In creation proper, raw gossamer would evaporate into nothingness. It being able to exist outside of a pocket of unreality, or being specially prepared says nothing good about the worlds stability.
You probably should. Or just have her make a repurchase for general protection
At present, smoke would kill or incapacitate her. And if she's in Dresden's general vicinity, picking up protections against the results of a fire is a generally well-advised sentiment.
I'll take another look at the charm and some others and get back to you this weekend.
I do. Acceptance of Inevitablility allows her to ignore any one attack and take a single level of aggravated damage instead.
That's perfect in the same way the Water-Dragonblooded defence is. (You even reference that one later in your own post.)
1)In Dresdenverse, ghosts and disembodied souls are apparently entirely natural, even if sometimes rare.
Its just zombies and liches and the like that seem to be unnatural.
Coincidentally, she probably has a type advantage against Blampires
2)She's not bound to the natural cycle; she's a scion of a death god. Death's hand lies light on her lineage.
The effect doesnt make the animal companion immortal either; it links its life to the Exalt and makes it self-resurrecting as long as the Exalt lives, which is a very different matter. If the Exalt dies, said benefits go and the animal ages at a normal rate and can be killed permanently, unless it's received some other life-extending supernatural merit in the meantime.
Look at the list of effects available to all Familiars in ExWoD; Spirit-Tied Pet does this, and is available for free to any Familiar thats at least 4 dots. Narratively, it allows the QM significantly more leeway in killing and damaging stuff.
Rest-Granting Strike is as written, for hostile ghosts/undead/spirits you kill.
It should not apply for non-hostile ghosts and disembodied souls you lay to rest/send on.
There's a conceptual difference between the two duties/functions.
I specifically brought it up because of Call the Restless and how it reacts with Rest Granting Strike
And because I remembered the submarine scene where Arawn and Gard had to lay the victims to rest.
I would probably model it on the DB one. Also, this:
Lydia just kind of looks at you funny. "You have homework? Can't you just...?" she sort of wiggles her fingers in a vaguely magic-y way.
"No... wait you can do that? With homework, like math and English and physics? Frictionless ball attached to an ideal spring and all that nonsense?" At her slightly sheepish nod you cannot help yourself. "That is so unfair. I mean I get a little help sometimes, but it is as likely to be mussing on how to weaponize magnets as it is to be actual help with how to solve the exercise."
Technically it can, specifically it gives you academics, but practically that is to slow to have any great impact on the quest. You are an Exalted and not just that you are a solaroid, education meant for mortals pales besides your inherent ability to just get better at stuff by the memory of ancient glories and the soft whispers of the demon bounded to your soul.
We certainly have to secure tutors for Sorcery Paths before we can learn them(just lucky Bob is a thing, as long as we can maintain access), and if we didnt have Brigid's Heir, we would have to track down either tutors or relevant grimoires for Ancient Sorcery. Exalts just get more out of being taught, they dont need special training programs.
American public school education gets badmouthed a lot, but it certainly isnt so bad that spending eight hours a day, five days a week in high school education during the school year would provide no benefits.
Let alone university.
My opinion, if you want it?
Most of the Knowledges + Athletics should qualify for some sort of benefit while Molly is actively going to school, with the exception of Occult, Politics and Investigation, which cant really be taught in an academic setting.
Basically Academics, Computer, Finance, Law, Medicine, Science, Technology, Athletics.
Athletics because how obsessed the US educational system is with amateur sports, as evidenced by how much they spend on it.
I've not thought about it hard, but I don't feel we should get XP for really good rolls themselves - maybe the results of a really good roll would be something XP worthy depending on context/thing rolled for. Like, the outcome here was hilarious and I loved it but I don't think it particularly advanced our goal of getting a bit of private conversation time with the nice nurse lady or progressed the mission beyond 'find a private room'
Oh, we should check for security cameras in the room before summoning the digging tools and remember to swing by the security office on our way out to destroy all video evidence of our presence here.
1) One of the guidelines for awarding XP specifically calls out both Big Damn Hero moments and occasions when the PC plays into their nature/concept as occasions for bonus XP gain. An Infernal terrifying someone so badly they actually lose consciousness is entirely eligible for bonus XP if the QM thinks so.
Its much the same reason why our talking to Mrs Evans in the previous story arc got us bonus XP.
There were no security cameras on the outside of the building.
You can be reasonably sure that the Pathfinder cultists dont have security cameras on the inside of the facility making a record of their own crimes. If they do, we put a cyberdevil in their computer network at reception in order to block calls to Niemi.
Same cyberdevil can probably access any security cameras and recordings.
I mean, I can understand there being a limit. You don't get any benefit from tutors that aren't better at the subject than you, after all. If x dots in Academics is equivalent to a college degree, than high school classes shouldn't help you get x dots. However, stuff like basic computer skills (we still don't have even our first dot in Computers) is something that I can see us getting bonus XP towards from going to school. Especially if we take a relevant elective or some such. Maybe also count as XP towards the Excellency, but that's more of a stretch. Just as my take.
-I would probably comment that the aesthetics of rust, ruin and decay are probably a lot more appropriate for an Abyssal, or maybe a Liminal. For an Infernal like Molly, think brass and green fire as primary aesthetic elements.
-Also, you probably mean twenty yards not twenty feet.
Twenty feet on a side is rather small for 6 residents strapped to pillars, a central cauldron/pool/pod thing AND the remotely controlled arm for harvesting gossamer. Let alone our drill coming in from above with three people and the three additional people trying to squeeze in through the door.
-Its worth noting that while all raksha feed on dreams, what they choose varies widely.
It says informative things that this notRaksha aparently inflicts and feeds on fear and terror, instead of joy, wonder or any other of the broad spectrum of human emotions.
-Wait is that gossamer? Okay, now THIS is worth looting.
Its like the sixth or seventh major magical material of Exalted 2E, after orichalcum, moonsilver, jade, starmetal, soulsteel and adamant. The only thing that could be worth more to us would be ambrosia.
- Basically, they seem to be farming the residents to a notRaksha and getting gossamer in turn.
Which helps explain the behavior of a lot of the residents; they're partly dreameaten. It certainly puts their African operations in a whole different kind of light, because if they're willing to do this here, who knows what they are pulling in places with less regulation
Why though?
Or maybe the gossamer is just a useful byproduct of feeding the beastie and strengthening it for a prison break.
Anyway, stabby time.
I'm fairly sure that orichalcium would be worth more, but good luck finding that one (we could probably swing finding Exalted jade by traveling to "the scar" where our exaltation was found). We should definitely loot it. Craft equipment (after enough preparation) for ourselves, our father and Lydia. We likely still won't be able to approach making a daiclaive, but we could probably come up with something very, very good.
American public school education gets badmouthed a lot, but it certainly isnt so bad that spending eight hours a day, five days a week in high school education during the school year would provide no benefits.
Let alone university.
My opinion, if you want it?
Most of the Knowledges + Athletics should qualify for some sort of benefit while Molly is actively going to school, with the exception of Occult, Politics and Investigation, which cant really be taught in an academic setting.
Basically Academics, Computer, Finance, Law, Medicine, Science, Technology, Athletics.
Athletics because how obsessed the US educational system is with amateur sports, as evidenced by how much they spend on it.
The thing is two dots is a college level education in something and things like Law and Medicine are not really taught to any great degree anyway. It just feels like one more ball to juggle for marginal relevance.
-I would probably comment that the aesthetics of rust, ruin and decay are probably a lot more appropriate for an Abyssal, or maybe a Liminal. For an Infernal like Molly, think brass and green fire as primary aesthetic elements.
-Also, you probably mean twenty yards not twenty feet.
Twenty feet on a side is rather small for 6 residents strapped to pillars, a central cauldron/pool/pod thing AND the remotely controlled arm for harvesting gossamer. Let alone our drill coming in from above with three people and the three additional people trying to squeeze in through the door.
-Its worth noting that while all raksha feed on dreams, what they choose varies widely.
It says informative things that this notRaksha aparently inflicts and feeds on fear and terror, instead of joy, wonder or any other of the broad spectrum of human emotions.
-Wait is that gossamer? Okay, now THIS is worth looting.
Its like the sixth or seventh major magical material of Exalted 2E, after orichalcum, moonsilver, jade, starmetal, soulsteel and adamant. The only thing that could be worth more to us would be ambrosia.
- Basically, they seem to be farming the residents to a notRaksha and getting gossamer in turn.
Which helps explain the behavior of a lot of the residents; they're partly dreameaten. It certainly puts their African operations in a whole different kind of light, because if they're willing to do this here, who knows what they are pulling in places with less regulation
Why though?
Or maybe the gossamer is just a useful byproduct of feeding the beastie and strengthening it for a prison break.
Anyway, stabby time.
The Wicked city is not necessarily rusty, but it does have a patchwork/junkyard aesthetic to most of its tech, not all of your elevator looks rusty, only about 7%
*sigh* Yards it is *grumbles about literally medieval units of measure*
1)In Dresdenverse, ghosts and disembodied souls are apparently entirely natural, even if sometimes rare.
Its just zombies and liches and the like that seem to be unnatural.
Coincidentally, she probably has a type advantage against Blampires
2)She's not bound to the natural cycle; she's a scion of a death god. Death's hand lies light on her lineage.
The effect doesnt make the animal companion immortal either; it links its life to the Exalt and makes it self-resurrecting as long as the Exalt lives, which is a very different matter. If the Exalt dies, said benefits go and the animal ages at a normal rate and can be killed permanently, unless it's received some other life-extending supernatural merit in the meantime.
Look at the list of effects available to all Familiars in ExWoD; Spirit-Tied Pet does this, and is available for free to any Familiar thats at least 4 dots. Narratively, it allows the QM significantly more leeway in killing and damaging stuff.
Rest-Granting Strike is as written, for hostile ghosts/undead/spirits you kill.
It should not apply for non-hostile ghosts and disembodied souls you lay to rest/send on.
There's a conceptual difference between the two duties/functions.
I specifically brought it up because of Call the Restless and how it reacts with Rest Granting Strike
And because I remembered the submarine scene where Arawn and Gard had to lay the victims to rest.
Not sure if that's worth a different Charm.
Ultimatly with the Strike she can put ghosts to rest. I can add a line that she doesn't actually have to hit them if they are not resisting.
When a raksha performs shaping actions in the
Wyld, his manipulation of the malleable surface of
reality yields a byproduct of scraps of dreams and
ideas. This byproduct is known as gossamer, and it
is an infinitely useful substance. From it, a raksha
crafts the items with which he girds and arms himself
in Creation as well as the items of material worth
that he exchanges with willing Creation-born trad-
ers for that which he values. Gossamer items are
not exactly real, however, and have little effect on
or against those with the strength of personality to
deny their reality. In most circumstances, though,
the substance lends a certain credibility to raksha
magic. By channeling it when they perform select
Charms, raksha can make substantial certain magi-
cal effects in Creation that would not be possible
without it.
Basically, it's something to enchant magic in our case, I think. Shaping aids. In the weakened reality of modern day, this could be potent indeed. We could probably use it to make magical items, or to create custom enchantments, perhaps permanent ones. Dresden could probably a ton with this, especially if Lash helps.
It is a raksha. Like, Molly recognized it for what it was. It could even be a survivor from ages past. It would be interesting if it recognized Molly for what she is too.
ALso, on the chapter - that's a fairly high level of magitech. Not something I would normally expect in Dresdenverse. This tells me that we probably shouldn't expect (mortal) sorcerers. Of course they could just be using Raksha shaping...
So, anyway, planning... I am worried about the pool of liquid being almost full. I am guessing that when it fills up, the raksha will get free. I am guessing unfold shield move to engage? Get dad to destroy the equipment? He's not equipped to deal with mortalish people using firearms.
On that note, what sort of firearms do they have? If they have anything resembling a full-size machine gun or other heavy weapons, those will need to go down first before they can set up and hose us down. Depending on the type of MG, they might be capable of killing any or all of us, particularly if they take us down before we can Shintai, and our shield (and our arm behind it) can only survive so much abuse. That said, such weapons would probably be HMGs and the like, which would likely require a round or so to lift up and turn around.
On that note, what sort of firearms do they have? If they have anything resembling a full-size machine gun or other heavy weapons, those will need to go down first before they can set up and hose us down. Depending on the type of MG, they might be capable of killing any or all of us, particularly if they take us down before we can Shintai, and our shield (and our arm behind it) can only survive so much abuse. That said, such weapons would probably be HMGs and the like, which would likely require a round or so to lift up and turn around.
The thing is two dots is a college level education in something and things like Law and Medicine are not really taught to any great degree anyway. It just feels like one more ball to juggle for marginal relevance.
Athletics 2 is high school; 4 is professional. Medicine 2 is premed or paramedic; 3 is doctor.
Computer 2, Science 2 and Tech 2 are college.
Law 2 is studying for or just passed the bar exam.
I was going to suggest that school attendance count for a 50% discount on buying the relevant Excellencies: discount for Athletics Excellency in high school, but the rest only once we got to Uni.
But if you think its too fiddly, fair enough.
The Wicked city is not necessarily rusty, but it does have a patchwork/junkyard aesthetic to most of its tech, not all of your elevator looks rusty, only about 7%
*sigh* Yards it is *grumbles about literally medieval units of measure*
1)I was under the impression the Wicked City drew a lot of its esthetics from Mikaboshi, and thats distinctly cyberpunk in the book.
Junkyard esthetic is for the wretchedly poor poors.
The distilled product of dreams, actually.
The dreams themselves dont matter, as long as they are of the requisite potency. That this entity seems to prefer fear and terror(or that its minions appear to prefer to feed it fear and terror) is because of who they are, not how it works.
You could just as easily make gossamer out of dreams of joy, or wonder, or lust.
Essentially, its a crafting component.
Alchemy, Enchanting, Exalted crafting, maybe Conveyance and Healing. Possibly a trade good.
Might even be work for fixing people with mental issues.
Its going to be worth looking into whether we can get it from people sutainably and ethically.
It is a raksha. Like, Molly recognized it for what it was. It could even be a survivor from ages past. It would be interesting if it recognized Molly for what she is too.
1)I was under the impression the Wicked City drew a lot of its esthetics from Mikaboshi, and thats distinctly cyberpunk in the book.
Junkyard esthetic is for the wretchedly poor poors.
Massive social inequality is intrinsic to both cyberpunk and Mikaboshi's corrupted dream of technology. Everything is built upon everything else in a human anthill of alienation and paranoia, the top layers may be glossy and cool, but most of the Wicked City is anything but.
Athletics 2 is high school; 4 is professional. Medicine 2 is premed or paramedic; 3 is doctor.
Computer 2, Science 2 and Tech 2 are college.
Law 2 is studying for or just passed the bar exam.
I was going to suggest that school attendance count for a 50% discount on buying the relevant Excellencies: discount for Athletics Excellency in high school, but the rest only once we got to Uni.
But if you think its too fiddly, fair enough.
I would have to decide how much Molly learns and if extra study factors into your discount somehow. When talking about the relatively small XP costs of raising stats from 1 to 2 it just does not seem worth it
2 dot in abilities is what you expect form from a practicing professional. 3 dots is getting national level, 4 dots is world level, 5 dot is top 1-5 in the world. Most skill don't even have anybody alive with 5 dots in an ablity.
Massive social inequality is intrinsic to both cyberpunk and Mikaboshi's corrupted dream of technology. Everything is built upon everything else in a human anthill of alienation and paranoia, the top layers may be glossy and cool, but most of the Wicked City is anything but.
I would have to decide how much Molly learns and if extra study factors into your discount somehow. When talking about the relatively small XP costs of raising stats from 1 to 2 it just does not seem worth it
1)Thats very much a choice thing.
Just like an Abyssal's esthetics could be sterile and cold, or gruesome and bloody. Both valid.
We'll see how her esthetics evolve as her own Hell shows up.
2 dot in abilities is what you expect form from a practicing professional. 3 dots is getting national level, 4 dots is world level, 5 dot is top 1-5 in the world. Most skill don't even have anybody alive with 5 dots in an ablity.
This is inaccurate. This is ExWoD, not Exalted 2E. They are similar, but not equivalent.
In V20, you need Athletics 4 to be a professional athlete; 5 makes you an Olympic medalist. Meantime, you need only Medicine 3 to be a general practitioner. Academics 4 is professor emeritus., with 5 being worldwide acclaim in your field. Drive 3 is same as a professional trucker. I could go on.
By the fluff descriptions, Ability 5s are exceptional, but they arent unheard of, let alone the point of there's noone alive with that rating.
Plan in a bit. Once I'm done trying to write a stunt.
Massive social inequality is intrinsic to both cyberpunk and Mikaboshi's corrupted dream of technology. Everything is built upon everything else in a human anthill of alienation and paranoia, the top layers may be glossy and cool, but most of the Wicked City is anything but.
Massive social inequality is intrinsic to both cyberpunk and Mikaboshi's corrupted dream of technology. Everything is built upon everything else in a human anthill of alienation and paranoia, the top layers may be glossy and cool, but most of the Wicked City is anything but.
I would have to decide how much Molly learns and if extra study factors into your discount somehow. When talking about the relatively small XP costs of raising stats from 1 to 2 it just does not seem worth it
I mean halving the cost even for such small expenditures still probably saves us over a dozen exp. So very much worth it otherwise why would we go to school at all.
I mean halving the cost even for such small expenditures still probably saves us over a dozen exp. So very much worth it otherwise why would we go to school at all.
Essentially, its a crafting component.
Alchemy, Enchanting, Exalted crafting, maybe Conveyance and Healing. Possibly a trade good.
Might even be work for fixing people with mental issues.
Also, and importantly, shaping enhancer. Which means it could probably be used to boost Dresdenverse magic, possibly by a lot. Maybe allow Dresden and others access to Ancient Sorcery.
I mean halving the cost even for such small expenditures still probably saves us over a dozen exp. So very much worth it otherwise why would we go to school at all.
Besides, if we combine normal learning with stuff like Cracked Cell Circumvention and other difficulty and dice pool modifiers, we might learn quicker. Not "burn XP to learn immediately", but getting to plot relevant learning rates. @DragonParadox if Molly throws everything she has into doing her homework and studying, maybe buys Academics excellency, would that increase her learning rates enough that it would affect her abilities? I mean, spending one or two essence points per evening on doing homework and studying ahead isn't costly at all.
Hmm... Do red half-vampires dream of eating people? It's a burning desire, after all. What about Whites? Could a raksha feed off White Hungers? Something to think of.