[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

[X] Plan Taylor, Ducats
-[X] Give Taylor a nice night of sleep, show Taylor nice dreams, beach vacation, Christmas, doing something fun etc.
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).

[X] Stop messing with Charge for now - leave her alone.

[X] Plan "Waking Dream"
-[X] Eat Prosthetic and give Trainwreck useful Tinker powers as defined in a separate plan.
-[X] Send Trainwreck a dream where he thinks he's woken up to hear a couple of people nearby talking about going to Faultline's club, the Palanquin. One of them should wonder about the ethics of going to a club run by a mercenary. The other responds that at least her crew doesn't kill people like the gangs do. Plus, she takes in "those weird mutated capes with no memories".

[X] Plan "Support Devices Specialization"
-[X] Use 160 Tinker info to give Trainwreck Tinker powers with a specialization towards devices that can be used to support people, either by boosting their physical abilities or by limiting them. The devices should have a steampunk theme whenever possible.
-[X] Use 150 Breaker and 50 Changer info to keep Trainwreck alive.

[X] Plan Shift
-[X] Check in with Shift to make sure things are going well and reassure her that you haven't forgotten her.
--[X] If she's upset that you didn't contact her yesterday, tell her it's because she's doing such a good job that she's becoming a more capable member of the pack.
-[X] Trade Shift 50 Master for 50 brute data. We need it to repair our hosts potential brain damage.

[X] Plan Negotiator
-[X] Contact Negotiator to let her know that you're currently evaluating the damaged Shards. You're just doing patch jobs for now while you figure out which Shards are salvageable.
--[X] Let her know that Emote has already been consumed because it was running low on Energy. Prosthetic reacted badly to the Standard Information Packet, but you have a plan!

[X] Plan Don't Do That
-[X] Send Veronica a dream of her throwing a blast at someone that kills them because it was more powerful than expected.
--[X] Hopefully, this inspires her to test out her powers safely.

[X] Plan Psionics research
-[X] Use the new slot on Basic Psionic Theory 1
-[X] Otherwise continue previous research

Can we vote for Psionic research this one turn, @Vhalidictes has said that we actually need to research it inside an update instead of with omake research. I am willing to write up an omake research to make up for the vote if people are wanting us to get some other stuff too, but Psionics and I suspect Magic/Dimensional research has to be finished in an update.

I would recommend that we go Psionics since like magic it is a power that we don't need to back fully for it to work. We could in theory with Psionics just awaken Taylor's psionic potential with a weak trigger and focus most of our side of the deal on information analysis (make mind reading easier), insulation (protecting Taylor from reading the shards of parahumans) and lending Taylor our own psionic might when in a pinch. I would also recommend it because Psionics tend to be versatile and viable for a human, when magic tends to be more involved and time consuming (decades of study, lucky us we are a creative planet-sized supercomputer) and dimensional stuff is very much something that I think will be most useful in our hands or an AI.

Another thing is that I don't want to stop giving Taylor dreams, just because Taylor is not in tip top shape (for Taylor), but I do recognize that we could compromise both our views by intentionally giving Taylor nice and grounded dreams. Then on day four we can get back to the program by showing Canary then Eidolon then Eden's demise and finally meeting us on day seven.

Other than that I don't have anything else I would like to interject with, the other plans seem pretty solid.
No, Shift gets info, just without another host she wasn't getting any. Really, it's best when you have a host nearby. She'll be able to draw some data from us, more when our ranges overlap, but wasn't getting anything from us before we had a Host.

As far as Shards go, most aren't sentient and sapience shouldn't be terribly common. I'm not sure exactly what information Administrator should know that they would be expecting?
Oh, that makes sense. Is Shift already getting info from us then, or do we have to vote on it?

We seem to be running into a lot of sapient, sentient Shards for it to be uncommon. The only non-Cauldron Shards we've contacted are Shift, Gaea, Negotiator, and Optimize. Shift isn't sapient YET, and the last update mentioned that Optimize is sapient, unlike Frictionless. Gaea has already asked us about something we didn't know, and Negotiator tested us by speaking in Low Symbolic, a language that we only knew because apparently we've been going through Administrator's older memories in the background.

While theoretically, it should be safe to contact more Shards, the history of the quest suggests that it's a risk.

Can we vote for Psionic research this one turn, @Vhalidictes has said that we actually need to research it inside an update instead of with omake research. I am willing to write up an omake research to make up for the vote if people are wanting us to get some other stuff too, but Psionics and I suspect Magic/Dimensional research has to be finished in an update.

I would recommend that we go Psionics since like magic it is a power that we don't need to back fully for it to work. We could in theory with Psionics just awaken Taylor's psionic potential with a weak trigger and focus most of our side of the deal on information analysis (make mind reading easier), insulation (protecting Taylor from reading the shards of parahumans) and lending Taylor our own psionic might when in a pinch. I would also recommend it because Psionics tend to be versatile and viable for a human, when magic tends to be more involved and time consuming (decades of study, lucky us we are a creative planet-sized supercomputer) and dimensional stuff is very much something that I think will be most useful in our hands or an AI.
Psionics is a pretty low priority, considering that there's something wrong with Taylor, she might trigger soon, we've run into possible memetic hazards, and we can learn how to research faster. Also, it would only be Basic Psionic Theory. I suspect that we would have to go pretty far down the tree in order to get all of the stuff that you're talking about.

The dream plan is a pretty good one though. Maybe we can keep Taylor from triggering or doing something stupid while her brain is messed up.
Oh, that makes sense. Is Shift already getting info from us then, or do we have to vote on it?

That's a very good question since reciprocating is a choice. Personally I don't see any reason not to, since it's one of the few ways to create extra information. Better to try and create as much data as possible so we can gather it all up.

This is, in a way, why I'm more interested in shoving something into Prosthetic than eating it. We can't double data by sharing it within ourselves, but a secondary Shard than was entirely loyal to us and programmed to just shift it's data over regularly? We could sense share with it and double our data from our Host and its. Granted we'd have to be careful to make it loyal, but we could give it a shot.
Psionics is a pretty low priority, considering that there's something wrong with Taylor, she might trigger soon, we've run into possible memetic hazards, and we can learn how to research faster. Also, it would only be Basic Psionic Theory. I suspect that we would have to go pretty far down the tree in order to get all of the stuff that you're talking about.
Taylor triggering soon I think is a bit overblown as of right now (unless her painless state makes her overexert herself and gets crippled), so far she is only painless and is taking our dreams into consideration. Though I will give you that the trigger timetable has gotten shorter thanks to our involvement (the flipping of the paradigm we are currently doing and Sophia), but that is also why I recommend Psionics since it will allow us to give her a weak trigger without crippling her in the power department.

Also despite what everyone says, Psionics don't actually have memetic hazards, that is the Dimensional tech. Another thing is that the only warning we have is that the entities are regretful over something regarding this tech and that their survival and growth point to them dealing with this tech mid cycle (aka when they are at their weakest). And to reiterate the thread is fear mongering again, if everyone are so worried then write some research omakes about Memetic Filtering (275 tinker data and 125 research) instead of just complaining about risks and worries that we have come up with ourselves every time something does not go perfectly as planned.

The dream plan is a pretty good one though. Maybe we can keep Taylor from triggering or doing something stupid while her brain is messed up.
That was the basic idea, the important part here would be that they are "realistic" in such a way that Taylor can get actual enjoyment out of them, instead of the (emotionally) useless mishmash that normal dreams are.
Vhal, what all could we fill it with? Could we copy an instance of ourselves over? If so, would it have skills?
Make it into a basic non-sapient Shard and let it grow normally?
Your options are:
1) Copying yourself. This will result in another version of you (good and bad)
2) Making a non-sapient, functional Shard. This will result in you having either any ally or <redacted>, depending on what you do afterwards
3) Eating it first and then Budding (the old-fashioned way). You will decide how much mass, information, and energy to seed the Bud with. It will start out non-sapient but I imagine will quickly learn from you (as a new, separate being with its own outlook).

We seem to be running into a lot of sapient, sentient Shards for it to be uncommon. The only non-Cauldron Shards we've contacted are Shift, Gaea, Negotiator, and Optimize. Shift isn't sapient YET, and the last update mentioned that Optimize is sapient, unlike Frictionless. Gaea has already asked us about something we didn't know, and Negotiator tested us by speaking in Low Symbolic, a language that we only knew because apparently we've been going through Administrator's older memories in the background.
Brockton Bay isn't a normal environment. A lot of Core Shards around combined with a lot of second-generation Buds, in a place that had too many capes per capita, means that BB is ground zero for sapience.

Extrapolating from what you've seen, most of the other Shards you will run into are non-sapient, and most of the Eden Shards are malfunctioning in many ways. This can result in various stripes of free-will, but they don't typically communicate on their own (if they even can).

I guess what I'm saying is that you have a very skewed sample set.

Side Note: Your knowledge of Worm would indicate that Negotiator wasn't sapient in canon. At least, not this soon. That's probably some kind of divergence?

The dream plan is a pretty good one though. Maybe we can keep Taylor from triggering or doing something stupid while her brain is messed up.
While you should definitely plan around this, scanning your Hosts will give you more data that you can use for a more detailed plan.
Taylor triggering soon I think is a bit overblown as of right now (unless her painless state makes her overexert herself and gets crippled), so far she is only painless and is taking our dreams into consideration. Though I will give you that the trigger timetable has gotten shorter thanks to our involvement (the flipping of the paradigm we are currently doing and Sophia), but that is also why I recommend Psionics since it will allow us to give her a weak trigger without crippling her in the power department.

Also despite what everyone says, Psionics don't actually have memetic hazards, that is the Dimensional tech. Another thing is that the only warning we have is that the entities are regretful over something regarding this tech and that their survival and growth point to them dealing with this tech mid cycle (aka when they are at their weakest). And to reiterate the thread is fear mongering again, if everyone are so worried then write some research omakes about Memetic Filtering (275 tinker data and 125 research) instead of just complaining about risks and worries that we have come up with ourselves every time something does not go perfectly as planned.
I'm worried about Taylor triggering because (1) something is wrong with her body and from the way she was staring at her burned finger, she probably knows it, and (2) if she manages to figure out that Sophia is Shadow Stalker on her own, then she's not likely to take it well, especially if she's already stressed from her mysterious ailment/the bullying/etc.

We don't know that we could learn Psionics fast enough to teach Tayor how to do them by the time she triggers. Again, the research option is only BASIC PSIONIC THEORY.

You feel minor pain from the feedback for a long few minutes of real-time as her mind re-adjusts to her powers. You suspect that this could or should have been a lot worse except for the fact that her new and old powers are so similar. It's likely also beneficial that she's still asleep.
We didn't realize that giving Veronica an entirely different power could be bad until afterwards. We didn't realize that sending Prosthetics the Standard Information Packet would result in it wiping itself blank. We didn't realize that our suggestion to Gaea would end up with Panacea on the run. Please stop dismissing concern about the risks of something as "fear mongering". And I HAVE been writing omakes to advance research projects.
Well now we have definitive confirmation that's somethings up with Negotiator. Maybe we could just straight up ask if everything is all right. Maybe say she seems off somehow, is there a problem? Does she need help?

Also, I'm going to collect all the proposed votes in one place again, that worked well last time. Cuts down on the random splattering.
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Well now we have definitive confirmation that's somethings up with Negotiator. Maybe we could just straight up ask if everything is all right. Maybe say she seems off somehow, is there a problem? Does she need help?

Also, I'm going to collect all the proposed votes in one place again, that worked well last time. Cuts down on the random splattering.
I suspect that Negotiator is another human intelligence, considering that she referred to Administrator as "Queenie" when Administrator only got the name "Queen Administrator" later on in Worm canon. I just don't really know what to do about it. Also, we should consider whether to add asking Negotiator to sense-share with us to the plan.
Please stop dismissing concern about the risks of something as "fear mongering". And I HAVE been writing omakes to advance research projects.
Yes, thank you, but the reason I do call this fear mongering is because this happens every chapter, like the time when people became afraid of contacting other shards because they might rat us out, or when people began to worry that the Blackwell dream would be too extreme because Taylor hates Blackwell while projecting fanon Blackwell onto her (the character that has one scene in canon in which Taylor is actually in the wrong and she is an administrator), or that everyone would overreact to Amy (which ended with the people she cares about supporting her and Amy running away so she could do some self discovering).

Finally, sorry if the comments comes off as rude, it is not the intent, but this is one of the areas where I think the thread overreacts too much.

We don't know that we could learn Psionics fast enough to teach Tayor how to do them by the time she triggers. Again, the research option is only BASIC PSIONIC THEORY.
Yeah, that is the thing it is basic theory, i. e. knowledge, not power. So we could just give Taylor access to Psionics and then teach Taylor new stuff as we learn it since Psionics is both a skill and a power. And maybe Taylor will learn things that we don't know and can subsequently make further research cheaper.

Also, I'm going to collect all the proposed votes in one place again, that worked well last time. Cuts down on the random splattering.

Thank you.

Well now we have definitive confirmation that's somethings up with Negotiator. Maybe we could just straight up ask if everything is all right. Maybe say she seems off somehow, is there a problem? Does she need help?
I suspect that Negotiator is another human intelligence, considering that she referred to Administrator as "Queenie" when Administrator only got the name "Queen Administrator" later on in Worm canon. I just don't really know what to do about it. Also, we should consider whether to add asking Negotiator to sense-share with us to the plan.
Yeah, backing Mount. Elements on this one. Does anyone have any ideas on how to monitor Negotiator or should we maybe just confront her (after a few more conversations).

While I appreciate the thought, you, uhm, might want to check your links first.
Since they seem to be pointing at random posts right now.
(I think you're trying to link to post number instead of getting the permalink for the post you want)

Also, I'd love to have a reference to what Omake points have been awarded/spent, so we can keep track if one isn't spent.

EDIT: Aaaaand, it's gone.
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Yes, thank you, but the reason I do call this fear mongering is because this happens every chapter, like the time when people became afraid of contacting other shards because they might rat us out, or when people began to worry that the Blackwell dream would be too extreme because Taylor hates Blackwell while projecting fanon Blackwell onto her (the character that has one scene in canon in which Taylor is actually in the wrong and she is an administrator), or that everyone would overreact to Amy (which ended with the people she cares about supporting her and Amy running away so she could do some self discovering).

Finally, sorry if the comments comes off as rude, it is not the intent, but this is one of the areas where I think the thread overreacts too much.
The thing is that these fears haven't been proven wrong yet, though partially because we haven't contacted a lot of Shards or sent Taylor the Blackwell dream. While most people took Amy's actions ok, Carol is apparently building a "'healer's dungeon'. People need sunlight, you know? Even flight risk people! Well Ames wouldn't have run if you weren't such a bitch, Mom!" while Veronica's mom is very unhappy about her new daughter. Vhalidictes' comments suggest that Armsmaster and Piggot weren't very happy either. We don't know how it will turn out in the end, and we've also got a quest to stay alive, suggesting that we can die if we aren't careful.

I think it's important to take into consideration the risks and to try to plan for them, but it's ok to say, "I think we're being too cautious/risk-averse here". It's NOT ok to call it "fear mongering" because that has very negative connotations.
Maybe we should give Gaea the idea for a symbiotic suit again. Amy could really uses the survivability, movement, and stealth buff that would give her on her own.
I mean we should probably wait until the crisis is resolved, but Panacea is very squishy, and the Empire isn't going to be very happy with her right now. The merchants are too dumb to not attack her and the ABB won't care who she is. The minor villains and Coil are probably the only ones who will let her be. Although if Coil goes after Amy while she's vulnerable I vote we immediately go for ADC or just shank him. She's too valuable.
Omake index
Omake Index:

Administrative Issues, A Father's Regrets, Round One, Fight by The_GrandMage

Worm: The E88 Strikes Back by KidFromPallet

Detective Perry and the Lively Ladybug by Gino

Welcome to KETTLE (tentative name) by Gino

Lovely Zombie Slayer Telekinetic Samius, Season 1 Episode 8 Preview: Absolute Cure Countdown by Ducats

Cultural Appropriation Catgirl Rune-Chan!
by The_GrandMage

The Amazing Adventures of Abaddon and Collin Episode: Origin by KidFromPallet

Interlude C by TigerTitian

Marquis' Most Loyal Ones by Kejmur

Omake Research Index:

Omake Research: Overload 1 by The_GrandMage

Omake Research: The Dream Master by Ducats

Omake Research: Memetic Proxy Filtering by PurposefulZephyr

Omake Research: Focused Research 1 by PurposefulZephyr

Omake Research: You Learn More From Your Failures Than Your Successes (Human Biology) by The_GrandMage

Omake Research: Human Biology Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Basic Psionic Research, 1 by Ducats

Omake Research: Stabilize Trigger by Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Basic Host Modification (Human) by Gino

Omake Research: Stabilize Trigger, 1 by The_GrandMage

Omake Research: Memetic Proxy Filtering 1 by Ducats

Omake Research: Basic Host Modification by Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Basic Host Modification by Gino

Omake Research: Faster Research 2 by Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Empathic Transmission by Gino

Omake Research: Focused Research 1 by Polenball

Omake Research: Basic Dimensional Theory, 1 by Redshirt Army

Omake Research: Basic Dimensional Theory, 2 by Redshirt Army

Omake Research: Stranger Danger by Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Basic Magic Theory 1 by The_Grandmage

Omake Research: Assume Direct Control 1 by Gino

Omake Research: Better Memetic Separation by Ccstat

Omake Research: Administrative Censorship, 1 by Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Stranger Danger 1 by Redshirt Army

Research Log Omake - Brainmeat Research/Symbolic Analysis by WillRobinson

Omake Research: Basic Psionic research, 2 by Ducats

Omake Research: Administrative Censorship, 2 by Mount. Elements

Omake Research: Stabilize Trigger, 2 by ccstat

Omake Research: Specialty Comprehension and Multi-Host Connection by Valdimarian

Note: Not all of the omake research points was used on the research that the omake was about.

@Vhalidictes can you thread mark this post?

I had to take down the previous version since every time I did an edit the other edits would revert to the original.
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The thing is that these fears haven't been proven wrong yet, though partially because we haven't contacted a lot of Shards or sent Taylor the Blackwell dream. While most people took Amy's actions ok, Carol is apparently building a "'healer's dungeon'. People need sunlight, you know? Even flight risk people! Well Ames wouldn't have run if you weren't such a bitch, Mom!" while Veronica's mom is very unhappy about her new daughter. Vhalidictes' comments suggest that Armsmaster and Piggot weren't very happy either. We don't know how it will turn out in the end, and we've also got a quest to stay alive, suggesting that we can die if we aren't careful.

I think it's important to take into consideration the risks and to try to plan for them, but it's ok to say, "I think we're being too cautious/risk-averse here". It's NOT ok to call it "fear mongering" because that has very negative connotations.
But that is the thing, things don't get planned for, only just don't do this, instead of real solutions. The Blackwell dream was not met with let's figure out a way to minimize the negatives if they show, but let's drop this whole seven day dream thing, then after people have been saying they want to abandon the plan completely, we get someone that makes an alternative.

or let's take the Psionics research, the only response is it can go wrong so let's not do it until we get the tech no-one is really interested in when we do actually have confirmation from Vhal that we have contingencies:
The good news is that, because of the specific way that you implemented extra research, you can 'scrub'/delete your infected self and keep going.
so the fear of suddenly being overtaken by the not!chaos gods is something that we do actually have contingencies for. Another thing is that the thread decided that it is basically the Warp instead of the Shroud from Stellaris an equivalent dimension with both good and bad entities. So my real gripe is that the thread goes for the most extreme bad reaction to things instead of giving a measured response and then discussing possible ways to offset potential problems. For example I offered to write a research omake to offset the research that was done on Psionics, which is a viable option since Memetic Filtering is so cheap, for example you and I could each write one on it and it would be bought.

Also sorry for the double post, but the previous post and this one don't really mesh.
But that is the thing, things don't get planned for, only just don't do this, instead of real solutions. The Blackwell dream was not met with let's figure out a way to minimize the negatives if they show, but let's drop this whole seven day dream thing, then after people have been saying they want to abandon the plan completely, we get someone that makes an alternative.

or let's take the Psionics research, the only response is it can go wrong so let's not do it until we get the tech no-one is really interested in when we do actually have confirmation from Vhal that we have contingencies:
so the fear of suddenly being overtaken by the not!chaos gods is something that we do actually have contingencies for. Another thing is that the thread decided that it is basically the Warp instead of the Shroud from Stellaris an equivalent dimension with both good and bad entities. So my real gripe is that the thread goes for the most extreme bad reaction to things instead of giving a measured response and then discussing possible ways to offset potential problems. For example I offered to write a research omake to offset the research that was done on Psionics, which is a viable option since Memetic Filtering is so cheap, for example you and I could each write one on it and it would be bought.

Also sorry for the double post, but the previous post and this one don't really mesh.
Coming up with an alternative WAS a valid response to people's worries about the Blackwell dream. We also shouldn't keep the 7-dreams plan if it no longer fits the situation, though I can't say for sure if that applies right now.

I AM interested in the Memetic Proxy Filtering since it's a form of defense that we need for multiple situations including Adminstrative Archaeology. Though I think that Basic Host Modification (Human) and Stabilize Trigger are more urgent considering Taylor's current condition so I'm going to focus on them. Memetic Proxy Filtering 1 also slows down research until we get Memetic Proxy Filtering 2 so it would be a good idea to get the research projects that speed up research first. Finally, I personally am more interested in Basic Magic Theory than Basic Psionic Theory, and since Vhalidictes has said that we won't be able to research even the first branch of all of the research trees, I'm going to vote for magic after all of the more important research projects have been completed.

I don't agree with your views on Psionics, but you're welcome to them. Just please don't dismiss people not wanting to vote for the same things you want as purely because they're unreasonably afraid.
1D100+12 => 40 (Failure)

During the meal, they clearly both intend to start talking about their issues, but neither Taylor nor Danny can quite work up the courage (care?), but it's still more relaxed than many of the recent meals. Danny talks about some kind of Empire problem at work instead, and Taylor mentions offhandedly that she's been having some trouble with her assignments, but that she's on top of it.
While I generally want Taylor to tell Danny what's going on, I can't help but hope that this roll fails until we manage to fix Taylor's brain. Either that, or that Taylor doesn't mention her mysterious ailment when telling Danny about the bullies.
[] Plan "Minion"
-[] Attempt to shock Prosthetics back online.
-[] If that fails, write over with a non-sapient functional shard, missing the components necessary to create it's own personality, and with complete trust lock-down to only ourselves.
--[] Give it Dream Master, ability to share dreams we set up and upload to it.
--[] Have it stream share sense with ourselves and the non-sapient Shards we already know are safe to share senses with.
--[] Have it contact and upload all data it collects this way to us, daily. As well as log of Host activities for the day.
-[] Vote on power it enacts under our orders separately.

There, that'll give us a second source of share-senses data to farm, while not infringing on our Earth. It's a good little bot to follow our orders and do what we tell it. Yes, it's probably not the most ethical of choices, but it's a barely sapient shard of an omnicidal space whale. Plus, we can always go back and let it develop a personality or eat it later.

Better to make use of the sense-sharing data duplication in an exploitative manner.
Coming up with an alternative WAS a valid response to people's worries about the Blackwell dream. We also shouldn't keep the 7-dreams plan if it no longer fits the situation, though I can't say for sure if that applies right now.

I AM interested in the Memetic Proxy Filtering since it's a form of defense that we need for multiple situations including Adminstrative Archaeology. Though I think that Basic Host Modification (Human) and Stabilize Trigger are more urgent considering Taylor's current condition so I'm going to focus on them. Memetic Proxy Filtering 1 also slows down research until we get Memetic Proxy Filtering 2 so it would be a good idea to get the research projects that speed up research first. Finally, I personally am more interested in Basic Magic Theory than Basic Psionic Theory, and since Vhalidictes has said that we won't be able to research even the first branch of all of the research trees, I'm going to vote for magic after all of the more important research projects have been completed.

I don't agree with your views on Psionics, but you're welcome to them. Just please don't dismiss people not wanting to vote for the same things you want as purely because they're unreasonably afraid.

Thank you for the response. While I can agree on that Basic Host Modification is something we need I feel that we will get more bang for our buck with the Psionics Research as it is something that need to be researched in a story post for it to go though while also having just a 50 point research cost, so barring bad luck we should be able to get it over with in one turn, while we can then prioritize using omake research on things that can be done outside story posts. The main reason that I am pushing Psionics so much is because it is an avenue of research (that is cheap) that does not necessitate a strong trigger to happen. As I have mentioned earlier I am not super enthused by magic mainly because of the time cost that is necessary to get anywhere with is as it is very much a long term benefit, while we need to prepare for trigger that can happen many turn before we are done with research like, host modification and stabilize trigger.

On the point of dismissing other I will admit that I am probably unduly harsh, but I feel that my point still stands as there exist more counter arguments than things can go wrong, so would much more like arguments that focus around how they are not very interested since they want to go another way, or not stretching ourself too far.
I like this minion plan actually. Just give TW a dumb, loyal shard and send him off to Faultline. He's not really important enough for more.

We might want to bud off Valiant similarly eventually, just keeping our core mass for the hosts we trust with the truth.

We should treat our buds like Shift, speak to them regularly, treat them well, teach them some morality.
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Maybe we should look into what the benefits of being a big blob is compared to having many vassals before we split a new Emote from ourselves, Prosthetics can be the guinea pig and we can go from there.