Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

they do have their own brand of sorcery - Rituals. Sinergy with disciplines/sorcery could be possible, but that's left to QM.

maybe, or go werewolf way and invest into drum technology. XD

It just seems messy to have Wan Kuei able to learn Sorcery path rituals and inherent Wan Kuei rituals and have them use different mechanics.

Particularly as many of those rituals wouod fit neatly into the sorcery paths. To give an example, the Devil Tiger bane summoning and binding rituals would probably work better as Sorcery Summoning and Binding Path rituals with Devil Tigers having a bonus on rolls/difficulty reduction/automatic success for some things when using them on Banes.

not really, check out fomori powers. things like turning into mist, growing ectoplasmic tentacles, blasting minds, etc.
pentext even has special program making telepathic fomori. with unfortunate taste for brains. XD

There are some, but they're usually more blatant, rather than something subtle that can be exploited.

The telepathic brain eating fomori are possessed psychics, so they start as telepaths before they become fomor.
It just seems messy to have Wan Kuei able to learn Sorcery path rituals and inherent Wan Kuei rituals and have them use different mechanics.
Particularly as many of those rituals wouod fit neatly into the sorcery paths. To give an example, the Devil Tiger bane summoning and binding rituals would probably work better as Sorcery Summoning and Binding Path rituals with Devil Tigers having a bonus on rolls/difficulty reduction/automatic success for some things when using them on Banes.
don't have the book with me, but I don't think there is much difference either thematically or mechanically. Just use occult instead of rituals and that's that. Or even have wan kuei specific rituals are path rituals at required level.
Though, if you go this way, give them some bonus to show greater attunement to mystical energies.
The telepathic brain eating fomori are possessed psychics, so they start as telepaths before they become fomor.
that specific strain yes. but telepathic blasts are generic power. I mean some can even learn werewolf gifts.
most fomori would be brutes - yes. but those are also possessed by common brutish banes, so that's expected.
I think some fomori can get up to 8 or more in intelligence. I know this because the EvWOD I'm listening too had a god damn 8 int rat I believe. might of been less.
I think some fomori can get up to 8 or more in intelligence. I know this because the EvWOD I'm listening too had a god damn 8 int rat I believe. might of been less.

Only physical attributes in W20, I think. Earlier editions allowed Mega-Attributes for all categories.

Similarly, Brain Eating used to be amazing (as it allowed you to eat people's minds in return for XP), but was nerfed into the ground.

A fectori with the Brain Eating power could become a pretty horrific threat pretty quickly.

Or worse, an akuma granted that Fomori power as an investment…
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Catching up...
also, don't forget that real war fomori are more like demonic hivemind cyborgs with integrated machineguns then just strong dudes. an exmple from werewolf book.

yes, they can. but it's discipline dependent. beyond it's own powers discipline allows to chi-buff related attribute. for example:
ghost fire shintai - stamina
blood shintai - strength
smoke shintai - dexterity

one of the main reasons they got fucked over so hard. XD
This. Optimized war formori can be pretty bloody terrifying in numbers.
Give them a couple sunstones as well and even your elder kueijin will step lightly in face to face confrontations.

You have to remember that the White Council is working as intended. They were never meant to be a nationstate prosecuting military campaigns. Word of Jim is that the first Merlin established the WC to police wizards and keep them out of politics; thats why there are so few hard rules besides the Seven Laws, and the presence of an assassin but deliberate lack of a standing army.

A standing army subverts the purpose.
That's just fluff text. The Kindred of the East Companion says that you don't actually get the Demon Chi back.
That is just fluff, the mechanics of Black Wind make absolutely no mention of regaining Demon Chi and the Discipline explicitly costs Demon Chi to use.
I dont have the book at hand, so I'll take your word for it.

I was extending the EOD comparison you made for Harry, not literally suggesting he's a bomb.

The reason necromancers scare off ghosts is because of what happens when you show up, which is usually that their person presence or defenses are extra effective at dealing with them. The "Beware of Dog Haunted Corpse" signs should be taken to mean that J's little torture chamber isn't open to the public and that something will happen when they poke it.

Personally I think the power creep should be managed carefully.
Once being terrestrial tier is the entry level for minion work the setting gets distorted. Either Dresden and Co. turn into Krillin or everyone breaks out power buffs that make the world building prior to it fall apart.

This isn't WoD, so if something implies by the mechanics of a different setting does weird stuff to this one I believe we'd be better off ignoring it.
1)I misunderstood. My apologies.

2)Its more along the lines of that necromancers either enslave or consume ghosts.
Hence free ghosts react to the presence of necromancers the same way that great white sharks respond to the presence of orcas.
Which I presume is part of the point of the desecration here as well.

3)Lydia isnt a minion though; she's an ally and party member.
Gear suggestions for her are a lot broader, and the Named Rings of Power would make reasonable inspiration for powerups, balanced appropriately for the setting.

If I was making stuff for minions and still drawing inspiration from Tolkien, I would be looking at the lesser, unnamed rings for inspiration, the ones that were made for practice.

Or more likely, super ferectoi modelled on the ka'kari users of Brent Weeks' Night Angel series, and the chaomorphic symbionts of Exalted 2. Essentially Enchantment ~4-6/Exalted Crafting artifacts that would give the equivalent of 5-8 fomori Merits/Gifts to the wielder when implanted.

Make it human or abhuman exclusive, and something that doesnt work for stronger supernaturals(vampires, wizards, fae, Coin users etc), which limits the potential for stacking.
only one person can make those my dude and shes a senior council member. Not that its said that their unique or anything. Just the ones we see are made by one woman.
Edit: Magics also very personalized in dresden files streamlining shit seems just near impossible at least for mortals from what we see.
Point of order:
Only Mai can make wardhounds yes. But she's not the only wizard who makes constructs.
Klaus the Toymaker has been explicitly namedropped by the author before, even though we barely see him onscreen.

Its just that the story is Dresden-centric, so you dont see the other 99% of wizards out there.
I dont have the book at hand, so I'll take your word for it.
Here you go
Kindred of the East said:
Black Wind
Allowing the rage of the P'o to channel itself through her body, the Kuei-jin becomes inhumanly swift — a typhoon of destruction. Essentially, Black Wind is a focused — or not so focused — frenzy. While in the Black Wind state, the character gains powers similar to prolonged use of Demon Chi (see p. 91), but because the character is in a continuous demonic fury, she gains demonic energy as fast as she uses it. This Discipline is a common one among more warlike Kuei-jin, who use it to become whirling blurs of carnage.
System: This power costs the Kuei-jin one point of Demon Chi per turn of use. For each dot in the power, the vampire may take an extra action (as with Celerity), arithmetically increase running speed or add one automatic success to a Brawl or Melee damage Dice Pool. Each turn, the vampire may reassign dots. So, a vampire with Black Wind 4 may choose to take two extra actions, run at double speed, and add one success to all Brawl damage Dice Pools. The next turn, he may choose to take four extra actions and add no dice to damage. Extra actions gained by Black Wind occur after all other characters have taken their actions for the turn.While using Black Wind, the vampire may not use any other Discipline except Demon Shintai, although he may maintain previously activated powers. Moreover, each turn the power is used, the vampire must roll P'o (difficulty 8); if he fails this roll, he enters fire soul. A frenzied vampire suffers no wound penalties, but may not use firearms or any other missile weapons; he instead prefers to shred foes face to face — of course, such is the intent of most who use Black Wind. The problem lies in the fact that a vampire using this power just as readily attacks allies as enemies. Black Wind, like all Demon Arts, is a violent Discipline. While accessing Black Wind, a character must use it to perform deeds suitable to the P'o's dominance. Thus, a character could use Black Wind to attack or move with superhuman swiftness, but not to play a guitar at superhuman speed.
As the System section makes no mention of regaining Chi, the whole gain demonic energy part is just the fluff for how it grants superspeed.
Arc 6 Post 29: Grasping Shadow
Grasping Shadow

3nd of October 2006 A.D.

Glass shatters, pots and pans go flying to clatter against the walls, concrete cracks, steel bends, a symphony of C4 and onto that ruin are the voices of shattered idols rise in praise and in glory. Yet as you coalesce it's not a warcry you hurl into the din, but a warning: "Watch out!" Rage, despair, suffering, sadism, hopelessness like flames lick at the patterns of probability that all the world seems soft, malleable.

You are at 6/12 Essence and 5/9 Willpower

In the swirling grey smoke vampiric flesh shines with Hunger's pale light, one last desperate up-welling of strength. As by their vows they have been warded so by those vows they answer, helped to their feet by the Einherjar, yes, but not yet spent, for the hour of vengeance had come, the hour to feast.

Thankfully Monoc's operatives are just as skilled with explosives as they are with are with weapons in their hands, the blast lessens to a a breath of hot air by the time is washes over Abel. Before the Akuma holding his chain can consider turning him into a shield, before the torturer can even speak you remove him arms at the shoulder. If it comes down to it you're pretty sure you can stitch them back on later. Then you do the same to the second and the third guard, dancing though the moment Usum's blade an incandescent blur even to your many eyes.

Maybe I didn't need help after all... the giddy thought barely has a chance to ripple across the surface of your mind as you see It. A pattern in the smoke, less than a shadow, yet more real then the world of form that it had impinged upon, like the night swallowing earth and sky on the last sunset of existence.

It had been a man once under the sun damned by sin or misfortune to Yomi Wan, it had been Wan Kuei once, existing under the light and purpose of Dharma, but all of this it had cast away, leaving behind a withered thing that still wept black bile from its mouth, from its eyes and from the gaping void between them that opened into the darkness of Kakuri. Of bleached bone is the armor fused to his chest, such that one cannot see where his own form ends and it begins, not that truly matters to it, you imagine. What does a tool care about the parts it is made of?

Yet as it falls upon you, night cold shadows tearing at idol stone,brass and essence with night's frozen shadows, you see that this is not your true foe, wayang, a shade of rage inked in tainted Yin. Where is the real one then? So far your armor kept you safe from this thing but Lydia would be less well guarded, the others even less.

What do you do?

[] Let Lydia and the others handle this, stay on guard for the real enemy (Hold your actions so that when the Will of Kakuri moves into your aura you have the option to both block and attack)

[] A Shadow is part of the soul is it not? A hunger stirs within (Kill the wayang and try to use Murder is Meat on it)

[] Write in

OOC: Do you know how much damage a satchel charge can do in WoD? I had to look up the explosive rules and it's 20 dice, lowering by 1 die for every 2 ft from the blast, the Monoc guys did not use a full satchel charge of course, but just as a mechanical idea for why supernaturals who still have to worry about the danger of being blown up (which is everyone not in the big leagues) might be wary of mortals. Oh and for anyone wondering why the shadow looks like the Will of Kakuri, its because he's a Greater Akuma, he and his shadow soul are one, molded to the will of his master.
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[X] Let Lydia and the others handle this, stay on guard for the real enemy (Hold your actions so that when the Will of Kakuri moves into your aura you have the option to both block and attack)
Lets focus on the true enemy here, all the other stuff is just distractions.
[] A Shadow is part of the soul is it not? A hunger stirs within (Kill the wayang and try to use Murder is Meat on it)
Okay, am I the only one who sees this as an implication that successfully using our spirit-killer charm on this thing, which is a part of the Greater Akuma's soul given physical form, would, instead of sending the soul-piece back and causing problems as it's supposed to, basically allow us to chomp the entire soul down for essence, perma-killing it before it even takes the stage? Because if that's true, the only downside I see is that it's technically possible for us to fail the Dexterity + Occult roll to activate MiM, in which case we won't accomplish anything useful. @DragonParadox, does this match up with Molly's IC knowledge and instincts from Occult 5 and instinctive knowledge of her charms, or am I way off base?

Also, how high did we roll for Steel Skin this scene? What's our soak? All I know is that it's DC4 because of BSM and SWSS, but I don't know the dice pool, so I don't know how impressive it is that it got through our soak, which would be 8 dice if we rolled nothing on Steel Skin, but could go up to 17 depending on successes rolled. And we rolled Steel Skin while wet, so it should have been -1DC for an even higher activation.

Basically, while I respect your decision to not post fight rolls in general, some of the highlights would be nice to see, and I would really like to see the rolls for Steel Skin and other scene-long buffs that depend on a roll.
[X] A Shadow is part of the soul is it not? A hunger stirs within (Kill the wayang and try to use Murder is Meat on it)

Alright let's go, if the Will thinks he can send his shadow to do the real work let's kill his shadow and him through some Sidereal-tier conceptual bullshit. Dunno if it'll work but if it does it'll look real cool so I'm in.
Okay, am I the only one who sees this as an implication that successfully using our spirit-killer charm on this thing, which is a part of the Greater Akuma's soul given physical form, would, instead of sending the soul-piece back and causing problems as it's supposed to, basically allow us to chomp the entire soul down for essence, perma-killing it before it even takes the stage? Because if that's true, the only downside I see is that it's technically possible for us to fail the Dexterity + Occult roll to activate MiM, in which case we won't accomplish anything useful. @DragonParadox, does this match up with Molly's IC knowledge and instincts from Occult 5 and instinctive knowledge of her charms, or am I way off base?

Also, how high did we roll for Steel Skin this scene? What's our soak? All I know is that it's DC4 because of BSM and SWSS, but I don't know the dice pool, so I don't know how impressive it is that it got through our soak, which would be 8 dice if we rolled nothing on Steel Skin, but could go up to 17 depending on successes rolled. And we rolled Steel Skin while wet, so it should have been -1DC for an even higher activation.

Basically, while I respect your decision to not post fight rolls in general, some of the highlights would be nice to see, and I would really like to see the rolls for Steel Skin and other scene-long buffs that depend on a roll.
  1. Molly has never used the charm so she does not know what will happen is she uses it in this odd situation
  2. You rolled 5 successes for steel skin.
[X] A Shadow is part of the soul is it not? A hunger stirs within (Kill the wayang and try to use Murder is Meat on it)

If it works, that's a very strong message sent: *Don't even try to work through avatars, we'll fuck you up even then.*
Note that the wayang isn't a significant part of the Greater Akuma's soul.

It's their shadow, animated by a spark of their P'o. It can be killed normally, whether you use Murder is Meat or not, and that only has a psychological impact on the Wan Kuei that created it, like their fear of fire, an impact that a Greater Akuma is immune to, just like they can't be driven into frenzy by fire.

Note that a wayang wouldn't normally be a valid target for the spirit 'killing' part of Murder is Meat. It's not a spirit, as it's quasi-tangible, and it's not made of essence like a spirit is.
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[X] A Shadow is part of the soul is it not? A hunger stirs within (Kill the wayang and try to use Murder is Meat on it)

Honestly, this chapter feels very dragged on. It just never ends and keeps feeling fatigued. None of the options are things that I want to vote too, just doing so that the plot can move on.
... The shadow managed to get damage through a 17 dice DC4 soak roll (Stamina goes from 3 to 8, VLE adds Stamina to soak, chainmail underarmor brings it up to 17)? How? It only rolls Agg damage equal to the Strength score of the Akuma, and should be rolling that at DC6. Did it just get a bunch of 10s on the damage roll or did we somehow manage to practically botch an easy soak roll?
... The shadow managed to get damage through a 17 dice DC4 soak roll (Stamina goes from 3 to 8, VLE adds Stamina to soak, chainmail underarmor brings it up to 17)? How? It only rolls Agg damage equal to the Strength score of the Akuma, and should be rolling that at DC6. Did it just get a bunch of 10s on the damage roll or did we somehow manage to practically botch an easy soak roll?

It gets to add its Brawl on the grounds that the Akuma is... an Akuma, it has control of how it fights.

Note that the wayang isn't a significant part of the Greater Akuma's soul.

It's their shadow, animated by a spark of their P'o. It can be killed normally, whether you use Murder is Meat or not, and that only has a psychological impact on the Wan Kuei that created it, like their fear of fire, an impact that a Greater Akuma is immune to, just like they can't be driven into frenzy by fire.

Note that a wayang wouldn't normally be a valid target for the spirit 'killing' part of Murder is Meat. It's not a spirit, as it's quasi-tangible, and it's not made of essence like a spirit is.

It does have a piece of Po in it though, how much Molly can slurp through that with Murder is Meat Molly has no idea.
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[X] Let Lydia and the others handle this, stay on guard for the real enemy (Hold your actions so that when the Will of Kakuri moves into your aura you have the option to both block and attack)

I really don't want to have someone else backstabbed while we're busy.
... The shadow managed to get damage through a 17 dice DC4 soak roll (Stamina goes from 3 to 8, VLE adds Stamina to soak, chainmail underarmor brings it up to 17)? How? It only rolls Agg damage equal to the Strength score of the Akuma, and should be rolling that at DC6. Did it just get a bunch of 10s on the damage roll or did we somehow manage to practically botch an easy soak roll?
I don't think VLE doubles the bonus from Steel Skin .

There's a question in the FAQ of ExWoD that basically says Charm-increased attributes don't count for other Charm's bases, like an Excellency.

Edit: Or maybe that only counts for Excellencies?