1) American government has failed at X for the last two hundred years, meaning it's doomed to fail forevermore is fallacious thinking. That something hasn't succeeded yet, doesn't mean it can't succeed.
2) I feel that you might be conflating several issues here. Whether LoC is or isn't an enforcement agency bears little relevance to how much we should involve ourselves in the current situation, which is setting up a treaty of Las Vegas and establishing the relationship between its new ruler and USA government. Right now, Las Vegas is in a rare situation where human-led alliance might take the leading role in the supernatural world. That's not something you see often in Dresdenverse, humans, even magical humans, are usually cattle. We (I) want the situation to succeed. This means we need to back it up. Staging rights, involvement in the situation, backing for the new ruler in some regards, so they can stay somewhat independent. Etc.
But, returning back to LoC. It can speak for USA government in at least some capacity. Their senior agents can get urgent in-person briefs with PotUS. They have political sway, and a lot of it.
1)I would post that gif of Far Cry 3's Vaas asking about the definition of insanity here, but I dont want to risk coming off as insulting instead of funny.
The problem as I see it is that the fundamentals didnt change before, and there is no reason to believe the fundamentals have changed now. The same basic imperatives that led the US to go fucking around with demons in the 20th century is precisely the reason why I am increasingly coming over to an autonomous Library as the least evil.
Right now, in the setting, the US invaded Iraq, using the excuse of Afghanistan, and was making noises about Iran before Iraq became a quagmire. Thats precisely the sort of political opportunism you dont want. Hell, the Library started actively keeping the US govt out of this shit after the McCarthy witch hunts in the 1950s, so they share my skepticism.
There's a reason Dresden was uneasy about involving a govt agency with the akuma.
And its not just because he's got authority issues.
2) The Sin Eater explicitly had previous agents before the late Dragon.
Las Vegas was an oasis, and Native Americans explicitly lived in the Las Vegas valley before the coming of Europeans.
I dont really find the idea that Harrowmont is the first human very credible.
3)All this handwringing about no human involvement? The White Council may be a bunch of fuddy-duddies, but they are all human wizards, born of human parents, and have been involved in this thing since the fall of Rome. Similarly, human dominated organizations like the Venatori Umborum and the Shih have been a thing.
The difference is that all these NGOs try to avoid partisan political agendas, which has largely served well in insulating them from political pressures and opportunism.
A government agency under congressional oversight? Is very much not.
Your argument is, literally, as I read it, that international politics cannot be a net positive. If that is, in fact, your argument, I am sorry, but this is ridiculous.
Its that political oversight by governments and individuals whose priorities are securing careers and geopolitical dominance is very much not appropriate for existential threats from beyond space-time . Especially if you are going to actually trust them with this, instead of pretending to and keeping an eye over their shoulder in order to pull them away.
There's a reason why responsibility for existential threats were given into the hands of people who cant actually break their word under normal circumstances: the Sin Eater and the Fae.
Its not like humans werent available then.
My read is that they haven't because the supernatural world strangles any real attempt before it can get anywhere and their core mission of keeping literal vampires from completely controlling Congress was more important than one more failed attempt.
The surpassingly rare alignment of circumstances here makes it possible for Vegas to become a stronghold where no one with the ability to do that is willing to try. Mortals are only helpless when they're ignorant and denied the ability to build tools/infrastructure. If they have the space to build up in they can potentially reach the level where they can actually do the job people are asking of them.
Maybe it doesn't end up being the library so much as whatever organization they trust enough to do the job while they run oversight, but the difference is largely academic at this level.
Thats not my read.
Literally noone cared enough to stop Marcone signing up to the Accords once he got sponsors; even the Denarians only used it as an excuse to lure the Archive into snatching distance. The Sin-Eater has had representatives since he took the job back in prehistory; there is no indication that he only picked vampires and fae and spirits.
I will also point out that the Masquerade as it exists is pretty new by supernatural standards. Prior to the 17th century, this stuff was taken for granted. Cardinal De Richelieu(1585-1642 IRL) is literally in Mab's garden for allegedly fucking around and finding out, if I recall Butcher correctly.
It wasnt that long ago that nations in the West were burning witches at the stake; the last official execution for witchcraft in the UK was in 1727, and the last such execution in Switzerland was 1782. Iceland still has rules and customs about construction sites and rules for fear of disturbing the elves(yes, thats