A People Gathering
16th of September 2006 A.D.
"Hello, is anyone there? It's OK we're..." The word
friendly had been just on the tip of your tongue before instincts born of elder insights substitutes: "People." Down here there are all kinds of 'friendly' folk, those who want to use you, eat you and make strike a bargain for your eyes, your hands, your soul, but people, those are rare.
What you had heard was little Almaz complaining about the dark and the cold. How her mother had managed to get the rickety old stroller all the way down here you do not know but it is clear Deborah is willing to protect it with everything she has. Alas everything she has isn't much and neither do the other four people gathered around the quickly doused barrel fire. At first they shy away from the glare of your flashlight as though expecting blows, only the fear of turning their back on you gets them talking. There's Dean a grizzled man of indeterminate age beneath his layers and layers of ragged vests and jackets who talks looking at his feet, Abel, a boy younger than you brandishing a rusted machete with far more skill than he aught to have, Theodora his older sister who had been in the middle of the cooking before she tries to douse you with salt to ward you off and then there is James, beneath the signs of hunger and the pallor of one whose lived too long in the dark you recognize the manerisms of a soldier and not just because he's got the only proper weapon of the group. For all the good a pistol is going to do them even against even someone like Sarah.
"Hi, my name is Molly Carpenter, I'm just here fixing up a place for my friends..."
Slowly, ever so slowly you get them to relax. You talk about who you are and how long you have been coming down here. There's a bit of a breakthrough when you explain that you are seventeen and Deborah asks why you are not in school. Beeing seen as a kid playing hooky is a lot better than a monster in the dark
"Yeah I'm with the Jade Dogs, I'm in charge."
...and we are right back to being about to bolt. Adam and his fellows had not done anything to hide their nature before you showed up. Down here, away from the lights and cameras of the modern world there is no reason to keep up the pretense of separation. Who is going to believe a young mother without any kind of legal documentation, a former psych patient no longer able to afford his meds or a pair of teenage runaways?
"No, I'm not an Eater, I can help them with the hunger, so I am'
In the end you are not sure if it's the offer of food and shelter that wins them over or the account of what else is around here that gets them to come along. Unlike ghouls malks do not announce themselves to their victims. Those they choose to hunt just vanish one day, maybe they hal left, maybe they had joined up with someone else, maybe you'll find a severed finger belonging to them on your pillow when next you sleep.
So slowly, reluctantly they make their way back to Sarah, the old stroller creaking all the while and from there to the station.
After the darkness of the tunnels the light and sound spilling off the platform is almost shocking. A couple of people are throwing knives at an old darts board that is not long for this world, others are reading dogeared books by the light of the fire cooking sausages and meat patties that will never see the inside of a burger.
Adam looks up from cleaning his gun with a growl of "Orders?" that makes it very clear he would really like the chance to use that gun on something.
"I'm here to look at the new people and talk about some..." You trail off as you notice the vampires Sarah had talked about. For the most part what you had expected, two boys, one girl around your age, they would all be attractive if it weren't for the haggard look on their faces and the deep circles under their eyes... the tattletale marks of needles all the clearer on their pale arms.
Shooting up would probably help take the edge off an unsatisfied Hunger at first, you realize, but just joining the Jade dogs isn't going to help with mundane addiction.
"We are willing to serve," the taller of the two guys says and you can feel the shadow of your power wash over them with your approval just as it had with Thomas yet even as all three of them breathe easier, like drowning victims thrown an unexpected lifeline you shudder inwardly at the enormity of what you had taken on. It's not just food shelter and safety you have to assure, some of these people are going to need medication, those with addictions mortal or otherwise are going to keep help managing and overcoming it. All of a sudden the prospect of being responsible for so many people, young and old, mortal and other crashes over you. How can you deal with all this stuff? All the unexpected needs and conflicts that may arise when everyone from neophite vampire to elder ghoul to three month year old baby are crammed together?
Beyond the fears of Molly Carpenter, beyond the whispers of Usum, ver ready to give counsel there is a warm glow of purpose to the thought, as a talent long unused brought into the light.
What rules do you lay down?
[] Write in
Example: Punishments for transgression means of challenging leadership, acceptable ways to feed for vampires
How much of your newly gained wealth do you hand over to the Jade Dogs and in what form?
[] Write in
Example: Means of dealing with addiction, healthcare needs, help reintegrating into the world above
OOC: Welp this is a big one, but it is also one of the things Solar Exaltation were made to do so instead of having you deal with problems as they come up and ending up with a patchwork of solutions Molly's exaltation is pushing her to set up a coherent legal framework.Not to say that you guys have to handle every eventuality, but given that your hold over a significant portion of the people in the gang is Mercy in Servitude it would be a good idea to establish what are the circumstances under which that mercy is withdrawn.