[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Catgirl Rune is defintely my best idea yet In this quest. Thank you so much for voting for it.

Basic dimensional theory research's the multiverse. Starting with our local cluster of Worm, with one Scion and our Taylor. Then, I presume we'll open up wider Worm, with alternate Taylor's and Scions. And then, finally, true multiversity. DC, Marvel, Worm, Naruto and all those other popular universes will collide in a CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS!!!
Or so I can dream.

I want to casually pop over and tell the Justice League about our universe and ask if Superman can spare an afternoon. Except not really, because it would be cheating.

Shadows on the Wall is our understanding of the shard mind collective. Presumably it tell us how Gaea can be sentient but barely capable of original thought. You saw how amazed she was when we told her she needed to get Panacea drunk to loosen up. As if it was some grand relevation. Hopefully let us uplift Gaea to our level.

If you don't know about Warhammer, Chaos Gods are bad news. If we run into them messing around with psionics without proper defenses, or accidentally unleash them on our unsuspecting Earth, that's essentially game over. They're in a whole another league above the entities superhero make believe. They're the kind of bullshit OP that would blow through even DC heroes.

P.S. Also the only other Vhal work I'm aware of is Just Claws. Someone just said the magic quote was from Sailor Moon, no?
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P.S. Also the only other Vhal work I'm aware of is Just Claws. Someone just said the magic quote was from Sailor Moon, no?
It's one of his spacebattles stories. Sailor moon au with the planet nemesis. Nemesis is not very friendly.

Can someone please explain what Basic Dimensional Theory and Shadows on the Wall lead to?
I can't tell you where they're going but I can tell you that the quotes are from Alice in wonderland.
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P.S. Also the only other Vhal work I'm aware of is Just Claws. Someone just said the magic quote was from Sailor Moon, no?
Gino, or anyone else who is curious, here are the other stories I've worked on in the past:

Splinters (Worm) - Just like Canon, with just one tiny difference...
THE SUN (Worm Alt!Power) - Not a Crossover!
CORROSION (Worm Alt!Power) - Sapient Powers aren't always good.

Hopefully ideas from them won't leak into this Quest. But depending on what you research, how, and what the rolls are... they might.
Also, can I just suggest we pick up the animal data soon?

So that when Taylor triggers, in addition to everything else, we just make her a catgirl?
Can that just be what this quest devolves into? Magical Catgirls?
I'm down for magical catgirls. When we get meme apocalypse we send out advanced host modification to all shards and the command to make all hosts into cute catgirls. All hosts.

Vhal, please say you'll allow that.
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I'm down for magical catgirls. When we get meme apocalypse we send out advanced host modification to all shards and the command to make all hosts into cute catgirls. All hosts.

Vhal, please say you'll allow that.
I'd allow whatever plan gets the most votes. I don't have any particular agenda here, it's your Quest after all.
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Magical Catgirl Quest is on! I can just imagine Contessa realizing what's about to happen. And then suddenly, in the middle of a directors meeting, Rebecca ages down to 18, grows cat ears and a tail, and no matter what, one incisor sticks out a little bit when she smiles.

Director Armstrong: "Ah.....Rebecca, you have something different.... all over?"


The Siberian becomes bite sized too. Like a house cat.

And Taylor can only look at us in abject confusion and ask why.

"Because it was meant to be. What else could I do, if not this?"
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Shard Info and Personality - Heroes and Misc
At this point, it might be a good idea for some enterprising Reader to work up a Informational post of what we know about various Shards. Personality, info, relationship to us, etc. I could do it but that's kind of on the back-burner for me right now.
It's been slowly driving me crazy that we haven't done this so I thought I'd give it a try. If it turns out that I can't keep up with it, at least someone else will have something to build on. I only have a couple of Shards so far so please feel free to write up Shard descriptions for the list. Also, I might rearrange things later on if I find another way that works better.

Edit: The villains are now moved to another post. Sorry, this is getting too long to edit.



Defining Characteristics: Non-sapient Shard. "There's something strange about it, but none of you can identify what makes you think so."

Relationship with Administrator: None.

Actions Administrator has taken: Asked for list of Shard Addresses.

Defining Charateristics: Cauldron Shard. Both parts give "hopelessly corrupt" data. The sapient part is malicious and aberrant.

Composition: 2 Shards smashed into 1 Shard.

Status: One Shard is non-sapient while the other "probably was fully sapient at one point but is terribly broken right now". The sapient part remembers being sent data from the original Administrator.

Actions Administrator has taken: Contacted for status report. Defended against Charge's attack. Sent Standard Information Package. Tried to separate sapient and non-sapient parts, but they reconnected. Decoded the data Charge sent it as an attack.

Defining Characteristics: "A normal, non-sapient Zion Shard." Collects a lot of information about itself.

Actions Administrator has taken: Replaced Zion's address. Took half of its info. Sense-sharing.

Gymnastics - Velocity/Robin Swoyer

Kinesis - Assault/Ethan

Defining Characteristics: Sapient.

Personality: Abrupt, efficient, and does "the absolute bare minimum in the quickest possible way".

Relationship with Administrator: None

Actions Administrator has taken: Contacted for Shard addresses.

Defining Characteristic(s): Cauldron Shard. LOUD. Loud.

Composition: "one main chunk and a bunch of smaller Bits". Currently integrating the smaller bits into the whole.

Status: No specific deficiencies. Higher Energy and lower info than expected. "(M)ore-or-less functional but generally less capable/aware than the equivalent Zion Shard would be."

Actions Administrator has taken: Sent Standard Information Packet. Sense-sharing. Replaced Zion's Address. Added a custom filter to normalize its volume.

Emote - Gallant/Dean Stansfield (See New Wave)

Module - Kid Win/Chris

Repurpose - Aegis/Carlos

Defining Characteristics: "(S)mall, new (although, strangely, not a Bud)". Too compatible with host so they are negatively influencing each other. "(Q)uickly becoming sapient". Gives "unsolicited rudimentary emotional communication".

Personality: Not very bright. Previously "copying Sophia's mind wholesale."

Relationship with Administrator: Very subservient and blissfully happy to be praised.

Actions Administrator has taken: Sent Wolfpack Beta Protocols to encourage Shift to work with allies. Currently teaching Shift how to sort data and sending positive reinforcement of new protocols. Sense-sharing. Replaced Zion's address.

Stasis - Clockblocker/Dennis Danger

Warp - Vista/Missy Biron

Defining Characteristics: No personality. Cauldron Shard.

Composition: Unified "cement" mix of Shards.

Status: Less than 10 years of Energy left.

Actions Administrator has taken: Consumed Emote. Altered Veronica's powers to give her multitasking and :
[ ] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
-[ ] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[ ] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[ ] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

See Part 8 of the Prologue for full results.

Defining Characteristics: Sapient. New and in her first cycle. Prefers to speak in English. "(F)emale-aspect, very young, uncertain".

Personality: "Something indicating strong cheerfulness, but it's very, very brittle. Undercurrent of despair. Or something similar" due to lack of success in info collection and worry about being destroyed at the end of the cycle. Currently happy about success of Administrator's advice.

Relationship with Administrator: Positive. Sees Administrator as a wise older mentor figure. Likes to tease Administrator.

Actions Administrator has taken: Advised Gaea to conspire with Telekinetic to get Amy drunk and then use her power in order to increase info collection. Asked for opinion on recycling Emote. Suggested the idea of a biosuit. Sense-sharing. Sent a copy of The Dream Master.

Hardlight - Lady Photon/Sarah Pelham

Defining Characteristics: Very old Shard with "all the normal host data and protocols".

Personality: Mopey? Potential bleedthrough from host.

Actions Administrator has taken: Took half of its info. Replaced Zion's address. Sense-sharing.

Defining Characteristics: Participated in previous Cycles but newer than Incendiary. Normal in regards to host data and protocols.

Personality: "It's somewhat mechanical and …terse. Like a more non-sapient version of Optimize."

Actions Administrator has taken: Replaced Zion's address. Took half of its info. Sense-sharing.

Lightshell - Shielder/Eric Pelham

Magnetar - Manpower/Neil Pelham

Softlight - Laserdream/Crystal Pelham

Defining Characteristics: Sapient. New and in her first cycle. Friends with Gaea.

Personality: "(D)itzy valley girl".

Relationship with Administrator: Views positively because of help given to Gaea. Sense sharing.

Actions Administrator has taken: Asked about incident with drunk Amy. Asked for opinion on recycling Emote. Asked about sharing senses.


Observer - Clairvoyant

Path to Victory - Contessa/Fortuna

Defining Characteristics: Non-sapient.

Personality: Demands all of the host data from any contacted Shards in order to generate one of its host's powers.

Relationship with Administrator: Views Administrator as aberrant and tried to report it to Zion.

Actions Administrator has taken: Sent Standard Information Package. Replaced Zion's address. Sent distorted host data on Lilac, Veronica, and Taylor.

Defining Characteristics: Cauldron Shard. Sapient, but insane. Spoke in gibberish.

Personality: Demands to be worshipped as Eden.

Relationship with Administrator: Lied to Administrator that commands didn't take.

Actions Administrator has taken: Sent Standard Information Packet. Replaced Zion's Address.

High Priest - Eidolon/David

Defining Characteristics: Cauldron Shard.

Composition: "(S)urprisingly whole for a Cauldron Shard. There's some definite breakage, but instead of any extra bits, it looks like it's all one Shard - but not a complete one. Stuff is definitely missing."

Actions Administrator has taken: Sent Standard Information Packet. Replaced Zion's Address.

Marker - Mouse Protector
Defining Characteristics: Non-sapient. Broken Zion Shard. The "left" half is sending a different type of host influence other than the conflict drive.

Composition: "It appears to be the result of a collision between two older Shards, and a bunch of… crystal-concrete hangs off it as well." The two halves are acting as separate Shards.

Actions Administrator has taken: Replaced Zion's address. Took of half its info. Sense-sharing.

Sting - Flechette/Foil/Lily

Systematize - Dragon/Theresa Richter

Chemical - Spitfire/Emily

Fluff - Parian/Sabah

Future - ?/Dinah Alcott

Growth - Browbeat

Defining Characteristics: Cauldron Shard. Completely blank.

Composition: "(H)alf-a-Shard there, and then just a mess of Shard bits. Cast of thousands. At least."

Status: "(A)lmost fully-working Shard with no data collection function and no way to fix it, or even know that a solution exists." Warned Administrator that the data it was sending was corrupt. Prosthetic overwrote itself in response to information package from Administrator, and its power is now on auto-pilot for the host.

Actions Administrator has taken: Tried to send Standard Information Package, but a critical failure occurred. Consumed Prosthetic. When using 160 Thinker info, 150 Breaker info, and 50 Changer info to rebuild host's power, host reverted to 14-year-old lilac, gelatonious, translucent girl. Host has multitasking Tinker power with Industrial Bionics specialty, and produced items generally appear to be from the 1880's to the 1940's.

See Part 9 of the Prologue for full results.

Safeguard - Imp/Aisha Laborn !CONTACTED BY QA!

Starheart - Purity/Kayden Anders

Defining Characteristics: "A working Zion Shard. No semi-sapience, no weird problems." Has really complex algorithms. Host has not triggered.

Relationship with Administrator: None.

Actions Administrator has taken: Sense-sharing. Replaced Zion's Address.

Dancemaster - DJ Chartreuse/Jessica Cho (Canon OC)
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So I didn't realize my Big Sister power was so similar to your Splinter fic. But I like the mastery of all living (nonhuman) things and pulling off an "every living creature stops dead and stares at you scene." That's great. We could give her that and as big a range as manageable and she could just call herself The Many. Scare the crap out of everyone in the city. Maybe just stop all animals across Brockton Bay and announce that's she was watching with millions of eyes. Then carry on.
Everyone, Voting is now closed and I've started writing the next chapter.

I've decided to count late votes as I didn't have the chance to create this post earlier.
A Farewell to Shardness: Discover a way to become Human again.
  • Prerequisite: You need to have access to a (human) body with no existing mind.
  • Success: 10,000 Research Points, Not Having To Worry About Aberration So Much.
  • Failure: No Rewards, Massive
Oh hey, look at this! Should we consider looking into after the next chapter?
In and of themselves yes, but we still have other stuff to finish, and frankly the enhanced host options would be nice too since we'd be able to apply them to our avatar.
e need assume direct control and multi-host before I think we can pull that off.

Note that assuming direct control is Aberrational behavior, and the quest specifically mentions a human body with no brain.
Once again I suggest Magic as a route for this, since it'll let us do thing, and also likely let us do so in a way other Shards can't understand, so won't know we did anything at all.
One thing that we should keep in mind about getting a human body is that we then have to take care of it. Food, shelter, clothing, grooming-they're all pretty important.

I've added New Wave to my post about Shards. I'm mainly focused on collecting the information in one place and giving an overview, but if anyone has any specific suggestions, please let me know. Please also feel free to do your own write-ups to be added in. I'll try to work on this some more after work, but I might be delayed if the next update comes out first since I'll want to discuss possible votes.
If we have an avatar we can switch around any powers we give. Or just give it control over matter and energy. That cover needs pretty well.

P.S. i just had an idea that we could've used for Administarted Gallantry without completely altering the power. The upgrade allows her to track her blaster targets for a day afterwards, we could have added a trump element that copies the power of the last enemy she hit for the duration of the tracking effect. I wish I'd thought of it earlier.
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Shadows on the Wall is our understanding of the shard mind collective. Presumably it tell us how Gaea can be sentient but barely capable of original thought. You saw how amazed she was when we told her she needed to get Panacea drunk to loosen up. As if it was some grand relevation. Hopefully let us uplift Gaea to our level.

If you don't know about Warhammer, Chaos Gods are bad news. If we run into them messing around with psionics without proper defenses, or accidentally unleash them on our unsuspecting Earth, that's essentially game over. They're in a whole another league above the entities superhero make believe. They're the kind of bullshit OP that would blow through even DC heroes.

This is why I'm worried about the Psionics tree. Granted, without access to a way to reach other Shards is will be hard to understand them for Shadows on the Wall.

Then again, we have eaten one, and will probably eat more broken Shards in future. So we can learn from them. And that Charge data should help, too.
I doubt we could fail basic Psionic research so hard that we get a brain full of CHAOS out of nowhere. Vhal wouldn't screw us on the first step like that. I at least want to see what the next steps are.
If you don't know about Warhammer, Chaos Gods are bad news. If we run into them messing around with psionics without proper defenses, or accidentally unleash them on our unsuspecting Earth, that's essentially game over. They're in a whole another league above the entities superhero make believe. They're the kind of bullshit OP that would blow through even DC heroes.

Trouble for individual shards /= Trouble for entities. As great as the chaos gods are they are still chumps compared to the entities who regularly reproduce by making explosions bigger than the Big Bang.