Arc 6 Post 6: Of Trouble Transferred
Of Trouble Transferred
2nd of October 2006 A.D.
There is something almost surreal about going to school, the harsh sound of the bell herding the students from place to place , leaving you as nothing more than another face in the crowd, the cafeteria food, not so much bad as indifferent, you can almost taste the apathy in the mashed pees, the growing understanding that many of the teachers do not really want to be here, even though it's hard to blame them when they are just making an honest dollar,. Sometimes you want to vanish, curl up in a glass of water, fly out the window and never come back. There has to be a better way to do this than teaching to test and testing to grade. In practice 'No Child Left Behind' just means there isn't anyone your age who has not been inflicted with a dread of little circles and Number 2 Pencils, though some have it worse than others...
"I swear I'm gonna flunk math, it just doesn't make any sense to me," Izzy leans against the radiator with all the world-weariness of a miner in the salt pit of high school. "I can see it now me going through senior year over and over, my father reminding me I'm the first Walsh in seven generations to do so poorly..."
"Unless you have a noble or a priest in your family line seven generations ago your ancestors were illiterate," you point out perfectly rationally, but your friend just glares at you.
"Hail dread overlady, got any tasks for me, walk your dog, water your plants, slay your enemies?" A chillingly familiar voice calls out from down the hall.
Is it too late to ask for boredom again, you wonder as Isabela Syliga walks, saunters really, up to the two of you, the smile on her face making it very clear, to you at least, she meant all three of the offers.
For her part Izzy looks bewildered. "You're the new girl right, sophomore?" And there went any hope that the vampire was just visiting.
"Yup transferred over. You would not believe how much of a hassle it is to do that in the middle of the school year, but my family has means... especially when to quote my dad 'your demon has been bound to the will of a beast far greater, learn how that came to be and you shall be great'," The vampire is wearing a blouse showing as much midrift as she can get away with in spite of it being October and jeans so tight that might have been painted on, much to the fascination of every boy who passes in the corridor.
"What the...?" Issy asks bewildered.
"Don't hold the way he speaks against mu father, he comes by it honestly, being older than both the telephone and the flush toilet."
Part of you wants to slap a hand on her mouth, but you realize no one among the bustling crowd of students heading to their lessons and teachers shuffling papers as they walk would take her seriously. Why would they after all, everyone knows vampires aren't real How many of her court do that you suddenly wonder, talk openly about the hidden world, just for the satisfaction of seeing how the 'prey' is blind and deaf to the truth.
Pinching the bridge of your nose to in a vain attempt at heading off the headache you introduce them: "This is my friend Izzy. Izzy this is Isabela Syliga, she's a vampire, White Court."
Your friend takes the revelation in wide eyed, perhaps surprised at the lack of sweeping cloaks, no amount of explanation can prepare one for the sheer magnetism of the White Court. Finally she settles on "Dread Overlady?"
"Didn't know the correct form of address since no one can decide what Molly here even is so I improvised," Bela proclaims glibly.
"And yet you remembered my name." Your voice is dryer than the Sahara.
"Well yeah, but that's boring, what kind of ancient god-beast in human form is called 'Molly'?"
All you can do is close your eyes, aware that you are not immune to the allure of the White Court, at least now without burning Essence, but all the same there are worse ways for her to have introduced herself
What do you do about the perky vampire who showed up at your school?
[] Set some ground rules
-[] No feeding on anyone in school
-[] Write in
[] Maybe you could make use of her
-[] Can she tutor in math?
-[] Explain more about the unseen world to Izzy and Alec, from a...novel perspective
-[] Write in
OOC: Now we see how Molly deals with minions that are not so well intention-ed as Thomas, nor as desperate as the Jade Dogs
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