Form of Ash and Dust (1 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of death. It might be a funeral garment, or an old bone, or decorated with skulls. It might be smeared with crematory ash. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the power of death. Other Elements may draw upon this fact. The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Underworld when made to manifest, if its owner desires. As the basis for an Adornment, it grants its user the ability to see and interact with ghosts on the other side of the Shroud. As the basis for a Fascination, it can interact with both the land of the living and the Underworld.
Form of Crackling Fire (1 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor takes the form of something that is hot, or brightly-colored, or energetic. It might be decorated with flame-like markings, it might actually be on fire, or it might simply be a free-standing flame which does not burn its owner. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of fire. Other Elements may draw upon this fact. The Splendor cannot be burned. As an Adornment, it lowers the difficulty for its user to soak damage from heat or fire by two, or allows them to soak their Stamina to soak such damage if they're not normally able. As the basis for a Fascination, it may generate the creator's choice of: sufficient warmth to provide protection from freezing weather; sufficient light to see for (Splendor's rating) x 10 yards around the Splendor; or may be literally ablaze with the intensity of a bonfire.
Form of Imminent Violence (1 pt. Form Element)(Great Sword)
The Splendor takes the form of a weapon. It has the traits of a Melee weapon such as a sword or mace, or an archaic ranged weapon such as a bow. The Splendor must also have a one-point Form Element with some sort of character to it.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of fire, this weapon burns red-hot when swung and its damage is considered to be fire damage.
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of death, this weapon inflicts aggravated damage to Ghosts.
Form of the Hero's Shadow (2 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor manifests in the world as an enchantment embedded in a specific person present at the time of its summoning, chosen by its owner. If it has no other Form Element, then it appears as a mark like a tattoo somewhere on the infected individual's body. Wherever they go,so too goes the Splendor. If it has a physical Form Element, then it appears in the infected individual's possession, and will always return to them at the beginning of each scene even if thrown away, left behind, or given away. If its physical Form is something immobile like a tree, then the targeted individual is going to find that tree wherever they go for the duration of the Splendor's manifestation.
If the Splendor is an Adornment, then this Element allows its benefits to be enjoyed by the
person to whom the Splendor is attached, even if they're not its owner and not attuned to it. Even if they're not Exalted at all.
Shattering Futility (6 pt. Root Element)((Dexterity) + (Athletics)Dodging)
This Splendor damns its targets to futile toil. Name a roll consisting of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty. Afflicted targets automatically fail this roll whenever they attempt it. No matter what the dice say, they always generate zero successes. Alternately, a more mundane task can be selected, such as "waking up on time," "using a fork," or "dressing yourself." The maximum duration this curse can last (assuming it doesn't abate because the target fulfilled some condition built into the Splendor) is one day for a 1-2 dot Splendor, one week for a 3-dot Splendor, one month for a 4-dot Splendor, and one year for a 5-dot Splendor
Deadly Poison (1 pt. Mystic Element)
The Splendor afflicts those it targets with a deadly poison. Poisoned individuals must make a Stamina roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run its course.
This Element is normally part of a Fascination. It may only be incorporated into an Adornment if that Adornment has the Form of Imminent Violence, in which case the weapon is envenomed and delivers this Element upon inflicting lethal damage.