[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

Emote is supposed to be a relatively small Shard so I'd rather save North and South America for a big Shard.

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"

[X] Plan Cauldron

[X] Plan Repair Protocols

[X] Plan Gaea

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power

[X] Multitasking
-[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.

[X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
-[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

I'm torn between this and Plan "Valiant, Magitech Knight", but it feels a bit like the second might be overpowered. However, I don't mind when it's Taylor with that power so I'm wondering if I should just let Veronica have it.
Hey, I can decrease the data in Magitech Knight if you like that better.

How about
Drop 20 thinker and tinker and trump each

[] Valiant, Magitech Knight
Tinker power with master/trump sub ratings and separate but complimentary thinker power.
-[] Tinker 120: Magitech themed power infused items, similar to Chromatic Quest, AN essence of Spirit, and A Propensity For Wrath. Emotionally based color effects. Examples: A sword that cuts through anything but instead of harm inflicts overwhelming nausea/vomiting. Medieval bomb/grenades that emit Glory Girl style overwhelming terror/submission. Helmet of master immunity, inset with anti-stranger lens. Cloak that provides stranger power. Relatively low maintenance because low tech, but still tinkertech so Dragon can get something from it.
--[] Master 60
--[] Trump 60
—[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 100: Retain original thinker power. Expanded range and precision. Increased understanding of behavior, emotions, body language and psychology.
—[] Multitasking

Forgot Emote was small, changed that vote
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Hey, I can decrease the data in Magitech Knight if you like that better.

How about
Drop 20 thinker and tinker and trump each

[] Valiant, Magitech Knight
Tinker power with master/trump sub ratings and separate but complimentary thinker power.
-[] Tinker 120: Magitech themed power infused items, similar to Chromatic Quest, AN essence of Spirit, and A Propensity For Wrath. Emotionally based color effects. Examples: A sword that cuts through anything but instead of harm inflicts overwhelming nausea/vomiting. Medieval bomb/grenades that emit Glory Girl style overwhelming terror/submission. Helmet of master immunity, inset with anti-stranger lens. Cloak that provides stranger power. Relatively low maintenance because low tech, but still tinkertech so Dragon can get something from it.
--[] Master 60
--[] Trump 60
—[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 100: Retain original thinker power. Expanded range and precision. Increased understanding of behavior, emotions, body language and psychology.
—[] Multitasking

Forgot Emote was small, changed that vote
Maybe. Does anyone know what Dean's canon personality was like? We can trust Taylor to take full advantage of whatever power she gets, but would Veronica keep experimenting, or would she just make a set of gear and stick with it?
Uh, I hadn't even thought of that. What if we created a Curiosity Drive? In stead of conflict, Veronica would feel motivated to explore and test every aspect of her power, to experiment with it.

Personality was I think he was sickeningly nice and helpful, to the point where he annoyed people. Always trying to talk to Amy, Missy, and Sophia and get them to open up. A real do-gooder.
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Valiant, Magitech Knight
Tinker power with master/trump sub ratings and separate but complimentary thinker power.
-[] Tinker 140: Magitech themed power infused items, similar to Chromatic Quest, AN essence of Spirit, and A Propensity For Wrath. Emotionally based color effects. Examples: A sword that cuts through anything but instead of harm inflicts overwhelming nausea/vomiting. Medieval bomb/grenades that emit Glory Girl style overwhelming terror/submission. Helmet of master immunity, inset with anti-stranger lens. Cloak that provides stranger power. Relatively low maintenance because low tech, but still tinkertech so Dragon can get something from it.
--[] Master 60
--[] Trump 80
—[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 120: Retain original thinker power. Expanded range and precision. Increased understanding of behavior, emotions, body language and psychology.
—[] Multitasking
May need to add or decrease data.
Vhal how do tinker powers work for you? Like obviously my power would let Valiant do more than described, but would you roll for what he can build or do we give him ideas?
Like crossbow bolts of confusion, boots of joy for walking on air, etc.

[X] Manton Decree
-[X] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).

[X] From Zero to Hero: Peak Humanity
-[X] Trump 60 (I take 3 as absolute best humanity may possibly reach, but I think 40 would work as well): With this template hosts body slowly improves with each action commited by a host and maximize potential income of energy, proteins, etc. to make it as efficient as possible. Host simply doesn't waste anything with this template and reaches absolute peak of potential improvement standard human is capable of, both physically and mentally. Host with this template improves faster then it should be possible, but nothing on superhuman level and potential maximum which is possible by normal human standards would be consid
Added to the list.

Personally I am more for the suping up Valiant's power from sort of underwhelming to touhou bullshit.
I like touhou therefore I like this idea.

[] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
-[] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
-[] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
-[] Blaster 100 + Master 80 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different effect. BEAM SPAM in all directions
-[] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
-[] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.
Added to the list.

I. . . Might be trying to push for Mercy!Amy.
Flight plus offense would be good for her I think.

[] Valiant Scarlet
-[] Trump 200. This should grant Rating 10. Yeah, pretty high, but frankly this is really good ability. Also absurdly versatile. Pretty much this power grants an access to summon from dedicated pocket dimension armor designed to counter specific threats.
-[] Shaker 80. Pretty much additional pocket dimension for tools which aren't hosts armor.

[] Versatile Blaster
-[] Trump 100. Blaster 100. Trump 5 / Blaster 5. Pretty much idea here is to make an absurdly versatile Blaster. Healing beam, Stun Beam, Electricity Beam. Someone who makes up for missing power with absurd amount of options. Build is very simple, but still may be fun to use. It may be on higher power level though.
Added to the list.

I did. I've been using Rolz.org for years now, and I don't normally see rolls like that. I guess random is random?
Rngesus smiles upon us.

I know that many of the above powers are for dean/ veronica but I've added them to the list incase we ever need/want to recreate/modify/borrow ideas from them in the future.

Oh, if I missed a power just let me know. (Include the power I missed because I'll just miss it again otherwise)
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[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
-[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.

[X] Plan Cauldron
-[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
--[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.

[X] Plan Repair Protocols
-[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
-[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.

[X] Plan Gaea
-[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
-[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power
-[X] Multitasking
--[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
-[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
--[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
--[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
--[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

Not sure on change to valiant power
I don't suppose anyone's willing to add a brute or breaker rating to Administrated Gallantry? She's fragile without the armor.
[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"

[X] Plan Cauldron

[X] Plan Repair Protocols

[X] Plan Gaea

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power

[X] Multitasking
-[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.

[X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
-[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
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What if Valiant's beams, in addition to manipulating emotions, also allowed her to borrow powers (with immunities), senses and shapes? That would be useful and believable, right?
I don't suppose anyone's willing to add a brute or breaker rating to Administrated Gallantry? She's fragile without the armor.
The point is that its a blaster-master. Theres no reason to add a brute rating and it defeats the purpose of having it being a reexpressed version of her old power by PRT ratings, to the extent that most would think she was just holding back before
What if Valiant's beams, in addition to manipulating emotions, also allowed her to borrow powers (with immunities), senses and shapes? That would be useful and believable, right?
No previous Trump compoment and nothing to do with her power. Its just stuffing candy.
Ah well. Soon enough we'll be unleashing S-Class Platypuses on the world, and then they'll see. They'll all see! Mmwhahahaa!!!

But seriously. Let's be Taylor's save scumming pet Perry. She can drop us off at Coils base in the morning so we can get to work. Talking bipedal platypus. No thumbs though. None of the mercs say a thing.
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But seriously. Let's be Taylor's save scumming pet Perry. She can drop us off at Coils base in the morning so we can get to work. Talking bipedal platypus. No thumbs though. None of the mercs say a thing.
So long as they get paid I don't see why they would. Our money is better than coil's.

But in all seriousness I don't see any reason besides minor abberance why we couldn't trigger an animal to be our mascot/puppet.
Alright, voting once again, as promised, since the first one didn't count, including what I was thinking, pretty much a repeat of my last vote, though I returned to just continue present research, though I am thinking we need to start research on mnemonic hazards and psychic theory soon, and Void Stalker's ideas for research still appeal some.

[X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"

[X] Plan Cauldron

[X] Plan Repair Protocols

[X] Plan Gaea

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"

I still don't like the idea of making to many changes to Valiant/Gallant, but a general upgrade to present powers with QA bonus, that sounds good.
[X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
I like this one, it stays close to her original powers, but allows for a lot of new versatility, and some serious new abilities, although there will be a lot of questions about what happened and was it Amy who did this or was a 2nd trigger of V?
[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
-[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.

[X] Plan Cauldron
-[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
--[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.

[X] Plan Repair Protocols
-[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
-[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.

[X] Plan Gaea
-[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
-[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power
-[X] Multitasking
--[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
-[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
--[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
--[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
--[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
-[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.

[X] Plan Cauldron
-[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
--[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.

[X] Plan Repair Protocols
-[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
-[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.

[X] Plan Gaea
-[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
-[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power

[X] Multitasking
-[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.

[X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
-[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

It was pretty difficult to decide what to do with Veronica's power, but Administrated Gallantry came out ahead of the rest in that it built upon the core that was already there.
Adhoc vote count started by Ducats on Jan 15, 2019 at 9:26 AM, finished with 196 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
    -[X] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
    -[X] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
    -[X] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
    -[X] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
    -[X] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    -[X] Multitasking
    --[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    -[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    --[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    --[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    --[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    -[X] Multitasking
    --[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    -[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    --[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    --[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    --[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

Adhoc vote count started by Ducats on Jan 15, 2019 at 9:27 AM, finished with 196 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    -[X] Multitasking
    --[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    -[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    --[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    --[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    --[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
    -[X] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
    -[X] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
    -[X] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
    -[X] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
    -[X] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.
The point is that its a blaster-master. Theres no reason to add a brute rating and it defeats the purpose of having it being a reexpressed version of her old power by PRT ratings, to the extent that most would think she was just holding back before

No previous Trump compoment and nothing to do with her power. Its just stuffing candy.
The idea is he used to "link" emotions (2 way. He could sense and manipulate.) Now, under Amy's influence, she can receive more, as her body is now familiar with unusual shifts in nature.
[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
-[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.

[X] Plan Cauldron
-[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
--[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.

[X] Plan Repair Protocols
-[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
-[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.

[X] Plan Gaea
-[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
-[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power

[X] Multitasking
-[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.

[X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
[X] Change Veronica's Power

[X] Multitasking
-[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.

[X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
-[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

I assume a large boost that's fairly similar to her original power wouldn't be to eyebrow raising.
It was pretty difficult to decide what to do with Veronica's power, but Administrated Gallantry came out ahead of the rest in that it built upon the core that was already there.

Simple upgrade to her power is perfectly fine. I would prefer tinker upgrade, but in the end this is perfectly fine alternative.

@Gino I think the plan is to use the brute data to research host buffing and then apply that to the hosts.

We may consider doing something similar with Changer data at one point. By slowly learning how to change some parts of hosts body to make them for example more combat effective and grant special abilities (like for example grant them ability to breathe underwater). I think Changer data may be more flexible for it, as in the end Brute data for me sounds like something that may only be used to increase (or decrease) durability of a host or his or hers physical prowess and nothing more really. This is how I see it at least, but I may be wrong.

Some additional power templates.

[] Animal Shapeshifter
-[] Changer 140. I think rating 7 would be accurate for it. Pretty basic, but also deadly animal shapeshifting template. Host with an access to this powerset is capable of transforming into all kinds of members of fauna, extinct or not as long as they aren't smaller then smallest member of insect species. Animal kingdom have lots of animals which by our standards are considered very superhuman. Basic power, but with the right person it may be munchkined to hell.

[] Transforming or Possesing Savant
-[] Changer 200. Pretty similar concept to the first one with animal shapeshifting, but instead allows to transform into non-organic objects and control them like they would their own human body. Because in the end there is no animal which can match the might of a tank for example. Simple and yet fun powerset.
-[] Master 160. I think this is pretty accurate. This ability pretty much grants an option of 'possesing' items already builded by someone else, but in the end there is a limitation of potential processing data limit. So no, user of this power can't possess whole internet at once. It's still a pretty strong ability as with practice host may also jump from item to item, even if he or she does it from the one host created in the first place to the item created by someone else.

[] Eye for an Eye
-[] Changer 120. Trump 180. Power concept here is based on ability to freely change biology and shape of hosts eyes. Do you want to shoot lasers from your eyes like a Superman? This is for you! Or hypnotize people around? Well, you can, but Masters have a nasty reputation. Sharingan expy? Possible. Trump data allows to summon ability which otherwise would be impossible to do with simple biological manipulation.
Prologue - Part 7 - Reactions
Based on current events, PHO must be losing it shit before it even has a chance to roll in it. I love reading PHO interludes as much as I hate writing them. Anyone up to the PHO Omake Challenge?
Know that you brought this on yourself.


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♦Topic: Panacea parties hard
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted on November 4, 2010:

So, ya'll know me. Where there's a party I'll be there. I hear there's a scene bein' prepped in the upper crust of town and manage to finagle my way in. It wasn't easy, because it's the Arcadia scene, and I'm rockin' the Clarendon colors, but I've got my feelers around because New Wave sometimes makes an appearance, and ain't no party like a cape party!

Long story short, night started out pretty B+, good music, nice amounts of space and a good spread of people. Had a good rotation dancing, Victoria Dallon brought the Glory to the dance floor. [Video1] So far we're rocking a fairly decent teen party, when I see Vicky grab her boytoy and some drinks before running off somewhere. There were a few groups broken off doing their own thing in various places, video games on a television in another room. Heard there were board games elsewhere. Saw a bit of the former, but didn't seen the latter, which is too bad, because that's apparently where this party went from B+ to straight up the shit of legend.

So a while later and a few dudes come out of the back rooms, clearly buzzed. I'm figuring we've got a spiked punchbowl somewhere, and am determined to find it. So I start asking around and find they've been drinking with Panacea [Video2].

A bit later the cape herself comes out, smelling like a fruity brewery and dancing with a cherry-red redhead in a way that shows we share an appreciation of the female form. [Pic1] [Pic2]. All I know is if PanPan didn't get the digits, it's not because she lacked the opportunity to. Speaking of, Victoria was seen showing the love to some pretty thing [Video3], dunno how her boytoy'll take that.

So our world-class healer rocks the dance-floor a bit, giving the last of the Brockton Bay B-Boys a double-jointed everything [Pic3], giving someone the Gene Simmons treatment, and I've heard rumors that by party-end Brockton might have had an actual catgirl in the mix somewhere. No actual verification from that here, friends, just rumors.

EDIT1: Apparently that girl Victoria was with was her boytoy. [link]
EDIT2: So it seems that A) Cherry-red didn't start out with that hair color and B) PanPan did get the digits. Also, apparently Panacea is apparently mad skilled at Risk?
EDIT3: Okay, this is ridiculous. I've heard of losing things do to a party, but losing the world's best healer who is also apparently the world's greatest cosmetic surgeon? This is why you gotta drink responsibly. Anyone seen a lost and possibly hungover Panacea? [link]

(Showing Page 18 of 23)

► Red_Queen_BB
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Ho shit, my head hurts. Also, I can haz red hair, not that off-orange shit! So, Panacea starts out hanging with me and my friends, playing Risk. She's wiping us from the board like we're smallpox.

Seriously. I've heard some snark, but PanPan rocks it like the world is a grown man in the ER from a minor but nasty issue that's his own fault. I have never had my every mistake and tactical failure so clearly pointed out in acerbic detail.

Also, hell yeah she got the digits. Pretty sure she promised me a date this Friday, but I was pretty out of it by the end of the night there.

► BrocktonPartyPatrol (Original Poster)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
To be fair, that's what happens when you overdrink. Gotta party responsibly. My contacts in Arcadia confirms who you are, though, Queenie, so thanks for the update on the burning question we were all wondering about: Gossip about PanPan's love life.

► CalicoStraits
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Wait, that new girl is Dean Stansfield?
Well, I guess if you can't affect brains that's a way to cure gender dysmorphia.
On the one hand, I can't believe we're just leaning Panacea can do this.
On the other, saving lives should get triaged higher.

► MylesageMayVary
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Considering the fact Panacea doesn't get paid for her healings, I'm surprised New Wave hasn't advertised she can do this sort of thing, with severely limited availability and a high price tag. Not like anyone's going to complain the cosmetic stuff is being charged for when she's literally curing cancer otherwise.
Then again, New Wave's basically retired, so I guess the adults don't care.

► Fursona (Verified Cape) (Protectorate 41)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Anyone able to verify those rumors, OP?
Let's just say my fan club is getting mighty jealous of the people of the Bay.

► Proud_Eagle88
Replied on November 4, 2010:
its disgusting 2 think of those changer fets comin to our fair city
bad enough it turns out panacea is a dyke
then again she is properly turning sissies full fem instead of the sick parody they were dunno how it all evens out

► BrocktonBoardJames
Replied on November 4, 2010:
And here come the Nazis. Way to ruin the party like you ruined Europe.

► FervertFollower (Cape Groupie)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
omg guys i saw that nekomimi panacea made on the boardwalk [link]

► CausticFeelings
Replied on November 4, 2010:
I mean, obvious question here, but can Panacea do that the other way?
I eman, there's a difference between being the only healer in the world who can do a thing and being the best healer in the world at doing most of the things.

► Brockton_Brooks
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Fake. you can see the artifacts from the editing. Not to mention all the warping on the building in the background. Try harder next time.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23


♦Topic: Gallant Leaves Wards / Valiant Joins New Wave
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Teams
(Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on November 4, 2010:

So, in a recent press conference, Gallant unmasked as having been Dean Stansfield and is currently re-branding as Valiant, a member of New Wave.

This all seems to stem from Panacea helping her transition from Dean to Veronica at a party last night. Alcohol was involved, but rather than being some sort of mistake, it seems to be more inebriatedly bypassing things like parental checks.

Not sure if we'll see the armor updated for the new form or not, as New Wave is all about transparency and against masks.

This is the first new member to the New Wave movement since the tragic death of Fleur and Lightstar left the team.

Check out the press conference here: [LINK]
Panacea was oddly not in attendance.

EDIT: Panacea has been confirmed missing, [LINK] to a dedicated thread. If anyone sees Panacea, please inform the PRT and New Wave immediately.

(Showing Page 29 of 34)

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Is it gay if I find Valiant hot?
I mean, she's a girl. But she used to be a guy?
I don't know how to feel about this. . .

► I_Miss_Toblerones
Replied on November 4, 2010:
If only you'd felt conflicted enough not to post.
Although, hey, maybe this will make you introspective enough to learn something, and we can get Panacea the third miracle needed to canonize her.

► Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
So first Panacea gets rid of the best eye-candy in the Wards.
Then New Wave grabs up Valiant.

Are New Wave trying to collect all the girl capes in the Bay?
If so, what am I? Chopped liver?

► Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Hey now, Vista, you're one of the most experienced members of the Wards!

Plus, we're not all boys, here. There's still Shadow Stalker.

► Tilt-A-Whirl (Unverified Cape)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Wait, is New Wave actually taking on new members?

I thought they were basically defunct?

► Dr_Righteous
Replied on November 4, 2010:
Wait, so does this mean the Stansfield/Dallon romance drama of their on again/off again romance was because Vicky was trying to be supportive of Veronica coming out (in more ways than one?) and having issues being too pushy? Because I could see that.

@An_ArchMage: Binding and overbuilding a replacement could work, but you're forgetting one important question: Can she even do that? Yeah, sure, every Tinker seems capable of making power armor, but they can have weird restrictions. Don't forget Aerobrachium, God rest his soul, who was incapable of adding life support to his armor. There was a whole fight over things after his death until the PRT released the documents showing he actually wasn't capable of doing it. Valiant might has similar restrictions.

► Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on November 4, 2010:
She doesn't count, @Clockblocker.

► Fancy_Cat_Fancier
Replied on November 4, 2010:
@Vista: Whut? Is Stalker jealous Gallant got to go first?
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34


♦Topic: Lost: World's Best Healer
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted on November 5, 2010:

Okay, so, everyone knows a brief timeline of events:
November 3rd: Party of the century, Panacea actually unwinds. About half the party actually ends up going home.
November 4th: Everyone wakes up hungover. Much teenage panicking ensues. It was a school night, we dun goofed. Panacea leaves amongst the chaos, sources cite she looked upset. PRT shows up, tries to police information. Ha-ha, jokes on you, suckers, half the partygoers were responsible enough not to end up sleeping on the floor! Eventually Valiant comes out as both female, a parahuman, and a new member of New Wave. Panacea doesn't attend press conference.

Now, I, like may people, assumed Panacea was deep in discussions over power talks. Then Vicky shows up at school this morning saying her sister never came home. Gonna be trapped in Arcadia soon, so ya'll are on your own. Will update after school with whatever come up.

(Showing Page 2 of 2)

► GreyWorld_ColoredPills
Replied on November 5, 2010:
I think I saw her near the Boardwalk last night.
All I remember is colors and waking up in an alley.

► AllSeeingEye
Replied on November 5, 2010:
Has anyone checked out by the docks?

► V_Stephens (Verified BBPD)
Replied on November 5, 2010:
While we appreciate everyone's worries, there's no reason to be concerned.
As it has been over twenty-four hours since she was last seen, I can say that the BBPD, PRT, and New Wave are coordinating efforts to find her. If you see her, please contact one of us, not posting information online for anyone to see.

Please go about your lives. You won't make things easier by being out in crowds trying to find her, and if she wants to be alone, calling out to her might drive her away, possibly into gang territory.

@WolvenKnight: There's no evidence to support the idea she was kidnapped by the Empire, please don't stir up trouble.
@GreyWorld_ColoredPills: Please contact us with more details. You won't get in any trouble, even if it turns out you can't verify anything.
End of Page. 1, 2
Last edited:
For future reference, Administrated Gallantry is probably the right idea. This way, it looks like Panacea accidentally buffed his power, and we might be able to arrange something with Gaea where we can keep up a ruse somewhere down the line.

When we actually second trigger someone in an appropriate situation, we should reflect a real trigger. Remember, Grue was a shaker primary who suddenly beacame a trump primary. His old primary became thicker, slower, and more difficult to control. Afterwards it was most useful as a mechanism for copying powers.

If we eat a public capes shard and they second trigger instead of having their power altered by a parahuman, the new power should reflect that.

P.S. Even though I recognize this, I still find the idea of making Valiant into rainbow legend lite fun. Not even Legend is rainbow, all his lasers are blue.
Last edited:
[] Animal Shapeshifter
-[] Changer 140. I think rating 7 would be accurate for it. Pretty basic, but also deadly animal shapeshifting template. Host with an access to this powerset is capable of transforming into all kinds of members of fauna, extinct or not as long as they aren't smaller then smallest member of insect species. Animal kingdom have lots of animals which by our standards are considered very superhuman. Basic power, but with the right person it may be munchkined to hell.

[] Transforming or Possesing Savant
-[] Changer 200. Pretty similar concept to the first one with animal shapeshifting, but instead allows to transform into non-organic objects and control them like they would their own human body. Because in the end there is no animal which can match the might of a tank for example. Simple and yet fun powerset.
-[] Master 160. I think this is pretty accurate. This ability pretty much grants an option of 'possesing' items already builded by someone else, but in the end there is a limitation of potential processing data limit. So no, user of this power can't possess whole internet at once. It's still a pretty strong ability as with practice host may also jump from item to item, even if he or she does it from the one host created in the first place to the item created by someone else.

[] Eye for an Eye
-[] Changer 120. Trump 180. Power concept here is based on ability to freely change biology and shape of hosts eyes. Do you want to shoot lasers from your eyes like a Superman? This is for you! Or hypnotize people around? Well, you can, but Masters have a nasty reputation. Sharingan expy? Possible. Trump data allows to summon ability which otherwise would be impossible to do with simple biological manipulation.
Added to the list.

EDIT2: So it seems that A) Cherry-red didn't start out with that hair color and B) PanPan did get the digits. Also, apparently Panacea is apparently mad skilled at Risk?
The most important details right here.

EDIT3: Okay, this is ridiculous. I've heard of losing things do to a party, but losing the world's best healer who is also apparently the world's greatest cosmetic surgeon? This is why you gotta drink responsibly. Anyone seen a lost and possibly hungover Panacea? [link]

Gotta party responsibly.
I'm really liking party bro here. Good job!