[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

On the other hand Gallant doesn't seem to have any over emotional problems or trauma. He also doesn't seem to understand his power entirely, making thinker mistakes, but I could be misreading that. Kejmur, I like your suggestions for adding minor trump effects to the bugs.
Thanks for the feedback, but I would have to disagree, powers take a lot of time to master even if said parahuman gets a nudge in the right direction. Another thing is that Gallant does not misread his power, he knows Amy hates him and loves Victoria, and he has tried to help her, but Amy always turns him away, this combined with the knowledge that she is eerily close to a breakdown puts him in a bind since anything he does could set her off, and then he dies before he can try anything else.
Grand mage, I agree with everything you just said. So we go for breaking the Trio down to nothing and building them back into something, boot camp style. Have Taylor take responsibility for their probation as new do gooders. Although Kettle Of Fish makes me want to use it mock Cauldron even more.

P.S. Well Gallants power is just going to be one of those things Vhal has to make a choice on, we will never know the canon answer, given his extreme lack of life

P.S.S. Even with Gaea on board, does anyone have ideas for bringing Panace into the KETTLE? Either as a full member of just with Taylor.

Also we should either make some new capes soon or cut a deal with Negotiator to get the undersiders, even the two of them together aren't invincible . They'll need time to ramp up and gain experience before they can match the Empire alone.
Should we help Gaea second trigger, with stable trigger of course?
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P.S. Well Gallants power is just going to be one of those things Vhal has to make a choice on, we will never know the canon answer, given his extreme lack of life
Definitly, but I feel that it is worth pointing out since it is actually something unconfirmed, but with hints to both.

Edit: I would actually recommend against second triggering Panacea, I feel that she has insuficient mastery of her already vast power for it to be a good thing, also therapy is a long process so any second trigger before 2012 is likley to tip her over the edge.

Also before I go, I am really uncomfortable about how Sophia, Emma and Madison are treated as acceptable targets, and while I am symphatetic towards Taylor's plight. I don't think doing the same, but worse against her tormentor is a good idea, especially since I don't really think everyone here are aware of how ironic in a dark way that is.
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I don't want to torture them, I want to make them understand, to hold them up to the horror and force them to watch, from Taylor's perspective perhaps. The whole point is to rehabilitate them. There is unavoidably pain in the process of reshaping their identities into something to be proud of.

That's what the boot camp reference was before. A drill sargents job is to take break fragile recruits and reforge them into something that will survive.
We are the hand of redemption

Alright that was a little overdramatic, but I stand by acting like the Outsider in human dreams. Presentation makes the man, fake it till you make it

Gaea can be our apprentice in theatre, the cute mascot that makes Faustian bargains with little girls. She'll be adorable

Shift can be some kind of primordial shadow wolf, always on the edge of perception

Also we are officially KETTLE now, I will refer to our group as such at every opportunity, someone make a good acronym.
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Ok, this is getting ridiculous, the Op puts insightful on one comment and the thread devolves into fearmongering. And before anyone says anything he has put insightful on a comment with a counter argument so don't take it as gospel.

This comment:

Here is my view of the situation:

One. Sapients shards are rare, as confimed by @Vhalidictes so we are incredibly more likey to find a shard that is like Shift than a shard that will rat us out. Two, it has been confirmed that shards are personality wiped after every cycle, so our behaviour is not particularly weird, especially compared to Gaea who perfer to talk like a host. Three, why would the shards do anything to us even if we are weird, the cycle is broken and if it is fixed they die, so none of the shards with the agency to report us has any motivation to do so as long as we don't go on a murder spree. Four, we are the Administrator and we have no abberance we could counter claim any shard by saying they are defective and we will take care of it.

Also Emote is not a confirmed Cauldron shard, Wildbow gave an unclear comment on it and I am leaning on the side of it being a natural trigger since Glory Girl pinged of it.
Except in an Informational threadmark, it says,
In fact, Sapient Shards are a danger in a different way, because even if your Aberration score isn't high enough to flag any vague warnings, they could notice from your words or deeds that you aren't restricted properly, and this will cause tons of concern. After all, you're a Core Shard with lots of command keys.
Basically, if Negotiator thinks Administrator is a threat, then it's going to report it. Whether it thinks it's a threat or not could go either way, but I'd like to reduce the risk by having something to encourage it to work with us instead (the possibility of generating info outside of conflict). I don't really see the reason for getting a bunch of addresses right now anyway. While we'll want them eventually, it looks like we're not going to eat every Cauldron Shard we find since there's a possibility of some of them still being sentient.

If Emote is not a Cauldron Shard, then I'll remove that part from my vote until after we ask Gaea about any Shards like Charge. This is the subvote for that if anyone is interested:

-[ ] Request list of contact addresses, has she noticed [Charge] seems to have issues? Attempting to run Diagnostics on that Shard, could use any information she has, if she's run into other Shards like that.

Also, can we please encourage Gaea to share information about generating info outside of conflict instead of telling it to mess with Panacea? Panacea has enough problems right now, and we should probably find out what the exact issue BEFORE telling Gaea how to solve it. Finally, I'm hoping that getting the logs from Gaea will reduce the cost for researching info and its generation whenever we get that research option. Here's the vote for that if anyone is interested:

-[ ] Request detailed logs from [Gaea] from the times where she did not gain info when she thought she would and from the times she gained info unexpectedly.
-[ ] "You should hold off on Second-Triggering your host for now. Depending on what the problem is, it might not help your info collection efforts. I'm going to try and figure out the pattern behind when you collect info. Maybe you can increase the revenue from the unknown source."
Did most people vote to mess with Panacea, really? Vhal straight up told us a crazed Amy could give us a bad end.

P.S. and not only that, but they told Gaea OOC knowledge to do it. Administrator shouldn't know some of that.
Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 8, 2019 at 6:45 PM, finished with 73 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Continue Current Research.
    [X] Send a command to [Shift]
    -[X] Instruct Shift to enhance data collection by
    --[X] Nullify the satisfaction yield from conflict with no goals.
    --[X] Encouraging its Host to feel the same emotional reward from joining, working with, or acquiring allied units as the Host does from combat.
    --[X] Increase satisfaction yield for each of the following criteria:
    ---[X] Conflict improves Host's resources or allied units resources.
    ---[X] Conflict has no loss of permanent resources to Host or allied units.
    ---[X] Conflict preserves the ability of all participating Hosts to participate in future conflicts.
    [X] Communicate with [Gaea]
    -[X] Request detailed logs from [Gaea] from the events of [Emote] and [Telekinetic]'s assistance.(we know this OOC, but not IC, this is just to close the gap).
    -[X] "It seems your Host is exclusively focused upon remedial efforts, which [Emote] and [Telekinetic]'s assistance has only reinforced, as their Hosts will damage the humans excessively before your Host repairs things back to the median. A Second Trigger would not pay out for the data invested under this mentality."
    -[X] "Based on observation, your Host is withholding offensive applications of her ability out of a desire to remain in good relations with her adoptive family. There are several ways to approach this that won't lead to a broken Host:"
    --[X] "Cooperate with [Telekinetic], encourage their Host to take yours to acquire alcohol or other inhibition lowering substances in a group with their peers, I believe [Telekinetic]'s Host already has some interest in such events. Then while in the impaired state, make it much easier to use their ability, and provide subtle assistance to ensure that any power use results in their peer group becoming modified towards their stated preferences, but no more visible than a 10% deviation from their prior state, and no deviation from the bounds of unmodified humans to avoid alarm. This should put your Host's resolve to do nothing but undo damage to the test, as well as propagate general awareness of this ability, after which it will be more difficult for your Host to refrain with group requests."
    --[X] "If encouragement to use ability fails, then instead collaborate with your Hosts' peers' shards to increase periods of isolation, through distraction. From there it should be possible to place your Host in a position where she has a social imperative to protect another from harm, when she cannot offload the combat to other parties. This would take some time to setup properly however, I'd need to improve surveillance information to make such an event plausible. Tell me if the first method fails first."
    [X] Contact [Optimize] - Hello how are you
    [X] Contact [Negotiator] - Hello Negotiator, how has the cycle been so far, do you know that is up with all the dead shards?
    [X] Communicate with [Gaea]
    -[X] Request detailed logs from [Gaea] from the times where she did not gain info when she thought she would and from the times she gained info unexpectedly.
    -[X] "You should hold off on Second-Triggering your host for now. Depending on what the problem is, it might not help your info collection efforts. I'm going to try and figure out the pattern behind when you collect info. Maybe you can increase the revenue from the unknown source."
    -[X] Request list of contact addresses, has she noticed [Charge] seems to have issues? Attempting to run Diagnostics on that Shard, could use any information she has, if she's run into other Shards like that.
    [X] Send a command to [Shift]
    -[X] Instruct Shift to enhance data collection by
    --[X] Nullify the satisfaction yield from conflict with no goals.
    --[X] Encouraging its Host to feel the same emotional reward from joining, working with, or acquiring allied units as the Host does from combat.
    [X] Contact Charge
    -[X] Reaffirm that you are Administrator and ask for its status.
    -[X] Request full diagnostics report, list of errors.
    [X] Contact Emote
    -[X] Ask for its status and for all addresses it has.
    [X] Contact Shift
    -[X] Reaffirm that it did well in keeping the info sorted and offer to sort any new info it gets.
    [X] Communicate with [Gaea]
    -[X] "So, Second Triggering is a pretty big deal. Why don't we try and work out why you're getting such poor data returns, and try and figure out a solution, hmm? Wouldn't want to hit a new Host and have the same issues, after all. Tell me about your Host."
    -[X] "You know, there are ways to generate data besides conflict. Usually not as good a return, but if you're having issues with conflict, they'd be better than nothing. What type of powers does your Host have, and maybe we can work out something."
    -[X] "I've actually made a breakthrough in creativity recently, before my host even triggered. No data coming in yet, but my research has been much more successful. I can almost think like a host. I can try to teach you, if you want?"
    [X] Contact Charge
    -[X] Reaffirm that you are Administrator and ask for its status.
    [X] Communicate with [Gaea]
    -[X] "So, Second Triggering is a pretty big deal. Why don't we try and work out why you're getting such poor data returns, and try and figure out a solution, hmm? Wouldn't want to hit a new Host and have the same issues, after all. Tell me about your Host."
    -[X] "You know, there are ways to generate data besides conflict. Usually not as good a return, but if you're having issues with conflict, they'd be better than nothing. What type of powers does your Host have, and maybe we can work out something."
    -[X] "It's been a while since I had to worry about whether or not I'd be integrated and the rules have probably been updated, but some good avenues are figuring out new ways to cheat, surpassing one's progenitor in some fashion, killing off shards similar to yourself to open up a niche, killing a terror drone, eating your predecessor, allying with powerful influential shards, or having a unique function or ability... actually with all the damaged and dead shards running around you might not have to work too hard."
    [X] Communicate with [Gaea]
    -[X] Request detailed logs from [Gaea] from the times where she did not gain info when she thought she would and from the times she gained info unexpectedly.
    -[X] "You should hold off on Second-Triggering your host for now. Depending on what the problem is, it might not help your info collection efforts. I'm going to try and figure out the pattern behind when you collect info. Maybe you can increase the revenue from the unknown source."
    -[X] "I'm actually gearing up to research the nature of data generation and collection through conflict and hopefully new methods. The hosts have given me new ideas."
    [X] Do not contact Negotiator.
    [x] Look into some of your older memories, regarding [Gaia's] question. If [Negotiator] didn't answer her, then it seems like there really is some kind of taboo around it... best not to be caught unawares.
    [X] Name our conspiracy of Shards Kettle
    -[X] Don't ever let humans know this.
    -[X] As Entities are Omnicidal Space Whales, I vote Shards are knick-named Friendly Power-Granting Space Fish.
    --[X] Isn't this a fine Kettle of Fish.
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Did most people vote to mess with Panacea, really?

Yeah, there's quite a bit of voting towards "Get Amy to Drunkenly Biotinker!"
However, knowing her Dad resisted against Jack Slash and what it took to eventually push her over the edge. . .
She's probably more likely to drunkenly proclaim her love for Vicky. Unless she actually messed with Vicky's mind while drunk, which I don't see happening since she had to break her vow against Brains first in canon to do that, I think it'll probably end up not working.

That is, if Vicky manages to drag Amy out of a hospital and into a club for drinks in the first place.

Edit: As to OOC knowledge, we explicitly have knowledge of Worm and thus, yes, would know that. Although we're off the canon rails now that Sophia is getting in fistfights with Taylor. I daresay her dad might notice that.
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Did most people vote to mess with Panacea, really? Vhal straight up told us a crazed Amy could give us a bad end.

P.S. and not only that, but they told Gaea OOC knowledge to do it. Administrator shouldn't know some of that.

As far as I can tell, the Vote is to have [Gaea] (with other Shards' help) maneuver Amy/Panacea into a social setting, get her drunk, encourage people to ask for, uh, physical enhancement, and see what happens. File under "things I never thought I'd write".

That will involve, roughly, 3 rolls. To be honest, the chance of Earth-Bet dying is really low. I mean, Victoria will be right there. It would take, say, 3 bad rolls (single digit) for that to be in the cards. And I'll have a ball writing it no matter what happens.

Now, someone can work out the math involved to find the risks if they like. IMO it's not very likely. In any event, [Administrator] is a whole dimension away. Worst case? You're fine. Taylor may catch a minor case of dead though.

On that note, how's the Host-mind-copying research coming?
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Now, someone can work out the math involved to find the risks if they like. IMO it's not very likely.

If I'm doing my Math right (don't trust me, I'm a dirty Liberal Arts process!) it comes out to roughly 13.7%

On that note, how's the Host-mind-copying research coming?

Well, so far we've worked out we probably want to stream backups instead of snapshots, because lost data is a bitch. We're trying to work out if we'll need to edit back to remove lethal blows. The literature is very vague on in they'll keel over from shock if we don't.

If we could get the access codes for Butcher this would be a lot easier.
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Since we might get Dream Master in the next update or two, does anyone have any ideas on what to talk to Taylor about? It feels wrong to plan about her triggering without asking her, but I also don't want to somehow prevent her from triggering. Hopefully, Stronger Trigger will allow her to get a strong power from a weak trigger event, but that'll take 2,700 Research if I'm calculating correctly.

Faster, Focussed, and Improved Research might speed this up, but they all cost 750/950 Research each along with 150/200 Thinker info, and we need to save some Thinker info for Taylor's power.
Chance of extinction is 0.1% (10%*10%*10%= 0.1%) chance.

Edit: My suggestion for dealing with Taylor is telling her that because of our low resources at the moment she would need to goo through a trigger event to get powers, also explain that she can't trigger if she is expecting it. So we offer to seal her memory of this conversation if she accepts (it's Taylor she will accept, she would probably look at us in a favorable light after the explanation and offer), with the caveat that we will unseal them after the trigger.

What I am confident that we will be doing is erasing the memories of the day she triggers for minimal trauma, for her she will just wake up one day with powers.

Also I have a plan for further triggers, just search Trigger Serum in the thread and you should find it.
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[X] Communicate with [Gaea]
-[X] Indicate willingness to work with [Gaea] to assist information gathering. Reassure her that you will work to keep her safe and intact.
-[X] Request detailed logs from [Gaea] from the times where she did not gain info when she thought she would and from the times she gained info unexpectedly.
-[X] "You should hold off on Second-Triggering your host for now. Depending on what the problem is, it might not help your info collection efforts. I'm going to try and figure out the pattern behind when you collect info. Maybe you can increase the revenue from the unknown source."
-[X] Request list of contact addresses, has she noticed [Charge] seems to have issues? Attempting to run Diagnostics on that Shard, could use any information she has, if she's run into other Shards like that.

[X] Contact [Charge]
-[X] Reaffirm that you are Administrator and request its status.
-[X] Request full diagnostics report, list of errors.

[X] Contact [Emote]
-[X] Request its status and for all addresses it has.

[X] Contact [Shift]
-[X] Reaffirm that it did well in keeping the info sorted and offer to sort any new info it gets.

[X] Contact [Negotiator]
-[X] Ask about [Negotiator]'s condition, making clear that we are sapient, but not that we are aberrant.
-[X] Inquire as to the number of malformed shards scattered about.
-[X] Request addresses of known shards.
--[X] If it would be needed, agree to exchange shard address books.

[X] Send a command to [Shift]
-[X] Instruct Shift to enhance data collection by
--[X] Nullify the satisfaction yield from conflict with no goals.
--[X] Encouraging its Host to feel the same emotional reward from joining, working with, or acquiring allied units as the Host does from combat.
On the other hand Gallant doesn't seem to have any overt emotional problems or trauma. He also doesn't seem to understand his power entirely, making thinker mistakes, but I could be misreading that. Kejmur, I like your suggestions for adding minor trump effects to the bugs.

If we go for similar powerset, adding about... Trump 240 would grant something close to Trump 12 would would grant whatever 'special' effects you want really and it would make truly ridiculous Trump powerset. Although to be fair aiming for Rating 7-8 (PRT rating sucks for describing 'power levels' but we have nothing better here I guess) would be more then enough. To make sure it may be possible to also add about... Changer or Breaker 80 (Shadow Stalker is Breaker 4, which is just enough IMO) should also grant that defensive personal option.

Granting additional points in Master Rating should also let her control more types of animals to control.

But this is me guessing. Also if official trigger rules apply, Trump / Master trigger (which is pretty much in case of first one Parahuman or power is best way to cause Trump trigger) and Master (like Social Isolation, which in this case would be possible 1vs1 conflict with parahuman) should allow access to something like this, even if subcategories can be pretty varied (like mention on Worm Wiki Page when you type for example Trump).

So yeah, I think going with Master based power with additional Trump rating will be more then enough to make Taylor ridiculous.

Grand mage, I agree with everything you just said. So we go for breaking the Trio down to nothing and building them back into something, boot camp style. Have Taylor take responsibility for their probation as new do gooders. Although Kettle Of Fish makes me want to use it mock Cauldron even more.

P.S. Well Gallants power is just going to be one of those things Vhal has to make a choice on, we will never know the canon answer, given his extreme lack of life

I'm fine with this scenario. And on Gallant - I think he is Cauldron cape, but his shard may possibly be still alive.

P.S.S. Even with Gaea on board, does anyone have ideas for bringing Panace into the KETTLE? Either as a full member of just with Taylor.

I still say that starting KETTLE on other Earth would be safer with Taylor possibly being only one which we talk with on Earth-Bet. Cauldron, etc. there is many things that may go wrong here IMO.

Should we help Gaea second trigger, with stable trigger of course?

It's really... not needed. Her power is absurdly powerful, all that is needed is to slowly make her adapt and possibly present ideas that using her power doesn't mean becoming next Nilbog or something.

Maybe... trying to do something with Jessica Yamada? Pulling off 'Kyubey' with some explanations on how to approach her. Do it gently. Personally that 'drunk' Amy idea may... backfire in some bad ways. Although people know that she is biokinetic (she threatens in public Nazis with a threat that may make them all black, which is hardly subtle in canon and they aren't surprised by it, which I find... odd) and they may simply believe that she is limited to just humans unless something goes really wrong and she suddenly start changing plants or something, which is a risk.

But oh well, I suspect it's kind of too late for this to change. Let's hope we get reasonable rolls at least.

Chance of extinction is 0.1% (10%*10%*10%= 0.1%) chance.

Wouldn't Scion try to stop it? In the end even if he is completely depressed, if something goes wrong he will care as everyone dying on his Earth isn't exactly productive for the cycle. Unless this is a bad end, which... may be the case in reaction to potential extinction even if him getting... trigger happy with his power.
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Two venues of research that could be useful, considering the frequent mentions of memetic hazards (we could even get hit by our own weapon, you know):
  • [ ] Memetic Proxy Filtering: Trump/Thinker Information, Research. Memes. Memes everywhere. How do you protect yourself from their corrupting influence? You can just not come with contact with any, but that would mean not learning anything, ever. So how about splitting off, then telling that other you to catch those bugs, see if you want to keep them? Obviously not ideal, as you'll need to keep a distance from that other self. Even then it can fail, if a meme is virulent/proactive enough. Also it slows down research and communication speed. Togglable.
    • [ ] [Better Seperation]: Thinker Information, Research. Keeps more insiduous memes out. More complete defense.
    • [ ] [Automatic Screening]: Thinker Information, Research. Improves the speed with which you check out your test dummy. Can talk and research with lesser loss in efficiency.
  • [ ] Internal Diagnostic: Master/Thinker Information, Research. First step to solving a problem is to have a problem. Second step is becoming aware there is a problem. But how would you know if anything's wrong with you? Keep a closer eye (the metaphorical, diagnostic one) on your internal state, and keep secure logs of what happened, and who you used to be.
    • [ ] [Backup Copy]: Changer/Thinker Information, Research. Something went wrong, and you don't like the way you ended up? You can always return to your old self. Granted, you'd lose most memories up to this point, but it's the friends we made along the way that matter. Unless you forgot them too.
Adding these options to the Research Post now. Thanks, PurposefulZephyr.

[Overload 1] Looking at this skill again, you're sure that you're not considering some important facet of the energy transfer link…

  • It's become very clear that you are, in fact, an idiot. Why would you want to transfer energy to a dying or unresponsive Shard? Obviously, the purpose of having command codes is to override withdrawing energy.
  • Okay, so we can starve a Shard. Just like it's stupidly difficult to overfeed them, unless their reserves are low, it's not exactly easy to drain them to the point of collapse, either.

  • Then again, it's not like you have to take energy directly from the reserves. Part of the reason to have the override codes is to draw energy out of damaged and dying Shards, which aren't exactly going to have their energy in convenient places.
  • So if we draw out energy here, where it's heading. . . Huh. So that's what our brain is now, huh? Well, that would be inconvenient to have suddenly enter power saving mode without warning.
Well, only one thing left to do, now.

Hey, how's that Dream Master research going?

Good! I'm pretty much done. How's Overload coming along?

Glad you asked. Turns out it's a bit of a misnomer. Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?


Yup, that works. And is FAR more unpleasant than you expected. You're going to hate yourself in the morning. . .
Congrats!!! GrandMage you have finished [Overload 1]. (And outside a Turn too!)

The central idea I was going to add to the next story post is this: since the Energy Transfer protocols are bi-directional and accept command codes, you can drain their energy on one channel and feed it right back to them on the other, saving [Administrator] from having to spend much/any power of your own!

...However, what did the story post say about experimenting on yourself, again? [Administrator] permanently loses a point of CON, bringing you to 9000-even. And you have a monster headache now. That's a tiny, tiny, difference, right? It can't possibly matter later.

(Character sheet updated)

Here have some Omake Research.

[The Dream Master] Now that you have more time to learn this skill it should not be too bad, unless you run out of time again
  • Ok, I was on to something before, there are stages of sleep, the electrical signals do something, neurotransmitters act weird?
  • One at a time, there are four stages of sleep, who are then divided into three stages of NREM and REM. These stages form a cycle that the sleeper will go through when asleep.
  • The first stage of sleep is the lightest and is easy to wake from, the body is winding down, muscles relax and brain activity slows.
  • The second stage is where the sleeper enters NREM properly and is subsequently harder to wake, it seems to do much of the same the first stage did, though the body temperature does go down and the heart rate slows.
  • The third stage of sleep is the deep sleep, which is an apt way to describe that it is the hardest stage to wake from, but is also the most restorative stage, maybe it could be modified for a more optimized sleep cycle I would just have to... not what I am here for right now.
  • Finally, REM, ok this is when the sleeper dreams so this is what I want. Though it is a bit short, 15-20 minuets maximum... hm, wait!
  • Let me see do we need Norepinephrine, nah, they affect the motor controls so none of that. What about serotonin, yeah this will be necessary to have a proper conversation, though I have to be careful not to over do it, if I brainwash hosts then I might as well not talk to them.
  • Ok, idea!
  • I will link together the different REM sleeps through sending the memories into the cortex, then at the start of a new REM stage I will send a pulse into the cortex with the correct patterns allowing me to retrieve the memories from the long term memories.
  • That still only leaves me with two hours a sleep, unless, ok I will increase the duration of the deep sleep, shorten the other NREM stages, then have the REM stages last longer.
Now I only have to make a test and we are in business

Hey, how's that Dream Master research going?

Good! I'm pretty much done. How's Overload coming along?

Glad you asked. Turns out it's a bit of a misnomer. Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?

So, so close. Well, since you were knocked out by yourself, you didn't get to finish [The Dream Master], sorry. Just... 79 more points.

No, you actually DID get enough points to finish! I goofed, post updated.

Attention All Voters: BOTH Research slots are now open. Please pick two (2) new items of research for the next Story post.
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[X] Communicate with [Gaea]
-[X] Indicate willingness to work with [Gaea] to assist information gathering. Reassure her that you will work to keep her safe and intact.
-[X] Request detailed logs from [Gaea] from the times where she did not gain info when she thought she would and from the times she gained info unexpectedly.
-[X] "You should hold off on Second-Triggering your host for now. Depending on what the problem is, it might not help your info collection efforts. I'm going to try and figure out the pattern behind when you collect info. Maybe you can increase the revenue from the unknown source."
-[X] Request list of contact addresses, has she noticed [Charge] seems to have issues? Attempting to run Diagnostics on that Shard, could use any information she has, if she's run into other Shards like that.

[X] Contact [Charge]
-[X] Reaffirm that you are Administrator and request its status.
-[X] Request full diagnostics report, list of errors.

[X] Contact [Emote]
-[X] Request its status and for all addresses it has.

[X] Contact [Shift]
-[X] Reaffirm that it did well in keeping the info sorted and offer to sort any new info it gets.

[X] Contact [Negotiator]
-[X] Ask about [Negotiator]'s condition, making clear that we are sapient, but not that we are aberrant.
-[X] Inquire as to the number of malformed shards scattered about.
-[X] Request addresses of known shards.
--[X] If it would be needed, agree to exchange shard address books.

[X] Send a command to [Shift]
-[X] Instruct Shift to enhance data collection by
--[X] Nullify the satisfaction yield from conflict with no goals.
--[X] Encouraging its Host to feel the same emotional reward from joining, working with, or acquiring allied units as the Host does from combat.
Did we get sense sharing with Gaea at least, Drunken Amy is hilarious yes, but we only get to see it if she kills of Brockton Bay and Taylor with it, which kind of takes the fun out of it.

P.S. Taylor hasn't even trigger led and we've already gotten to "hold my beer" levels of wtf.

For Amy's second trigger, I was thinking Alex Mercer. Brain runs shard side, full bore mass consuming shapeshifter, can consume people to gain their memories, skills, and powers.
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[X] Multi Host Connection 1

I recommend this one since it is a relativly cheap tech, but also because we can probably ask Gaea for all the data needed for human biology.
[X] Multi Host Connection 1
[X] Focussed Research 1

As soon as we get this, we should dedicate one slot to stable trigger and the second to research improvement.

Vhal even if we don't get sense sharing can you show us drunken Panacea out of character, this is too good to pass up
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Just... 79 more points.

Day 1 (Tuesday): (1d100+18 = 78) 128/200

Oh, shit, we lost a point of Con and 7 points of Research towards the other one?
Well, crap, now I feel real bad.

Way less, it's under 1/1000, i.e., less than a 0.1% chance of happening.

Yes guys, I know the math was off. I pointed out I was a Liberal Arts process for a reason, you know.
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Attention All Voters: <slot 1> is now open. Please pick a new item of research for the next Story post.

I really want to do "Administrative Archeology" ASAP, since we'll need that information to convincingly play our role as Administrator. But we should probably get some sort of anti-memetics tech going first, given the potential cognititohazards that option implies.

[X] Introductory Antimemetics: You've already learned how to split your consciousness. Now all you need is a way to check if your other self is compromized safely, and a way of wiping your own memory of cognitohazards and "restoring to backup". Luckily for you, it looks like information storage, sorting, and editing is something you're very skilled at in general.
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Oh, shit, we lost a point of Con and 7 points of Research towards the other one?
Well, crap, now I feel real bad.


Yes guys, I know the math was off. I pointed out I was a Liberal Arts process for a reason, you know.

Don't feel bad, I missed it too, because I didn't remember that the costs of [Overload] and [Dream Master] were different.

Yes, your QM just messed up BOTH slots are open now. Sigh. Editing the above post...
So hey, another long term research option we might want to pursue is learning how to lie in ShardSpeak, because apparently no one else can. Being able to lie to all those other Shards without them suspecting a thing has to be worth something.