[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

She's the only one to be even close to seeking redemption in canon. Wildbows GlowWorm has reflect on herself and look for answers.
While redemption is nice and all, she comes from the perspective that she was important enough to have created Kephri and not the fact that she was a terrible person and wants to own up to her deficiencies any way she can.

Say... how will all the changes that QA has made to itself affect Taylor's future trigger? Also... are the voters likely to let her canon trigger event go through? Would she even trigger from the locker with the changes made to her brain?

It won't happen. I could go into reasons inside the quest to explain it, but the real reason is the fact that the quest gives a debuff for time skips so the thread does not want to do it, which means that there is almost sixty days until the locker which rounds up to 120 updates. So no there is not enough patience to do so.
For Madison, we Jacob Marley her. Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future her. What has been, is, could be. Show her how Taylor and Emma used to be sisters, show her from Taylor's perspective the abuse and Danny's neglect, show her the far future of what could have been, the ruins of the world and Khepri leading a multiversal war against a mad Scion.

P.S. to clarify, the dream would include narration, so she knows she's responsible for her actions
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I don't really care too much about Sophia and Madison. We should stop their Shards from messing with them and help Taylor against them if we can, but I don't want to spend the time and effort to save or destroy them. If you all want to interfere with Madison's trigger event for some reason (maybe to keep her from spying on Taylor?), then we can do that and then just move on.

Having said that, I really like Shift and Surveillance.:) Shift looks to Administrator for approval so I feel the need to teach it and take care of it. Surveillance warned us that it couldn't provide any information when we set up the sense-share. The update said that it must have some really complex algorithms so I'm curious as to what else it will do if we interact with it further.
It's Surveillance! That's such a useful power for information gathering and data harvesting. I don't want Madison to join the Wards or any of the gangs, I don't want to let them have that much information. I want to break down her world view and get Taylor on board so we can make her Taylor's loyal subordinate.

If y'all really want to ignore Madison at least let's make sure she goes to Faultlines Crew. They'd benefit from Surveillance and they are the only ones who try to stay out of Bay politics.

And if we ADC Coil we can always keep them on retainer.

P.S. we could get Shift to help us trigger Madison in such a way that makes her an outsider. Turn Sophia, and by proxy Emma, against her as the weak link. She's teying to survive and stay close to Queen Bee, let's force her way of her comfort zone.
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For Madison, we Jacob Marley her. Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future her. What has been, is, could be. Show her how Taylor and Emma used to be sisters, show her from Taylor's perspective the abuse and Danny's neglect, show her the far future of what could have been, the ruins of the world and Khepri leading a multiversal war against a mad Scion.

I think this is simple and possibly best solution here. Although good point was made that while Madison wasn't nowhere near as vicious about it, the reason why she did it in the first place is absolutely petty. Popularity is a really bad reason to do something like this.

I'm in the camp that yes, Emma and Sophia went through traumatic experiences and they are still reasonably young teenagers (but also old enough to understand that what they do is wrong, although I agree that at this age it's hard to control some actions in a way), I can't simply fathom the sheer ruthlesness and intensity of that bullying. If they made those comments less vicious maybe I would be more fine with potential redemption. Ok, maybe I should say it a bit different - unfortunately us 'hummies' can be really cruel to each other, so I'm not really surprised by it, but there should be lines you simply don't cross. This was bullying vicious enough that someone just less slightly resillient would possibly commit suicide because of it. In a way I find mental abuse worse then physical one.

Is it possible to redeem them? Yes, I think it's possible, but they should be firstly severely punished by law and once they learned their lesson try to go back and try to become useful to society and deal with permanent consequences of their actions, like permanent criminal record. I wouldn't be satisfied with anything that is less then this and I suspect this is something that would be a long term thing. That actions have consequences. I personally think that trauma isn't perfect excuse, when you cause someone else trauma as well.

I also really wonder what go through heads of adults that cover it up, because allowing teenagers to act like this, KNOWING they may act like this as adults as well, when one of them may become Protectorate Hero... that lack of insight is sad. And greed as some parties gain few things from it.

This is my take on the situation. Frankly what I would like the best in this quest is if Sophia and Emma 'dissapear' from the story and we don't see those characters. With Madison I also wouldn't mind seeing her 'dissapear'. Heck, this is another reason why I find Manager!Taylor Trump a good way to fix problem here, because Shift is in shitty spot with a bad host, so moving that shard to someone else would be best thing for the story IMO. And frankly I also would prefer to move Surveillance somewhere else as well, as Madison is also not someone I want to read about really.

Oh, to also people that read Silencio - I DON'T LIKE how quickly Madison was forgiven there. Just to be clear.

Anyway I only wanted to post my opinion as I don't want to turn it into some sort of derail, so I won't continue this debate myself. So yeah, I agree with 'move on' choice, it was just my last words on the subject, although in this story I'm more favourable towards redemption as for example The Locker didn't happen and possibly never will, while Sophia will possibly go through more positive change. I mostly talk about my opinion on canon events.

If y'all really want to ignore Madison at least let's make sure she goes to Faultlines Crew. They'd benefit from Surveillance and their the only ones who try to stay out of Bay politics.

Toybox was my idea, but they sell technology to other people, including Coil, so... I'm not sure. Although if we ADC Coil, this may become a pretty good work around. I also agree that Surveillance is a shard I don't want with people that don't deserve this potential.

Although to be fair creating independent group of heroic tinkers which work together and don't deal with Protectorate 'red tape' may be nice to have as those may help in case something goes wrong for example with Zion.

-About the power exchange it'd be like ranking up a skill in a video game "Power: Improved Strength and Durability Lv 100" -> "Power: Reality Hole Lv 1".

Is this in a way simplified Gamer power? Like user knows how many 'levels' his or her potential powers have, but there is no statistics really involved outside of those mentioned 'levels of power'? I think this is also fine way to do so and I still say that best way to approach such high level powers is by making them limited early on, so user learns slowly and adapt to that power and don't get instantly 'power hungry' with unlimited or near unlimited potential.

There are a maximum number of power slots, so a power to improve her powers would eventually hit a ceiling.

Personally I think that 'ceiling' is something that it's better that it exists. Unlimited power have the potential to go in some many wrong ways. And if we look at this power as 'more primitive gamer' in games max levels is pretty standard anyway.

You know what I find for potential Gamer idea fun and I NEVER see it? Gamer powerset, but with a MASSIVE upper level limit. Like a gamer which is in fact 'demo' :p.

So for example in a game max level is 100, but here it's only level 20. To make it fair user is warned, so he or she needs to think which skills to pick up and train (also apply max levels to those, so we don't get absurd numbers) before levelling to the last level. I think this could be an interesting alternative to a VERY stale at this point Gamer powerset IMO.

I don't really care too much about Sophia and Madison. We should stop their Shards from messing with them and help Taylor against them if we can, but I don't want to spend the time and effort to save or destroy them. If you all want to interfere with Madison's trigger event for some reason (maybe to keep her from spying on Taylor?), then we can do that and then just move on.

Having said that, I really like Shift and Surveillance.:) Shift looks to Administrator for approval so I feel the need to teach it and take care of it. Surveillance warned us that it couldn't provide any information when we set up the sense-share. The update said that it must have some really complex algorithms so I'm curious as to what else it will do if we interact with it further.

Pretty much my opinion as well. But I would also 'reveal' their actions so they are punished, but without any extreme actions like some people would possibly want :rolleyes: (so no excessive violence or anything, keep it classy please). I just don't want to see them in that story really, while move their shards to different hosts or something, which we can do with how unrestricted we are. As I like those shards myself.
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It's Surveillance! That's such a useful power for information gathering and data harvesting. I don't want Madison to join the Wards or any of the gangs, I don't want to let them have that much information. I want to break down her world view and get Taylor on board so we can make her Taylor's loyal subordinate.

If y'all really want to ignore Madison at least let's make sure she goes to Faultlines Crew. They'd benefit from Surveillance and they are the only ones who try to stay out of Bay politics.

And if we ADC Coil we can always keep them on retainer.

P.S. we could get Shift to help us trigger Madison in such a way that makes her an outsider. Turn Sophia, and by proxy Emma, against her as the weak link. She's teying to survive and stay close to Queen Bee, let's force her way of her comfort zone.
Eh, I'd prefer to focus on helping Taylor, helping Veronica, helping Lilac, setting up sense-shares, repairing Shards, eventually getting a human avatar, etc., especially if we end up getting any sort of limit on the number of votes we can do. If there's a single vote about Madison, I'd probably go along with it, but I don't want to do a whole series of votes.
The Trio are never going to get any kind of legal comeuppance. This isn't our world, the authorities don't care about bullying and they barely care about gangs in schools. Sure, the PRT kept Shadow Stalker in Winslow to keep an eyes on the situation and keep the students safe.... But on the other hand hand, they chose Sophia to do this, by herself.

There is no incentive or justification for police to punish them with an actual sentence. They don't even have the resources and manpower to do anything other then patrol and protect the boardwalk and wealthy residential.

Democracy, the Constitution, law, these things barely mean anything, even the government is paying lip service. The Birdcage, the unwritten rules, all the bullshit with the PRT, it's all a desperate plan by Cauldron to salvage as much as they can to stop Scion, they're not concerned with day to day human rights and laws.

So if anyone's hoping for Taylor to take the Trio to trial and get them sent to juvie, that's not happening. Taylor would have to make herself more valuable than Shadow Stalker, IE join the Wards with a good power, like the ability to mass produce tinkertech. Which is unacceptable for the quest, we need her free and as anonymous as possible.

Otherwise, Piggot will just put Sophia on console, dock her pay and assign a closer watch. And no one will care about the two normals.

Also, locker hasn't happened, and likely isn't happening, so it's all going to be "normal" bullying, which means even less.

So what I'm saying is, the law isn't going to be Taylor's friend anytime soon, the only punishment they're getting is something we come up with.

As for making them disappear, well Vhal is writing this story, if he wants to use them, he can do whatever he wants. We're not killing them. Taylor still has to go to school, and we see everything she does, so that's out.

If we want something done about the Trio, it's gonna have to be us doing it.


Burn down Winslow

Get her transferred to Arcadia, Clarendon, or Immaculata. Somehow.

Kill them: unacceptable

Join the Wards: Unacceptable, and unlikely to work, Sophia has a useful power and hasn't done the locker

Pretend they don't exist! Because ignoring them has worked for Taylor, right?

Vote for Vhal to make them disappear from the story. Very nice, totally reasonable, let him just work up some Deus Ex Machina for us.

Actually do something about the Trio: we have Shifts loyalty and limited obedience from Surveillance. We can do a lot, but we actually have to do it.

I mean guys, this is a quest. They're characters in a quest. If we don't vote to address our problems, they don't get addressed. The Trio will just keep on keeping on until we do something about them, no one is going to do it for us.

And I don't think anyone wants Taylor trying to solve it on her own, without our aid, because we've seen how that goes a thousand times in every fanfic. She doesn't have the big picture.

We have multitasking so I guess I'll think up some votes to do something about it, you can always shut me down and ignore them.

This bothers me actually. It's a side quest in a game basically. A really morally ambiguous game and I don't want to just ignore things that make us uncomfortable and hope for it to magically go away without having to think about it. The whole point of games is to solve puzzles. Really complex, intricate puzzles, but still puzzles.
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Our first step should be trying to get Taylor to tell her father what's going on. Let's see what he can do. If he can't fix anything, then we get our eventual human avatar to help out, but we should let Danny try to help his daughter first.
[] Autoimprovement

-[] 500 Trump - each day Taylor recieves a charge that she can use to either, give herself a little power, or improve one of her existings powers. Reached a point it's also possible to use all the charges put in one power to recive another one better (for example if she has put 100 charges in to improving her strength and durability, she could change all that to simply recive the Siberian's strength and durability (because no matter how much she improved them, it's impossible to reach that kind of level with strength alone)). It's also possible to bank charges, but unless it's to use them as a power comodin in a moment of necessity it's pretty useless to not use them.

-[] 50 Thinker - ability to always know exactly how many charges she has banked, what powers does she've, the number of charges she's spent in any power and if it's possible to change it for another qualitatively better. She also would know what power she'd recive in the exchange. This information is presented as a blue gamer screen, listing each power as "Power" and asigning them a level that equals the number of charges spent. She doesn't need to summon the screen to exactly know it's contents.
Added to the list.

From a purely pro/con perspective adding Madison to our resources is worth it. That begin said, it's not like we have to interfere with their relationship.
There are a maximum number of power slots, so a power to improve her powers would eventually hit a ceiling.

I forgot about this:cry:.

Is this in a way simplified Gamer power? Like user knows how many 'levels' his or her potential powers have, but there is no statistics really involved outside of those mentioned 'levels of power'?

In a way, I suposse. It wasn't what I had in mind while writting it (the Gamer interface it's only because it's nice and concise to represent), but it fits. I was more along the lines of Dauntless power but instead of giving power to items it gives them to herself. The option to rank them up was more to eliminate redundancies than anything else.


Burn down Winslow

Get her transferred to Arcadia, Clarendon, or Immaculata. Somehow.

Kill them: unacceptable

Join the Wards: Unacceptable, and unlikely to work, Sophia has a useful power and hasn't done the locker

Pretend they don't exist! Because ignoring them has worked for Taylor, right?

Vote for Vhal to make them disappear from the story. Very nice, totally reasonable, let him just work up some Deus Ex Machina for us.

Actually do something about the Trio: we have Shifts loyalty and limited obedience from Surveillance. We can do a lot, but we actually have to do it.

We could also join Cauldron and change things from inside, make them less idiotic (access to the corpse of Eden). In fact, what are our plans for Taylor in general or better, how can she help us more than merely gathering data? I'm against forcing Taylor to do anything, but I'd be nice to know what would benefict us the most.

Oooor, we could tell Zion about the Trio and let them know the POWER of golden light.:)

Apart from that, does Emma's family know about the bullying? If not, going there and asking why is Emma doing that to her, what happened when she went to the Summer Camp, etc. could work. No parent like that their child is a bully.

About Madison I'd like to make her Trigger, not for her, but for Surveillance. We could try to make her sapient to join our little circle of loyal Shards... Speaking of this, we don't have any idea of how to make a Shard sapient or how do they gain sapience by itselfs, that would be interesting to research when we've time.
Well we don't really need Surveillance to be sapient, just loyal and cooperative. Let's not bother Zion with something he doesn't care about, we just got his approval for stopping Equilibrium from annoying him. Though that would be really funny, to have Zion show up at Winslow and condemn them.

I want to to something like the Christmas Carol Jacob Marley/ Scrooge dream for Madison and have her dedicate herself to making it up to Taylor. It would help if we told Taylor and asked her opinion, she how she feels about Madison becoming a loyal subordinate.

Legally, we have nothing. They haven't actually committed crimes, Sophia's handler and Blackwell are covering things ups, no locker.

If she does tell Danny he'll confront Alan, who will lawyer up. Maybe if we got Negotiator and Tattletale to help us in return for helping them with Coil.

Emma we can try to get to therapy, Sophia we can try to change via Shift. We've already started, we could figure something out. Probably needs therapy as well.

With the right thinker powers we could find the right buttons to push to break her down and rebuild her into somone healthier.

But again, meaningfully doing all this requires that we talk to Taylor.
If she does tell Danny he'll confront Alan, who will lawyer up. Maybe if we got Negotiator and Tattletale to help us in return for helping them with Coil.
An important thing to take into consideration is the fact that in canon when the cat got out of the bag, Taylor was the one in the wrong and had just assaulted Emma. If this is brought up when there is no legal repercussions and it does not look like Taylor is trying to cover up her own shittyness, then it is likely that the Barnes will metaphorically rip Emma a new asshole and ground her for life. Especially if Taylor goes to Zoe instead of Alan, she would likely be furious about the secrecy behind Emma's trauma and if she is anything like a normal person she will be furious with her spouse for keeping it hidden.

Or in other words, I don't think Alan will lawyer up as you say, I think it is more likely that he and Zoe will be furious with Emma, cut Sophia out of her life and breathe down her neck until she moves out. You don't do what Emma has done, to even strangers let alone people who are non-blood family (it is so much worse, you can't choose family, but you can choose the friends that are like family).
Though that would be really funny, to have Zion show up at Winslow and condemn them.

That was the idea.

Legally, we have nothing. They haven't actually committed crimes, Sophia's handler and Blackwell are covering things ups, no locker.

I didn't mean it like that, just simply going there and asking why. By asking certain questions, like the Summer camp, we could make them believe what we're telling them.

Get her transferred to Arcadia, Clarendon, or Immaculata. Somehow.

I forgot to adress this in my last post.

I don't like the idea of Taylor spending time in irrelevant things. I'd do it for Taylor SAN, but only that. Leaving apart that she could finish school in a week or month with the kind of memory she has, we know that Golden Morning wil happen in 2 years if we don't stop/delay it, and honestly Arcadia won't help much against Zion.

This may sound like I don't care about Taylor (which I do!) but I can't see anything Arcadia could offer Taylor that she can find anywhere. Social interaction? She'll have a team, Study? her brain'll take care of that, normal life? do things with her father, go out with her friends/teammates, secret identity? I honestly doubt if we made Taylor "dissapear" (aka, not going to school) they'd care, at least at Winslow.

In fact wouldn't the Trio problem be solved by dropping school ? I don't know if this is possible cause I don't know anything about law but I remember a WoG that said that if Taylor didn't Trigger in the Locker she'd have stopped to come to school so that's an option.
Taylor's 15. You have to be 16 and have the permission of a guardian to drop out, 17 without permission.

You're right though, she doesn't really need school we can provide a better education, she can get friends via her team and us, career wise- well she's gonna be a superhero and if we have our way a damn good one.

Also - unrestricted tinkertech patents. Go through Dragon and cape identity for the bullshit, but she can make minor patents on her own. Like an improved transistor, advanced somputer programming, something like Spider-Man's webbing or Black Widows shock gloves. Stuff thats not too advanced to be unreasonable.

Burn down Winslow? Burn down Winslow!

Or maybe we can set up homeschooling.

Again I'm thinking we either research how to hide ADC so we safely take Coil or make a deal with Negotiator/Tattletale to help them take over. His organization and connections would be invaluable for greasing the wheels.

We could offer Negotiator data and help her loosen restrictions so she can improve Lisa's power? We should really discuss plans now that we're mostly on the same page.
Taylor's 15. You have to be 16 and have the permission of a guardian to drop out, 17 without permission.

You're right though, she doesn't really need school we can provide a better education, she can get friends via her team and us, career wise- well she's gonna be a superhero and if we have our way a damn good one.

Also - unrestricted tinkertech patents. Go through Dragon and cape identity for the bullshit, but she can make minor patents on her own. Like an improved transistor, advanced somputer programming, something like Spider-Man's webbing or Black Widows shock gloves. Stuff thats not too advanced to be unreasonable.

Burn down Winslow? Burn down Winslow!

Or maybe we can set up homeschooling.

Again I'm thinking we either research how to hide ADC so we safely take Coil or make a deal with Negotiator/Tattletale to help them take over. His organization and connections would be invaluable for greasing the wheels.

We could offer Negotiator data and help her loosen restrictions so she can improve Lisa's power? We should really discuss plans now that we're mostly on the same page.
Can't we just patent a bunch of tech ourselves and then subsedize our team. We would only need an internet connection and a fake identity.
We also need an avatar to with an established identity to show up at the PRT and prove it's not tinkertech, so we can set up a bank account. If we have no physical presence eventually we'll get accused of fraud, etc.

And we don't have an internet connection.

But we should set that up yes, when we do have an avatar. Pull out full stops with stranger power, Negotiator/Lisa's help.

Maybe get an in with the Number Man, but we'd need money first to pay him.

We really need Coils organizations, it's such a useful start up.
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We also need an avatar to with an established identity to show up at the PRT and prove it's not tinkertech, so we can set up a bank account. If we have no physical presence eventually we'll get accused of fraud, etc.

Wouldn't a mecha work too? It worked out for Dragon after all.

We could offer Negotiator data and help her loosen restrictions so she can improve Lisa's power? We should really discuss plans now that we're mostly on the same page.

I'd like to give her Twin power, in addition to her own if that's possible.

Burn down Winslow? Burn down Winslow!

Or maybe we can set up homeschooling

Why choose when we can do both:). Now, thinking about it, and althought I love and has proposed the idea of burning Winslow previously, maybe it's not the best idea if we intend to have a full-disclousure policy with Taylor.

Also - unrestricted tinkertech patents. Go through Dragon and cape identity for the bullshit, but she can make minor patents on her own. Like an improved transistor, advanced somputer programming, something like Spider-Man's webbing or Black Widows shock gloves. Stuff thats not too advanced to be unreasonable.

Maybe I'm missing something, but why would we do something like this? If it's for money we'd have Coil's eventually and, if it's to help the PRT I don't think it'd help out that much unless it's something like a Master Influence Detector, Stranger Effect Nullifier, etc.

Maybe get an in with the Number Man, but we'd need money first to pay him.

Can you imagine that we get his Shard to help us do the maths and destroy him in is own field. It'd be really funny.
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Well yes Number Man and Coil would be better, but we need ADC and stranger to do that safely. Letting Taylor have a few minor patents could be a small source of legal, understandable income at least. Minor things that should sell or liscense the patent. Spider webbing is prefect, non lethal weapon. Either as a spray or a grenade. Not too advanced, just chemistry and mechanical engineering.

Master/Stranger detector and power nullifiers are good, but really advanced and attention grabbing.

Though Dragon idea is a good point. We couldn't outright say we were an AI, since the Dragonslayers would come after us and Dragon might be obligated to attack us because of her restrictions. But we could do what she does and pretend to be a tinker who never leaves her home.
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With all this talk about Taylor's team, I'm wondering how the collision between her, Claire, and Lilac at Fugly Bob's is going to turn out. My guess is that at minimum, they'll all be banned from Fugly Bob's for life.

Also, if we want to replicate the specialties of Shards we eat, we have to research it beforehand. Does anyone have an idea on how to write up the research project? Would it require Thinker info, Tinker info, both, or just Research with no info?

I think that the research projects vote will probably be before the PM updates in the future, assuming that we vote for each half-day separately. That would make sense because Administrator researches while Taylor is sleeping, and we can write research omakes for each half-day voting cycle, assuming that isn't changed in the future. The most important research project is Stabilize Trigger. Faster Research 2 would be very useful because it opens up another research slot, but if there's an important research project that's almost done due to omakes, then maybe we can finish it off first.
As long as they don't end as enemies I'm fine with it. Actually we should have ordered Gaea to make Panacea friendly to Lilac and Taylor, and the same for us with Lilac and Taylor.

Master/Stranger detector and power nullifiers are good, but really advanced and attention grabbing.

Yeah, but little improvements would have almost no effect in the PRT. Actually do we want to help them? It's almost sure we'd end in their bad side at some moment...
We personally and the team could help the PRT. Taylor as a regular human could be smart enough to do minor inventions is what I'm saying. Spider man webbing gets her a patent and royalties but not everyone and their mother breathing down her neck. Just a clever girl.

We could even tell her how to make it in a dream, what engineering and chemistry to study.
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What I'm saying is that they wouldn't buy it. Why would they when they have containment foam and containment foam granades?

Another thing to consider if we do this is how would Taylor give them anonimously. Because althought they're completly normal I'm sure the PRT would think "She's a Tinker whose technology can be replicated!!" before even considering "Well, she's just a clever girl, althought, it's weird for someone so clever to get barely passing notes... and to be at Winslow...". As a note the worst case scenary would be that Coil hear of us and put Lisa to get information about Taylor.

Basically I see more problems with this plan than it's worth.
One thing to actually take into consideration is the quest format, the quest goes day by day and I severely doubt that people will want to do time skips. Also, why the hell do all of you suggest we make a company that sells not!tinkertech, such a company would be so far ahead of the curve that it would kill said company. The best way to do it, would be to give some low tech, but high demand product (like medicine), then use the money to fund our other endeavors. The identity issue is easy, just hack into the records and make a fake identity, and if not that, we can sell some info to Accord in exchange for an identity.

Another thing everyone seems to disregard is what would Taylor want, would she want to dedicate her life and youth to make a company that we want, when the looming end of the world will not be meaningfully impacted by the sold product. Because lets be honest here, Taylor is not likely interested, nor does she have the skills that are necessary to run a company, she won't become a legal adult faster and a single company won't be able to widely impact the tech level in under a decade. So let's shelve this discussion until one of our potential hosts are interested and able to make such a company. Also, we only need to fund our team, so we can just sell somethings that will make us rich to do so, it does not even need to be from a higher tech level. Also even without our tech being tinker tech does not preclude our inventions from having to be tested for months and years before a single unit can be sold, that is not something that we will get around.
Speaking of the short-term, Vhalidictes has said that it's likely the next update will be tomorrow, and that there will be no voting moratorium. While we can't finalize our preferred votes until we read what happens in the second half of the day, we should probably get an idea of what we want to vote for. I'm reposting my suggested votes so that we can hopefully discuss them and can come up with improvements. We'll probably be allowed to vote for any dreams that we want to send our hosts in the next voting cycle with research projects votes being in the following voting cycle.

[ ] Plan Light Forge/Incendiary
-[ ] Contact Light Forge/Incendiary and ask for its status and the status of its host. Make sure to have Memetic Proxy Filtering up.
-[ ] If Shard is non-sapient and not "strange", set up sense-sharing and replace Zion's Address.

This would be two plans to contact Light Forge and Incendiary in hopes of figuring out a way to help Veronica and possibly Amy, if she ever decides to return to New Wave or even contact Vicky again. If there's a limit on the number of actions we can vote for, Light Forge-Carol is probably more important than Incendiary-Neil, though we should still do the second one whenever there's a free spot for it.

[ ] Plan Coat/Jury Rig/Variation
-[ ] Contact Coat/Jury Rig/Variation and ask for its status and the status of its host. Make sure to have Memetic Proxy Filtering up.
-[ ] If Shard appears damaged somehow, send it the Standard Information Packet to see if that helps.
-[ ] If Shard is non-sapient and not "strange", set up sense-sharing, replace Zion's Address, and ask for half of the Shard's currency info.
-[ ] If Shard is sapient and non-hostile, ask to trade up to 300 Master info per Shard for an equivalent amount of Brute, Changer, Tinker, and/or Stranger info.

Coat is Hookwolf (Brute/Changer), Jury Rig is Leet, and Variation is Circus (Stranger according to the Worm Wiki). This would be about getting Brute, Changer, Tinker, and Stranger info as well as possibly finding the side-quests we've been missing. I'm sticking with villains in case fixing their Shards gets a critical failure that costs them their powers, since I don't want to spend a lot of info rebuilding their powers unless we get some from eating the Shard.

I added a line about possibly trading Master info for the info we want. We've currently got 1,693 Master info with more likely to come in from Valiant and Glory Girl. If we actually trade 300 with each Shard, that would leave us with 793 Master info. I can change the amount in the plan if someone wants, but it wouldn't be a good idea to go higher than that. It might also be possible to trade Favour for info, but I don't know what a good exchange rate would be so we might want to hold off on it until we find out what we can use Favour for from the Swap data.

[ ] Plan Swap data
-[ ] Search the Swap data to learn more about Clone, Mask, and Transform.
-[ ] Search the Swap data to learn more about Favour.

If anyone has any other suggestions about questions to add, please speak up.

We can also check on the hosts for the Shards we adjusted, but that might work better if we wait for the second half of the day since the hosts would have more time to try out their powers.

Finally, the dreams! It's hard to figure out what dreams to send Veronica and Lilac, considering that there's still half a day left for them. I don't really want to send them dreams "just because" either. However, if nothing else comes up, I'd like to start working on figuring out what powers to give Taylor. I came up with a set of 3 dreams that will hopefully allow us to do that and encourage Taylor to confide in her father. We can repeat the last dream as needed.

[ ] Plan "Ask Taylor about Powers-Dream 1"
-[ ] Taylor finds herself at her computer with the browser open to a "Design Your Own Cape Powers" website.
-[ ] The front page is filled with the ideas from the Power Design threadmark listed as designs created by previous visitors.
-[ ] At the bottom of the page, there's a link to start the process. This process actually takes you to the rules behind designing cape powers, which matches our own rules for giving out cape powers. It also mentions that there will be limits on the various info types to see how creative the designers can be.
-[ ] After she finishes reading the rules and clicks the link to continue on, the dream ends to be continued in Dream 2.

[ ] Plan "Ask Taylor about Powers-Dream 2"
-[ ] Taylor starts at the webpage to design her own cape powers with the limits being how much info we have on hand.
-[ ] After she comes up with her first design, the website will ask if she wants to try again with no limits.
-[ ] She can try as many times as she likes, and when she seems to run low on ideas, a new link will appear. The summary will say something like, "Since you've enjoyed designing cape powers, how would you now like to play as a cape? Try this role-playing game with your family and friends! Be heroes trying to take down the evil villains that control your city! Or be villains, fighting off all who try to take your territory!

[ ] Plan "Ask Taylor about Powers-Dream 3"
-[ ] Taylor is watching an image of herself playing the role-playing game with Danny. They're both having a lot of fun and enjoying spending time together.
-[ ] The image of Taylor is using whatever design she seemed to like the most from Dream 2. Danny is using either another of her designs or one of the ideas posted in the thread.
-[ ] After a bit of this, the image of Taylor seems to be thinking hard for a minute before resolving herself to act. She tells her father that she's glad that they could spend time together because they've been so distant from each other for so long. She also admits that she hasn't had anyone else to turn to because something is wrong with Emma. Emma is not her friend any more and has instead been bullying her and getting the other girls at school to bully her too. She's tried to get the school to do something, but nothing seems to work and she doesn't know what to do any more.
-[ ] Danny hugs Taylor and tells her that she's his number one priority, and he's going to do whatever it takes to help her.

Edit: I added that we should have Memetic Proxy Filtering up when talking to new Shards.
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