Offhand does anyone want to buy true faith some day for Molly? Like I'm not sure I do it might give some flavor way later for developing something who knows.
Was all the world a desert through it could only crawl... or was it more like the beach and all Molly Carpenter had to to was drag herself to the nearest lemonade stand before she could stand up and all the world should shake beneath her tread.
OOC: Bob definitely rolled, something this turn, but since it's not your roll you would have to ask him or he'd have to tell you before you can see it.
If so, we should roll seduction straight fucking back. My position has not changed one iota from what it was months earlier in this thread:
"We have to date the skull. We have to date the skull."
He is adorable, endearing, 90% wit and snark by volume, is about as close to Harry as Molly is realistically ever going to get, and just shy of being a world ending threat himself which... lets be honest... is nothing but a plus considering what Molly is. A birthday just has to tick past first.
Bob is true to form and making the sorts of insights that make him so powerful and dangerous.
The implication of his analogy is interesting, especially when you consider that the legacy of the Yozi is a nature entirely capable of powering all it's own energy needs.
Maybe the eventual barrier is less a matter of the world not being able to run Molly's full power and more a matter of finally getting a decent drink.
Meat is murder can apply to a lot of things I suppose, although I think a lot of people would get worried if Molly started trying to eat multiple Excaliburs worth of magic energy.
[X] Plan hitting the books -[X] Question Bob about... --[X] The strategies of Winter --[X] Mab's history -[X] Read the Accords --[X] Provisions, what is this pact Mab put her power on the line for ---[X] Preload Occult excellency for better comprehension -[X] Ask Lydia to look through her library for books speaking of Mab or otherwise connected to her to use as crown foci. The questions to be asked, from the most important to the least important
[X] Plan hitting the books -[X] Question Bob about... -[X] The strategies of Winter --[X] Mab's history ---[X] Empathy excellency to coach more out of Bob -[X] Read the Accords --[X] Provisions, what is this pact Mab put her power on the line for ---[X] Use the Crown on the provisions to ask "what does the fae responsible for these accords thinks she knows about the power currently held by Molly Carpenter?" ----[X] Preload Occult excellency and ATB for better comprehension of the answer -[X] Ask Lydia to look through her library for books speaking of Mab or otherwise connected to her to use as crown foci. The questions to be asked, from the most important to the least important --[X] What does Mab want from the meeting with Molly? --[X] What does Mab plan to entice Molly with? --[X] What is the single thing, be it a finite service, piece of information or an object, that Mab would pay the most for?
Well, if they're worried the energy field is bigger than our head, there is an easy solution: Get at least enough of a world body for it not to be the case anymore.
Well, if they're worried the energy field is bigger than our head, there is an easy solution: Get at least enough of a world body for it not to be the case anymore.
The more I think about it the more I think we need to know why Mab wanted Molly kidnapped. She is already an enemy, I'm glad people are discussing possibly killing her in future.
I'm kinda getting the feeling people want to kill her for more petty reasons than to actually make things better most of the time. Cause the ideas played out are mostly killing her and essentially changing nothing.
There are plenty of beings we should focus on killing before Mab for so many more worthwhile reasons.
From what Molly knows on the matter angelic visitations are not always, or indeed often about giant wars about to happen, sometimes it's just that someone needs to hear or see something deeply personal to their own struggles
As for Mab being ambushed in Chicago, Molly knows Mab is not easy to ambush army or no. Ambushing her while also not breaching the masquerade takes that to even more unlikely odds. Maybe Murphy would not make that judgement, but you are not bound to follow her judgement in all things. Molly made a promise like a regular human, because as far as the weird and wacky contract laws of the supernatural is concerned she is one. Her power does not wane from making such judgement calls and odds are Karin Murphy who does not know much about how promises are handled among magic folk would expect something like this
1)Wars no. Inflection points, and the accompanying disruption? Yes.
At least in Dresdenverse lore so far; angels dont appear to name themselves, or allow themselves to be identified as such otherwise. Everytime an angel shows up to a mortal in a form that makes them identifiable as one, it tends to imply
Dresden's met at least three as of Skin Games; Uriel is the only one thats named, and he only showed up as himself after Mab identified outed him. When he intervened in Small Favor, Dresden never even knew he was there.
The other two he only noticed because he was dead at the time.
Still, personal knowledge of a 17 year old is plausibly limited, especially with her Occult 5 being a little out of date.
And Usum has no applicable knowledge of the angelic host(s) in this AU to cover for the gaps in her knowledge.
The events of last Halloween, with the failure of power and advanced technology in the city of Chicago, the roaming undead, the multiple firefights in the street, and the revenant TRex. Molly would have been witness to the power failures and tech issues as a Chicago resident, and Bob presumably told her about the rest when he talked about the zombie T-rex.
Someone trying to openly assassinate Mab is likely to have as much regard for the Masquerade as the Kemmlerites did in Dead Beat. Doesnt necessarily mean they'll succeed, but the splash radius will be...dire.
I'd be entirely happy for a ruling that nothing is gonna happen.
Because thats been my private worry ever since she scheduled a meeting in Chicago for Halloween, that something or someone is going to make a swing at this time.
3)Is that how you're ruling it?
Because I've been thinking of this as a formal agreement between an Infernal Exalt and an LEO who is local contact of the Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress.
If you're ruling it as just an agreement between two mortals, then the consequences are...not nil, but localized.
4)Karin Murphy should/does know how a lot of supernatural custom and promises work.
If not from Dresden, from Kincaid, who she was explicitly fucking for a while.
She was there for Lord Raith's overthrow two years ago.
She was/is sorta-seeing the Archive's bodyguard Kincaid, and went to Hawaii with him last Halloween.
She helped save Georgia and Billy's wedding from Jenny Greenteeth kidnapping Georgia in order to take her place during the vows and magically bind Billy via his wedding oaths(Something Borrowed short story, Spring/Summer 2006).
She was witness to Dresden transferring Lily's debt to Charity when they went to rescue Molly in Proven Guilty.
And iirc, she knew enough about the Accords to get Big Brother Gruff to walk away in Small Favor.
You will lost a lot of credibility when you try to deny the GM himself (especially since it seems like you're the only one who's following your own (and extraordinarily harsh) version of Molly's promise).
I didn't want to say this before, but it seems, from where I am, that you really are angry that the option you argued against won and now you're doing the worst possible interpretation. I know that's not your intention (or at least I hope not), but disagreeing with QM's own statements about the situation don't do much goodwill.
1)Its not the first time I've pointed out to the QM that something appears to be off to me; last time I recall off the top of my head was when we were discussing what combat threat rating to assign White Court elders, how much was age and how much heredity, and who qualified as such.
When the QM rules that stuff works one way, the argument stops.
But they hadnt made that ruling at the time.
2)Well, you're wrong. I was not angry.
Its not the first argument here that I've lost an argument, or a vote, and if I got angry when I lost arguments or votes I'd give myself stress ulcers. I regularly disagree with other people here. Thats kinda part and parcel of questing.
Dunno why this one is the one that gives you that impression to be honest.
And a bunch of others, apparently, judging from the upvotes.
Several months is not multiple years, if not decades / centuries that Mac has been here. And skinwalker is an active threat to the population, while Mac, as far as Molly knows, is, and always has been, a law (and Law) abiding citizen, who is happy to work as a bartender.
1)The current version of the Unseelie Accords is twelve to fourteen years old, after the Milwaukee Incursion in either 1992 or 1994.
Mac looks 50ish to the mortal eye, and Chicago is less than two hundred years old.
He's not been here centuries.
Even decades would be questionable at this point, because it would be obvious to the clientele.
And, more of an issue, mortal authorities.
2) Its not just about your being an active threat, its about your potential enemies, and people who might want to take advantage of you and your presence. If a mafioso bigwig was in retirement on your beat, they dont need to be in the biz to be trouble.
Or, to use an IC example?
When the Archive comes to town, she never starts shit, but there has always been shit when she's around, either from people trying to stop her doing her job(Death Masks, Small Favor), or those trying to kidnap her for their own purposes(Small Favor).
Furthermore, Molly doesnt actually know anything about Mac besides whats she has seen/deduced.
Thats my two cents.
We, unlike Mab, are not a fae paperclip maximizers and can use our best judgement on the matter. The spirit of the promise is what's important, and there's no magic enforcement. While "a foreign head of state is visiting on a private business for a short time" might be relevant to Murphy, she is reasonable enough to understand why we didn't tell her if anything does go down.
Mab is no more a paperclip maximizer than we are.
None of the senior Fae are, as Eldest Gruff and the doughnut on Demonreach will tell you.
Magical backlash, like I've said previously, isnt a problem for Exalts, but it is not the only consequence.
Reputational and social damage are both a thing, and Infernals dont start out with all that much social capital to spare in the first place. Its difficult enough to get people to make deals, and its probably harder if people dont think you'll be bound by them.
The QM appears to be ruling that this is a mundane, person to person promise.
As opposed to the supernatural Power commitment I thought it was supposed to be.
If thats the standard applied here, any damage .
1)Not a woman? Her choice of designer shoes says otherwise.
2)Harry was canonically checking Mab's backside out after their first meeting.
After she'd told him that she now owned his debts. And he still regularly turns conversations with her into verbal combat.
The man might tell Molly to treat Mab one way in good faith, but he doesnt exactly follow his own advice
3)Some IC confirmation that Mac might be an ex-angel, but he does see farther than most.
Lol no outside food though.
4)Harry has a copy of the Accords as well. I think all wizards do.
Wonder why she hasnt read that.
It might not be that great an idea for people who minus 1s, don't have exalancy or DC reduction to constantly produce super coffee. I am given to understand botches can be fairly bad for you. So most wizards that can make super coffee likely only make it when important rather than all the time.
The fluff suggests its not all that difficult for Dresdenverse wizards.
Or even for lesser sorcerers; In Storm Front, Victor Sells was flooding the streets of Chicago with industrial quantities of Three Eye potion and selling it at a low enough price to undercut routine street drugs.
I wouldnt be surprised if there are wizard/linear sorcerer-exclusive Merits that apply to precisely this sort of situation either; Merlin allegedly built Demonreach, and thats a construct that would be impressive by Exalted 2E Solar Craft rules.
And the mechanics in this AU seem workable.
-Known Ritual: -1DC
-Mentat Stone(1 dot Enchantment): Either +2 dice or -1DC
-Lab location/high quality equipment: ??? Bonus
-Lab assistant: ??? Depends
Also, you cant botch if you spend WP for an autosux.
You can fail, but not botch, and I assume every alchemist spends WP as a matter of course.
Alchemy requires preptime, infrastructure and reagents per recipe, but if it wasnt predictable, it wouldnt be a major numina.
It might just be easier for an older, experienced wizard to use something along the lines of Bio-Control or Chronomancy to improve their ability to stay awake without fatigue penalties, instead of making mafuccino.
[X] Read the Accords
-[X] Provisions, what is this pact Mab put her power on the line for
[X] Question Bob about...
-[X] The strategies of Winter
-[X] Mab's history
Winter's various powers aren't as relevant to us as insight into how Mab operates is.
We don't actually know enough about nemesis to make this suggestion ourselves, so leveraging that bit might be difficult.
Unless the Merlin pops up to let us know putting a cap in Mab's head is taking out a critical part of reality's defensive infrastructure, I think executing Mab is just a really really really good idea.
Lest we forget, Mab came within inches of dying in Battleground, but you sure as hell didn't have the Merlin waltzing by to save her ass 'cause it's her ass or the world's. Remember, the only thing that Mab can claim to be doing to protect the world is being the last in a long, long line of guardians.
In Cold Days, Dresden saw the Gates as literal gates in a massive ass wall being defended by Winter against the Outsiders, but we also have word from Mother Summer herself that Mab dying just means Maeve getting control of those forces (only problematic because at that time, Maeve was corrupted by Nemesis and thus the Outsiders).
Literally, Chapter 33 of Cold Days starts with Mother Summer talking about Mab's death and how it's only really bad because Maeve is the one who'll inherit her Mantle. In that same chapter, she shows Harry the Outer Gates for the first time in that context.
Rashid, the Gatekeeper, explicitly tells Harry that Winter is not the only guardian, and will not be the last:
"There are always Outsiders trying to tear their way in. There are always forces in place to stop them. In our age, it is the task of Winter to defend these boundaries, with the help of certain others to support them."
Furthermore, there are even times when the Gates aren't under siege like what was happening in Cold Days. Again, the moment of vulnerability Maeve would've introduced was dangerous only because the Outsiders were pushing hard at that time (definitely a coordinated plan). While the conflict at the Outer Gates is unending, it is not constant. It ebbs and flows, with quiet times and loud times.
So we kill Maeve. Make sure the next Winter Lady is tolerable. Then make her the next Winter Queen by killing Mab. Problems solved!
(This is a long-term plan, but the problems it solves are mainly the problems the Winter Fae make for humanity; that is to say, all the deaths, suffering, child kidnapping, etc.)
1)Mab's a true immortal.
Like all true immortals, killing her requires the date of Halloween, or that she be in the vicinity of the Stone Table, or possibly a superweapon or a specific nemesis(in her case Titania), and even the superweapon isnt guaranteed to prevent her coming back.
Unless the QM says otherwise, I suspect that the mechanics might be similar to the mechanics protecting Sol Invictus in Ex2.
2)Winter and Summer both linked to and apparently help regulate the world's climate systems.
We see Summer has a strong role in the genesis and regulation of epidemics and new diseases as well.
We are well off from knowing everything they are involved in.
3)Mother Summer's definition of alright and really bad might differ just a touch from our own.
Do recall what the contents of the jars on her shelf are.
3)Harry could tell you that killing Mab is a horrible idea.
He saw the Courts at war in Summer Knight with the Sight. He saw the Stone Table.
He knows that Maeve is the next in line, and he has a good idea of what her character is like.
Then there's Word of Jim circa 2009, which was after the publication of Small Favor:
But the thought that really hit home, especially considering the intensity of her wrath in the final scene at the church…
Mab's not going crazy… Mab's been wounded.
Oh, and Mab's not using a mouthpiece because she's incapable of speech. She could talk all she wanted–as long as she didn't mind killing the people she was trying to communicate with. Suffice to say that the whole "words can never hurt me" thing just doesn't apply to angry Faerie Queens.
The Wild Hunt lead by a couple of Denarians such at Thorned Namshiel, The Erlking and a bunch of Outsiders could get the job done. That would have been a fight to see (from a distance).
Nah, they wouldn't even come close. I mean… it's like comparing apples and… and hand grenades.
Just about the best they could hope to accomplish would be to force Mab to make an effort. Though when Mab came for them, it wouldn't be a kick-down-the-door-and-kick-ass kind of encounter. It would be a One-two-three-four-five-Hey-weren't-there-SIX-of-us-here-a-second-ago? situation.
I mean, sure, the Erlking is a peer of Mab's–but there's kind of a reason that it's /Mab/ who rules the Worst of the Worst in Faerie, and not the Erlking.
All of which doesn't even TOUCH on the way power is actually balanced in Faerie, because neither Mab nor the Erlking would attempt such a thing, or /consider/ attempting such a thing. It would upset the natural order. Conflicts between most of the Fae powers are very subtle, and generally involve proxies, pride, sex or all of the above.
Harry (or Molly or Murphy or Butters or any other mortal) has more potential to harm Mab than that crew. Not much more likelihood of victory, true, but it isn't /zero/, either.
No one who can take her outright in a straight fight would be willing to try it. The best they could hope for is that the outcome for them would be slightly less hideous than it would be for Mab.
Think of it… oh, in terms of nuclear-capable nations. If someone has nukes, you don't start sending guys in tanks over their borders. Sure, Russia probably COULD take India in a straight fight, but they WON'T. India's got nukes. That radically changes the decision tree.
You don't fight nuclear nations head on. You defend yourself against them, sure, but if you want to go on the offensive, you have to do it through very unconventional means (say, flying planes into buildings) or you hit them economically or diplomatically, or interfere with their interests in lower-stakes arenas (the way we did with Russia in Afghanistan in the 80s).
You can beat a nuclear nation, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't get done through simple, direct force of arms.
Hmmm. In terms of pure, raw power, several who have appeared or been mentioned in the books could pull it off, though neither side would really "win" as much as "continue to exist."Plus, the sudden absence of Mab would do freaking HIDEOUS things to the earth. But here's who has the necessary horsepower do it:
o Titania–though it would be a coin toss. Almost literally.
o The Mothers (who wouldn't)
o The White Council. As in, ALL the White Council. Every wizard on the planet. And they'd need her Name.
o Drakul.
o Ferrovax.
o The Red Court–again, ALL the Red Court, though their odds wouldn't be good.
o The entire White Court–very, very long odds on that, but if they actually pulled it off, whoever took Mab would effectively control her power.
o Cowl (if the Darkhallow had succeeded).
o A union of the old Elders of the Black Court. They were freaking scary until the Whites arranged to have them hounded down by mortals.
All of that, of course, assumes that Mab is standing there alone, outside of Faerie, and not commanding an entire nation, literally millions and millions and millions of nightmarish creatures of every description. Which she does.
There's a REASON that when Mab said, "Sign these Accords and abide by them," people listened.
Killing Mab would do Very Bad Things to the world.
Butcher retains the right to change that as his worldbuilding evolves.
For example, this was about ten years before the publication of Peace Talks/Battlegrounds, when Ethniu popped up with the Eye of Balor. But as far as I know, the general thrust hasnt changed.
Fits my priorities.
=The details of the Accords,
=The established patterns of its primary superpower guarantor
=The history of the woman who has led Winter for the last millenium, and who we will be negotiating with.
I mean we've got word the eye of balor can do some serious damage its clearly more metaphysical than biggatons. I'm still wrapping my head around the way back argument of the eye of balor being unimpressive since it isn't that impressive in biggatons like that means absolutely anything when we're talking about magic bullshit.
The fluff suggests its not all that difficult for Dresdenverse wizards.
Or even for lesser sorcerers; In Storm Front, Victor Sells was flooding the streets of Chicago with industrial quantities of Three Eye potion and selling it at a low enough price to undercut routine street drugs.
I can't comment on the rest, but get the general impression that Victor Sells was supremely unconcerned about the possible bad side effects that might happen to his clients if he botched an alchemy roll.
I can't comment on the rest, but get the general impression that Victor Sells was supremely unconcerned about the possible bad sides effect that might happen to his clients if he botched an alchemy roll.
thats fair the dude was insane though its not like he was overall that big a deal an actual wizard whose talent gears towards alchemic works could likely do better. Especially a wizard over a century whose talent is geared in that direction. Though no idea if safe would come into it most likely its possible though.