Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

While we are on topic of infernals who aren't lovable underdogs, I had an idea for one who would have an urge to find and hunt down Abyssal Exalted. The basic idea was a knight Templar cop with high investigation, larceny etc. but I'm not sure what Yozi should be his patron and what abilities beyond that. I have considered making him an inspector javert or Sherlock expy but I'm not sure if those are good ideas. comments?
The only inspector worth hiring; Inspector Clouseau.

I'd suggest that one of the Yozis the character draws on be Adorjan, since Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation can really mess with their ability to produce undead, and even destroy them outright at higher essence levels.

Fiend deludes self into thinking he's a hero. Refuses to use "Demonic Charms"

Uses the Loomguise to appear as a solar.

Buys a bunch of Solar Charms, to make him look like it.

Insists he's a hero.

Is more like Handsome Jack.
Infiltration 1.3
[X] Contact the Knightmares

As much as youre sure Akio can keep the monster busy, the Knightmares have ranged options and can deal much more damage in a shorter time. Anti-tank rounds ought to do the trick.

"Q-1, R-1, prepare an ambush! An ally and I are being pursued through the main corridor by a, err, a heavy unit! All other Black Knights, get clear!" You yell into the radio.

Kallen responds quickly. "Roger that Zero! What's following you?"

The sound of the unspeakable nightmare roars loudly as you are about to respond, it's voice going over the radio.

"...What was that?"

"...proof that this world is neither sane or just. Just try to put it down quickly. It shouldn't have any ranged attacks, so keep your distance if you can. Position at these coordinates..." Your forces would defeat this Wyld tainted beast, even as it shatters their expectations. Better them that your life.

"Please tell me your goons can deal with that!" Anja half-asks, half-pleads.

"They have Knightmares!"

"That's great!"

There is a great crash, followed by the sound of heavy stomping.

"...provided they can get here quickly!" She screams before redoubling her efforts to run.

You gulp before addressing the Anuhles. "Let's split up: take a different route and bring the Goremaul where Akio and Milly are hiding!"

"Yes Boss!" When the corridor crosses with another they turn right, while you and Anja keep running forward.

You have reached the main door when the monster dog bursts through the one at the other end of the corridor. Not willing to risk it going after the Anuhles you take out your gun.



"Congratulations genius!" Anja screams as you two run into the garden.

"Gotta protect my investments!" You are relieved to see the two Sutherlands crouched down behind the largest trees, rifles at the ready.


The monster dog literally flies outside, landing on all fours before standing up and roaring, blood flowing from where you hit it above the eye and hindering its vision.

The two Knightmares seem to hesitate, as if they can't believe what they are seeing.

"KILL THE FUCKING DOG!" You shout into the radio. "SHOOTING FIRST, SHOCK LATER!!!"

That does the trick: Kallen and Yoshitaka take aim and fire. The rounds designed to punch through a Knightmare's plating ravages the monster's flesh, tearing out huge chunks of flesh and, surprisingly, red blood. Shot from two different directions all over its body the monster howls in pain, moving forward on pure rage and force of will.

Then a burst of gunfire opens a hole into its head. Eyes rolling back it emits a final gurgle and falls down, finally dead. Miraculously not one of the Sakuradite crystal detonated.

Danger averted you finally let go of the tension, both hands on your knees as you try to get your breathing back under control. Meanwhile the Frame pilots and the other Black Knights come out and gather in front of the massive corpse, staring slack-jawed.

"What the fuck?" Tamaki is the first to vocally state what is on everyone's mind. "Is that a giant mutated poodle?"

"Yes Tamaki, its a giant mutated poodle." You sigh and straighten up, injecting venom into your words. "Marquees Anson turned out to be even more twisted than we thought. There is an actual bio-lab in the basement, full of many mutated creatures like this one, though luckily not as large."

"That freak!" Kallen punches her other hand's palm. "Where is he? I'll give him a piece of my mind."

You gesture to the corpse. "Inside the mutt's stomach. He thought to use it as a weapon, but overestimated its loyalty."

Many of the Black Knights gulp, their faces ashen. "Is something like this even possible?"

"Evidently. Though I can imagine many better uses for science than…this." You scoff. "But enough of that. I have the evidence of the Marquess's crimes, but someone has to have heard the shots: we probably don't have much time. The experiments within are dangerous, we can't risk them falling into Britannia's hands. Tamaki!" You point at the male redhead. "Take someone and set the building on fire."

"Sure!" He grins. "Heard the man? Bring the gasoline you slackers!"

"Ohgi. Take the rest of the men and paint the Black Knight's symbol, a list of the Marquess's crimes and anti-Britannia slogans on the walls outside the villa as we planned, but add 'Illegal Bio-Engineering', 'Human Experimentation', and 'Playing God' to the list of crimes. Do it as quickly as you are able."

"Yes Zero." He replies resolute.

"Kallen, Yoshitaka: use the Sutherlands to drag the monster's remains over to the walls for display."

"Alright Zero." The half-Britannian nods before she seems to remember something. "Who was the woman that was with you? The ally you mentioned? And where is she now?"

Now that you think about it, Anja is nowhere to be seen. Where did she go?

'She didn't stop running even when the mutt dropped dead.' Seyrun informs you. 'At this point who knows where she is.'

Regrettable. She could have been a chance to find out how the Lunars' presence in Japan is organized. "Yes: she said she was a foreign spy investigating Anson's activities, and I believe her." You look around before shaking your head. "She must have ended her mission. Nonetheless she wasn't with Britannia, of that I am sure."

"Uh, alright then. Let's get to work." Yoshitaka mutters, turning around to reach his Knightmare.

"Wait a moment." You stop him and Kallen, hit by a sudden idea. "Those crystals in the monster's body...they're Sakuradite. Use the insulated gloves for Knightmare maintenance to take out a few and put them into a sealed box. I want to find out how it was possible for the Sakuradite to be used like that."

They nod before getting to work. Once you're alone you gesture with your finger for one of the still dematerialized Anuhles to come closer. "There were humans in the lab, or something close enough. Go there and extricate any humanoids who seem like they might be saved: if they breathe, they're valid targets. Just wrap them in silk cocoons for now and discreetly get them out. However, prioritize your own escape if needed. Don't you dare die in the fire." You gesture to the villa. "Meanwhile two of you will remain nearby to watch the place and see if anyone discovers the bio-lab during the investigations of what happened. If you can either retrieve or destroy any data found in that time do it, but don't take unnecessary risks to do so. If you can't and someone discovers something, then tail them to find out where the data went."

They give a signal of understanding before skittering off.

You sigh again. 'This...was so weird.'

"In Malfeas, it's a Moonday."



"Zero! You sneaky bastard!" Akio greets you with a large smile, the Goremaul resting on his shoulder. "I saw everything! Why didn't you call me? That would have been so cool!"

"Was that really a giant poodle?" Milly asks with a crooked smile.

"Yes. Yes it was." You massage your forehead. "Sorry Akio, I wanted to see if my men were competent enough. As an alternative, you can keep the hammer if you want."

"If I want? Man, this thing is too cool! Of course I want it!" He swings it before frowning. "But it's strange: it feels like something is missing, and I don't know what..."

"It's an artifact, you need to attune to it first." You explain.

He stares blankly at you.

"...Just pushes Essence into the hammer and leave it there."

He goes back to smiling. "Now why didn't you say so from the start?"

'Because I forgot how stupid you are!' You think in irritation. Just then the Anuhles that you sent to the lab return. Empty-handed. Your face turns blank. "No one?"

"No one." Cuabuhm confirms. "They were all dead, unlike the other beasts. If you ask me, whatever they did is lethal to humans."

You sneer before clicking your tongue in disgust. Ignoring everything else you walk to the edge and look down, your Exalted sight allowing you to see the burning villa of the late Marquess Anson, the firemen futilely trying to put out the fire.

'Charles Vi Britannia. Your kingdom is a rotting nest of poisonous, decadent vipers. I don't know if it was because of you or if it was already like this before you sit on the throne-'

"But I swear! Just like I did seven years ago!" You shout to the sky. "I WILL! DESTROY! BRITANNIA!!!"


The news of the attack at the Anson Villa spread on the web like wildfire not even a hour after the fact. Despite the work of Britannia's censorship machine the macabre photos of the surrounding walls taken by bystanders are the subjects of constant debate, opinions ranging from simple fakes to conspiracy plots.

And then, exactly an hour and ten minutes after the fact, the most famous forums and major news stations received an anonymous file containing incredibly accurate photos, digital proofs that Marquess Anson was guilty of numerous crimes, bribery of the police among them, and a video:

To all who are watching this. Fear us, or rally behind us as you see fit! We are the Black Knights!

We of the Black Knights stand with all those who have no weapons to wield...regardless of whether they be Japanese, Britannians or any other nationality! Marquess Gregory Anson has been found guilty of crimes not only against the law, but human rights themselves! He sought to hide from judgement with money and even dared to play God; therefore he has been punished!

I am Zero! The Leader of the Black Knights! I will not repudiate battle on a fair and level field, but neither will I tolerate a one-sided massacre of the weak by the strong. The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed! Wherever oppressors abuse their power by attacking those who are powerless, we shall appear again, no matter how mighty or formidable our foe may be!

Those of you with power, fear us! Those of you without it, rally behind us! We, the Black Knights, shall be the ones who stand in judgment of this world!

Unknown to the citizens of Area Eleven, the same file was sent to all the Areas, the Homeland and every other nation of the world.


Inside a castle on the border of France and Germany, headquarters of the W-0 Unit, a group of people stare with wide eyes at the video plays on the screen.

"Is this the guy we are supposed to help?" Anna Clément asks.

Leila can only nod silently.

"People with guts like him, they're either madmen or revolutionaries." Claus Warwick comments with an intrigued tone. "Seeing how this was sent all over the world, I'm betting on the latter."

Akito is grinning like a shark that smelled blood, such that the other pilots and the rest of the staff is giving him a wide berth.

"Commander! Reporting!" Oscar Hamel walks into the room and makes a military salute. "It has been confirmed by General Gene Smilas. We're going to Area Eleven!"

Akito erupts into a cruel laugh.


"There isn't even a single mention of me. Meanies." Anja pouts.

"Considering your contribution, or more precisely lack of it, I can't fault them." The cat mercilessly comments. "At least the Wyld trafficking has ended."

He rests his head on his paws, tail moving lazily. "Zero, huh? I wonder..."


"As expected of Lelouch-sama!" Kaguya exclaims with stars in her eyes.


"So Sakuradite can absorb and replicate Wyld energies?" Rakshata reads the e-mail before looking back at the screen. "Well, I suppose it's something worth looking into."


"...Is that a giant poodle?"


"Did you-"

"No. Even if I wanted them to make me a giant monster, I wouldn't ask for it to be a poodle of all things."

"So you don't want a giant monster?"

"...It's an idea worth considering. I will ask Second if First can think of something."


2nd September


"Quiet!" You whisper to Suzaku. "What do you want?"

"What, exactly, are we doing here?" He whispers back, Rivalz nodding to express his own interest in the answer to said query.

"It's simple." You peek around a corner, looking out for witnesses. "My Fan-Club is using one of the computers in the Science Lab to host their damnable site. We are going to find and purge it of the taint. If that doesn't work you, Suzaku, will kick it until it stops spreading its blasphemies."

"...Lelouch. We've been friends for e- er, some amount of time now. So believe me when I say I am seriously worried for your mental hea-"

"Cease your prattle!" You command. "The road is clear. Onward!" You stand up and run forwards, forcing your friends to go after you.

"Oh boy. So it finally happened." Rivalz groans. "The President infected Lelouch with the Milly Virus!"

Suzaku wonders if it isn't best to ask for a transfer. Sure the episodes of bullying stopped since Lelouch came back...but every day after that has just turned out weirder and weirder.

Infamy (Britannia): O

Ashford 2 and Infiltration: Complete!

+4 Xp for starting the legend of the Black Knights
+5 Xp for completing the Scene
+1 Xp for making your first steps into becoming a Primordial 2.0
+1 Xp for starting the Black Knights' legend with a Bang!
+1 Xp for your first looting of the corpse of a dead enemy
+12 Xp for active participation


There is no necessary voting this time. Instead there will be a timeskip of:

Eight Days

To complete the following plan:

Ebon Dragon Charms

Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack (8 XP, 3 Days)

Heretical Charms

Fourth-Soul Devil Domain (9 XP, 3 Weeks)

Malfeas Charms

Hardened Devil Body (10 XP, 4 Days)
Insignificant Embers Intuition (10 XP, 4 Days)


Occult - one dot (3 XP, 5 Days)

Lelouch will also continue training with the Survival Game Club, training the following:


But you can vote to change it and have Lelouch train in something else. Just use "[X]" followed by your plan.

Finally, instead of an Interlude there will be a series of scenes where Lelouch meeting the oncoming Infernals, which will be written together with said Infernal's creator.

At the end of the eight days the rest of Lelouch's Coven will arrive in Japan. Stay tuned for it!
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Passing off magic as "SCIENCE!" should be our running gag now. It's not even entirely false!
"...Is that a giant poodle?"


"Did you-"

"No. Even if I want them to make me a giant monster, I wouldn't ask it to be a poodle of all things."

"So you don't want a giant monster?"

"...It's an idea worth considering. I will ask Second if First can think of something."

So who were they?
Akito erupts into a cruel laugh.
I am imagining something akin to Alucard.

"...Is that a giant poodle?"


"Did you-"

"No. Even if I want them to make me a giant monster, I wouldn't ask it to be a poodle of all things."

"So you don't want a giant monster?"

"...It's an idea worth considering. I will ask Second if First can think of something."
I wonder who this might be...?
Given this charm is central for Ta'akozokan characters, as well as allowing us to roughly work out how much certain items in Exalted cost now, could you tell us the conversion rate between the currencies of Exalted and modern day Yen and Pounds?
Let's see...It said that the smallest value of a coin is a Realm koku: "a single coin will suffice for a peasant's monthly wages, a barely survivable income." Based on the description, would a value of 100 $ for the lowest denomination work?

So, I had an idea for another Cythera-Patroned Defiler. Basically, if Rakshata represents Cythera's willingness to help someone achieve their goals, IE building weapons for people, then this new Defiler represents Cythera's controlling nature. Basically, imagine a well-intentioned but overbearing and controlling mother. "You want to go into medicine? No. Teaching's more respectable. You want to take a break from studying to go to a party your friends are hosting? No, you need to keep your grades up, even if you have a 3.5 or higher GPA." Basically, the kind of person who does want you to succeed, but completely disregard your own opinions.

I was thinking that her story could be similar to Rakshata's, but where Rakshata decided 'you know what? Fine. These people obviously aren't going to give medicine the importance it deserves because of all the wars, so I'll just build a weapon so terrible no one will ever want to war again!' this Defiler decided 'you want weapons? You think medicine isn't important enough to justify spending? Too bad. You're getting medicines, whether you want them or not!"

Honestly she seems too similar to Rakshata. I mean, what will she do differently?

What's the Infernals list anyway? May be idle enough to try to cook one up.
The Member List of the Althing Infernal.

While we are on topic of infernals who aren't lovable underdogs, I had an idea for one who would have an urge to find and hunt down Abyssal Exalted. The basic idea was a knight Templar cop with high investigation, larceny etc. but I'm not sure what Yozi should be his patron and what abilities beyond that. I have considered making him an inspector javert or Sherlock expy but I'm not sure if those are good ideas. comments?
Uhm, the fact is that the Yozi don't like to be reminded of their own mortality, so they don't have many Charms to deal with the Dead (beside Ebon Dragon, but that's his fetish).
Personally, I suggest a Slayer (for the hunting down). For the second Yozi...Adorjan or Metagaos.
I'd like to add some more training to the docket. Namely, Essence 4, Sorcery, and Titanic Spawn Uncountable. This would cost a total of 42 xp and would take 3 months, a few days, and a few weeks, respectively.

[x] Add the three things
I'd like to add some more training to the docket. Namely, Essence 4, Sorcery, and Titanic Spawn Uncountable. This would cost a total of 42 xp and would take 3 months, a few days, and a few weeks, respectively.

[x] Add the three things
Um, training Essence requires you to seclude yourself completely and focus on nothing else, preferably in a place solidly resonating with the type of Essence you use (so Yozi, in our case), for the entire training time without breaks. We aren't going to be raising it via the training route in quest- it's almost certainly going to be done via motivation completion/massive strides.
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Sorcery is something worth training, from what I gather. Specially for the likes of Lelouch. We have some more XP to spend now, why not pick it up?

Or maybe Hellfire Ballet Style?

Also, this:

Sounds like a challenge.
The problem with sorcery is that we need to put the time into passing the trials, and then the time and XP into learning spells (which will require either a teacher or some other source of instruction if we want to get it done in any reasonable length of time). It's certainly useful, but we have enough other more immediately and generally useful stuff on our plate already to make it a relatively low priority in my view.
Sorcery is something worth training, from what I gather. Specially for the likes of Lelouch. We have some more XP to spend now, why not pick it up?
The problem with sorcery is that we need to put the time into passing the trials, and then the time and XP into learning spells (which will require either a teacher or some other source of instruction if we want to get it done in any reasonable length of time). It's certainly useful, but we have enough other more immediately and generally useful stuff on our plate already to make it a relatively low priority in my view.
For teachers you will find plenty in Malfeas. Hell, even Rakshata can teach Lelouch some spells.

But, depending on which Sorcerous Initiation of (Yozi) you get, the one to oversee Lelouch's Initiation will differ. I already have candidates for Oramus, Ebon Dragon and Malfeas.
Um, training Essence requires you to seclude yourself completely and focus on nothing else, preferably in a place solidly resonating with the type of Essence you use (so Yozi, in our case), for the entire training time without breaks. We aren't going to be raising it via the training route in quest- it's almost certainly going to be done via motivation completion/massive strides.
Source? Because in the normal game, that's true, but you can also only train one thing at a time, and can only advance in that thing if you train eight hours a day, which is not true in this quest.
The problem with sorcery is that we need to put the time into passing the trials, and then the time and XP into learning spells (which will require either a teacher or some other source of instruction if we want to get it done in any reasonable length of time). It's certainly useful, but we have enough other more immediately and generally useful stuff on our plate already to make it a relatively low priority in my view.
Passing the trials is just a stunted part of the training time, and we can easily learn spells from books imported from Malfeas, our mentor in Malfeas, or other Inferals like Rakshata
Let's see...It said that the smallest value of a coin is a Realm koku: "a single coin will suffice for a peasant's monthly wages, a barely survivable income." Based on the description, would a value of 100 $ for the lowest denomination work?
Seems fine. Especially since the Infernal can make smaller denominations when holding larger ones, and vicea versa.

And do dollars even exist in this universe, what with the Britannian empire and all? Given how backwards Britannia can be, they might not even have decimalised. Probably will have, even if it is just to make things easier for you.
For teachers you will find plenty in Malfeas. Hell, even Rakshata can teach Lelouch some spells.

But, depending on which Sorcerous Initiation of (Yozi) you get, the one to oversee Lelouch's Initiation will differ. I already have candidates for Oramus, Ebon Dragon and Malfeas.
Alright, how do we go about voting for it? It seems it isn't as simple as [] Spells: GET
Alright, how do we go about voting for it? It seems it isn't as simple as [] Spells: GET
Use "[] Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi)", replacing (Yozi) with the Yozi you want to learn the Charm's version. In this case either Oramus, Ebon Dragon and Malfeas. Their benefits are:

Initiation of Oramus: The boundary to end all boundaries, Oramus' magic is particularly suitable for Spells that destroy or bypass barriers and cross boundaries, reducing the cost of such magic by 10 motes and 1 Willpower (minimum five motes, one Willpower). Examples include Open the Spirit Door, The Parting of the Seas and The Violent Opening of Closed Portals. The same discount applies to spells that create food and other physical things, but things created this way possess glaring differences that make each one unique, and yet still a recognizable member of their categories (an apple's tree may also grow oranges or be made of silver, but it remains a tree). Disgusted with the gods and the Exalts, Oramus does not wish to imitate their ways of rulership and commandments. Any Compulsion, Servitude or Total Control component of a Spell is ignored. Examples include Curse of Slavish Humility, parts of Threefold Binding of the Heart and most applications of Droning Suggestion.

Initiation of Ebon Dragon: Shadows of all sorts belong to the Shadow of All Things. Spells that naturally create or manipulate shadows or darkness or otherwise dampen light or incorporate reflections as a primary effect cost 10 motes and one Willpower less (minimum five motes, one Willpower). The same discount applies to spells that specifically open or shatter physical barriers such as doors or walls. Spells that incorporate these elements solely because of using this initiation do not count. Examples of valid spells include Open the Spirit Door, Shadow Summons, Shadowy Simulacrums of Smoke, The Spy Who Walks In Darkness, The Violent Opening of Closed Portals, Shadow Theft, Shadows of the Ancient Past, Summon the Heavenly Portal, Summoning the Heart of Darkness, The Crumbling Walls, Curse of Unyielding Mist, Evocation From the Mirror and Technique Mirror. The Ebon Dragon is as incapable of casting spells that generate meaningful illumination as Cecelyne is incapable of creating food and drink. This limitation may be bypassed to the same extent through spell warping.

Initiation of Malfeas: Spells that inflict damage as their primary effect such as Death of Obsidian Butterflies or Total Annihilation resonate with the hate of the Demon City, increasing their base damage by half again before attack successes factor in. For example, Death of Brass Wasps inflicts 12L rather than 8L. Spells that inflict damage over time may be enhanced this way, but only the first instance of damage inflicted against a particular victim gets the boost. Further damage to the same target does not increase, though those the spell has yet to damage are fair game. The Sorcerous Enlightenment of Malfeas cannot cast spells that bring peace or physical calm (however confused and mad). Examples include Mists of Eventide, Paralyzing Contradiction, The Battle's End, Wheel of the Turning Heavens and Winds of Confusion. The only calm that may result from his spells is the stillness that descends upon battlefields in the wake of the devastation he unleashes.
Source? Because in the normal game, that's true, but you can also only train one thing at a time, and can only advance in that thing if you train eight hours a day, which is not true in this quest.
It's not mentioned as being different in the rules changes on the first page, so I'd assume it's the same. I've also never seen that particular rule messed with in any quest or game that I can recall.
Passing the trials is just a stunted part of the training time, and we can easily learn spells from books imported from Malfeas, our mentor in Malfeas, or other Inferals like Rakshata
Fair point. I still think that the other stuff we have access to (Charms and raising Abilities/Attributes) is going to be more generally useful at the moment, however.
It's not mentioned as being different in the rules changes on the first page, so I'd assume it's the same. I've also never seen that particular rule messed with in any quest or game that I can recall.
It doesn't say that we can train multiple things at the same time either, so I don't see why we should think that Essence raising is in a special category unless @Alexander89 says otherwise.
Fair point. I still think that the other stuff we have access to (Charms and raising Abilities/Attributes) is going to be more generally useful at the moment, however.
Summon Demon of the (whatever) Circle is called the best character option in the game for a reason. That alone is worth the cost of entry, anything else is just gravy.
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It doesn't say that we can train multiple things at the same time either, so I don't see why we should think that Essence raising is in a special category unless @Alexander89 says otherwise.
Because it's in a special category that's treated differently from every other type of experience expenditure in the core rules?
Summon Demon of the (whatever) Circle is called the best character option in the game for a reason. That alone is worth the cost of entry, anything else is just gravy.
Pretty much; it's a way to get supernatural backup, which we could really do with.
I'd say it's less critical for us than it might otherwise be; we have cults who can summon demons and a fair amount of supernatural support forces already around. Not enough to fight a war with, true, but enough for the moment.
Because it's in a special category that's treated differently from every other type of experience expenditure in the core rules?
Which I've repeatedly point out don't apply to the quest for the purposes of xp?
I'd say it's less critical for us than it might otherwise be; we have cults who can summon demons and a fair amount of supernatural support forces already around. Not enough to fight a war with, true, but enough for the moment.
In 10 days we can start summoning a demon a day. Once a day, we can get a powerful fighter, a skilled craftsman, another assassin, or any number of incredibly useful things. It's incredibly worth it.
Can we get multiple Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi)? Being able to chose which bonus and limitation we have would make things easier.
Also, any plan should include maxing out WP

I'd also like to suggest maxing out Int, Wits, Per, and Cha, or at least working toward that goal.
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You don't need to train only one thing at a time and at least eight hours a day. I think it was clear in the previous updates. That aside, I AM putting limits on the amount of stuff to learn at once.

Raising Essence, for example, is one of those that, yes, require hermitage. But the TED's Charm Nemesis Self Imagined Anew offers an unique alternative to raise Essence.