It seems there was some brain damage after all
@DragonParadox Was that entire talk Lash had with Mutt not long enough for us to get any essence regen?
@DragonParadox Was that entire talk Lash had with Mutt not long enough for us to get any essence regen?
Agreed let's get it.Lydia's heavily implied daddy dearest played hooky with the Egyptians for her creation. I am legit interested in what's going on there.
Lydia's inexperience with this kind of thing means she kind of needs this imo, and if she faulters Molly is right there to back her up.I feel like either Lydia or Molly are the best choices, not quite sure with whom to go yet.
Recent enough that it changing now would cause unwonted complications.It was true at the time, but things change.
I like the tree design I posted earlier as a generalized solution for despair eaters. We can work something out for the others too, but Skavis need an artificial source more than they do.
Offer? Why? We're here to talk to someone who might be willing to talk back.
With the other incidents that appear to have happened, everybody appears to be suffering at least some pressure.The proprietor at the Hanging Gardens, Arlene Ghorbani is also looking for strays before the city can chew them up spit them back up, though she's suffered a loss recently, her number two, the incubus Kenneth Mayeda had gone missing, some say he's skipped down after the fire at Club Xanadu that rumour has it he was involved with, though Silk No Last Name Apparently, the mage in charge, had not come forward to point any fingers.
At the very least, thats unfair to Arawn.If that ends up being the case we need story time with Arawn, cause that'd be crazy.
I doubt it is though, because Arawn is a guppy and a fuckup. If he had a kid with a goddess big enough for us to know the name of he wouldn't be the only side of her heritage to express itself.
Lydia's runejacket and the jade talisman are both loot from the last couple of major fights they got into; the jacket was from Kattrin, and the ghost-jade talisman from the Will of Kakuri.* Not to just keep stacking crafting task, but we really should let our circle and near circle allies feel the love too. Splendors are a lot, but prodigies can be very powerful too. Even handing out some weapons and armor from the FCF would take even less time and be a straightforward improvement.
Their quest reward for Vegas should a bunch of ray guns.
@DragonParadox Can Prodigies have Splendors attached to them? I was looking at the rules for them and nothing says they can't be but that's not the same as an endorsement but they seem to go together really well.
Prodigies are directly related to their function and can only be overtly Supernatural at high levels while Splendors are solidified sorcery attached to a vessel so it stands to reason that Prodigy as directly Enchanted objects could be used as vessels for solidified sorcery in a not dissimilar manner to Exalted Artifacts but that's more of a reading into the fluff rather than an actual stated phenomenon.
There's only so far I'm willing to go to placate Lara. She can be a problem, but I'm not willing to completely forgo a real solution to this problem until she allows it.Recent enough that it changing now would cause unwonted complications.
Not particularly.
We know OOC that Whampires can learn to feed from different emotions than their original, and the QM has confirmed that we can bargain to have it be taught. Its just a matter of if its a priority for us.
Because we're going to ask for information and don't have a particular reason to believe it's related? It could be, but it's not like we can prove it.Offer? Why? We're here to talk to someone who might be willing to talk back.
Part of the reason I mentioned coming here was specifically because, and I quote:
Elaborate deals no, but Harry usually ended up paying one way or another anyway. Either in his ongoing tolerance of their presence, in solving their problems for them, or by some other means.With the other incidents that appear to have happened, everybody appears to be suffering at least some pressure.
Besides, you dont have to make grand elaborate deals for information.
Think of it this way: if Harry had to offer a service everytime he went to a Marcone or Raith front for information, he'd be so deep in hock he'd never have dug his way out.
How's that saying go? Takes you most of a decade to get people to call you doctor, but fuck one goat and guess what you're going to hear about forever?
Fair on Lash, but the jacket wasn't even something we wanted. It's also from something like the third arc of the game. Harry is old fashioned because he has to be, I don't see him passing on a better weapon.Lydia's runejacket and the jade talisman are both loot from the last couple of major fights they got into; the jacket was from Kattrin, and the ghost-jade talisman from the Will of Kakuri.
Lash's body was built on a 5-dot arcana.
Most of the people in Molly's circles would get no benefit from ray guns either; only person here with even Firearms 1 is Harry, and he is resolutely old-fashioned in his preferences.
Respectfully, this appears to largely be a you problem.Yeah I just get kind of frustrated with the complete lack of Engagement I guess with the infrastructure of how we are meant to use our abilities. We chose to be a witch as well as an infernal with high occult and high craft but then there's always an argument about what we can use it on how we can use it or if we can make those things better and it always feels draining.
Why bother being an infernal or playing a witch or wizard if you're never going to do magic make magic items or going to affect change in the world around you why even bother playing exalted at that point it's just deeply frustrating.
Maybe I can kind of understand it cuz in real life better crafting or industrialization is literally all about numbers go up. In exalted and in general magic settings the adventure comes from you need to gather a pure Elemental water so you can make this specific metal for this specific Wonder.
So to me there is a story to be told there that doesn't revolve around talking to the awful fairies and having to deal with the generally terrible things that we do not get to kill that is still interesting and benefits our character and Our Character like Lily helping her really put me back on. That is using your abilities to effect a real change in the world to help somebody.
Corrupt politicians? Corrupt police? Housing issues?Then let me get to the real kicker the out and out rejection of messing with real things. Corrupt politicians corrupt police dealing with the housing issues like anything that might affect a real change in people's lives that is complete within our ability to do something about rejected out of hand.
Now Dragon Paradox may have said something about not want to deal with real world stuff that I missed but I don't think they did but it still was just rejected. That's the kind of stuff at least to me that makes up the meat and potatoes of exalted you've got the real politic and you've got the Fantastical elements.
We arent rash enough to get stuck into something without any idea of handling the aftermath.The fact that we didn't jump on the White Court influence peddling and trafficking rings made my fuckin brain and heart hurt so bad. The fact we didn't kill that sadistic evil deity that chose to be a sadistic evil deity and we killed one of his followers makes me want to fucking scream That thing is an obligate kidnapper and torturer Praying On innocent people And we let it get away twice.
I dont think I agree with this characterization, but Im willing to table this discussion until sometime when its actually relevant.There's only so far I'm willing to go to placate Lara. She can be a problem, but I'm not willing to completely forgo a real solution to this problem until she allows it.
We didn't lie, the situation changed - but not in a way that makes a difference compared to the other draws of working for us. I don't want to burn down a fragile and valuable peace, but if Lara wants to make something of this we know where she lives.
Learning new feeding styles is good, but it's not a replacement for new fledglings or special cases and it's really hard to do. A stable and ethical form of food is the holy grail for solving their problem.
Molly is rolling Perception 3 + Empathy 5 + Empathy Excellency + All Things Betray.Because we're going to ask for information and don't have a particular reason to believe it's related? It could be, but it's not like we can prove it.
Nope, I do not agree. Thats generally never been how Dresden worked.Elaborate deals no, but Harry usually ended up paying one way or another anyway. Either in his ongoing tolerance of their presence, in solving their problems for them, or by some other means.
We aren't a long term local player whose actions they feel are mostly beneficial to them.
Lol.How's that saying go? Takes you most of a decade to get people to call you doctor, but fuck one goat and guess what you're going to hear about forever?
He's partially responsible for both world wars and the propagation of a viable necromantic ascension ritual. In exchange for which he abandoned all the people he lead into Winter's grasp and set off on the losing side of the world's most predictable manhunt.
Arawn earned it.
We still gave it up. It could have been a reagent, or traded for something else.Fair on Lash, but the jacket wasn't even something we wanted. It's also from something like the third arc of the game. Harry is old fashioned because he has to be, I don't see him passing on a better weapon.
Worth noting on this one that as the result of Lara's deal with us she's effectively rested a cornerstone of her reign on a nonaggression pact/dubious arrangement of some sort with us. We ate a (tiny) outer knight in her backyard and everything.Put a stop to a prospective genocidal campaign against human talents
You're the one suggesting she'll take issue with us building a solution to the skavis dietary problem. Either she does or she doesn't, and this one one of those places I'm willing to tell her to take a hike over; it's too important to too many people.I dont think I agree with this characterization, but Im willing to table this discussion until sometime when its actually relevant.
There's only so much we can learn that way, and Sandra's location isn't likely to be in the set of things we can read from body language.Molly is rolling Perception 3 + Empathy 5 + Empathy Excellency + All Things Betray.
And thats not counting whatever the other members of our warparty might be throwing into the kitty.
We are walking out of that scene with a lot more information than we come in with, one way or the other.
It's exactly how he works, he just doesn't look at it that way.Nope, I do not agree. Thats generally never been how Dresden worked
1) the Archive still charged for things that added additional risk to her day, don't see why this would be different.1) The Mesopotamian Pantheon almost certainly spent their own time on the Outer Gates backing up the Fae, and thats assuming that Ishtar herself isnt simply an old mask of Aphrodite.
Outsider/Outsider agent activity in her vicinity is very much not in her interests or that of her goddess.
2) We're a heavy hitter of some recent and growing infamy.
The Cult of Ishtar's second in command was a Whampire and will thus have been aware of some of the details of the White Court purge and conveyed such to his boss. I guarantee the head will recognize us from that, if nothing else.
I dont expect her to endanger herself or her Cult's interests, but I do expect her to be decently cooperative.
The rest is why we have social Excellencies for talking to mortals.
His encounter happened while Kemmler was still doing that stuff, and one of the consequences of letting a wizard tier necromancer go is that they're going to get go to some shit. The fact that Khemmler could legitimately make a divine mantle of death should have been a red flag.That said, no, thats ascribing him too much credit/blame. The Dresdenverse World Wars are the result of allegedly around a hundred and fifty years worth of schemes and plots on the part of Kemmler and his allies. Killing Kemmler when he ran into him might have mitigated events, but at that point I dont see his death stopping events.
Following her hand you spot what seems at first to be a mannequin, some oversized puppet meant to descent as part of the experience, but then you catch sight of a pale face caught in the throes of unspeakable agony, frozen in death and as the light of Harry's staff reaches up you see that the strings are the man's own entrails glistening red and black.
Your stomach churns and part of you wants to just vomit and curl up into a ball, wanting someone anyone to fix this... but you know there is no fixing it now, there is only avenging it and it's up to you.
On you run, shoes clanking almost obscenely loud in the silence between the sighs and moans of the dead, as though with unpious hands you had chosen to open a grave and turn the corpse about to see how it had died. No, you push off the feeling of trespass, recognizing it for what it is, the spoor of spiritual scavengers trying to keep others off their meal.
Set aside the 'mundane' horrors of industrial warfare if you like, how many people going through the above and worse was freedom he couldn't keep worth?"Don't look!" you shout back to Lydia. You mostly take your own advice, but you know even the glimpses you catch of them will haunt your nightmares. These people, you think it is more of the staff had died... badly. One woman with her wrists bound together in mockery of prayer and her neck slashed open starts to twitch as though to shamble to her feet, but then she jerks and falls, mercifully inanimate again. Whatever power the dark had gotten it was not infinite.
There are a lot of things that would take an hour IC to do, and so far we've sold more stuff than we've used on our circle or character. They're also doing a lot of work for us essentially free or at their expense.And thats despite Molly only getting Exalted Crafting at the start of Arc 10.
There's a reason he carries a gun in the first place though. It does at least something to most creatures and doesn't tax his magical stamina.Furthermore, you need to remember that Dresden doesnt carry a gun as his primary damage dealing device, so maximum damage is not something he wants in a sidepiece. And given his occasional brushes with the law inside and outside Chicago, he has additional reason to stick to recognizable, 2nd Amendment-approved firearms
We know several things:If that ends up being the case we need story time with Arawn, cause that'd be crazy.
I doubt it is though, because Arawn is a guppy and a fuckup. If he had a kid with a goddess big enough for us to know the name of he wouldn't be the only side of her heritage to express itself.
That would be leadership excellency. Molly doesn't get access to attribute excellencies.[X] Ask to speak to Arlene about a business proposition (Charisma + Leadership)
-[X] Charisma excellency
Inherently you are correct it was an expressed opinion by me. As well you are correct with the crafting it doesn't feel like it because we didn't use it for ourselves or our immediate circle but yeah we've been we've been hitting it pretty consistently. No let's go over that list two of those are directly helping Court Fae which range from untrustworthy beings that you wouldn't want to leave alone with anyone you care about to outright evil like Mab and Leahansinide lesser evils Than The Outsiders true but evil nonetheless.Respectfully, this appears to largely be a you problem.
Molly Carpenter started out this quest investing around 8AP over six arcs in singlehandedly building out Last Station from its dilapidated origins to the currently status as an advanced magitech base and community living area.
She just bought Constructive Convergence of Principles at the beginning of Arc 10; in that time she has used it to build the 5-dot Arcana that formed the basis for Lash's body, then made Lily a protective 3-dot Splendor to fuck over Nemesis, and she is still going to make some for Ivy's agents to help with their job regarding the Oblivion War.
And she is still building Porter an armored train chassis in the next couple of months.
The assertion that we dont leverage is just flatout untrue.
We do more than our fair share of making shit. The argument that we should spend even more time on it is, at best, one that is being based on dubious premises.
Corrupt politicians? Corrupt police? Housing issues?
None of this has ever been a significant element of the Dresdenverse or World of Darkness metaplot, and I fail to see why you expect it to be so now in an urban fantasy quest.
Nor I fail to see any reason why we would find it entertaining; this isnt a society builder.
And frankly if I was the QM, I would prefer to avoid shit adjacent to RL politics in a fantasy quest.
Real change in people's lives?
In the last six months, Molly has
And thats not counting the 90-something people she's currently feeding in Last Station.
- Put Mab's primary necromancy agent back into operation,
- Directly and indirectly caused the death of multiple Thule Society assets, including two board members
- Prevented a plot aimed at the death of a Senior Council member
- Removed a major agent of the Daimyo of the Dark
- Put a stop to a prospective genocidal campaign against human talents
- Removed Nemesis influence from both Fae Courts
Or the millions in Sanctuary that are currently under the coverage of MiS.
The argument that "she's not doing real change" is on its own face untrue.
We arent rash enough to get stuck into something without any idea of handling the aftermath.
While the Whampire influence peddling is run by the White Court, most of what it is is mundane crime which we can do fuckall about. So we identify and we watch.
Its a naagloshii.
Its not the worst thing we're going to have to deal with, by a longshot.
If nothing else, it doesnt want to burn Creation down.
You're not wrong about the white court's behavior making things worse, but the idea that we could just snap our fingers and fix it is about as absurd as the idea that buddy cop movie tactics would solve the fentanyl crisis.The white courts presence in those areas inherently exacerbates the issues that already plague Humanity with human trafficking and general corruption of Institution.
Did you read the thread around then? There were good reasons for this, including but not limited to trading an unknown number of innocent lives away just to make the attempt.
Some things don't have a permanent saved for the rest of time fix. It's work you can get better at, but always have to put in.At last the Oblivion War I'm going to be completely honest here is horseshit
I'd say shatterimg the WC as an organisation is definitly a step in the right direction, eigher by killing the Raiths or forcing Lara to push too far.Lara isn't a god queen and there's only so far her people can be pushed before the organization shatters, leaving behind countless independent monsters in the gap. If they were all that we needed to deal with doing so properly would still be a slog, and we have more than that on our plate.
We've made a good start, but there's no reasonable way we could actually make any more progress than we did in a lasting way.
You're not wrong about the white court's behavior making things worse, but the idea that we could just snap our fingers and fix it is about as absurd as the idea that buddy cop movie tactics would solve the fentanyl crisis.
Lara isn't a god queen and there's only so far her people can be pushed before the organization shatters, leaving behind countless independent monsters in the gap. If they were all that we needed to deal with doing so properly would still be a slog, and we have more than that on our plate.
We've made a good start, but there's no reasonable way we could actually make any more progress than we did in a lasting way.
Did you read the thread around then? There were good reasons for this, including but not limited to trading an unknown number of innocent lives away just to make the attempt.
"Just outfox a guy who lives on treachery and thinks Molly literally has a fetish for the same" isn't a small ask.
Here's what I think would have happened if we did it your way:
1) An unknown but large number of innocent people would die horribly because Broken Seeker knows it's a lever to use against us.
2) It would not have worked because he'd have seen it coming and had an exit strategy. Could he have beat us in a fight at the time? Depends on the details. But get away? That he should be very good at.
3) It'd harm our ability to interact with the supernatural because most of them are predatory and do not give a shit about our moral affront. Which is the difference between having Odin around when we needed mercenaries and not, between making deals that protect the Ordo and not, between the white council being able to trust our word and not. Breaking your word always screws you in the end in the DF, don't give it if you don't mean it.
Pretty much all of us want him dead, he lived because he outplayed us before we even talked to him for the first time and there was only so far we could wriggle out of that in the time we had. If so much other stuff wasn't going on I'd have voted to hunt him down and kill him before he knows we're around.
Some things don't have a permanent saved for the rest of time fix. It's work you can get better at, but always have to put in.
We've helped, and can potentially dominate this war beyond what anyone has done before. Those aren't without value simply because they aren't immediate simple fixes.
You're acting like we just ignored obvious simple ways to make things better. It'd be stupid to claim we haven't made any mistakes, but the reason has typically been that what you're proposing would fail and have nasty consequences in that failure.
It's your prerogative to disagree, but our actions to date aren't mind bogglingly stupid.
That depends on a lot of different things. I view it like the difference between having a sword lodged in your gut and being riddled with shrapnel.I'd say shatterimg the WC as an organisation is definitly a step in the right direction, eigher by killing the Raiths or forcing Lara to push too far.
Individual monsters, particularly low-end Whamps, the weakest of vampires, are a lot more vulnerable to mortals than the White Court as an organisation is.That depends on a lot of different things. I view it like the difference between having a sword lodged in your gut and being riddled with shrapnel.
The white court as an organization is self evidently a bad actor that at minimum facilitates awful crimes. That doesn't mean that blowing it up solves the problem so that we can ride off over the horizon to the next problem. Almost all the monsters doing the work are still there; you just killed some of their bosses, leaving them with no rules to follow but their own.
We weren't in a position to shatter them and deal with the shrapnel at the time, and aren't really in one to do so now. Trying before we can ensure that is like starting a surgery and leaving halfway through to get lunch.
This runs into a few problems:I will admit we can't just snap our fingers and solve those issues with the white Court but we are essentially two questions away from the problem person at any given scene once we got that net from that Crown question about the network. The ability to find and destroy individual actors became instant I guess I would say.
Through knowing that net we can find out when a shipment or event is going on depending on if it's an influence peddling or blackmail thing or human trafficking types situation. Use a question who is the White Court agent behind this on the scene. Get them then use the another question where is the White Court vampire behind this on that person. Suddenly this human trafficking or influence pedaling ring is immediately lacking Supernatural backing which makes them not easy pickings but suddenly not impossible pickings for regular law enforcement.
The supernatural world is composed of entities as alien to each other as they are to humanity. Their social mores exist where they've been pounded into their heads by millennia of nonsense. Don't make a promise and then break it, they don't give a damn about checking your reasoning because half the time it doesn't make sense to them anyway.On the predatory Supernaturals front. I do not believe that it would actually damage our relations I think that was fear-mongering but most if not all predatory Supernaturals would realize exactly what happened old Predator messes with younger predator bites off more than they can chew they die it's a tale as old as predator and prey to be honest. If they saw it as more than that they could also see it as this person dealt an insult to us so they had to go which they will also understand even if we did it considerably faster than any Fey or God would get back at an individual who wronged them.