[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

FYI, I already made the anti-Heartbreaker power last page.
What you need is:
-Identify deviant emotions and memories
-Modify them to dissociate them

I.e. I gave her Heartbreakers' power in a different format, which would counter Heartbreaker's power. and allow for detection and deprogramming of people.
While netting us huge scads of data of course, emotional tracking is big.
FYI, I already made the anti-Heartbreaker power last page.
What you need is:
-Identify deviant emotions and memories
-Modify them to dissociate them

I.e. I gave her Heartbreakers' power in a different format, which would counter Heartbreaker's power. and allow for detection and deprogramming of people.
While netting us huge scads of data of course, emotional tracking is big.

Why so specific? I'd just give her a "my mastery trumps yours" and then release them from her mastery.
Contact the rest of the travelers shards and maybe clairvoyants, leaving Triumvirate as the only ones uncontacted. Observer is nigh omniscient, fixed or absorbed we could be gathering so much data from it.

Also maybe give Gaea ideas to give Amy so she can survive. She is alone in the docks with only a striker power. Alex Mercer/Venom/Groot bio-suit. Fake changer, get new identity. Like any of the Merchant, Lung or Oni Lee would wreck her in a fight. None of them have to touch her. Only the Empire would give enough of a shit to avoid her. Even Coil might take the opportunity to kidnap her.
NVM, she turned a man into a woman and came out as a lesbian, Empire would totally go for that.
I think that Amy might be ok eventually since the Chief Director of the PRT took an interest in her case. We should probably check in with Gaea and Telekinetic after the next voting round to make sure that it was resolved though.

I also suggest that we NOT contact Shift this time but contact her next time to make sure that everything is going ok. That would give her a chance to build some independence while reassuring her that Administrator isn't going to just ignore her from now on.

I wouldn't mind contacting the Travelers' Shards, but I'm worried about Clairvoyant. If anyone other than Scion could see the free-will and human intelligence Administrator has, it might be her. Also, the possible memetic hazard in Transparency feels like a sign that we shouldn't get complacent about Administrator's safety.
Well Ballistic, Genesis, and Sundancer should be the safest of the remaining Cauldron shards at least. Observer might see too much, yes. We know the Ambassadors, Weld and Hunch are in Boston too. Can't forget Cody and the Yangban too.

I also really like Biosuit Amy, Gaea might not be creative enough to think of something so wild on her own, and it would also allow her host to really ramp up data collection so she'd probably go for it.
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Why so specific? I'd just give her a "my mastery trumps yours" and then release them from her mastery.
Because Heartbreaker's power is not a sustained effect. It creates natural emotional connections of unnatural speed and intensity.
Theres nothing to trump there, the Heartbroken are genuinely in Deep Love with Heartbreaker, which is why they go suicide pact if he's killed or captured.

Heartbreaker effectively turns people yandere for him.
Funny/scary thing is IRL we kind of know how to do this without powers already. A megadose of oxytocin can generate many of the effects that the Heartbroken exhibit(abnormal loyalty, trust, fearlessness, selflessness towards their in-group without corresponding effects on out-group).

Also Gallant can do this already. Just slam someone repeatedly with Love blast in his presence and they'd break the same way. Just need finesse.
Fair enough, but if we make it a trump/master combo, it would work on more than just Heartbreaker.

If we go tinker style, in Amelia fanfic, they created an anti-master aerosol that trumps master effects using DNA from the masters to override the effect. Remember, bullshit shard clarketech can do a lot.
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[Shift - Excitement!]

Best dog.

EDIT: veekie, if what you meant was "how costly is it to run", the answer is that it's not. Gallant could spam it all day every day and we would be able to run it under secondary (solar) power alone.
I think that says a lot about the extent to which emote was damaged. We can power gallant indefinitely while emote only had about a decade left.

Okay, so, we're feeling emotions now?
Did we. . . Did we copy human neural pathways into ourselves!?
We've always been human. We just jacked QA's body.

-Vista grumbling about the 'new' girl jumping ship
I love it :rofl:

-Memes on wild parties/man I feel like a
Insert obligatory "Dude looks like a lady" /"it's not gay if it's cute" meme

Missy is beyond angry. Not only did the new girl leave, her guy left too!
Let me grab my pop corn! This is better than television!
More things we can do, ask Gaea, Telekinesis, and Negotiator which shards in their opinion are unrecoverable. Does anyone think any of the Cauldron shards are worth eating right now? Coil's my best bet, because screw him. We should ask Negotiator about him specifically.
More things we can do, ask Gaea, Telekinesis, and Negotiator which shards in their opinion are unrecoverable. Does anyone think any of the Cauldron shards are worth eating right now? Coil's my best bet, because screw him. We should ask Negotiator about him specifically.
Charge. Part of it is actively malicious to us and would make fixing it difficult if it didn't outright fight back.
Charge. Part of it is actively malicious to us and would make fixing it difficult if it didn't outright fight back.
True, but that could be a fight. Might need to research offense and defense. Should get Gaeas opinion. Want to reassure our new peers we aren't snapping up anyone who annoys us.

Also if we second trigger every cape who's shard we eat, that will get noticed. And do we really want to second trigger Coil unless we assume direct control?

Battery getting a second trigger out of nowhere immediately after another Cauldron cape did would definitely be noticed, as would Coil. Contessa and Doormaker see everything.
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Can't just pour into the old armor. Build is dramatically different, particularly height, shoulders, chest and hips. Would need to comission a new set but based on the logs

Body double does a few rounds, at one patrol through the Boardwalk their armor has a very nasty looking problem, PRT van picks them up and takes them back. Later on they unveil a new armor. They've upgraded it a bit, and enlarged it since thw old one was getting a bit small and they're still a growing teen.

The PRT was in total panic mode, everyone wanted to protect Panacea, and party-goers captured everything on their phones (not the actual event, but the aftermath). The only other quick option was "Dean gets hit by a car after the party" and even that would have been difficult to maintain.

I mean, this is your story, and I'm not saying you have to change it. I'm trying to point out an issue where I, as a reader, look at what you've written and say "This doesn't make sense to me." I'm not asking you to justify what you've already done, just see why I have an issue with it and be able to become a better writer.

My issue isn't that this plot point happened, it's more a pacing issue. This seems too fast a response, especially when a government agency is involved. I don't mind it happening, but if I'd been asked I would have suggested having Veronica speak out that what Panacea did was at her request that day, maybe own up to having drunkenly outed herself as Gallant while emotion blasting people with how she felt when they asked at the party what turning into a girl was like ("See how it feels for yourself. Hey, Vicky, let's dance!"). Then have a few days of intense negotiations between New Wave, their parents, and the PRT, with Veronica eventually publicly switching to New Wave on Saturday or Sunday.
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Also if we second trigger every cape who's shard we eat, that will get noticed. And do we really want to second trigger Coil unless we assume direct control?

Battery getting a second trigger out of nowhere immediately after another Cauldron cape did would definitely be noticed, as would Coil. Contessa and Doormaker see everything.
To be fair, when I designed the A.D.C. skill, I was thinking of Thomas Calvert.
Welcome to... KETTLE
That would make sense, but Vhal is also working on a schedule here. He doesn't have endless time and boundless creativity.
To be fair, when I designed the A.D.C. skill, I was thinking of Thomas Calvert.
THANK YOU. I am vindicated. Let's hijack that jackass. Maybe give him a super duper stranger power to avoid anyone noticing changes. Also have to think of a way to pacify Lisa, unless we tell her and Negotiator.

"What's up boss. Gonna threaten me some more?"

"Lisa! So good to finally meet you, we're gonna be best friends. Take a seat." Takes off mask.

"What? You just— what are you— you can't" Is confused.

"So Tommy boy has been a naughty little shit. Slandering the heroes, spying on the villains, kidnaping children. This one guy here, Creep, I'm pretty sure is a pedophile, probably gonna have to kill him. Can't be sure all the mercs can be truested either. But that's your problem now!"

"What are y-"

"So I'm one of the eldritch horrors that grant powers, try not to focus your power on that, bad idea. Your power is alive to of course, give him a second."

Hello Lisa. So good to speak face to face, so to speak.


"So welcome to KETTLE, the soon to be masters of the New World Order, it'll be great, you'll enjoy it. Calvert here I just couldn't stand and his organization provided such an opportunity for our startup. Anyway, he's watching everything in screaming horror as I puppet his body, that's revenge enough for you right?"

"I don't know how to feel about this."

"I'm more of a big picture guy. You're in charge of the spy network and the mon-"

"I'm in!"
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More things we can do, ask Gaea, Telekinesis, and Negotiator which shards in their opinion are unrecoverable. Does anyone think any of the Cauldron shards are worth eating right now? Coil's my best bet, because screw him. We should ask Negotiator about him specifically.
My suggestion is that we try fixing them all and if the fix fails, eat them. We can always eat them later if we need to. I think Negotiator previously advocated for Administrator recycling ALL of the Cauldron Shards and said that she would be interested in eating them if we don't.
Charge. Part of it is actively malicious to us and would make fixing it difficult if it didn't outright fight back.
I want to finish going through the data she sent us first to be on the safe side. Plus, as Gino said, Charge would probably put up a fight. Emote had no personality so it didn't bother fighting us.
Fair enough, but if we make it a trump/master combo, it would work on more than just Heartbreaker.

If we go tinker style, in Amelia fanfic, they created an anti-master aerosol that trumps master effects using DNA from the masters to override the effect. Remember, bullshit shard clarketech can do a lot.

From what I'm gathering, the point is that there's nothing to Trump/ "Out-Master" there. Heartbreaker doesn't force an unnatural state on people, he forces them to naturally change, thus their 'original' state is Heartbroken.

Using a superpower or Clarketech bs thing on them wouldn't work, beause their 'base-state' is Heartbroken, thus there is nothing to restore them to.

That's what I'm getting based off of thread responses, anyway.
For all we know, Gallant already has this. Wasn't he resistant to GG's Aura in canon?
Presumably. Amy was also considered immunized though so I take that with a grain of salt.
I thought it was implied he suffered from addiction just like Panacea. What with the constant break ups and getting back together.
It's pretty well known that Master powers interfere with each other, especially since GG's emotional aspects are presumably derived from [Emote].
I was thinking bigger than 1 AU, but point taken. Still a big project that's probably beyond the scope of this quest. Munching on Mars, less so.
Technically speaking, the size of the swarm only matters if you use it as a computing substrate or living habitats. Since you'd be encircling the sun, the power output would be the same. Also, I'm still not entirely clear how it would be harder to construct solar collectors and then launching them into a stable orbit to collect and beam power to the main mass than moving a similar amount of mass as one big chunk, adding to it and then moving that larger mass to another place and then repeating.
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True, but that could be a fight. Might need to research offense and defense. Should get Gaeas opinion. Want to reassure our new peers we aren't snapping up anyone who annoys us.
No, I agree here. You asked.

Also if we second trigger every cape who's shard we eat, that will get noticed. And do we really want to second trigger Coil unless we assume direct control?
But the thing is we don't need to second trigger anyone when we take their shard. It's just an option we have.
But I want to second trigger them. Like Gallant and Triumph both have such crappy powers! Battery is alright. Coil we direct control, so why not. Case 53s we can fix, so I want too. Noelle doesn't deserve her suffering.

We need an excuse. Maybe make a tinker that can modify powers directly.
Well sure if we go that route but it could just as easily be a second host or even Leet.

And then there's the Undersiders. And Mouse Protector! I want to second trigger so many people. Designing ridiculous powers is so much fun. I want Canary to outsing Ziz. I want Regent to have body jacking lighting.

Also maybe we should contact Surveillance soon to start up the relation, Taylor and Madison spend a lot of time in the same place after all.

So many things to do, so little time. So much risk in return for the fun.

But we don't need to second trigger Panacea! Just needs a biosuit and mass to fake a changer rating, I'm defintely suggesting that to Gaea in a plan.
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is this crack yet? worm crack is pretty great.
We're definitely getting close.
I want this situation to escaltate to biosuit Amy taking down Lung singlehandedly. Constantly siphoning off his growth to feed her suit in a feedback loop, and match him. Firey Metal Scales vs. Acidic/Venemous Carbon Plating. And caught on film.

I want to get Yangban contacts from Escalation, but I just know he's gonna be unbearable to talk to.
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Research: Continue the current research as both provide benefits and we have already invested the info cost for focused research 1 (faster research speeds!)

However once we finish one of our current research then:
[Memetic Proxy Filtering 1]: 275 Tinker Information, 125 Research
Followed by:
[Memetic Proxy Filtering 2]: 200 Thinker Information, 350 Tinker Information, 450 Research

Are musts- the first gives us a defense against possible corruption which will be very useful, the 2nd level of filtering reduces the research penalty that imposes while keeping the defense constant so we won't be caught with our firewalls down. Of course to counter the research slow down we will want to grab:
[Improved Research 1]: 150 Thinker Information, 950 Research
[Faster Research 2]: 200 Thinker Information, 750 Research

Current thoughts:
Slot 1- Human Bio (326/400) 1.08 turns on average
Slot 2- Focused Research 1 (250/950) 10.22 turns on average
Slot 1 follow up- Memetic Proxy Filtering 1 0/125 1.82 turns on average
Slot 1 follow up- Memetic Proxy Filtering 2 0/450 6.57 turns on average
With no omake bonuses focused research 1 will finish after memetic proxy 2 finishes based on average rolls by about .75 turns (may be more due to research penalty from filtering 1 and 2

After that the below two take priority for research:
Improved Research 1 0/950 7.98 with Focused 1 and before penalties from Memetic 1 and 2. That should hopefully counter the penalties from memetic 1 and 2.
Faster Research 2 0/750 6.3 with Focused 1 and before penalties from Memetic 1 and 2 and bonuses from imp research 1. We are finding more and more projects we want to do, some of which do not need data to research, a third research action would be great.

Once both of these are down we will hopefully be sitting on 0 penalties from memtic 1 and 2 (offset by improved research 1 most of the time). With three research slots keeping one on focused research/improved research and every now and then dipping for the next faster research (if we get more no info research actions or get large amounts of info coming in) would be ideal as research speed will play a major role in how able we are to respond to issues.

Now the other things we need to do is keep an info flow coming, fortunately Shift is giving us small gains every day. Hopefully some of the other shards can give us additional streams each day or lump sums of info.

One of the ones we want down the road:
[Stranger Danger 1]: 250 Stranger Information, 300 Research
this one has hide from entities in its tree so if they can't find us that will help a lot against hostile shards and scion and if we encounter other entities.
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