Arc 5 Post 26: Arcane Insights
Arcane Insights
15th of September 2006 A.D.
As the city rushes by in a blur grey and gold of autumn leaves you consider, seriously consider hanging this Rodney guy out to dry and washing your hands of him. There's just so much to do. If it weren't for Clippy and her lot your might have done just that, let Marcone handle it, but you do have the digital assistance to watch him and the chain of middlemen through witch he got his orders so for now at least his throat stays unslit and you do not have to deal with the guilt of having set the whole thing in motion. At least 'Lictor' does not cause anything near the same unease, immortal fey spirits should know better, even if they are carrion-pickers of blood drenched battle grounds. A bloody tie sounds unhygienic anyway...
"Nearest fast food restaurant please Rider, after that drop me off at the warehouse. I've got something to show Harry...."
Harry opens the door for you, his face falling comically as he recognized the cheerful look on your face. "What now?Its a Saturday" he moans. In reply you raise a Starbucks and a bag from Burger King. "I brought coffee."
Pushing both into his hands, you slip past him to exchange greetings with Mouse, and pay tribute to Mister. "Good news, I have a name and description of the man who was shooting at us...well, Gorfel, but us as well. Better news, I have pictures." And with that you drop a folder of pics on the table. It had taken you two tries to get it right, in no small part because of how weird it was to draw like you are a copying machine. Any attempt to insert feelings or style in the shades and lighting had hit a wall. Magic powers or not you are no artist with a pencil.
Lost 3 Essence -> now at 6/12 Essence 8/9 willpower.
At that Harry stops rummaging through the paper bag, proving once and for all that Mouse can still do puppy dog eyes in the process. "What's the bad news."
"Lictor's a Redcap, only he wears a tie instead of a cap. That means he's been changed fundamntally, take this with a grain of salt, but as I read it, he's no longer one crowned in blood, lord of the unplowed field, he is speaker of the blood, herald of murder. Or maybe he was really bored with his look and wanted an update. Either way I figured Mab needs to know that her monsters are out freelance monstering for Nazis and answering to guys named Speer."
"I'll warn her..." seeing your expectant look he adds. "Once you are gone, no reason to draw even more of Mab's attention to you."
Even though the contrarian part of you wants to object you cannot really think of a good reason to. Instead you ask between sips of coke: "So anything on the Naagloshii?"
"Several things," he recounts with a gratifying lack of hesitation. "It revels in terror, but does not need it to survive, it can devour living things for their shapes and in the case of mortal practitioners for their powers. Only a Navajo Medicine man can drive one away by invoking the oaths it has defiled. Otherwise you are left in a slugging match with hmm... a semidivine being. That's not really the right..."
"It's a little-g-god," you cut him off. "No need to do a run around the thesaurus on my account. I've had experience with that..."
"Experience?" He sounds enough like he's chocking that you wonder if you should pan him on the back.
You would be lying if you said you don't enjoy this. "Made one sort of not-really on accident." With that you proceed to explain Watchful Bane upon the Thirty Sixth Threshold as well as your experiences with the Order of the Cauldron. Motioning with a french fry you add: "You know there's no reason why the White Council can't just take in minor talents. I mean what you're doing is like if the army only took in crack snippers. Sure they'd be able to boast about how high their overall accuracy is but the trenches would be nine tenths empty of all the people just good enough to shoot a riffle."
Alas Harry isn't interested in your thoughts on White Council reformation. "Hold on there let's get back to raised a dark spirit and bound it to protect an apartment."
"An apartment building and I didn't raise him, I made him."
It takes a lot more explaining and even going down to Bob to back you up on the particulars, but in the end you manage to convince Harry that you made a genius loci of your own will and authority.
As Bob puts it "What did you think god-king means, a king who moonlights as a god on the weakened? She's the queen of a spirit court, only one without any subjects."
So far, the words in your mind are so faint you might have imagined them, though Usum assures you that he had heard them too.
In the meantime Harry obviously had been doing his own thinking. "What do you think of trading the information on this Lictor for information, maybe even some help on dealing with the Naagloshii? I know it's a lot better to have Mab in debt to you than the other way around, but if there is one thing Winter is good at it's knowing how to deal with enemies." For once you do not think the small catch in his voice has anything to do with keeping you from danger. He's probably remembering the help his godmother had given him in dealing with his first master.
What do you reply?
[] Yes, trade the information in for whatever you can
[] You are a better negotiator than him, if you are going to do it best do it right (Will Require convincing Harry; Opposed rolls with intimacy on his side)
[] No, you would rather keep the favor for now, there are other places you can find information, other allies you can gather
[] Write in
OOC: Molly is doing a very good job so far impressing her general competence on Harry, it just takes a while since you are pushing directly against his Damsel in Distress intimacy.