can simply inform Taylor of why and what we're going to do in advance, this way we wouldn't break her trust or similar.

On another note, is there any penalty to give a power which we don't have the speciality? like the Siberian's Invulnerability, or Negotiator's Inference. Because if there isn't the power we could give Taylor would be too OP (like unrestricted PtV, wavelength manipulation, Eidolon, matter deletion). I supposse the restriction is that if we give something that we do not have the specialty for, then the energy consumption would be very high in comparation to the Shard that has the specialization.

Finally, a crazy idea! How about we try to revive Taylors' mother, or better yet Hero! (there are so few fics were he's alive:cry:). To achieve this we'd eat Gray Boy's Shard (althought I suposse Cody and Epoch would work out too) and grants somebody under our control/influence the power to rewind time in an area, this way we'd only have to go where they died and voila, they're alive again.
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Creating trigger event via nightmare (especially in REM phase where dreams can be feel really realistic) is an option even if I feel it's a very dickish way to do so. I would prefer to avoid it and it was mentioned that Taylor is unfortunately in such depressed mental state that we may indeed try to do it pretty much anytime?
I am not trying to be a dick, but you do realize that we need to deliberately make her remember her dreams for her to remember them, we could very easily just trigger her with experiences that she would be unable to remember.
Omake Research: Basic Magic Theory 1
~A Dream of Carnage~
I see what you did there.
I approve.
Memory Backup Check: 1d100 +25 (Taking your time) +50 (Admin's full attention) -25 (No previous experience) -50 (No shard senses) => 31 [Applied Rune-Chan Omake bonus 1] 100 Critical!
Oof. Bonus well spent.
Personality Backup Check: 1d100 +25 (Taking your time) +50 (Admin's full attention) -25 (No previous experience) -50 (No shard senses) => 40 [Applied Rune-Chan Omake bonus 1] 100 Critical!
Oof, yup, feeling good about myself.
Memory Restoration Check: 1d100 +25 (Taking your time) +50 (Admin's full attention) -25 (No previous experience) -50 (No shard senses) => 71 [Applied PHO 2: Post Harder bonus] 100 Critical!
Meh, worth it.
Memory Restoration Check: 1d100 +25 (Taking your time) +50 (Admin's full attention) -25 (No previous experience) -50 (No shard senses) => 8 [Applied Rune-Chan Omake bonus 2] 100 Critical!

Personality Restoration Check: 1d100 +25 (Taking your time) +50 (Admin's full attention) -25 (No previous experience) -50 (No shard senses) => 89 [Applied Rune-Chan Omake bonus 2] 100 Critical!
Oh jeezus, yup, glad I spent that. And 8. Oh my.
You put in a small tweak to try and get her hunger response to match her blood sugar state as well as her current caloric needs. She should stop undereating now. Should.
"That's a fucking platypus. What?"
. . . OH.
That's what the P stands for.
Liked it so much you pushed back the release to add it in, ehh?
She sees what the mirror shows.

Mood check - 1d100 -25 (Nightmare) +50 (self-mod success) +25 (New persona) = 138 Critical!
Amy is gone. There is only Claire, meow.
You leave a copy of yourself to try and intentionally influence Lilac while most of you moves on to check your prettiest host.
Oooooo, Administrator has a cruuuuush.
Okay, we might want to hit up Armor soon, unless we want to let the Canon fallout happen.
Time to make the magic.
Time for Research Omake!
[Basic Magic Theory 1] Okay, we know this exists, the Entities have records. But for some reason they don't think it exists, and cut off research from it. That's just odd. Let's see if we can work out why such logical, yet stupid, beings would deny the existence of a thing they're got evidence exists.
  • Okay, so the Entities collect and review data in-between Cycles. While moving through space to the next Host planet. So they're probably looking into it then. So they'd think it doesn't exist, why? Because it doesn't exist in space.
  • Okay, so why does it exist on planets, but not in space? Is it something to do with Hosts themselves, like Chi or something, or is it something to do with the planet?
  • Well, we have two ideas, and infinite multitasking, so only one solution. Check them both.
    • Let's start with, ironically enough, ourselves. Give the ol' Shard-bod a once over and see what we've got. Okay, we know what all that energy is. Nothing unexpected.
    • While you're busy with that, I'll scan the energy around Veronica, since as a non-Breaker she'll have the most baseline human data with full sensors online. . . Yup, gravity, radiation from the sun, heat, everything checks out. Mmmhmmm.
    • Time to examine the true depths of Earth Admin. Got some gravity, heat, core spinning around, lots of complex energy signatures for a whole planet, you know.
  • Okay, let's condense back up and see what we found. Holy shit, ley lines are real. Well, probably not in the way humans understand and mean the term, but there are definitely weird currents of energy in the planet.
  • Okay, so, that's probably 'mana' then, right? So how do we . . . I mean, there's gotta be some way to interact with it, right? This is very confusing. And it's so weak.
  • Maybe it's just Earth Admin, what does this look like on Veronica's end?
  • . . . Oh holy fuckballs. Okay, since we are the only life on Earth Admin, and Earth Bet has a ton of life (used to have more before we released a few Endbringers on it), this must tie into not only the planet but life, because while Earth Admin has some stray wisps, Earth Bet has raging goddamn rivers of mana.
  • And it's flaring up, too, reaching out past the surface and brushing against the Hosts. How can this not be noticed.
  • How did we not notice it until we found it otherwise? Let's stop focusing on it and. . . Oh. The energy signatures of literally every other energy drown it out. That's. . . How does that even work? You can only see it when looking only for it because everything else will drown it out?
  • Anyway, okay, we know what it is, and where it is. Now how do we interact with it? Especially when most of it is where we aren't?
2̀ͩ̎̾ͧ8͞4̨̽ͪ̉ͤ ̒I̿͆̂̇ͤ̉ͯn̂̋f̈ͨ̋͂ͬ́ŏ͛r̓ͦ̎̈ͨ̀mͭͮ͋̏̍̌̊aͬͥͬͫ̒̿̓͏tͮ͛i̧ö́̓̾̆n ̃ͫ̄ͣ̋̽̚S͢ĕ͑̆̃ͬn̐t̴
. . . Okay, not bad.
200 Mover Information and 75 Shaker Information.
Not bad, but a bit odd it's so specific.Krouse is, apparently, just real bad at everything.
Welp, now you're able to spy on Bakuda, so that's a thing.
Wait, she's Triggered already!?
Oh shit. Need to check that Host data, see if we have time to cut her villain career off.
Why did Mark help build the Healing Dungeon?! What was he thinking?!
He was thinking that once Amy's out of trouble, they can use it as a different sort of dungeon.
Well, depending how leylines work, we may need to set up shop on an Earth with life on it. Surely there's gotta be some variant of Earth out there in some sort of never-ending Precambrian stage?
I am not trying to be a dick, but you do realize that we need to deliberately make her remember her dreams for her to remember them, we could very easily just trigger her with experiences that she would be unable to remember.

Fair enough, but I still don't personally like it even if I suggested the option. In many cases I throw suggestions even if I don't like them, because people may like it anyway. Even with erasing memory I just feel it's a dickish thing to do. But as mentioned asking for permission first may do the trick. It's me here stating personal opinion here more in a way and I should make it more clear. Just even going through this make me feel uncomfortable.

Honestly I was just thinking of making the most brute and straightforward power possible (the "living Sting" that is, even Zion should have problems dealing with it) when I wrote this.

Fair enough. I'm just not a fan of such a... straightforward idea. But I admit it could be absurdly effective, but I wouldn't find it really enjoyable to read.

I think for example Brute / Tinker may be interesting. Imagine it starts with basic Brute 1-2. User simply has increased healing factor at first and is barely above normal human. But Tinker category allows to increase it with each tinker addition. It may be biological (so it biotinker one) or purely mechanical (pure tinker) so in this case it would be like turning a host into a humanoid cyborg/android.

Brute / Striker who gains additional durability and properties based on touched objects. So for example someone touches a building, they gain similar durability and properties based on it.

So yeah, I think we could thing of some fun ideas with Brute anyway.

We can simply inform Taylor of why and what we're going to do in advance, this way we wouldn't break her trust or similar.

Best solution.

Finally, a crazy idea! How about we try to revive Taylors' mother, or better yet Hero! (there are so few fics were he's alive:cry:). To achieve this we'd eat Gray Boy's Shard (althought I suposse Cody and Epoch would work out too) and grants somebody under our control/influence the power to rewind time in an area, this way we'd only have to go where they died and voila, they're alive again.

Panacea powerset combined with Cranial-like powerset could also do it I think. As long as there is enough biomass and DNA it should be possible to revive people this way.

Wait, she's Triggered already!?
Oh shit. Need to check that Host data, see if we have time to cut her villain career off.

Yep, because what happened to her in canon is a massive waste of her potential. She may become really, REALLY useful against Endbringers for example when she can pull of even most bullshit hax effects.

Also this is my design on potential powerset where a host has PRT Rating of 2 in ALL power categories. I find this idea potentially fun with as Vhal mentioned 'Badass Normal Plus' option. I want to keep someone who is physically still mostly basic human, but has weaker supernatural abilities.

[] Perfect 'Two'
-[] Trump 40. Weakening Aura. This low level Trump ability allows to weaken parahuman powers depending on how strong and versatile they are and how close potential parahuman is to the host. It's an aura-like effect, which becomes weaker with distance.
-[] Brute 40. Improved Healing Factor. This Brute rating grants additional improved healing factor superior to the one normal humans have. Effectiveness is based on how serious potential injuries are. The more serious they are, the longer it takes to heal them. Although as long as organ isn't completely destroyed or host isn't missing completely a limb for example, full recovery is possible even if normally this wouldn't be possible, like a broken spine.
-[] Blaster 40. Echolocation Beam. This special Blaster ability allows host to shoot Echolocation beams, which once they hit something, they grant an effect identical to the one standard echolocation provides. Good for detecting hidden enemies.
-[] Striker 40. Power-Up Touch. This ability grants special effect via touch which simply improves effectiveness or firepower of touched item like a gun or flash grenade.
-[] Mover 40. Every Surface Walking. This is pretty basic Mover ability, which grants host ability to walk freely on all kinds of surfaces without any issues. Things like Water Walking, Tree Walking, etc. with this ability is more then doable. It doesn't grant any additional speed bonus.
-[] Changer 40. Most Basic Human Shapeshifting. This power allows a host to change his or her appearence as long as it's reasonably close to his or her current age and same gender. Changing genders as mention is impossible here and potential different human form can't be too different age wise (so child host can't suddenly become a grandparent for example).
-[] Shaker 40. Environmental Shifting. Basic ability which allows host to directly manipulate environment as long as it's something of the same material type. So for example host may for example change solid ground into a mud, but can't make it a liquid concrete.
-[] Thinker 40. Accelerated Learning. Very basic Thinker ability, which improves ability to learn new abilities and memorization of them. This ability is affected by complexity of a current skillset and current skills of a host. So for example professional soldier trying to learn Master Level hacking may take longer with this ability then if it was something military based instead, even if potential host would learn this faster then without this power anyway.
-[] Stranger 40. Mirage (Fata Morgana). Ability which mimics weather phenomenon called fata morgana, but very closely to the host. It's also reasonably easy to break as long as opponents is focused enough or it happens in a place with low amount of light around, as light is one of the neccesary components for this ability to truly 'kick in'.
-[] Master 40. Animal Companion. Very basic Master power which allows host to completely control one chosen animal companion. Requires concentration and the bigger animal companion is, the harder it is to control.
-[] Tinker 40. Utility Items Tinker. Tinker specialty here is utility non-combat items. They may be used in combat, but they won't be truly as good in it.
-[] Breaker 40. Liquid Form. User may turn from a solid body state into a liquid form of his or her choice as long as host has contact with a chosen liquid recently.

I think those abilities are fine and I don't miss any category? If this wouldn't end up with Taylor, I think I would like to see one of our hosts with this kind of powerset ;).
We could always create our own ecosystem that lives in symbiosis on our shard earth.

That'd be pretty cool.

Like I was saying earlier we could play up the fey angle. Make our shard Earth into Arcadia, a parallel earth home to the fey filled with alien life that doesn't fit into what humanity knows of nature. And powers everywhere in the sense of Vista/Labyrinth style warped spaces, floating islands, underwater arcogies like Rapture, but more surreal and unnatural, waterfalls that go up, more bioluminescent life. Fungal biomes, the works. Mythical and fantastic creatures await.

Or even Emote or Prosthetics Earth, set one up like Arcadia and make select openings on Earth, multiple ways to acess it.

Let people "discover" it, this alien earth with fey creatures and let them think Ciara was onto something.

Should be relatively easy to acess, so people can just stumble into it Alice in Wonderland style.

Trolling at its finest. Like the Tower of Babel idea, except subtler. Less obvious that someone made it, more like it was always there.

With enough power effects spread through the environment and creatures, parahumans are explore could gain data. A PvE area.

P.S. if we start resurrecting people we should prettwnd to be a god or a fairy. Like a shaft of light falls upon Hero's grave, minor earthquake, his coffin bursts out from the ground and he falls out, gasping.

Leave him with dreams/memories of the beyond, a higher power that brought him back to fight the good fight.

Or have it be fairesfor extra "Glastig Uaine was right?!?" Tell him we brought him back because it would be interesting.
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She may become really, REALLY useful against Endbringers for example when she can pull of even most bullshit hax effects.

The Canon Endbringers joined the fight against Zion, and we already know that it's possible to work out Eden's Administrator Command Codes and seize control of them anyway.

We don't need Bakuda to take out the Endbringers, and in fact probably don't even want to.
We could always create our own ecosystem that lives in symbiosis on our shard earth.

I like this way better than consuming the mass of the planet.
If anyone can throw together a plan we can try to work out what it would require to do, maybe start slowly implementing it as people like it/I get bonuses to autocrit rolls?

We don't need Bakuda to take out the Endbringers, and in fact probably don't even want to.
I'm more interested in having her pop Grey Boy bubbles and generally not making Brockton Bay a high enough priority for a Leviathan visit.
We could really use a year or two to get our stuff together and get everything ready.
Yeah, I prefer subtly taking control of the endbringers and faking their deaths, then transforming them so they're unrecognisable, or maybe redistributing their power amongst our allies.

I like making Bakuda be a hero though, just for how ridiculous she would be trying to not kill people with all her explosions. Mad Scientist type.
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This is an interesting way to avoid Aberrance that I didn't think of, although it might take more thinking/research

1) Spin up a Taylor AI.
2) Talk stuff out.
3) Shut down Taylor AI.
4) Copy Taylor-AI's memories to Taylor-actual.
Can anyone think of a way to do this without using a research slot? The appeal of asking Taylor in a dream about which power she wants is that we already have Dream Master so we don't have to research anything.

If we do go with the dreams, here are possible votes for us to either use as is or build on. Please feel free to improve these as they're pretty barebones. We can also repeat Dream 3 as needed until Taylor triggers or tells her father what's going on:

[ ] Plan "Ask Taylor about Powers-Dream 1"
-[ ] Taylor finds herself at her computer with the browser open to a "Design Your Own Cape Powers" website.
-[ ] The front page is filled with the ideas from the Power Design threadmark listed as designs created by previous visitors.
-[ ] At the bottom of the page, there's a link to start the process. This process actually takes you to the rules behind designing cape powers, which matches our own rules for giving out cape powers. It also mentions that there will be limits on the various info types to see how creative the designers can be.
-[ ] After she finishes reading the rules and clicks the link to continue on, the dream ends to be continued in Dream 2.

This gives Taylor a day to think through what her ideal cape powers are and to come up with various designs to try out. If we go with this set of dreams, I encourage everyone to write up their power ideas as soon as possible so they can show up in the dream.

[ ] Plan "Ask Taylor about Powers-Dream 2"
-[ ] Taylor starts at the webpage to design her own cape powers with the limits being how much info we have on hand.
-[ ] After she comes up with her first design, the website will ask if she wants to try again with no limits.
-[ ] She can try as many times as she likes, and when she seems to run low on ideas, a new link will appear. The summary will say something like, "Since you've enjoyed designing cape powers, how would you now like to play as a cape? Try this role-playing game with your family and friends! Be heroes trying to take down the evil villains that control your city! Or be villains, fighting off all who try to take your territory!

[ ] Plan "Ask Taylor about Powers-Dream 3"
-[ ] Taylor is watching an image of herself playing the role-playing game with Danny. They're both having a lot of fun and enjoying spending time together.
-[ ] The image of Taylor is using whatever design she seemed to like the most from Dream 2. Danny is using either another of her designs or one of the ideas posted in the thread.
-[ ] After a bit of this, the image of Taylor seems to be thinking hard for a minute before resolving herself to act. She tells her father that she's glad that they could spend time together because they've been so distant from each other for so long. She also admits that she hasn't had anyone else to turn to because something is wrong with Emma. Emma is not her friend any more and has instead been bullying her and getting the other girls at school to bully her too. She's tried to get the school to do something, but nothing seems to work and she doesn't know what to do any more.
-[ ] Danny hugs Taylor and tells her that she's his number one priority, and he's going to do whatever it takes to help her.

It seems like we can trigger Taylor at any time for a weak-to-medium trigger with stronger triggers possible once we do some form of trigger research. So maybe after we finish Stabilize Research and we're finally ready for Taylor to trigger (What are the conditions for this?), we could send Taylor Ducat's remaining dreams with possibly the Piggot dream substituted for the Blackwell dream. In the final dream, Admin can ask Taylor whether she wants us to trigger her, and if so, which powers she would like to get. The dreams I suggested are still useful because they get Taylor thinking about it ahead of time and give us an idea of what to give her if she gets a trigger opportunity before we can finish sending her the dreams.
Heck, her Shard was weird, it might like the challenge of building bombs that are Manton limited to not affect living creatures.

All the visceral thrill of an explosion, all the badass points for walking right through it and punching someone in the face.

Can anyone think of a way to do this without using a research slot?
Sure, with enough PHO interlude style bonuses. I believe there are still a couple floating around if someone can be convinced to make a skill for Host memory U/D linkages.

Probably use that as a basis to get internet connectivity, too.
The Canon Endbringers joined the fight against Zion, and we already know that it's possible to work out Eden's Administrator Command Codes and seize control of them anyway.

True, but having options against Endbringers won't hurt anyway. If something may go wrong, always have a back up plan if something does go wrong.

We don't need Bakuda to take out the Endbringers, and in fact probably don't even want to.

This is always yet another additional option. It's always to have one more option then not have it IMO. But it's also true that if humanity designs proper counters, they may stop sandbagging, which is just as bad. Of course if Administrator hijacks Endbringer controls or we simply decide to get a host dedicated towards Endbringer control this may be not an issue. But again, it's better be safe then sorry.

And in overall she is one of those capes that may come in handy in pretty much all situations, like more standard S-Rank situations or something.

I'm more interested in having her pop Grey Boy bubbles and generally not making Brockton Bay a high enough priority for a Leviathan visit.
We could really use a year or two to get our stuff together and get everything ready.

I think her power have some fun utility, especially if inspired by proper parahuman powers. Like her watching Panacea's power in action and creating bomb which make instantly grow super plants for example. Or something based on observing Rachel and bombs which instantly 'power up' for example police dogs. Yeah, she is a host I would like to play with, especially focused on more support based ideas.

Yeah, I prefer subtly taking control of the endbringers and faking their deaths, then transforming them so they're unrecognisable, or maybe redistributing their power amongst our allies.

Magical Girl Ziz-Chan strikes again! Especially with magic being a thing here.

But yeah, pretty much 'humanizing' Endbringers would be fine. Or moving them to different dimensions so they can rampage there.

I like making Bakuda be a hero though, just for how ridiculous she would be trying to not kill people with all her explosions. Mad Scientist type.

With her versatile her power is I think it may be easier then expected as long as she keeps her... more brutal urges in check. Glue Bomb, Containment Bomb, Pepper Bomb, Flash Bomb... so many non-lethal potential ideas. Of course Manton Limit may be an issue, but this is something we may get rid off or work around it.

Although yeah, it could be pretty funny in a morbid way reading about Bakuda trying to be a hero, while pretty much always mutilating or killing people affected by her bombs, especially 'bad guys' while good ones are always fine for some reason.
Here's an idea for a power: Skittertrump
Taylor's Powerset as in Canon, except that all of her Insects count as part of her body for the purpose of her other power(s), combined with Power copying on touch, allowing her to stealthily grab loads of powers and use them through her insects (we should have more than enough Trump data for this), possibly restricted to one active Power per insect with only Taylor herself capable of using everything at once. Mass healing via Panacea's Power and a bunch of insects that just need skin contact, giant spiders though Fenja and Menja's Power, various Tinker Powers etc.
With this Power and some Instruction from us, Taylor can collect all the powers with which to kill Scion without going Khepri (while we eat Zion's real body).
I feel that this setup both preserves what made Canon!Skitter really awesome and gives us all the tools we need to handle any problems that pop up hostside up to and including a possible Golden Morning while still vaguely looking like a Power the original QA would give Taylor (Still nothing to see here, Zion).
It also allows us to indirectly talk to Taylor via her Power, controlling bugs through her to form letters and, once we've practiced a little, bugspeak as in Canon, all without major risk of aberration.
Info costs: ALL the Master info we have at time of trigger (it's no fun unless we can fight in at least half the city simultaneously, so we need all the control radius we can get) and ALL Trump data we have available (once Taylor starts playing around with all those Powers, we'll be swimming in information, especially the Trump kind).