Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

True, but he does seem to have at least some fondness for Euphie, as she was his second favorite sister, and he was willing to reveal himself to her in canon, suggesting she may still be at least a 1 dot intimacy.

You can stunt 1-dot intimacies to existence. When we find Euphie, we can create a intimacy then if we want,
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and you find this more disturbing than the slightly older teenager who can basically durg herself (and others) by thinking hard?
Or more disturbing than a teenager that is a chronic lier, has a hard-on for destroying a empire and making a new one in his image and induces madness by speaking.
Apparently I do. Must be the "cut yourself" part...
If we get an Investigation specialty to find out the secrets behind Lelouch's mother's death, when we find out about V.V. and the Order, do we get the XP back, or is it just a useless specialty?
No sorry, I am afraid a specialty like that isn't possible. One about "Murder cases" would however.
Wasn't the VEE line changed for this quest?
Nope. You get the full, original line :V. Kaguya is never going to be a fighter, so instead she is going to be the best support EVER. Praise Cecelyne!
At ths point I don't think Lelouch interacts or sees Shirley in any romantic way, or even in any intimacy that could qualify for three dots. If anything, she would be more of a Friend/Acquaintance, and at two dots at most.
Uhm, correct.

Okay, new version:

Nunnally (Familial? Love, Obsession)(Positive)
Your mother's death (Trauma, Vengeance)(Negative)

Why Marianne's death? Because it's the subject of the "Vengeance" Flaw. While Nunnally is the subject of "Obsession" Flaw. Considering that most of canon Lelouch's plans in R1 were about "captured Cornelia so I can interrogate her about who killed my mother", just because Clovis said she might know...yeah.

Emperor Charles (Hate, Disgust, Fear)(Negative)
Britannia (Hate, Contempt)(Negative)
Suzaku (Friendship, Rivalry)(Positive)

The people (and thing) that Lelouch values the most below Obsession and Vengeance.

Chess (Competitiveness)(Positive)
Sayoko (Respect, Like Family)(Positive)
Milly (Exasperated/Fond Friendship)(Positive)

Chess has always been like that. Sayoko gained that rank by being the person most resembling a second loving parent in Lelouch's life. Milly...well, recent events strengthened their relation.

Rivalz (Friendship)(Positive)
Shirley (Friendship)(Positive)
Seyrun (Useful Head-Voice)(Positive)
Silk (Appreciation)(Positive)*
Oramus (Gratitude, Worship)(Positive)
Erembour (Massive Crush)(Positive)
Kaguya (Useful Ally)(Positive)

It's a testament to her abilities that Erembour managed to fit that Intimacy through Lelouch's thick skull. By just being herself. The rest you can imagine why.

Nina (Fellow Council Member)(Positive)
Kallen (Useful Pawn)(Positive)
C.C. (Wariness, Possible Pawn)(Positive)
Akito (Useful Pawn)(Positive)
Rakshata (Useful Pawn)(Positive)
Leila (Useful Pawn)(Positive)

And even with the list so revised, wow but isn't Lelouch completely fucked-up in the head? o_O
Still needs a 1 or 2 dot Intimacy for "Being dramatic"

(Not entirely joking)

Actually, i agree. If we use kerisgame system, we may as well use it in full and list principles as well as relationships (Which is what most of Lelouch intimacies currently are)

For comparison, take a look at Keris principles:


Be Loved, Survive


Get Revenge, Possessiveness


Be Rich and Comfortable

Never Be Chained Again

The Love of Art


Addiction Is For The Weak

Apples Are The Best!

Choices Are Important

Love Is What You Do

Mortals Are Fragile

My Lance Is Also The Best!

Poison Works Wonders

There Is No Love Without Pain
Anything rated a 5 is equal to or more important than your very life. You will willingly throw your life away for these if necessary, full well knowing it's coming, without any hesitation. Anything rated this high is pretty much the center of your universe.
Anything rated a 4 is core to what motivates you, or someone who is really important to you. You'll take big risks for these things. You might be willing to die for them, but you'll probably have to think long and hard about it.
Anything rated a 3 is pretty important to you, but it's not the center of your universe. Most true friends go here. You might risk your life for these things, but you're very unlikely to walk into certain death for them.
Anything rated a 2 is kind of important, and you might risk things for them, but pretty much never your life.
Anything rated a 1 is something you care about more than average, but haven't really full invested yourself in.

Or at least that's my assessment.

Not quite.

It helps to take into account two of the basic calibration points for this. Basically everyone normal has "Survive" at 5 dots and "Be rich and comfortable" at 3 dots. That means that 5 dot principles are things which matter to you as much as your life, 4 dot principles are things that you might not die for, but you're willing to undergo extended hardship and poverty for, and 3 dot things are of the same level as your personal comfort, so you're conflicted over a choice between them.

1 dot Principles are fleeting whims and mild feelings. Notably, you can only normally make 1 dot principles a scene. So if you see an advert and go "Oh man, that's cool, I should buy that", that's a 1 dot principle. It's a mild compeller of behaviour, but you can trivially no-sell it if it clashes with any other principle. It just takes a scene of acting against or ignoring a 1 dot principle to discard it if you want to.

2 dot Principles are things, therefore, which aren't as fundamental to most people as "I like not being poor and being comfortable", but are more than just fleeting whims. Most stable friendships will be at 2 dots, because they do matter to you, but when it comes down to it most people will move away from a friend for the purposes of their job (because the job provides the money they need for their comfort).

So if you have a friend who you honestly would go "yes, I would bankrupt myself to pay for their experimental medical treatment, losing my home and having to live off cheap noodles for years" without a hint of hesitation? They're at 4+ dots.

(This is a sign of Keris' certain kind of craziness, that her Possessiveness is at 4 dots. She would bankrupt herself to get back something that someone had stolen from her)

Most humans won't have many 4 and 5 dot Principles. People who are in love might have their partner at 4 dots, some people might have their family at 4 dots, very religious people might have their faith at 4 dots. Heroic characters will tend to have their RAW 2e Motivation at 4 dots - non-heroic characters will tend to have it at 3 dots. Most humans will only have Survive at 5 dots.

Incidentally, Tragic Love Amusement creates 4 dot Principles in the person using it. It instantly creates deep true love, such that you'd willingly give everything you own for the sake of your love.
Not quite.

It helps to take into account two of the basic calibration points for this. Basically everyone normal has "Survive" at 5 dots and "Be rich and comfortable" at 3 dots. That means that 5 dot principles are things which matter to you as much as your life, 4 dot principles are things that you might not die for, but you're willing to undergo extended hardship and poverty for, and 3 dot things are of the same level as your personal comfort, so you're conflicted over a choice between them.

1 dot Principles are fleeting whims and mild feelings. Notably, you can only normally make 1 dot principles a scene. So if you see an advert and go "Oh man, that's cool, I should buy that", that's a 1 dot principle. It's a mild compeller of behaviour, but you can trivially no-sell it if it clashes with any other principle. It just takes a scene of acting against or ignoring a 1 dot principle to discard it if you want to.

2 dot Principles are things, therefore, which aren't as fundamental to most people as "I like not being poor and being comfortable", but are more than just fleeting whims. Most stable friendships will be at 2 dots, because they do matter to you, but when it comes down to it most people will move away from a friend for the purposes of their job (because the job provides the money they need for their comfort).

So if you have a friend who you honestly would go "yes, I would bankrupt myself to pay for their experimental medical treatment, losing my home and having to live off cheap noodles for years" without a hint of hesitation? They're at 4+ dots.

(This is a sign of Keris' certain kind of craziness, that her Possessiveness is at 4 dots. She would bankrupt herself to get back something that someone had stolen from her)

Most humans won't have many 4 and 5 dot Principles. People who are in love might have their partner at 4 dots, some people might have their family at 4 dots, very religious people might have their faith at 4 dots. Heroic characters will tend to have their RAW 2e Motivation at 4 dots - non-heroic characters will tend to have it at 3 dots. Most humans will only have Survive at 5 dots.

Incidentally, Tragic Love Amusement creates 4 dot Principles in the person using it. It instantly creates deep true love, such that you'd willingly give everything you own for the sake of your love.

Thanks for the info, though I just find this a little overly simplistic given the complexities of human behavior. (I acknowledge the necessity of it for a game system, but still) I'm fairly certain there's a large number of parents out there who would put their children above their own life, rather than viewing them as equal, and that would be fairly normal. Then there's things like a soldier who goes to war to protect his country - he's not going out to die, but he acknowledges that he's risking it by doing so. Some people would dodge a draft, while others would go willingly knowing the risk is there, but I doubt that they are putting their country at five dots and in many cases not even four.
Thanks for the info, though I just find this a little overly simplistic given the complexities of human behavior. (I acknowledge the necessity of it for a game system, but still) I'm fairly certain there's a large number of parents out there who would put their children above their own life, rather than viewing them as equal, and that would be fairly normal. Then there's things like a soldier who goes to war to protect his country - he's not going out to die, but he acknowledges that he's risking it by doing so. Some people would dodge a draft, while others would go willingly knowing the risk is there, but I doubt that they are putting their country at five dots and in many cases not even four.

I think the subtlety that you're kind of missing here (and please correct me if I'm wrong on this @EarthScorpion) is that these are gut-level, emotional reactions. That a soldier is in a dangerous line of work, and he understands intellectually that he might die doesn't necessarily trigger the gut-level survival instinct. It might clash with the 'be safe and comfortable' intimacy at the 3-dot level, but different people have different thresholds for what counts as 'discomfort'. So, you'll find people who hate the soldiers life, and other people who love it. Most would be in it for the paycheck (speaking of modern, professional militaries, here. Conscription changes things.). Some would be in to uphold a principle of patriotism, which the US in particular goes to great lengths to instill in its populace.

So, it's one thing to sign up as an infantryman to 'fight for freedom' and quite another to jump on a grenade to save your buddies. One of those gets you a Medal of Honor.

Why does Shirley have suppressed attraction? At no point did Lelouch showed any romantic or other kind of feelings of desire, at most he showed guilt for when he killed her father.

I agree that right now there's no outward sign, but don't forget the scene on the roof of the mall in R2 where he jumped all the way off the roof on sheer reflex in order to save her. If Suzaku hadn't been there, they'd have both died. You could argue that that wasn't shirley's intimacy per se, and that his line of "Please, I can't lose anyone else" is the actual level 5 intimacy at play there, but he definitely had feelings for her.
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So, it's one thing to sign up as an infantryman to 'fight for freedom' and quite another to jump on a grenade to save your buddies. One of those gets you a Medal of Honor.

Well, herein lies my issue with the system as stated - are your soldier buddies really a five dot Intimacy here? I think you would say that they are, but most of the time you're not likely thinking of them like they're more important than survival and it's more of a momentary reaction. I suppose that you might argue that in the situation that they suddenly get a boost to five, but that seems to make the system rather worthless because it becomes entirely situational. Putting a weight value on them would seem to be better, with each tier reflecting how likely someone is to take big risks or willingly lose something - someone might not jump on a grenade for one comrade with a value of 3 dots, but they might be willing to do so for multiple people who have values of 2 and 3 dots. (though probably not if everyone was only two dots, and they didn't have any other Principles in play)

That said, we're not really going to be using EarthScorpion's Principles system here unless Alexander is going to get rid of Virtues, so clearly the resulting system is going to be different . Using the grenade example, if the Intimacies are weighted as I speculated earlier, let's say we have two soldiers who have a three dot intimacy towards their comrades. One has Valor 5, so he'd probably jump on the grenade. Another has Valor 2, so he probably wouldn't.

Ultimately though any such system is going to fall short of adequately modeling human behavior, so I guess the storyteller has to have final say on whether or not an action is in character or not.
Still needs a 1 or 2 dot Intimacy for "Being dramatic"

(Not entirely joking)
Actually, i agree. If we use kerisgame system, we may as well use it in full and list principles as well as relationships (Which is what most of Lelouch intimacies currently are)

For comparison, take a look at Keris principles:


Be Loved, Survive


Get Revenge, Possessiveness


Be Rich and Comfortable

Never Be Chained Again

The Love of Art


Addiction Is For The Weak

Apples Are The Best!

Choices Are Important

Love Is What You Do

Mortals Are Fragile

My Lance Is Also The Best!

Poison Works Wonders

There Is No Love Without Pain
Uhm, why not? Marianne's death, Britannia, Chess and Silk can be become Principles. *consulting Tvtropes* While Lelouch's other Principles can be:

Victory at all costs

Loss, never again

If you kill, prepare to be killed

The King must lead

Being Dramatic is Cool

Pay Evil Unto Evil

Strong Oppress the Weak (Negative)

My Life has Value!

I must control everything

Lies are necessary

Path of the Byronic Hero


My Sins are Only my Own

I Want My Beloved to be Happy

Knight Templar Big Brother


Utopia Justifies the Means
I agree that right now there's no outward sign, but don't forget the scene on the roof of the mall in R2 where he jumped all the way off the roof on sheer reflex in order to save her. If Suzaku hadn't been there, they'd have both died. You could argue that that wasn't shirley's intimacy per se, and that his line of "Please, I can't lose anyone else" is the actual level 5 intimacy at play there, but he definitely had feelings for her.
That only shows in my opinion the incredible guilt he feels towards her. I mean he killed her father, then she was pretty much mind raped by Mao to the point that he had to make her forget him in order to undo that damage. He pretty much ignores her in R2 unless she barges into his life, since he has much more important stuff to do. That scene in the roof was, in my opinion, because he feels all that guilt, plus more guilt for how she is dying because of him (Or Rolo).
Lelouch would probably have done the same if it was Milly, tbh. He cared for Shirly quite a bit, but he never cared for her that way. He was pretty much asexual.
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If we add Principles too, Souls from Pantheon Charms can be associated with it too.

Oh, also this:
Fourth-Soul Devil Domain (10 XP, 6 Days
The Unwoven Charms are considered Heretical in nature: they cost 9 experience points and have a training time of (Min. Essence) weeks. Please adjust your plan.

See you tomorrow. I also have my aunt's birthday, so you will probably not hear of me until I finished the post (which I can assure you will end on an unexpected note). Please work on the matter of adding Principles or not between yourself until then.
Lelouch would probably have done the same if it was Milly, tbh. He cared for Shirly quite a bit, but he never cared for her that way. He was pretty much asexual.
I would argue that he was more repressed than asexual. He was not completely uninterested and after the fact cognizant that he had feelings of some kind (both in Euphie and Shirley's cases) but beforehand he just has shit to do and he's had not the greatest of lives.
GSP Yuno Gasai and Lunar Yukiteru Amano by Enjou
Ok, made both an Infernal and a Lunar. I thought of this expy set and couldn't resist, because it was perfect for the Infernal combo I thought about.


Fuck my life.

This was the current thought filling Yukiteru's head as he hid from his pursuers, fearing his seemingly inevitable death. Why couldn't things have just stayed normal? But noooo, every time life seemed to be getting better everything had to go crazy. First Britannia invaded during his childhood. Eventually his parents registered as Honorary Britannians, and things got just a bit better, even if they still had to bow their heads. Then his parents got a divorce. He got so lonely he though he invented some imaginary friends, who later turned out to be real. He even got something really cool out of that. But wait! It turns out his totally not imaginary god friend was throwing him into a survival game against others to determine his replacement, and he had to survive it. He had been doing well too, largely thanks to his girlfriend who he met during the whole thing, and it had looked like he'd survive. But then they found out that the asshole god was just running the entire thing for his own fucking amusement, having a bunch of Britannian nobles bet on the whole thing as they all laughed about how a bunch of Elevens were killing eachother.

He and his girlfriend had been on the run ever since. The two years had been an ordeal, the two of them moving from ghetto to ghetto in Area Eleven to stay below the radar. He'd had to pick up on a number of skills over that time, which at least helped him make a bit of a living for the two of them and keep out of the way of any local deities that might want to mess with them. And to keep his girlfriend under control. He loved her dearly, but she not the most stable individual to put it lightly. They'd had to move more than once because she'd lost it at some point. Honestly, he was surprised their faces weren't on the Area's most wanted list.

Then a month ago he'd managed to stop her latest blow up, which he was pretty sure would be really bad, and he'd somehow attained superpowers during it. Sure, being able to turn into a mouse wasn't the best power out there, but he could hide easily, and there were a few other things he could do. He'd used his new abilities when he needed to in order to make a little extra money, and things started seeming to be getting better again.

That's when they came. The Britannians who had powers as well. And they were looking for him. He'd had to run. They'd have killed his beloved if he let her fight. She wasn't strong enough against them, and neither was he. He'd gotten lucky once and killed one with a few well placed darts, but then they'd just upped their game. Now here he was, hiding in an abandoned building waiting for them to find him and kill him. Even in his mouse form, they had some means of tracking him.

"Dragon 3 and Dragon 4, this is Dragon 1. I believe I've found the target. Over."

Shit. Shit shit shit! Yukiteru didn't want to die. Why couldn't these jerks just leave him alone? He wasn't a threat to them. He just wanted to live a nice peaceful life with his girlfriend and to not be bothered.

"Dragon 3, Dragon 4, are you there? Please respond. Over."

Was his team having trouble with their radios? Not that it mattered. The man identified only as Dragon 1 was undeniably the strongest fighter in the group. Yukiteru wouldn't stand a chance unless he could get the drop on him, and even then it was a long shot. Not that he'd get the chance, given he could hear the man hunting him heading straight towards the room where he was hiding.

"This is Dragon 1, if you can hear me I'm moving in to engage the... WHAT THE FU"

Silence. There was only dead and complete silence now. What happened? Was this some kind of trick? Yukiteru waited, and after what seemed an eternity sound returned.

"Ok, Lizzy! You can eat his face now."

That voice! It was her! He was saved! As he heard Dragon 1 begin screaming as something was apparently mauling him, Yukiteru came out of the hole he was hiding in. He looked to the door of the room and saw her. Something inside him flared up and made him think she was even more beautiful than ever, and he loved her even more.

"Yuki! I found you! I'm so happy! I thought I'd lost you forever." She was an angel from heaven. Even if she was covered in blood. And... glowing green?

Name: Yuno Gasai
Age: 16
Motivation: Live happily with Yuki forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and EVER.
Urge: Torture the nobles of Britannia to death. (Kimberian)
Caste: Scourge
Patron Yozi: Kimbery
Anima Banner: A whirlpool filled filled with a large number of axes, kitches knifes, and other bladed weapons.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3; Charisma 2; Manipulation 3; Appearance 4; Perception 3; Intelligence 2; Wits 2
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temperance 1, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Craft (Water) 1 (Cooking 1), Dodge 4, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Larceny 2 (Hiding Evidence 1), Linguistics 1 (Native: Japanese. English) Lore 1, Melee 4, Resistance 2, Stealth 5 (Stalking 3), Survival 1,
Backgrounds: Backing (Yozi) 1, Cult (Yozi) 1, Influence (Yozi) 1, Coadjutor (Demjen) 3, Familiar 2 ("Lizzy", Amphelisia), Artifact 1 (Axe of the Massacre*), Ally (Yukiteru) 1
Essence: 2
Willpower: 8

Traits from Unwoven Coadjutor: Eyes glow green when mostly submerged in water. (0 Points)

Yandere Obsession (Flaw) - Yuno is completely, obsessively in love with Yukiteru Amano, caring for him above all else. She will do anything she perceives will make him happy or keep him safe, even if this put her in mortal danger or socially awkward situations. (-3 Points)

Yandere Willpower (Merit) - Yuno has extreme will regarding her beloved Yuki, to the point that it seems to warp reality around her. She adds three dice to any action she believes will help him or that will bring him closer to her. (3 Points)

Axe of Familial Massacre - This seemingly ordinary axe is anything but. Through repeated use of this axe in wanton acts of murder, the wielder has instilled the small god of this weapon with an extreme lust for blood. Every successful strike that draws blood increases the weapon's damage by +1L, up to a maximum of +4L, for the remainder of the scene.

First Kimbery Excellency
Mother Sea Mastery
Spiteful Sea Tincture
Ichor Flux Tendrils
Intolerable Burning Truths (x2) (Trust Is Naïve, Existence Is Agony)

First Adorjan Excellency
Wind-Born Stride (x2)
Death-Dealing Journey
Thousandfold Typhoon Hand
Running To Forever
Murder Is Meat

Name: Yukiteru Amano
Age: 16
Motivation: Keep Yuno as sane as possible and stop her from murdering people she shouldn't.
Caste: New Moon
Spirit Shape: A small white mouse.
Tell: Eyes reflect moonlight supernaturally well.
Anima Banner: A mouse that is both laughing and weeping at the same time.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3; Charisma 3; Manipulation 3; Appearance 2; Perception 4; Intelligence 3; Wits 4
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 1
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 3, Linguistics 1 (Native: Japanese. English), Larceny 1 (Hiding Evidence 2), Lore 1, Medicine 2, Occult 1, Ride/Drive 1, Socialize 2, Stealth 3, Survival 3, Thrown 2 (Darts 2)
Backgrounds: Ally (Yuno) 1, Contacts (Occult Dabblers) 1, Resources (Odd Jobs) 1, Artifact (Spirit Piercing Darts) 1
Essence: 2
Willpower: 6

Spirit Piercing Darts - A set of six darts that can harm dematerialized beings. Yukiteru had them made by one of his Occult contacts.

Second Dexterity Excellency
Not-Quite-There Atemi
Hybrid Nue Transformation
Shining Lunar Bond
First Perception Excellency
Uncanny (Hearing) Practice
Eyes Wide Open
First Wits Excellency
Night-Trapper's Baffling Snare

1. Poor Yuki. His job just got harder. Yuno now is incapable of showing mercy and doesn't feel compassion towards mere mortals anymore. Fortunately two years of living with someone as insane as her has made him quite a bit more capable.
2. Kimbery and Adorjan nearly came to blows over who would be Yuno's patron. Adorjan only gave up because Kimbery was being so damn noisy.

EDIT - As requested by the GM, Yuki has been remade using Terrifying Argent Witches as a template, though we're keeping the notion of Spirit Shapes for Lunars.
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Oh, also this:
The Unwoven Charms are considered Heretical in nature: they cost 9 experience points and have a training time of (Min. Essence) weeks. Please adjust your plan.

See you tomorrow. I also have my aunt's birthday, so you will probably not hear of me until I finished the post (which I can assure you will end on an unexpected note). Please work on the matter of adding Principles or not between yourself until then.

This was the current thought filling Yukiteru's head
I recognize that name...Mirai Nikki, right?

"Yuki! I found you! I'm so happy! I thought I'd lost you forever." She was an angel from heaven. Even if she was covered in blood. And... glowing green?
[Internal Screaming Intensifies]
She was lethal enough as a mortal. As an Infernal? *shudders* Adorjan fits so much.

Btw, your Yuno pic in her character sheet is broken for me.

Not sure Yuno as an Essence 2 Infernal should be Ally 5 for Yukiteru though.
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I recognize that name...Mirai Nikki, right?

Yup. This time though Deus was just some random asshole local god who was playing tricks on people because he was bored.

[Internal Screaming Intensifies]
She was lethal enough as a mortal. As an Infernal? *shudders* Adorjan fits so much.

Adorjan AND Kimbery. :p

But yes, she's a very combat oriented Infernal. Yukiteru is geared towards noticing stuff, and one of his Charms is excellent for setting ambushes, so the two of them working together...

Btw, your Yuno pic in her character sheet is broken for me.
@Enjou Yuno's image is broken.

It's working for me. Same source as the others too. I'll see if I can can upload it again to fix it.

EDIT - Is it good now?
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