Maybe not by the time, but definitely by the end of the year.I'd like to suggest upping Academics to 2 by the time Molly get back to school.
Higher her Academics is, faster she does school work, better her grades are, and the less Charity will harp on them.
Its cheap to buy Academics 2 at 2XP, and its good roleplaying for the soon-to-be 18 year old(she's 18 in Nov) to be at a college-level of education.Academics
This catchall Knowledge covers the character's erudition in the humanities: literature, history, art, philosophy, and other "liberal" arts and sciences. A character with dots in Academics is generally well rounded in these fields, and at high levels may be considered an expert in one or more areas of study.
If you like, you can choose a specialty for Academics even at less than 4 dots.
Possessed by: Professors, Literati, Topical Bloggers
• Student: You're aware that 1066 isn't a Beverly Hills area code. •• College: You can quote from the classics, identify major cultural movements, and expound on the difference between Ming and Moghul. ••• Masters: You could get a paper published in a scholarly journal. •••• Doctorate: Professor emeritus ••••• Scholar: Scholars worldwide acknowledge you as one of the foremost experts of your time.
Specialties: Poststructuralism, Impressionist Painting, Imperial Rome, Color Theory, Linguistics
Academics 3 would be even better, and would only cost 4XP, but XP is needed elsewhere.
Specifically, Science, where Molly sucks:
Molly is Science 0.Science
You have at least a basic understanding of most of the physical sciences, such as chemistry, biology, physics, and geology. This Knowledge can be put to all forms of practical use. In most cases, a player should select a specialty to reflect a focus for her character's scientific studies, but this isn't strictly necessary.
Possessed by: Scientists, Students, Researchers, Teachers, Engineers, Technicians, Pilots
• Student: You know most of the highschool basics. •• College: You're familiar with the major theories. ••• Masters: You could teach high-school science. •••• Doctorate: You're fully capable of advancing the knowledge in your field. ••••• Scholar: Your Nobel Prize is waiting for you.
Specialties: Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, Astronomy
Yeah. Not a STEM student, that one.
I dont agree.I'd rather wait a long while and develop what we have at least until essence 3 before branching out even then I'd prefer even essence 4 before branching to normal wizard stuff.
To quote Heinlein, specialization is for ants. The setting has challenges that cant be addressed from within the Infernal skillset as it currently stands. We arent pursuing Shih martial arts just for the coolness factor.
The Crown of Eyes gives information; Information is not learning.use the school as a focus and yes we only get one answer we can use said question on what will all assigned works at this school have as answers. We'd get an absurd amount of info we would not be overwhelmed by it though or get shortchanged.
Dont conflate the two.
I can give you the contents of every textbook in the John Hopkins medical course and it still wont make you a doctor.