Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

what exactly are the limits for selecting where you enter creation from hell? can it be anywhere not protected? do you need somone at the other end if you want any accuracy? could an amphibious craft enter creation at sea? are there ways to intercept or detect somone in transit?
you mean like the inspector character whose urge is to kill abyssal exalted?

you already kind of did with the last one? why do you think I started writing this one?
Edit: sorry I just realized I sound like an ass here

No, I mean the one you posted on last page about an honorary Britannian in their navy. I made a suggestion for how the idea might be made more fitting for the setting, remember?
Damn, Britannia's getting fucked in the ass with all these omakes.
Well, the Yozis' plans always work best by introducing chaos and tearing down established order so that they can scavenge the pieces. Also, Britannia is chock-full of Dragonblooded, has the leading edge in weapons technology and is presumably supported by Yu-Shan and the Sidereals. They've got a great deal going for them.

That said, they do occupy the same slot that the Realm does in Exalted canon; they're a setting piece to scheme against, the environment that great heroes conquer to make their names. It's a cruddy position but someone's got to take it.
No, I mean the one you posted on last page about an honorary Britannian in their navy. I made a suggestion for how the idea might be made more fitting for the setting, remember?
Yeah which made me decide that it should be amended into a pirate character since you were right about the problems with it. which became the idea for a Ta'akozoka sailing expert I now deleted... I think I'll just try and amend my inspector concept to something else maybe he can help the rage by recast infernal find Abyssal Exalted or something
Yeah which made me decide that it should be amended into a pirate character since you were right about the problems with it. which became the idea for a Ta'akozoka sailing expert I now deleted... I think I'll just try and amend my inspector concept to something else maybe he can help the rage by recast infernal find Abyssal Exalted or something

No, I think your idea is perfectly viable with my suggested changes - it actually would give us a dark mirror of Suzaku. Someone who thought he could work in the system, but didn't have Fate giving him a chance to advance through sheer luck of having Lloyd needing a guinea pig and Euphemia falling out of the sky into his arms, and so fails to advance in spite of excellence due to Britannian racism.
At which point we'll have to deal with the Celestial Aerial Legion. Won't that be a fight for the history books.
Right, the Aerial Legion. Maybe I am just not looking deep enough, but apart some profiles of the most important Gods I can't find any description of them beside "army of Elementals". Can someone enlighten me?
The entire reason that the pizza doesn't get made is because Suzaku drops the dough he's spinning due to him trying to stop the various people trying to head towards Euphemia from doing anything dangerous, and Lelouch is at the time running away from Euphemia's location with Nunnally so a bunch of cameras don't get put on him and her sitting next to Euphie as that would almost certainly blow their cover. You might want to go back and watch the relevant part of the episode. Everything went wrong in a single instant, and there's not really anything that could be done to stop it.
Beside, it's only a giant pizza. Yes C.C., yes: whatever you say C.C.
I like her. Not a saint, but she has style and proper standards.
what exactly are the limits for selecting where you enter creation from hell? can it be anywhere not protected? do you need somone at the other end if you want any accuracy? could an amphibious craft enter creation at sea? are there ways to intercept or detect somone in transit?
Ideally you want someone on Creation to pinpoint the access, because otherwise all passages that aren't fixed by specially made structures are random.
Yeah which made me decide that it should be amended into a pirate character since you were right about the problems with it. which became the idea for a Ta'akozoka sailing expert I now deleted... I think I'll just try and amend my inspector concept to something else maybe he can help the rage by recast infernal find Abyssal Exalted or something
No, I think your idea is perfectly viable with my suggested changes - it actually would give us a dark mirror of Suzaku. Someone who thought he could work in the system, but didn't have Fate giving him a chance to advance through sheer luck of having Lloyd needing a guinea pig and Euphemia falling out of the sky into his arms, and so fails to advance in spite of excellence due to Britannian racism.
I understand how you feel masterofdarkness, but it doesn't mean you have to scrap all of your concepts. For example, the inspector can still have an Urge related to the Abyssals, but instead of destroy them it follows the Urge of another Yozi. Meanwhile, your sailing expert can be the Honorary Britannian of another Area that, like Suzaku, tried to advance through the system, but fail utterly because of discrimination like Enjou said. There is plenty of possibilities.
Right, the Aerial Legion. Maybe I am just not looking deep enough, but apart some profiles of the most important Gods I can't find any description of them beside "army of Elementals". Can someone enlighten me?

The info on them is available in the Compass of Celestial Directions Vol 3: Yu Shan, page 50. I'll edit in the details in a sec.


Details for units of elementals:

50,000 Huraka, 10,000 Tunderbirds, 100 Storm Serpents, unknown numbers of Lesser Elemental Dragons, all Drill 5 and Might of 3-5, depending on exact makeup of units.

Can also call on other martial gods, like Celestial Lions etc.
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Finally got some free time in the holiday period. Time to get back to work on my omake plans that have built up.
Green Nuclear Raven
Man, The Strix would get along with her interestingly. Maybe they'd hate each other at first sight, maybe she'd decide that a guy with such similar mutations to her is a good option for a relationship (and thus love), or maybe he'd manage to convince her that she should channel her 'love' specifically towards particular targets.

Or maybe all three.

Also, I rewatched a bit of Code Geass not too long ago, and had some thoughts. First, Suzaku being present at school hints at Euphemia's presence, but many of the circumstances between the two of them may be different since Suzaku isn't being accused of Clovis' death. I could imagine the Pureblood Conspiracy situation could still result in many of the same situations as canon, but even then they'll be different. At the very least, there'll be less people trying to kill each other over citrus fruit. Plus Cornelia has no reason to hurry up her conquest and make for Japan (on top of the Rakshata-made weapons aiding the Middle-East against her).

Next, Sinnihtare is totally going to take the opportunity to play music for Nunnally as much as possible, both because of her inherited intimacy, and because Nunnally would enjoy it more than many others. Maybe that'd be a bit hard to organise, but I'm sure between Anesidora's creativity and Sinnihtare's social skills, it'd come about the instant Lelouch learns to materialise them. Probably just convince Lelouch to pass them off as highly trusted friends/allies who he trusts to provide music for Nunnally/act as social allies for her/back up Sayoko now that Nunnally's legs are healing.
There's a pair of omakes in this. I really want to write them, but they have a place in the queue priority behind my next omake for Reinart, so I don't know when that'll happen.

....Well, I could try now, while I've got the the inspiration burning.

....Dammit. At this rate, I'm gonna end up with a backlog with more omakes in it than Akio has braincells.
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Right, the Aerial Legion. Maybe I am just not looking deep enough, but apart some profiles of the most important Gods I can't find any description of them beside "army of Elementals". Can someone enlighten me?
The info on them is available in the Compass of Celestial Directions Vol 3: Yu Shan, page 50. I'll edit in the details in a sec.


Details for units of elementals:

50,000 Huraka, 10,000 Tunderbirds, 100 Storm Serpents, unknown numbers of Lesser Elemental Dragons, all Drill 5 and Might of 3-5, depending on exact makeup of units.

Can also call on other martial gods, like Celestial Lions etc.

Hmmm, I wonder if the Aerial Legion has kept their discipline and numbers over the years, or if they've even bothered increasing their technological level. With no Solars around, the Underworld sealed, the Raksha being a much easier threat to deal with due to the new shape of Creation, and cooperative Dragonblooded I could very much see Yu-Shan's corrupt bureaucrats getting complacent in some fashion.

I like her. Not a saint, but she has style and proper standards.

Glad you like her. PM me if you need any more info on her character.
Oooh, rolls. Alexander is working on the update! 3 successes on the first, 5 successes on the second. Not bad at all.

Hopefully it'll be ready before tomorrow. I'm gonna be traveling and will be out for a couple days. I may or may not have internet during that time.
Glad you like her. PM me if you need any more info on her character.
Um, Enjou... I would like to ask for a big favor here. I really, really would like to write an Infernal who has Ta'akozoka as his Urge Patron. Its my own fault at being slow in getting the omake done, but I think I have a very solid concept ready to be written for when I have the time and the energy.

You could just adjust Ta'akozoka to just be Lukkage's Favored Yozi and Cecelyne to be her Urge Patron (with something like making Yozi-cults spread in the criminal underwold further than just her pirates?). And if you wanted, you could even switch Kimberly to be her Favored Yozi, as there is no limitation on that.
Um, Enjou... I would like to ask for a big favor here. I really, really would like to write an Infernal who has Ta'akozoka as his Urge Patron. Its my own fault at being slow in getting the omake done, but I think I have a very solid concept ready to be written for when I have the time and the energy.

You could just adjust Ta'akozoka to just be Lukkage's Favored Yozi and Cecelyne to be her Urge Patron (with something like making Yozi-cults spread in the criminal underwold further than just her pirates?). And if you wanted, you could even switch Kimberly to be her Favored Yozi, as there is no limitation on that.

I'm kind of fond of my pirate empress as is. She was chosen by Ta'akozoka for a reason, and she resonates a lot more with her than with Cecelyne IMO even if elements of both are there. She's less interested in making a cult and more interested in making a thriving and wealthy pirate organization/empire.

If you want you can PM me the details of your idea. I'm not likely to switch, but at the very least I could probably help you with the concept.
I'm kind of fond of my pirate empress as is. She was chosen by Ta'akozoka for a reason, and she resonates a lot more with her than with Cecelyne IMO even if elements of both are there. She's less interested in making a cult and more interested in making a thriving and wealthy pirate organization/empire.

If you want you can PM me the details of your idea. I'm not likely to switch, but at the very least I could probably help you with the concept.
That is more than enough. Like I said, at this point I really can't fault anyone else than myself for not getting my omake done sooner. I'll try to PM basic concept by tomorrow, but I might get delayed depending on various RL commitments (and my level of energy).
New Arrivals 1.1
Current Progress:

Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack (8 XP)
Hardened Devil Body (10 XP)
Insignificant Embers Intuition (10 XP)

Occult - one dot (3 XP)

Fourth-Soul Devil Domain (9 XP, 2 Weeks Left)

Dexterity 4 (15 days left) (7 Xp not yet paid)
Dodge (9 day accumulated)
Athletics (9 day accumulated)
Resistance (9 day accumulated)
Firearms (9 day accumulated)

144 - 31 = 113 Xp

September 8th

"The operation is tomorrow night." You tell Ohgi through the phone. "A few men will suffice."

"Alright Zero. But tell me, what are we going to do with this guy? He's a scumbag, yes, but he's still a fellow Japanese."

"Nothing drastic." Hearing someone coming you walk further up the stairs, resting near a window. "We will just show the proof of his misdeeds to the other residents of the ghetto and give them all the money he accumulated so far. After that, we will just leave him to their judgment. I don't think they will go farther than a beating, but just in case we will stay to watch." You shrug: honestly you couldn't care less even if they hang him, but the guy's crimes aren't so bad that death will be widely seen as proportionate punishment. The Black Knights must keep up a façade of absolute fairness.

"I suppose that's fair. See you later Zero."

"See you later Ohgi." You reply before ending the call. Putting the phone back into your pocket you lean against the wall and look out of the window.

Ever since the spectacular introduction of Zero and the Black Knights with the Anson Affair (even if the video took some tweaking - you can't have the world see Zero running away, even if perfectly justified in doing so), the Black Knights have been the 'Allies of the Weak'. Terrorists that involve civilians, criminals, abusive soldiers: each day you and the others punish 'Evil' that couldn't be judged by the law, and a result the Black Knights' exploits are always on newspapers, TV and Internet.

"Boss. Me...and the girls - they insisted - want to know: do you really believe in this philosophy, or is it all a lie?"

You suppress a groan. Anesidora and Sinnihtáre have been even more active lately: they can't directly communicate with you, so they use Seyrun as an intermediary. You can't bring yourself to be angry with them, but the feeling of your mind, soul, whatever getting crowded is still unsettling.

'I believe in the core points. 'Allies of the Weak' and 'Evil' are embellishments, clichè terms that the masses can easily identify with. That's what I am aiming for: general consensus.'

Your mind goes back to the war. 'Is it good to be strong? Is it bad to be weak? When I was 10 years old, the world seemed such a sad place: starvation, disease, filth, corruption, discrimination, war and terrorism. An unending cycle of hatred, repeated again and again.'

You chuckle without mirth. 'And then I found out there is a higher power, but it's just as corrupted, if not more so. Suddenly my problems seemed both so small and yet so much more complicated. It's an odd feeling. But to answer your question: it is not a matter of strong and weak, good and evil.' Your gaze hardens. 'The matter is that this world is undergoing a downward spiral of self-destruction because everyone is doing whatever they want without a single thought for the future. So if I need to conquer the world to save it, that's exactly what I will do.'

"Put it that way, I see your point...Also, the girls are showering you with praise. They're using words like 'cool' and 'magnificent'."

You smile. 'Tell them I am thankful, and that soon I will come to visit them again.'

"Sure, sure. I am a nanny now, aren't I? It's a great honor, they said. I want to watch them in my place, I want. Let's see if those bas-"

You tune Seyrun out, not in the mood to listen to his rants, even if justified. Maybe you should do something nice for him? Like finally starting to look into expanding the Dark-Green Fangs?

[] Let's do it.
[] Maybe another time.


After school you return home, and find the Chernobaalim and Peronelle messengers, Jikhs and Kasr, waiting for you. "I trust my messages were delivered?" You ask them while sitting on a chair.

"Yes, Lord Marshal." Jikhs replies. "Unquestionable Sagarduia expressed satisfaction that Peer Akio was successfully brought back to his proper role. She also expressed irritation that the Unwoven Coadjutor is damaged to the point of uselessness, though it is a minor issue that shouldn't impact Peer Akio's mission negatively."

"Regarding his mission, does Sagarduia know what it is?"

"She was privy to such information. She said that Peer Akio's mission, as ordained by the Principle of Hierarchy, is to [Unite the resistance groups of every Area into a single force]."

"Good luck with that!" Kasr laughs loudly before Jikhs stops him with a slap.

Sadly, you have to agree with the demon. There is no way that moron could do it efficiently. "Please report to Unquestionable Sagarduia that I will personally aid Peer Akio's mission, as it aligns greatly to my plans to further the Reclamation."

"It will be done." The two demons reply.

"Good. What of my message to Great Ligier?"

"Unquestionable Ligier was pleased there is concrete proof of the Underworld Exalted's existence. That they show behavior akin to ghosts and not living beings intrigues him, so he commanded any captured specimen to be delivered to him personally. If capture is not possible the corpse will suffice."

"I understand. Report that I will do my best to capture one." Even if it will not be easy, but even a single Celestial-tier Exalt that can not be set against you is a huge bonus. "Anything else?"

"Yes. There is another Peer that will soon arrive here in Japan." Jikhs replies. "His name is Nathan Coulter. Info transmitted through local cults say he will arrive the day September 9th with the flight 642 at Tokyo Airport."

Interesting. Your fellow Peers are finally arriving. "What can you tell me about him? And how will I recognize him?"

"I only know he comes from the Britannian Homeland." The Chernobaalim scratches his side with a paw. "The cultist that sent the message humbly suggested holding up a large sign with his name."

"...It gets the job done I suppose." You say after a few seconds of silence. It's simple but effective. Not exactly how you would have done it, but there is no reason to overcomplicate things. "Anything else?"

"That is everything."

You nod. "Very well. You may go."


September 9th

Third Person's POV

The airport is crowded, practically choked with people. They are chatting, yelling, screaming, singing and in one odd instance whispering. None of that matters to a particular soul though, as he is too busy looking for the people he was supposed to meet. And desperately trying to get the voice in his head to shut up.

'And then, I slowly-'

'Damnit Namaht, what part of "I don't want to hear about your exploits from back when you had a body" do you not get?! I am trying to find the person I'm supposed to talk to, and you are not helping! If you're so interested in talking, then a better use would be helping me remember what our contact looks like. Or just talking about your biological experiments would more palatable than your other job.'

'Ugh, very well. Spoilsport. As I recall, we were merely told that our contact would be holding up a large sign with your name on it. By the way, you may want to start moving somewhere. There's a fellow coming up near you that I rather think is intent on stealing from you.'

'What? Oh, right. Very well then. Thank you.'

With that, Nathan begins following the advice of the demonic courtesan in his head, while continuing the conversation.

'So, what do you know about the Marshall? I mean, you're the one that's from Hell.'

'Just because I am from Hell that doesn't mean that I know anything about him. Besides, I was sent out about the same time the news of his appointment arrived, so I unfortunately can't help you there. I can tell you though that he is almost certainly a Fiend. Apparently the Ebon Dragon specifically chose him, and talked quite a bit about him.'

'Oh. Is that it? You can't tell me who his Patron is?'

'Sorry, no. Just his Caste and name...which I should probably go ahead and tell you. Zero.'

'Zero? Huh. Odd, that's the same name of the leader of the Black Knights.'

'Is that so? I have to say-THERE!'

'AH! Yozi Dammit woman, must you be so loud?! I swear, if you were corporeal that could have ruptured an eardrum!'

'Yes, yes, I'm very sorry, but look! There's a blond girl holding a sign with your name on it! Near the checkout line, next to a rather delicious looking man about your own age.'

Looking for himself, the Infernal Exalt sees that his Coadjutor is right. There is indeed a blonde girl next to a black-haired fellow, the blonde girl is indeed holding a sign with his name on it, and both of them are, to put it mildly, very attractive.

'Very well. Now then, Namaht, let's go and meet our fellow Peers, shall we?'

'I couldn't agree with you more, Nathan.'

Walking up to the two Nathan bows, extends a hand and says in Japanese: "Greetings. I understand that you two are the people I've been looking for?"

"And you're Nathan Coulter." Lelouch replies in English, shaking his hand. "I said this because you just spoke Japanese, the use of which is banned here in Area Eleven." He quickly looks left and right, confirming no one seemed to have noticed. Satisfied he gives out his own name. "My name is Lelouch Lamperouge. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Milly Ashford!" The blonde says cheerfully while taking Nathan's hand and shaking it vigorously, which seems to slightly embarrass the brunette.

"Not so loud, Milly." Lelouch rolls his eyes. However, while Nathan isn't looking at him he sets his gaze back on the brunette and channels a trickle of Essence in his eyes, activating one of his recently learned Malfeasan powers.

'Weaker than me, tastes of brass and glass?'

'Eh, it happens. But his Essence is definitely Malfeasan.'

Satisfied with the knowledge the brunette is truly a Green Sun Prince Lelouch points behind himself. "Shall we go?"

Once Nathan picks up his luggage the three of them leave the airport, where a limousine of the Ashford family is waiting for them. Once the car starts moving Milly pushes a button, and a black divider slides down between them and the driver.

"Sound-proof." Lelouch explains, knocking on the surface. "A necessary precaution. Now then, allow me to introduce myself properly: I am the Marshal of the Althing Infernal and the one coordinating the Reclamation efforts here on Creation proper for the foreseeable future. Lelouch Lamperouge is my mundane identity here in Area Eleven, but I prefer to be called Zero." He folds his fingers together, resting them on his lap, and crosses his legs. "Before we begin, do you mind telling me what the Black Knights' current reputation is in the Homeland? Is Britannia's censorship system suppressing info, or painting them in a very negative way?"

Taking a moment to process the fact that the leader of the Black Knights is also the Marshal, Nathan ponders what he had seen and heard. It is interesting what Zero's name is though. Isn't Lelouch the same name as one of the Princes, one that died young? Ah well, that doesn't really matter right now.

"I would have to say...that the Black Knights are currently viewed as a controversial group. Your releases of evidence of the crimes Anson committed have mostly been taken down by the government, but enough copies have remained that people are thinking of you as heroes. Your little video speech certainly won you a number of supporters among the more downtrodden members of society. As for how the official propaganda is painting you...I'd have to say that they are currently painting you as would-be vigilantes that happened to get lucky. They admit that Anson committed the crimes, but they're trying to downplay the scope of his misdeeds, while saying that you were randomly targeting nobles and just happened to hit someone who deserved it. I unfortunately can't really tell you how the nobles think of you, as I no longer have any friends among their ranks. If I were to guess though, I would say negatively, as your first target was a noble."

"Such a response was within my predictions." Lelouch comments. 'Let them downplay us: the longer they underestimate the Black Knights, the less prepared they would be when it's time to strike.'

Taking another moment, Nathan ponders whether or not he'll be asked to aid the Black Knights. If Zero is also the leader of the Althing Infernal, it stands to reason that the Black Knights would be aiding the Reclamation. Perhaps they were meant to serve as the beginning stage of an army? "Marshal, if you don't mind, I have some questions. Will I be asked to aid the Black Knights in addition to my fellow Infernals? And will I be expected to aid in combat operations?"

"The answer to the first question is: only if you wish to do so. I have yet to introduce the members of the Black Knights to the supernatural and Yozi worship, something I'll leave to the Malefactor of my Coven, so I told them my anonymous backers asked me to train new recruits. Your help will be appreciated however, unless your mission requires your attention elsewhere?"

Nathan shakes his head. "No, it's just that I don't know how to fight, so I don't know how useful I would be."

"I see. This brings us to the second question: no, you are not expected to aid in combat operations. It wouldn't make sense since, like you just admitted, you have no combat experience. But, there are many other possible roles beside being a fighter. What is your Caste, and what are your abilities? It would also help to know who your Patron and your mission is."

"I'm a Defiler, Chosen of Elloge the Sphere of Speech." Nathan promptly answers. "The mission I was given is to [Reveal to the world the atrocities Britannia will commit to achieve its goals]. Abilities...well I am a programmer, though since my Exaltation I used my Caste's affinities to expand my ability to build things. It was my hope I would be able to work in a lab designing useful things."

"I see." Lelouch takes a few moments to add the new variables to his plans. "I believe there are plenty of possible roles for you outside of the battlefield. You can use your expertise with computers to hack into Britannia's private servers and steal their secrets, or design programs to subvert them. My Coven's Defiler is also coming to Japan soon: she is a Knightmare designer and also adapted much of Malfeas' technology to use in the modern world. Since you will formally train under her, you can use the chance to help her and also learn more. What do you think?"

"Hacking, uh? Never tried it before, but it should be easy." Nathan muses. "And working on the Black Knights' equipment sounds good. Yes, I believe I will do it."

"Excellent." After that Lelouch seems to ponder something for a few seconds. "In this case, I would like to ask you a favor. This is not an order, and I will reward you accordingly if you say yes."

"Uh, sure. What is it?"

"It concerns one of our fellow Peers, Akio Murakami of the Slayer Caste, Chosen of the Principle of Hierarchy." Lelouch sighs. "Sadly his Coadjutor was damaged during the Exaltation and is currently incapable of communicating, so I had to explain everything myself. Plus he's a moron."

Nathan blinks.

"I mean it. He appears perfectly normal and he's a very friendly man, but even a squirrel has more common sense than him." Lelouch scowls before relaxing. "As such I would like to ask you to, let's say, 'look after him'. Only until I can send Akio to Malfeas without the risk of him accidentally offending an Unquestionable. Also the Black Knights are currently all Japanese, and as such have some difficulties trusting Britannians. But if you are friends with Akio when I present you two to them it will be easier for them to accept you."

"Oh, now I understand. Well, I have no problems with that. I was going to get to know my fellow Peers anyway. In exchange..." Nathan scratches his head. "I would like to find some way to start a news company of my own or take over an existing one. I want to start making progress towards completing the mission from Lady Elloge, and this seems like something that would help a lot. Oh, can you also introduce me to a good school here in Area Eleven? I still need to graduate..."

"What do my ears hear? A good school? Then looks no further!" Milly exclaims in a pompous manner. "Ashford Academy is the cream of the crop, one of the best private institutions in Britannia!"

"Favoritism much?" Lelouch laughs. "But it's true. Incidentally, Milly is the headmaster's granddaughter and Student Council President, while I am the Vice-President. So enrolling you will be easy. But most of the students are nobles, so if that is a problem..."

"No, it's alright." Nathan shakes his head. "Just had a...bad experience with one. That's all." He smiles at the blonde. "Thank you for the help Miss Ashfo-"

"Milly!" She jabs a finger, the tip resting a few centimeters from Nathan's nose. "Call me Milly!"

"Uuh...thank you, Milly?"

"Perfect!" She crosses her arms and nods.

Lelouch facepalms. "Please excuse Milly, she follows no pace but her own. Apart from that, rest assure that you will receive our full support: taking control of a news company isn't easy, but it's doable."

"Miss Ashford, Mister Lamperouge: we have arrived." The driver's voice comes from the intercom.

"Oh, good. I rented a large apartment near Ashford Academy to house our fellow Peers." Lelouch explains to Nathan. "Akio is staying there."

Coming out of the car Lelouch and Milly helps Nathan take out his luggage. Walking in front of the building's main door Lelouch opens it with his key and enters.


And promptly dissolves into shadows, narrowly avoiding the massive projectile that would have taken off his head before reforming. The projectile passes in front of the stunned Milly and Nathan before smashing into the ground, revealing itself to be a metal statue.

"Oh! Hey Lelouch!" Akio cheerfully greets with a thumb-up, the white Goremaul resting on his shoulder.

"AKIO! WHAT THE HELL?!?" Lelouch roars, gasping slightly. "Did you just try to kill me?!"

"What? No: I was just bored and decided to my hand at this 'baseball' thing I saw in TV."

"...Using a warhammer as a bat." Lelouch says flatly. "And one of the statues you forced me to move on as the ball."

"Yep!" Akio nods with a smile. "Together with your big-ass spiders as the pitchers."

The ravenette turns a frosty glare to the Anuhles he stationed there, who are sweating in a panic.

"Is it safe now?" Milly asks while peeking inside. Seeing it was only Akio she walks inside, dragging Nathan by the arm. "Yoyoyo Akio! We bring gifts: a fellow Green Sun Prince!"

"U-uhm..." Nathan begins with a stammer, both from the near-death experience and the sight of Lelouch beating a group of giant spiders with a chair. Gulping to regain courage he decides to show respect to his senior Infernal by addressing him in Old Realm. "Greetings. I am-"

"Waitwaitwait!" Akio interrupts. "We're using Old Realm? Then let me do this first! I finally learned the damn thing after a week and I want to try it."

The grey-haired man clears his throat before addressing Nathan with an easy-going smile.

"Greetings. My name is Akio, and I paint your father's ass with melon ice-cream."

Nathan stares back with an expressionless face.

'...How does he even breath?'

'I don't know Namaht, but suddenly I am starting to have second thoughts about this.'

I said this was an interlude, but I ended up putting up a vote. Oh well.

Next is the arrival of the W-0 Unit, Nadir and Yelena to Japan. Stay tuned!
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[x] Let's do it.

Man, this would be really easy if we had something, I'm not sure what. I think it sounds something like demon of the first round thing? Maybe?
[X] Let's do it.

Expanding our team of 'problem solvers' is great, and we will probably be using them more proactively in the future so it makes sense that we get replacements ready for the casualties. Plus poor Seyrun could use some good news.