We are going to roll with things as they are right now and at the end of the arc I am going to put types of mitigation to a vote, including adding damage dice, not damage, adding HL to everything supernatural, soaking GSNF separately from now until essence 4. Since I made this mess it only makes sense to give you guys as much of a choice as I can manage. Once again I am sorry for this whole thing. I feel like I should have a decent grasp of the system by now, but the probabilities keep blindsiding me
I have a quick suggestion. Why not put a E4 restriction on purchasing the charm and swap it for By Agony Empowered.
By Agony Empowered (•••••)
The Infernal is not merely inured to agony and loss, but has transformed it into a bastion of strength.
System: When the Infernal's Incapacitated health box is marked with lethal damage, she does not die; only aggravated damage can kill her. If she succeeds at a Willpower roll against difficulty 8, she can remain active and functioning for the rest of the scene even with lethal damage in her Incapacitated health box. Finally, by reflexively spending 1 Essence, the Infernal may transform her wound penalties into bonus dice for one turn.
By Agony Empowered is listed as 5 Dots but it is not worth more than 3 dots.
I will give my Argument is that it is NOT worth 5 Dots. So with that in Mind....
The First part, I have underlines, is a feature of Exalted where Lethal Damage does not overflow. Meaning once you are Incapacitated, you fall unconscious and are either killed or captured.
In WoD, Lethal Damage overflows into Agg damage. Naturally. So that entire mechanic, which is a core feature of the charm, becomes redundant.
The Second part, we can only remain active IF we pass a willpower roll at 8 at a -4 dice penalty. By Pain Reforged and By Agony Empowered both stop the effects of Bashing and Lethal damage in the final health level. But where By Pain Reforged is automatic, AND reduces wounds by -1, Agony by comparison, requires you to pass a DC 8 Will roll at a -4 penalty. If you fail, the charm essentially fails as you are knocked out in a fight close to something that put you down in the first place and it allows you to spend 1 essence to get a max of +4 dice for one turn (Since Pain reforged reduces -5 penalty to -4).
So the "Double your health level" is very much conditional on a dice throw. Literally. The only advantage of Agony over pain reforged is that it works on Lethal Dice and gives us the "chance" of being able to continue fighting. If it did not have the Roll DC 8 Will then yeah, 4 Dots would be ok but the charm, well, is meh. Especially since it still compares very badly to 3 Dot charms from other splats.
Now we come to the penalty and Bonus +4 part. With regards to Penalty negotiator, lets compare the charm to other similar charms.
Unflagging Vengeance Meditation (•••)
Taking a moment to bury her pain and weaknesses deep within, the Dragon-Blooded becomes temporarily unstoppable.
System: Reflexively spend either 1 Essence or 1 Willpower to ignore all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.
Wretched Unfeeling Existence (•••)
Resonance: Stamina
The Liminal deadens herself to pain, deadens herself to feeling, deadens herself to life.
System: The Liminal may reflexively gain 1 Limit to render herself immune to wound penalties (including movement penalties for anything less than crippling injuries – see p. 360) for the rest of the scene. Doing so also makes her unable to benefit from her Intimacies in any way for the rest of the scene (though the Intimacies are still present, and may compel her during Alienation).
Heartless Maiden Trance (•••)
The Sidereal's chest convulses as she swallows her heart. Henceforth she becomes as unfeeling as a stone.
System: Spend 1 Essence. The Sidereal no longer suffers penalties from wounds (including movement penaltes), poison, hunger, thirst, disease, fatigue, inclement weather, or temperature. She doesn't need to breathe. She can still be killed, but cannot be rendered unconscious by any means; if Incapacitated by bashing damage, she can remain upright and active. So long as she maintains this Charm – and it lasts until she takes a turn to restore her heart – the Sidereal automatically fails all Empathy rolls, and does not regain Essence when the sun sets.
Anesthetic (2xp): Rather than performing a medical treatment, the Exalt may trigger this Charm to inject her patient with an anesthetic serum, allowing him to ignore up to three points of wound penalties for the rest of the scene. The Alchemical may also dose herself if she wishes.
Here are a few penalty negotiators and the Dragonblooded have a scene long penalty negator. So in terms of negating penalty, it is worthless.
Now lets look at the +4 Dice bonus it gives.
Agony as Armor Attitude (••)
Where pain weakens lesser beings, it cures and hardens the Abyssal's flesh, until in the worst extremities of agony her skin becomes hard as a granite headstone.
System: When the Abyssal suffers a wound penalty, its value is added as bonus dice to all of her soak rolls. If some other effect negates the wound penalty, such that it does not trouble her other rolls, it provides no soak bonus.
Excellence of the Erupting Volcano (•)
As her Essence builds and overflows, the Chosen of the Volcano may perform feats far beyond mortal limits.
System: The first time the character purchases this Charm, it may be applied to any of her Divine Attributes. At any time, the player may reflexively spend 1 Essence to add (the Attribute being rolled + the Exalt's current wound penalties) dice to all rolls using a relevant Attribute for (Essence rating + 1) turns in combat, or minutes outside of combat.
Both of the examples are scene long or Essence +1. By comparison, ours lasts only one round. So here too it is flat out inferior to a 2 Dot Charm and a 1 Dot Charm.
To add to that....
• By spending a Willpower point, wound penalties can be ignored for one turn. This allows a character to override pain and injury in order to take one last-ditch action. However, an incapacitated or torpored character may not spend Willpower in this manner
The problem is in the conversion. The Charms in 2E worked like this. You Purchase By Pain Reforged and only then you could Purchase By Agony Empowered. This was under the premise that you
Could not roll over lethal to Agg. So the first allowed you to roll over Blunt damage and the second allowed you to do so for Lethal damage.
Secondly, my main point is that if we are allowed to get that charm, we would not need to fix the other charms. That is my point.
That is why I said, the charm is not worth more then 3 Dots max. It does not work as intended and is poorly ported and vastly over priced for what it does.
Keep in mind that Perfects are 4 dots and By Agony Empowered competes with The King Still Stands.
So knocking it down to 3 Dots and substituting it for GSNF works as both are Malfeas Charms and By Agony Empowered does not break the game AND it does not nerf GSNF.