Questions for
@Vhalidictes :
1.) When the trigger even hits do we get to see the power that would normally occur?
2.) Can we add/reserve extra powers/slots at that time or do we need to have that all prepped in advance?
3.) Once we're linked to Shift's, and presumably other shards', senses do they also get data from our encounters the way we do from theirs?
1 - I don't think I fully understand the question. When a "Trigger event hits" AND you take advantage of it the following things happen:
a) You create a Power to give the Host. Normally, it's tailored to the situation they find themselves in, and is made to increase Information Gathering as much as possible. Typically, but not always, this means a Power that's "very good at
thing, terrible for everything else".
b) You implant the control scheme into the host (the Corona Gemma is made)
c) The Host's brain is shocked into activity and "interprets" the new organelle. This is where shit always happens. That first 5 seconds determines what random re-wiring is done to your careful power control scheme. This is the method by which Trigger Events modify intended powers.
d) Once the Host is done "adopting" the new Corona Gemma, you get to see how your power control language was mutilated. Normally this takes some time but you're [Administrator] and you can just iterate/simulate the difference between the intended Gemma and the actual Gemma and see what changed.
e) Slowly, over the course of the next X months, your Host gets better at using their power. But, and this is important, they get better specifically at
using the control language they Triggered with. This process does not refine the power in a way that lets you restore functionality / make it work exactly as you intended.
2 - You can keep fiddling until the Trigger Event is over. Because you can accelerate personal time you get the mental-equivalent of 15 minutes to finalize everything. Warning - generally, the longer the Trigger event takes, the more changes happen to the intended power in the Gemma.
3 - If you let them, they do. If you don't, they don't. This is a Diplomacy thing.