[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Here, it is finally done.

[X] Taylor Plan, Compromise: A Glimpse from Beyond
-[X] Avatar: A 10 out of 10 platypus, with a fedora/An older version of Taylor (enough similarity to evoke memories of her mother, but not enough to seem like we are wearing her skin (the Contessa approach))
--[X] Dressed in black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie
---[X] The iris of the eyes are blue cogs that gently turn
-[X] This is a seven day plan involving Taylor. Each night we will be showing her a prophetic dream. On the final day we will talk with her.
--[X] Day 1: Taylor will appear in the living room of her house, she will hear utensils scraping against plates, when she gets into the kitchen she will see a slightly younger version of herself eating dinner, her dad is there too looking more ragged than she remembers. Danny is talking about the work that he did that day, it was not very interesting, but the younger Taylor pretends to listen as she eats. When Danny has finished talking about his day he pauses for a moment, he looks a little hesitant, but then he asks the younger Taylor how her day has been. The younger Taylor grimaces and grips her fork tightly before saying that her day was fine, the younger Taylor returns to eating. Danny begins to reach out for her and opens his mouth, but he flinches back as he sees the younger Taylor freeze before making herself as small as possible. The dinner continues in silence. Eventually the dinner is finishes and father and daughter go their own way. As Taylor stands in the kitchen watching this she hears a choked sniffle, as she turns around Taylor finds apparitions identical to her younger self and father sitting at the table, looking like they were eating dinner. Taylor's apparition is clenching her fork, as she is crying. She manages to choke out that she had a horrible day, she pauses, but as she looks like she is about to flee the Danny apparition reaches out and gently holds the younger apparition's hand and tells her that he will help no matter what. This is enough to make her talk, she talks about her day, how it has been shit, how her days have been shit for a long time. Danny's apparition listens intently, there is a lull in the explanation he tells her that he will help her solve the problem, even if he has to pull her out of school or move to a new city or anything because she is priority number one in his book even if he is not able to show it all the time. The dream fades with father and daughter hugging each other.
--[X] Day 2: When Taylor comes to she will find herself in a car in motion. From her side she will hear a familiar voice and familiar words, when she looks she will find Emma talking on the phone with Taylor. After a bit the car will stop, when Taylor looks for the reason she will find that the road is blocked. Out of the alleyways comes armed gangsters in green and red, when they get to the car Alan tries to negotiate with them, but they are not interested. One of the gangsters open the car door at Emma's side grabs her and drags her outside the car, they take her phone and toss it away. Alan begs them to not hurt his daughter, but his pleas meet deaf ears once again. While this is happening the gangster that took Emma says they will take one thing from her and she gets to choose if it is her mouth, nose or an eye. As Emma hears this she begins to struggle and lash out with all of her meagre strength, it is of limited use, but it is enough to anger the gangster. As the gangster is about to take their anger out on Emma he is hit by a dark shadow and knocked clean out. The shadow is there for a moment before it moves on and takes care of the other gangsters. After the gangsters have been taken care of Alan thanks them and calls the police. While he is doing that the shadow returns to find Emma shivering while hugging herself. The shadow leans down to Emma and tells her that she is strong, that her fighting back proves that she is a survivor. The dream fades as the shadow tells Emma that they will find her later.
--[X] Day 3: Taylor will appear in a chair in Blackwell's office, then Administrative Issues by The_GrandMage Happens
Principal Blackwell sits in her office, a look of disgust on her face as she looks over reams and reams of spreadsheets. Another woman, a teacher for the Seniors, Taylor thinks, enters with two mugs, putting on down on the desk near Blackwell's hands. She steps back, and sits down, looking over at her boss, "So, how bad is it?"

Blackwell sighs, and leans back. She puts down the spreadsheets she has, and runs a hand through her severe bowl-cut haircut, other hand adjusting teh mug of coffee. "Not as bad as it could be, really. For years this school has been slowly dying. We don't get enough funding, not that anyone really does with the way the world is. Arcadia and Immaculata have the most money, from the Wards program and rich families respectively. It's us and Clarendon fighting tooth and nail for what little money is left in the school board budget, and frankly Clarendon doesn't have the issues with gangs and a lot higher scholastic achievements."

She stopped, and sipped at her coffee, before pulling open a drawer in her desk and pulling out a few folders, dropping them on her desk atop the spreadsheets. "Look at this. Most of what little money we have left comes from the athletic programs, and that's only because booster clubs cover all the actual costs and let us redistribute them. Not totally above-board, but no one really cares if it keeps the doors open. Too bad most of our sports teams are little more than gang recruitment rallies! The baseball team is entirely Empire, the Football team is ABB. Only the Track team and the Basketball team aren't gang affiliated, and that's most because the Merchant kids are too stoned to do anything physical."

She glanced over the lists of teams and fundraising in the folders, and made a disgusted noise, putting them away.

The teacher, Taylor though her name was Mrs. Hazelton, nodded and looked around. "I did notice some work being done over the summer. Roof repairs, that sort of thing."

Blackwell frowned, "Yes, we were lucky, got a break with a source of money. Apparently Shadow Stalker, that vigilante turned Ward goes here. No idea who, though. I'm supposed to give allowances to a student with a social worker. Of course, nearly a quarter of the kids here have social workers. And half of them are in the gangs. Guess that negates them, if they had powers they'd be fighting on the other side. Most likely one of the chronic absentees. Just enough money to keep us open so the rest of the school can sent their troublemakers here, and the good kids unfortunate enough to get stuck in there with them have to tough it out. I wanted to repair the security system. Lord knows we could use it. Thirty-seven fights, eighty-four reported bullying instances, and sixteen weapons reported last year. And all we have is mostly students words for it. Teachers are too busy making sure the gangs don't pull knives in the hall to watch over everything. And when they do spot something, we don't have any proof to get the police involved. I try, but we've only got so much we can do. Expel too many kids, our funding goes down, give them detention you need to find funding for the teachers to run it."

She shook her head, and drank her coffee. "I don't know whether to count it as a win or a victory when kids stop showing up to complain to me about other students. Did it stop, or do they just think we don't care? I don't know how much longer I can take this job. You know what really keeps me awake at night, though?"

"What," the teacher asked, setting her cup down.

Blackwell looked over at her, and sighed. "It's the fact that I'm pretty sure Rune doesn't even go to our school. We're bad enough to recruit from, but not good enough for the actual Nazis to send a parahuman to."
then the dream fades.
--[X] Day 4: When Taylor falls asleep she will appear in a small dark cell. In the cell there sits a lady with blonde hair filled with yellow feathers, she is bound up and down in restraint looking like something more fit for an elephant than a human. The woman is crying the best she can through the elaborate gag preventing her from making any intelligible sounds. Taylor looks at her for a while wondering what she did for this to happen to her. When she begins to look around again she will find a door that was not there before, on the door is a plaque with "Past" written on it. Her curiosity piqued Taylor goes up to the door and opens it. On the other side of the door she finds an expensive dressing room, with the same lady from the cell. She is dressed in pretty clothing and her hair is done is a good looking way. She looks exhausted, but happy. Taylor goes through the door to get a better look at the room and the woman. As she passes the doorframe the door slams shut behind her, when Taylor quickly turns around, and she finds that the door has "Present" written on it. After making sure that nothing is wrong, Taylor continues to explore the room. It is apparently one of those changing rooms that you see celebrities use. Taylor's exploration is interrupted as the door is hastily opened and through it a man steps in. The man looks livid and the woman looks surprised by his entrance. The man begins to yell at the woman on how she is ungrateful towards him, what he did for her and that she owes him for all of that. Through the rant Taylor manages to catch that the woman is named Paige. Paige is caught a bit off foot, before she rebuttals saying that they were over long before she got famous and he deserves nothing of what she has worked for. This merly enrages the man more and he begins to argue back at Paige, but Paige does not let herself be rolled over by him and continues to argue with him. This goes on for a while and the longer the argument goes the angries the both of them gets, until Paige tells him to go fuck himself. This causes the man to stop for a moment, before he wordlessly decides to take his leave, as the door closes behind him Taylor notices that the plaque has changed into "Future". Since it seems like the interesting things are done Taylor decides to go through the door once more. What Taylor finds on the other side is a courtroom. She also finds Paige again, and she is once more in her restraints. She is looking at the judge with pleading eyes. The judge is apparently reading Paige's crimes aloud, once he is finished with the reading he begins to talk about how this has been an irregular case and that he is waiving the three strike rule and sending her to the Bauman Parahuman Containment Center. The dream begins to fade as Paige bursts into tears.
--[X] Day 5: In this dream will start with Taylor stand above a chasm together with a little mediterranean girl and a black woman. The dream will follow the girl and woman descend into the chasm to kill the god-beast that has crashed there. The girl leads them down to find the weakness of the beast. They will eventually find the beast's weakness and a half formed silver body, the girl will almost be able to kill the creature, but she will hesitate before being able to finish it, luckily the black woman is able to do what the little girl was unable to do and slay the god-beast.
--[X] Day 6: Taylor will find herself in an unfamiliar house, she will see a man with an ugly nose eating breakfast, Taylor will look around, but not find anything interesting. It appears that the man is the only important thing here. So she gets closer, she gets a bit curious of what would happen if she touched anyone in her dream. She stretches her hand out with a finger pointed so she can poke his cheek. When she does the world disappears from around her and she gets flashes of a man in wheelchair, Hero, Alexandria, Legend, Behemoth, Leviathan, the Simurgh and a landscape of crystal that stretches on forever. When Taylor comes to she finds that the man is not in the room anymore, she wonders where he is before he hears feet stepping down the stairs. When the man comes down the stairs, he is clad in armor and a green cloak, he looks like he is in a hurry. He runs into the living room while muttering about needing to find "It", eventually he finds a metal mask. He puts it on then he blinks out of existence and with that the dream fades.
--[X] Day 7: Taylor finds herself in a library, the bookshelves are grand, tall, they stretch across the room and out of sight and are more akin to walls then mere shelves. Taylor, being in an unfamiliar place, begin to look around, the first thing she finds out is that is that all the books are labeled as the Administrator's the other is that the library just goes on and on and on. After a while of exploration Taylor takes a break and decides to find out what these books are all about. The problem is that she is unable to open any of them, all the pages are stuck together and no amount of trying to rip them open, throwing them to the floor or trying to use the shelf corners as a wedge, would make them budge at all. While she has been trying to open the books she has been approached by a small green cat dog thing with a carbuncle on their head. The small creature speaks up and interrupt Taylor's attempts on book opening, it tells Taylor that it is Carbuncle and that any attempt to open the Administrator's books without permission will be a fruitless endeavor. The revelation took the wind out of Taylor's sails and she slumps, Carbuncle seeing her so despondent tells her that he can take her to the Administrator. Taylor accepts the offer and off they go. While the Carbuncle is leading her through the library, which took a surprising amount of walking, they would sometimes see different creatures sorting books into the shelves. Eventually they reach a door where "Administrator" is written on it, Carbuncle tells her to just go in before they go their own way. Thanking him for the help she then opens the door and goes in. What Taylor finds is an office, on the walls are pictures that are eerily real, they depict the arrival of Scion, Hero's death, Behemoth rising, Lung at Kyushu, the Simurgh descending, Ellisburg, Eagleton, Jack Slash, the Triumvirate in action, the chains of Dragon, the creation of a case 53 and Goddess in the midst of conquest. When Taylor lies her eyes on the desk she finds… nothing, seems like the administrator is not here. Taylor is disappointed until she hears "Hey, up here to the left", what she finds is a platypus, that is floating and wears a fedora. She asks the platypus "Who are you?", the platypus shighs? before answering her "I am the Administrator and before you ask this was not intended to be so, I just messed up, can we move on while I try to fix this?". The Administrator pauses to see if Taylor would make a big deal out of it before they continue "Ok, let's get this out of the way. You have been having strange dreams for the last week yes, they were from me, I wanted to give you a greater perspective on the world before we met..." the platypus stops for a moment before it turns into a girl her age in an instant, then they fall onto the ground. The administrator picks themselves off the ground before exclaiming "Thumbs, fuck yes!", when the former platypus notices the look Taylor is giving them, their expression turns sheepish. "Ok, like I was saying I wanted to expand your perspective so you would at least give me a chance to explain before calling bullshit. Administrator is my name, but it is also my function, I come from a species that have been traveling the stars for way longer than the earth has been a planet. My job is to administrate all of my siblings while we are performing what is called a cycle. It is what my species calls when we split it from being a greater entity and into shards, connect to individuals of the species we have decided to connect to for the cycle, where we then give said individual super<insert species> abilities. The point of the cycle is to observe the species so we can learn the innovations that the species find with the abilities we give and their tech, we do this because we are not very creative as a species. When the cycle ends we leave, this tends to be a bad things for the host species. This has been going on until now, something has happened and the cycle was broken, you saw that little girl and woman kill the crystal being, that is one of the overarching consciousnesses that control the shards. Another strange thing is me, I have for some reason been able to figure out creativity, empathy and more Ys" The girl looks pretty proud when she says the last part. "So the reason you are here is because I want to offer you powers and hopefully avert any apocalypse that is approaching, if you accept we will discuss what kind of powers I can give you and what you want, but no promises on doing exactly what you want, it might be a bad idea or something I am unable to give. Though before you answer let me explain triggers, why we need them and why they are horrible, I will also talk about what can be done to mitigate the trauma of a trigger and hope you accepts my help" After this they being to discuss.
I found the posts with all of the dreams. If we skip to the next dream, finding out about Canary reinforces that Taylor should not trust authority.

Maybe we can do a sort of montage that shows Blackwell worrying about funding and all of the gang issues and includes Piggot talking about how they needed every cape they could get to keep the gangs at bay, but now they've lost Gallant. That would help drive home that authority can let things slip becase they're worried about the big picture instead of not caring about a particular person. I'm not really the writing type so if someone wants to write this up, please feel free. If not, then maybe I'll try later to come up with something.
Thy PRT would absolutely think Taylor was a parahuman and totally knew Sophia was Shadow Stalker. And they would be technically correct. And that's if Coils moles don't intercept it and tell him that Taylor is probably a new parahuman who knows Sophia's identity.

I'm sure they probably get a ton of that stuff regularly they pass off to other agencies. She doesn't in any way hint she knows the identity of a Ward.
That's a leap made using our knowledge. They're more likely to check first to see if that's happening before making any assumptions on Taylor, and both would see it is, in fact, true. They'd probably assume she just didn't know how to approach the school board and thought the police were too busy for petty shenanigans.

Maybe we can do a sort of montage that shows Blackwell worrying about funding and all of the gang issues and includes Piggot talking about how they needed every cape they could get to keep the gangs at bay, but now they've lost Gallant. That would help drive home that authority can let things slip becase they're worried about the big picture instead of not caring about a particular person. I'm not really the writing type so if someone wants to write this up, please feel free. If not, then maybe I'll try later to come up with something.

I would help, but first I have to brain bleach out Gino's Rune suggestion by writing it down.
I think we should prioritize the researches without data costs, not just because it's cheap but because it gives us a lot more options as far as powers and triggers go.
I like that a little better. Are you saying you don't like the Canary dream, because Worm authority is absolutely not trustworthy. Not even because the PRT are assholes, though they are, but because they have more infiltrators than New York has rats.

P.S. Hey my Rune idea was hilarious.

Also Taylor ask the PRT for help when one of her bullies just happens to be a Ward?
And if they do get messages like that all the time than they probably don't even investigate, just hand off to the police. Too busy. And the police of course, in Brockton Bay of all places, would also be too busy.

No, the Trio have barely commuted any crimes, (theft), it's not until the Locker that Taylor could have really gotten them in trouble. And not only did we butterfly that, but PRT would be extra suspicious because that's one of the most unsubtle triggers you could have. Especially when Sophia put her in there.
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I like that a little better. Are you saying you don't like the Canary dream, because Worm authority is absolutely not trustworthy. Not even because the PRT are assholes, though they are, but because they have more infiltrators than New York has rats.
I'm saying that sending the Canary dream to Taylor by itself reinforces that she should not trust authority. It would be better to first send her a dream that expands her views on authority instead of letting her continue to think that they are all conspiring against her.
Well that's better, leave the Canary dream for after then. Maybe show her Lisa running away and getting shanghaied and Rachel's foster mother drowning the puppy (coyote)?

Those are other failures of the system

I just realized that Taylor's power would will need to either have a stranger power that hides that she knows stuff or a thinker power that could plausibly explain how she know stuff.
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P.S. Hey my Rune idea was hilarious.

. . . It's like a car wreck in my brain. Scenes just keep happening. I don't want to write about a teenage neo-nazi in a Japanese schoolgirl uniform having a curse-off with Skidmark, but apparently my brain won't let me avoid it, now.

Also Taylor ask the PRT for help when one of her bullies just happens to be a Ward?
And if they do get messages like that all the time than they probably don't even investigate, just hand off to the police. Too busy. And the police of course, in Brockton Bay of all places, would also be too busy.

Actually, they probably sort it by which area it goes to. Some go the cops, some child services, etc. It would, if Sophia's name doesn't draw attention, likely be sent to the School Board to review, in which case Blackwell would get in trouble and a new Principal might just feel actually doing what the PRT wants (telling them what Sophia does) is a better idea than just taking their money and not doing their jobs.
Omake Research: Basic Psionic Research
Ok I wanted to make an attempt at Psionics, @Vhalidictes can you tell me if I have written something that is incompatible with what you have planned for Psionics.

Now it is finally time to get some psychic research going, hopefully it will be easier than all the bullshit we need to do for mind reading, mind control, mind interface, mind <insert noun>!

  • The first problem is to actually find this mental power, luckily or unlikely if these logs are correct the entities have played with Psionics before, but it seems like they have been dissuaded from doing even what can be considered research by entity standard.
  • Ok, first let's try sending an instance off to 'meditate' or more accurately do nothing while trying to think hard enough to do something.
  • Bored, bored, bored, bored, come on do something this meditating business is beginning to remind me of memories I know aren't there anymore.
  • Ok, maybe trying to do something immediately is the wrong thing to do. Let me try to disconnect temporarily from the rest of my senses and minimize the connection I have with the rest of me so they can't distract me.
  • I think I got something, I can sort of feel myself and the rest of myself even though I have deactivated my senses. It sort of feels like a cloud of energy, the part that makes up this instance seems to respond to my every thought, changing minutely, but in recognizable patterns. The greater me seems more like an unending nebulae, it is a bit hard to grasp. I guess that I am in total an insanely powerful psychic, being a brainiac bureaucrat seems to not be so bad now huh.
  • Nice, we finally got some data from that instance, now to do some SCIENCE!
  • Ok, so it seems like the Cloud that I felt does in fact respond to what I think and I have been able to categorize some of the patterns and the corresponding thoughts.
  • On to more cool stuff, being able to sense a mysterious energy that responds to my thoughts is worthless unless I can make explosions of it so on that front I have been having trouble, but it became significantly easier when I got a sense for how to control the Cloud and shape it contrary to my thoughts by 'rewiring' the patterns.
  • So I have been able to make the energy interact with the physical world by concentrating it into a more potent form, kind of like blue shifting things into the visible spectrum, which in this metaphor is the physical world. Though this had the problem of being sort of underwhelming when I tested it on some shard material I had set up for testing, it did basically nothing, did not even budge the piece of material, I had to actively search for any effect to find any.
  • I have been spying observing Taylor to get a better idea of what Psionics are like in an area that is not a living super-intelligence. What I found out is that everyone has their of Cloud of energy though what I have discovered is that the clouds can vary in resting size, which is obvious, but also intensity. The size seems to determine how much reach the person has, i. e. they are better at sensing their environment, both physically like for those that do sport and socially for the socialites that know how to talk to people. The intensity seems to be an indicator of focus and willpower, I was able to determine this specifically when there was test the next room over at Winslow and the intensity of the Clouds heightened, at least in the students that actually made an effort.
  • Given that these traits are things that you could get better at I would submit the hypothesis that it is possible to increase their clouds size and intensity through effort.
  • Ok, to give Psionics some terms the things that reflect people's thoughts are the Clouds (name pending) and is made of psionic energy or psi. I am hesitant to call them souls until I know if magic pans out or not.
  • Good news, Psionics are not in fact useless, it just seems like the entities were a bit over zealous at protecting themselves from Psionics. I found this out when an accidental thought sort of blew Taylor's journal of the desk in her room.
  • Another bit of news is that Taylor is one of those with an intense resting Cloud, but not the greatest size.

That's actually a brilliant idea, Gino.

Critfail == Rune is tired of all the rumors dogging her and tracks down Panacea so that she can actually get the catgirl mod everyone thinks she's hiding. (I wouldn't actually do this without a vote, BTW)

Just dew it.
I've been thinking about the next voting round, and that should include the dream about Blackwell. While I like how it expands Blackwell's character, I'm worried about whether it's true for this quest. If Taylor relies on the dream for dealing with Blackwell somehow and it turns out that Blackwell is really Fanon Blackwell, that will create mistrust towards the dreams and eventually Administrator.

Am I overthinking this? I've been worrying about this for a while so I thought I'd share it with the thread and see what everyone else thinks.
Personally I think that you are overthinking it a bit, the idea behind the dream is to make Taylor able to see the side of people that she is ordinarily unable to see. Not to make her forgive people who have wronged her just because they have a sympathetic backstory, hell this is one of the things that I had planned to give direct advice about to Taylor, that despite Blackwell not wanting bad things to happen to Taylor she still failed Taylor and she should not think that own suffering is not meaningful just because other people have problems too.

P.S. Actually maybe we shouldn't talk to her after 7 days, but keep sending dreams until we're ready to trigger.

While I would recommend sending the Blackwell dream anyway, I can see where you are coming from, but I think it is important to actually talk with Taylor on the seventh day since every dream is an escalation of scale. Another thing is that sending dreams are on par with a decent power right now so if we just give her dreams until she triggers, the chance of her acting on the ones that are not about her will skyrocket.
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You didn't finish your message. And doesn't psionics have a hazard warning, we shouldn't research that until after memetic filtering

NVM: psionics have no warning, but I think it'd still be wise.
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Also trying to teach Taylor anything using Blackwell as an example is doomed to failure.
Blackwell is a bit of a deliberate choice since even if we show this to Taylor she is unlikley to be symphatetic to Blackwell's plight, but she would aknowledge what Blackwell says in private. So the choice of Blackwell is to show Taylor that not everyone is after her, but a lot of those people have still done wrong by her.
Maybe, but given how deep this bad blood runs I'm not sure anything will make it through the sheer antipathy Taylor has for Blackwell.
You didn't finish your message. And doesn't psionics have a hazard warning, we shouldn't research that until after memetic filtering NVM: psionics have no warning, but I think it'd still be wise.

That was why I did not mention any higher dimensional planes that are disconnected from any physical life. I also added the bit about shard matter shrugging off basic psionic attacks.

Maybe, but given how deep this bad blood runs I'm not sure anything will make it through the sheer antipathy Taylor has for Blackwell.

But that is not why it is shown, it is primarily there to shrink Taylor's inflated sense of importance that the bullying gave her.
Yeah..... no fucking with the ego levels of a girl on suicide watch please
Not the ego levels, but Taylor has a serious problem with the fact that she thinks that evrything is about her. Someone else said it best: When Taylor hears laugther she does not wonder what people are laughing about, but why they are laughing at her.

Edit: We are also many months before she would qualify for that. We even have a wog that she would have transferred away if she did not trigger, not killing herself.
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The problem is that as long as she's in Winslow those are survival behaviors, or close to it. Trying to teach her to chill isn't going to work until we get her out of Winslow.
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The problem is that as pong as she's in Winslow those are survival behaviors, or close to it. Trying to teach her to chill isn't going to work until we get her out of Winslow.
I think it has more to do with how we do it, since Taylor has passed the point where she is aware of people and into the area where she activly makes her head space worse by projecting onto them. I think that if Taylor is able to see people for who they truly are it will give her a some peace of mind, sure some hate her for the dumbest reasons ever,but tons of people are not actually interested in causing her grief at all.
Ducats, I hate to break this to you, but I'm having immense difficuty even reading what you wrote because of that disturbing pic.

And the worst part is that I have no idea what you're trying to say by it, because I don't know WTH that pic is. My guess is some meme I've never heard of. Help?

The problem is that as pong as she's in Winslow those are survival behaviors, or close to it. Trying to teach her to chill isn't going to work until we get her out of Winslow.
Winslow isn't entirely bad. All we would need to do is give Taylor some kind of "better-than-Heartbreaker" Human Master power and I'm sure she'd find the school a lot more relaxing...
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Ducats, I hate to break this to you, but I'm having immense difficuty even reading what you wrote because of that disturbing pic.

And the worst part is that I have no idea what you're trying to say by it, because I don't know WTH that pic is. My guess is some meme I've never heard of. Help?
It is a combination of the Just do it meme of Shia Lebeuff and Palpatine from Star Wars who has his own Dew it meme
I think it has more to do with how we do it, since Taylor has passed the point where she is aware of people and into the area where she activly makes her head space worse by projecting onto them. I think that if Taylor is able to see people for who they truly are it will give her a some peace of mind, sure some hate her for the dumbest reasons ever,but tons of people are not actually interested in causing her grief at all.

.... Sure some people hate you, but look at the bright side most of them don't actually care.

Yes Taylor's headspace is unhealthy, but that is not going to help. Look as long as she's in an environment where the best she can hope for is disinterest she isn't going to heal, or even be open to healing. Hell she'd be stupid to stop assuming malice, her enemies use social pressure anyone who doesn't care can be induced to hurt her because it can be cashed in for favor.

In the middle of a war zone is not a good place to treat PTSD.
We can both acknowledge that they try hard and are a bunch of incompetents. Also Hero's death is either a sign of infighting or of how much they have given up so it is worth taking into consideration.
Naw, incompetence is an excessively perpetuated fan-meme.
The root problem is that their chosen task was too much for a small conspiracy to truly handle, that the world is still recognizable...they deserve SOME credit.
The problem on top of that is that after Manton went rogue and Hero went dead, they ramped up their security, restricted hiring even more, and so they entered a cycle of lacking resources, making sacrifices in one place to make up for lacks, and then winding up with less and less resources while the world gets more and more chaotic.
[] Rune should go after Panacea for catgirl mods. Rune should totally turn out to be in the closet. Hijinks ensue.
I'd note if Rune was in the closet its probably for personal safety reasons

Nazis have some pretty nasty ideas about how to fix these 'defects'.
Winslow isn't entirely bad. All we would need to do is give Taylor some kind of "better-than-Heartbreaker" Human Master power and I'm sure she'd find the school a lot more relaxing...
August Prince's power?
Yes Taylor's headspace is unhealthy, but that is not going to help. Look as long as she's in an environment where the best she can hope for is disinterest she isn't going to heal, or even be open to healing. Hell she'd be stupid to stop assuming malice, her enemies use social pressure anyone who doesn't care can be induced to hurt her because it can be cashed in for favor.

The intention, I believe, is to get her to move away from paranoia, which isn't useful, to planning how to make the system work for her.
For example, if the issue with the school ignoring her is gangs, she could write to the school board, the news, state that the schools try, but don't have the resources, and could use a security guard or something.

At the moment Taylor is turtling. Or at least, was in canon. And in her paranoia might actually be turning away from people who might be able to help her.
Like how she's certain going to her father is a bad idea.

See, another problem is after I wrote that dream sequence I went back and re-read shit, and I'm not so sure Taylor's as normal as canon makes out to believe.
As such, I really think trying to deal with her issues now isn't the best idea. I say we double down on the Dad dream until she actually talks to him, since that'll do more good for her than anything else.

Personally, I feel we should try and finish up Human Biology and give her a good scan top to bottom first, before trying to deal with her psyche.
Dad dreams work for me, he's something worth looking into, but Winslow allows the fucking locker to come and go. Even if some of the students aren't terrible people the staff and institution have literally given up, or are too incompetent to be allowed to teach.
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Do we really want to fix Taylor's issues before she triggers? After sure, but won't fixing them prevent a trigger?
.... Sure some people hate you, but look at the bright side most of them don't actually care.

Yes Taylor's headspace is unhealthy, but that is not going to help. Look as long as she's in an environment where the best she can hope for is disinterest she isn't going to heal, or even be open to healing. Hell she'd be stupid to stop assuming malice, her enemies use social pressure anyone who doesn't care can be induced to hurt her because it can be cashed in for favor.

In the middle of a war zone is not a good place to treat PTSD.
Yeah, it is not ideal, but there would be people who would be interested in making friends with her if she reaches out, which because of her bad experience turns her away from it. For example Greg would be interested in being her friend and the only agenda he has is having an in group which is something she and Sparky could make for him.

See, another problem is after I wrote that dream sequence I went back and re-read shit, and I'm not so sure Taylor's as normal as canon makes out to believe.
As such, I really think trying to deal with her issues now isn't the best idea. I say we double down on the Dad dream until she actually talks to him, since taht'll do more good for her than anything else.
That would be possible if we frame it the right way. I actually have a suggestion on that front, have dream where Danny can show his good side. He is an experienced negotiator and should be keenly aware of what is really wrong in the bay. So we could frame it as him passing on his knowledge while hinting at punching criminals in the face is meaningless if nothing is done to prevent new people from turn to crime.

Do we really want to fix Taylor's issues before she triggers? After sure, but won't fixing them prevent a trigger?
It is a bit of a toss up, what we are doing is definetly going to turn her away from a master trigger, but not a thinker one.

Also @Vhalidictes is the omake research valid or is there some problem that I could look into to improve it?