- Though, as a side thought - Could alchemy create a universal withdrawal suppressor? Not something that gets people high, but rather something that keeps people from getting sick from a lack of drugs? We can make a universal common cold cure. A universal withdrawal cure seems not impossible.
The drug users are Whampires.
Im reasonably sure they wont need it; there hasnt been a Whampire in canon that has had a physical ailment or disability their Hunger hasnt fixed.
EDIT - Oh, and as for money, I think we should split it thusly.
Im pretty sure Thomas would have been paid and business expenses handled before Molly ended up with 460k.
Still costs money, and most if not all of these people need to see doctors anyway. They've probably all got something wrong that they're just ignoring because they couldn't do anything about it, or need standard care.
When's the last time anyone here saw a dentist? Think that kid has been within five feet of a pediatrician since they were delivered? How clean are drugs, or even the equipment, those of them struggling with addiction were using?
We should be planning to handle this before someone is so obviously ill that it can't be ignored anymore.
1)Transcendent Lord of Flies applies. Molly would be making Medicine rolls here at -3DC.
With just Intelligence 4 + a 2-die stunt(Clippy downloading a bunch of guides to common ailments), she'd have the same dice pool or better than a general practitioner with Int 3 Medicine 3, so she'd be a superior primary care physician, with Tool Constructs providing any relevant tools.
And she's able to call on Lydia to help, and for Lydia Intelligence is a Key Attribute.
2) The drug users were Whamps.
Not an issue, I think.
don't disagree on the issues this presents, but I think you're underestimating the external problems. Without organization and some effort put towards it the additional protection of a group seems unlikely to stand up to the attention of predators who increasingly can't find food other places.
Dont think I am.
Not all that many people out to attack 9 ghouls and 3 Whamps in a Dragons Nest with a sleeping elemental in the walls and a patron in the shadows.
The point of the above ground charities was to funnel resources to our new community in a way that makes them easy to u
Easier said than done.
People underestimate the regulations that charities and soup kitchens have to operate under in order to keep from getting shut down. The zoning requirements for a shelter thats supposed to have sanitary facilities for 50 plus people for example.
Or maintaining food safety regulations in a soup kitchen. Or cops harassing because some sleepers are allegedly drug users.
You cant just hang your shingle over a spot and open shop.
The medical system wants all kinds of identifying information which our people won't have, but a lot of that is related to financing.
Not especially, as long as you dont have bullet wounds. And ERs are obligated to take in walkins for emergency cases.
Medical problems are divided into:
Minor: Molly and Lydia can handle it
Medium or emergency: Send them to community health clinic or free clinic or the ER
Major: Molly and Lydia handle it
Dean's medication shortage, for example, lasts precisely as long as it takes Molly to go to a chemical supplies store with a hundred dollars and then spend an hour in her lab.
CCC + TLF + BSM collectively apply to a -7DC buff to making him a years supply of new meds, even without Alchemy.
Though I also want to say that I think "chose to be here" is overstating it. The resources of charity organizations aren't infinite and many areas are actively hostile to the homeless and things that will help them.
Yes, navigating charity organizations and the like is deliberately a byzantine process.
But the resources are there for those lucky or persistent enough to prevail.
Medicaid will cover Almaty's medical expenses, if any.
James, if a vet, is VA eligible. Dean would be worth looking into , if Molly wasnt already around to Heisenberg up a year's supply of his medications. A lot of basic services are available at free clinics or community health centers if you know where to look.
If we can get our hands on legal records for many of our people, they have access to stuff like EBT claims as an option to relying on us. Assuming someone or something isnt looking for them.
You know, a diamond producing company is supposed to have employees, and those employees are expected to get health insurance... We need fake employees anyway to maintain our cover.
They dont have the paperwork. And we do need our money to be squeaky clean.
Can we invest some money into making more money? Preferably without needing to spend AP on that stuff?
If you're looking for passive income, you need a significant amount invested.
Even post-lottery, if we have 30 million invested at a net return of 4%, thats just 1.2 mill yearly.
Covers most of our base requirements comfortably, but doesnt account for surprise expenses or capital investment in things like shelters or the raw materials for Dragon Nest upgrades.
I think we are gonna be doing periodic pulls for cash.
Nature of the beast.
Positive reinforcements, incentives to better themselves instead of just obeying orders, anything to encourage initiative, ways to make the whole thing self-maintaining. I would also stay away from specific hard numbers if possible.
What do you mean?
Positive reinforcement: paycheck.
All the rest isnt really relevant right now, I think. When
We could start an official charity/homeless shelter that doubles as an entrance to Undertown. Just need to buy a building and dig a tunnel. And if it's an official charity, it's even tax-deductible!
Next month.
Cant just buy any building, or dig tunnels from anywhere, given Chicago flash flooding is a well known and established phenomenon.
Plus, we'd have to figure out if we should own it in our name or run it through another proxy, and I'd like to get a look at the rest of our potential assets like Isabella before making such a decision.
My thoughts are why do we need to calculate the amounts we need to divide between Molly and the people? By leaving it blank, we are not locking it in and can assign as much or as little as possible.
Besides which, I really do not want to micro manage to give DragonParadox room to interpret.
I simply do not get why we need to make a budget. Why not say Molly spends on this and leave it at that? That would avoid unnecessary complications.
Because we need ballpark figures for planning.
The QM is not going to be tracking every last dollar, but they do need a reasonable estimate of what we want to spend on to work with in the narrative.
Think of it as stunting details that the QM might or might not choose to use.