Arc 6 Post 34: Picking Up the Pieces
Picking Up the Pieces
3nd of October 2006 A.D.
"Wrap that up, it might start to hurt when you are not burning power," you throw Andrea a the cleanest rag you can find which is not to say saying much. "Is everyone alright?"
Abel is trying to look alright, but he is clearly not, covered in cuts and bruises and what you can now see is a swollen knee, his aunt has a nasty bruise on the left side of her face and Dean had clearly been fed upon to judge by the marks on his neck. So you start handing out healing potions as you shed your own aches and pains with the false form of flame and brass.
"Not false," Usum interjects serenely. "A truth too weighty for this world to bear now."
"Are they... are they still alive?" Theodora turns over one of her former torments as he groans in pain
"That depends on how literal you want to be with the term, that one's dead-dead," you motion at the corpse of their master.
Harry starts to smile, maybe it was even going to be a laugh, then the expression freezes over on his face and he gets that faraway look that can only mean one thing. Thanks God Gard is too busy organizing the pull-out to notice. One would think a Fallen Angel would have taught him to keep a poker face by now.
"You are rather sharper of eye than most at present oh Queen in Blood and Ashes Crowned, and your eyes are often upon him," You sigh, not sure if embarrassing is better than ominous.
"Leave the body, I want to learn as much as I can from it, the Yama Kings do not send his like abroad in the world often..." As the wizard turns towards you you notice a wince of pain, how careful he is being to keep his right hand bent at the elbow.
As you hand him the third potion he shakes his head. "There's others than need it more than me."
Click. Gard closes her radio with an aid of professional satisfaction then in the tone of someone who has obviously had to say something like this hundreds of times before. "There is not, unless of course you wish to heal the demon-ridden girl whose unwelcome guest life-linked an infant."
Anger and relief chase each other through your thoughts, but you manage to throttle the former. It's fine, the baby's OK. You are honest enough to know if the baby had not been OK would would have struggled not to send the souls of the lesser Akuma screaming back to their master. But now that you think about it... what are you going to do about them, just send them out to work more evil in the world like you had done to the Red Court vampires on the shore of Lake Erie. At least I would have some place to put them now if I made the offer...
The sight of Dean hands balled into fists, unable to even meet the eyes of his rescuers, of Theodora trying to make herself look small and Abel picking up one of the automatics gives lie to the thought.
Where could I put them? The same place as their victims and tell them all to play nice? Suddenly this whole thing feels too big for you, like you are stumbling around in the dark and knocking things over only every time you break something it's not you that gets hurt it's the people around you.
"J, J is that you?" In the organized chaos of the evacuation you had not noticed Tuzi waking up but even with senses less sharp no one could have missed the sheer joy in those words.
"What are you going to do about him?" you ask Harry.
"Me?" he turns the question back on you. "Nothing, he didn't break the Laws, it's not Warden's work."
"Faking his own death is a crime though," Murphy sounds weary as you feel. "God knows how Butters is going to explain the corpse in the morgue. I don't suppose it will just spontaneously melt now that we have him."
"No, why would it?" you ask, confused.
"I don't know, fairy tale logic." The detective throws her hands in the air, maybe to keep from doing something more violent to the scenery to judge from the look in her eyes. "This whole thing is going to be hell to explain."
Maybe I can help with that, you think. After all what's the point of being the best at something in the room if you are not going to help, even if that thing is lying.
What do you do
[] [AKUMA] Reattach their limbs and let them go back to Lady Eiko
May lessen Eiko's punishment from Emma-O when she returns to his side
[] [AKUMA] Try to recruit them, it's clear they have been tricked into this
Will require some way to break their oaths to the Yama King, if successful would lead to insights into Chi and the disciplines of the Jade Court
[] [AKUMA] Write in
[] [AFTERMATH] Don't meddle, you have enough on your plate already
A poor, or poorly received suggestion could make Murphy think less of you
[] [AFTERMATH] You have a suggestion: Write in:
Good suggestions are likely to earn back some goodwill with Murphy
[] [AFTERMATH] Write in
OOC: For anyone wondering, I thought about putting all this in the last update, but I figured it would have pulled focus away from the duel itself.
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