Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

It's a metaphor, much like many of the Primordial's forms are metaphors for what they are. A giant tree is a symbol of growth, and if it bears fruits or releases seeds it's a symbol of motherhood and fertility.
I fell you misunderstand me, my problem is that I don't see Cytherea as "something that grows" as every example of a plant-like jotun eternaly expanding makes you think, instead she is "something that stimulates grownth", I have little problem with her being a tree who releases "fruits" and "seeds", bot are fitting as ways of nourishing and unlocking potential, my problem is that I don't see why Cytherea herself would be ever expanding, or even why that would ever be a problem, after all Szonery is already and ever growing florest and Ceceline is and endeless desert. A tree just feels limiting, she is the catalyst, she should be motivation, inspiration, she isn't a mother in the sense that she gives birth but inthe sense that she nurtures creation and expasion, less the tree more the gardener
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Aether Charms
Aether Charms are the secret and powerful techniques
usually known only to those who have learned the Aether
Initiation Charm, described below. The concept of Aether
and its overall nature is discussed in Chapter 3.
Note that Aether Charms are not intended to be
balanced with a character's native Charmset. They are
powerful secret techniques which draw on the force that
the primordials used to create the world. They are
intended to offer huge advantages, and each one should
require significant effort to obtain.
This made me concerned, and the rest of those charms justified my concern. Those are horrible and shouldn't be touched except to push them into a fire. Each one does so much stuff, has a ton of text and doesn't even pretend to be balanced.

As for Cytherea's charms, There's more work being done on them in the General Exalted thread to avoid cluttering up the quest.
Ok, looking at the Charms. @Alexander89 - I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of these.

[Cytherea] Mythos Exultant
Upon a successful stunt the Infernal restores one not-aggravated health level to any wounded ally or object within [Essence] yards of the Exalt. If there are no damaged objects or wounded allies, the Infernal may heal herself. The Infernal may NOT heal herself before healing someone or something else.

Sorcerous Enlightenment of [Cytherea]
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Prerequisites: First Cytherea Excellency

The elegant design of the Mother of Creation is a constant cycle of growth and rebirth. Spells that naturally create life or promote growth cost 10 motes and 1willpower less (minimum 5 motes 1 willpower) Spells that summon rather than create beings do not count.
Examples of valid spells include: Floral Ferry, Food from the Aerial Table, Invocation of the Living Ship, Sprouting Shackles of Doom, Summoning of the Harvest, Water from Stone and Benediction of Archgenesis.

Cytherea's initiation limits the Infernal's sorcery in two ways:
-It may never be used to blight Creation, disqualifying the use of spells such as River of Blood or Curse of Unyielding Mist.
-Any offensive spells must be capable of creating life among the destruction they create, for example Death of Obsidian Butterflies could take the form of a hail of razor sharp seeds- spells that cannot be modified to meet this requirement cannot be used.

New Keyword: Growth
Growth-Keyword charms must be used towards a productive means. This does not necessarily have to be positive, or physical, but should always lead to the design, development or production of something that had not previously been present. This must be a significant production. Simply changing someone's mind or inspiring a particular emotion is not enough--unless, of course, such at thing drastically change the world (some charms grant additional effects if used with a Growth means). Growth charms cannot be comboed with Blasphemy charms.

I have no problems with any of this.

The only thing I might get rid of is the inability to combo with Blasphemy Charms with the Growth keyword - Cytherea is a Yozi, so why shouldn't her Charms work in conjunction with Blasphemies? Blasphemies are declared as such by the rebellious gods, not by her. Anything with the Desecration keyword would make more sense.

Afloat in the Sea of Mind
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None

The Cytherean Prince sees things with a unique duality: the way things are and the way they should be (or could be), much in the same way the Forest Witches do--but with much less delusion. The Prince's unnatural clarity grants him +1 MDV against Illusion keyword effects and +1 dice to Awareness, Investigation and Perception rolls. This effect costs him 1m for scene, otherwise his dual-vision imposes a -2 penalty to the same rolls. This Charm may be repurchased once for dot of permanent Essence, their positive effects stacking while the penalty remain the same.

This is ok, I think, though it may need some tweaking. At Essence 5 you get +5 dice to rolls on Awareness, Investigation, and Perception for the cost of one mote. The cost should scale as you make repurchases. Also should note that the mote cost needs to be committed. The -2 penalty is also bad. It should be -1. Even if you maxed out Perception and Awareness, at -2 you would be functionally unaware of anything at Essence 5 without using this Charm or Specialties, so the Charm cost becomes mandatory for just interacting with people around you.

Not sure if Investigation rolls should be affected, unless they're for piercing illusions.

Sharp Eye of the Designer
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind

Those who see with the Mother's eyes understand that the "real" world is flawed and that just beyond the flawed "reality" lies the possibility of what COULD be. The Green Sun Prince may apply this unique understanding to reality. When confronted with the task of repairing something (not limited to items, this charm may be expressly used to heal or cure an individual or restructure a "broken" society) halve the total difficulty, round up. This does not decrease the amount of time needed to perform maintenance.

No issues with this.

The Flowering of [Virtue]
Cost: --- (3m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind

The Mother blesses those who pour the whole of their hearts into their designs. Whenever the Infernal channels a virtue to further her greater designs (Thereby satisfying the Growth keyword), she may spend 3m to turn the dices into automatic successes. This must be purchased once per Virtue; subsequent purchases past the first cost 4XP. When this effect is used, the ground beneath the Infernal bursts forth with multicolored, alien blossoms, even if (and especially when) the ground is unsuited for plant life. A shower of unearthly petals fall from beneath the character if she is suspended in the air. Even cursory inspection reveals the flowers/petals are not native to Creation.

Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Flowering of [Virtue] (any)

The Prince centers herself and inhales deeply, causing the petals from The Flowering of [Virtue] to swirl around her. She then draws the unearthly petals into her, through her nose and mouth. If a roll augmented by The Flowering of [Virtue] succeeds, the character may restore that Virtue channel but may only do this once per activation of The Flowering of [Virtue].

These are fine. They fit the themes. Not sure how useful they'll be to Rakshata, but she doesn't have to take them.

Instruct the Ignorant
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind

The Prince spits in the dust and makes a paste, which he then smears over the eyes of his target. In the absence of available dust to spit in, simply covering a target's eyes will do. When she pulls her hand away or clears the mud off, the target is granted the full effects of Afloat in the Sea of Mind so long as the Prince commits 2m.

This works. Cytherea is a team player, so letting others see what should or could be and inspiring them is definitely in theme.

Scorned Leader Sabotage
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Touch, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind

No one's plans, no matter how well-laid, can be greater than those of the Mother and her children. The Green Sun Prince lays a hand upon her target (which may require a successful Martial Arts attack) and smiles warmly, knowing that no matter how great the target thinks himself, his efforts will ultimately turn to dust. On the target's next roll involving a mass-scale project (such as crafting an Artifact, wide-sweeping War or Socialize rolls or a Bureaucracy-based projects) the target is considered to botch spectacularly as though he had violated an Eclipse Caste oath. If the target actually ignored, scorned or disregarded the Prince's advice, he gains two more spectacular botches.

Force a botch on a mass-scale project for only five motes? No. Fuck no. Even if it requires a touch, that seems way too powerful for the mote cost and the Essence level. Also, causing others to fail doesn't seem to really fit Cytherea's themes - that's the Ebon Dragon's splat. Cytherea is a team player who helps others.

Maybe alter the Charm, rename is something like "Mother Knows Best". The Infernal touches a person, and gives him advice on a craft project. If the affected person listens to her advice, they gain (Essence) dice to their roll, making the project easier. If they ignore the device they lose (Essence) dice to their roll. That would be much more balanced, and fit in with Cytherea being a team player who helps and inspires others to success.

Skeins of a Greater Design
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Touch, Growth
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Sharp Eye of the Designer
The Infernal laces her fingers together and draws them apart before the eyes of a target, a shimmering pattern of iridescent strands spreading between her hands. She then touches the target and the threads entangle him for a moment before vanishing. As long as the Green Sun Prince commits 10m, the target benefits from the Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to any wide-scale project, such as crafting an Artifact 3+, or massive Bureaucracy or Socialize projects. Withdrawing the favor of the Mother (uncommitting the motes) is always disheartening and causes the target to lose 3 points of temporary Willpower.

This one is in-theme, but might require some balancing. Maybe make it Essence 4, and the successes granted are dice. Prereq would become the "Mother Knows Best" Charm suggested above.

Deconstructive Understanding
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Skeins of a Greater Design
Upon learning this Charm, the Infernal may take any construct (social structures, military units and people are all valid constructs for this Charm) and break it down piece by piece, which takes the normal amount of time required to do such a thing. Once it has been torn apart and laid out before the Green Sun Prince in pieces -- either physically or metaphorically. She then gains an intrinsic understanding of how the construct worked. From then onward, the Infernal may rebuild or fashion new constructs in half the time it would regularly require.

Examples: Resurgent Cavalier, a Cytherean Prince steals a Common Warstrider from Lookshy and dedicates the time to taking it apart, piece by piece. When he decides to make his own, the project takes (1 month) rather than (three). Another Cytherean Prince might watch his patient die of a strange new disease which takes 2 weeks to fully treat. The next patient that contracts the disease can be cured in one. Yet another Prince establishes a civil war in order to tear a kingdom apart. If it took 20 years to found that kingdom, he can rebuild it into something new in 10.

This is good, but I suggest changes. Change this to Essence 3, and make the prereq Sharp Eye of the Designer instead. Extend the benefits to anything she also has the blueprints for, in the event she can get those instead of the actual device. Then make the half time for rebuilding and making copies an Essence 4+ benefit.

Garden of Souls
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Shaping, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Four Actions
Prerequisites: Scorned Leader Sabotage

The Infernal spreads her arms slowly, opalescent white light mingling with the green flames of her anima as she does so. This washes over all enemies within (Essence + Conviction) x 5 yards. The Cytherean Prince then rolls Willpower + Essence, as an attack roll against the targets caught within the radius. This cannot be dodged because of it's area of effect nature, but Leaping Dodges may be applied if and only if they would carry the victim outside of the affected area. Creeping vines slither upwards from the the ground and ensnare all affected targets and then begin to grow into the targets' flesh. This persists for four of the Infernal's actions. The results of being ensnared are as follows: the character cannot Move, Dash, or Jump (even reflexively) unless he succeeds at a Miscellanious Str + Athl or Res roll at a difficulty equal to (1 + the Infernal's Conviction). Breaking free still deals a single level of unsoakable lethal damage. For every attempt past the first, until the charm terminates, the difficulty increases by 2. So, 3 + Conviction on the second, 5 + Conviction on the third and 7+ Conviction on the fourth. Effects that perfectly negate ensnarement or grappling negate the effects of this Charm.

Trapped targets take the Infernal's Essence in dice of unsoakable lethal damage every tick until the charm terminates. If this should kill any victims, their bodies become blossoming trees that bear fruit the color of blood (or their anima, in the case of an Exalt). Consuming this fruit restores (the victim's Essence x 10) motes to the eater. The tree lasts forever, until cut down.

I like the theme here, but this probably requires balance. The fruit this tree bears seems a bit overpowered, as it would allow anyone with an ally with this Charm on their side to get trees that grow infinite ammo with no apparent side effect.

Of What Is and Isn't
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind

The Infernal flings her palm outwards and a spray of warm, salty water jets from her fingertips into the target's eyes. This is an attack roll with (Charisma + Presence + Essence) OR (Perception + Martial Arts + Essence) vs the target's MDV, not DV. If successful, moments later, ghostly images, flashes of light and sounds interfere with the target's perceptions as a result of his partial anointment into the Sea of Mind. For the rest of the Scene, the character is distracted by flashes of things that may or may not be there, imposing a (Infernal's Essence) internal penalty to all actions. The target may focus past this at the cost of 1wp an action or pay 3wp to ignore the Illusion for the rest of the scene.

Too powerful - a penalty on ALL actions equal to the Infernal's Essence for a mere five motes? Ludicrous. The cost to ignore the effect is also too high. Also not sure if it's in theme.

A Perception penalty of some kind or just seeing some kind of illusion might work.

An Army of Mist
Cost: -- Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Of What Is and Isn't

While using Of What Is and Isn't, a number of ghostly figures materialize within an affected target's vision. A number of misty copies appear equal to the Infernal's Essence and "attack" on the Infernal's Tick. The copies do nothing to the target, besides lower his DV as though he were affected by a coordinated attack. This means at Essence 4+ the infernal is guaranteed a surprise attack each round, unelss the target is immune to surprise or coordinated attacks. 1 wp will ignore the illusion per action. 4wp ignores the additional effects and those of the previous charm, for the scene.

Again, too goddamn powerful, and too much cost to ignore it. Our unexpected attack Charm costs 6m for only a single attack, and this one is only 5m to give one each round? Fuck no.

Or Is It Real?
Cost: -- (2wp); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: An Army of Mist

This enhancement removes the Illusion keyword from Of What Is and Isn't (Thereby also removing the -Essence penalty) and creating (Essence) mist clones who make real basic attacks against the target using the Infernal's base pools and DV. The coordinated attack penalty still applies. Each has the Infernal's base soak and may NOT be augmented with seaprate charms.

Each clone has only Essence x -0 health levels and vanishes if destroyed -- but any damage they may deal is very real. The infernal must spend 2wp upon activation to turn An Army of Mist's shades into a real threat. This does not activate if the wp is not spent. Activating this after the initial charm activation is a Simple action.

Again, not sure if this is in theme. Also, automatically making all your Illusions real, even if they're just mist, seems a bit powerful for only five motes on top of everything else the original charm tree does. If kept, remove the Permanent keyword and make it something that always costs additional motes.

Shroud of Whispering Mist
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Growth, Compulsion, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Of What Is and Isn't

The Infernal draws a long, deep breath and fills her lungs with Essence. She then exhales and a thick cloud of clinging, cool mist billows from her lips. This mist swirls to fill an area equal to (Essence x 100) yards in diameter which then rapidly thickens, imposing a -2 external penalty to all sight-based awareness rolls. Where the mist settles, thick roots and vines sprout wildly from the ground, halving the distance anyone trapped within the radius can Move, Dash or Jump. Targets caught in the radius with DMDV less than the Green Sun Prince's (Wits + Essence + Conviction) simply cannot perceive him at all, so long as she stays within the area of effect. All others suffer her (Essence) internal penalty to attempts to find, attack, or defend against her. More importantly, while her targets are trapped within the mist, the Infernal may whisper the agenda of the Mother, which will subliminally reach the ears of all those within the area. Targets unaware of the Infernal automatically gain an Intimacy to an ideal design that the Infernal impresses upon them.

The Prince must make Social attacks against those who can perceive her, but targets defend with the penalty listed above. She may continue to give targets Intimacies of her choice until the scene ends, all targets move out of the area, or until the targets have gained a number of Intimacies equal to the Infernal's Essence. Moving out of the radius terminates the sight-based penalties, but does not make the Infernal easier to spot nor does it terminate any Intimacies gained. The inability to perceive the Infernal is an Illusion effect which may be ignored for 1wp for the scene. The impression of Intimacies is a Compulsion effect and 4wp dispels any Intimacies gained. Both are unnatural mental influence.

Seems pretty interesting. Needs tweaking and balancing, I think. Also should be an Essence 5 Charm, perhaps.

Of Worlds Native and Alien
Cost: --; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None

Cytherea designed the wonder that is Creation but was still unjustly banished into Malfeas. By the injustices of the world, the Prince was denied the glories of Creation and given a second chance by the mercy of the Mother. This permanently makes the Green Sun Prince register as both a native of Malfeas AND of Creation, which perfectly protects him from wards or detection specifically geared towards Creatures of Darkness or Denizens of Malfeas. He still takes aggravated damage from Holy charms.

I like this, and it makes sense. Cytherea is the Mother of All, and her Essence was used to make Creation - it's in the very fabric of everything that is Creation, so by structuring your Essence to be like Cytherea's you'd have a hard time detecting her as not being a native of Creation.

Demand the Obedience of Gaia's [Element] Dragon
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Of Worlds Native and Alien

She Who Made the World exhibits her superiority over she who IS the World and commands that the Dragons bow their heads and avert their gaze before Creation's designer. This doubles the character's natural soak against the Element she purchased this charm for. This includes any natural hazards (avalanches, tsunamis, volcanoes, lightning storms, etc); unnatural hazards (Fair Folk powers, elemental themed behemoth attacks, etc); and magically created Elemental effects (Dragon-Graced Weapon, Elemental Bolt, Breath of the Fire Dragon, etc). Additionally, the Prince gains +3 dice to any Social Attack she makes against Elementals of the selected Element(s). This may be purchased up to 5 times, once per Element. Additional buy-ins beyond the first cost 4xp.

Seems legit for the most part. Maybe tweak it a bit. Essence 3 perhaps, and remove the reduced cost for additional buy-ins.

World-Maker's Wake
Cost: --- (5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Demand the Obedience of Gaia's [Element] Dragon (any two)

Cytherea and her beloved have naught to fear from the hazards of her Creation. Reduce the difficulty of traversing through any Elementally difficult terrain (frigid tundras, blazing hot deserts, treacherous waters, steep cliffs, etc) to 1; nor do natural environmental penalties (high winds, driving rain, excessive heat, dense forests, etc) affect her. Natural sources of environmental damage simply do not harm her. All of the above make a very obvious show of swerving to avoid the character after bowing or making some other overt sign of respect. This does not apply to magical sources of environmental damage, save the Dragon Blooded anima banners, which also dodge the character and bow. For 5m, the Prince may extend the effects of this charm to all allies within [Essence x5] yards.

Again, seems legit. However, the effect should only apply to Elements that the Infernal has the prerequisite protections for.

Sprouts of Necessity
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (long ticks)
Keywords: Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Demand the Obedience of Gaia's Wood Dragon

The Infernal presses two fingers to her forehead and illuminates her Caste Mark. As she draws her hand away, a seed made of softly pulsing light appears in her palm. She then pushes the seed into the ground (actual soil is not necessary for this charm to function) where it dims and vanishes. The Infernal then makes a request of the plant, which may be for any one mundane thing that a Resources = to Infernal's Essence could buy OR enough food and water to satisfy a military unit with Magnitude equal to the Infernal's Essence. Six long ticks later, a three-feet tall plant bursts forth from the ground, blossoms with flowers alien to Creation and then bears a bizarre multicolored fruit containing the one thing requested OR with fruits to nourish the unit. Regardless of how much money the character COULD theoretically generate, this Charm cannot conjure anything innately magical--so, while it could give the Infernal a perfect suit of mundane superheavy plate, it could not give him a breastplate of Orichalcum. It could give him a warhorse of the most fine stock, but not a simhata. It could generate a palatial mansion but not a manse. It could make a skin of the finest Realm wine, but not even a cup of Celestial Wine. Some caution and forethought should be used while activating this Charm -- summoning a mansion in a small area might not be the best idea, or perhaps is an excellent way to cover an escape.

I like this Charm and I think it fits Cytherea's themes. It's definitely something Rakshata would get, as it lets her create base materials from nothing.

That said, it needs tweaking. First, creating finished goods may be a bit too overpowered, even if they're mundane, especially once technology comes into play. Maybe limit it to only things the Infernal knows how to make, otherwise you could just use this to make a piece of enemy technology and then copy it even though you didn't know how to make this in the first place.

Also maybe at Essence 4 allow the Infernal to create small amounts of magical materials, but only if another Essence user with appropriate essence aids in the process by giving some number of motes. For instance, with the help of other Infernals it could create some amount of Vitritol. With the help of a Solar it could create Orichalcum. With the help of a Lunar it could create Moonsilver. And so on and so forth. Though maybe make that part another Charm.

Life-Giver Restoration
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Touch, Sorcerous, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Of Worlds Native and Alien

With but a touch, the Infernal can bring damaged things back to working order. The item must be missing significant parts for this to function (a daiklave might be missing half its blade, or a suit of armor all the major joint protection.) By touching the item, the Green Sun Prince instantly repairs it by replacing what was missing with living vines and strands of brass and silver wood. The Artifact is then considered repaired, but loses any Magical Material Association it may have had. At the Storyteller's discretion, it may become a Helltech artifact.

At Essence 3, Life-Giver Restoration may be used to cure amputations. This does not actually heal the damage but it does give the target a new and fully functional Artifact 1 Helltech limb. This does not require any attunement from the target. Any other minor properties beyond that are Storyteller discretion. Emerald Circle Countermagic will counter this.

Seems like it might be good, though I think the "At Essence 3" was meant to be "At Essence 4".

Mother-and-Child Methodology
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None

The Infernal dedicates herself completely to the grand designs associated with an Intimacy -- not the intimacy itself. Rather than dedicate herself to her kingdom, she dedicates herself to the world-spanning empire it could be, and the plans needed to get it there. Social attacks that try to sway the character from these ideals are considered unacceptable orders.

Interesting, and in theme I think. Cytherea wouldn't accept an order to not nurture her children.

Aegis of Eternal Plans
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Growth
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology

The Infernal whispers the words of the Mother's designs which slip from her mouth as falling leaves inscribed with glowing Old Realm Glyphs. The leaves fall against her skin where they disappear beneath her flesh. If any skin is exposed, onlookers can see vines growing through the character's veins. They then sprout from her body in coiling patterns that spell out the words she initially spoke. The sprouts even poke through cracks in armor and spaces in clothing. Mechanically, this grants (+Essence) to all soaks and (+ 1/2 Essence, round up) to hardness, both of which stack with armor. Additionally, the living plants within her regrow as she takes damage, regenerating 1 level of Bashing an action and 1 lethal a minute.

Seems legit, though maybe up the Essence cost a bit?

Seed of Protection and Pain
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Touch, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Aegis of Eternal Plans

The Prince spits out a seed the size of a peach pit and presses it into the chest of her target, right above the heart. A willing target then benefits from the full effects of Aegis of Eternal Plans. An unwilling target first requires a successful Martial Arts attack, but then rather than increase the target's soaks and hardness, it decreases them by the same margin as the growing vines push plates of armor aside to reveal weak points, which may reduce soak to 0. The target then takes 1 automatic level of bashing damage every action until Incapacitated or until he activates an anti-shaping effect. Perfect soaks negate the damage, but must be used every time the character would take damage.

At Essence 4, the character may reflexively spend 1 wp to switch the benefits to detriment and vice-versa.

I think this is ok. Might need some tweaking.

Compassionate Mother's Embrace
Cost: 5m or 10m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Growth
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology

The Cytherean Prince throws her arms wide at the sight of an incoming attack. This instantly and wholly disperses any and all damage that would have been dealt on Steps 8 through 10. This IS a soak defense and by nature it is applicable even against unanticipated attacks.

This is not well written. Most perfect defenses are a bit more fleshed out. Also, why is it 5m or 10m? It doesn't say, but as a PD it's cost should be 8m. Why does it work on unexpected attacks? Does it detect them? Maybe also should be Essence 3. Honestly this entire thing needs to be rewritten from scratch.

Imperfection of the World-Mother: Cytherea is a force of directed growth, an entity that works within an infinity of plans. Because of this, she does not react well to things that disrupt her plans, or force her to abandon them. Perfect defenses granted by Cytherean Charms cost more when she is reacting to another's plans instead of setting the agenda, or while she is being forced to abandon a design.

This wasn't noted as applying to the last Charm, but it probably was mean to be. That said, it's dumb as hell. If you're using a Perfect Defense, you're almost always reacting to someone else's plan (that being "attack the Infernal") - perhaps change this so that it can't be used in a battle that is unrelated to protecting her design/plans or not in the defense of others/her creations.

Mantle of a Mother's Love
Cost: ---; Mins; Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Compassionate Mother's Embrace

This allows the Cytherean Prince's Compassionate Mother's Embrace to apply to any other additional, adverse effects such as Crippling, Poison, Illness, Desecration, etc that may not require damage, but are accompanied by the Touch Keyword. A second purchase allows it to apply to Social charms that carry similar effects and the Touch keyword.

This is fine, I think.

Dismissive Parental Chiding
Cost: 3m or 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Compassionate Mother's Embrace

When faced with Mental Influence, the Infernal responds as a parent would to an unruly child -- perhaps sending them to their room (Manse?), asking what's really bothering them, grounding them or perhaps simply clucking her tongue and shaking her head. This makes the Prince's P or DMDV considered 1 higher than the successes rolled. This costs 3m vs Natural Mental Influence and 5m vs Unnatural Mental Influence.

Yeah, this works and is in theme. I don't see any issues.

Welcome Open Arms
Cost: --- (+3m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Compassionate Mother's Embrace

The Infernal clutches her target to her chest, or perhaps gives him a stern or meaningful stare that unnerves him. This extends the duration of Compassionate Mother's Embrace to one tick for an additional 3m.

Uh... I'm not sure if this works or not. Someone more familiar with the combat system might be able to comment.

Beloved Child Martyrdom
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology

With a glance, the Prince notices that someone is in grave danger and needs protection. In that instant, the Cytherean Prince vanishes and reappears before the victim so long as they are within ((Compassion + Essence + Perception)x2) yards. Obstacles do not impede this. The Prince then becomes the full target of the attack and must defend against it normally.

I think this works, though possibly needs tweaking regarding the range.

Now the Green Blade Rises
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Beloved Child Martyrdom

Should a Cytherean Prince be killed by a use of Beloved Child Martyrdom, he does not truly die. Instead, his body transmutes into a sapling capable of containing his soul and Exaltation and takes root at the spot of his would-be death, protected from harm until the conflict that would have been his demise ends. For a number of months equal to his Essence, the sapling grows. It remains protected from the elements, but not protected from malicious tampering. However, recognizing the plant for what it is requires a successful Wits + Occult roll at an External penalty equal to the Prince's (Essence x2). Anyone with knowledge of this Charm suffers no such penalty. The plant, if uprooted, will survive (Essence) days without soil, sunlight or water. Destroying the plant is distressingly simple -- no more difficult than crushing an ordinary sapling. If the plant is destroyed in any way, the Exalt's soul washes instantly away into Lethe and the Essence returns to be reincarnated. If the plant survives, at the end of the (Essence) month incubation, the sapling suddenly becomes a tree, flowers, and bears fruit. One of these fruits burgeons and then splits open, revealing the Exalt, naked and reborn. The character loses a point of Permanent Essence and one of his Intimacies and MUST change his Motivation. This is a new beginning, after all. This Charm is considered Adamant Circle for the purposes of Countermagic.

I like this. Again, possibly needs tweaking, but dying to protect someone else and then being able to be reborn in a sense fits Cytherea's themes to some degree.

The Mother of Invention
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Growth, Touch, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother-and-Child Methodology

Cytherea is not a mother in the human sense but a wellspring from whence ideas, concepts and plans swell. The Infernal may emulate her Mother's inspiration. She must touch her target (which may be as distant as a handshake or as intimate as copulation) who must be willing. When the target next sleeps, he dreams of the Mother and of Possibility. When he awakens, all his Conviction dice for wp recovery turn up as successes--if this would exceed his willpower, he gains the excess successes as points of temporary willpower which last until spent or until the end of the day, whichever comes first. He also then gains a Cytherean Urge, as determined by the Yozi herself. The Urge lasts as long as any other Motivation might last. The Green Sun Prince does not need to inform the target of this clause in order to use this charm.

I'm sorry, but inflicting an Urge on someone that lasts as long as a Motivation just isn't workable. This needs serious work.

Obedient Child Acquisition
Cost: --- (5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Servitude
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Mother of Invention
By purchasing this Charm, the Cytherean Prince always recognizes those she has given over to Cytherea via The Mother of Invention. Such fortunate targets are marked by a glowing green ring above their hearts, visible only to the Prince who used The Mother of Invention on them and any Cytherean Demons. By spending 5m, the Infernal may make the target perceive any of her Social Attacks as being in line with his Urge. Most targets gleefully obey the orders of their "elder sibling." However, if the social attack really isn't in line with the target's Urge, the target may spend 2wp to shake the Servitude effect and defend against the attack normally. This always unnatural mental influence.

Maybe. Depends on the changes made the by prerequisite.

Fostering Parent's Instruction
Cost: ---; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Mother of Invention

In her travels, the Infernal finds someone worth teaching the ways of the world (but more importantly, the ways of the Mother). This person may be Exalt or mortal but must be human and must have an Essence rating equal or less than the Prince's. The Prince must spend a significant (2 hours or more) portion of her day with the student in order for this charm to function. While under the tutelage of the Infernal, the student subtracts 2 units of time from the amount of time something would normally take to train (i.e. 3 weeks only takes 1). If this reduces a factor to 0, he learns it instantly. He also subtracts 1XP from raising abilities and specialties and 2 from the cost of attributes, virtues and willpower. However this benefit comes with a cost. By accepting to be the Cytherean Prince's disciple, the target instantly gains an Intimacy to Cytherea (which may be eroded as normal) and loses -3 MDV against the Infernal for all intents and purposes which stacks with any other MDV penalty. If the students should ever ask to raise Essence, first he subtracts 5 from the total cost, which he may forego in order to raise it instantly. This, however, summons forth a 3rd Circle demon who squeezes out of the prison long enough to capture the target and drag him to Malfeas for presentation to Cytherea, in order to become Akuma. The Infernal does not need to tell her disciple the consequences before he chooses. All XP discounts are subtracted from the total cost. An Infernal may only have one fostered disciple at a time.

I think this works. Again, as usual, may need tweaks.

Verdant World-Mother Shintai
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Growth, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: World-Maker's Wake, Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom (Any)

Dropping to her knees, the Infernal lifts her eyes to the Heavens and cries out the glories of Creation's original and perfect design. Her consciousness splits in two, one half swelling and growing to the size of a large tree (roughly larger than a Royal Warstrider) and takes on the aspects of the Mother's iconic imagery. Eyes become pools of opalescent light, skin turns to layers of thick green bark, limbs become conglomerations of branches and vines, and so on. This half may freely focus on anything the character wishes and gains the following distinct advantages: The character soaks lethal with full Stamina and adds twice her Essence to all soaks. Armor is subsumed in the transformation and does not stack with this bonus. The character gains her full health level track as additional phantom -0's. These disappear as they are lost. The character's enormous size permits her to attack anyone within a radius of [Essence x2] yards as though they were at close range. Double her Strength for the purposes of Feats of Strength and dealing Damage.

The other half retains the Infernal's full statistics, but must dedicate at least part of her action to satisfying the Growth keyword, furthering her Motivation OR Urge. If she cannot do this, the Charm instantly ends. While the character takes such actions, she gains her Essence in automatic successes to the roll.

Both halves are considered fully separate entities. Killing one half does not kill the Infernal (though killing both halves will). They take onslaught and action penalties, suffer from poison and illness separately though both act on the same Tick and draw from the same mote pool. They may coordinate attacks with one another and teamwork other rolls. Each half may use Charms independently of one another, and the stunt rewards should be applied individually to both halves.

Player X stunts his Green Sun Prince tree-half flinging a Dynast across the scene to splatter messily against the wall and describes his human half fervently trying to repair the first age Ariship so he may finish the civil war he began in order to turn the warring nation into a fanatical Yozi cult. The Storyteller awards both 2 dice. Both succeed, and the Infernal regains 8 motes.
One half may not stray more than (Essence x 100) yards from the other. Any further, and the character must pay one automatic aggravated level of damage for every yard they are separated. If one is thrown or knocked back away from the other (such as with Solar Hero Charms), both travel the same distance but take no damage, unless for some reason they cannot reunite. In which case, they must pay health levels as if normally separated. This can be enormously inconvenient for the human half.

This probably needs work. Shintai need to be designed right. It sounds cool though.
Note that this allow to perfectly repair a Knighmare mid-battle instantly for 8m. Is better is this needs a minute of a few to work.

Well, if the Knightmare isn't magical it might be fine - the Lancelot would lose any magical properties it has. Also it might not work because the Knightmare uses Sakuradite, which has pseudo-magical properties. It most certainly wouldn't work on a Warstrider.
Just pitching in here, but looking over the Cytherea Excellency concepts there's an important element missing. Namely what Cytherea's less pleasant side is. 'Cause in the current versions, she's ways to 'nice' as a Yozi, they all have elements to their personality or being that make them dangerous to mortals.

In Cytherea's case, I see her as being the stereotypical 'Tiger Mama' wirt large. If Kimbery is the overbearing mother who's standards you can never live up to, Cytherea wants to see you become the best you can be. According to her designs and plans and damn what you think about those designs or her methods, she will make you the best. Even if it kills you getting there. Aleph has a home-brew of Cytherea's third soul in her exalted home-brew that sums up that part of Cytherea, and one of her canonical souls mentioned in Compass:Malfas is that of the mother who brings a wayward child back into line.
Just pitching in here, but looking over the Cytherea Excellency concepts there's an important element missing. Namely what Cytherea's less pleasant side is. 'Cause in the current versions, she's ways to 'nice' as a Yozi, they all have elements to their personality or being that make them dangerous to mortals.

In Cytherea's case, I see her as being the stereotypical 'Tiger Mama' wirt large. If Kimbery is the overbearing mother who's standards you can never live up to, Cytherea wants to see you become the best you can be. According to her designs and plans and damn what you think about those designs or her methods, she will make you the best. Even if it kills you getting there. Aleph has a home-brew of Cytherea's third soul in her exalted home-brew that sums up that part of Cytherea, and one of her canonical souls mentioned in Compass:Malfas is that of the mother who brings a wayward child back into line.

That's actually what I'm getting out of the whole thing - mother knows what is best for you, how to make you reach your potential, and she'll make you do things her way to do it. Don't do things her way? You're disobedient and you need to be punished. As long as you are obedient and do things her way, things aren't so bad. Even the punishment might not even be that bad when you're not in line with her designs, but this is only because she'd be one of the less bad Yozis.
That's actually what I'm getting out of the whole thing - mother knows what is best for you, how to make you reach your potential, and she'll make you do things her way to do it. Don't do things her way? You're disobedient and you need to be punished. As long as you are obedient and do things her way, things aren't so bad. Even the punishment might not even be that bad when you're not in line with her designs, but this is only because she'd be one of the less bad Yozis.
This is relative. Aleph's homebrewed one? Those who fail to meet her standards are left as burnt out shells.
That's actually what I'm getting out of the whole thing - mother knows what is best for you, how to make you reach your potential, and she'll make you do things her way to do it. Don't do things her way? You're disobedient and you need to be punished. As long as you are obedient and do things her way, things aren't so bad. Even the punishment might not even be that bad when you're not in line with her designs, but this is only because she'd be one of the less bad Yozis.

That should be controlled expansion/growth aspect I mentioned. Can also be phrased to mean limiting potential/burning away possibility.
This is relative. Aleph's homebrewed one? Those who fail to meet her standards are left as burnt out shells.

Simply burning you out and killing you for disobedience is more Malfeas's splat.

I prefer Cytherea as an extremely overbearing mother who actually has the power to enforce her dominion over your life - she does love you, she doesn't want you to come to harm, but for your own damn good you will follow her designs for you. If not, your life is gonna get interesting. You fail at stuff because you didn't do things the way mother told you to do them, you feel terrible guilt because mother is disappointed in you (nevermind the fact that this guilt is being forced upon you), and your "siblings" under her care might also start ostracizing you until you get back into line with the plan mother has for your life. And sure, if you fail to meet her standards she might not be happy, but she's not going to give up on you and burn you to a crisp... she's just going to keep showing you how much she loves you by putting even more focus on helping you reach that potential she just knows you have.
Simply burning you out and killing you for disobedience is more Malfeas's splat.

I prefer Cytherea as an extremely overbearing mother who actually has the power to enforce her dominion over your life - she does love you, she doesn't want you to come to harm, but for your own damn good you will follow her designs for you. If not, your life is gonna get interesting. You fail at stuff because you didn't do things the way mother told you to do them, you feel terrible guilt because mother is disappointed in you (nevermind the fact that this guilt is being forced upon you), and your "siblings" under her care might also start ostracizing you until you get back into line with the plan mother has for your life. And sure, if you fail to meet her standards she might not be happy, but she's not going to give up on you and burn you to a crisp... she's just going to keep showing you how much she loves you by putting even more focus on helping you reach that potential she just knows you have.
What I meant by that was that people who aren't good enough (like people who don't make the grade for Spec-Ops training) burn out from the stress and pressure. Only it's literal in this case.

What you described is basically Kimbery and how she interacts with her 'children'. I see Cytherea as more along the line of a Tiger Mama who keeps pushing you harder and harder to be the best/fulfil her plans for you until you either get there or burn out on the way. And if you burn out, she'll be sad that you didn't make it and move on to the next candidate.
This is relative. Aleph's homebrewed one? Those who fail to meet her standards are left as burnt out shells.
But how can they ever reach their potential if she turns them into burnt out shells? They would either stop before ever reaching it, or get there and then do nothing ever, in which case why not just make an akuma?

Pushing them that hard would be pointless destruction of their potential. So it strikes me as something she would try to avoid
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But how can they ever reach their potential if she turns them into burnt out shells? They would either stop before ever reaching it, or get there and then do nothing ever, in which case why not just make an akuma?
As in they pushed themselves to meet her standards and didn't make the cut in the end. As in 'Huh, seems she couldn't complete the five day marathon and ripped her all muscles apart trying to finish it. Shame, she had such potential.'
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What I meant by that was that people who aren't good enough (like people who don't make the grade for Spec-Ops training) burn out from the stress and pressure. Only it's literal in this case.

What you described is basically Kimbery and how she interacts with her 'children'. I see Cytherea as more along the line of a Tiger Mama who keeps pushing you harder and harder to be the best/fulfil her plans for you until you either get there or burn out on the way. And if you burn out, she'll be sad that you didn't make it and move on to the next candidate.

I'm thinking you misunderstand Kimbery here. Read her Excellency in the Broken Winged Crane.

Kimbery holds people to impossibly high standards. She's the type of person who would try to make someone who couldn't make the grade for Spec-Ops training try to go through with it, if it's for her particular goals. Kimbery is also a sadist. She enjoys the agonies of her subordinates, and if you aren't grateful for her attentions she'll take it as an insult and gleefully torture you. Oh, and if she's making any kind of sacrifice to you she will demand payment in proportion to what she sacrificed. Kimbery mothering you will be what burns you out, though it's more apt to say she's wearing you down than anything sudden. She'll set a standard for you and expect you to meet it, but there's nothing that says she'll tell you how to meet it either. You're doomed to fail because the standard is impossible.

Cytherea as I envision her is different. She doesn't set impossible standards, she sees your potential. Cytherea will see if you are someone who could become a great musician or not, and if not she won't try because that's not where your potential lies. She'll do something else, instead. But let's say you do have that potential. You could be one of the world's greatest musicians, a master of the piano. Seeing that potential, she insists that you meet it. She designs a plan for your life, becoming the architect of events that will set the foundation of your glorious future. She'll arrange lessons for you, pick friends for you who are also into music, put you in competitions, and things like that. Her plan to make you a great pianist will be perfect. There's only one problem. You hate the fucking piano. You want to become a scientist instead. But mother doesn't care about that, your real potential is about becoming a great pianist, and surely you'll be happy when you've met your potential. How could anyone be happy not having met their full potential? Mother wants you to be happy, and mother knows best how to make that happen.

So you rebel. You throw out your piano books, skip on your lessons, get your own friends. Cytherea isn't happy about this. You've deviated from the plan. You're an unruly child, so she punishes you, expresses how you've disappointed her. You keep trying to be scientist anyways, but because you've been afflicted by Cytherea's magic mojo you're failing even worse than you might have normally. You might have been a decent scientist, if not a spectacular one, but due to your magically enforced punishment for deviating from the plan you're incredibly bad at it. Also, you feel guilt for disappointing the Mother of All. So you relent. You apologize, get back on track with your lessons, and mother is happy with you again. You train, you follow the plan, you win competitions. At the end, you are the world's greatest pianist. And you're fucking miserable, because you hate the fucking piano so much. Because you've met your potential, Cytherea either doesn't understand why you're unhappy or deludes herself into thinking you are, but either way it's time to move on to another project. Best hope it doesn't involve you, because you're already miserable.

Now, some people might end up being happy here. If Cytherea's idea of what meeting your potential is lines up with what you want, fantastic. But if it doesn't, you're going to end up miserable. If you follow her plan you won't burn out - she's too good of a planner for that. She knows what your capabilities are, and she's planned accordingly. Maybe you have an hour a day to pursue a hobby, if you're lucky. The ultimate problem here is that her desire for you to meet your potential doesn't necessarily line up with your desires. That's standard for the Primordials/Yozis, as they care about what they want rather than about what you want.

So even if she's relatively benevolent compared to other Yozis, it's not usually going to be pleasant being under her thumb. Now imagine you're the Solars at the end of the Primordial War, deciding whether her relative benevolence is enough to warrant not putting her in the insane asylum that is Malfeas. Then you remember that you have unlimited potential... yeah, fuck that, into the prison with her.
Simply burning you out and killing you for disobedience is more Malfeas's splat.

I prefer Cytherea as an extremely overbearing mother who actually has the power to enforce her dominion over your life - she does love you, she doesn't want you to come to harm, but for your own damn good you will follow her designs for you. If not, your life is gonna get interesting. You fail at stuff because you didn't do things the way mother told you to do them, you feel terrible guilt because mother is disappointed in you (nevermind the fact that this guilt is being forced upon you), and your "siblings" under her care might also start ostracizing you until you get back into line with the plan mother has for your life. And sure, if you fail to meet her standards she might not be happy, but she's not going to give up on you and burn you to a crisp... she's just going to keep showing you how much she loves you by putting even more focus on helping you reach that potential she just knows you have.

Hmm... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this edging a bit close to Kimbery's territory?

EDIT: Sidereal'd
Mind Hand Manipulation
She totally has it, and LOVES it.
This made me concerned, and the rest of those charms justified my concern. Those are horrible and shouldn't be touched except to push them into a fire. Each one does so much stuff, has a ton of text and doesn't even pretend to be balanced.
Fire it is then.
As for Cytherea's charms, There's more work being done on them in the General Exalted thread to avoid cluttering up the quest.
Do you have any good link?

What I meant by that was that people who aren't good enough (like people who don't make the grade for Spec-Ops training) burn out from the stress and pressure. Only it's literal in this case.

What you described is basically Kimbery and how she interacts with her 'children'. I see Cytherea as more along the line of a Tiger Mama who keeps pushing you harder and harder to be the best/fulfil her plans for you until you either get there or burn out on the way. And if you burn out, she'll be sad that you didn't make it and move on to the next candidate.
Kimbery is an attention bitch who want to be her children's center of attention forever and drown you in acid if you don't. At least you gain benefits from Cytherea's attention, provided you survive

Ok, looking at the Charms. @Alexander89 - I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of these.

"Cytherea Charm Analysis"
Nice analysis. I am perfectly aware some of those charms don't make sense, that's why I posted them for judgment. I am making a list of all Charms met with approval. In the meantime, I have suggestions:

1) To keep up the theme of Yozi being weird and evocative, why not make Cytherea's Jouten a Nebula shaped like a tree? Basically a tree made of glowing, burning essence, with fruits and seeds being newborn stars and planets.

2) New idea for Cytherea's Mythos Exultant:
Cytherea is an eternally burning engine, providing to all of her children's needs. If gaining motes, the Infernal may choose to grant them to an ally within (Essence x 10) yards from her.

3) Peanuckle

Combustible Essence Conflagration
Cost: - (5m)
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: None
Prerequisite Charms: Effortless (Cytherea) Dominance
Cytherea is ever-expanding, a cataclysm of devastation that somehow results in creation. Whenever Effortless (Cytherea) Dominance reduces the cost of the First (Cytherea) Excellency, double the reduction. When the Infernal reaches the maximum discount for the First (Cytherea) Excellency, he may pay 5 motes to detonate all the essence he has leaked into the environment, creating a pyroclastic explosion that deals (Infernal's Essence X 2) lethal levels of damage to everything within (Infernal's Essence X 10) yards as a one-time environmental hazard. The Infernal himself is immune, but this reset the discount on the Excellency.

I am okay with this, but 2.5e rules say that the discount can't be higher than 3 motes. Maybe you could take into consideration a way to increase that limit, either by Charm rewording or an expansion Charm?

Picking Out the Gems
Cost: 2m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Keywords: None
Prerequisite Charms: None
Cytherea is the Divine Ignition, the First Creator who gave rise to all others (save Oramus, who existed before existence). She was the first to see the eddies of power that would become her siblings. In a similar way, the Infernal sees those who use power like him. This charm allows the Infernal to see another character's committed essence as tightly-wound whorls of power, judging how much they have committed and where, but not what they have committed it to. Repurchase at Essence 3 allows the Infernal to discern, in general, whether the essence is committed to charms, artifacts, or other things.

Why do not say that Cytherea can see Mote Pools? Peripheral, Personal and Overdrive, with motes committed counting as such?

4) Reckless_Sun

Burn Away Infinite Possibilities
Cost: 3m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK
Prerequisite Charms: Picking Out the Gems
In the beginning, mighty Oramus separated the possible from the impossible but it was Cytherea who burned away the infinite possibilities of the Wyld to a handful of desirable realities. This charm supplement any physical attack - causing a jet of essence to burn through the target's muscle, bones and organs before coming out on the other side. The enemy takes unsoakable levels of lethal damage equal to the total number of committed charms, artifacts and any other commitment of essence. At Essence 3, the Warlock has the option to forego the damage and instead burn away Warlock's Essence+3 motes of her opponent's peripheral pool.

See my suggestion above. Why not change it to dices of unsoakable lethal damage?

5) meianmaru

The First Breath of Creation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
While Gaia shaped the Wyld into Creation, its was Cyntherea who provided the power necessary to for such miracle to be feasible in the first place, as well as the very concept of Essence in the rapidly cooling aftermath of her birth. The Infernal's Personal Essence Pool is expanded by Essence x 2 motes, while their Peripheral Essence Pool is expanded by their Essence x 4 motes.
However, their body becomes so accustomed to the abundance of Essence, that should their Personal mote pool drop to lower than their Essence x 3, the vacuum of power leaves them suffering an internal penalty half of their Essence (round down) to all their rolls until the pool fills up past that point. A second worse internal penalty occurs if one of their mote pools drops lower than their Essence rating, which will be equal to their Essence. These penalties can be ignored for one scene by spending a point of willpower.

I think it works best if it is permanent Essence x2, and permanent Essence x3. This way, at Essence 3, we have +6 to Personal pool and +9 to Peripheral pool, for a total of 15. This way you don't need to add the penalty.

From Nothing, Everything
Cost: -, +1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The First Breath of Creation
How can something be born if there is nothing preceeding it? Cyntherea just smiles gently, but unintentionally patronizingly to children who ask her this question. By paying one willpower surcharge to any single Charm, the Prince can ignore its mote cost. This doesn't work for Sorcery, unless the Infernal repurchases this Charm at Essence 5.

Enjou said it, but why not 1wp for 10m discount? And the limit is 5wp for each activation?

Awakening the Dreamers
Cost: 0m +?m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious.
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The First Breath of Creation
Cyntherea's birth was what woke up the sleeping Primordials, the spreading Essence workings as a catalyst and raw material for their forms. By spending one willpower, the Infernal can channel up to her Essence x Willpower motes in an stream of Essence visible to mortal eyes to an another character's mote pools, if they have them. The Infernal also becomes aware of how much these pools have motes after spending willpower, and can allocate how much and where the motes go. Mother knows the best. Resisting this Charm costs 0 willpower.

I think this may work as a starting Charm for more - Cytherea HAS done something to the other Primordials to make them woke up. Maybe those accepting the motes also allow themselves to hear a single command from the Mother, as UMI?

6) Need help for Torment of Cytherea:

The Green Sun Princes that follow Cytherea are her children and, like any child, when they step out of line they must be punished. Unlike the other Yozis Cytherea feels no need to punish anyone but the guilty party. The Torment of Cytherea DOES NOT affect all those around the Prince, nor any Intimacies the Yozi disapproves of. The Mother shows her child the error of her ways by making them understand how much they disappointed them.
When the Prince accrues 10 points of Limit -(*Insert appropriate text based on following example*)
As an alternative, the Infernal punishing themselves in some manner might work. They have disappointed their mother, so their Torment is actually self inflicted out of feelings of extreme guilt. They might voluntarily go sit in a corner for a day and mope, uttering apologies all the while. They might deny themselves all pleasures for a time. On the extreme end they might voluntarily inflict pain on themselves. Whatever they do, the underlying Torment is actually the extreme guilt they feel
The First Breath of Creation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
While Gaia shaped the Wyld into Creation, its was Cyntherea who provided the power necessary to for such miracle to be feasible in the first place, as well as the very concept of Essence in the rapidly cooling aftermath of her birth. The Infernal's Personal Essence Pool is expanded by Essence x 2 motes, while their Peripheral Essence Pool is expanded by their Essence x 4 motes.
However, their body becomes so accustomed to the abundance of Essence, that should their Personal mote pool drop to lower than their Essence x 3, the vacuum of power leaves them suffering an internal penalty half of their Essence (round down) to all their rolls until the pool fills up past that point. A second worse internal penalty occurs if one of their mote pools drops lower than their Essence rating, which will be equal to their Essence. These penalties can be ignored for one scene by spending a point of willpower.

I think it works best if it is permanent Essence x2, and permanent Essence x3. This way, at Essence 3, we have +6 to Personal pool and +9 to Peripheral pool, for a total of 15. This way you don't need to add the penalty.
...isn't that kinda a little bit too powerful for an E1 charm with no prerequisites? Especially seeing as the extra motes are respired normally, not gained via specific actions the way every other overdrive pool works?
1) To keep up the theme of Yozi being weird and evocative, why not make Cytherea's Jouten a Nebula shaped like a tree? Basically a tree made of glowing, burning essence, with fruits and seeds being newborn stars and planets.

Something that looks like this might be fine.

2) New idea for Cytherea's Mythos Exultant:

Yeah, that could work.

6) Need help for Torment of Cytherea:

The Green Sun Princes that follow Cytherea are her children and, like any child, when they step out of line they must be punished. Unlike the other Yozis Cytherea feels no need to punish anyone but the guilty party. The Torment of Cytherea DOES NOT affect all those around the Prince, nor any Intimacies the Yozi disapproves of. The Mother shows her child the error of her ways by making them understand how much they disappointed them.
When the Prince accrues 10 points of Limit -(*Insert appropriate text based on following example*)

I'll come up with something - give me some time.
I'm thinking you misunderstand Kimbery here. Read her Excellency in the Broken Winged Crane.

Kimbery holds people to impossibly high standards. She's the type of person who would try to make someone who couldn't make the grade for Spec-Ops training try to go through with it, if it's for her particular goals. Kimbery is also a sadist. She enjoys the agonies of her subordinates, and if you aren't grateful for her attentions she'll take it as an insult and gleefully torture you. Oh, and if she's making any kind of sacrifice to you she will demand payment in proportion to what she sacrificed. Kimbery mothering you will be what burns you out, though it's more apt to say she's wearing you down than anything sudden. She'll set a standard for you and expect you to meet it, but there's nothing that says she'll tell you how to meet it either. You're doomed to fail because the standard is impossible.

Cytherea as I envision her is different. She doesn't set impossible standards, she sees your potential. Cytherea will see if you are someone who could become a great musician or not, and if not she won't try because that's not where your potential lies. She'll do something else, instead. But let's say you do have that potential. You could be one of the world's greatest musicians, a master of the piano. Seeing that potential, she insists that you meet it. She designs a plan for your life, becoming the architect of events that will set the foundation of your glorious future. She'll arrange lessons for you, pick friends for you who are also into music, put you in competitions, and things like that. Her plan to make you a great pianist will be perfect. There's only one problem. You hate the fucking piano. You want to become a scientist instead. But mother doesn't care about that, your real potential is about becoming a great pianist, and surely you'll be happy when you've met your potential. How could anyone be happy not having met their full potential? Mother wants you to be happy, and mother knows best how to make that happen.

So you rebel. You throw out your piano books, skip on your lessons, get your own friends. Cytherea isn't happy about this. You've deviated from the plan. You're an unruly child, so she punishes you, expresses how you've disappointed her. You keep trying to be scientist anyways, but because you've been afflicted by Cytherea's magic mojo you're failing even worse than you might have normally. You might have been a decent scientist, if not a spectacular one, but due to your magically enforced punishment for deviating from the plan you're incredibly bad at it. Also, you feel guilt for disappointing the Mother of All. So you relent. You apologize, get back on track with your lessons, and mother is happy with you again. You train, you follow the plan, you win competitions. At the end, you are the world's greatest pianist. And you're fucking miserable, because you hate the fucking piano so much. Because you've met your potential, Cytherea either doesn't understand why you're unhappy or deludes herself into thinking you are, but either way it's time to move on to another project. Best hope it doesn't involve you, because you're already miserable.

Now, some people might end up being happy here. If Cytherea's idea of what meeting your potential is lines up with what you want, fantastic. But if it doesn't, you're going to end up miserable. If you follow her plan you won't burn out - she's too good of a planner for that. She knows what your capabilities are, and she's planned accordingly. Maybe you have an hour a day to pursue a hobby, if you're lucky. The ultimate problem here is that her desire for you to meet your potential doesn't necessarily line up with your desires. That's standard for the Primordials/Yozis, as they care about what they want rather than about what you want.

So even if she's relatively benevolent compared to other Yozis, it's not usually going to be pleasant being under her thumb. Now imagine you're the Solars at the end of the Primordial War, deciding whether her relative benevolence is enough to warrant not putting her in the insane asylum that is Malfeas. Then you remember that you have unlimited potential... yeah, fuck that, into the prison with her.
Okay, that spells it out a bit better. I don't have a copy of BWC so I was basing my understanding of Kimbery of what I'd read elsewhere.

Yes, that difference between the two does make sense based on what we know (or can infer) about the two.
As in they pushed themselves to meet her standards and didn't make the cut in the end. As in 'Huh, seems she couldn't complete the five day marathon and ripped her all muscles apart trying to finish it. Shame, she had such potential.'

So sorta like this?

Promising Young Infernal With Potential (PYIWP): Uh okey dokey "mom"
*PYIWP attacks the Kukla and gets splattered*
Cytherea: "uhhhhh oopsie?"
*looks at the rest of her "children"*
Cytherea:" well uh that was a bit unexpected but mommy know YOU *points at random Infernal she's a patron of* can DEFINITELY succeed where your brother failed after all mommy knows you have potential "
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Do you have any good link?
Here is where it starts.

I am okay with this, but 2.5e rules say that the discount can't be higher than 3 motes. Maybe you could take into consideration a way to increase that limit, either by Charm rewording or an expansion Charm?

The charm can't grant more than a 3-mote discount per action. Which is to say, if I dump 10 motes into an attack, I only gain a 3-mote discount on the next activation. So the first action I'd spend 3 motes to enhance a 3-attack flurry with three die (one mote per attack) and get the 3 die discount. Second action, spend 3 motes to enhance with 6 die (adding the previous 3 for free). Third action, spend 3 and get 9 die. Final action, spend 1 mote to get the final die for 10 total. From there on, you can use full excellency each action for free. (Assuming an attribute/ability rating of 10)

For your convenience, here's the result of some constructive criticism:

Picking Out the Gems
Cost: 2m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Keywords: None
Prerequisite Charms: None

Cytherea is the Divine Ignition, the First Creator who gave rise to all others (save Oramus, who existed before existence). She was the first to see the eddies of power that would become her siblings. In a similar way, the Infernal sees those who use power like him. This charm allows the Infernal to see another character's essence as tightly-wound whorls of power, judging the size of their mote pools and any essence they have committed to charms, artifacts or other things. Repurchase at Essence 3 allows the Infernal to discern the amount of motes left in their pools.
People actually thought the original was too niche, so I expanded it to be a more general measure of the power your target has available. Useful both for fighting opponents and judging which ally needs help.

Burn Away Infinite Possibilities
Cost: 3m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: Picking Out the Gems

Mighty Oramus might have separated the possible from the impossible but it was Cytherea who burned away the infinite possibilities of the Wyld to a handful of desirable realities. This charm supplement any physical attack - causing a jet of essence to burn through the target's muscle, bones and organs before coming out on the other side. This charm adds dice to the post-soak damage roll equaling the total number of discrete charms, items or things that the target has committed essence to, to a maximum of (Infernal's Essence).
Original incarnation was vastly OP, according to the crowd. Using GSNF as the comparison, I reduced the total damage and made it touch-based, requiring close combat. Repurchase or another charm may provide a ranged attack.

Combustible Essence Conflagration
Cost: - (1wp)
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant (One Scene)
Keywords: None
Prerequisite Charms: Effortless (Cytherea) Dominance

Cytherea is ever-expanding, a cataclysm of devastation that somehow results in creation. Upon activating this charm, Effortless (Cytherea) Dominance doubles the reduction cost of the First (Cytherea) Excellency. When the Infernal reaches the maximum discount for the First (Cytherea) Excellency, all the essence he has leaked into the environment detonates, creating a pyroclastic explosion that deals (Infernal's Essence X 2) lethal levels of damage to everything within (Infernal's Essence X 2) yards as a one-time environmental hazard. The Infernal himself is immune, but this resets the discount on the Excellency. This charm automatically upgrades at Essence 5, allowing the Infernal to pay 1 point of willpower to extend the duration of this charm to One Scene and extend the range to (Infernal's Essence X 10) yards, causing a constant roil of explosions to emanate from the Infernal.
Consensus was that losing the discount from E(C)D was enough of a cost for the explosion, since that would put you back quite a bit. I added the repurchase so that the Infernal could become a never-ending roil of explosions because that's awesome. A possible shintai building off this charm could do this for free every time his DV refreshes, turning him into a walking catastrophe.
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So sorta like this?

Promising Young Infernal With Potential (PYIWP): Uh okey dokey "mom"
*PYIWP attacks the Kukla and gets splattered*
Cytherea: "uhhhhh oopsie?"
*looks at the rest of her "children"
Cytherea:" well uh that was a bit unexpected but mommy know YOU *points at random Infernal she's a patron of* can DEFINITELY succeed where your brother failed after all mommy knows you have potential "

Cytherea: Common! It's only a two mile jump of the side of a mountain.
After a five day non-stop marathon.
While carrying a one-ton boulder.
In full plate artefact armour.
While being chases by behemoth wolves.
Infernal: *Wheeze* yes mother...
*Lands so hard their thighs shout out of their legs and impale their brain*
Cytherea: Ooops. Maybe a three day marathon for the next one? And let them attune to their armour first?
Off to find the next trainee!