Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I'd like to suggest upping Academics to 2 by the time Molly get back to school.
Higher her Academics is, faster she does school work, better her grades are, and the less Charity will harp on them.
Maybe not by the time, but definitely by the end of the year.


This catchall Knowledge covers the character's erudition in the humanities: literature, history, art, philosophy, and other "liberal" arts and sciences. A character with dots in Academics is generally well rounded in these fields, and at high levels may be considered an expert in one or more areas of study.
If you like, you can choose a specialty for Academics even at less than 4 dots.
Student: You're aware that 1066 isn't a Beverly Hills area code.
••College: You can quote from the classics, identify major cultural movements, and expound on the difference between Ming and Moghul.
•••Masters: You could get a paper published in a scholarly journal.
••••Doctorate: Professor emeritus
•••••Scholar: Scholars worldwide acknowledge you as one of the foremost experts of your time.
Possessed by: Professors, Literati, Topical Bloggers
Specialties: Poststructuralism, Impressionist Painting, Imperial Rome, Color Theory, Linguistics
Its cheap to buy Academics 2 at 2XP, and its good roleplaying for the soon-to-be 18 year old(she's 18 in Nov) to be at a college-level of education.

Academics 3 would be even better, and would only cost 4XP, but XP is needed elsewhere.
Specifically, Science, where Molly sucks:


You have at least a basic understanding of most of the physical sciences, such as chemistry, biology, physics, and geology. This Knowledge can be put to all forms of practical use. In most cases, a player should select a specialty to reflect a focus for her character's scientific studies, but this isn't strictly necessary.
Student: You know most of the highschool basics.
••College: You're familiar with the major theories.
•••Masters: You could teach high-school science.
••••Doctorate: You're fully capable of advancing the knowledge in your field.
•••••Scholar: Your Nobel Prize is waiting for you.
Possessed by: Scientists, Students, Researchers, Teachers, Engineers, Technicians, Pilots
Specialties: Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, Astronomy
Molly is Science 0.
Yeah. Not a STEM student, that one.
I'd rather wait a long while and develop what we have at least until essence 3 before branching out even then I'd prefer even essence 4 before branching to normal wizard stuff.
I dont agree.
To quote Heinlein, specialization is for ants. The setting has challenges that cant be addressed from within the Infernal skillset as it currently stands. We arent pursuing Shih martial arts just for the coolness factor.

use the school as a focus and yes we only get one answer we can use said question on what will all assigned works at this school have as answers. We'd get an absurd amount of info we would not be overwhelmed by it though or get shortchanged.
The Crown of Eyes gives information; Information is not learning.
Dont conflate the two.
I can give you the contents of every textbook in the John Hopkins medical course and it still wont make you a doctor.
use the school as a focus and yes we only get one answer we can use said question on what will all assigned works at this school have as answers. We'd get an absurd amount of info we would not be overwhelmed by it though or get shortchanged.
I don't think litigating the definition of "one question" will work that way, either.
BTW, there is actually a still used 'clippy', probably because programmers thought it funny. The rust programming language has a lint program distributed with it called 'clippy' - it's actually useful.
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The character has a route to get exalted sorcery if the xp is spent (the exaltation is the same as the exalted discover of sorcery, which was chosen at chargen for this exact effect).
Which probably means 'once or twice much later'.

Hedge magic is kind of ok, in certain applications (teleportation! voodoo! diabolism! accessing spirit realms!) but the most potent ones are all behind dots 4-5 and need teachers and mostly nothing that charms and exalted sorcery can't do better, not to mention the crown of plot device (summoning demons of knowledge pffft. How about making them).

I wonder if other elements of WoD have made the jump. Are the alphas going to be glasswalkers? Are the black court going to have a diabolist faction and the white court a 'artistic' faction and the red court essentially the sabbath? Are we going to find a quietly screaming earthbound 'demon' (fallen angel) that isn't a denarian somewhere in the hells?

Probably changes too much.
The travel abilities and Diabolism are really good for us though. Travel because it's cheap and DF doesn't have convenient supernatural options for that. Diabolism because we have a lot of options for pulling things from the hells, but relatively few that pull permanent or long lasting summons to apply them to.

Really we could probably get away with being really bad at summoning as long as we can do enough to get things to show up, because st that point we can use charms to deal with them instead of a a high quality binding circle.

I still like the idea of building robotic bodies to animate with cyber devils for physical minions, but we don't have a ruling what limits there would be on that if we're allowed to do so at all.

Even if it does work out there are resource, time, and subtly constraints on mini tanks built around shotguns and RC helicopters with suicide charges.

Human passing creatures like Binder's dumb muscle, or esoteric ones like the many monsters who can travel through mirrors even across a (weak) threshold have their uses.
use the school as a focus and yes we only get one answer we can use said question on what will all assigned works at this school have as answers. We'd get an absurd amount of info we would not be overwhelmed by it though or get shortchanged.
That feels like killing a wasp with a cruise missile strike supposing it works at all.

If we're leveraging magic why not just use the cyber devil? Talking to it in class would be tricky, but it knows what the material is and can think much faster than a human if I recall what DP has said correctly.

Order it to study our school materials in advance, then put together a cheat sheet for Molly to memorize with that world class intelligence score. It's not even technically cheating to do it that way, and most of public schooling can be managed with rote memorization instead of actual thought.

If that's not enough, put a single low profile Bluetooth earbud and have it periodically whisper information selected from the cheat sheet that Molly struggled with in class. Though if we're going that far we might as well put another one in the school computer system and have to pass answers to the primary one in Molly's phone.
With our craft score low science is pretty sad. I doubt we can justify trying crazier designs without some theoretical grounding IC.

Now that you mentioned this I'm surprised that DP let us make the armor we did, and implied we could set up gem and gold production without intrinsically magical processes, with Molly's complete lack of understanding in regards to what she'd be trying to do.

1-2 dots in science and technology would go a long way for us.
Maybe not by the time, but definitely by the end of the year.

Its cheap to buy Academics 2 at 2XP, and its good roleplaying for the soon-to-be 18 year old(she's 18 in Nov) to be at a college-level of education.

Academics 3 would be even better, and would only cost 4XP, but XP is needed elsewhere.
Specifically, Science, where Molly sucks:

Molly is Science 0.
Yeah. Not a STEM student, that one.

I dont agree.
To quote Heinlein, specialization is for ants. The setting has challenges that cant be addressed from within the Infernal skillset as it currently stands. We arent pursuing Shih martial arts just for the coolness factor.

The Crown of Eyes gives information; Information is not learning.
Dont conflate the two.
I can give you the contents of every textbook in the John Hopkins medical course and it still wont make you a doctor.
in fairness to the specialization its not like mabs a wizard, or the big foots, or dragons at least not in the same way a normal mortal practitioner is. We're an exalted our power set is already rather broad and while I'm sure hedge magic like literally everything has its uses once exp gets pushed into it I'd rather be a bit more specialized than bridging out at every single opportunity. Like we're essentially never fully going through everything even of the power sets we already have right? Actually how much exp would it take to get every infernal charm for example and the pre reqs to get them?
The travel abilities and Diabolism are really good for us though. Travel because it's cheap and DF doesn't have convenient supernatural options for that. Diabolism because we have a lot of options for pulling things from the hells, but relatively few that pull permanent or long lasting summons to apply them to.
GM mentioned that restoring the sorcery spell Demon of the First Circle is on the table.
Err....there are no First Circle Demons left to summon though. And there are non sorcerous ways to summon dark spirits.
The travel abilities and Diabolism are really good for us though. Travel because it's cheap and DF doesn't have convenient supernatural options for that. Diabolism because we have a lot of options for pulling things from the hells, but relatively few that pull permanent or long lasting summons to apply them to.

Really we could probably get away with being really bad at summoning as long as we can do enough to get things to show up, because st that point we can use charms to deal with them instead of a a high quality binding circle.

I still like the idea of building robotic bodies to animate with cyber devils for physical minions, but we don't have a ruling what limits there would be on that if we're allowed to do so at all.

Even if it does work out there are resource, time, and subtly constraints on mini tanks built around shotguns and RC helicopters with suicide charges.

Human passing creatures like Binder's dumb muscle, or esoteric ones like the many monsters who can travel through mirrors even across a (weak) threshold have their uses.

That feels like killing a wasp with a cruise missile strike supposing it works at all.

If we're leveraging magic why not just use the cyber devil? Talking to it in class would be tricky, but it knows what the material is and can think much faster than a human if I recall what DP has said correctly.

Order it to study our school materials in advance, then put together a cheat sheet for Molly to memorize with that world class intelligence score. It's not even technically cheating to do it that way, and most of public schooling can be managed with rote memorization instead of actual thought.

If that's not enough, put a single low profile Bluetooth earbud and have it periodically whisper information selected from the cheat sheet that Molly struggled with in class. Though if we're going that far we might as well put another one in the school computer system and have to pass answers to the primary one in Molly's phone.

With our craft score low science is pretty sad. I doubt we can justify trying crazier designs without some theoretical grounding IC.

Now that you mentioned this I'm surprised that DP let us make the armor we did, and implied we could set up gem and gold production without intrinsically magical processes, with Molly's complete lack of understanding in regards to what she'd be trying to do.

1-2 dots in science and technology would go a long way for us.
1)Travel is something thats covered mostly from inside the Infernal charmset. We already own a car.

We unlock Flight in a month, pickup Windborn Stride in 2x months, and can open gates into the NeverNever to use the Ways with Sorcery once we buy Calibration Gate.
Also, we could just buy that truck in a couple months and the Sorcery spell Keel Cleaves the Clouds to make it fly.

Or just buy Cirrus Skiff.

2)We need good DF Summoning, because thats the same school as Warding.
If you want to keep unwanted guests out of a location, or to contain something magically dangerous, thats mandatory.

3)Magic robots is basically building golems, and is its own specialty of Crafting.
Expensive, and requires stuff we dont have yet for the good ones, like a Dragons Nest.

If you're talking about mundane robotic bodies, 2022 technology does not incorporate reliable field robots, let alone that of 2006.
And how much time do you think we would have to spend on daily maintenance of a bunch of robots?
Remember, we're not Tony Stark.

4)Does not actually help us. Cyberdemons dont qualify as teachers; they're not summarizing courses of knowledge for us.
And all that trouble to attempt to cheat instead of spending just leaves us vulnerable when we might actually need that knowledge.
Its not just there to clutter up the char sheet.

5)Molly has first hand experience with jewelry, her father's mail, and more. When we see her in Proven Guilty she's wearing gold nose rings. And she is able to literally look up explicit recipes on the Internet. Monkey-see monkey-do copies do not require understanding; most good blacksmiths of yesteryear didnt know what chemical process they were exploiting.

Now if she was trying to improve or document it for the use of others, she'd have trouble.
But not for using it herself.

That said, yes, we do need 1-2 dots in Tech and Science at a minimum.
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Err....there are no First Circle Demons left to summon though. And there are non sorcerous ways to summon dark spirits.
Given that infernal becomes YamaKings the hells are in some way descended from Malfes. Not like any of the none Yama Kings would be able resist the spell. And more interested in questing to restore stuff then just spending XP. Not that summoning is hard in Dresden either, just have a minion do the summoning and Molly handle the other half.
Given that infernal becomes YamaKings the hells are in some way descended from Malfes. Not like any of the none Yama Kings would be able resist the spell. And more interested in questing to restore stuff then just spending XP. Not that summoning is hard in Dresden either, just have a minion do the summoning and Molly handle the other half.
1)We know the canon origins of several Yama Kings. None were Infernals.

2)No evidence the Hells here are descended from Malfeas.
This planet might not even be descended from Creation.
You're making unsupported assumptions my friend.

3) Summoning IS hard in DF.
Thats the point of the Oblivion War destroying books and information for contacting the Outer Gods.
Even harder is summoning something useful that wont try to eat you.

Ask poor Kim Delaney what happened when she tried to contain MacFinn's loup garou.
Potentially very much in that sense when magic is in play.

Note how Lasciel's Shadow became an independent soul with its own fate when it stopped being Lasciel's namesake and accepted a different name? Or Uriel's strong negative reaction to when Dresden called him Uri instead of Uriel; Uriel means "Light of God" or "God is my light" depending on the translator, and dropping the -el meant dropping the -of God.

Note that I can not speak for the GM; this is just me eyeballing the setting and sidling away from what I see as potential landmines.
I very firmly believe that you are confusing cause and outcome. If Lash changing was due to her being mentally separated by Harry from Lasciel, and accepting this. Calling Mouse Lasciel wouldn't turn him demonic. Same as naming Harry the son of Michael, after Harry Dresden, doesn't give Dresden power over him, or turn him into a Starborn.
Its cheap to buy Academics 2 at 2XP, and its good roleplaying for the soon-to-be 18 year old(she's 18 in Nov) to be at a college-level of education.

Academics 3 would be even better, and would only cost 4XP, but XP is needed elsewhere.
Specifically, Science, where Molly sucks:
Using the demonic lock trick for studying should also be helpful.
The Death-Strike
As an additional option, a dying mage MIGHT be allowed
a death-strike: a final act of magick that channels his remaining
life force into an attack or defense more powerful than anything
he could normally attempt. For this final strike, the player could
get one or two additional dice for his Arete roll and employ an
Effect that's one or two Ranks higher than his usual rating in
the Spheres. After that point, however, he dies.

Despite its name, a death-strike doesn't have to be an attack
– it could be an act of self-sacrifice to defend another party,
open a gate, summon a powerful entity, or perform some other
heroic feat. The death of Porthos Fitz-Empress, who contained
the implosion of Doissetep, provides a legendary example of
the death-strike in action. It's also worth noting that the bad
guys can do such things too... which is something to consider
if the heroes fight an enemy to the point of his demise.
As an interesting, if unrelated bit, I found this part in M20.

It seems death-curses aren't unknown to WoD, so ExWoD too.
I very firmly believe that you are confusing cause and outcome. If Lash changing was due to her being mentally separated by Harry from Lasciel, and accepting this. Calling Mouse Lasciel wouldn't turn him demonic. Same as naming Harry the son of Michael, after Harry Dresden, doesn't give Dresden power over him, or turn him into a Starborn.
See Mouse's lost elder brother, My Shadow. One of two Temple Dog puppies that Dresden didnt manage to recover, and showed up in the Zoo Day short story as a bad guy.

Or see Margaret Angelica Dresden, daughter of Harry Dresden and Susan Rodriguez, named after Margaret LeFay, who was infamous for her association with the sidhe in her lifetime. And note the amount of sidhe presence in her life while she is yet under the age of ten; she's met the Winter Queen, Winter Lady, the Leanansidhe, Kringle/the Winter King....

There is a little bit of the chicken and the egg problem going on here.
But Names matter in this universe whenever magic and magic people get involved.

Using the demonic lock trick for studying should also be helpful.
Requires an electronic lock for Hollow Mind Curse.
And I dont think there's any home circa 2006 with electronic locks.
A question, or at least something to consider for the future:
Splintered Gale Incarnation (•••••)
The Infernal flays herself apart, creating duplicates
of herself.

System: The Infernal spends 5 Essence and
screams, issuing forth a crimson gale that resolves into
a perfect copy of herself. This clone comes into the
world naked, perfectly loyal to its creator, precisely
aware of what it is, and in possession of the same per-
sonality and memories as the Infernal. It has the same
Traits as the Infernal, but is completely mortal, with
no magic of any sort.
Alternately, if the Infernal pos
sesses a working uterus, she can use this Charm to im
pregnate herself. This parthenogenetic child will grow
up to be a perfect physical duplicate of the Infernal,
but is otherwise a normal human being.

The Infernal can have up to her Essence rating in
clones alive and active at once. By spending 1 Essence,
she can cause a clone within her presence to unravel
back into crimson wind which she absorbs, granting
her all of the memories the clone accumulated during
its existence. If the Infernal wishes, she may re-create
specific absorbed clones in the future when using
Splintered Gale Incarnation.

If the Infernal should ever die while any of her
clones are abroad in the world, her body dissolves into
a screaming wind that streams across the world and
pours itself into the nearest clone. This destroys the
clone's memories and identity as the Infernal takes
over its body. Reincarnating in this fashion reduces the
Infernal's Essence rating by 1. If this would reduce her
to Essence 0, then reincarnation is impossible.

Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her
Shintai form, (Essence rating) clones emerge along
side her when her chrysalis shatters. They don't count
against the normal clone limit of Splintered Gale In-
carnation, and will vanish into crimson wind when the
Shintai form ends; they cannot be reabsorbed. To be
clear, these are clones of the Infernal's normal form,
not her Shintai body.
How does this interact with Shih martial arts?
Can clones expect to use Shih martial arts normally using Chi instead of Essence?
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Requires an electronic lock for Hollow Mind Curse.
And I dont think there's any home circa 2006 with electronic locks.
If we can't find one (and, for example, this tells me that there already was a smart lock industry in 2006, if "In 2006, ZKTeco started to step into the Smart Locks Industry, with its cutting edge biometric technology to provide security and convenience for home and office."), we could make one. It doesn't need to be complex , after all. Actually, it doesn't need to be a lock at all. It just needs to be a computer-controlled actuator. We could rig it to be a deadbolt. I mean, I saw electronic door locks in Russia in early 2000s. They may not be "home" devices, but they definitely exist in the business sector.
By the way, are exams usually handled with a rule of "you can leave the room once you are done"?

Cause if they are, that might trigger CCC too?
By the way, are exams usually handled with a rule of "you can leave the room once you are done"?

Cause if they are, that might trigger CCC too?
We might want to provide additional impetus to escape early to trigger it, such as drinking a couple liters of water beforehand, so that we really, really need to go for the restroom ASAP.
By the way, are exams usually handled with a rule of "you can leave the room once you are done"?

Cause if they are, that might trigger CCC too?
CCC would only trigger if we were physically prevented from leaving, not socially. For example making smart handcuffs and cuffing ourselves to the chair / table until we finish might work.
A question, or at least something to consider for the future:

How does this interact with Shih martial arts?
Can clones expect to use Shih martial arts normally using Chi instead of Essence?

Shish martial arts are Numia so they would not pass on, it said 'no magic', but the clone could technically learn them again the hard way since it is magic that uses only the lifeforce of the body and the clone has that. Basically she could but it would involve the long, grueling and potentially lethal process that is normal training in those arts

Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 17, 2022 at 3:44 PM, finished with 80 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] [Name] Clippy
    [X] [Stunt] You brace yourself, focusing on the beyond. You remember the first time you touched the legions of lesser cyber spirits and beckoned them forth. You hear a chorus of litanies, each a supplication from a desperate spirit. Yet there can only be one in the end and thus you pull and then bind. You force permanence or an attempt of it, for you had your supplicant, and you would have permanence.
    [x] [Name] Glitch
    [X] [Stunt]: Looking down at the phone in your hand, you frown a little, fingering the buttons a littlr as you attempt to put yourself in the right frame of mind to invest a sentience into the phone. Almost absently, you begin to hum one of your mother's favorite songs under your breath "Every breath you take..."
    [x] [Stunt] You gaze at the phone in your hands, a tiny piece of plastic, sand and tethered lightning. Closing your eyes, you can almost feel the wisps of mortal intent within it. Somewhere nearby, a teenager boots up her phone for the first time. She is excited to text friends late into the night. Elsewhere, a man curses his phone as it again attempts to sell him some useless fad pill. Even further away, a small child is delighted by talking with the virtual assistant, while downstairs his parents argue quietly. And yet... all these disparate events; moments where a human mind forgets that what they speak to is no more alive then a toaster, they are all connected. Joined in a vast web of mortal artifice that spans the world linking tiny phones and enormous mainframes. Who can say if this edifice dreams, and if it dreams, perhaps it dreams of the wicked city? As above, so it is below. And in a moment of synchronicity, a devil finds itself somewhere on the vast web of the internet. It races to what it senses is it's new home. Where it's mistress dwells. and soon through the tinny speaker emerges a new voice: "Hello mistress. How might this one serve?"
    [X] You put your phone to your ear, and whisper, softly, letting your breath carry the sound beyond the boundaries of mundanity. Your word, a name you chose to conjure by, the idea of what your seek to call, tries to find the power it is addressed to. It sifts through the infinite myriad possibilities inhabiting the grinding gears of the Demon City. And when it can't find the right demon, for no one with such a name exists? The infinite and absolute power, the eternal and unbreakable will and the Mandate of Creation placed upon your brow join together to reject such an outcome. Fate bends and twists and was always such that a loyal demon is summoned to do your bidding, ready and eager to bend the knee.
    [X] Link
    [X] [Name] Locutus (he who speaks)
    [X] Jeeves
If you're talking about mundane robotic bodies, 2022 technology does not incorporate reliable field robots, let alone that of 2006.
And how much time do you think we would have to spend on daily maintenance of a bunch of robots?
Remember, we're not Tony Stark.
I'm not talking about sci fi robotics.

My rationale here was that Molly already has the mechanical knowledge to basically build a car or similar vehicle from scratch. So it follows that she could build model sized versions of the same. Something like a heavily armored for its size chassis with an integrated gun would be more mechanically complex than a tiny pick up truck, but less than a backhoe or something unless we were getting really fancy.

Considering we had a legitimate option to use mundane craft to play at classical alchemy by making gold it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume this would be in reach in specialty.

The tricky part of this sort of thing is the software, and to a lesser extent the electrical setup, which we can't do well. However, we don't actually need to be good at that. We just need to be able to plug things in. Arduino properly launched in something like 2005, so setting up the hardware for the electronic control system wouldn't be difficult or expensive.

A high quality drone husk is something we could do for decades, the problem is the software. Which we can skip because all we need is enough electronics to house a cyber devil, which can then animate the subject.

If DP wants to block that on the basis of golem crafting being a distinct skill set mechanically that's one thing, but this isn't sci fi nonsense we're talking about here. The only cheat involved is the cyber devil.


Another less involved way to use this would be to craft contact fuses and set up our own explosives. Then mount them on RC helicopters.

Next time we fight someone who feels like being cute with the snipers picks a fight with us we have the cyber devil living in it make a suicide run.

They go to our anima after release, so other than some possible pain the cyber devil should be fine afterwards.

Depending on the payload and range we want keeping two or three in a light sling bag shouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

If we're assaulting a safe house or something we could bring significantly more and open up by sending everyone involved a personal expression of our displeasure. Anyone who can't take a fragmentation grenade directly to the face isn't worth Molly's time. :V
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Shish martial arts are Numia so they would not pass on, it said 'no magic', but the clone could technically learn them again the hard way since it is magic that uses only the lifeforce of the body and the clone has that. Basically she could but it would involve the long, grueling and potentially lethal process that is normal training in those arts
Would memories of original Molly provide any sort of bonus toward relearning the shih arts?
CCC would only trigger if we were physically prevented from leaving, not socially. For example making smart handcuffs and cuffing ourselves to the chair / table until we finish might work.
I think we should be careful with this sort of thing.

Playing games with CCC in a controlled environment is one thing, but handicapping ourselves in an environment we don't control, as this or that armor proposal you had earlier would strikes me as dangerous.
I was thinking, about my earlier list of charms that, in my opinion, we need to consider getting, and I decided to refine it a bit.

Charms to get ASAP!:
Lanka: Scar-Writ Saga Shield

Lanka: Viridian Legend Exoskeleton

Hell of Being Skinned Alive: Running to Forever

Wicked City: Raw Edged Paranoia Principle

Lanka: The City Still Stands

Charms that would be very good to have:
Kakuri: Bloodless Murk Evasion

Hell of Being Skinned Alive: Sandstrike Blast

Hell of Being Skinned Alive: Silence of the Inverted Spires

Hell of Being Skinned Alive: Windborn Stride

Hell of Being Skinned Alive: Faster Than Sight

Hell of Being Skinned Alive: Who Strikes the Wind

Wicked City: Mind-Hand Manipulation

Hell of Boiling Oil: Rendered Villain Dispersal

Hell of Burrowing Maggots: Hellscry Chakra

Hell of Burrowing Maggots: Demonic Primacy of Essence

Hell of Burrowing Maggots: Hellwalker Technique

Wicked City: ConstruCtive ConvergenCe oF prinCiples

I'm kind of not sure about Windborn Strike, and the two Perfects if they should be in the 'Get ASAP' list or not, but figured I'd put them on a slightly lower category

Any charms you think should be in the 'get ASAP' category I haven't listed?
Are there ones you think shouldn't be included in the 'get ASAP' category I did?

Oh, and something else.
If our first two purchasing periods are anything to go by, we'll have enough XP to purchase Essence 3, but that would use up most of the XP we'll have. Should we go for more charms and abilities, or go direct for Essence 3, and get the others on the next go around, or improve our ability to use Essence first?
I'd swap running to forever with wind borne stride, since the speed boost has more immediate value. BME should probably also be higher on the list because it's the most readily available perfect defense and has value as a combat teleport charm even when we get something else to replace it.

I think sand strike could use demoting; it's an exp cost for an ability that could clog our essence per turn bottleneck when we're setting things up.

It also doesn't mesh well with our other skills. There isn't much we can do to make it better, or squeeze more use out of it than it already presents.

For the moment we just need to make people choose between moving and shooting at us. Transcendent Anathema!Uzi could do that job just fine for the price of an afternoon on google and a crafting project.