Ok, look we are a solaroid and I think this is the only charm in the book that adds damage directly to our atacks. Yes it sucks that we can kill most people without trouble but when we enter the late game it will become less and less usefull. I think that adding a limit now at Essence 4 makes sense
Also I dont like to change things because that breaks my inmersión and that is a road that leads to more and more metachanges. Green Sun nimbus flare was what we bought and although what you say makes sense, I would prefer to continue with our overpowered charm
I get the concern, hell I share it, but I just don't feel like I can build interesting and challenging enemies for the level you are at now with it as canon, I recognize that this is a limitation of my ability to work with the system but for right now I see some kind of change as the best of a bad lot of options. All I can do is promise to make any changes as narratively seamless as I can and not do this kind of thing again.