Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

Could someone please direct me to a link of the Kimbery Charms we're using? I'm writing up my Malefector idea, and I'd like to see what Kimbery charms she should start out with.
Alright, the writeup with all info and changes. Not sure I like the "dies if it falls in love" aspect. It seems cruel, which is the primary argument against the "no sex" aspect, so I'd like to remove it. Maybe the Gardeliv transforms into a different sort of deva?

Also, a 5-dot attribute or ability certainly isn't Unquestionable rank, it's maximum mortal potential. Plenty of 2CDs have higher than 5 dots, and 3CDs are expected to toss 20+ dice at a problem without really trying.
Gardelivs, the Midnight Geishas
Devas of the First Circle
Progeny of The Eternal Night of Grace

The Gardelivs are as demure as they are beautiful, following after their creator in their sense of quiet dignity and graceful service. They appear as girls just past the cusp of womanhood, with pale faces to enhance their features. A Gardeliv will seek to dress itself ornately, though not gaudily, and will happily wear gifted clothing from their current patron. Careful questioning will reveal that these women cannot speak ill of anyone, even bitter enemies, as a Gardeliv exists to uncover secrets through flattery and ingratiation. An unwary nobleman will find himself put at-ease by the spirit's delicate tones and careful appreciation of his wit, only to invite a spy into his midst. Gardelivs, when not under direction from Sinnihtáre, will set out on their own to impress their way into local courts and amass knowledge for the great contests between their kind where they compete to reveal the most damaging secrets.

Gardelivs take little interest in life outside courtly walls or noble halls. The day-to-day mundanity of working life is nearly useless in their lady's schemes and of low-value in their contests. Still, if there are no places where social maneuvering is the central aspect of life, they will be content to insert themselves as advisers to local politicians, or companions to union bosses. Wherever they end up, a Gardeliv's actions only benefit their hosts to the extent necessary to become trusted. They only rarely have any real investment in the organizations they infiltrate, though a few have noticed real improvement after entrusting duties to the pretty new girl.

Masters of socialization, the Gardelivs are born with an innate skill at reading faces and judging emotions, and are exceptionally gifted learners when it comes to social strategems such as dinnertime conversation, tea-ceremonies, and other regimented social behavior. They are similarly skilled at improvisational methods such as flattery, but they will always attempt to construct a more organized system in order to manipulate it. If discovered or faced with violence, a Gardeliv will do its utmost to flee. The Midnight Geishas dislike violence and will only fight if they are personally threatened, at which point the Gardeliv can usually call for aid from one of the many courtiers she will have tempted or blackmailed into helping her.

Gardelivs rarely make active attempts at physical seduction, though if a patron who has treated one well approaches them they will not find the notion objectionable; such relations make it that much easier to discover their patron's secrets. However, if a Gardeliv's patron asks her to marry him, she will generally flee at the earliest opportunity. Only in the exceptionally rare cases where a Gardeliv have grown to truly love a human patron will they consent to become a bride, but this is not without cost. Sinnihtáre must be appealed to, and if she grants her blessing she oversees the wedding, binding the Gardeliv to her new partner and changing her Motivation to protect their secrets. The Devas life is now bound to that of her love, and she will die with them.

Gardelivs reproduce themselves at their contests by writing the most heinous and dangerous secrets onto strips of paper and burning them in a cauldron. The smoke from the paper ascends and coalesces into a new Gardeliv, which cloaks itself in a beautiful black garment sewn together from the soot and ink. They gain limit whenever they are forced to reveal a secret to someone other than their lieges or fellow Gardelivs. Sometimes, when an angry noble ejects one of his courtiers for incompetence, a Gardeliv will appear nearby and begin the delicate maneuvering to earn his favor.

Motivation: To ingratiate themselves into the service of powerful people and uncover their secrets for their true lieges.

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Resistance 2, Bureaucracy 3 (Court Life +2), Investigation 4 (Uncovering Secrets +1), Linguistics 3 (Native: Old Realm. Others: As Necessary), Performance 5 (Patron's Culture +1), Presence 3 (Eye-catching Grace +1), Socialize 4 (High Class Etiquette +2), Integrity 2

Virtues: Compassion 3, Temperance 4, Conviction 3, Valor 1

Backgrounds: Backing 1 (Sinnihtáre), Contacts 4 (Other Gardelivs), Mentor 1 (Sinnihtáre)

Spirit Charms:
Harrow the Mind - A Gardeliv will often alter the perception of her audience to enhance her performances, invoking heart-tugging music and illusions that promise beauty hidden behind shadows. This effect is a social attack made by the Gardeliv using her (Performance + Charisma) against her targets' MDV, adding a number of automatic successes equal to her Temperance. Only one success is needed to cast the illusion, but extra successes add to the difficulty to break free.

Principle of Motion - Gardelivs tend to keep five extra actions ready.

Reserve of Will (x3) - Gardelivs have 3 additional temporary Willpower.

Whims of the Court - This charm is unique to Gardelivs and allows them to gain a general sense of the society they are entering. By spending 10 motes and one Willpower, a Gardeliv spends one hour learning the complete social mores, etiquette and fashion of a local organization (this would allow her to learn the behaviors of an Imperial Governor's court, but not the details of the entire Britannian Empire) . The Gardeliv may also spend 5 motes and one Willpower, rolling her (Investigation + Manipulation) to discern the nature of social links between a number of people equal to her successes who belong to the same court she has infiltrated. The difficulty for this roll is one in mortal courts, two in courts led by a Dragonblooded or spirit, and three in courts led by a Celestial exalt or spirit with permanent essence 7 or higher. Failure causes the Gardeliv to flee in shame, waiting for a week before building the courage to try again in another location.

Subtle Whisper - The Gardeliv's very presence sets others at ease, relaxing suspicion and loosening their tongues.

Stoke the Flame - The Gardeliv's performances are masterpieces, causing those who witness them to hold them in the highest esteem.

First, Second and Third Excellencies for: Bureaucracy, Presence, Performance, Socialize and Investigation.

Join Battle: 1
Attacks: Gardelivs have no special combat abilities, but rely on those they have befriended or beguiled to defend them.

Soak: 5L/5B
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 4
Willpower: 9 (12 Temporary points)
Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 75
Cost to Materialize: 60

Other Notes: Gardelivs will take time to research their target society before moving in, learning as much as she can without revealing herself, including language, musical tastes and notable persons.
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Not sure I like the "dies if it falls in love" aspect. It seems cruel, which is the primary argument against the "no sex" aspect, so I'd like to remove it. Maybe the Gardeliv transforms into a different sort of deva?
Technically, they only die if they marry someone. While it is true that they're much more likely to marry someone they love, ultimately love has nothing to do with their death. A Gardeliv could probably serve a patron for a long time if they loved them, but didn't marry them.
Alright, the writeup with all info and changes. Not sure I like the "dies if it falls in love" aspect. It seems cruel, which is the primary argument against the "no sex" aspect, so I'd like to remove it. Maybe the Gardeliv transforms into a different sort of deva?

It's not "dies if falls in love" it's "dies if they get married" - mainly I got the idea from this line in Wikipedia: "Historically, geisha did sometimes marry their clients but marriage necessitated retirement, as there were never married geisha." Basically you can't be a geisha if you marry by the historical tradition. It's also a choice - they don't have to marry, though they will flee if they don't accept. (maybe make this a temporary retreat rather than a permanent one) It would also be one they would make rarely, and not one they really regret. I mean, this has to be truly epic love here, and they have to want to have the other person's child at the cost of their own life - when this happens it's a tale for the ages.

I'm fine with a bit of a tragic aesthetic, it's just that the "no sex" thing was something that would be rather crippling to them on a regular basis and cause them pain with frequency. This would be an extraordinarily rare event. Alternatives are viable, though.

I don't think we could have them become a new deva type, as that would require we design it. One possibility is that Sinnihtáre appears, performs the wedding ceremony, and releases the Gardeliv from her duties - her Motivation changes to "guard her spouse's secrets" and she becomes capable of bearing her spouse's children, but as a cost she also has her life linked to her spouse. When the spouse dies the Gardeliv dies with him/her.

Also, a 5-dot attribute or ability certainly isn't Unquestionable rank, it's maximum mortal potential. Plenty of 2CDs have higher than 5 dots, and 3CDs are expected to toss 20+ dice at a problem without really trying.

Not Unquestionable Rank in terms of skill, 5 dots in Performance "can play a song so beautiful that it will touch the heart of one of the Demon Princes of Malfeas" by the Core book's descriptions of what different levels in Abilities do.
One possibility is that Sinnihtáre appears, performs the wedding ceremony, and releases the Gardeliv from her duties - her Motivation changes to "guard her spouse's secrets" and she becomes capable of bearing her spouse's children, but as a cost she also has her life linked to her spouse. When the spouse dies the Gardeliv dies with him/her.
That fantastic and is much more appropriate for a deva than a demon. My inner romantic loves it.

Maybe the Gardeliv has to petition her for the marriage? An amusing twist of RL tradition where the man has to convince the 'mother' that he's good enough for her daughter?

Not Unquestionable Rank in terms of skill, 5 dots in Performance "can play a song so beautiful that it will touch the heart of one of the Demon Princes of Malfeas" by the Core book's descriptions of what different levels in Abilities do.
Supernatural Wife has to leave Husband and Children because someone found out the secret of her being Supernatural is one of the oldest and most loved fairytales all over the world. Particularly Europe and Asia. Selkies, Fox Wives, and at least one bird. And there are plenty more too, so I really like how the Midnight Geisha are in line with this classic trope.

It's basically telling you to respect your spouse's privacy too.
To be fair, while Lelouch has had a rough life and isn't exactly mentally healthy, he's still a paragon of sanity compared to the Yozis. It makes sense that demons created by his souls would be less...I think "pointlessly cruel" might be a good fit?
All devas are less pointlessly cruel. It was defeat that twisted them into monstrosity.

On Titanic Souls (Ink Monkeys) said:
The devas of our enemies were not always the cleanest or most beatific of things; rarely does one find any being possessed of such majesty as the souls of the Emerald Mother. But they were not demons before or during the Primordial War. Most of them were mightier, loftier. They were pure, even when wicked. They were magnanimous. Until they knew defeat, they walked taller than the mountains. It was defeat that compounded their fall, twisting them in a devolution of nature and making them hideous.

So anything Lelouch creates ought to be "better" unless we specify them to be monstrous.
That fantastic and is much more appropriate for a deva than a demon. My inner romantic loves it.

Maybe the Gardeliv has to petition her for the marriage? An amusing twist of RL tradition where the man has to convince the 'mother' that he's good enough for her daughter?


It touches my inner romantic as well. I agree we should go with that interpretation.
Maybe the Gardeliv has to petition her for the marriage? An amusing twist of RL tradition where the man has to convince the 'mother' that he's good enough for her daughter?

Hmm, I'm not sure if the progenitor is strictly necessary to get directly involved here.

Prayer is traditional for contacting demons as much as for gods so...formal wedding in a shrine should count as such a rite beseeching her permission?

Its Performance to get through, which is doable for a race of superhuman performers
That fantastic and is much more appropriate for a deva than a demon. My inner romantic loves it.

Maybe the Gardeliv has to petition her for the marriage? An amusing twist of RL tradition where the man has to convince the 'mother' that he's good enough for her daughter?
Hmm, I'm not sure if the progenitor is strictly necessary to get directly involved here.

Prayer is traditional for contacting demons as much as for gods so...formal wedding in a shrine should count as such a rite beseeching her permission?

Its Performance to get through, which is doable for a race of superhuman performers

There are many cases for Second and Third Circle Demons where they will show up in Creation for some event or another. For instance, Benezet will show up in Creation unsummoned when an artist or craftsman creates something truly unique so that she may observe it. This could be one such event for Sinnihtáre, provided she's manifested and not still in Lelouch's soul.

I also don't think Sinnihtáre needs to be appealed to for this, especially considering that she may not be manifested out of Lelouch's soul at any given time. It's just better to have it be something in the deva's design, and Sinnihtáre would always bless a union where her progeny would be happy. Someone who actually makes a Gardeliv fall in love with them is almost assuredly a good person and would not likely be Sinnihtáre's enemy (a Gardeliv wouldn't agree to marry and protect the secrets of someone who is the enemy of her progenitor), and it is Sinnihtáre's nature to indulge those she cares about, so I can't see her ever denying it.

Here's a version of the write up with the images added, spelling for some things fixed, and the images added. I have Sinnihtáre appearing during ht wedding to play music if she's available. Also added a line about the Gardeliv being able to bear children once married. EDIT - Also changed Join Battle to the correct value of 5 (Wits + Awareness).

Gardelivs, the Midnight Geisha
Devas of the First Circle
Progeny of The Eternal Night of Grace

The Gardelivs are as demure as they are beautiful, following after their creator in their sense of quiet dignity and graceful service. They appear as girls just past the cusp of womanhood, with pale faces to enhance their features. A Gardeliv will seek to dress itself ornately, though not gaudily, and will happily wear gifted clothing from their current patron. Careful questioning will reveal that these women cannot speak ill of anyone, even bitter enemies, as a Gardeliv exists to uncover secrets through flattery and ingratiation. An unwary nobleman will find himself put at-ease by the spirit's delicate tones and careful appreciation of his wit, only to invite a spy into his midst. Gardelivs, when not under direction from Sinnihtáre, will set out on their own to impress their way into local courts and amass knowledge for the great contests between their kind where they compete to reveal the most damaging secrets.

Gardelivs take little interest in life outside courtly walls or noble halls. The day-to-day mundanity of working life is nearly useless in their lady's schemes and of low-value in their contests. Still, if there are no places where social maneuvering is the central aspect of life, they will be content to insert themselves as advisers to local politicians, or companions to union bosses. Wherever they end up, a Gardeliv's actions only benefit their hosts to the extent necessary to become trusted. They only rarely have any real investment in the organizations they infiltrate, though a few have noticed real improvement after entrusting duties to the pretty new girl.

Masters of socialization, the Gardelivs are born with an innate skill at reading faces and judging emotions, and are exceptionally gifted learners when it comes to social stratagems such as dinnertime conversation, tea-ceremonies, and other regimented social behavior. They are similarly skilled at improvisational methods such as flattery, but they will always attempt to construct a more organized system in order to manipulate it. If discovered or faced with violence, a Gardeliv will do its utmost to flee. The Midnight Geisha dislike violence and will only fight if they are personally threatened, at which point the Gardeliv can usually call for aid from one of the many courtiers she will have tempted or blackmailed into helping her.

Gardelivs never make attempts at physical seduction and attempt to dissuade suitors, but will eventually accept honorable pursuit by their patrons; such relations make it that much easier to discover a patron's secrets. However, if a Gardeliv's patron asks her to marry him, she will generally flee at the earliest opportunity. Only in the exceptionally rare cases where a Gardeliv have grown to truly love a human patron will they consent to become a bride, but this is not without cost. Once the wedding has been sealed through a ceremony, the Gardeliv is bound to her new partner and changing her Motivation to protect their secrets. The Deva's life is now bound to that of her love, and she will die with them, though she may also bear her spouse's children. If Sinnihtáre is manifested in the real world, she will appear during the wedding ceremony and play music to bless the happy couple.

Gardelivs reproduce themselves at their contests by writing the most heinous and dangerous secrets onto strips of paper and burning them in a cauldron. The smoke from the paper ascends and coalesces into a new Gardeliv, which cloaks itself in a beautiful black garment sewn together from the soot and ink. They gain limit whenever they are forced to reveal a secret to someone other than their lieges or fellow Gardelivs. Sometimes, when an angry noble ejects one of his courtiers for incompetence, a Gardeliv will appear nearby and begin the delicate maneuvering to earn his favor.

Motivation: To ingratiate themselves into the service of powerful people and uncover their secrets for their true lieges.

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Resistance 2, Bureaucracy 3 (Court Life +2), Investigation 4 (Uncovering Secrets +1), Linguistics 3 (Native: Old Realm. Others: As Necessary), Performance 5 (Patron's Culture +1), Presence 3 (Eye-catching Grace +1), Socialize 4 (High Class Etiquette +2), Integrity 2

Virtues: Compassion 3, Temperance 4, Conviction 3, Valor 1

Backgrounds: Backing 1 (Sinnihtáre), Contacts 4 (Other Gardelivs), Mentor 1 (Sinnihtáre)

Spirit Charms:
Harrow the Mind - A Gardeliv will often alter the perception of her audience to enhance her performances, invoking heart-tugging music and illusions that promise beauty hidden behind shadows. This effect is a social attack made by the Gardeliv using her (Performance + Charisma) against her targets' MDV, adding a number of automatic successes equal to her Temperance. Only one success is needed to cast the illusion, but extra successes add to the difficulty to break free.

Principle of Motion - Gardelivs tend to keep five extra actions ready.

Reserve of Will (x3) - Gardelivs have 3 additional temporary Willpower.

Whims of the Court - This charm is unique to Gardelivs and allows them to gain a general sense of the society they are entering. By spending 10 motes and one Willpower, a Gardeliv spends one hour learning the complete social mores, etiquette and fashion of a local organization (this would allow her to learn the behaviors of an Imperial Governor's court, but not the details of the entire Britannian Empire) . The Gardeliv may also spend 5 motes and one Willpower, rolling her (Investigation + Manipulation) to discern the nature of social links between a number of people equal to her successes who belong to the same court she has infiltrated. The difficulty for this roll is one in mortal courts, two in courts led by a Dragonblooded or spirit, and three in courts led by a Celestial exalt or spirit with permanent essence 7 or higher. Failure causes the Gardeliv to flee in shame, waiting for a week before building the courage to try again in another location.

Subtle Whisper - The Gardeliv's very presence sets others at ease, relaxing suspicion and loosening their tongues.

Stoke the Flame - The Gardeliv's performances are masterpieces, causing those who witness them to hold them in the highest esteem.

First, Second and Third Excellencies for: Bureaucracy, Presence, Performance, Socialize and Investigation.

Join Battle: 5
Attacks: Gardelivs have no special combat abilities, but rely on those they have befriended or beguiled to defend them.

Soak: 5L/5B
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 4
Mental Dodge DV: 7
Willpower: 9 (12 Temporary points)
Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 75
Cost to Materialize: 60

Other Notes: Gardelivs will take time to research their target society before moving in, learning as much as she can without revealing herself, including language, musical tastes and notable persons.

While the skin of the Gardelivs is universally a pale white, their other features vary. They have a diversity in regards to height, face, hair and eye colors, and other notable features. However, the most common hair color among them is black and their irises are most frequently black or red.

An average Gardeliv:

A Gardeliv in the Court of Peer Milly Ashford, Wearing Gifted Clothing:
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I wanted Sinnihtáre to have input because UMI is a thing. She'd be able to intercede if someone had 'Charmed' one of her servants. Also, we both forgot to change the "rarely pursues romance" issue. Change

"Gardelivs rarely make active attempts at physical seduction, though if a patron who has treated one well approaches them they will not find the notion objectionable;"


"Gardelivs never make attempts at physical seduction and attempt to dissuade suitors, but will eventually accept honorable pursuit."

Other than that I think they're finished up.
I wanted Sinnihtáre to have input because UMI is a thing. She'd be able to intercede if someone had 'Charmed' one of her servants.

They have 12 WP and are supernatural beings - they can recognize UMI and fight it off. If a patron was trying that on them regularly enough that they'd run out of Willpower they'd probably petition for reassignment or just up and leave. Also I don't think it would be considered legitimate consent for the purpose of their metaphysical nature.

Also, we both forgot to change the "rarely pursues romance" issue. Change

"Gardelivs rarely make active attempts at physical seduction, though if a patron who has treated one well approaches them they will not find the notion objectionable;"


"Gardelivs never make attempts at physical seduction and attempt to dissuade suitors, but will eventually accept honorable pursuit."

Other than that I think they're finished up.

Fixed. Added "by their patrons" to the end of that. These girls have standards, after all.
New Arrivals 1.3
"Seriously Zero, this is amazing." Ohgi comments from the driver's seat. "Where did you get this? I wasn't even aware they make vehicles this large."

Indeed, what the Japanese twenty-six year old man is currently driving (with a cap and a visor to hide his ethnicity) is a two-story van painted in black and purple, a literal monster of the street longer than a limousine and with the inside fitted like a nice apartment.

The voice of the Black Knights' Commander comes from a speaker. "I won it from a Noble in a game of chess."

It's only a deeply ingrained sense of responsibility and instincts from past driving lessons that stop Ohgi from having a more violent reaction than a flat: "What?"

"Chess Ohgi. I happen to like board games and any other game that requires intelligence and patience." Zero replies with faint mirth. "You have no idea how much money most Britannian nobles are capable of squandering in order to defend their honor. But don't worry: officially, this van was officially destroyed during a terrorist attack by the Yamato Alliance."

"O-Oh. Good to know."

"Remember to keep this speed. The last thing we need is to tip off an overzealous cop." You add a final line before switching off the communication channel.

"Speaking of the other Japanese Resistance Groups," Kaguya says. "I assume you are going to have them join the Black Knights?"

"Of course. But first I will need a much bigger reputation: Clovis is permissive and sloppy enough that even small cells can last a long time, and so they will not eagerly change leadership." You look at your cards and frown. "Fold. This is not even worth a bluff."

"You play Poker like a professional gambler, Zero." Rakshata smirks, taking a card. "Where did you learn that?"

"Middle school. I needed money. The faces of those I defeated turned out to be funnier than I thought." You take a drink from your cocktail.

"They let a middle schooler play poker?" Nathan asks, looking quite skeptical.

"Area 11 didn't have a very civil beginning." Kaguya frowns. "Nobles were busy quarreling to see who could get the most Sakuradite, while soldiers just did whatever they wanted. Commoners didn't start coming until a few years later."

"Oh yeah, I remember that time." Akio rubs his chin. "That's when I started to beat people up with an iron pipe to steal their money."

'Yes Akio, please tell us more of your horrible, psychopathic childhood.'

"It must have been hard."

"Nope! Being small actually made easier to aim between the legs."

"...Okay, it's official: Britannia's news companies publish only lies." Natan rubs between his eyes. "Geez: 'missions to educate underdeveloped countries' my ass."

"Yes, yes: Britannia is bad, we all know it." You grumble. "Let's keep playing."


September 10th

The massive van and the eight heavy load trucks following it stop in a straight line on the road flanking the beach. Waiting for them is a solitary car with a man standing in front of it: while the Black Knights begin preparing Kaguya goes to speak with the man. "Everything is ready." She says after returning. "I only need a radio to contact Malcal-san."

"Did you hear Kaguya-sama? Bring the portable radio." You command. "Everyone else, be prepared: the Knightmares and the rest of the equipment must be loaded swiftly. Offer help to the members of the W-0 Unit but don't impose. I don't want trouble. Understood?"

"Got it Zero." Ohgi replies before relaying your orders to the other members.

Inoue and Yoshida set down the radio in front of Kaguya. She looks at the agent: "Do it."

The man nods and makes a call on a walkie-talkie.

In the distance a pillar of fire raises.

"Hello, hello. Malcal-san, do you hear me?" The small Malefactor speaks in the mike. "Kaguya's here."

There is silence for a few seconds before you hear Leila's voice: "I hear you Lady Kaguya. But next time, can you please use code names instead of our real identities?"

"Oh! Sorry, sorry, I'm new at this. But did we ever agree on code names?"

"...We better do so next time." A sigh. "Please tell me where we can land."

You tell the coordinates to Kaguya, and she repeats them in the radio. After that you inspect the sea with your binoculars: like this, during the night and no light save the stars, it would be impossible to see anything.

You have looked at the Ultimate Darkness, and this is nothing. Like an ancient Leviathan you see a black submarine rise from the water, followed by containers kept afloat by balloons. Then people comes out, deploying rafts that they board and use to haul the containers with them while the submarine submerges once more.

Fast and efficient. No wonder the EU is the sole opponent Britannia takes seriously.

Satisfied you put back the binoculars and follow Kaguya to the raft Leila is on board, Rakshata and the others behind you.

"Welcome to Japan Malcal-san." Kaguya greets happily. "How was your journey?"

"Boring." Akito mutters while pulling the raft on the beach.

Leila shoots him a non-amused look (you think there are some things left unsaid) before replying to Kaguya. "It was uneventful, Lady Kaguya." Her gaze moves to you.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Major Leila Malcal, and your W-0 Unit. Kaguya-sama has told me much about you." You anticipate her, performing a dramatic bow. "I am Zero, the Leader of the Black Knights. Allow me to express you my most heartfelt thanks for your and your country's generous help. I hope our partnership will be long and fruitful."

"Likewise Zero. I expect nothing else." Leila catches onto your ploy immediately, shifting into her military persona. "Allow me to introduce my subordinates. Lieutenant Akito Hyuga, my best pilot."

The only reaction from the young Slayer is a slight tilt of his head. You don't know what passes through his head, but you have the feeling he is...just bored out of his mind.

Still better than Akio.

"Lieutenant Claus Warwick, my aide-de-camp."

"Yo." The brown haired man gives a laid back greeting.

"Major Oscar Hamel, Captain of Security."

"Sir." The green-eyed man performs a very serious salute.


"Oh, if it isn't Sophie!" Rakshata suddenly says to a brown haired woman.

"C-Chawla?!" The woman seems very surprised to see the Indian scientist. "What are you doing here?"

"The same as you." She smiles. "I am the Head of the Black Knights' Research and Development Team."

"Is this where you went all this time?" Sophie smiles ruefully. "And here I thought you-"

"OH MY GOD!" Someone squeaks in obvious feminine excitement.

"I-It's true! It's really you!" The purple haired girl gushes. "My name is Anna Clemént! I'm a huge fan of your work! Your essay on nanofibers is my favorite one!"

"Oh, that?" Rakshata smugly puts the pipe in her mouth. "That's an old story. I already perfected and implemented them. Both for prosthetic limbs and Knightmare frames."

"You did?!"

"Sure." She points to the BK Mobile Base. "Wanna see it?"

"YES! Let's go Miss Randall!" Anna grabs Sophie's arm and begins to follow Rakshata like a lovestruck puppy.

"Hold on Anna! I-" The older woman protests, to no avail.

"..." There is a moment of total silence, with nobody being quite sure what to say.

"I didn't quite catch the details, but from what I understand you have renowned individuals in your service. As expected of the Marshal."

It's the Old Realm that tips you off, even before being addressed as the Marshal. Your helmeted head turns to the side to look at the approaching individuals that aren't wearing an EU uniform.

A young woman with light blue hair and reddish eyes, wearing a crisp suit. She is flanked on both sides by two girls in similar attire. She is smiling, but you can almost feel her analytical stare on you. Judging. Appraising.

The second a smiling man with a sword. You blink, confirming it is not an illusion: it is indeed a man with a very friendly aura, traits pointing to African or Middle East's origins, wearing simple clothing and who is carrying a sword in his hand.

A quick check with Malfeas's power confirms their identity as Infernal Exalts. "Indeed. Though Rakshata, as a fellow Peer, is quite firmly in the 'ally' category." You walk up to them and offer a handshake. "Please indulge me until we can talk privately. I wish to keep my identity and our common affiliations a secret for now." Then you switch to Japanese. "You must be the ones sent by the organization. I am Zero. Glad to make your acquaintance."

The woman nods in understanding before shaking your hand. "I am Yelena Ferapont. A pleasure to meet you Zero."

"My name is Nadir Yilmaz." The man presents himself when he returns the handshake. "It's a great honor to finally meet you Zero: I heard a lot about you."

"Most of it good I hope." You chuckle lightly. "I would like to continue the pleasantries but, alas, we don't have much time before the distraction runs its course and the local forces take notice of our presence." With a dramatic whirl of your cape you point to the Mobile Base. "We will continue on the road for the Tokyo Settlement. Please, follow me: I took the liberty to prepare some refreshments for this occasion."

Akito practically materializes in front of you. "Is there alcohol?"

You hide your surprise and shrug coolly. "Beer, saké and I manage to find this bottle of-" He is already running towards the van, followed by Akio who overheard.

"Lieutenant Hyuga! You're still on duty!" Leila shouts, face red from embarrassment, before running after him.

"There are troubles in paradise." Claus snickers.


The loading and the departure proceed without issues, and soon you're en-route for the Settlement. You, your fellow Infernals, the EU officers and the senior members of the Black Knights spend some time in the lounge, just socializing and drinking. You keep on your mask of course, but Akito covers for your share aplenty. It's quite curious to see him drinking glass after glass with only a satisfied smirk on his face, all the while pointedly ignoring Leila's reprimands and prompting her to do the same.

Still, before everyone is too wasted there is something you must do. "Miss Ferapont. Mister Yilmaz. Major Malcal and Lieutenant Hyuga." You nod in each direction. "I would like to have a small, private meeting with each of you in my office."

Yelena is the first to catch on your words' meaning. She says a few words to her bodyguards (it turns out she has a lot of followers, all of them female) before standing up and quietly follow you.

"Peer Yelena, let me apologize for that little piece of theatre back there. It is just not in my current interests to have the Black Knights as a whole be aware of my identity." You tell her after closing the door.

"It wasn't a problem, Marshal Zero." She replies smoothly while seating on one of the chairs in front of the office desk, you doing the same behind it.

"Thank you for your consideration. Allow me to introduce myself properly: I am the Marshal of the Althing Infernal and the one coordinating the Reclamation efforts here in Creation proper, Zero." Your hand comes up to the mask. There is a faint hiss and the back opens.

Yelena's eyes widen minutely when you rest the mask on the desk. "I see why you would want that."

You nod. "My mundane identity here in Japan is that of Lelouch Lamperouge, but I prefer Zero." You fold your fingers together. "This will just be a short, informal talk to note what the mission your Patron has given you is, where your strengths and weaknesses lie and to see if it would interest you to join the Black Knights, form a semi-independent Coven or instead operate mostly with your own followers. Do you have any questions before we begin?"

"A couple." She crosses her legs and rests her hands on her knees. "First of, are all our fellow Peers currently in Japan here?"

"There is one missing: Peer Milly Ashford. For various reasons she wasn't be able to join us tonight. You will meet her once we're back at the Settlement."

She nods. "The second is pertinent to your last question: collaborating with my fellow Peers is an interesting prospect, but for the moment I want to consolidate my own organization. Is there some place I can let my girls stay until I have enough cash to rent a private one?"

You think for a few seconds. "If it is okay with you, there is a community of Yozi cultists living near the settlement: I can attest to their trustworthiness. If you need it, I can provide false documents for all of you."

"Thanks for the offer Marshal, I will consider it." Yelena offers you a small smile.

"Incidentally, were you informed by Peer Akito of the Conclave's decision regarding the training of new Green Sun Princes?" A slight frown graces her lips. "Is something wrong? Maybe with Peer Akito?"

A small shake of her head. "No, nothing of the sort. It's just that...speaking truthfully, Peer Akito is not the most social of individuals. Leila is the one who told me almost everything."

"I know what you mean. And I am sure he does too." You smirk. "Why, did he just point at the back of the car during your first meeting, without saying a word?"

"Replace 'car' with 'helicopter' and 'pointing' with 'performing aerial stunts that I am sure are normally impossible to pull off, flaring his Anima all the while'. At the time I honestly believed a giant boar was flying in the sky."

You blink in confusion.

"Later Leila told me that Akito did it suddenly, in the middle of the journey, because he 'felt like it'. She almost had a heart attack."

"A Chosen of Isidoros alright. Doing whatever amuse him without hesitation, heedless of the opinions of others." Seyrun comments.

'Lovely.' In truth this is far from your worst prediction. You can't control Akito...but directing him, now that is possible.

"That aside-" A silver hourglass appears on Yelena's forehead. "I am Yelena Ferapont, of the Malefactor Caste and Chosen of Mardukth. As my Lord commanded, I am to [Become the head of a cult that venerates me and the Yozis]."

"Ah, Mardukth: The Mountain and the Beast Upon it, He Who Was Once King of the Primordials."

'Oh? There was a king before Malfeas, or better yet Theion?'

"Yep. The most common version of the story is that Theion, together with his sister Cecelyne, joined the Primordial Tribe later on. Hearing that Mardukth was King Theion went to challenge him.

And then it turned out that it was the other Primordials that called Mardukth their king, not himself. The story said he didn't even notice, and was quite surprise when Theion told him."

You resist the urge to roll your eyes. 'I am sure there is some metaphysical bullshit meaning involved. What happened then?'

"They still fought. Theion won, but was so impressed by Mardukth's strength that he made him his lieutenant, gave him the epithet of 'Questing Throne' and declared that nobody was worthy of facing him unless they defeat Mardukth first. Worthy opponents and all that."

"Regarding my training with my Senior Malefactor." Yelena's words bring you back to reality. "May I inquire on his or her identity, as we were unable to discuss our Castes until now?"

You chuckle slightly. "That would be Kaguya."

"..Eh?" For once the sophisticated young woman shows genuine puzzlement. "I mean, she looks very young..."

"She is young. But she's also the heir of the Sumeragi, a very ancient and wealthy noble family, and is also the one organizing the activities of all cults in Japan." You smirk. "I am sure she will be able to help you a lot with your goals."

Her eyes perk up in clear interest. "I see, thank you for telling me." She seems to ponder for a few seconds. "I won't bore you with the details about my abilities, but I am quite proficient on the social scene. I am a qualified actress, singer and dancer. I am good at martial arts, but I prefer to avoid fighting if necessary. From my Patron I received the ability to travel easily through all types of mountainous regions, to extend the same ability to my followers and to easily spread my own fame among anyone, even my enemies." She seems to hesitate for a moment. "I can also, if needs must, grow my own size by several times. As you can guess not something I like to flaunt, even if my clothes grow with me."

"I can imagine." You neutrally reply.

"While from Great Cecelyne I was gifted with the ability to see and recognize all demons, even when dematerialized, to survive even in the harshest of environments, to briefly become made of sand to avoid being hurt and use the same sand to attack my enemies."

"I see." Another socially-inclined Infernal, but considering she is a Malefactor that's a given. "And about the matter of your role within the Reclamation?"

"Aside from my mission I am still deciding on the details." She smirks. "For now I want to concentrate on my training and find a home for my girls before going to Malfeas. Though, I am sure we can find an accord for a future collaboration along the way. Don't you think so?"

"Quite." You smile while internally chuckling, recognizing the attempt to ingratiate herself to you a mile away.

That's fine. You would have actually been disappointed if she didn't try to push for any scrap of advantage.

"I believe this is everything Peer Yelena. All that's left is a small formality." With a small movement you bring the Gem of the Conventicle Malfeasant forward. "Please touch the hearthstone. Through this I will be able to inform you when a meeting of the Althing Infernal at the Conventicle Malfeasant is called, regardless of where you are or how removed you are from any other convenient method of communication."

Yelena rests her palm on the stone. It glows briefly before going back to normal, signaling the tagging was done. After that you both stand up simultaneously and shake one another's hand once more. "It will be an honor and a pleasure to work with you in the future, Peer Yelena. Could you please inform Peer Nadir to come to my office?"

"For me as well, Marshal Zero." She flashes you a last, confident smile before leaving the room.

Three more to go.


Sorry for the delay guys: important stuff came up RL and until the second of February my free time will be drastically reduced.
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"Lieutenant Colonel Claus Warwick, my aide-de-camp."
*tilts head*

Is this canon and there's something weird going on with their relationship and/or the EU ranks or...?

Because ordinarily the aide-de-camp (a Lt. Col) should not outrank the person they are attending (a Major).

*checks* Oh that is canon. That's stupid. Are the Geass EU military ranks weird for some reason?
Mad but Nice Scientist get! +3 Xp.
Umm, @Enjou? Do you remember when I was worried about how our story how we met Suzaku might lead to problems in the future? I was rereading this whole quest (again) when I stumbled upon this:

And here is the execution of covering Lelouch's friendship with Suzaku:

And well, it clearly doesn't match. Now, fortunately it looks like Kallen hasn't noticed this yet, likely because she hates the gossipping that the normal students engage in and her new duties in the Studend Council allowing her to insulate herself from the majority of the students, in addition of her ditching school while pretending to be sick.

I would guess that she knows the watered down version which goes something like "That Eleven transfer student Suzaku helped Lord Lelouch when he was in trouble!" This might be because our QM didn't notice it before (and now it suddenly matters; Ooops), or I might have uncovered something he was planning to use later on to blindside us. Or maybe it doesn't ever come up. BUT ALL PLOT HOLES MUST BE POINTED OUT AND FILLED! TO JUST LET THEM BE WOULD BE A GRAVE SIN!

Ahem. Anyway, just something I felt should be taken into consideration when planning. If Lelouch gets to address this before Kallen realizes anything, I don't think it will be much of a problem. And that is if we even have to do anything, as the initial surge about the event will now be buried underneath the surface by everybody focusing on news and rumours about Zero, though the fanclub has likely collected and stored such important information on us on their webpage. Which we also luckily destroyed a while ago.

Now, we will just have to erase anything from any backups or other storage mediums, and eliminate the witnesses and those with accurate knowledge about it. Paranoia, you say? Its not really paranoia when there are fate-ninjas hiding in teacups, just waiting for us to slip so that they can punch us into a duck.
Recently obtained Mancle and Coin, so I thought I would try and stat up the Black Knights in it. Here goes!

Name: Black Knights
Motivation: Create a japan no longer under Britannia
[Tab]Britannia (Hatred) (Negative)
[Tab]Japan (Love) (Positive)
Leader: Zero (Overall), Ohgi (Day to day)

Assets: Size 3, Competence 2, Influence 3, Wealth 3, Reach 4, Special Asset 6 (Zero), Special Asset 6 (Kaguya Sumeragi), Special Asset 6 (Rakshata Chawla), Special Asset 4?(Guren Mk-II)

Anything I missed? Got wrong? Any more intimacies you can think of?
I haven't read that book, but this looks nice. Are there some rules for, technically, illegal organizations?

There are many cases for Second and Third Circle Demons where they will show up in Creation for some event or another. For instance, Benezet will show up in Creation unsummoned when an artist or craftsman creates something truly unique so that she may observe it. This could be one such event for Sinnihtáre, provided she's manifested and not still in Lelouch's soul.

I also don't think Sinnihtáre needs to be appealed to for this, especially considering that she may not be manifested out of Lelouch's soul at any given time. It's just better to have it be something in the deva's design, and Sinnihtáre would always bless a union where her progeny would be happy. Someone who actually makes a Gardeliv fall in love with them is almost assuredly a good person and would not likely be Sinnihtáre's enemy (a Gardeliv wouldn't agree to marry and protect the secrets of someone who is the enemy of her progenitor), and it is Sinnihtáre's nature to indulge those she cares about, so I can't see her ever denying it.

Here's a version of the write up with the images added, spelling for some things fixed, and the images added. I have Sinnihtáre appearing during ht wedding to play music if she's available. Also added a line about the Gardeliv being able to bear children once married. EDIT - Also changed Join Battle to the correct value of 5 (Wits + Awareness).

Gardelivs, the Midnight Geisha
Devas of the First Circle
Progeny of The Eternal Night of Grace

The Gardelivs are as demure as they are beautiful, following after their creator in their sense of quiet dignity and graceful service. They appear as girls just past the cusp of womanhood, with pale faces to enhance their features. A Gardeliv will seek to dress itself ornately, though not gaudily, and will happily wear gifted clothing from their current patron. Careful questioning will reveal that these women cannot speak ill of anyone, even bitter enemies, as a Gardeliv exists to uncover secrets through flattery and ingratiation. An unwary nobleman will find himself put at-ease by the spirit's delicate tones and careful appreciation of his wit, only to invite a spy into his midst. Gardelivs, when not under direction from Sinnihtáre, will set out on their own to impress their way into local courts and amass knowledge for the great contests between their kind where they compete to reveal the most damaging secrets.

Gardelivs take little interest in life outside courtly walls or noble halls. The day-to-day mundanity of working life is nearly useless in their lady's schemes and of low-value in their contests. Still, if there are no places where social maneuvering is the central aspect of life, they will be content to insert themselves as advisers to local politicians, or companions to union bosses. Wherever they end up, a Gardeliv's actions only benefit their hosts to the extent necessary to become trusted. They only rarely have any real investment in the organizations they infiltrate, though a few have noticed real improvement after entrusting duties to the pretty new girl.

Masters of socialization, the Gardelivs are born with an innate skill at reading faces and judging emotions, and are exceptionally gifted learners when it comes to social stratagems such as dinnertime conversation, tea-ceremonies, and other regimented social behavior. They are similarly skilled at improvisational methods such as flattery, but they will always attempt to construct a more organized system in order to manipulate it. If discovered or faced with violence, a Gardeliv will do its utmost to flee. The Midnight Geisha dislike violence and will only fight if they are personally threatened, at which point the Gardeliv can usually call for aid from one of the many courtiers she will have tempted or blackmailed into helping her.

Gardelivs never make attempts at physical seduction and attempt to dissuade suitors, but will eventually accept honorable pursuit by their patrons; such relations make it that much easier to discover a patron's secrets. However, if a Gardeliv's patron asks her to marry him, she will generally flee at the earliest opportunity. Only in the exceptionally rare cases where a Gardeliv have grown to truly love a human patron will they consent to become a bride, but this is not without cost. Once the wedding has been sealed through a ceremony, the Gardeliv is bound to her new partner and changing her Motivation to protect their secrets. The Deva's life is now bound to that of her love, and she will die with them, though she may also bear her spouse's children. If Sinnihtáre is manifested in the real world, she will appear during the wedding ceremony and play music to bless the happy couple.

Gardelivs reproduce themselves at their contests by writing the most heinous and dangerous secrets onto strips of paper and burning them in a cauldron. The smoke from the paper ascends and coalesces into a new Gardeliv, which cloaks itself in a beautiful black garment sewn together from the soot and ink. They gain limit whenever they are forced to reveal a secret to someone other than their lieges or fellow Gardelivs. Sometimes, when an angry noble ejects one of his courtiers for incompetence, a Gardeliv will appear nearby and begin the delicate maneuvering to earn his favor.

Motivation: To ingratiate themselves into the service of powerful people and uncover their secrets for their true lieges.

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Resistance 2, Bureaucracy 3 (Court Life +2), Investigation 4 (Uncovering Secrets +1), Linguistics 3 (Native: Old Realm. Others: As Necessary), Performance 5 (Patron's Culture +1), Presence 3 (Eye-catching Grace +1), Socialize 4 (High Class Etiquette +2), Integrity 2

Virtues: Compassion 3, Temperance 4, Conviction 3, Valor 1

Backgrounds: Backing 1 (Sinnihtáre), Contacts 4 (Other Gardelivs), Mentor 1 (Sinnihtáre)

Spirit Charms:
Harrow the Mind - A Gardeliv will often alter the perception of her audience to enhance her performances, invoking heart-tugging music and illusions that promise beauty hidden behind shadows. This effect is a social attack made by the Gardeliv using her (Performance + Charisma) against her targets' MDV, adding a number of automatic successes equal to her Temperance. Only one success is needed to cast the illusion, but extra successes add to the difficulty to break free.

Principle of Motion - Gardelivs tend to keep five extra actions ready.

Reserve of Will (x3) - Gardelivs have 3 additional temporary Willpower.

Whims of the Court - This charm is unique to Gardelivs and allows them to gain a general sense of the society they are entering. By spending 10 motes and one Willpower, a Gardeliv spends one hour learning the complete social mores, etiquette and fashion of a local organization (this would allow her to learn the behaviors of an Imperial Governor's court, but not the details of the entire Britannian Empire) . The Gardeliv may also spend 5 motes and one Willpower, rolling her (Investigation + Manipulation) to discern the nature of social links between a number of people equal to her successes who belong to the same court she has infiltrated. The difficulty for this roll is one in mortal courts, two in courts led by a Dragonblooded or spirit, and three in courts led by a Celestial exalt or spirit with permanent essence 7 or higher. Failure causes the Gardeliv to flee in shame, waiting for a week before building the courage to try again in another location.

Subtle Whisper - The Gardeliv's very presence sets others at ease, relaxing suspicion and loosening their tongues.

Stoke the Flame - The Gardeliv's performances are masterpieces, causing those who witness them to hold them in the highest esteem.

First, Second and Third Excellencies for: Bureaucracy, Presence, Performance, Socialize and Investigation.

Join Battle: 5
Attacks: Gardelivs have no special combat abilities, but rely on those they have befriended or beguiled to defend them.

Soak: 5L/5B
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 4
Mental Dodge DV: 7
Willpower: 9 (12 Temporary points)
Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 75
Cost to Materialize: 60

Other Notes: Gardelivs will take time to research their target society before moving in, learning as much as she can without revealing herself, including language, musical tastes and notable persons.

While the skin of the Gardelivs is universally a pale white, their other features vary. They have a diversity in regards to height, face, hair and eye colors, and other notable features. However, the most common hair color among them is black and their irises are most frequently black or red.

An average Gardeliv:

A Gardeliv in the Court of Peer Milly Ashford, Wearing Gifted Clothing:
This is pretty neat. Let me achieve this for the future.
*tilts head*

Is this canon and there's something weird going on with their relationship and/or the EU ranks or...?

Because ordinarily the aide-de-camp (a Lt. Col) should not outrank the person they are attending (a Major).

*checks* Oh that is canon. That's stupid. Are the Geass EU military ranks weird for some reason?
Seriously. Well, now I really want to correct this....
"I know what you mean. And I am sure he does too." You smirk. "Why, did he just point at the back of the car during your first meeting, without saying a word?"

"Replace 'car' with 'helicopter' and 'pointing' with 'performing aerial stunts that I am sure are normally impossible to pull off, flaring his Anima all the while'. At the time I honestly believed a giant boar was flying in the sky."

You blink in confusion.

"Later Leila told me that Akito did it suddenly, in the middle of the journey, because he 'felt like it'. She almost had a heart attack."
I bet the Sids are going to either be annoyed or suspicious...