Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

While those examples are funny, they miss the point that Cytherea knows your limitations. There won't be any "oops, he died," it'll be "you accomplished something incredibly difficult at great cost that you weren't really interested in."
Based on your analysis, I thus reworked some of the Charms for Cytherea:
Afloat in the Sea of Mind
Cost: +1m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: None
The Cytherean Prince sees things with a unique duality: the way things are and the way they should or could be, much in the same way the Forest Witches do but with much less delusion. The Prince's unnatural clarity grants him +1 MDV against Illusion keyword effects and +1 dice to all Awareness and Perception rolls (the effects doesn't apply twice to a roll with both), but only as long as he keeps the required motes committed - otherwise his dual-vision imposes a -1 internal penalty to the same rolls. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the Exalt's permanent Essence rating, with each purchase stacking the motes cost and the effects, both positive and negative.

Sharp Eye of the Designer
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
Those who see with the Mother's eyes understand that the "real" world is flawed and that just beyond the flawed "reality" lies the possibility of what COULD be. The Green Sun Prince may apply this unique understanding to reality. When confronted with the task of repairing something (not limited to items, this charm may be expressly used to heal or cure an individual or restructure a "broken" society) halve the total difficulty, round up. This does not decrease the amount of time needed to perform maintenance.

The Flowering of [Virtue]
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Growth, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sharp Eye of the Designer
The Mother blesses those who pour the whole of their hearts into their designs. Whenever the Infernal channels a virtue to further her greater designs (thereby satisfying the Growth keyword), she may spend 3m to turn the dices into automatic successes. This must be purchased once for each Virtue; subsequent purchases past the first cost 4 Xp. When this effect is used the ground beneath the Infernal bursts forth with multicolored, alien blossoms, even if (and especially when) the ground is unsuited for plant life. A shower of unearthly petals fall from beneath the character if she is suspended in the air. Even cursory inspection reveals the flowers/petals are not native to Creation.

Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: The Flowering of [Virtue] (any)
The Prince centers herself and inhales deeply, causing the petals from The Flowering of [Virtue] to swirl around her. She then draws the unearthly petals into her, through her nose and mouth. If a roll augmented by The Flowering of [Virtue] succeeds, the character may restore that Virtue channel but may do this only once per activation of The Flowering of [Virtue].

Instruct the Ignorant
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Afloat in the Sea of Mind
The Prince spits in the dust and makes a paste, which he then smears over the eyes of his target. In the absence of available dust to spit in, simply covering a target's eyes will do. When she pulls her hand away or clears the mud off, the target is granted the full effects of Afloat in the Sea of Mind as the Infernal enjoy it, so long as he commits 2m to the target.

Helpful Mother Advice
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Touch, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruct the Ignorant
No one's plans, no matter how well-laid, can be greater than those of the Mother for her children. If the Infernal knows for sure that the target will in the future start a Craft project, she may lays a hand upon them (which may require a successful Martial Arts attack) and smiles warmly, giving out a sincere advice. If the target listens to her advice they gain (Infernal's Essence) dices to their roll, making the project easier. If they ignore, scorn or disregard the device they lose (Infernal's Essence) dices to their roll.

Skeins of a Greater Design
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Touch, Growth
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Helpful Mother Advice
The Infernal laces her fingers together and draws them apart before the eyes of a target, a shimmering pattern of iridescent strands spreading between her hands. She then touches the target and the threads entangle him for a moment before vanishing. As long as the Green Sun Prince commits 10m, the target benefits from the Infernal's permanent Essence in extra dices to any wide-scale project, such as crafting an Artifact 3+, or massive Bureaucracy or Socialize projects. Withdrawing the favor of the Mother (uncommitting the motes) is always disheartening and causes the target to lose 3 points of temporary Willpower.

Deconstructive Understanding
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Growth
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sharp Eye of the Designer
Upon learning this Charm, the Infernal may take any construct (social structures, military units and people are all valid constructs for this Charm) and break it down piece by piece, which takes the normal amount of time required to do such a thing. Once it has been torn apart and laid out before the Green Sun Prince in pieces, either physically or metaphorically, she gains an intrinsic understanding of how the construct worked. This also extends to anything she has the blueprints for, in the event she can get those instead of the actual device.
At Essence 4+ the Infernal may rebuild or make copies of constructs she has so understood in half the time it would regularly require.
Examples: Resurgent Cavalier, a Cytherean Prince steals a Common Warstrider from Lookshy and dedicates the time to taking it apart, piece by piece. When he decides to make his own, the project takes one month rather than three. Another Cytherean Prince might watch his patient die of a strange new disease which takes two weeks to fully treat. The next patient that contracts the disease can be cured in one. Yet another warlock establishes a civil war in order to tear a kingdom apart. If it took 20 years to found that kingdom, he can rebuild it in only 10 years.

Garden of Souls
Cost: 14m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Shaping, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Four Actions
Prerequisites: Skeins of a Greater Design
The Infernal spreads her arms slowly, opalescent white light mingling with the green flames of her anima as she does so. This washes over all enemies within (Essence + Conviction) x 5 yards. The Cytherean Prince then rolls Willpower + Essence, as an attack roll against the targets caught within the radius. This cannot be parried because of its area of effect nature, but can be dodged by leaving the affected area.
Creeping vines slither upwards from the the ground and ensnare all affected targets, slithering around armor and into their flesh. This persists for four of the Infernal's actions. The results of being ensnared are as follows:
-The targets cannot Move, Dash, or Jump (even reflexively) unless they succeed at a Miscellaneous Strength + (Athletics or Resistance) roll at a difficulty equal to (1 + the Infernal's Conviction). Breaking free still deals a single level of unsoakable lethal damage. -For every attempt past the first, until the charm terminates, the difficulty increases by 1. So, 2 + Conviction on the second, 3 + Conviction on the third and 4 + Conviction on the fourth. Effects that perfectly negate ensnarement or grappling negate the effects of this Charm.
-Trapped targets take the Infernal's Essence in dice of unsoakable lethal damage every action until the Charm terminates. If this Charm kill any victims their bodies become blossoming trees that bear a single fruit the color of blood (or their anima, in the case of an Exalt). Consuming this fruit restores (the victim's Essence x 4) motes to the eater. The tree lasts for a maximum of (Infernal's Essence) weeks, and may produce only one fruit for day.

Of Worlds Native and Alien
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
Cytherea designed the wonder that is Creation but was still unjustly banished into Malfeas. By the injustices of the world the Prince was denied the glories of Creation, but in his case he will be given a second chance by the mercy of the Mother of All. This permanently makes the Green Sun Prince register as both a native of Malfeas AND of Creation, which perfectly protects him from wards or detection specifically geared towards Creatures of Darkness or Denizens of Malfeas. He still takes aggravated damage from Holy charms.

[Element] Dragon's Subservience
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Of Worlds Native and Alien
She WHO made the World exhibits her superiority over she who IS the World, commanding that the Dragons bow their heads and avert their gaze before Creation's designer. This Charm doubles the character's natural soak against the Element she purchased this charm for: this includes any natural hazards (avalanches, tsunamis, volcanoes, lightning storms, etc); unnatural hazards (Fair Folk powers, elemental themed behemoth attacks, etc); and magically created Elemental effects (Dragon-Graced Weapon, Elemental Bolt, Breath of the Fire Dragon, etc). Additionally, the Prince gains +3 dice to any Social Attack she makes against Elementals or Dragon-Blooded of the selected Element(s). This may be purchased up to 5 times, once per Element.

World-Maker's Wake
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: [Element] Dragon's Subservience (any two)
Cytherea and her beloved have naught to fear from the hazards of her Creation. This Charm reduces the difficulty of traversing through any elementally difficult terrain (frigid tundras, blazing hot deserts, treacherous waters, steep cliffs, etc) to 1; nor do natural environmental penalties (high winds, driving rain, excessive heat, dense forests, etc) affect her; natural sources of environmental damage simply do not harm her. All of the above elements make a very obvious show of swerving to avoid the character after bowing or making some other overt sign of respect. This does not apply to magical sources of environmental damage, save the Dragon Blooded anima banners, which also dodge the character and bow. The effects only apply to Elements that the Infernal has the prerequisite [Element] Dragon's Subservience Charms for. For a surcharge of 5m the Prince may extend the effects of this charm to all allies within [Essence x5] yards from her.

Sprouts of Necessity
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon's Subservience
The Infernal presses two fingers to her forehead and illuminates her Caste Mark. As she draws her hand away a seed made of softly pulsing light appears in her palm. She then pushes the seed into the ground (actual soil is not necessary for this charm to function) where it dims and vanishes. The Infernal makes a request of the plant, which may be for any single mundane thing with a Resources value equal or less than the Infernal's permanent Essence, or for enough food and water to satisfy a military unit with Magnitude equal to the Infernal's permanent Essence. The warlock cannot ask for something she doesn't know how to make herself.
Six minutes later a five yards tall plant bursts forth from the ground, blossoming with flowers alien to Creation before it produces a bizarre multicolored fruit containing the Infernal's request. Regardless of how much money the character could theoretically generate this Charm cannot conjure anything innately magical - so, while it could give the Infernal a perfect suit of mundane superheavy plate, it could not give him a breastplate of Orichalcum. It could give him a warhorse of the most fine stock, but not a simhata. It could generate a palatial mansion but not a manse. It could make a skin of the finest Realm wine, but not even a cup of Celestial Wine. Some caution and forethought should be used while activating this Charm: summoning a mansion in a small area might not be the best idea, or perhaps is an excellent way to cover an escape.
A repurchase at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to create small amounts of magical materials, their Resources value equal or less than (the warlock's permanent Essence) - 2, but only if another Essence user with appropriate essence aids in the process by paying the same cost of Sprouts of Necessity by touching the Infernal while she activates this Charm. For instance, with the help of other Infernals this Charm could create some amount of Vitriol; with the help of a Solar it could create Orichalcum; with the help of a Lunar it could create Moonsilver.
Personally I think Rakshata would abuse the hell out of The Flowering of [Virtue] and relative Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom, since it lets you regen Virtue channels.
Now I'm really curious as to what potential Cythera would see in Lelouch; "You'll make the best rebel warlord!" or "World's most cunning SOB" or "Greatest chess master". Not saying it will turn out a net positive for us, but should most certainly be interesting.

Also curious if Cythera would consider some people to have the most potential in being sacrificed (metaphorically) in the pursuit of other people's potential. I love this way of taking a relatively benevolent concept and making it suitably alien.
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While those examples are funny, they miss the point that Cytherea knows your limitations. There won't be any "oops, he died," it'll be "you accomplished something incredibly difficult at great cost that you weren't really interested in."
True, but it's a bit of fun.

Her souls on the other hand...
Astrea said:
She is not only an unrelenting teacher - and a gifted one, transforming her students from rough brawlers and clumsy farmhands into powerful, beautiful behemoths - but also demanding in the qualities she asks for in her prospective projects. Only Astrea knows the exact criteria by which she chooses students, though certain qualities may be deduced through observation. Combat ability is meaningless, as she can equally work with a gifted martial artist or an uneducated farmhand. What she looks for is inner strength, and a purity devoid of any flaws. Those too proud to humble themselves and accept training are ignored, as are those lacking courage, who cannot rise to meet their fears. Pointlessly cruel or overly barbaric prospectives find themselves ignored, and those without the drive to see their training through to the end will never get the chance.

Despite her exacting standards, some still die under her regime. Towards these, she bears a mix of disappointment and pragmatism. They are, after all, only mortal. It is expected that some of them will fail. She will spend ten years burning the dross of humanity from a woman, only to discard a mewling monster if she does not feel that it lives up to her standards. And then she will spend twenty years on the next one, setting her against her other failures, feeding her their flesh, and purging her of every last weakness, every last fallibility, every last thing that holds her back from what the Heavenly Inferno wishes her to be. She may only make one successful behemoth-champion every century or so, but she is working. She is progressing.
So Oramus doesn't have much in the way of training like other Yozis do. Let's take a look at that.

Gifts of the Great Ones
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Touch of the Eldest

Mighty are the Titans and their works, such that mortal minds quail in their attempts to comprehend them. Still, lesser beings can be altered to be useful in some small way. The Infernal places his hand on the head of a willing target with a permanent essence less than his own and floods them with power, increasing any of their attributes or abilities up to the Infernal's own rating in them. However, the target must also gain Derangements equal to the total number of dots gained this way, which persist as long as the modified traits do: Removing the Derangements also removes the modifiers. Repurchase at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to grant any charm he knows and the target meets the requirements for, but they must take Derangements equal to the minimum essence requirement of that charm.


Allows for the quick creation of stronger help, but the derangements keep you from making OP minions. Thoughts?

Also, for the purpose of charms that use Derangements as an offset, the "point-value" of Derangements is "1 dot per degree of severity." So a Deficiency would provide 1 dot, a Debility 2 dots and a Deformity 3 dots. A character might pay for three dots of strength by constantly forgetting small details, being obsessed with keeping clean and being deluded into thinking he can squeeze water from a stone (1-dot Derangements of Amnesia, Obsession and Delusion). Or he could forget everything about his life beyond serving the power that granted him such a boon (3-dot Amnesia).
Also curious if Cythera would consider some people to have the most potential in being sacrificed (metaphorically) in the pursuit of other people's potential. I love this way of taking a relatively benevolent concept and making it suitably alien,
True, but it's a bit of fun.

Her souls on the other hand...
The thing with Yozi, and any other high Essence being in Creation, is that the embody or represent a concept in all of its facets, unburdened by human morals. It's not a case of benevolent of malign: they couldn't care less, because they are not humans. They are ideas manifest, and follow their nature. Trying to follow human's limits for them is like asking someone to always breath and walk in a certain way: pointless and annoying.

As heartless as it sounds, as long as beings like them differ so much from humanity the best solutions is to keep both separated from each other, with interactions happening only in circumstances where interests of both align, and they each know what they are doing.

So Oramus doesn't have much in the way of training like other Yozis do. Let's take a look at that.

Gifts of the Great Ones
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Touch of the Eldest

Mighty are the Titans and their works, such that mortal minds quail in their attempts to comprehend them. Still, lesser beings can be altered to be useful in some small way. The Infernal places his hand on the head of a willing target with a permanent essence less than his own and floods them with power, increasing any of their attributes or abilities up to the Infernal's own rating in them. However, the target must also gain Derangements equal to the total number of dots gained this way, which persist as long as the modified traits do: Removing the Derangements also removes the modifiers. Repurchase at Essence 4 allows the Infernal to grant any charm he knows and the target meets the requirements for, but they must take Derangements equal to the minimum essence requirement of that charm.


Allows for the quick creation of stronger help, but the derangements keep you from making OP minions. Thoughts?

Also, for the purpose of charms that use Derangements as an offset, the "point-value" of Derangements is "1 dot per degree of severity." So a Deficiency would provide 1 dot, a Debility 2 dots and a Deformity 3 dots. A character might pay for three dots of strength by constantly forgetting small details, being obsessed with keeping clean and being deluded into thinking he can squeeze water from a stone (1-dot Derangements of Amnesia, Obsession and Delusion). Or he could forget everything about his life beyond serving the power that granted him such a boon (3-dot Amnesia).
Nope sorry, you can't grant charms. Not Infernal charms at least.
Okay, I have reworked most of my original Charms according to suggestions to something hopefully workable. They will probably still require some fine tuning like adding correct Keywords and Types, but I have nearly no idea about those. I also added a few new Chams, and renamed Awakening the Dreamers to Fueling the Design Methodology, and gave the original name to a new capstone Charm. I'll reply to comments (if any) later, as now I really need to go to sleep.

The First Breath of Creation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
While Gaia shaped the Wyld into Creation, its was Cyntherea who provided the power necessary to for such miracle to be feasible in the first place, as well as the very concept of Essence in the rapidly cooling aftermath of her birth. The Infernal's Personal Essence Pool is expanded by their permanent Essence x 2 motes, while their Peripheral Essence Pool is expanded by their permanent Essence x 3 motes.

From Nothing, Everything
Cost: -, +1-5 wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The First Breath of Creation
How can something be born if there is nothing preceeding it? Cyntherea just smiles gently, but unintentionally patronizingly to children who ask her this question. By paying a willpower surcharge to any single Charm, the Prince can ignore its mote cost up to 10 motes per spent willpower point, up to spending 5 willpower per activation for 50 motes. This doesn't work for Sorcery, unless the Infernal repurchases this Charm at Essence 5.

For the purpose of anima banner, the phantom motes "spent" from this charm count as Peripheral.

Fueling the Design Methodology
Cost: 0m +?m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The First Breath of Creation
Cyntherea excels at empowering others to reach their goals, as shown in her feat of proving the necessary energies for Gaia to allow her give birth to Creation. But only as long as those goals are in agreement with her own long-term plans. By spending one willpower, the Infernal can channel up to her Essence x Willpower motes in an stream of Essence visible to mortal eyes to an another character's mote pools, if they have them, to distance up to their Essence x 10 yards. The Infernal also becomes aware of how much these pools have motes after spending the willpower, and can allocate how much and where the motes go. Mother knows the best. Resisting this Charm costs 0 willpower.

In return for this gift, the child must listen her mother. If the target accepts the use of this Charm on them, the Infernal can give a command to the target that fits the themes of the First Cyntherean Excellency. This command is treated as Unnatural Mental Influence, which costs 2 willpower to resist.

Shard of Genesis
Cost: 15m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fueling the Design Methodology
Cyntherea is a generous mother, and gives her help to those in need to reach their true potential. But only as long as they follow the plans the Divine Ignition has for them. The Infernal creates a 10 mote Overdrive pool that starts out empty for an another character, that can be only be recharged by the Infernal who created the Overdrive pool using Fueling the Design Methodology to fill it. While using the predecessor Charm so, remove the Obvious keyword and extend the distance to anywhere, even other dimensions.

This Overdrive pool grows when the Infernal's permanent Essence grows to 5, 7 and 10 points, by 5 motes at each level to the maximum of 25 motes at Essence 10. She can hold up to her Essence number of such Overdrive pools for different characters, which can be terminated Reflexively at any time by the Infernal. Resisting this Charm when it activates cost 0 willpower, and 3 willpower later on if they have accepted it and now want to get rid of it.

However, accepting this gift makes it hard for the recipient to go against the Infernal. Once they have allowed the Charm to take place, they suffer a penalty against all social attacks made by Infernal, -1 at Essence 4, -2 at 5, -3 at 7 and -4 at Essence 10, as the Infernal's Essence they have internalized resonates positively with the words of its originator.

Awakening the Dreamers
Cost: 20m, 3wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: From Nothing, Everything; Shard of Genesis
Cyntherea's birth that woke up the other sleeping Primordials could be seen maybe as even more awe inspiring than her later feat of shaping of the Wyld into Creation with Gaia. In a blast of Essence, the Infernal rips open the mind's eye for humans who cannot yet channel Essence, giving them the Awakened Essence Merit. This Charm awakens the Essence of a group of people up to Magnitude 1 at Essence 5 who the Infernal can see in up to Essence x 1 mile radius of her, growing by one magnitude for each Essence level to maximum of Magnitude 5 at Essence 10. This Charm can be used only once a day.

Resisting this Charm costs 1 willpower, as besides the power being offered being extremely tempting to most mortals by itself, the awe-inspiring partial replication of the birth of the Primordials resonates with the Essence of the humans and draws them to partake in the act, no matter in how vanishingly small and imperfect their own imitations are.

However, such a tremendous gift has an appropriate price. Everyone who has their Essence awakened this way owes to the Infernal one command they must obey, or they will suffer the same effect as breaking an Eclipse or Fiend Caste oath.

0: 1 person
1: 2-10 people
2: 11-75 people
3: 76-150 people
4: 151-300 people
5: 301-650 people
Based on your analysis, I thus reworked some of the Charms for Cytherea:

Looks good to me, for the most part.

A few minor errors:
1. The last sentence in Helpful Mother Advice has "device" where it should say "advice".
2. The first example in Deconstructive Understanding should be "instead of two" rather than "instead of three" (unless it takes three months to build a Warstrider, in case the other part of the example is wrong).

For Garden of Souls, you might want to put a restriction on how long the fruit lasts once picked from the tree, or maybe some limit on how many pieces someone can eat without suffering side effects. Also maybe allow a longer lasting version by taking a week's worth of fruit and turning it into a special kind of wine or potion.

Personally I think Rakshata would abuse the hell out of The Flowering of [Virtue] and relative Resurgent [Virtue] Blossom, since it lets you regen Virtue channels.

Hell yes she would. And she's gonna abuse Muse of Unearthly Delights once we get that as well.

Honestly, I'm not sure how Lloyd is going to keep up. Canonically he may well be the better scientist/engineer - the Lancelot and the Guren are roughly on par as each gets their upgrades, but Lloyd doesn't seem to work with anyone other than Cecile in terms of doing his science stuff. Rakshata on the other hand is seen working with a team of scientists, discussing matters with them and bouncing ideas off one another. Now, if we take the "Loom of Fate Approved" version of events, Lloyd is Dragon-blooded and Rakshata is at best a heroic mortal genius (since she was more than old enough to have already Exalted as a Dragon-blooded when she got her Infernal Exaltation here), with them more or less competing evenly only because Rakshata both works on a team and did capture some tech as well.

Here though... my god, Lloyd may be outclassed. Rakshata got a more powerful Exaltation than his, still should have her team or at least be able to build a new one if they're not there for some reason, will have Craft Charms that greatly increase both her own effectiveness and that of anyone working under her, and has access to the blueprints for Wonders from the First Age in Orabilis's libraries and the technology of Hell. And Rakshata Exalted two or three years ago... I can only wonder what the first iteration of the Guren Mk. II is going to be like.
Here though... my god, Lloyd may be outclassed.

Yes. Is hard to compete against another supernatural weight-level. This can be mitigated a bit if Lloyd starts with higher XP/Essence that Rakshata, and even so she will surpass him easily.

(Unless he is secretly a Solar or something, i supose.)

Edit: Actually, after thinking about it a bit, from a meta perspective him being a Solar would make a lot of sense. He certainly qualifies as a twilight, and it allows to keep him as a equal standing rival with Rakshata. And it also helps to explain the ridiculous weapons race that i hope to see here, like in the second season of the series.

(Also, Solar themes of supernal egotism fits him better than the dragon-blooded themes of cooperation and team-work)
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@Alexander89 - came up with text for the Torment. Let me know if this is good.

The Torment of Cytherea

The Green Sun Princes that follow Cytherea are her children and, like any child, when they step out of line they must be punished. Unlike the other Yozis Cytherea feels no need to punish anyone but the guilty party. The Torment of Cytherea DOES NOT affect all those around the Prince, nor any Intimacies the Yozi disapproves of. The Mother of All shows her child the error of her ways by making them understand how much they disappointed her.

When the Prince accrues 10 points of Limit she becomes wracked with the guilt and self-loathing of a child who has disappointed a beloved parent. To alleviate this condition, the Infernal must resolve to suffer a self-inflicted punishment to show contrition, and until this has been performed the Infernal suffers a penalty of (Infernal's Essence) to all rolls. This punishment must inconvenience or harm the Infernal in some manner in order to be effective. Examples range from sitting in a corner with nothing to do for an extended period of time to inflicting painful damage upon herself. The time the punishment takes is dependent upon the severity to which it inconveniences or harms the Infernal, with punishments that have more immediate or larger effects resolving the state of Torment sooner.

(Unless he is secretly a Solar or something, i supose.)

Edit: Actually, after thinking about it a bit, from a meta perspective him being a Solar would make a lot of sense. He certainly qualifies as a twilight, and it allows to keep him as a equal standing rival with Rakshata. And it also helps to explain the ridiculous weapons race that i hope to see here, like in the second season of the series.

It's exceedingly unlikely he's a Solar. Lloyd is 29. He'd have Exalted as a Dragon-blooded years ago, well before the Jade Prison was broken open. Also, the only Solar Charm I know of that allows one to disguise one's magical traits is Perfect Mirror, which only lasts an hour, and further it requires Larceny 5 which I doubt Lloyd has. EDIT - 2.5e version of Perfect Mirror is a permanent upgrade to it's prerequisite with no duration, but it's still something that Lloyd would be unlikely to have due to the Larceny requirement.
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Should we try to work up some Orasmus War and Hacking charms? Maybe some way to put your force into a Schrodingers cat type situation, only you choose to reveal them where you want them to? With follow-up charms that let you teleport your army, or dynamically re-positioning them through folded space?

For hacking, how about a charm that lets you see and interact with the flow of electronic communication without a device, with a follow-up that lets you enter the Digital Web, the realm of pure communication? Sound good?

Web of Copper and Lightning
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent, Innovation
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: What is and What Should Never Be
The Infernal can see the tracery of a realm of pure information that makes up the internet, and in observing, change it. They can always attempt to hack as if they had masterwork quality equipment (+3 bonus) and an internet connection, though airblocked networks are still impenetrable unless the Infernal is near a server or node physically.
For hacking, how about a charm that lets you see and interact with the flow of electronic communication without a device, with a follow-up that lets you enter the Digital Web, the realm of pure communication? Sound good?

Web of Copper and Lightning
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent, Innovation
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: What is and What Should Never Be
The Infernal can see the tracery of a realm of pure information that makes up the internet, and in observing, change it. They can always attempt to hack as if they had masterwork quality equipment (+3 bonus) and an internet connection, though airblocked networks are still impenetrable unless the Infernal is near a server or node physically.

It's an nice Charm, but I don't see how it fits the themes of Oramus. It's also rather similar to God-Mind Algorithm in terms of actual function, just restricted to hacking.
Oramus can see everything in the Beyond. So rather than fiddle with hacking and trying to penetrate security, why not just dump the whole computer into the Beyond and read its contents there?
Burn Away Infinite Possibilities
Cost: 3m
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: Picking Out the Gems

Mighty Oramus might have separated the possible from the impossible but it was Cytherea who burned away the infinite possibilities of the Wyld to a handful of desirable realities. This charm supplement any physical attack - causing a jet of essence to burn through the target's muscle, bones and organs before coming out on the other side. This charm adds dice to the post-soak damage roll equaling the total number of discrete charms, items or things that the target has committed essence to, to a maximum of (Infernal's Essence).
Original incarnation was vastly OP, according to the crowd. Using GSNF as the comparison, I reduced the total damage and made it touch-based, requiring close combat. Repurchase or another charm may provide a ranged attack

I'd personally base it off Sand Strike Blast rather than Nimbus Flare. Its a natively AoE blast.

While those examples are funny, they miss the point that Cytherea knows your limitations. There won't be any "oops, he died," it'll be "you accomplished something incredibly difficult at great cost that you weren't really interested in."
There is however "he died, but succeeded, mission accomplished". A bomb's potential is to explode spectacularly, so she will help it explode REAL GOOD.
It's an nice Charm, but I don't see how it fits the themes of Oramus. It's also rather similar to God-Mind Algorithm in terms of actual function, just restricted to hacking.
An Oramus hacking charm would probably just transform the system to something else that's easier for you to hack instead of assuming direct control.

Or sparking a temporary intelligence in the hacked system so that it does whatever the hell it wants(then you social it into doing what you want)
It's an nice Charm, but I don't see how it fits the themes of Oramus. It's also rather similar to God-Mind Algorithm in terms of actual function, just restricted to hacking.
It builds on Orasmus' themes of going everywhere and seeing everything. The next charm in the cascade allows the Infernal to transport themselves through electronics, and I think I'll add a repurchase that allows the Infernal to ignore the airblocked servers.
Is more a Qaf charm that anything.
Remember, Infernals can learn versions of other Yozi's charm as though they were their patron's if they can justify it thematically. It's entirely possible that there could be a Qaf version of the charm, it's just that we're not using that version.
An Oramus hacking charm would probably just transform the system to something else that's easier for you to hack instead of assuming direct control.

Or sparking a temporary intelligence in the hacked system so that it does whatever the hell it wants(then you social it into doing what you want)

I have an idea I've been mulling around that I'll post soon. I think you'll like it.

It builds on Orasmus' themes of going everywhere and seeing everything. The next charm in the cascade allows the Infernal to transport themselves through electronics, and I think I'll add a repurchase that allows the Infernal to ignore the airblocked servers.

Oramus doesn't just see everything, he paradoxically sees both What Is and What Is Not. Simply seeing the electronic communications is only really seeing part of What Is only. Again, I don't see how it fits the themes we're given for him. It's just a "I hack good" Charm, with none of Oramus's usual interesting features.
Considering the 'reach your full potential' thing, you'd think Cytherea would have some good Enlightenment charms, or maybe charms to help speed up training times.
Awakening the Dreamers
Cost: 20m, 3wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: From Nothing, Everything; Shard of Genesis
This one is too expensive. The solar charm is only essence 3, and costs 1 wp.
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 4, Essence 3; T
ype: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Enlightening, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Lending Method
This variation on the better known Power-Awarding Prana
(see Exalted, p. 218) immediately and permanently blasts open
a willing mortal's doors of perception, opening him to the
world's currents of Essence. Soul-Enlightening Benefi cence
requires a short ceremony to steel both donor and recipient
for the awesome forces they shall unleash. The ceremony takes
whatever form the participants feel is appropriate to solemnize
the event. Then the mortal and the Exalt simply touch—and
the cataract of Essence fl ooding through the recipient's soul
knocks him out for (5 – his Stamina) hours. The recipient also
trades one permanent dot of Willpower for another point of
permanent Essence. After the character recovers, however,
he possesses his own Essence pool.
Like Touch of Divinity, this Charm offers no benefi t
to beings who already channel Essence. The donor merely
transfers 15 motes of his own Essence.
All types of Celestial (and Abyssal and Infernal) Exalts
possess a variation of Soul-Enlightening Benefi cence. The
recipient gains an affi nity for the source of the Exalt's power,
like that granted by Touch of Divinity, which other Essencesensing
creatures can perceive.
Heck, even the geomantic method is better:
Degree 3, Intelligence, 5, 24 hours
This ritual draws the Essence from some external source
and channels it into the thaumaturge or a designated recipient
who participates in the ritual. The source can be an
object from the deep Wyld, a region soaked in uncontrolled
Essence (such as a Middlemarch or a demesne), a three-dot
(or greater) artifact, a summoned spirit, a human sacrifi ce,
an Exalt or whatever else the Storyteller considers suitable.
This requirement is in addition to the ritual's Resources cost.
An Exalted thaumaturge can be her own Essence source.
The thaumaturge's player rolls (Intelligence + Occult +
Degree known), as usual for thaumaturgy. Success means the
mortal recipient gains an Essence pool, though his permanent
Essence does not change. Failure means the thaumaturge suffers
fi ve dice of aggravated damage, plus a debility (as from Wyld
exposure; see Exalted, p. 289) if the player then fails a Willpower
roll at the same diffi culty as the ritual. A botch infl icts eight
dice of aggravated damage, plus an absolutely certain deformity
(see Exalted, pp. 289–290). A recipient merely suffers three
dice of aggravated damage, plus a defi ciency (see Exalted, pp.
288–289) if his player fails the Willpower roll.
A thaumaturge who already wields Essence can do more
than reduce the Resources cost of the ritual. Her player also
subtracts her permanent Essence rating from the ritual's
difficulty. Multiple thaumaturges can also work together to
gain a limited cooperation bonus, reducing the chance of
catastrophic failure.
Ok, here's what I think an Oramus hacking Charm might look like. The actual text could probably use work and maybe the cost could be changed, but I think the means by which it works are totally within Oramus's themes.

Memetic Nightmare Madness Invasion
Cost: 20m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Innovation, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Eroding Production, Dual Gaze Paradox

The internet is a nightmarish realm of boundless creativity and madness, pleasing Oramus greatly. But what of other places whose internal security does not allow free access to the wonders of this zone of free thought and amusement? Surely such places are dull prisons that would be bettered by bringing mad joy into them.

Using this Charm brings forth an nightmare virus from the realm of impossibility, importing it into a meme that the Infernal must have had a hand in creating. The meme may be a picture, video, song, or any other suitable vector that can be spread digitally. The virus is instructed to infiltrate one secure facility's network, as specified by the Infernal. Anyone who has access to the secure facility that is exposed to the infected meme will be subjected to a social attack to induce an emotion suited to the meme with a roll of (Manipulation + Performance). If the target of the social attack is unable to resist the attack, a Derangement of Obsession towards the meme is imposed upon them which causes them. This causes the affected individuals to attempt to place the meme on any computer they access within the network, bypassing security as they are able, so that they may enjoy the meme as much as they like. In most cases this involves using some form of physical media storage. The Derangement ends after seven days, and may not be inflicted upon the same individual again using the same meme.

Once within the target network, the virus will seek to spread to any uninfected computers. On the open internet or other secure networks, the virus is inert. A hacking roll of (Infernal's Intelligence + Lore) must be passed to infect any particular device, and upon failure the virus will not make another attempt. The Infernal becomes aware of any information on the impossibly infected machines within the target network. The virus is undetectable by mundane means, though may be detected through use of Charms such as All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, and may be removed through Emerald Countermagic.
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Ok, here's what I think an Oramus hacking Charm might look like. The actual text could probably use work and maybe the cost could be changed, but I think the means by which it works are totally within Oramus's themes.

Memetic Nightmare Madness Invasion
Cost: 20m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Innovation, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Eroding Production, Dual Gaze Paradox

The internet is a nightmarish realm of boundless creativity and madness, pleasing Oramus greatly. But what of other places whose internal security does not allow free access to the wonders of this zone of free thought and amusement? Surely such places are dull prisons that would be bettered by bringing mad joy into them.

Using this Charm brings forth an nightmare virus from the realm of impossibility, importing it into a meme that the Infernal must have had a hand in creating. The meme may be a picture, video, song, or any other suitable vector that can be spread digitally. The virus is instructed to infiltrate one secure facility's network, as specified by the Infernal. Anyone who has access to the secure facility that is exposed to the infected meme will be subjected to a social attack to induce an emotion suited to the meme with a roll of (Manipulation + Performance). If the target of the social attack is unable to resist the attack, a Derangement of Obsession towards the meme is imposed upon them which causes them. This causes the affected individuals to attempt to place the meme on any computer they access within the network, bypassing security as they are able, so that they may enjoy the meme as much as they like. In most cases this involves using some form of physical media storage. The Derangement ends after seven days, and may not be inflicted upon the same individual again using the same meme.

Once within the target network, the virus will seek to spread to any uninfected computers. On the open internet or other secure networks, the virus is inert. A hacking roll of (Infernal's Intelligence + Lore) must be passed to infect any particular device, and upon failure the virus will not make another attempt. The Infernal becomes aware of any information on the impossibly infected machines within the target network. The virus is undetectable by mundane means, though may be detected through use of Charms such as All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, and may be removed through Emerald Countermagic.
I love it, and already have a meme ready to use. (I know this joke was done before, but it gains Fridge Brilliance when you realize the video itself is actually busting through your defenses in order to hack you)
I wonder if we could get Oramus (and the rest of hell) an internet connection. it seems like something that would help make his person just a little bit less agonizing.